Je Electrical Engineering Vol 1
Je Electrical Engineering Vol 1
Je Electrical Engineering Vol 1
[English Medium]
Previous Years Chapterwise and
Sub-topicwise Objective Solved Papers
Chief Editor
Anand Kumar Mahajan
Compiled by
Er. Pradeep Kumar
Writer & Edited by
Er. Anil Kumar, Er. Rakesh Patel, Er. Sandeep Yadav
Computer Graphics by
Balkrishna, Charan Singh
Editorial Office
Youth Competition Times
12, Church Lane Prayagraj-211002
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Publisher Declaration
Edited and Published by A.K. Mahajan for YCT Publications Pvt. Ltd.
and printed by Om Sai Offset, Prayagraj.
In order to publish the book, full care has been taken by the editor and the
publisher, still your suggestions and queries are welcomed. Rs. : 795/-
In the event of any dispute, the Judicial area will be Prayagraj.
Electrical Engineering Syllabus----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-7
Electrical JE/AE, PSC & PSU's Previous Exam Papers Analysis Chart ------------------------- 8-13
Trend Analysis of Previous Year Papers Through Bar Graph and Pie Chart ------------------ 14-14
NETWORK THEORY ............................................................................................................... 15-570
i. Basic Circuit ................................................................................................................................. 15
ii. Steady State and Transient State Analysis.................................................................................. 280
iii. Network Theorems ..................................................................................................................... 308
iv. Two Port & Network Function ................................................................................................... 360
v. Magnetic Coupled Circuit, Duality............................................................................................. 383
vi. Graph Theory.............................................................................................................................. 413
vii. AC circuit ................................................................................................................................... 415
viii. Resonance ................................................................................................................................... 518
ix. Three Phase Circuit .................................................................................................................... 540
x. Miscellaneous ............................................................................................................................. 569
ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORY............................................................................ 571-702
ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING MATERIALS .............................. 703-754
ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MEASUREMENTS................................................ 755-950
i. Introduction to Electrical Measuring Instruments ...................................................................... 755
ii. Measurements and Errors ........................................................................................................... 759
iii. Instruments and Their Requirements .......................................................................................... 767
iv. Ammeters and Voltmeters .......................................................................................................... 793
v. Wattmeters ................................................................................................................................. 831
vi. Energy Meter .............................................................................................................................. 858
vii. Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments ....................................................................................... 869
viii. Electronic Instruments ................................................................................................................ 881
ix. Measurement of Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance ................................................................... 902
x. Elements of Process Instrumentation.......................................................................................... 927
POWER PLANT ..................................................................................................................... 951-1036
i. Power Plant Cycle ...................................................................................................................... 951
ii. Thermal Power Plant .................................................................................................................. 954
iii. Hydro Power Plant...................................................................................................................... 968
iv. Nuclear Power Plant ................................................................................................................... 978
v. Diesel Engine Power Plant ......................................................................................................... 984
vi. Gas Turbine Power Plant ............................................................................................................ 987
vii. Combined working of Power Plant ............................................................................................ 989
viii. Non-conventional Sources of Energy ......................................................................................... 990
ix. Economics of power generation ............................................................................................... 1004
i. Design of Electrical Lines ........................................................................................................ 1037
ii. Parameters of Lines .................................................................................................................. 1046
iii. Performance of Short Lines ...................................................................................................... 1061
iv. Constructional Features of Transmission Lines ....................................................................... 1069
v. Mechanical Design of Lines ..................................................................................................... 1078
vi. Underground Cables ................................................................................................................. 1100
vii. Cable Faults and Tests .............................................................................................................. 1112
viii. Economic Principle of Transmission ........................................................................................ 1113
ix. D.C. Distribution System.......................................................................................................... 1115
x. A.C. Distribution ...................................................................................................................... 1117
xi. Power Factor Improvement ...................................................................................................... 1118
xii. Power Line Carrier Communication System ............................................................................ 1122
xiii. Construction of Distribution Lines ........................................................................................... 1124
xiv. Voltage control ......................................................................................................................... 1132
xv. Electrical Faults and Protection ................................................................................................ 1138
xvi. Bus Bar and load flow analysis ................................................................................................ 1142
xvii. Substation ................................................................................................................................. 1154
xviii. Electric Power System Management ...................................................................................... 1156
ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR AND PROTECTION .................................................... 1164-1243
i. Electrical Faults ........................................................................................................................ 1164
ii. Switches and Isolators .............................................................................................................. 1178
iii. Fuse........................................................................................................................................... 1180
iv. Circuit Breaker ......................................................................................................................... 1188
v. Introduction to Protective Relaying .......................................................................................... 1207
vi. Construction and Operating Principle of Relays ...................................................................... 1210
vii. Electrical Protecting Schemes ............................................................................................................. 1218
viii. Protection of Alternators .......................................................................................................... 1219
ix. Protection of Power Transformers ............................................................................................ 1227
x. Protection of Motors ................................................................................................................. 1232
xi. Protection of Feeders ................................................................................................................ 1233
xii. Protection Against Overvoltage................................................................................................ 1235
xiii. Reactors .................................................................................................................................... 1242
EARTHING AND WIRING................................................................................................. 1244-1274
SYSTEM AND SIGNAL PROCESSING........................................................................... 1275-1296
SSC Junior Engineer Paper Syllabus
The Examination will be conducted in two stages:
A. Paper-I (Pre) (200 marks)
B. Paper-II (Mains) (300 marks)
Total Written Test (500 marks)
Written Test :
There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-I. Candidates are, therefore
advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions. Paper-II will be Descriptive Type.
Indicative Syllabus: The standard of the questions in Engineering subjects will be approximately of the
level of Diploma in Engineering (Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical) from a recognized Institute, Board or University
recognized by All India Board of Technical Education. All the questions will be set in SI units. The details of
the syllabus are given below.
General Intelligence & Reasoning: The Syllabus for General Intelligence would include questions of
both verbal and non-verbal type. The test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space
visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination,
observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number
series etc. The test will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s abilities to deal with abstract
ideas and symbols and their relationships, arithmetical computations and other analytical functions.
General Awareness: Questions will be aimed at testing the candidate’s general awareness of the
environment around him/her and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of
current events and of such matters of everyday observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be
expected of any educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring
countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity and Scientific
Research, etc. These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline.
General Engineering Electrical
Electrical Engineering
Basic concepts, Circuit law, Magnetic Circuit, AC Fundamentals, Measurement and Measuring instruments,
Electrical Machines, Fractional Kilowatt Motors and single phase induction Motors, Synchronous Machines,
Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Estimation and Costing, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Basic
Detailed Syllabus (JE Electrical Engineering)
Basic concepts:
Concepts of resistance, inductance, capacitance, and various factors affecting them. Concepts of current,
voltage, power, energy and their units.
Circuit law :
Kirchhoff’s law, Simple Circuit solution using network theorems.
Magnetic Circuit :
Concepts of flux, mmf, reluctance, Different kinds of magnetic materials, Magnetic calculations for conductors
of different configuration e.g. straight, circular, solenoidal, etc. Electromagnetic induction, self and mutual
AC Fundamentals :
Instantaneous, peak, R.M.S. and average values of alternating waves, Representation of sinusoidal wave form,
simple series and parallel AC circuits consisting of R.L. and C, Resonance, Tank Circuit. Poly Phase system –
star and delta connection, 3 phase power, DC and sinusoidal response of R-Land R-C circuit.
Measurement and measuring instruments :
Measurement of power (1-phase and 3-phase, both active and reactive) and energy, 2 wattmeter method of 3
phase power measurement. Measurement of frequency and phase angle. Ammeter and voltmeter (both moving
coil and moving iron type), extension of range wattmeter, Multimeters, Megger, Energy meter AC Bridges. Use
of CRO, Signal Generator, CT, PT and their uses. Earth Fault detection.
Electrical Machines :
D.C. Machine – Construction, Basic Principles of D.C. motors and generators, their characteristics, speed
control and starting of D.C. Motors. Method of motor's braking, Losses and efficiency of D.C. Machines. (b) 1-
phase and 3-phase transformers – Construction, Principles of operation, equivalent circuit, voltage regulation,
O.C. and S.C. Tests, Losses and efficiency. Effect of voltage, frequency and wave form on losses. Parallel
operation of 1 phase / 3-phase transformers. Auto transformers. (c) 3-phase induction motors, rotating magnetic
field, principle of operation, equivalent circuit, torque-speed characteristics, starting and speed control of 3-
phase induction motors. Methods of braking, effect of voltage and frequency variation on torque-speed
Fractional Kilowatt Motors and Single Phase Induction Motors : Characteristics and applications.
Synchronous Machines –
Generation of 3-phase e.m.f. armature reaction, voltage regulation, parallel operation of two alternators,
synchronizing, control of active and reactive power. Starting and applications of synchronous motors.
Generation, Transmission and Distribution –
Different types of power stations, Load factor, diversity factor, demand factor, cost of generation, inter-
connection of power stations. Power factor improvement, various types of tariffs, types of faults, short circuit
current for symmetrical faults. Switchgears – rating of circuit breakers, Principles of arc extinction by oil and
air, H.R.C. Fuses, Protection against earth leakage / over current, etc. Buchholtz relay, Merz-Price system of
protection of generators & transformers, protection of feeders and bus bars. Lightning arresters, various
transmission and distribution system, comparison of conductor materials, efficiency of different system. Cable –
different type of cables, cable rating and derating factor.
Estimation and costing :
Estimation of lighting scheme, electric installation of machines and relevant IE rules. Earthing practices and IE
Utilization of Electrial Energy :
Illumination, Electric heating, Electric welding, Electroplating, Electric drives and motors.
Basic Electronics :
Working of various electronic devices e.g. P-N Junction diodes, Transistors (NPN and PNP type), BJT and
JFET. Simple circuits using these devices.
UPPCL JE Electrical Syllabus & Exam Pattern
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited Reasoning Ability :
(UPPCL) will conduct a Written exam for Questions will be asked from analogies,
recruitment for JE Electrical. The standard of similarities and differences, spatial visualization,
Competition level is raising with the time period spatial orientation, problem solving, analysis,
as we are going onwards and time passing away judgment, decision making, visual memory,
rapidly. So candidate should knows that what discrimination, observation, relationship
should they have to prepare for their performance concepts, arithmetic reasoning, verbal and figure
in examination. Candidates who are going to face classification, arithmetical number series, non-
this exam and are ignoramus about the scheme verbal series, coding and decoding, statement
and syllabus. Now, here we are providing conclusion, syllogistic reasoning.
recommended latest exam pattern and syllabus. General Hindi :
Exam Pattern : Standard of questions will be metric education.
Exam pattern for JE Electrical written Exam is as Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks,
Follows :- Synonyms/Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/
Detecting Mis-spelt words, Idiom & Phrases, One
Subjects No of Marks
word substitution, Improvement of Sentences,
Active/Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into
Technical Subject 150 150 Direct/Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence
parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze
General 20 20
Passage, Comprehension Passage.
Technical Subject (Electrical)
Reasoning Ability 20 20
Basic concepts:
General Hindi 10 10
Concepts of resistance, inductance,
TOTAL 200 200 capacitance, and various factors affecting
them. Concepts of current, voltage, power,
General Knowledge :
energy and their units.
History, Geography and Socio Economic
Circuit law :
development of India. Knowledge of current
events of National and International importance Kirchhoff’s law, Simple Circuit solution
and such matters of every day observation and using network theorems.
experience in their scientific aspects as may be Magnetic Circuit :
expected of an educated person who has not Concepts of flux, mmf, reluctance, Different
made a special study of any scientific subject. kinds of magnetic materials, Magnetic
Paper will also include questions on Modern calculations for conductors of different
History (From 1857 onwards) of India, Indian configuration e.g. straight, circular,
culture, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, solenoidal, etc. Electromagnetic induction,
Geography, Polity of India. self and mutual induction.
AC Fundamentals : Fractional Kilowatt Motors and Single Phase
Instantaneous, peak, R.M.S. and average Induction Motors: Characteristics and
values of alternating waves, Representation applications.
of sinusoidal wave form, simple series and Synchronous Machines –
parallel AC circuits consisting of R.L. and C, Generation of 3-phase e.m.f. armature
Resonance, Tank Circuit. Poly Phase system reaction, voltage regulation, parallel
– star and delta connection, 3 phase power, operation of two alternators, synchronizing,
DC and sinusoidal response of R-Land R-C control of active and reactive power. Starting
circuit. and applications of synchronous motors.
Electrical Engineering JE/AE Previous Papers Analysis Chart
S.L. Exam NAME EXAM DATE/TIME No. of Questions
1. UPPCL JE Shift-I 08.09.2021 150
2. UPPCL JE Shift-II 08.09.2021 150
3. UPPCL JE Shift-I 07.09.2021 150
4. UPPCL JE Shift-II 07.09.2021 150
5. UPPCL JE Shift-I 25.11.2019 150
6. UPPCL JE Shift-II 25.11.2019 150
7. UPPCL JE Shift-I 27.11.2019 150
8. UPPCL JE Shift-II 27.11.2019 150
9. UPPCL JE Shift-I 27.08.2018 150
10. UPPCL JE Shift-II 27.08.2018 150
11. UPPCL JE Shift-I 11.02.2018 150
12. UPPCL JE Shift-II 11.02.2018 150
13. UPPCL JE 11.11.2016 150
14. UPPCL JE 14.03.2016 150
15. UPPCL JE 23.08.2015 150
16. UPPCL JE 17.11.2013 150
17. UPRVUNL AE 05.07.2021 150
18. UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016 150
19. UPRVUNL JE 21.09.2015 150
20. UPRVUNL JE 2014 150
21. UPPSC AE Paper-I 13.12.2020 100
22. UPPSC AE Paper-II 13.12.2020 100
23. UPSSSC JE 31.07.2016 125
24. UPSSSC JE 27.12.2015 125
Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam
25. UP Jal Nigam JE 16.07.2013 15
26. UP Jal Nigam JE 23.11.2014 15
Staff Selection Commission (SSC JE)
27. SSC JE Shift-I 24.03.2021 100
28. SSC JE Shift-II 24.03.2021 100
29. SSC JE Shift-II 29.10.2020 100
30. SSC JE Shift-II 10.12.2020 100
31. SSC JE Shift-I 28.10.2020 100
32. SSC JE Shift-I 26.09.2019 100
33. SSC JE Shift-II 26.09.2019 100
34. SSC JE Shift-I 29.01.2018 100
35. SSC JE Shift-II 29.01.2018 100
36. SSC JE Shift-I 27.01.2018 100
37. SSC JE Shift-II 27.01.2018 100
38. SSC JE Shift-I 25.01.2018 100
39. SSC JE Shift-II 25.01.2018 100
40. SSC JE Shift-I 24.01.2018 100
41. SSC JE Shift-II 24.01.2018 100
42. SSC JE Shift-I 23.01.2018 100
43. SSC JE Shift-II 23.01.2018 100
44. SSC JE Shift-I 22.01.2018 100
45. SSC JE Shift-II 22.01.2018 100
46. SSC JE Shift-I 04.03.2017 100
47. SSC JE Shift-II 04.03.2017 100
48. SSC JE Shift-I 03.03.2017 100
49. SSC JE Shift-I 03.03.2017 100
50. SSC JE Shift-II 02.03.2017 100
51. SSC JE Shift-II 02.03.2017 100
52. SSC JE Shift-II 01.03.2017 100
53. SSC JE Shift-I 01.03.2017 100
54. SSC JE 2015 100
55. SSC JE Shift-I 2014 100
56. SSC JE Shift-II 2014 100
57. SSC JE 2013 100
58. SSC JE 2012 100
59. SSC JE Shift-I 2011 100
60. SSC JE Shift-II 2011 100
61. SSC JE 2010 100
62. SSC JE 2009 100
63. SSC JE 2008 100
64. SSC JE 2007 100
Assam Power Generation Corporation Ltd.
