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Subject : Biology Paper Set : 1

Standard : 11 Assignment dpp5 Locomotion Date : 28-10-2024
Total Mark : 120 Time : 1H:0M

............. Biology - Section A (MCQ) .............

(7) Match the following columns.
Column I Column II
(1) Which of the following is merrythought bone A. Hinge 1. Atlas and axis
(A) Coracoid (B) Clavicle
B. Saddle 2. Frontal and parietal
(C) Scapula (D) Suprascapula C. Pivot 3. Carpal and
(2) The total number of vertebrae in man is metacarpal of hu-
(A) 30 (B) 31 mans
D. Ball and socket 4. Knee
(C) 32 (D) 33
5. Humerus and pec-
(3) In man ribs are attached to toral girdle
(A) Clavicle (B) Ileum Codes
(C) Sternum (D) Scapula A B C D
(4) Match the following joints with the bones (A) 2 5 3 1 (B) 3 2 5 4
involved (C) 4 3 1 5 (D) 1 4 2 3
(a) Gliding joint (i) Between carpal and
metacarpal of thumb (8) The joint of radio-ulna with the upper arm is
(b) Hinge joint (ii) Between Atlas and (A) hinge joint (B) pivot joint
(C) socket joint (D) None of these
(c) Pivot joint (iii) Between the
(9) Ribs that are attached to the thoracic vertebrae
(d) Saddle joint (iv) Between Humerus and ventrally connected to the sternum with the
and Ulna.
help of hyaline cartilage are called
Select the correct option from the following (A) True ribs (B) False rib
(A) (a) − (iii), (b) − (iv), (c) − (ii), (d) − (i)
(C) Floating ribs (D) Rib cage
(B) (a) − (iv), (b) − (i), (c) − (ii), (d) − (iii)
(10) Common among all mammals is
(C) (a) − (iv), (b) − (ii), (c) − (iii), (d) − (i)
(A) Ventral nerve cord (B) Seven cervical
(D) (a) − (i), (b) − (iii), (c) − (ii), (d) − (iv) vertebrae
(5) Which of the following diseases is an (C) All are carnivores (D) All are producers
autoimmune disorder?
(A) Myasthenia gravis (B) Arthritis (11) Cartilaginous joints in humans
(C) Osteoporosis (D) Gout (A) Permit any (B) Permit little
(6) Match the following columns and select the movement movement
correct option. (C) Permit no movement
Column −I Column −II (D) All of these
(a) Floating Ribs (i) Located between
second and seventh (12) Breast bone is also called
ribs (A) Sternum (B) True rib
(b) Acromion (ii) Head of the (C) False rib (D) Axis vertebrae
(c) Scapula (iii) Clavicle (13) Neural canal is present in
(d) Glenold cavity (iv) Do not connect (A) Humerus (B) Tibio-fibula
with the sternum
(C) Vertebral column (D) Cranial bones
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (B) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii) (14) Select the correct function of vertebral column in
(C) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)(D) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) humans

(A) Protects the spinal cord (26) Where the saddle joints are presents in humans?
(A) Between carpals and matacarpals
(B) Supports the head
(B) Atlas and axis
(C) Surface as an attachment for ribs and
musculature of back (C) Radius and ulna
(D) All of the above (D) Carpals and phalanges
(15) First vertebrae in human is called (27) There are seven cervical vertebrae in almost
(A) Axis (B) Atlas (A) All vertebrate (B) All amphibian
(C) Lumber (D) Cervical (C) All reptile (D) All mammals
(16) Sutures of human skull is (28) Bones of pectoral and pelvic girdle helps in the
(A) Fibrous joint (B) Hinge joint articulation of
(A) Upper limbs (B) Lower limbs
(C) Synovial joint (D) Pivots joint
(17) Our vertebral column is formed by the (C) Both (a) and (b) (D) None of these
(A) 26 serially arranged units called vertebrae (29) Human skull is
(A) Monocondylic (B) Dicondylic
(B) 27 serially arranged units called vertebrae
(C) Procoelous (D) Heterocoelous
(C) 31 serially arranged units called vertebrae
(30) Formula of vertebral column of man is
(D) 35 serially arranged units called vertebrae (A) C4 T4 L4 S8 C8 (B) C7 T12 L5 S1 C1
(18) Fibrous joints in humans (C) C7 T12 L1 S5 C1 (D) C7 T8 L5 S6 C7
(A) Allows any movement
(B) Allows little movement
(C) Don’t allow any movement
(D) Fibrous Joints These are the immovable or
fixed joints. These joints don’t allow any
movement due to the presence of strong
white and tough cartilaginous fibres, e.g.,
joints in tooth socket and between skull bone
(19) Tick the wrong option regarding human beings
(A) Cranial bones (B) Maxilla bones
(C) Mandible bones (D) Zygomatic bones
(20) In which of the following condition, progressive
degeneration of skeletal muscles happens?
(A) Myasthenia gravis (B) Muscular dystrophy
(C) Tetany (D) Arthritis
(21) Elbow joint is an example of
(A) Pivot joint (B) Hinge joint
(C) Gliding joint (D) Ball and socket joint
(22) The longest bone of the human body is
(A) Humerus (B) Tibia
(C) Vertebra (D) Femur
(23) Human skeletal system consists of
(A) 200 bones (B) 300 bones
(C) 206 bones (D) 250 bones
(24) Muscular dystrophy in humans is a
(A) Viral disease (B) Bacterial disease
(C) Genetic disease (D) Fungal disease
(25) Ribs attached to sternum are
(A) First seven pairs (B) All ten ribs
(C) First ten rib pairs (D) First five rib pairs
Subject : Biology Paper Set : 1
Assignment dpp5 Locomotion Date : 28-10-2024
Standard : 11
Total Mark : 120 (Answer Key) Time : 1H:0M

Biology - Section A (MCQ)

1-B 2-D 3-C 4-A 5-A 6-A 7-C 8-A 9-A 10 - B

11 - B 12 - A 13 - C 14 - D 15 - B 16 - A 17 - A 18 - C 19 - A 20 - B
21 - B 22 - D 23 - C 24 - C 25 - A 26 - A 27 - D 28 - C 29 - B 30 - B

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