65. APGCL AM 2021 60
66. APGCL JM 2021 100
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL TTA)
67. BSNL TTA 20.12.2015 180
68. BSNL TTA Shift-I 29.09.2016 180
69. BSNL TTA Shift-II 29.09.2016 180
70. BSNL TTA Shift-I 25.09.2016 180
71. BSNL TTA Shift-II 25.09.2016 180
72. BSNL TTA Shift-I 26.09.2016 180
73. BSNL TTA Shift-II 26.09.2016 180
74. BSNL TTA Shift-I 27.09.2016 180
75. BSNL TTA Shift-II 27.09.2016 180
76. BSNL TTA Shift-I 28.09.2016 180
77. BSNL TTA Shift-II 28.09.2016 180
78. BSNL TTA 21.02.2016 180
79. BSNL TTA 21.02.2016 180
Bureau of Indian Standards
80. BIS Technical Asstt. 2020 50
Bihar State Power Holding Company Limited (BSPHCL)
81. BSPHCL JE 30.01.2019 50
82. BSPHCL JE 31.01.2019 50
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
83. CPCL Jr. Engg. Asstt. 2019 70
Chhattisgarh PSC
84. CGPSC AE 15.01.2021 150
85. DFCCIL Executive 30.09.2021 96
86. DFCCIL Executive 17.04.2016 80
87. DFCCIL Executive 11.11.2018 96
88. DGVCL JE Shift-I 06.01.2021 60
89. DGVCL JE Shift-II 06.01.2021 60
90. DGVCL JE Shift-III 06.01.2021 60
91. DGVCL JE Shift-II 05.01.2021 60
92. DGVCL JE Shift-III 05.01.2021 60
93. DGVCL JE 2016 100
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC)
94. DMRC JE 20.02.2020 75
95. DMRC JE 18.02.2017 75
96. DMRC JE Shift-II 09.04.2018 75
97. DMRC JE 03.08.2014 120
98. DMRC JE 15.03.2015 120
99. DMRC JE Shift III 09.04.2018 75
100. DMRC JE 15.02.2020 75
101. DMRC JE Shift-II 10.04.2018 75
102. DSSSB JE 2019 100
103. DSSSB JE 19.03.2021 100
Energy Efficiency Services Limited
104. EESL Engineer Shift-II 23.10.2020 80
105. ESE 2001–2016 1000
106. ESE (Pre) 18.07.2021 150
107. ESE (Pre) 05.01.2020 150
108. ESE (Pre) 06.01.2019 150
109. ESE (Pre) 07.01.2018 150
110. ESE (Pre) 08.01.207 150
Employees State Insurance Corporation
111. ESIC JE 2018 100
112. ESIC JE 2016 100
Food Corporation of India
113. FCI JE 2015 120
114. GPSC AAE Class-3 25.07.2021 200
115. GSSSB AAE 07.02.2021 60
116. MGVCL JE Shift-I 30.07.2021 60
117. MGVCL JE Shift-II 30.07.2021 60
118. MGVCL JE Shift-II 30.07.2021 60
119. GETCO JE 2015 80
120. GSECL JE Shift-I 2020 60
121. PGVCL JE Shift-I 22.01.2012 100
122. PGVCL JE 2018 80
123. PGVCL JE 2015 90
124. GSSSB Electrical Sub inspector 08.04.2018 150
125. UGVCL JE 04.08.2012 60
126. UGVCL JE 2014 75
Haryana SSC
127. HSSC JE 10.04.2018 50
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission
128. HPSSC JE 08.08.2021 120
129. HPSSC JE 18.07.2021 120
130. HPSSC JE (Code- 579) 2017 120
131. HPSSC JE 2018 120
132. HPSSC JE (Code- 580) 2019 120
133. HPSSSC JE (Code -579) 2018 120
134. HPSSSC JE 18.11.2018 120
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
135. HPCL Engineer 12.08.2021 85
136. HPCL (HRRL) E1 & E2 07.08.2021 85
ISRO Technical Assistant
137. ISRO VSSC (TA) 14.07.2021 80
138. ISRO TA EE 06.08.2017 80
139. ISRO TA EE 06.08.2016 80
140. ISRO TA EE 21-6-2015 80
Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board
141. JKSSB JE 2014 150
Jharkhand PSC
142. JPSC AE Paper I 10.04.2021 100
143. JPSC AE Paper II 10.04.2021 100
144. JUVNL JE 08.03.2017 70
Karnataka PSC
145. Karnataka PSC JE 2017 100
146. Karnataka PSC JE 2016 100
147. KPTCL JE 2017 75
148. KPTCL JE 2016 100
149. KPTCL JE 2015 100
150. BWSSB JE 2018 100
151. BWSSB JE Paper -II 09.04.2017 100
152. BWSSB JE Paper -II 10.01.2017 100
153. BWSSB JE Paper -II 10.04.2016 100
154. BWSSB JE Paper -II 13.11.2016 100
155. BWSSB JE 30.05.2017 100
Kerala PSC
156. Kerala PSC Draftsman 2016 80
157. Kerala PSC Electrical Inspectorate 2015 80
158. KSEB JE 2015 100
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
159. KVS TGT Paper-II 2017 100
UP Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (LMRC JE)
160. LMRC JE 26.06.2015 75
161. LMRC JE 17.03.2016 90
162. LMRC (SCTO) 17.04.2021 90
Mizoram PSC
163. Mizoram PSC AE SDO PHE Paper-I 2014 50
164. Mizoram PSC AE SDO PHE Paper-II 2014 50
165. Mizoram PSC IOF Paper-I 2019 50
166. Mizoram PSC IOF Paper-II 2019 100
167. Mizoram PSC JE IOF Paper-III 2019 100
168. Mizoram PSC JE (Jr. Grade of MES) Paper-I 2018 50
169. Mizoram PSC JE PHED Paper- I April 2016 75
170. Mizoram PSC JE (Jr. Grade of MES) Paper-I November 2015 50
171. Mizoram PSC (Jr. Grade of MES) Paper-III November 2015 50
172. Mizoram PSC (Jr. Grade of MES) Paper-II November 2015 50
173. MPPKVVCL JE 16.08.2021 75
174. MPPKVVCL JE 21.08.2021 75
175. MPMKVVCL JE 24.08.2021 75
176. MPPEB Sub Engineer 08.07.2017 100
Nagaland PSC
177. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2018 200
178. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017 200
179. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2016 200
180. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2015 200
NLC India Limited
181. NLC GET Shift-I 17.11.2020 80
Noida & Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation (NMRC/JMRC)
182. JMRC JE 05.02.2021 50
183. NMRC JE 05.03.2017 75
184. NMRC JE 2019 45
185. NPCIL Stipendry Trainee 2019 120
186. NPCIL Stipendry Trainee 2016 120
National Seeds Corporation Limited
187. NSCL Diploma Trainee 24.02.2021 70
Odisha Public Service Commission
188. OPSC AEE Paper-I 28.02.2021 180
189. OPSC AEE Paper-II 28.02.2021 180
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
190. PGCIL DT NR-I 13.08.2021 120
191. PGCIL DT NR-III 22.08.2021 120
192. PGCIL DT SR-I 22.08.2021 120
193. PGCIL DT SR-II 22.08.2021 120
194. PGCIL Field Supervisor 27.07.2021 120
195. PGCIL DT 17.12.2020 120
196. PGCIL DT 14.11.2018 120
197. PGCIL DT 13.09.2018 120
198. PGCIL DT 27.10.2018 120
199. PSTCL JE 02.08.2021 60
200. PSTCL AE 06.08.2021 60
201. PSPCL JE Shift-I 2019 70
202. PSPCL JE shift-II 2019 70
203. PSPCL JE 2018 70
204. Punjab Mandi Board JE 2014 100
205. RPSC Lect. (Tech. Edu. Dept.) Paper-I 16.03.2021 150
206. RPSC Lect. (Tech. Edu. Dept.) Paper-II 16.03.2021 150
207. RPSC ACF & FRO 23.02.2021 120
208. RPSC Lect. (Tech. Edu. Dept.) 09.01.2016 100
209. RSMSSB JE (Degree) 29.11.2020 80
210. RSMSSB JE (Diploma) 29.11.2020 80
211. RSMSSB JE (Degree) 26.12.2020 80
212. RSMSSB JE (Diploma) 26.12.2020 80
213. Rajasthan JE PHED (Diploma) 2015 100
214. RSEB JE 2013 120
215. RSEB JE 2011 120
Railway Recruitment Board JE/SSE
216. RRB JE Shift-I 01.09.2019 150
217. RRB JE Shift-II 19.09.2019 150
218. RRB JE Shift-II 30.08.2019 150
219. RRB JE Shift-I 26.08.2015 22
220. RRB JE Shift-II 26.08.2015 21
221. RRB JE Shift-III 26.08.2015 20
222. RRB JE Shift-I 27.08.2015 22
223. RRB JE Shift-II 27.08.2015 20
224. RRB JE Shift-III 27.08.2015 21
225. RRB JE Shift-I 28.08.2015 20
226. RRB JE Shift-II 28.08.2015 22
227. RRB JE Shift-III 28.08.2015 21
228. RRB JE Shift-I 29.08.2015 22
229. RRB JE Shift-II 29.08.2015 22
230. RRB JE Shift-III 29.08.2015 22
231. RRB JE Shift-III 30.08.2015 22
232. RRB JE Shift-II 04.09.2015 22
233. RRB JE Shift-III 16.09.2015 23
234. RRB SSE Shift-I 01.09.2015 21
235. RRB SSE Shift-II 01.09.2015 22
236. RRB SSE Shift-III 01.09.2015 20
237. RRB SSE Shift-I 02.09.2015 20
238. RRB SSE Shift-II 02.09.2015 21
239. RRB SSE Shift-III 02.09.2015 22
240. RRB SSE Shift-I 03.09.2015 22
241. RRB SSE Shift-II 03.09.2015 21
242. RRB SSE Shift-III 03.09.2015 20
243. RRB JE Allahabad 2014 22
244. RRB JE Gorakhpur 2014 23
245. RRB JE Chandigarh 2014 22
246. RRB JE Ranchi 2014 23
247. RRB JE Guwahati 2014 22
248. RRB JE Bhopal 2014 23
249. RRB JE Ahmedabad 2014 22
250. RRB JE Ajmer 2014 21
Telengana PSC
251. TS TRANSCO JE 2018 65
252. TSPSC HMWSSB Manager 2020 150
Uttarakhand PSC/UKSSSC JE/AE
253. UKSSSC JE 10.01.2021 100
254. UKPSC JE Paper-I 2013 180
255. UKPSC JE Paper-II 2013 180
256. UJVNL JE 2016 126
Vizag Steel JET
257. Vizag Steel MT 13.12.2020 100
258. Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018 75
259. Vizag Steel JET Shift-I 25.10.2018 75
260. Vizag Steel JET Shift-II 25.10.2018 75
261. WBPSC SAE 2018 100
262. WBPSC SAE 2005 100
263. WBPSC SAE 2004 100
264. WBPSC SAE 2003 100
265. WBPSC SAE 2002 100
266. WBPSC SAE 2000 100
Total 26712
Trend Analysis of Previous Year JE/AE Papers
Through Bar Graph and Pie Chart
I. Basic Circuit 3. For an ideal current source, the internal
resistance is:
1. Which of the following laws states that: in any (a) infinite and connected in parallel
electrical network, the algebraic sum of the (b) zero and connected in parallel
currents meeting at a point is zero? (c) infinite and connected in series
(a) Ohm’s law (d) zero and connected in series
HPSSC JE 08.08.2021
(b) Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
GPSC AAE, CLASS-3, 25.07.2021
(c) Faraday’s law UPPSC AE 13.12.2020, Paper-I
(d) Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) MPMKVVCL (Bhopal) JE 2018
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I RPSC Lect. (Tech. Edu. Dept.) 09.01.2016
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020 Ans. (a) : For an ideal current source the internal
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 14.11.2018 resistance is infinite and connected in parallel, such that
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-II ideal current source provide constant current
SSC JE 29.01.2018, Shift-I
irrespective of load.
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I 4. Which of the following conductors has the
NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee 2016 lowest resistivity?
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 PM (a) Aluminium (b) Copper
Ans : (d) Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL), gives the law (c) Gold (d) Silver
UPPCL JE 07.09.2021, Shift-I
of conservation of charge, which states that the NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar)
algebraic sum of currents at any node on a Ans. (d) : Descending order of conductivity is given as
circuit/Network is always equal to zero. follows
i.e. i 0 Ag > Cu > Au > Al
So, Ascending order of resistivity
Ag < Cu < Au < Al
5. The energy used by a 1.5 kW heater in 5
i1 i 2 i3 i 4 i5 minutes is.
(a) 450,000 J (b) 450 J
2. The SI unit of conductivity is- (c) 7500 J (d) 4.5 J
(a) Ohm-m (b) Ohm/m PSTCL JE 02.08.2021
(c) Mho-m (d) Mho/m CPCL JE 2019
DSSSB JE 14.03.2021, Shift-I Ans. (a) : The energy used by heater–
NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar) E=P×t
MPMKVVCL (Bhopal) JE 2018
= 1.5 × 1000 × 5 × 60 J
UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II
Vizag steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II = 450,000 J
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I 6. Ohm's law is applicable to-
SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-I (a) Semiconductors (b) Metallic conductors
HPSSB JE 2017 (Post code-579) (c) Insulators (d) Electrolytes
KPTCL JE 2015 PSPCL JE 2019, Shift-I
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar)
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 14.11.2011 MPMKVVCL (Bhopal) JE 2018
Ans. (d) : The SI unit of conductivity is Mho/m. PGCIL Diploma Trainee 14.11.2018
Ans. (b) : Ohm's law states that – If all the physical
R conditions are unaffected, at constant temperature the
A potential difference of a conducting wire is directly
meter proportional to current applied on them.
So, 2 V
RA ohm(meter) i.e. I V I and hence follows linearity .
= (ohm meter)-1 Hence, Ohm's law is defined for conductor, not for
= mho/meter -1 = mho insulator and semiconductor and electrolytes.
Network Theory 15 YCT
7. Resistance of a conductor is directly 12. The following is correct:
proportional to its- (a) P = V×I (b) P = I2× R
(a) Length (b) Area (c) P = V / R (d) All of the above
(c) Velocity (d) Pressure ESIC JE 2019
NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar) DGVCL JE 2016
Ans. (a) : Material property of resistance is defined Kerala PSC Draftman 2016, Grade II
Ans. (d) : Power = Voltage × Current
P = V×I
As R
Where P I R I I2 R
= length of the conductor
A = cross section area of conductor and I
= conductivity of conductor 2
Hence R P V
8. A two coil heater gives its maximum heat
output, when the coils are in: P = V×I= I2 R = V 2 /R
(a) Series (b) Series parallel So, all of the above is correct
(c) Parallel (d) OFF 13. Electric charge is equal to :
Kerala PSC Asst: Gr. II Electrical Inspectorate 2015
(a) I t (b) I/t
Ans. (c) : For given voltage, when two heating coil (c) I2t (d) I2/t
connected in parallel, then maximum heat will produce. Kerala PSC Draftman 2016, Grade II
Because when coils are connected in parallel, voltage
Ans. (a) : Electric charge is the basic physical property
will be same in each coil so maximum heat will
produce. of material that causes it on experience a force when
kept in an electric or magnetic field.
9. Conventional flow of electric current is from:
(a) +ve to –ve (b) –ve to +ve Q I.t Coulomb
(c) Phase to neutral (d) Neutral to phase 14. The reactance of 1 farad capacitance when
Kerala PSC Asst: Gr. II Electrical Inspectorate 2015
connected to DC circuit is:
Ans. (a) : Electric current always flow from positive
(a) Infinite (b) 1
terminal to negative terminal or it always flow from
higher potential to lower potential. (c) 0.5 (d) 0
NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar)
10. Complicated series parallel combination of
Ans. (a) : At steady state, capacitor behaves as an open
resistances are also known as:
(a) Electrical Networks (b) Combinations circuit for D.C.
(c) Reactive Circuits (d) Tuned Circuits Hence in open circuit condition reactance will be
Kerala PSC Asst: Gr. II Electrical Inspectorate 2015 infinite or current on capacitor will be zero.
Ans. (a) : Complicated series parallel combination of Also f = 0 for D.C.
resistances are also known as electrical Network. 1 1
11. If capacitors are connected in series, effective 2fC 2 0 1
capacitance is : 15. Unit of electric charge is:
(a) C = C1 + C2 + C3 + ......... (a) Tesla (b) Henry
1 1 1 1 (c) Coulomb (d) Farad
(b) .......
C C 1 C 2 C3 SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
1 1 1 Kerala PSC Asst: Gr. II Electrical Inspectorate 2015
(c) C .........
C1 C 2 C3 SSC JE 2013
1 1 1 1 Ans. (c) : The SI unit of electric charge is the Coulomb,
(d) C ......... which is defined as an ampere second.
C1 C 2 C 3 C 4 Q=I×t
Kerala PSC Draftman 2016, Grade II
ISRO TA 2015 16. In a series combination of resistances total
resistance is given by:
Ans. (b) : If the capacitors are connected in series
effective capacitance is– R R2
(a) R 1
1 1 1 1 1 R 1R 2
C eff C1 C 2 C3 Cn 1 1
(b) R ...
R1 R 2
(c) R = R1 + R2 + ....
(d) R
Kerala PSC Asst: Gr. II Electrical Inspectorate 2015
Network Theory 16 YCT
Ans. (c) : Total resistance for series connection– 20. Which of the following type of resistors has
R = R1 + R2 + ...........+Rn highest value of temperature coefficient?
For parallel connection (a) Wire wound (b) Carbon film
1 1 1 1 (c) Metal film (d) Carbon composition
.......... DMRC JE 20.02.2020
R R1 R 2 Rn
17. A 10 ohm resistor connected in parallel with a Ans. (c) : Metal film resistors has highest value of
15 ohm resistor and the combination in series temperature coefficient from given option.
with a 12 ohm resistor. The equivalent 21. If the current flowing through the conductor is
resistance of the circuit is. 5A, then electrons per second will flow in the
(a) 37 ohm (b) 27 ohm conductor at any passage.
(c) 18 ohm (d) 20 ohm
CPCL JE 2019
(a) 6.25×1018 (b) 31.35×1017
ESIC JE-2016 (c) 31.35×10 (d) 31.35×1018
Ans. (c) : DMRC JE 20.02.2020
Ans. (d) : Given that, Current i = 5A
Time t = 1 sec
Q ne
] e = 1.6×10–19 Coulomb
In the circuit 10 and 15 resistances are in parallel to We know that-
each other and series 12 resistance. Q it
RAB = (10||15) + 12 ne it
10 15 it 5 1
= 12 n 31.25 1018
10 15 e 1.6 1019
10 15
= 12 = 18 31.35 1018
22. Two resistors R1= 10 and R2= 20 are
18. Unit of reactive power is.
(a) Watt (b) KW connected in series order to a 30V direct
(c) VAR (d) VA current (DC) source. Find the ratio (P1/P2) of
CPCL JE 2019 the power expended by the resistors.
Ans. (c) : (a) P1/P2= 1/3 (b) P1/P2= 1/4
(c) P1/P2= 1/2 (d) P1/P2= 2/1
DMRC JE 20.02.2020
Ans. (c) :
By voltage divider rule, R
Voltage across 6 resistor So, If the resistance value is more than the current less.
R2 Hence, in 30 resistance minimum value of current flows.
V2= Vs 37. What is the relation between resistance (R1and
R1 R 2
R2) of two bulbs rated for the same voltage and
6 having powers of 400 W and 100 W
= 50 = 5×6=30V
46 respectively?
34. In the circuit shown below, if the resistor 3 (a) R1=4R2 (b) R2=4R1
across the terminals (A-B) is disconnected, then (c) R2=2R2 (d) R2=2R1
find the voltage (VAB). DMRC JE, 26.02.2020
Ans. (b) : Given that,
P1 = 400W, P2 = 100W
If rating of bulb is same-
(a) 100V (b) Zero P
(c) 50V (d) 150V
DMRC JE, 26.02.2020 P1 R 2
Ans. (a) : When, 3 resistor is disconnected from P2 R1
circuit, then circuit act as an open circuit at terminal A 400 R 2
and B. Then voltage across the terminal A and B is R 2 4R 1
100 R1
equal to supply voltage.
Network Theory 19 YCT
38. Two equal resistors are first connected in series 41. Estimate the resistance of the filament of a 50
and then in parallel across a dc supply. What is W, 100 V bulb.
the ratio (series circuit to parallel circuit) of (a) 200 (b) 100
total heat dissipated by the resistors for the (c) 50 (d) 150
two cases at a given time? ESIC JE 2019
DMRC JE 2018, Shift III
(Assume that the current from the dc source is APTRANSCO Sub. Engineer 2012
same in both cases.) Ans. (a) : Given that, P = 50W, V = 100V, R = ?
(a) 2:3 (b) 1:2
(c) 4:1 (d) 3:2 V2
As we know that R
DMRC JE, 26.02.2020 P
Ans. (c) : Assume current from dc source is same in
100 10000
, R 200
both (series & parallel) case is same- 50 50
For series connection-
42. Two filament lamps rated 200 W/200 V and 50
Req = R + R = 2R W/200 V are connected in series across a 200 V,
Heat dissipated H1 = 2i2Rt 50 Hz, ac supply. Then, the total power
supplied by the source is:
(a) 160 W (b) 80 W
(c) 20 W (d) 40 W
For parallel DSSSB JE 05.11.2019
R Ans. (d) : Given that,
2 V1 200V, V2 200V
P1 200W, P2 50W
Resistance of first filament lamps
R R1 1
Heat dissipated H 2 i 2 t P1
2 2
H1 2i 2 Rt 4 R1
H1 : H 2 4 :1 200
H 2 i 2 Rt 1
R1 200
and resistance of second filament lamps
39. Capacitance of a capacitor is given by: 2
d A V22 200
(a) C 0 r (b) C R2 800
A d P2 50
A 0r A If both lamps are connected in series then,
(c) C (d) C 2
d d
Vizag Steel MT 13.12.2020 R total 800 200
DMRC JE 2018, Shift III
Ans. (d) : The capacitance of a parallel plates capacitor
200 40W
can be given by- 1000
0r A 43. A battery having an open circuit voltage of 2 V
d has a terminal voltage of 1 V when supplying a
Where, 0 Absolute permittivity current of 5 A. Its internal resistance is:
(a) 0.6 Ω (b) 0.4 Ω
r Relative permittivity
(c) 0.2 Ω (d) 0.1 Ω
A = Area of each plate DSSSB JE 05.11.2019
d = Distance between plates Ans. (c) : Given,
Capacitance is measure in Farad. Open circuit voltage = 2V
40. An ideal voltage source is one which has: and terminal voltage = 1V
(a) infinite internal resistance supply current (I) = 5A
(b) zero internal resistance 2 1 1
(c) very high internal resistance Internal resistance (R) = 0.2
5 5
(d) very low internal resistance
UKSSSC JE 10.01.2021 44. Three resistances are connected in parallel. Total
HPSSC JE 18.07.2021 circuit current is 6A. Individual conductance of
HPPSC Lecturer 06.07.2021 each parallel circuit are G1 = 1S, G2=3S and
DMRC JE 2018, Shift III
G3=2S. Then, current through G3 is:
Ans. (b) : An ideal voltage sources is one which has (a) 4 A (b) 1 A
zero internal resistance whereas an ideal voltmeter has (c) 6 A (d) 2 A
infinite internal resistance. DSSSB JE 05.11.2019
Network Theory 20 YCT
Ans. (d) : Given, (a) 12 W (b) 6 W
G1 1S, R1 1 (c) 3 W (d) 9 W
DSSSB JE 05.11.2019
G 2 3S, R2 Ans. (c) :
G 3 2S, R 3 where S = Siemens
These resistance are connected in parallel-
1 1 1 1
R eq 9 9 9
Req = 3
Current through is- Power delivered by the source is-
1 P
6 R
4 [By current division rule] 2
1 1 P
2 4 3
6 9
4 = 2A P=3W
4 47. A wire has a resistance of 12 ohms. It is bent in
45. Certain number of resistors having equal the form of an equilateral triangle. The
resistances offers an equivalent resistance of effective resistance between any two corners of
1Ω when connected in parallel and 100Ω if the triangle is
they are connected in series. Then, the number (a) 8/3 (b) 12/3
of resistors and the resistance of each are ____. (c) 2 (d) 10/3
(a) 20, 10 Ω (b) 5, 20 Ω APTRANSCO Sub. Engineer 2012
(c) 20, 5 Ω (d) 10, 10 Ω Ans. (a) : Since the resistor of the wire has 12 if it is
bent to form an equilateral triangle then-
DSSSB JE 05.11.2019
Ans. (d) : Let the number of resistors are n and the 12
Each arm resistance = =4 R length
resistance of each resistor are R. 3
When they are connected in parallel-
R = n ............................(i) The effective resistance between terminal A-B two
When they are connected in series- corner is–
Rs = nR = 100
Put the value of R in equation (i) R eq
4 4 4 8 / 3
n.n = 100 4 4 4
n2 = 100 48. Find Req for the circuit shown below:
n = 10
Put the value of n in equation (i)
R = 10
46. In the circuit shown below power delivered by
the source is:
(a) 10 (b) 8
(c) 10 (d) 14.4
ESIC JE 2019
Network Theory 21 YCT
Ans. (d) : Given circuit diagram - Ans. (a) : Given circuit diagram:-
12 4
= 3 6 7
R eq = (6 3+2 ) 1 5 4 8 12 4
6 3 66
= 3 3 6 7 = 7 = 3+7
6 3 2 6 12
46 R eq 10
46 51. What does the below symbol represent?
24 120 144
10 10
R eq 14.4 (a) Transformer (b) Capacitor
(c) Resistor (d) Inductor
49. If three capacitors of 10 F are connected in ESIC JE 2019
series, then find the equivalent capacitance. Ans. (d) : Given symbol-
(a) 10 F (b) 30 F
(c) 3/10 F (d) 10/3 F
ESIC JE 2019
Given symbol represents an inductor. Inductor is a
Ans. (d) : Given C1= C2=C3= 10F connected in series device that store the energy in magnetic field. If a coil
Ceq = ? have N number of turns and current flow through it is 'I'
then inductance can be given by-
52. 1 megawatt = ________ watt.
(a) 103 (b) 106
Equivalent capacitance when they are connected in (c) 10 (d) 104
series is calculated by- ESIC JE 2019
Ans. (b) : Megawatt is the unit of power and it is equal
1 1 1 1
to 106 watt i.e
Ceq C1 C 2 C3
1 megawatt 106 watt
1 1 1 1 3
Similarly 1 k W 10 watt
C eq 10 10 10
53. Which of the following is an example of vector
1 3 quantity?
C eq 10 (a) Magnetic flux density (b) Speed
(c) Power (d) Temperature
10 ESIC JE 2019
C eq F Ans. (a) : Magnetic flux density:- Magnetic flux
3 density is defined as the amount of magnetic flux in an
50. Find Req in the circuit given below: area taken perpendicular to the magnetic flux direction.
It is given by-
B weber / m 2
Thus we can say that magnetic flux density is a vector
(a) 10 (b) 15 quantity because it has both magnitude and direction
(c) 25 (d) 8 whereas speed, power and temperature are the scalar
ESIC JE 2019 quantity because they have no direction.
Network Theory 22 YCT
54. Select the option that correctly matches the Ans. (c) Generally electrical sources defined in the
various measuring parameters with their following manner
respective SI units.
1. Resistance i. Joule
2. Capacitance ii. Ohm
3. Energy iii. Henry
4. Inductance iv. Farad
(a) 1-iv, 2-iii, 3-ii, 4-i (b) 1-ii, 2-iv, 3-i, 4-iii
(c) 1-i, 2-iii, 3-ii, 4-iv (d) 1-iv, 2-i, 3-ii, 4-ii Dependent sources are further classify into following
ESIC JE 2019 parts-1. VCVS (Voltage control voltage source)
Ans. (b) : 2. VCCS (Voltage control current source)
Measuring Parameters SI unit 3. CCVS (Current control voltage source)
Resistance Ohm 4. CCCS (Current control current source)
Capacitance Farad 59. The Ohm's law is NOT valid for:
Energy Joule (a) resistors connected in parallel
Inductance Henry (b) resistors connected in series
55. A light bulb is rated at 100 W for 230 V supply. (c) linear inductors
Find the peak voltage of source. (d) zener diode working in zener region
(a) 230 V (b) 162.65 V EESL Engineer (Technical) 2020
(c) 100 V (d) 325.22 V Ans. (d) : Ohm’s Law V=IR
ESIC JE 2019 According to Ohm’s Law
Ans. (d) : Given: Voltage & current has linear relationship
P = 100 W V = 230V As shown in characteristic curve
Peak voltage of source (Vm) = ?
We know that
Vm 2Vr.m.s = 2 230
Vm 325.22V
Zener diode symbol
56. 1 Wh = _________J
(a) 2400 (b) 3600 A zener diode works in reverse bias which does not
(c) 1200 (d) 7200 follow Ohm’s law due to its non linear characteristics
ESIC JE 2019
Ans. (b) : 1 Wh = 1×60×60 Joule
1Wh 3600 Joule
57. How much energy does a 100 W bulb consume
in one day?
(a) 1200 Wh (b) 100 Wh
60. Calculate the value of R, if the current flowing
(c) 600 Wh (d) 2400 Wh through it is – 1.6 mA and voltage across its
ESIC JE 2019 terminal is -6.3 V.
Ans. (d) : Given: P = 100 W, t = 1 day = 24 hrs (a) 39.4 k (b) 3.94 k
Energy consumed by bulb = ? (c) 394 (d) 394 k
Energy consumed by bulb can be given by- EESL Engineer (Technical) 2020
E = P × t = 100 × 24 Ans. (b) : Given that current I = –1.6 mA
E 2400 Wh = –1.6 × 10-3A
Voltage V = –6.3V .
58. The symbol shown below is:
Then Resistance R = 3.94k
1.6 103
61. 1 kWh is equal to how many kcals
(a) 86 kcals (b) 8.6 kcals
(c) 860 kcals (d) 8600 kcal
EESL Engineer (Technical) 2020
(a) dependent voltage source KPTCL JE 2015
(b) dependent current source Ans. (c) : We know that
(c) independent current source 1 kWh = 3600 k joules
(d) voltage source 1 kilo calorie = 4.184 k joules
EESL Engineer (Technical) 2020 Then 1 kWh = 860.42 kcal 860 kcal
Network Theory 23 YCT
62. An electric circuit is supplied with +4V dc and Ans. (c) :
it takes input current of -5 A. The correct
statement about the power of the element of
electric circuit is:
(a) It consumes 20 W of power
(b) The power loss is 20 W
(c) It generates 20 W of power is V 2 100 100
Resistance of Bulb (R) = 100
(d) The power cannot be computed P 100
EESL Engineer (Technical) 2020 P 100
Current rating of Bulb 1 Amp
Ans. (c) : Because the circuit is taking negative current V 100
means it is generating the power. So it is the circuit The value of external resistance to maintain the
which generates the power current of 1 Amp then the voltage V I R R e xt
And the power P = VI = 4×(–5) = –20W (generated) (Rext + 100) × 1 = 250
63. The equivalent resistance of four resistors or Rext = 250 – 100 = 150
joined in parallel is 20 . The current flowing 65. Three resistances of 30 ohm, 15 ohm and 5 ohm
through them are 0.6, 0.3, 0.2 and 0.1 ampere. are connected in parallel, their combined
The value of each resistor is: resistance will be :
(a) Greater than 30 ohm
(a) 40 , 80 , 120 , 240 (b) Between 30 ohm to 15 ohm
(b) 240 , 240 , 240 , 240 (c) Between 15 ohm to 5 ohm
(c) 40 , 40 , 40 , 40 (d) Less than 5 ohm
(d) 4 , 8 , 12 , 24 FCI JE 2015
EESL Engineer (Technical) 2020 Ans. (d) : The equivalent resistance of 30, 15 and
Ans. (a) : The current flowing through the resistors 5 connected in parallel is lesser than least value of
resistance i.e. equivalent resistance is less than 5 .
are 0.6A, 0.3A, 0.2A, & 0.1A
Total resistance = 20 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 9
total current in parallel
R eq 30 15 5 30 30
I = I1+I2+I3+I4
= 0.6+0.3+0.2+0.1 30
R eq 3.33
= 1.2 A 9
V = 1.2 × 20 = 24V 66. In the resistor, with silver color band tolerance,
the tolerance is :
(a) 5% (b) 10%
(c) 15% (d) 20%
FCI JE 2015
Gold 5%
Silver 10%
No Colour 20%
In parallel circuit voltage will be equal across each 67. Which type of resistor is used for over voltage
resistor protection:
24 (a) Sensistors (b) Thermistors
then R1 40 (c) Varistors (d) Inductor
0.6 FCI JE 2015
24 Ans. (c) : Varistors also called variable resistors is used
R2 80
0.3 to over voltage protection. A varistor is an electronic
24 component with an electrical resistance that varies with
R3 120 the applies voltage, Also known as voltage dependent
resistor (VDR). Varistors are a type of resistor with a
24 non-linear, non-ohmic current voltage characteristics
R4 240
0.1 and are a reliable and economical means of providing
64. A 100 watt 100V lamp is to operated on 250volt protection against over voltage transient and surges.
supply, the value of additional resistance to be Metal oxide varistor, are typically made from a small
disk-shaped metal zinc oxide material.
connected in series will be
68. The unit of force in MKS system is:
(a) 250 ohms (b) 100 ohms
(a) Joules (b) Newton
(c) 150 ohms (d) None of these (c) Kilogram (d) Newton m
FCI JE 2015 FCI JE 2015
Network Theory 24 YCT
Ans. (b) : Force = mass × acceleration 50
F = ma I 0.25Amp
= kg meter/sec2 = Newton
(b) V = IR
69. The ratio of voltage and current in a closed
circuit : V 200
(a) Varies I 0.25
(b) Remains constant R = 800
(c) Increases 73. In the given figure voltage across C1 will be
(d) Decreases ______ volt.
FCI JE 2015
Ans. (b) : According to Ohm's law, resistance is defined
as the ratio of voltage and current. This ratio is always
remain constant for closed circuit.
71. Which of the following has negative 74. Which of the following equation does not follow
temperature coefficient of resistance? ohm's law?
(a) Silver (b) Copper V
(c) Aluminum (d) Silicon (a) R (b) V = IR
FCI JE 2015 V I
Ans. (d) : Ag, Cu & Al are conducting material so they (c) I (d) R
have + ve temperature coefficients. R V
Kerala PSC Asst: Gr. II Electrical Inspectorate 2015
Silicon (Si) is semiconductor material, so they have –ve
Ans. (d) : According to Ohm's law-
temperature coefficient. VI
72. A 50W electric light bulb is connected to a V = I.R.
200V supply. Determine (a) the current flowing R = electrical resistance
in the bulb and (b) the resistance of the bulb. V V
(a) 0.5 A and 400 (b) 0.25 A and 800 I R
(c) 0.5 A and 800 (d) 0.25 A and 400 R I
GSECL 2020 Shift-I Then the equation which does not follow Ohm's law is-
ESIC JE 2019 I
Ans. (b) : Given V
P = 50 watt 75. Electricity is a form of:
V = 200 volts (a) Energy (b) Shock
I=? (c) Lightening (d) Spark
Kerala PSC Asst: Gr. II Electrical Inspectorate 2015
(a) P = VI Ans. (a) : Electricity is a form of energy. i.e. from one
form of energy is converted into the other form of energy
P or from mechanical to electrical and from electrical to
V mechanical energy. Ex. motor, generator etc.
Network Theory 25 YCT
76. Electrically charged atom is generally termed Parallel connection–
(a) Iron (b) Isotope
(c) Ion (d) Cations
Kerala PSC Asst: Gr. II Electrical Inspectorate 2015
1 1 1
Ans. (c) : When the atom becomes electrically charged,
this is called an ion. R eq R 1 R 2
(a) 5 (b) 10
(c) 2.5 (d) 15
MPPKVVCL (Jabalpur) JE -2018
6´12 Ans. (a) :
6 || 12 = = 4
6 + 12
Req= 4+2 = 6
R eq
I 2A
98. Find the current I in the following circuit.
I 2 Amp
99. Find the potential difference VXY in the
following network :
(a) 114, 114 (b) 114, 342
(c) 114, 171 (d) 171, 67
MPPKVVCL (Jabalpur) JE -2018
Ans. (a) :
(a) 4.7 V (b) – 4.7 V
(c) 9.4 V (d) – 9.4 V
MPPKVVCL (Jabalpur) JE -2018
Ans. (b) :
I1 =
From current division rule, in circuit (ii) Apply KCL at node 1
9 I1 1 I 2 I 0
I 2 = I1 ´
81 V1 18 V V V2
1 1 1 0
20 6 6 3
I2 =
12´9 V1 18 V1 2V1 2V2
V = I 2 ´ 40 6
20 4V1 2V2 18 6
V 40 V
108 4V1 2V2 24
V 7.4 volt 2V1 V2 12 ………………(i)
(a) 2 H (b) 18 H
(c) 61 H (d) 7 H
Ans. (b) : Given circuit diagram-
(a) 4 A (b) 2 A
(c) 3 A (d) 5 A
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 14.11.2018
Ans : (c)
cos =
sin =
Q is less so is less, cos will more.
Network Theory 36 YCT
146. What is one joule equal to? Ans. (a) : Charge Q = ne
(a) 1 N (b) Pa.m3 n = number of electron = 50×1017
(c) C.W (d) All the above 1e= 1.602 × 10–19 coulomb
Ans. (b) : Joule is unit of work or energy current, I =
One joule = 1 pascal × (meter)3 or Pa.m3 Time (t) = 2 minutes + 5sec
One joule = 1 Newton meter = 2 × 60 + 5 = 125 second
1 Calorie (Cal) = 4.184 joule
ne 50 1017 1.602 1019
1 KWh = 3.6×106 joule I Q ne
SI unit of joule = kgm/s2 t 125
CGS unit of joule = gcm/s2 0.64 102 A
147. In a capacitor, if the area of overlap of the I = 6.408 mA
plates is doubled, then the capacitance 151. Consider a length of a wire of resistance R.
will_____ What is its new resistance if it is uniformly
(a) double (b) be four times stretched to twice its original length?
(c) be half (d) none of these (a) 2R (b) 4R
KPTCL JE 2015 (c) R (d) None of these
HPSSC JE 18.07.2021
Q JPSC AE 10.04.2021, Paper-II
Ans. (a) : Capacitance (C) =
A KSEB Sub. Engineer 2015
also C ISRO TA 2015
d Ans. (b) : Length of a wire of resistance R if it is
CA uniformly stretched to twice its original length then new
If area is doubled the capacitance will double. resistance is 4R.
148. What is the period if the frequency is 50 Hz?
(a) 0.02 s/cycle (b) 20 ms/cycle R
(c) 20000 s/cycle (d) All the above
1 1
Ans. (d) : T 0.02 s/cycle 2 V = Volume
f 50 R length
0.02 103
= s / cycle R 2 Volume constant
= 20 ms/cycle R old 12
0.02 106 R new 22
= s / cycle
106 R old 2
= 20000 s / cycle 12
R new 41
149. Which of the following is a linear component?
(a) Diode (b) Transistor R new 4R old
(c) Resistor (d) None of these 152. Which of the following is likely to have a
KPTCL JE 2015 positive temperature coefficient?
Ans. (c) : According to ohm's Law (a) Rubber (b) Germanium
V (c) Mercury (d) None of these
R Constant KPTCL JE 2015
Resistor is linear component Ans. (c) : A positive temperature coefficient refers
materials that experiences an increase in electrical
resistance when their temperature is raised.
Conductor have positive temperature coefficient
Insulators and semiconductors have negative
temperature coefficient.
A linear resistor is one whose resistance doesn't vary Rubber-insulator
with the flow of current through it. The current through Germanium- semiconductor
it will always be proportional to the voltage applied
across it.
Here, mercury have a positive temperature coefficient.
150. What is the current when 50×1017 electrons
153. What is the total resistance of a circuit
pass through a conductor in 2 minutes and 5
seconds? consisting of a parallel combination of three
(a) 6.4 mA (b) 64 mA resistors each of 6 is connected in series with
(c) 0.8 mA (d) None of these another parallel combination of two resistors of
KPTCL JE 2015 5 each?
Network Theory 37 YCT
(a) 28 (b) 1.11 (a) 20 and 30 (b) 10 and 40
(c) 4.5 (d) None of these (c) 25 and 25 (d) None of these
Ans. (c) : Ans. (b) : Let R1, and R2 are two resistors
Given, series combination of these two resistors are
R1 + R2 = 50 ...............(i)
And parallel combination
RAB = 6 || 6 || 6 5 || 5 R 1R 2
8 .....................................(ii)
R1 R 2
6 5
R AB 2 2.5 4.5 Solve equation (i) and (ii)
3 2
R1 10
154. Three equal value resistors are first connected
in series then in parallel. What is the ratio of R 2 40
resultant resistance of the series combination to 157. Two equal value resistors connected in series to
the parallel combination? a particular voltage source dissipate 40 W.
(a) 0.3333 (b) 3 What is the power dissipated if the same two
(c) 9 (d) None of these resistors are connected in parallel to the same
KPTCL JE 2015 voltage source?
Ans. (c) : Firstly connected in series (a) 160 W (b) 40 W
= R + R + R = 3R (c) 80 W (d) None of these
then connected in parallel = Ans. (a) : P parallel n 2 P series
3R no. of resistor (n) =2
ratio of series to parallel is = =9
R /3 = 22 × 40
155. Consider a parallel circuit with four resistors = 4 × 40
of values 100 , 50 , 25 and X . What is P parallel 160 W
the value of X if current through 25 158. What is the resistance of a bulb which is rated
resistance is 5 A and the total current of the 200 W, 220 V?
supply is 15 A? (a) 200 (b) 1100 m
(a) 125 (b) 20 (c) 242 (d) None of these
(c) 6.25 (d) None of these KPTCL JE 2015
MGVCL JE 30.07.2021, Shift-I Ans. (c) : Rating of bulb given by-
KPTCL JE 2015 V2 220 220
Ans. (b) : In 25 branch voltage is = 5×25 = 125V P 200 R = 242
If circuit is parallel so voltage will be same in all
159. What is the resistance between any two of the
corners when three 15 resistors are
125 connected to form a triangle?
So in 50 branch current is 2.5 A
50 (a) 10 (b) 30
(c) 15 (d) None of these
Ans. (a) :
And in 100 branch current is 1.25A
So in branch X, current = 15 – (5 +2.5+1.25) = 6.25 RAB = (15 + 15) || 15
125 30 15 30 15
X 20 10
6.25 30 15 45
156. When two resistances are connected in series, 160. What is the capacitance when a capacitor
the total resistance of the circuit was 50 . carries a charge of 0.5 C at 20 V?
What are the individual values of these two (a) 0.25 F (b) 0.025 F
resistors if the total resistance turned out to be (c) 2.5 mF (d) None of these
8 when they are connected in parallel? KPTCL JE 2015
Network Theory 38 YCT
Q 0.5 1 Ans. (b) : 1 ampere hour is equivalent to 3600 A-s.
Ans. (b) : Q = CV C 0.025F
V 20 40 1Ah 1 ampere hour
161. What happens to the capacitance of a parallel = 1ampere×3600 second = 3600 A-s
plate capacitor when the area of the plates as
well as the distance between them is doubled? 166. What is the frequency if one cycle of AC
(a) It doubles (b) It becomes 4 times waveform occurs every millisecond?
(c) It remains the same (d) It becomes one-half (a) 500 Hz (b) 1000 Hz
KPTCL JE 2015 (c) 2000 Hz (d) None of these
Ans. (c) : C
d 1 1
Ans. (b) : T f 3 1000 Hz
If Area as well as distance is doubled f 10
2A A 167. What is the voltage when an appliance rated at
C remain unchanged
2d d 600 W and having a resistance of 6 ?
Where, C- Capacitance (a) 60 V (b) 3600 V
A- Area (c) 6 V (d) None of these
d- distance between two plate KPTCL JE 2015
162. Two capacitors of 20 F and 30 F are Ans. (a) : Rating of appliance given by-
connected in series. What is the total
capacitance? V2
(a) 12 F (b) 50 F R
(c) 1.5 F (d) None of these V PR 6 600 3600 60 V
168. A network which does not contain any active
Ans. (a) : Given, C1 = 20 F, C2 = 30F
device is called ______
If two capacitor connected in series-
(a) Idle network (b) Ideal network
CT 1 2 (c) Active network (d) Passive network
C1 C2 PSTCL JE 02.08.2021
20 30 KPTCL JE 2015
20 30 Ans. (d) : Passive network does not contain any active
20 30 devices.
CT 12 F
50 169. Consider a circuit with four resistors in series
163. Which of the following does not effect the connected to a voltage source. What happens to
capacitance of a capacitor? the current across each resistor, if the value of
(a) Distance between the plates each of the resistors is doubled?
(b) Area of the plates (a) It doubles
(c) Type of dielectric medium (b) It remains the same
(d) Thickness of the plates (c) It is reduced by half
KPTCL JE 2015 (d) None of these
Ans. (d) : Capacitance C
d Ans. (c) :
= dielectric medium, A = Area,
d = Distance between plate
Capacitance (C) does not depends on thickness of plate.
164. A type of electrical battery which can be
charged, discharged into a load, and then According to ohm's law-
recharged many times is called ________ V = IR
(a) Rechargeable battery (b) Secondary battery 1
(c) Primary battery (d) Both (a) and (b) I
KPTCL JE 2015 If resistance is double current is half of the original
Ans. (d) : A type of electrical battery which can be value.
charged, discharged into a load and recharged many
times is called a rechargeable battery, storage battery or 170. Which of the following is a SI base unit?
secondary cell. (a) Inductance (Henry)
165. What is one ampere-hour equal to? (b) Magnetic flux (Weber)
(a) 3.6 A-s (b) 3600 A-s (c) Length (Meter)
(c) 60 A-s (d) None of these (d) None of these
Network Theory 39 YCT
Ans. (c) : SI base unit– 176. If 1 A current flows in a circuit, the number of
Length – Meter (m) electrons flowing through this circuit is
Mass – Kilogram(kg) (a) 0.625 × 1019 (b) 1.6 × 1019
Time – second(s) (c) 1.6 × 10 (d) 0.625 × 10–19
Electric current – ampere (A) GSSSB SI 08.04.2018
Temperature – Kelvin (K) UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
Amount of substance – mole (mol) DMRC JE 18.02.2017
Luminous intensity – Candela (cd) Ans. (a) : Given, Current (i) = 1A
There are seven base units. Charge (q) = 1C
171. Three identical resistors connected in star Charge on electron = 1.6 × 10–19
consume 5000 W. If the resistors are connected q = ne
in delta across the same supply, the power q it
consumed will be n =
(a) 10000 W (b) 5000 W e e
(c) 15000 W (d) 20000 W 1
n= 19
0.625 1019 q it
GSSSB SI 08.04.2018 1.6 10
Ans. (c) : PY = 5000 watt It means 6.25 × 1018 electrons flow through the cross
P = ? section of the wire to make possible the flow of 1C per
P = 3 PY second.
P = 3 × 5000 177. How many coulombs of charge flow through a
P = 15000 watt circuit carrying a current of 10 A in 1 minute?
172. Which of a the following are the passive (a) 10 (b) 60
elements? (c) 600 (d) 1200
(a) Resistor (b) Bulb GSSSB SI 08.04.2018
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above Ans. (c) :
GSSSB SI 08.04.2018 Given, i = 10A,
Ans. (c) : A passive element is an electrical component t = 1 min = 60 sec
that does not generate power, but instead dissipated, q = it
stores and/or releases it. Passive element include = 10 × 60
resistances, capacitor's and inductors. q = 600 C
173. Which of the quantity consists of unit as 178. Four capacitors each of 40 F are connected in
Pascal? parallel, the equivalent capacitance of the
(a) Temperature (b) Pressure system will be
(c) Force (d) Impulse (a) 160 F (b) 10 F
GSSSB SI 08.04.2018 (c) 40 F (d) 5 F
Ans. (b) : Pascal is the SI unit for pressure named after, GSSSB SI 08.04.2018
Blaise Pascal, French mathematician, force per unit area Ans. (a) : If four 40 F capacitors are connected in
is known as pressure. parallel-
174. Which of the following quantities consists of Ceq = C1 + C2 + C3 + C4
S.I. unit as Hertz? Ceq = 40 + 40 + 40 + 40
(a) Charge (b) Force Ceq = 160 F
(c) Frequency (d) Power
179. Power dissipation in ideal inductor is
GSSSB SI 08.04.2018
(a) Maximum (b) Minimum
Ans. (c) : Frequency defined as the number of cycles (c) Zero (d) A finite value
per second and discovered by German physicist GSSSB SI 08.04.2018
Heinrich Hertz.
The SI unit of frequency is Hertz. Ans. (c) : Power (P) = Vrms Irms cos
An ideal inductor is the one whose resistive component
175. Which one of the following units is a is zero.
fundamental unit? R
(a) Newton (b) Ampere For ideal inductor R = 0 cos 0
(c) Watt (d) Joule/sec Z
GSSSB SI 08.04.2018 P = Vrms Irms cos = 0
Ans. (b) : Quantities independent of other physical Power dissipated by an ideal inductor in ac circuit is
quantities are known as fundamental physical zero.
quantities. There are 7 fundamental physical quantities– 180. Which of the quantity consists of unit as
(i) Length (meter) Newton-second?
(ii) Mass (kilogram) (a) Impulse (b) Acceleration
(iii) Time (second) (c) Speed (d) Velocity
(iv) Electric current (ampere) GSSSB SI 08.04.2018
(v) Temperature (Kelvin) Ans. (a) : The SI unit of impulse is called Newton
(vi) Amount of substance (mole) second (N-S). Integral of force over a time is called
(vii) Luminous intensity (candela) impulse.
Network Theory 40 YCT
181. An electrical short circuit is characterized by: 186. For the given circuit shown, the current
(a) High resistance (b) Medium resistance supplied by the battery is :
(c) Zero resistance (d) Infinite resistance
DMRC JE 18.02.2017
Ans : (c) In an electric circuit the value of resistance in
short circuit is zero.
182. An electric bulb of rating 40W, 220V is used
for 10 hrs daily for 10 days. Energy consumed is : (a) 5A (b) 3A
(a) 3 kWh (b) 4 kWh (c) 1.2A (d) 2A
(c) 6 kWh (d) 5 kWh DMRC JE 18.02.2017
DMRC JE 18.02.2017 Ans : (a)
Ans : (b)
Watt hours day
1 Unit =
40 10 10
Energy consumed 4kWh
183. Electric charge of a body is a condition due to:
(a) Deficiency or excess of neutrons
(b) Deficiency of electrons
(c) Deficiency or excess of electrons
(d) Excess of electrons
DMRC JE 18.02.2017
Ans : (c) The reason for the charge on the body is 12 8
Equivalent resistance (Req) = = 4.8
deficiency or excess of electrons. An atom gets an 12 8
electric charge when it gains or loses electrons. In an
V 24
independent state an atom is neutral because the number Current supplied by battery (I)= = 5Amp
of electrons and protons are equal but the charge of Req 4.8
opposite nature. Due to equal and opposite charge 187. Calculate the power taken by each of the two
whole atom is neutral. resistors of value 100, connected in parallel
184. 1 Volt =______________. across 100V supply:
(a) 1 Joule/ 1 Coulomb (a) 1500W (b) 1.5 W
(b) 1 Watt/ 1 Ohm (c) 100 W (d) 2000 W
(c) 1 Joule / 1 Watt DMRC JE 18.02.2017
(d) 1 Watt / 1 Coulomb Ans : (c) Power taken by each resistor,
DMRC JE 18.02.2017 V2
Ans : (a) One volt is defined as the electric potential or R
(electric pressure) between two points of a conducting 100 100
wire when an electric current of one ampere dissipates P
one watt of power between those points.
P 100watt
Work done
e.m.f. = 188. For the circuit shown find I :
= Joule / coulomb
185. The average of all the instantaneous values of a (a) 3A (b) 0A
sinusoidal quantity over a cycle is: (c) 6A (d) 1A
(a) 0.707 times of its maximum value DMRC JE 18.02.2017
(b) Unity Ans : (c)
(c) Maximum
(d) Zero A
DMRC JE 18.02.2017 I1 B
I2 C
Ans : (d) The average of all the instantaneous values of
a sinusoidal quantity over a cycle is zero. Sinusoidal Apply KCL on point A
wave is symmetrical wave. Its positive cycle and
negative cycle is equal. Therefore the average value is Incoming current = outgoing current
only obtained by adding or integrating the average 2+1+3= I1
value of instantaneous values of half cycle. I1= 6 A
Network Theory 41 YCT
Apply KCL on point B Ans. (c) : Inductive reactance (XL) = 2f L
6+5 = I2+3 = 2×50×0.2
I2 = 11–3 = 62.83
=8A V 200
Apply KCL on point C I rms 3.18amp
X L 62.83
8 = I+2
195. A conductor provides a path for flow of current
I 6A
in circuit due to the property of:
189. The value of free electron density of copper (a) conductance (b) resistance
DMRC JE Electrical-2017 (c) inductance (d) reluctance
(a) 16 × 1028/m3 (b) 1.69 × 1019/m3 JUVNL JE-2017
28 3
(c) 8 × 10 /m (d) 8.5 × 1028/m3
Ans. (a) : Conductance (G) is reciprocal of resistance.
DMRC JE 18.02.2017
Conductance is the property of conductor. A conductor
Ans : (d) Free electron density of copper = 8.5 10 28 / m3 is a material which gives very little resistance to the
Resistivity of copper () = 1.72×10-8-m flow of an electric current. The unit of conductance is
190. The angular velocity of a sinusoidal voltage is: the Siemens.
(a) = 1 / T (b) = 2 / f l
(c) = T/f (d) = 2f R
DMRC JE 18.02.2017
1 A A
Ans : (d) The angular velocity of sinusoidal voltage G .
=2f radian/second l l
191. Permittivity of vacuum is: 196. What are the average and RMS values of half
(a) 9 × 109F/m (b) 8.854 × 10-12F/m wave rectified output if peak voltage is 5V?
(c) 4 × 10 F/m (d) 8.987× 10-9F/m (a) 1.59 V, 2.5 V (b) 3.18 V, 5 V
DMRC JE 18.02.2017 (c) 3.18 V, 2.5 V (d) 1.59 V, 5V
Ans : (b) Vacuum permittivity is denoted by 0 . And it JUVNL JE-2017
is given by– V 5
Ans. (a) : Half wave rectifier (Vrms ) m 2.5 V
0 8.85 1012 F / m 2 2
V 5
192. What is the charge of a stable atom? Vavg m 1.59 V
(a) uncharged
(b) positivity charged 197. If n electrons passes through a wire of area of
(c) negatively charged cross section a in time t, then:
(d) charged positive or negative t n
JUVNL JE-2017 (a) I (b) I
Ans. (a) : Atom is smaller particle of an element which ne te
takes part in chemical reaction. All substances are made ne t
(c) I (d) I
up of atoms. Each atom consists of the following t n
1. Nucleus 2. Electrons JUVNL JE-2017
The charge of a stable atom is uncharged.
Ans. (c) : q = it
193. The equivalent resistance between X1 and X2 is:
q ne
i Amp.
t t
198. Using Kirchhoff's current law, determine the
(a) 10 (b) greater than 10 value of 'I'
(c) zero (d) less than 10
Ans. (c) :
10 14
Current (I) =
10 / 7 5/ 7 3
I 5 / 2 5I
Current through 1 resistance =
1 5/ 2 7 (a) 1 Ampere (b) 0.5 Ampere
5 14 (c) 10 Ampere (d) 0.25 Ampere
10 / 3 Amp.
7 3 RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020
= 3.33 A Ans. (b) :
220. If a capacitor is charged by a square wave
current source, the voltage across the capacitor
(a) A square wave (b) triangular wave
(c) step function (d) zero
MIZORAM PSC (PHED) 2019, Paper-I Current through 1 resistor connected between B & E
Ans. (b) :. If a capacitor is charged by a square wave is-
current source, then voltage across the capacitor is By current division rule-
triangular wave.
1 I BE I
Vc (t) = i c (t)dt R BE R CD
Integration of square wave = triangular wave. 1
I BE 1 [I 1A]
221. What is the unit of electric current? 11
(a) Farad (b) Newton IBE = 0.5 A
(c) Ampere (d) Coulomb 225. In the circuit shown below, what will the power
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020 consumed in 2 Ω resistor connected across
RRB JE 01.09.2019, Shift-I A-B?
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
Ans. (c) : A SI unit of electric current is the ampere,
which is defined as flow of one coulomb of charge per
second or 6.25 × 1018 electrons per second.
222. What is the potential difference?
(a) It is the difference of potential between two (a) 16 Watt (b) 0 Watt
points in an electric circuit (c) 8 Watt (d) 32 Watt
(b) Difference of Current between the two points RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020
(c) Difference of Resistance between two points
Ans. (b) :
(d) Difference of Capacitance between two points
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020
Ans. (a) : We describe the external negative charge as
having a negative potential and the external positive
charge as having a positive potential. The difference
between these potential is called potential difference.
Network Theory 46 YCT
Apply nodal at point B- 228. Two bulbs of rating 60W, 250V and 100W,
i1 i 2 i 3 0 250V are connected in series across a supply of
V 6 V V 12 250V in a room. What will be the total power
0 dissipation in the circuit?
2 2 2 (a) 37.5 W (b) 60.0 W
V 6 V V 12 (c) 100.0 W (d) 160.0 W
2 NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee 2016
V=6 Ans. (a) :Two bulbs of rating one of 60W, 250V and
The potential difference at point A & B is same then the other of 100W, 250V connected in series to 250
current flow through A-B is zero.
Volt supply.
226. What is the frequency of the waveform shown
RT = R1 + R2
V2 V2
(a) 50 Hz (b) 100 Hz RT
P1 P2
(c) 25 Hz (d) 75 Hz
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020 RT 1 1
Ans. (c) : V 2 P1 P2
1 1 1
PT P1 P2
PT 1 2
P1 P2
100 60
Time period T 0.04 sec PT = 37.5W
100 60
1 229. A 100 turn coil has an inductance of 6 mH. If
Frequency f
T the number of turns is increased to 200, all
1 other quantities remaining the same, the
0.04 inductance will be:
100 (a) 24 mH (b) 12 mH
f (c) 3 mH (d) None of these
f = 25 Hz NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee 2016
227. A 100 watt 100V lamp is to be operated on Ans. (a) : Given, N1 = 100 L1 = 6mH
250V supply, the value of additional resistance N2 = 200 L2 = ?
to be connected in series will be: The expression of inductance is given by–
(a) 250 ohms (b) 100 ohms N2A
(c) 150 ohms (d) None of these L o r
NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee 2016
L1 N12
Ans. (c) : Given, Rating of lamp = 100 W, 100 V
Supply Voltage = 250 V L 2 N 22
6 100
L 2 200 2
6 200 200
100 100
Current flow in the circuit L2 = 24 mH
P = VI 230. RMS value of sinusoidal current is given by:
100 = 100 × I (a) 2 times maximum value of current
I = 1amp
Apply KVL in the circuit– 1
(b) times maximum value of current
250 – 100 – IR = 0 2
IR = 150 (c) 3 times maximum value of current
150 (d) 1.11 times maximum value of current
R= 150
1 NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee 2016
Network Theory 47 YCT
Ans. (b) : RMS value of sinusoidal current- 234. In the circuit shown below:
I rms
So, RMS current is times maximum value of (a) Device A is delivering 100 W while device B
2 is absorbing 100 W
current. (b) Both Devices A and B are delivering 100 W
231. The power drawn from the source in the circuit each
of the figure is: (c) Both Devices A and B are absorbing 100 W
(d) Device A is absorbing 100 W while device B
is delivering 100 W
NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee 2016
(a) Zero (b) 160 watts Ans. (a) :
(c) 240 watts (d) 250 watts When current is leaving the positive voltage
NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee 2016 terminal of the element or current is entering
Ans. (b) : Z = 40 – j 30 negative voltage terminal of the element then the
2 2 particular element is delivering power.
| Z | 40 30 1600 900 50 PA = VI = 10 × 10 = 100 Watt
V 100 Current is entering the positive voltage terminal of
I 2A the element or current is leaving negative voltage
Z 50 terminal of the element then the element is
P I 2 R 2 40 160W absorbing power.
PB = VI = 10 × 10 = 100 Watt
RMS Value
232. The ratio is the: 235. If 10 V is applied across a capacitor of 2 farads,
Average Value then the energy stored in the capacitor will be
(a) Peak value (b) Peak factor (a) 10 J (b) 20 J
(c) Mean value (d) Form factor (c) 100 J (d) 200 J
NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee 2016 NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee 2016
RMS Value Ans. (c) : Given that,
Ans. (d) : Form factor = V = 10 volt, C = 2 farad
Average Value
233. The equivalent resistance of the circuit is: Energy stored in capacitor CV 2
1 2
2 10 = 100 J
236. The value of current I in the following figure is:
(a) 5 V (b) 2 V
(c) 0.8 A (d) –0.8 A
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 27.10.2018
Ans. (d) :
Req = 2 + (4||2)
4 2 10
42 3
V 20 3
By ohm's law I1
R eq 10 Apply KVL in loop (2)
= 6A 2I 10 3 2 I 0
2 3 2 I 10 3 2 0
I 2 6 2A
6 5I + 10 -6 = 0
4 4 I = -4/5
I3 I1 6 4A
42 6 I = -0.8A
(a) 0 (b) 6
(c) 36 (d) 120
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
(a) 6.32 (b) 4.22 Ans : (a) Applying Nodal analysis
(c) 2.71 (d) 1.72
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans : (c)
V1 V1 V2
3 6
3V1 V2 12..........(i)
V2 V2 V1
R1, & R2 Connected in parallel. 1 6
10 10 100 7V2 V1 36...........(ii)
R1 || R 2 From equation (i) & (ii)
10 10 20
R1 || R 2 5 V1 6V
Similarly, V2 6V
20 20 400
R 3 || R 4 V V2 6 6
20 20 40 i 1 0Amp.
R 6
R 3 || R 4 10 P = V×I= 0 Watt
Network Theory 54 YCT
274. What will be the peak value of voltage (in V) of 278. Determine the value of reactive power (in
a voltage waveform, when the root mean VAR) of a circuit having power factor of 0.6
square value of the voltage is 30 V? when the apparent power of the circuit is 120 VA.
(a) 42.42 (b) 41.14 (a) 75 (b) 78
(c) 40.24 (d) 40.62 (c) 84 (d) 96
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans : (a) Given – SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-II
Value of r.m.s = 30 volt. Ans : (d) Given –
cos = 0.6
Peak value of voltage = value of r.m.s 2 Apparent power (S) =120 VA
Vmax 30 2 Reactive power = ?
Vmax 30 1.414 Active power = cos Apparent power
= 0.6120
Vmax 42.42 Volt P =72 W
275. What will be the frequency (in Hz) of a
sinusoidal wave, when the time-period of the
wave is 2ms?
(a) 400 (b) 500
(c) 600 (d) 800
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
Now S P2 Q2
Ans : (b) Time– period = 210-3 second
1 1 Q S2 P 2
Time period 2 103 Q (120) 2 (72)2
10 Q 14400 5184 9216
2 Q 96 VAR
frequency 500Hz
279. Find the net capacitance of the combination in
276. What will the peak value of alternating voltage which ten capacitors of 10 F are connected in
(in V) when the average value of the voltage is parallel.
140 V (a) 1 F (b) 0.1 F
(a) 216 (b) 214 (c) 50 F (d) 100F
(c) 220 (d) 240 SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-I
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II SSC JE 2010
Ans : (c) Given – Ans. (d) : For capacitor connected in parallel
Average value = 140 V Ceq = C1+C2+C3............... Cn
Average 140 Ceq = 10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10
Peak value 219.78 = 100F
0.637 0.637
280. A coil is wound with 50 turns and a current 8 A
Peak value 220 V produces a flux of 200 Wb. Calculate
277. Determine the capacitive reactance (in Ohms) inductance of the coil.
of a circuit, if the supplied frequency is 50 Hz (a) 1.25 mH (b) 0.125 mH
and the capacitance of the circuit is 60 micro- (c) 0.25 mH (d) 2.5 mH
Farad. SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-I
(a) 52.4 (b) 53.1 N
Ans. (a) : Inductance of coil 'L'
(c) 54.4 (d) 55.5 I
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I where flux 200 Wb
Ans : (b) Given – N No.of turn 50
frequency = 50Hz I current = 8A
Capacitance = 6010-6 farad.
200 106 50
1 L
Capacitive reactance XC 8
L 1.25mH
XC 281. The average value of a sinusoidal waves is-
2 3.14 50 60 106 (a) 0.637 × maximum value
106 (b) 0.5 × maximum value
XC (c) 2 × maximum value
314 60
X C 53.07 (d) 2× maximum value
SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-I
53.1 SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 55 YCT
Ans. (a) : If the instantaneous voltage and current of a Ans. (a) : Inductive susceptance is given by
sinusoidal is given by V= Vm sin or I= Im sin 1
= B 1 = Mho
1 XL
then Vav Vm sin d
0 Mho is the unit of both inductive and capacitive
cos 0 285. Two bulbs of rating 230V, 60 W and 230 V, 100
W are connected in parallel across supply
2Vm mains. Identify the correct statement.
0.637Vm (a) The 100 W bulb will glow brighter
(b) Neither bulb will glow
Where, Vm= maximum value. (c) Both will glow equally bright
2 Im (d) The 60 W bulb will glow brighter
UKSSSC JE 10.01.2021
Iavg 0.637 I m SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-I
The average value of the sinusoidal wave (current, Ans. (a) : For parallel connections of bulbs, higher
rating of bulbs will glow brighter as compare to low
voltage) is 0.637 times of maximum value.
rating because of lower resistance and for series
282. When only current source is active in the connection lower rating bulb glows brighter.
circuit, find the current through the 10 286. With the current direction marked in the
resistor? circuit shown, the net voltage applied is-
I2 1.5A X C2 50
(a) 1V (b) 2V
Voltage at point C with respect to ground-
(c) 3V (d) 4V
VC = 0.8 × 50
= 40 Volt SSC JE 2008
309. Which of the following is non-linear circuit Ans. : (c)
parameter ?
(a) Condenser (b) Wire wound resistor
(c) Transistor (d) Inductance
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
Ans: (c) A transistor is an active device which shows
non-linear characteristics.
Applying nodal analysis at VA.
310. Two electric bulbs have tungsten filament of
same thickness . If one of them give 60 W and V V 3
3 A A
the other gives 100 W, then: 1 1
(a) 100 W lamp filament has longer length 2VA + 3 = 3
(b) 60 W lamp filament has longer length VA 0
(c) 60W and 100W lamp filaments have equal length
(d) 60W lamp filament has shorter length So, current is–
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I V 3 03
I A 3A
Ans: (b) The thickness of two bulbs are same. 1 1
For same voltage V- V = I R
1 V 3 1
Resistance of bulb P and R V 3V
314. For the circuit shown below, voltage V1 will be-
Thus 60W bulb has more resistance than 100 W Bulb,
so that 60 W bulb has longer length.
311. Two 100 W, 200 V lamps are connected in series
across a 200 V supply. The total power
consumed by each lamp will be watts.
(a) 50 (b) 100
(c) 200 (d) 25 (a) 2.64 V (b) 3.64 V
JPSC AE 10.04.2021, GSSSB SI 08.04.2018 (c) 6.0 V (d) 9.1 V
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I, SSC JE 2008 SSC JE 2007
Network Theory 60 YCT
Ans. : (c) Ans. : (a) Let
for first Lamp
P1 1
V12 220 220
Take V1 and V2 voltage at node A and B respectively or R1 484
P1 100
Applying nodal analysis at node A and B
And for 2nd lamp
At node A,
V1 V2 V1 V2
10 P2 2
2 1 R2
V1 V2 2V1 V 2 110 110
10 or R2 2 121
2 P2 100
3V1 V2 20 ............................................(i) R 484
At node B Ratio of R1 & R2 1 4
R 2 121
V2 V1 V2 V2
5 0 318. A wire has a resistance 10. It is stretched by
2 4 4
one-tenth of its original length. Then its
2V2 2V1 V2 V2 20
0 resistance will be–
4 (a) 10 (b) 12.1
2V1 4V2 20 0 (c) 9 (d) 11
2V1 4V2 20 ....................................(ii) SSC JE 2010
By equation (i) and (ii) Ans. : (b) Given that
V1 = 6V R1 = 10
315. The effective value of voltage given by Where,
V = 100 + 25 sin 3t + 10 sin 5t will be- R1 = 1 ................(i)
(a) 1000 V (b) 101.8 V A1
(c) 1.01 V (d) 135 V
SSC JE 2012, 2007 R2= 2 ................(ii)
Ans. : (b) Given, According to question-
V = 100 + 25 sin 3t + 10 sin 5 t
The effective value of voltage is, 2 1 1
2 2
10 10
2 25 10 11
Vrms 100 or 2
2 2 1 10
Vrms = 101.79 V also 1A1 2 A 2 ...............(iv)
Vrms 101.8 V
316. The voltage v and current i of a device are- 2 A1 11
v = 100 sin 377t, i = 10 sin (377t + 300) 1 A 2 10
The power P indicated by wattmeter will be- R1 1 A 2 10 10
(a) 100 W (b) 774 W then
R 2 2 A1 1111
(c) 500 W (d) 433 W
SSC JE 2007 R1 100
Ans. : (d) The power indicated by the wattmeter = R 2 121
Average active power or R2 = 1.21 R1
Average active power = Vrms .I rms cos30 0 or R2 = 1.21 ×10 = 12.1
319. Potential difference is measured in ………..
100 10 3 (a) Watt (b) Joule
2 2 2 (c) Volts (d) Ampere
433Watt SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
317. The ratio of resistances of a 100 W, 220 V lamp Ans. (c) : Potential difference is measured in volt
to that of a 100 W, 110 V lamp will be at whereas power is measured in watt and energy is
respective voltages– measured in Joule and current is measured in Ampere.
(a) 4 (b) 2 Potential difference is the difference in the amount of
(c) 1/2 (d) 1/4 energy that charge carries having between two points in
SSC JE 2010 a circuit. It is also called voltage.
Network Theory 61 YCT
320. Which of the following statement is TRUE 323. What will be the value of equivalent
about the resistance of a conductor? capacitance, if three capacitors having
(a) Resistance of a conductor does not depend capacitance C are connected in series?
upon the length (a) 3C (b) C/3
(b) Resistance of a conductor does not depend (c) 6C (d) C/6
upon the material SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II
(c) Resistance of a conductor does not depend SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I
upon the temperature SSC JE 02.03.2017, Shift-II
(d) Resistance of a conductor does not depend Ans. (b) : If three capacitance of value 'C' are connected
upon the pressure in series, their equivalent capacitance is given by this
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II equation:-
Ans. (d) : The resistance of a conductor does not 1 1 1 1
depend upon pressure. It depends on the length, material
Ceq C1 C2 C3
of conductor and temperature. The resistance of
conductor depends on following factors:- Since, C1 = C2 = C3 = C
Length of conductor 1 1 1 1
A = Cross sectional area of conductor Ceq C C C
Ro = Resistance at 00C
1 3 C
Rt = Resistance at t-temperature Therefore C eq Farad
The relation between resistance and temperature of a Ceq C 3
conductor is shown:- 324. Determine the resistance (in ohms) of a 14m
R t R 0 1 0 t t change in temperature) long circular wire when the diameter and the
conductivity of the wire are 0.6 m and 12
321. In series combination of resistance, the current mho/meter respectively.
through each resistance is ……. (a) 1.79 (b) 2.84
(a) higher in largest resistance (c) 3.64 (d) 4.17
(b) lower in largest resistance SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
(c) same in each resistance Ans. (d) : Given Data:-
(d) higher in smaller resistance Length of wire (l) = 14m
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II Diameter of wire (d) = 0.6m
Ans. (c) : In series combination of resistances, the d 2 0.36
Cross sectional Area (A) = 0.09
current through each resistance is same whereas the 4 4
current through each resistance is different in parallel Conductivity of conductor ( ) = 12 mho/meter
combination of resistances. The voltage across the 1
circuit in series combination is the sum of the individual Since, Conductivity
Resistivity ()
voltage drop across each component.
322. Determine the conductance (in Mho) of a 1 1
12 ,
conductor, when the value of current that 12
flows through the conductor is 2A and the Therefore resistance of conductor-
potential difference between the ends of the
conductor is 40 V. R 2
(a) 0.04 (b) 0.05 12 d / 4
(c) 0.62 (d) 0.24 1 14 14
R= = 4.128
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II 12 0.09 12 0.09 3.14
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I R 4.17ohm
Ans. (b) :
325. What will be the colour–coding of a resistor
It is given; Current in conductor (I) = 2 A
when the resistance of the resistor is 50 2%
Potential difference (V) = 40 Volts
I (a) Green–Black–Brown–Red
We know that, Conductance G
V (b) Green–Black–Black–Brown
(c) Yellow–Brown–Black–Red
2 1
G (d) Green–Black–Black–Red
40 20 SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
G 0.05mho SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
SSC JE 2015
Network Theory 62 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ans. (a) : It is given:-
(Colour) (Value) Multiplier Tolerance % Resistance (R) = 10
Black 0 100(1) 0 Current (I) = 1 A
Brown 1 101 1 Time (t) = 5 sec.
Red 2 102 2 2
So Dissipated Heat (H) = I Rt
Orange 3 103 –
H= (1)2×10×5
Yellow 4 104 –
Green 5 105 0.5 H = 1×10×5
Blue 6 106 0.25 H 50 Joule
Violet 7 107 0.1
328. Determine the voltage (in V) between point A
Gray 8 108 –
and B for the given electrical circuit:
White 9 109 –
Gold – 10–1 5
Silver – 10–2 10
Green 5 Black 0 Red 2%
R = 50 ×100 2% = 50 2%
Ans- Green- Black-Black-Red
326. What will be the value of current (in A) drawn (a) 40 (b) 20
from a 4V battery when a wire of 20 ohms (c) 60 (d) 30
resistance is stretched to double its original SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
length and then cut into two equal parts and Ans. (b) : Circuit Diagram is shown Below:-
these equal parts are connected in parallel with
the battery?
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 0.2 (d) 0.4
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (c) : 1st condition :
It is given, voltage (V) = 4V
Nodal analysis at point B’-
Resistance of wire (R) = 20
4 4
VB’ = 10V
Voltage drop between point A and B
2 Condition : Stretching the resistance it's length is VAB 2 5 VB'
R1 × R 2 40× 40
R eq = = = 20Ω
R1 + R 2 40 + 40
(a) 264 (b) 246
Formula : I (c) 268 (d) 288
R eq SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
4 Ans. (d) : Given that,
I Voltage (V) = 24 volt
I 0.2A
327. Determine the heat dissipated (in Joule)
through a conductor of 10 ohms resistance,
when 1 A of current is flowing through the
conductor for 5 seconds.
(a) 50 (b) 40
(c) 20 (d) 60
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
Network Theory 63 YCT
The given circuit is balanced bridge so there will be no 331. The maximum voltage induced in the coil is
current in middle part, thus neglecting the middle 200V and the rotation angle of the coil is 45
branch finally we get the equivalent circuit as given degrees with respect to the coil. Find the
below- instantaneous value of the sinusoidal waveform
produced :
(a) 200 sin450 (b) 200 cos 450
200 200
(c) sin 450 (d) cos 450
2 2
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
Req = (2 + 2) || (2+2) Ans. (a) : Given that:-
4 4 4 4 16 Maximum Voltage (Vm)=200 V
44 8 8 Rotation angle = 450
The instantaneous value of sinusoidal waveform is
V2 given by:-
So, The power (P)
R V Vm sin t or V Vm sin
P V = 200 sin 450
24 24 332. For a pure sinusoidal waveform the form
P factor and crest factor are ....... and ......
2 respectively :
P 288watt (a) 1.414, 1.11 (b) 1.11, 1.414
330. What will be the value of current (in A) (c) 11.1, 14.14 (d) 14.14, 11.1
through R3 resistor, if a source of 3 V with SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
internal resistance 3 is connected at P–Q Root mean square value
terminals with positive terminal at P? Ans. (b) : Form factor=
Average value
For sinusoidal alternating current:-
I m / 2 0.707 I m
(Form factor) K f 1.11
2I m / 0.636 I m
K f 1.11
(a) 1.2 (b) 1.6
(c) 2.2 (d) 2.6 For sinusoidal alternating current. The value of crest
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II factor:-
Ans : (b) Apply 3 volts across Terminals P and Q, Crest Factor (Kp)=
whose internal resistance is 3, We get the following Maximum Value I
m 2
circuit- Root mean square value I m / 2
K p 1.414
333. A sinusoidal voltage applied across a series R–
C circuit is given by 40 sint V. The current
Applying Nodal Analysis in the circuit shown in second flowing in the circuit is 20sin(t – 450) A.
figure- Determine the value of average power (in W).
(a) 282.84 (b) 286.64
(c) 288.04 (d) 292.24
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (a) : It is given, Voltage (V) = 40 sin t
V 18 V V 3 current (I) = 20 sin (t – 450)
0 Phase difference = t t 450 = 450
33 3 3
V 18 V V 3 average power Pavg VI cos
6 3 3
V 18 2V 2V 6 0 40 20
Pavg cos 450
5V-24=0 2 2
5V=24 800 1 800 400
V= 4.8 Volt
2 2 2 2 1.414 1.414
V 4.8
Current through 3 is (I) = 1.6Ampere Pavg 282.84Watt
R 3
Network Theory 64 YCT
334. The conductivity of aluminium as compared to 338. What is the conductivity (in Mho/m) of a 2
copper is : Ohm circular wire, when the length and the
(a) 1 (b) 0.7 diameter of the wire are 10 m and 0.8 m
(c) 0.6 (d) 0.5 respectively?
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II (a) 10 (b) 1
(c) 0.1 (d) 5
Ans. (c) : The conductivity of Aluminium is lesser than SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
that of copper and resistivity of Aluminium is high as
Ans. (a) : It is given, diameter (d) 0.8m,
compared to copper. The conductivity of Aluminium as
compare to Cu is 0.6. Pure Aluminium has thermal d 0.8
Radius (r)= 0.4 m
conductivity of about 235 watt per kelvin per meter. 2 2
Aluminium alloys can have much lower conductivities. Resistance (R) 2, 10m
335. At what level of current flow during electric We know that,
shock death is possible :
(a) 1 to 8 milli amp (b) 50 to 100 milli amp R
(c) 10 to 20 milli amp (d) 20 to 50 milli amp A
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II A r 2 0.4 0.16, Resistivity ?
Ans. (b) : 50 to 100 milli Ampere current flow during
electric shock causes to death. Ventricular fibrillation is RA 2 0.16 2 0.16 3.14
the most common cause of death in electric shock. An 10 10
electric shock may cause burn or it may leave no visible 1.0048
mark on the skin. Under certain circumstances, even a 0.10048 m
small amount of electricity can be fatal.
336. When in dry condition human body resistance so, conductivity
is around : Resistivity()
(a) 100K (b) 10K 1
9.952mho / m
(c) 1K (d) zero 0.10048
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II 10 mho / m
Ans. (a) : The NIOSH (National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health) states "Under dry 339. 'Erg' is a unit of measurement for ………
conditions, the resistance offered by human body may (a) Energy (b) Power
(c) Voltage (d) Impedance
be as high as 100000 (100k). Wet or broken skin may
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
drop the body's resistance to 1000 ohm adding that high
voltage electrical energy quickly breaks down human Ans. (a) : Erg is a unit of measurement for 'energy'.
skin reducing human body resistance to 500. Generally joule is the S.I. unit of energy and Erg is the
C.G.S. (centimeter gram second) unit of energy. Energy
337. There are N resistances, each are connected in is a scalar quantity. The ability to do work is known as
parallel having value R with equivalent energy.
resistance of X. What will be the total resistance 1 Joule = 107 Erg
when these N resistances are connected in series?
(a) NX (b) RNX 340. What is the equivalent inductance (in H)
between the terminals A and B in the circuit
(c) (d) N2X given below?
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans. (d) : for parallel combination of resistances
1 1 1 1
R eq R1 R 2 R n
According to question (a) 1 (b) 1.42
1 1 1 1 1 N (c) 3.2 (d) 7
....... SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
X R R Rn X R
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I
R = NX ...........(i)
Ans. (c) : 1 H, 1H and 1H are in series
for series combination of resistances So, L1 = 1H + 1H + 1H = 3H
R eq R1 R 2 R 3 .........R n Again 1H and 1H are in series
R e q R R R............ R L2 = 1H + 1H = 2H
Now L1 and L2 are in parallel
Req = NR .........(ii) 1 1 1 1 1 5
from equ. (i) and (ii)
L3 L1 L 2 3 2 6
R eq N N X L3 = 6/5 =1.2 H
R eq N X2 Therefore L3, 1H and 1H inductance are in series.
Leq = 1H +1H + L3 = 1+1+1.2 = 3.2 H
Network Theory 65 YCT
341. Which of the following quantity will remain the Ans. (c) : Applying current divider rule in the above
same, when a layer of Teflon is inserted given circuit.
between the plates of a charged parallel plate
capacitor? 4
So current in 10 = Total current
(a) Capacitance (b) Charge Total resistance
(c) Energy of the capacitor (d) Potential
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I (Total resistance = ( 10 + 4 + 6) = 20)
Ans. (b) : There will not be any change in charge when Total current = 6 Amp
a layer of Teflon is inserted between the plates of 6 4 6
So, current in 10 = A
charge plate capacitor. 20 5
A 6
since. C 0 Therefore voltage in 10 (V10)= I10×R 10
d 5
q V10 = 12Volt
and C
V 345. Determine the power dissipated (in W) by the
where, q = charge 25 resistor in the circuit given below:
V= potential
C= capacitance
D= Distance between two plates
0 = Permittivity of vacuum
In this questions, we can see that charge is independent
of permittivity of vacuum and material.
342. Which of the following is NOT a type of
(a) Ceramic (b) Electrolytic (a) 0 (b) 25
(c) Film (d) Wire wound (c) 125 (d) 156.25
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans. (d) : Ceramic, Film and electrolytic are different
types of a capacitor, through wire wound is a type of Ans. (a) : It is given,
resistor. Wire wound resistance is an electrically
inactive element. Manganin or nichrome wire is used to
wound over core material of ceramic or glass to
construct wire wound resistors. It's power rating is high.
It is often used in high power resistor application.
applying KCL at node (1)
343. Kirchhoff's voltage law is based on which of
the following principle? V V2 V1
5 1
(a) Conservation of charge 25 10
(b) Conservation of energy 250 2V1 2V2 5V1
(c) Conservation of force
(d) Conservation of momentum 250 7V1 2V2 .............(i)
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I applying KCL at node (2)
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-II
BSNL TTA 25.09.2016, Shift-I V2 V1 V2
UPRVUNL 21.09.2015 25 5
Ans. (b) : Kirchhoff's voltage law is based on law of V2 V1 5V2 250
conservation of energy and Kirchhoff's current law is
based on law of conservation of charge. According to 6V2 V1 250 ............(ii)
Kirchhoff's voltage law, in any closed loop, the from equation (i) and (ii)
algebraic sum of all electromotive force is equal to zero. we get V 50 V
E iR 0 V2 50V
344. What is the value of an unknown voltage 'V' V1 V2
(in V) across the terminal A and B, in the So current flowing in 25 resistance I
circuit given below? 25
50 50
I =0
I 0
(a) 6 (b) 10 Power P i 2 R 0 25
(c) 12 (d) 16 P0
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 66 YCT
346. Determine the total current 'l' (in A) supplied Dimension of work
by the voltage source in the circuit given below:
MLT 2 L ML2 T 2 2
The ability to work is known as energy.
349. One unit of electrical energy equals :
(a) 1 kWh (b) 1 Wh
(c) 10 Wh (d) 100 Wh
(a) 3 (b) 4 RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020
(c) 5 (d) 6 SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I PGCIL Diploma Trainee 13.09.2018
Ans. (c) : It is given, SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans. (a) : One unit of energy is equal to 1 kWh.
1 Unit = 1kWh
1 unit = 1 kW×1 hour
1 unit = 1000 watt ×3600 seconds
1 unit = 3.6×106 watt second
1 unit = 3.6 × 106 Joule
since the given circuit is balanced bridge so there will 350. Insulation resistance is expressed by :
be zero current in middle branch. So the total resistance (a) ohm (b) milliohm
of circuit after neglecting the middle branch is- (c) mega ohm (d) micro ohm
R eq 3 3 || 3 3 SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
66 Ans. (c) : Insulation resistance is expressed in mega
Req 3 ohm. The insulation resistance is measured with help of
Current in the circuit- megger. The insulation resistance is the resistance of
wires, cables and electrical equipments.
I ( V 15volt) 351. Who invented the electric bulb?
R eq (a) Tesla (b) Marconi
15 (c) Edison (d) Benjamin
I I 5A SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
347. Determine the peak value (in A) of the current Ans. (c) : Thomas Alva Edison invented electric bulb.
used by a motor rated at 220 V, 30A. In 1879. He filed a patent for an electric bulb with a
(a) 21.2 (b) 30 carbon filament. The filament is enclosed in a bulb to
(c) 42.4 (d) 51.9 protect the filament from oxidation. Current is supplied
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I to the filament by terminals. Usually filament is made
Ans. (c) : Given that, V = 220 volts of tungsten. It's melting point is 34000C.
(Root mean square current) Irms = 30 352. How much time (in sec) will be taken by 40 C
of charge to pass through a point in a circuit, if
So, The maximum value of current I m Irms 2
a current of 8 A flows through it?
I m 30 2 30 1.414 (a) 2 (b) 3
Im = 42.4 A (c) 4 (d) 5
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I
348. Which one of the following is the dimension of
energy? Ans : (d) Given data –
2 2 Charge (q) = 40 Coulomb
(a) (b) electric current (i) = 8 amp
T3 T2 time (t) = ?
T2 ML2 From q = it.
(c) (d)
ML2 QT 2 40
Time (t) = = 5 second
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I 8
Ans. (b) : Force (F) = Mass (m) Acceleration (a) 353. Three electric lamps of 70 W each are
Dimension of Mass = [M] connected in parallel across AC mains. What is
Dimension of Acceleration= [LT-2] the total power consumed (in W) by the
Dimension of force M LT MLT
parallel combination?
(a) 70 (b) 140
Since, [Work = force ×Displacement] (c) 210 (d) 380
Dimension of Displacement = [L] SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 67 YCT
Ans : (c) Given data– 357. Determine the potential difference (in V)
Three electric lamps of 70 watt each connected in between nodes B and D.
parallel then total power consumed in parallel circuit-
Peq = P1 + P2 + P3
Peq = 70 + 70 + 70
Peq 210 watt
354. The dimensions of a cuboidal metal strip are a
= 5 cm, b = 15 cm and c = 10 cm. What is the
ratio of resistances Ra : Rb : Rc between the (a) –5 (b) 5
respective pairs of opposite faces? (c) –6 (d) 6
(a) 1 : 3 : 5 (b) 1 : 3 : 2 SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I
(c) 1 : 9 : 4 (d) 1 : 9 : 16
Ans : (c)
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans : (c) R a
When the length is a, then cross section area is b×c for
cuboidal strip-
a 5 1
Ra Ra
bc 150 30
In the given circuit, point A and C are parallel and path
b 15 3
Rb Rb ADC, ABC have same resistance (9 ). Resistance of
ac 50 10 path ADC = 5 + 4 = 9
c Resistance of path ABC = 4 + 5 = 9
and Rc
ba 12
So current flowing in branch, ADC and ABC is
10 2 2
75 15 = 6 Amp
1 3 2 Voltage across point AD = IR = 6A×4
Ra : R b : Rc : :
30 10 15 = 24 volt
R a : R b : R c 1: 9 : 4 Voltage across point AB = I R
= 6 5 = 30 volt
355. In which combination, the electrical appliances Potential difference between B and D,
are connected at home?
(a) Series (b) Parallel VD VC 30V .............(i)
(c) Series–parallel (d) None of these VB VC 24V .............(ii)
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I Subtracting from equation (i) to (i)
Ans : (b) The electrical appliances are connected
parallel at home because voltage drop are same in VD VC VB VC 30 24
parallel combination and all the equipments receives VD VB 6
voltages according to their voltage rating. Street light is
also connected in parallel. VDB = 6
356. How many nodes and junctions are present VBD = –6V
respectively in the circuit shown below? 358. The open circuit voltage across the load
terminals is 30 V. The terminal voltage drops
to 20 V, when the load of 15 ohms is connected
across the open circuited terminals. What is the
internal resistance (in ohms) of the source?
(a) 5.5 (b) 6
(c) 7 (d) 7.5
(a) 5, 2 (b) 5, 5 SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I
(c) 2, 2 (d) 2, 5
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I Ans : (d) Load terminal voltage equals to source
terminal voltage in case of open circuit,
Ans : (a) There are five nodes (A, B, C, D, E or F ) and
two junctions (B, E) in the given circuit, because So, VS VL 30V
junction is a meeting point of three or more than three
branches. When, number of nodes or parallel path is
more in any circuit, KCL law prefers and when number
of parallel path is minimum, the KVL is used to solve
there questions.
Network Theory 68 YCT
When adding 15 resistance, 361. The equivalent resistance between terminals X
V 20 4 and Y of the network shown is
I Amp
R 15 3
A 2T 2
C 2 2
(a) 0 (b) 12.74 ML T
(c) 14.14 (d) 18.02
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II A 2T 4
Vm ML2
Ans : (c) Vrms Where Vm = 20 Volt
390. The value of current I flowing in the 1 resistor
20 20 in the circuit shown in the figure below will be :
2 1.414
388. What is the peak-to-peak value of a sinusoidal
voltage (in V) having average value of 100 V?
(a) 141.44 (b) 159.98
(c) 282.88 (d) 313.97 (a) 10A (b) 6A
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II (c) 5A (d) Zero
Ans : (d) SSC JE 2009
Ans. : (c)
(a) 24 (b) 4
(c) 10 (d) 14
SSC JE 2013
Ans: (d) Let internal resistance of source is r.
e i (10 + r) = V ........ (i)
from curve when i = 0
e = v = 100
410. One B.O.T. unit is from equation (i)
(a) 1000 kWh (b) 10 kWh 100 i (10+r) = V ........ (ii)
(c) 1 kWh (d) 0.1 kWh
SSC JE 2013
Ans: (c) Board of Trade Unit (B.O.T.) - a unit of
energy equal to the work done by a power of 1000
watts operating for one hour.
1 kWh = 1 B.O.T. Unit from graph V-i relation
411. An electric heater draws 1000 watts from a 250 88 100
V source. The power drawn from a 200 V
V 100 = i 0
0 0.5
source is
V = 24i + 100 ....... (iii)
(a) 800 W (b) 640 W
from equation (ii) and (iii)
(c) 1000 W (d) 1562.5 W
24 = 10 + r
SSC JE 2013
r = 14
Ans: (b) P1 = 1000, V1 = 250, V2 = 200V
413.A voltage source having an open-circuit voltage
V2 of 150 V and internal resistance of 75 , is
R equivalent to a current source of
P1 V12 (a) 2 A in series with 75
P2 V2 (b) 2 A in parallel with 37.5
2 (c) 2A in parallel with 75
1000 250 (d) 1 A in parallel with 150
P2 200 SSC JE 2013
P2 = 640 W Ans: (c) Voc = 150 V
412. Ri = 75
using source transformation
Isc = oc = 2A
R eq
Resistance will be same
Req = 75
(a) 7 A (b) 4 A
(c) 3 A (d) 2 A
Ans. (d) : When, IS = 0
I = 1A
I 1 V 2V
When, IS = 2 A
(a) 10 A (b) 12 A
(c) 14 A (d) 16A
Equivalent inductance in parallel connection :–
1 1 1 1 1
Ans. (b) :
Leq L L L L
1 4
Leq L
Leq L / 4
437. Determine the conductance (in Siemens) of a
Applying KVL in the loop conductor, when the potential difference
24 I 2Vb 3I 4I 0 between the ends of the conductor is 30 V and
the current flowing through the conductor is 3 A.
8I–6I = 24 Vb 3I
(a) 0.1 (b) 1.1
2I = 24 (c) 2.4 (d) 4.2
I = 12A SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 82 YCT
Ans : (a) We know that :– Formula :– R t R o (1 o t)
Formula: V IR R40o = 10(1 + 40 0.04)
it is given, potential difference = 30V, current = 3 amp = 10 (1 + 1.6) = 10 2.6 = 26
V 30 R 26
R 10 ohm 40o
I 3
441. Consider the following circuit.
1 1
G = = = 0.1Siemens
R 10
Here [R = Resistance]
438. How much power (in W) will be dissipated by a
10 ohms resistor, when the current through the
resistor is 3 A? What is the value of current I in the 5
(a) 30 (b) 40 resistor in the above circuit?
(c) 60 (d) 90 (a) 0 A (b) 2 A
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I (c) 3 A (d) 4 A
Ans : (d) It is given, I = 3 Amp ESE-2004
R = 10 Ans. (a) :
Power loss = I2 R
Power loss = (3)2 10 = 90 W
439. The value of resistance 'R' shown in the given
figure is
V1 V2 V1 V1 5
2 2 4
2V1 V2 V1 5
2 4
4V1 2V2 V1 5
(a) 3.5 (b) 2.5 0
(c) 1 (d) 4.5 4
5V1 – 2 V2 = 5 …..(i)
V2 V1 V2 5
Ans. (a) : 1 0
2 5
5V2 5V1 2V2 10
7V2 – 5V1 = 20 …..(ii)
5V1 = 7V2 – 20
Applying nodal From equation (i) and (ii)
7V2 – 20 – 2V2 = 5
V 50 V 5V2 = 25
6 7 V2 = 5
V 14 Volt I in 5 resistance-
Voltage across resistor R V 5 55
I 2 0A
14 = 4×R 5 5
R = 3.5 442. Determine the energy stored (in J) by a 5 H
440. Determine the value of resistance (in Ohms) of inductor, when the current flowing through the
a resistor at 40 degree Celsius, when the inductor is 6 A.
resistor has a resistance of 10 Ohms at 0 degree (a) 94 (b) 90 (c) 60 (d) 40
Celsius and the temperature coefficient at 0 SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I
degree Celsius is 0.04. Ans : (b) It is given,
(a) 20 (b) 23 I = 6 Amp, L=5H
(c) 24 (d) 26 1
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I Stored Energy : E LI 2
Ans : (d) From the given Data :–
1 2
Resistance at 0oC (Ro) = 10 E 6 5
Temperature coefficient o 0.04
Rt = (R40) = ?
E 90 Joule
t = t2 – t1 = 40oC – 0oC=40oC
Network Theory 83 YCT
443. Determine the equivalent resistance (in Ohms)
for the circuit given below
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 9 ESE-2002
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I Ans. (c) :
Ans : (b) Req resistance Ra and Rb of 1 respectively
are in parallel Req the equivalent resistance.
Apply KVL
The terminal voltage (V) =2i+5
1 1 Above equation compare with y mx c
R eq
11 Slope (m) =2, constant (c) = +5
1 So,
R eq 0.5
R eq 2 1.96 3.96
R eq 4
444. The figure shows a network in which the diode
is an ideal one.
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans : (a) According to Kirchhoff's current law in given
question figure, we know that
the terminal v-i characteristics of the network [Current in inward direction = current in outward
is given by direction]
Network Theory 84 YCT
I1 + I 2 = I3 + I4 + I5 Ans. (a) : Non-linear- The circuit which does not
follow the homogeneity and superposition principle are
I1 = 3A, I2 = 4A, I3 = ?, I4 = 5A, I5 = 1A called non-linear circuit.
Putting their values in above equation : – Active circuit- The circuit which have active source
3 + 4 = I3 + 5 + 1 and element are called active circuit.
I3 + 6 = 7 Non- bilateral-The circuit which changes the behaviour
I3 1Amp when the polarity of source is change called non-
447. In the network shown below, what is the bilateral circuit.
current I in the direction shown?
2 and 2 are in parallel Req. = 1
(a) 4 (b) 3
(c) 2 (d) 1
SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans : (c)
By voltage division Rule :–
R V Here V1 = voltage across R1 (a) 0.54 (b) 1
V1 1 (c) 2 (d) 0.38
R eq R eq = equivalent Resistance
SSC JE 29.01.2018, Shift-I
Req = 20 + 10 + 40 + 10 = 80 Ans. (d) :
V = 60 Volt, voltage across 40
40 V
R eq
40 60
80 Apply nodal analysis at node A -
V3 30 volt VA 2 VA 4 VA 8 VA
499. What will be the value of current (in A) 4 2 6 10
through 4 Ohms resistance for the given circuit 1 1 1 1 1 4
diagram? VA 2 0
4 2 6 10 2 3
61 23
60 6
VA = 3.77 V
V 3.77
(a) 8.9 (b) 7.2 I A
(c) 3.5 (d) 6.3 RL 10
SSC JE 29.01.2018, Shift-I I = 0.377 A 0.38A
Network Theory 94 YCT
501. What will be the peak value (in A) of the Ans. (c) : It is given :– Time (T) = 0.05 ms.
current used by a washing machine rated at Frequency (f) = ?
230V, 16A? 1
(a) 0 (b) 16 Frequency f Hz
(c) 20.38 (d) 22.62 Time Period T
SSC JE 29.01.2018, Shift-I 1
f = 20000 Hz
Ans. (d) : Rated voltage (V) · 230V 0.05 103
Rated current (I) · 16A f = 20 kHz
Peak current (IP) = ? 505. Find the short circuit current with Vr = 7.5 and
[Peak value of current IP = 2I rms ] Ra = 0.5
(a) 5A (b) 10A
IP = 2 16 (c) 15A (d) 20A
IP = 22.62 A SSC JE 29.01.2018, Shift-I
502. Which of the following wave will have the Ans. (c) : Receiving end voltage (Vr) = 7.5 Volt
highest RMS value for equal peak values? Armature resistance, (Ra) = 0.5
(a) Sine wave (b) Sawtooth wave Short circuit current, (ISC) = ?
(c) Square (d) Triangular
SSC JE 29.01.2018, Shift-I V
Ans. (c) : Square wave will have the highest RMS Ra
(Root mean square) value for equal peak values. It is 7.5
shown Below :– ISC
ISC 15Amp
RMS value = 0.707 (Peak) 506. Two incandescent bulbs of rating 230 V, 100W
Average value = 0.637 (Peak) and 230V, 500 W are connected in parallel
across the mains. As a result, what will
(a) 100W bulb will glow brighter
RMS value = Peak value
Average value = Peak value (b) 500 W bulb will glow brighter
(c) Both the bulbs will glow equally bright
(d) Both the bulbs will glow dim
SSC JE 2011, Shift-I
RMS value = 0.577 Peak Ans : (b) In a parallel connection voltage across each
Average value = 0.5 Peak element is same -
503. For the circuit shown below, the value of R is V2 V2
adjusted, so as to make the current in RL equal P= , R
to zero. What is the value of R? R P
230 529
R 500
230 2
Since the voltage is same we can say that power
(a) 1 (b) 2 dissipation will be higher for the bulb with lower
(c) 3 (d) 4 resistance. Therefore 500W bulb will glow brighter.
ESE-2005 507. An electric load consumes 17.32kW at a power
factor of 0.707 (lagging). For changing the load
Ans. (b) : As we know that in wheatstone's bridge at
power factor to 0.866 (lagging), the capacitor
balance equation, that is to be connected in parallel with the load,
4 10 5 4 should draw––
R 5 10 (a) 7.32 kVAR (b) 10 kVAR
20 (c) 27.32 kVAR (d) 10.32 kVAR
10 SSC JE 2011, Shift-I
R = 2 Ans : (a) Loading kVAR taken by the capacitor
504. What will be the frequency (in Hz) of a QC= P (tan 1–tan2)
sinusoidal wave when the time period is 0.05 ms? given Cos 1= 0.707 , 1 = 450
(a) 200 (b) 2000 Cos 2 = 0.866 , 2 = 300
(c) 20000 (d) 200000 QC = 17.32 (tan 45 –tan 300)
(a) 2A (b) 8A
(c) 6A (d) 4A
Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II
Apply nodal- Vizag Steel 25.10.2018 Shift-I
V4 V Ans. (a) : R T 3 2
1 0
3 1 R T 5
7 V
V Volt I
4 RT
Current through 1 resistor
V 7 I 2A
I A 5
1 4 The current across 2 is 2 Ampere. Because in series
7 the current is same.
4 554. The currents I1 and I2 in the below circuit are
550. The value of the capacitive reactance of a
capacitor when it is connected with AC supply
will be -----.
(a) inversely proportional to the supply frequency
(b) directly proportional to the supply voltage
(c) inversely proportional to the supply voltage
(d) directly proportional to the supply frequency
Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (a) : Capacitive reactance- (a) 4 A; 4 A (b) 3 A; 5 A
(c) 2 A; 6 A (d) 6 A; 2 A
1 1 ESE-2010
C 2fC Ans. (c) :
Hence, the value of the capacitive reactance of
capacitor when it is connected with AC supply will be
inversely proportional to the supply frequency.
551. Which is the passive component in terms of
(a) Resistor (b) SCR
(c) Transistor (d) Diode
Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II Apply super mesh-
Ans. (a) : Passive- It is one which contains no source of 40 2I1 1I 2 4I 2 3I1 0
e.m.f. in it. e.g.- R,L,C 5I1 5I2 40
Active- It is one which contains one or more than one
source of e.m.f. along with passive element. e.g. diode, I1 I2 8 ....................(i)
transistor. Now
552. The unit of resistance is expressed in terms of I1 I 2 4
_____. I 2 I1 4 ..................(ii)
(a) mho (b) ohm/m After solving equation (i) and (ii)
(c) ohm (d) m/ohm
I1 2A I2 6A
Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II
Network Theory 103 YCT
555. In an atom, the number of electrons which can 559. The current I1 and I2 in the below circuit are
be accommodated in L shell (or) orbit is ------. respectively
(a) 4 (b) 6
(c) 2 (d) 8
Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (d) : Shell No. of electrons
K 2
L 8 (a) 1.818 A; - 0.4545 A (b) 2.451 A; - 1.568 A
M 18 (c) 0.4545 A; - 1.818 A (d) 1.56 A; - 2.45 A
N 32 ESE-2010
In any orbit no. of electrons = 2n2 Ans. (c) :
Where n is orbit number.
556. The value of the resistance of an Aluminium
conductor is ---------.
(a) Inversely proportional to its diameter
(b) Directly proportional to its area of cross
(c) Inversely proportional to its length By applying source transformation,
(d) Directly proportional to its radius i.e. current source converted in to voltage source
Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (a) : R 2
d 2 d
Resistance R 2
d Apply nodal
Where, d = diameter
= Length V 50 V V 100
Specific resistance 10 20 30
557. The Unit of true power is given as 11
V 8.33
________________ 60
(a) Watt (b) Joules 8.33 60
(c) voltage (d) Ampere V
Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018 11
Ans. (a) : The actual amount of power being used, or V= 45.45V
Current through 5 resistor-
dissipated in a circuit is called true power , and it is
measured in watt, 50 45.45
i1 0.4545A
P = True power , P = I2 R, P = E2/R 10
P VI cos Current through 30 resistor-
45.45 100
i2 1.818A
560. If three 10 μ F capacitors are connected in
parallel, the net capacitance is
(a) 10/3 F (b) 30 F
(c) 3/10 F (d) 60 F
Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018
Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II
True power also known as active power and real UGVCL JE-2014
power. Ans. (b) : Capacitance in parallel-
558. Two identical resistors of resistance 4 ohms C = C1 + C2 + C3
each are connected in series. What is the total C = 10 + 10 + 10
resistance? C = 30 F
(a) 8 ohms (b) 2 ohms 561. The equivalent resistance of the given circuit is
(c) 6 ohms (d) 4 ohms ______________
Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018
Ans. (a) :
In series -
R= R1+R2 (a) 1Ω (b) 0.5Ω
R = 4+4 (c) 2Ω (d) 3Ω
R = 8 Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018
Network Theory 104 YCT
Ans. (b) : In parallel circuit the equivalent or over all 566. Two inductance of 1H and 3H are connected in
resistance in circuit is given by the equation; parallel. The equivalent inductance is given as
1 1 1 1 ______
(a) 3/4 H (b) 3/2 H
R e q R1 R 2 Rn (c) 2/3 H (d) 4/3 H
1 1 1 2 Vizag Steel 25.10.2018 Shift-I
Ans. (a) :
Req 1 1 1
Req 0.5
562. One kilovolt is equal to --------.
(a) 0.1000 volt - (b) 100 volt
(c) 10000 volt (d) 1000 volt L1L 2 1 3
Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018 L eq
Ans. (d) : 1 kilo Volt = 1×103 Volt L1 L 2 1 3
= 1000 Volt 3
L eq H
563. Find the current through 1 ohm resistor 4
567. Ohm's law is not applicable to _____________
(a) DC Circuits (b) Semi - Conductors
(c) Resistors (d) AC Circuits
Vizag Steel 25.10.2018 Shift-I
Ans. (b) : Ohm's law-
(a) 1A (b) 6A V V
= constant or = R
(c) 2A (d) 4A I I
Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018
Ans. (c) : In the given circuit 1 ohm resistor is Current is directly proportional to the potential
connected in series with 2 A current source. As in series difference across the ends of a conductor.
circuit current remains same. So the value of current in This linear relationship between V and I does not
1 ohm will be 2A. apply to all non-metallic conductors, semi-conductor.
i.e. ohm’s law is not applicable to non-linear elements.
568. What is the SI unit of resistivity?
(a) ohm-metre (b) siemens / metre
(c) coulomb / meter (d) ampere / meter
DMRCE JE 26.02.2020
564. One MilliAmpere is equal to -----. Vizag Steel 25.10.2018 Shift-I
(a) 0.001 Ampere (b) 0.1000 Ampere Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018 Shift-II
(c) 0.01 Ampere (d) 0.1 Ampere
Ans. (a) : Resistance R
Vizag Steel 25.10.2018 Shift-I A
Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II RA
Ans. (a) : 1mA m
1 10 A SI unit of resistivity is ohm meter-
1 Where, resistivity
1 A
1000 length
A =Area
565. The value of the resistance of a copper 569. Which of the following element has maximum
conductor is ---------. electric conductivity?
(a) Directly proportional to its area of cross section (a) Silver (b) Aluminium
(b) Directly proportional to its diameter (c) Copper (d) Stainless steel
(c) Inversely proportional to its length WBPSC SAE 2003
(d) Directly proportional to its length Ans. (a) : Silver has maximum electric conductivity
Vizag Steel 25.10.2018 Shift-I because silver has minimum resistivity (1.6108 -m).
Ans. (d) : Resistance of conductor- 570. Temperature Coefficient of resistance is
negative for
A (a) Tungsten (b) Steel
Where, = specific resistance, (c) Carbon (d) Tin
R Ans. (c) : Carbon has negative temperature coefficient
A (0.0005/°C). A negative temperature coefficient for a
1 material means that its resistance decreases with an
R and R
A increases in temperature.
Network Theory 105 YCT
571. A large value of short circuit current indicates Apply nodal on point a-
(a) a poor power factor (b) zero power factor Va 35 20 Va V 20
(c) a good power factor (d) none of the above 0
UGVCL JE-2014 15 3 2
Ans. (c) : The large value of short circuit current Va 10 V
indicates a good power factor. Current through 2
It is defined as the current drawn by the motor of stands
till neglecting its resistance. A large value of ideal short Va 20 10 20
circuit current will be drawn for small value of leakage 2 2
reactance giving good power factor. 10
I x 5A
572. Resistance of 220 V, 100 W lamp will be 2
(a) 4.84 Ohm (b) 48.4 Ohm I x 5A
(c) 4840 Ohm (d) 484 Ohm Voltage across 2 resistor
Vx I x 2
Ans. (d) : Voltage = 220V
Power = 100W 25
V 2 220 220 Vx 10V
P 100 575. If 5, 10 & 15 ohms resistance are connected in
parallel, the combined resistance is
R 484ohm ............ohms.
573. ........ has zero temperature co-efficient of (a) 15 (b) 10
resistance. (c) 5 (d) 2.73
(a) Carbon (b) Aluminium UPSSSC JE-2015
(c) Porcelain (d) Manganin Ans. : (d) If the three resistance connected in parallel
UGVCL JE-2014 the equivalent resistance will be very low to the value of
Ans. (d) : Manganin has zero temperature co-efficient small resistance.
of resistance. There is approximately no change in 1 1 1 1
resistance with temperature we can consider the value
R eq R1 R 2 R 3
of this coefficient as zero. The alloy of constantan and
manganin has the temperature coefficient of resistance 1 1 1 6 3 2 11
is nearly zero. 5 10 15 30 30
Manganin - 0.000002/ºC 30
Aluminum - 0.0039/ºC Req = = 2.73
Carbon - 0.0005/ºC 11
576. Value of V1 will be-
574. The currents Ix and Vx in the below circuit are
(a) 2 V (b) 4 V
(c) -14 V (d) -2 V
(a) 5 A; 10 V (b) 10 A; 20 V ESE-2006
(c) 6 A; 12 V (d) 4 A; 8 V Ans. : (d) Given circuit diagram-
Ans. (a) :
(a) 12 (b) 16
(c) 10 (d) 20 (a) 3 Volts (b) -3 Volts
UPSSSC JE-2015 (c) 15 Volts (d) -15 Volts
Ans. : (a) 5 and 20 are connected in parallel
Ans. : (d) The voltage Vab in the circuit.
20 5 100
Req = (5 | | 20) = 4
20 5 25
40 and 10 are connected in parallel
40 10 400
Req = (40 | | 10) = 8
40 10 50
4 and 8 are connected in series
Req = 4 + 8 By KCL
R eq = 12 Current at b point = 5 2 =3
Iba = 3 A
578. The value of 'R' in the circuit is Iab = –3A
Voltage across 5 resistor (Vab) = –3 5
Vab 15V
581. For the circuit shown in figure below, the value
of current, I is
(a) 10 (b) 5
(c) 2.5 (d) Cannot be found
Ans. : (c) Given circuit diagram-
(a) 2 A (b) 3 A
(c) 6 A (d) 12 A
Let current I is flowing in loop
By applying KVL in loop Ans. (d) :
20 + IR + 10I 30 = 0
20 + 10 + 10I 30 = 0
10I 40 = 0
10I = 40
Since voltage drop across the R resistor is = 10 VApply KVL,
IR = 10 -60 + 2I + 12 +2I = 0
4 R = 10 4I 48 0
R = 2.5 4I = 48
579. The voltage Vab in the figure will be I = 12A
582. The internal resistances of an ideal Voltage
source and an ideal current source respectively
are (in ohms)
(a) 0 and (b) 0 and 1
(c) and (d) and 0
Ans. : (a) Ideal voltage source– An ideal voltage
(a) 3 Volts (b) 7 Volts source has constant terminal voltage regardless of
(c) -3 Volts (d) 0 Volts current supplied by it. An ideal voltage source has zero
UPSSSC JE-2015 (0) internal resistance.
Ans. : (c) Apply KVL- Ideal Current Source An ideal current source (also
Vab + 5 – 3 + 1 = 0 called constant-current source) will supply the same
Vab + 6 – 3 = 0 current to any resistance connected to its terminals. An
Vab = –3 Volts ideal current source has infinite () internal resistance.
V1 V2
(a) 6 (a) 1.95 mA (b) 2.5 mA
2 4 (c) 2 mA (d) 1.55 mA
V1 V2 V1 V2 UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II
(b) 4
2 20 Ans. (a) :
V1 V1 V2
(c) 4
2 20
V1 V2
(d) 4
2 4
ESE-2011 By Applying nodal analysis at node A
Ans. (a) : I1 I 2 I3
5 V3 10 V3 V3
4.7 10 4.7 10 1.5 103
3 3
V3 2.922 Volt
Current flow through resistance R3
V 2.922
I3 3 1.95 10 3
Let current through 10 V source is I. R 3 1.5 103
Applying KCL at node 1, I3 1.95mA
V V V2
4 1 1 I0 ......(i) 605. Find the current flowing through resistor R2?
2 20
Applying KCL at node 2,
V V V1
I 2 2 10 0
4 20
V V V2
I 2 1 10 ................. (ii)
4 20
Adding equation (i) and (ii) we get, (a) 5 mA (b) 2 mA
V V V2 V V V2 (c) 1.51 mA (d) 1.25 mA
4 1 1 II 2 1 10 0
2 20 4 20 UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II
V V Ans. (c) :
4 10 1 2 0
2 4
6 1 2
2 4
603. The node voltage V in the circuit is
V3 2.922 Volt
Voltage across R1 = V1 = 5 –V3 = 5 – 2.922
By Applying nodal analysis at node A V1 2.078 Volt
I1 I 2 I3 609. Find the voltage across resistor R3?
5 V3 10 V3 V3
4.7 10 4.7 10 1.5 103
3 3
V3 2.922 Volt
Current flow through resistance R1
V 5 2.922 5 (a) 2.922 V (b) 2.5 V
I1 3 (c) 3.5 V (d) 2.078
4.7 103 4.7 103 UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II
2.078 Ans. (a) :
I1 0.442 103
4.7 103
I1 442 A
607. Find the voltage across resistor R2?
Apply nodal
V V 40
10 0
5 5
V 50 V 40 (a) 0.5 A (b) 1.0 A
5 (c) 2.0 A (d) 4.0 A
V=45 Volt RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 26.12.2020
Current through 2 resistor Ans. (c) : All resistance are connected in parallel
45 R 3
i 9A Req = =
5 n 3
So, voltage across 2 Req = 1
Vx 9 2
Vx = 18 V Current i=
619. A capacitor that stores a charge of 0.5 coulomb 2
at 10 Volt. The value of capacitance of i=
capacitor will be- 1
i = 2.0 Amp
(a) 5 Farad (b) 10 Farad
(c) 0.05 Farad (d) 20 Farad 623. Value of current 'I' in a junction of following
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 26.12.2020 circuit will be-
Ans. (c) : Given,
Q = 0.5 coulomb
V = 10 volt
We know that-
Q = C.V
0.5 = C × 10
=C (a) 1.0 A (b) 2.0 A
10 (c) 0 A (d) 3.0 A
C = 0.05 farad RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 26.12.2020
Network Theory 114 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ans. (b) :
4=4+I 1
I BE 1 [I 1A]
I=0 11
624. What is the potential difference? IBE = 0.5 A
(a) It is the difference of potential between two 627. In the circuit shown below, what will the power
points in an electric circuit consumed in 2 Ω resistor connected across
(b) Difference of Current between the two points A-B?
(c) Difference of Resistance between two points
(d) Difference of Capacitance between two points
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020
Ans. (a) : Potential difference is the difference in the
amount of energy that charge carriers have between two
points in a circuit. (a) 16 Watt (b) 0 Watt
A potential difference of one volt is equal to one joule (c) 8 Watt (d) 32 Watt
of energy being used by one coulomb of charge, when it RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020
flows between two points in a circuit.
Ans. (b) :
625. Kirchhoff's first law states that at a junction in
an electric circuit-
(a) E 0 (b) I 0
(c) V 0 (d) E V 0
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020
RRB JE 19.09.2019 Shift-II Apply nodal at point B-
RRB JE 01.09.2019 Shift-I i1 i 2 i 3 0
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (b) : Kirchhoff's 1 law is the principle of V 6 V V 12
conservation of electric charge. The algebraic sum of all 2 2 2
current entering at a node is equal to the algebraic sum V 6 V V 12
of all current leaving that node. 2
The potential difference at point A & B is same then
current flow through A-B is zero.
P=V×I (I = 0)
628. The area of cross-section of copper wire is 3
I1 + I 2 + I 3 – I4 = 0 10–6m2. It carries a current of 4.2A. Calculate
I = 0 current density in the wire.
626. The current flowing through 1 Ω resistor (a) 1.4106A/m2 (b) 1.410–6A/m2
connected between B and E in circuit shown (c) 1.410 C/m 6 2
(d) 12.610–6A.m2
below is- SSC JE 10.12.2020, Shift-II
Ans (a) : Given,
I = 4.2 amp, A = 3×10-6 m2, J = ?
Current density formula-
J = I/A
(a) 1 Ampere (b) 0.5 Ampere 3 10 6
(c) 10 Ampere (d) 0.25 Ampere
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020 J 1.4 106 A / m 2
The relation between electrical power and current is Equivalent Resistance across A and B:-
shown in the graph.
The relation between electrical power and current is 5 15 5 15 5 15
20 20 20
non-linear. RAB= 2.5
Since, P = I2R 5 15 5 15 5 15
P I2 20 20 20
V 50
666. Find the value of current (in A) across a 3 Ohm Current (i) flowing in circuit = 20 Amp
R 2.5
668. When a person touches the electrically live part
of a device, the potential between the hand and
the foot is known as:
(a) Body potential (b) Step potential
(c) Touch potential (d) Hand potential
MPPGCL Plant Assistant 2019
(a) 5.5 (b) 6.5 Ans. (c) : When a person touches the electrically live
(c) 7.3 (d) 8.3 part of a device, the potential between the hand and the
SSC JE 29.01.2018 Shift-II foot is known as touch potential.
Network Theory 122 YCT
669. If 10 resistors, each one having 10 resistance, Ans. (b) : Given, R = 5 k = 5×103V = 30 Volt
are connected in parallel, the equivalent
resistance of the parallel combination will be: V2
Power P
(a) 1 (b) 2.5 R
(c) 5 (d) 10 30
MPPGCL Plant Assistant 2019 P
Ans. (a) : When n resistor are connected in parallel, 5 103
then equivalent resistance is- 900
= 3
180 103
1 1 1 1 5 10
.......... P = 180 mW
Req R R R
673. Which of the following insulators has the
R highest resistivity?
n (a) Paper (b) Glass
Hence, (c) Teflon (d) Mica
10 MPPGCL Plant Assistant 2019
R eq 1
10 Ans. (c) : Resistivity (-m)
670. What will be the resistance of a resistor with Paper (2000-3000)
the colour code of brown, black, gold and Mica 5×1011
silver? Glass 1012
(a) 10 10% (b) 20 10% Teflon 1023
(c) 10 5% (d) 1 10% 674. The smallest amount of charge that exists is the
MPPGCL Plant Assistant 2019 charge carried by:
Ans. (d) : The resistor colour code table: (a) an atom
Colour Digit Multiplier Tolerance (b) a neutron
Black 0 1 – (c) an electron
Brown 1 101 1%
2 2% (d) a combination of an electron and a proton
Red 2 10
MPPGCL Plant Assistant 2019
Orange 3 103 –
Yellow 4 10 4
– Ans. (c) : Charge Mass (gram)
Green 5 105 0.5% electron 1.6×10–19C 9.1095×10-28
Blue 6 106 0.25% proton 1.6×10 C 1.6726×10-24
Violet 7 10 7
0.1% Neutron 0 1.6749 ×10-24
Gray 8 10 0.05% 675. The total work per unit charge associated with
White 9 109 – the motion of charge between two points is
Gold 10–1 5% called:
Silver 10 10% (a) Current (b) Voltage
Colourless – 20% (c) Flux (d) Charge
So, we have Brown, Black, gold , silver
-1 MPPGCL Plant Assistant 2019
10×10 10%
1 10 % W
Ans. (b) : Voltage V joule / Coulomb
671. Ohm's law is true for: Q
(a) non-metallic conductors Newton meter
(b) non-linear devices
(c) metal conductors at changing temperature Coulomb
(d) metal conductors at constant temperature Voltage (or potential difference), is the energy required
MPPGCL Plant Assistant 2019 to move a unit charge through an element, measured in
BSNL TTA 28.09.2016, 3 PM volt (V).
Ans. (d) : Ohm's law is true for metal conductors at 676. For the given circuit, obtain the value of Rx, if
constant temperature. Vs = 12V, R1 = R2 = R3 = 1 k and Vab = 12mV.
Ohm's law- The ratio of potential difference (V)
between any two points on a conductor to the current (I)
flowing between them, is constant, provided the
temperature of the conductor does not change.
= constant = R
hence, ohm's law is not applicable for non metallic
conductors e.g. silicon carbide etc.
672. What will be the power consumed by the
resistor of 5 k connected with a source of 30 V?
(a) 1.8 W (b) 180 mW (a) 1 k (b) 996
(c) 18 W (d) 18 mW (c) 9.96 k (d) 99.6 k
MPPGCL Plant Assistant 2019 MPPGCL Plant Assistant 2019
Network Theory 123 YCT
Ans. (b) : Given, Vs= 12V, R1= R2= R3 = 1 k 678. Unit of conductance is-
Vab = 12mV, Rx= ? (a) mho (b) Siemens
(c) both (d) none of these
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018
UPSSSC JE 31.07.2016
Ans : (c) The unit of conductance is both mho and
Siemens. The conductance of a conductor is inversely
proportional to its resistance. Conductance is the
R2 Rx property of circuit or material that helps in the flow of
Va Vs , Vb Vs electric current.
R1 R 2 Rx R3 1
Vab Va Vb Conductance (G)
Resistance (R)
R2 Rx 1 1 a
Vab Vs Vs G
R1 R 2 R x R3 R
R2 1 a 1
Va Vs 12V G K Where, K
R1 R 2 11
Va 6V ..............(i) Where, K is specific conductance (conductivity) of
Rx Rx material.
Vb Vs 3
12V 679. Consider the following statements:
R3 R x 1 10 R x
Any element connected in
Vab Va Vb The correct statements are
1 Rx 1. series with a voltage source is redundant.
12mV 12V 3
12V 2. parallel with a voltage source is redundant.
2 1 10 R x
3. series with a current source is redundant
1 Rx 4. parallel with a current source is redundant.
12mV 12V 3 (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3
2 110 R x (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 2
12 10 3 1 Rx ESE-2012
12 2 1 103 R x Ans. (b) : Ideal voltage source maintains constant
voltage across its terminals. So, element connected
Rx 1 1 499
parallel to it is redundant so, the element does not affect
1 103 R x 2 1000 1000 the voltage across voltage source terminals.
1000R x 499 103 499R x , 501R x 499 103 Ideal current source maintains constant current flow in
the branch it is connected. The element connected in
499 103 series with it does not affect the current value so the
Rx 996
501 element in series with ideal current source redundant.
677. In the given diagram showing a circuit, if Vs2 = 680. Which statement is true-
12 V, V1 = 6 V and V3 = 1V, then what will be (a) Short circuit has zero resistance
the value of V2? (b) Open circuit has infinity resistance
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
UPSSSC JE 31.07.2016
Ans : (c) The Resistance of short circuit is zero and
resistance of the open circuit is infinite.
(a) 19 V (b) 6 V
(c) 5 V (d) 2.5 V
MPPGCL Plant Assistant 2019
Ans. (c) : Given, Vs2 = 12 Volt, V1 = 6V
V3 = 1 Volt V2=?
(a) 0V (b) 4 V
(c) 6V (d) 12 V Applying Node analysis at Vx.
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
Ans: (d) At steady state, capacitor acts as an open Vx v x 2I
I 0
circuited. 4 2
Voltage across capacitor = source voltage V 2Vx 4I
= 12 V I x
Network Theory 132 YCT
3Vx 24
2I I2 = = 2A
4 12
Vx 8 Hence new current will decrease.
R Req 733.For the circuit shown in figure, when VS = 0, I =
I 3 3A. When VS = 200 V, what will be the value of I?
load resistance =
731.A 200 W, 200V bulb and a 100 W, 200 V bulb are
connected in series and the voltage of 400 V is
applied across the series connected bulbs. Under
this condition (a) – 4A (b) – 1A
(a) 100 W bulb will be brighter than 200 W bulb (c) 1 A (d) 7 A
(b) 200 W bulb will be brighter than 100 W bulb SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
(c) Both the bulbs will have equal brightness Ans: (b) When VS = 0, I= 3A
(d) Both the bulbs will be darker than when they
are connected across rated voltage
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
Ans: (a) In the combination of Bulbs connected in
series with same source we have–
I = constant
PR 20
i.e. bulb whose Resistance is high will glow more 50
brighter. 5
or IS = 3 I 3A given
When VS = 200
Applying KCL at node 'V'
R V V 200 15
P 0
30 20 2
200 200
R1 200 V 15
200 or 10 0
200 200 12 2
R2 400 V 5
Hence 100 W bulb glows more brighter than 200 W 12 2
bulb. V 30 volt
732. In the network shown, if one of the 4 30
resistances is disconnected, when the circuit is I 30 1A
active, the current flowing now will 734. The number of 2 F, 300 V capacitors needed
to obtain a capacitance value of 2F rated for
1200 V is
(a) 16 (b) 12
(c) 10 (d) 8
Ans. (a) : According to question
(a) increase very much To obtain capacitor of 2F rated for 1200V, we need
(b) decrease
(c) be zero 16 capacitor of 2F,300V rated.
(d) increase very slightly
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
Ans: (b) When 4 is included
I1 = = 2.4 A
When 4 resistance disconnected
Network Theory 133 YCT
Rating of each capacitor is 2F , 300V 10
I1 = I 2 = 8 4A
Equivalent capacitance of the circuit 20
2 2 2 2 V = 10 × 4 = 40 volt
Ceq 100 40 60
4 4 4 4 R=
8 8 8
Ceq 2 = 7.5
Ceq 2F 738. Power consumed in the given circuit is
Total 16 capacitor needed rating of 2F,300V .
735. The unit of volume resistivity is
(a) Ohm-m4/m2 (b) ohm-m2/m
(c) ohm-gram-m/gram (d) ohm-m4/m
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
Ans: (b) R
(a) 100 watts (b) 5 watts
(c) 20 watts (d) 40 watts
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
Where, R = resistance
Ans: (b) Total resistance
A = cross-sectional area
= length of conductor R = 30 | | 20 + 8
= 20
ohm m 2
m P
736. Four resistances 2, 4, 5, 20 are R
connected in parallel. Their combined 10 10
resistance is 20
(a) 1 (b) 2 P= 5 watt
(c) 4 (d) 5 739. For the network shown in the figure, the value
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I of current in 8 resistor is
Ans: (a)
1 1 1 1 1
R R1 R2 R3 R4
1 1 1 1 1
R 2 4 5 20
1 10 5 4 1 (a) 4.8A (b) 2.4A
R 20 20 20 20 (c) 1.5A (d) 1.2A
1 20 SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
=1 Ans: (b) The above circuit can be reduce to–
R 20
R 1
737. In the figure, the value of R is
Voltage of 8 resistance
8 8
48 48
8 12 20
(a) 2.5 (b) 5.0 = 19.2 volt
(c) 7.5 (d) 10.0 I through 8 resistance.
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II 19.2
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I 8 2.4A
Ans: (c) 740. The current drawn by a tungsten filament
lamp is measured by an ammeter. The
ammeter reading under steady state condition
will be _______ the ammeter reading when the
supply is switched on.
(a) same as (b) less than
(c) greater than (d) double
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
Network Theory 134 YCT
Ans: (b) There must be some current drop due to (a) 2 (b) 4
internal resistance of supply. Thus Ammeter reading (c) 3 (d) 6
decreases slightly when supply is switched on. ESE-2013
741. A stove element draws 15 A when connected to Ans. (b) :
230 V line. How long does it take to consume
one unit of energy?
(a) 3.45h (b) 2.16 h
(c) 1.0 h (d) 0.29 h
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
Ans: (d) V= 230V
I = 15A
P = VI = 230×15 (cos =1 as stove element)
P = 3450 W
unit of energy is kW - hour = 1000 Whr
i.e. 1000 Whr = 3450W × t
t hr 0.29hour 2 r 3 2
3450 R eq
742. The Req for the circuit shown in figure is 2r3
6 3r
r 2 R eq r
6 3r 10 2r
5r r 2 16 5r
r 2 16
(a) 14.4 (b) 14.57
(c) 15.27 (d) 15.88 r 4
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I 744. Between 200 W and 860 W lamps of the same
63 voltage rating, the resistance of 200W lamp will be
Ans: (a) 6 || 3 2 (a) Higher
63 (b) Same
(c) Varies with nature of supply
(d) Lower
ISRO TA 2016
Ans. (a) : Given, P1 = 200W, P2 = 860W
6||4= = 2.4
V2 V2
P1 200
V2 V2
P2 860
Req = (4 + 2.4 + 8) Hence, between 200W and 860W lamps of the same
= 14.4 voltage rating the resistance of 200W lamp will be
743. For the circuit shown below the value of r higher.
connected between C and D is such that the 745. The r.m.s value of A.C is equal to:
equivalent resistance of the circuit by looking (a) 0.637 of max. value
into circuit through terminals A and B is r (b) 0.707 of max. value
only. Then the value of r is (c) 1.414 of max. value
(d) The maximum value
PGCIL NR-I, 13.08.2021
ISRO TA 2016
Ans. (b) : RMS value of AC- When the AC voltage or
current supply the same amount of power as in DC then
the value of DC voltage or current is called root mean
square or rms value of AC.
Network Theory 135 YCT
Im 747. The value of Ix and Iy in the figure
I rms = = 0.707I m respectively?
r.m.s value of current
= 0.707maximum value of current
746. Twelve wires, each of resistance R, are
connected to form a cube as in figure. The
effective resistance between the diagonal ends
of the cube (1 to 7) is
From figure
–8 + Iy + 5 = 0
Iy = 3
Iz = Iy+1
IZ = 3 + 1 = 4
IX + I Z + 5 = 0
IX = –5 –4 = –9
748. In the figure, R=1, what is the value of i?
VAB R R R 2R + R + 2R 5
R AB = = + + = = R
I 3 6 3 6 6 6 6
or Total current I 3A
2R 2
From given figure, given bridge is in balanced Applying nodal at node 'Vx'
condition. Hence current through the branch AB is zero, V 1 V 0
because potential difference between terminal A and B x 2 0
is zero (VA = VB) in respective of switch position. Thus 1 1
when the switch (S) is closed then current from branch 2Vx = 3 Vx = 1.5 Volt
AB is same as previous value (zero). 759. A current passes through a resistor. Let K1 and
Hence, there will be no effect on lamp intensity when K2 represent the average kinetic energy of the
switch (S) is closed. conduction electrons and the metal ions
757. In the circuit shown the current supplied by the respectively.
battery is (a) K1 < K2
(b) K1 = K2
(c) K1 > K2
(d) any of these three may occur
Ans. (c) : Drift velocity of electron-
(a) 1 A (b) 2 A Vd
1 K.E. of electron given by-
(c) A (d) 0 A
2 1 2
KPTCL JE 2016 K mVd
Ans. (c) :
1 1
K1 mVd21 K 2 mVd22
2 2
K1 = K.E. of electrons
K2 = K.E. of metal ion
2 2
1 eE 2 1 eE 2
K1 me , K2 mm
2 me 2 mm
Network Theory 138 YCT
1 1 Ans. (c) :
K1 K2 Z = R + jL, Vin = V sint
me mm
mm > me mm = mass of metal current (I) = in ; emf across inductor in jL
hence, K1 > K2 me = mass of electrons Z Z
760. Consider the following two statements: Vin2
1. Kirchchoff’s junction law follows from Generated heat 2 R
conservation of charge.
1 V2
2. Kirchhoff’s loop law follows from Magnetic energy stored L in2
conservative nature of electric field. 2 Z
(a) Both 1 and 2 are correct Average current = zero
(b) 2 is correct but 1 is wrong Average emf across inductor = zero
(c) 1 is correct but 2 is wrong Generated heat and magnetic energy stored in inductor
(d) Both 1 and 2 are wrong are non zero.
KPTCL JE 2017 764. What happens to the ratio of resistivity to
Ans. (a) : Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) states that the conductivity as the temperature of a conductor
algebraic sum of currents entering a node is zero. increases?
KCL is based on the law of conservation of charge. (a) Increases
Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) states that the algebraic (b) May increase or decrease depending on the
sum of all voltage around a closed path is zero. KVL is actual temperature.
based on the principle of conservation of energy. (c) Decreases
Hence, both (1) and (2) statements are correct. (d) Remains constant
761. A resistor of resistance R is connected to an
ideal battery. What will be the impact on Ans. (a) : The resistivity of a conductor is given by
dissipated power if the value of R is decreased? m
(a) decrease ne
(b) follows a sine curve Where m = mass of electrons
(c) remain uncharged e = charge on electron
(d) increase n = no. of free electron per unit volume
KPTCL JE 2017 = relaxation time
Ans. (d) : The relation between power dissipation and resistivily
resistance is given by = conductivity
E2 1
P i.e. Power dissipation is indirectly proportional
to the resistance. Hence if the value of R is decreased, And,
the power dissipation in the circuit will increase. 1
762. Two non ideal batteries are connected in series. 2
Consider the following statements:
1. The equivalent emf is larger than either of When temperature increase relaxation time will
the two emfs. decrease and hence, ratio of resistivity and conductivity
2. The equivalent internal resistance is smaller will increase.
than either of the two internal resistances. 765. A capacitor acts as an infinite resistance for
(a) 1 is correct but 2 is wrong _____.
(b) 2 is correct but 1 is wrong (a) AC (b) DC as well as AC
(c) Each of 1 and 2 is correct (c) neither AC nor DC (d) DC
(d) Each of 1 and 2 is wrong KPTCL JE 2017
KPTCL JE 2017 Ans. (d) : Capacitors contain at least two electrical
Ans. (a) : Eeq = E1 + E2 conductors separated by a dielectric/insulator and is
req = r1 + r2 used to store energy electrostatically between the
conductors. It acts like an open circuit and hence acts
Hence equivalent emf is larger than either of the two
like an infinite resistance for DC current.
emf and the equivalent internal resistance is greater than
either of the two internal resistance. 766. What is the ratio of power dissipated when two
resistors R and 2R are connected in series in an
763. An inductor-coil having some resistance is electric circuit.
connected to an AC source. Which of the (a) 4:1 (b) 2:1
following quantities will have average value (c) 1:2 (d) 1:4
over a cycle zero? HPSSC JE 18.07.2021
(a) emf in the inductor KPTCL JE 2017
(b) Joule heat Ans. (c) : Power dissipation given by-
(c) current P = i2R
(d) magnetic energy stored in the inductor
PR1 = i 2 R1
Network Theory 139 YCT
PR 2 = i 2 R 2 r1r2
Ans. (d) : req
P1 R1 R r1 r2
P2 R 2 2R The equivalent internal resistance is smaller than either
of the two internal resistance.
PR1 : PR 2 1: 2
770. The current I0 of Figure 1 is:
767. What is the ratio of power dissipated when two
resistance R and 2R are connected in parallel
in an electric circuit?
(a) 4:1 (b) 2:1
(c) 1:2 (d) 1:4
KPTCL JE 2017 (a) - 4 A (b) -2 A
Ans. (b) : (c) 4 A (d) 16 A
SSC JE 20.10.2020, Shift-II
Rajasthan JE (PHED) 2015
Ans. (a) : According to Kirchhoff's current law, in any
electrical network; the algebraic sum of the current
meeting at a junction is zero.
Or the total current entering a junction or a node is
equal to the current leaving the node.
I0 + 10A = 2A + 4A
Power dissipation given by- I0 + 10A = 6A
P= i R I0 = –10A + 6A
By using current division law- I0 = –4A
2 771. The effect of connecting an additional parallel
i1 i
3 load to an electrical supply source is to increase
1 the
i2 i (a) Resistance of the load
2 (b) Voltage of the source
PR1 2 / 3i R1 (c) Current taken from the source
PR 2 1/ 3i 2 R 2 (d) p.d. across the load
Rajasthan JE (PHED) 2015
4 1 2
2 :1 Ans. (c) : The electrical loads are normally connected in
1 2 1 parallel. The parallel combination always reduces the
768. Which of the following quantities remains equivalent impedance. Hence the current is increases.
constant when a resistor connected to a battery Example let 10 resistance is connected to the 10 V
is heated due to the current? battery
(a) Resistivity
(b) Number of free electrons
(c) Drift speed
(d) Resistance
Ans. (b) : Resistance, resistivity and drift velocity V 10
Current I = 1A
varies with relaxation time which is dependent on R 10
temperature. No. of free electrons in a conductor Now additional 10 resistance is added into parallel.
remains unchanged even if its temperature changes. then
769. Two non ideal batteries are connected in
Consider the following statements:
1. The equivalent emf is smaller than either of
the two emfs. 10 10
2. The equivalent internal resistance is smaller Req = 5
then either of the two internal resistances. 10 10
(a) Both 1and 2 are wrong 10
Current I = 2A
(b) 1 is correct but 2 is wrong 5
(c) Both 1 and 2 are correct Hence, connecting an additional parallel load to an
(d) 2 is correct but 1 is wrong electrical supply source will increase the current taken
KPTCL JE 2017 from the source.
Network Theory 140 YCT
772. A 10 resistor is connected in parallel with a Ans. (c) : Given
15 resistor and the combination in series
with a 12 resistor. The equivalent resistance
of the circuit is:
(a) 37 (b) 18
(c) 27 (d) 4 1 1 1 11
Rajasthan JE (PHED) 2015 = =
Cab 40 40 40
Ans. (b) :
1 2
Cab 40
Cab = = 20 mF
RAB = (10 || 15) series with 12
10 15
RAB = 12
10 15
CAB = 20 + 4 = 24 mF
RAB = 12 6 12 18 776. In a four-branch parallel circuit, there are 10
25 mA of current in each branch. If one of the
773. A network with b branches, n nodes, and l branches is open, the current in each of the
independent loops will satisfy which of the other three branches is
following equations (a) 13.3 mA (b) 10mA
(a) b=l–n+1 (b) b= n–l+1 (c) 0A (d) 30mA
(c) b=l+n–1 (d) b=l–n–1 Rajasthan JE (PHED) 2015
Rajasthan JE (PHED) 2015 Ans. (b) :
Ans. (c) : Node:- It is a point in a circuit where one or
more circuit elements are connected together.
Branch:- It is that part of a network which lies between
two nodes.
Loop:- It is a close path in a circuit in which no element In parallel circuit the voltage across all branch is equal
or node is encountered more than once. Relation and all resistance is equal because current in each
between branch, node and loop . branch is equal. If the any branch is remove from the
b=l+n–1 circuit then also current is equal in each branch.
where b is branch , l is loop and n is node. Hence in a four-branch parallel circuit, there are 10mA
774. A resistor of 100 is connected in series with a of current in each branch. If one of the branches is open,
50 F capacitor to a supply of 200 V, 50 Hz , the current in each of the other three branches is 10mA.
the power factor for the circuit is 777. A charge of 360 C is transferred in 2 minutes.
(a) 0.86 (b) 0.63 The current flowing is:
(c) 0.75 (d) 0.92 (a) 180A (b) 60A
Rajasthan JE (PHED) 2015 (c) 2A (d) 3A
Ans. (a) : Given, R = 100 Rajasthan JE (PHED) 2015
CF Ans. (d) : Given data,
V = 200 V Charge (q) = 360 C
f = 50 Hz time (t) = 2 minutes = 120 second
1 1 current (i) = ?
XC = =
2fC 2 3.14 50 50 106 q it
106 i
q 360
= = 63.66
50 314 t 120
2 778. Which of the following expressions gives the
Impedance (Z) = R 2 XC Joule's law of heating?
(a) H IRt (b) H IR2t
= 100 2 63.66 2 = 118.56 2
(c) H I Rt (d) H I2R/t
R 100 RRB JE 19.09.2019 Shift-II
cos = = ~ 0.86 Ans. (c) : Joule's law of heating states that when a
Z 118.56
current (I) passes through a conductor of resistance (R)
775. The total capacitance of two 40-mF series- for time (t) then the heat developed in the conductor is
connected capacitors in parallel with a 4-mF equal to the product of the square of the current, the
capacitor is: resistance and time.
(a) 3.8 mF (b) 5 mF or H I 2 Rt
(c) 24 mF (d) 44 mF
Rajasthan JE (PHED) 2015 Then H I2 Rt
P 100 Therefore, we can say that when an ideal constant
Current passes through bulb (I) = 1A
V1 100 current source is connected in series with an ideal
Applying KVL in loop- constant voltage source, considering together the
1R+100=250 combination will be a constant current source.
R = 250-100 803. Which of the following is not the same as watt?
R = 150 (a) Joule/Sec. (b) (Ampere)2×ohm
801. Which electrical device is used to reduce the (c) (Volt)2/ohm (d) Volt/Ampere
arc produced between conductors : DMRC JE 2015
(a) Capacitance (b) Resistance Ans. (d) : Power (P) =voltage × current
(c) Diode (d) Transistor P = VI P = IR I
DMRC JE 2015 V2
P = I2R, P=
Ans. (a) : Capacitance is the electrical device which is R
used to reduce the arc produced between conductors. Energy (E) = I2 Rt= Power × time
Capacitor is a device for storing electrical energy and Unit of Energy = watt × second
releasing it when required. Joule = watt × second
The ability of a capacitor to store electricity is called its watt = Joule/second
capacitance. Power (watt) = V.I Joule/second
Network Theory 144 YCT
804. The voltage of domestic supply is 220V.A.C. (a) 10 Ohm (b) 12.4 Ohm
This represents : (c) 6.8 Ohm (d) 16 Ohm
(a) Peak value (b) RMS value DMRC JE 2015
(c) Average value (d) Mean value Ans. (b) :
DMRC JE 2015
Ans. (b) : The voltage of domestic supply is 220V AC.
This represents rms value. The alternating current is
equal to that value of dc current which generates that
much heat in a given resistance wire in one second.
805. Ohm is the unit of
(a) Current (b) Resistance
(c) Voltage (d) None of these Resistance 4Ω and 6Ω are connected in parallel.
DMRC JE 2015 46
Req = 2.4
Ans. (b) : Ohm is the unit of resistance and unit of 46
current is ampere and unit of voltage is volt.
Voltage V
Resistance (R) = 10Ω and 2.4Ω resistance connected in series. Hence
Current I equivalent resistance-
Unit of (R) - ohm () Req = 10+2.4Ω
806. The three fundamental quantities are : Req = 12.4 Ω
(a) Mass, length, time 810. Which of the following is a vector quantity?
(b) Momentum, force, volume (a) Magnetic potential
(c) Mass, force, time (b) Relative permeability
(d) Mass, pressure, height (c) magnetic field intensity
DMRC JE 2015 (d) Flux density
Ans. (a) : The three fundamental quantities are Mass, RSMSSB JEN (Degree) 29.11.2020
Length and Time. Ans. (c) : A magnetic field is the magnetic effect of
Mass = Kilogram (kg) electric currents and magnetic materials. The magnetic
Length = Meter(m) field at any given point is specified by both a direction
Time = Second(s) and a magnitude or (strength). Such as it is represented
807. One mega ohm equals to : by a vector quantity. Hence magnetic field intensity is a
vector quantity, which has both magnitudes as well as
(a) 106 Ohm (b) 10-6 Ohm direction.
(c) 103 Ohm (d) 108 Ohm
DMRC JE 2015 811. To neglect a voltage source, the terminal across
the source are -
Ans. (a) : One mega ohm equals to 106 ohm (a) Replace by some resistance
1Ω = 10–6 Ω (b) Open circuited
1K Ω = 103Ω (c) Short circuited
1GΩ = 109Ω (d) Replace by inductor
808. If ten resistances of 10 ohms each are connected RSMSSB JEN (Degree) 29.11.2020
in parallel, the total resistance will be : Ans. (c) : To neglect a voltage source the terminal
(a) 100 Ohm across the source are short circuited.
(b) Less than 100 Ohm 812. The unit of capacitance is -
(c) 1 Ohm (a) Henry /Wb (b) Volts/Coulomb
(d) None of these (c) Coulombs/Volt (d) Ohms
DMRC JE 2015 RSMSSB JEN (Degree) 29.11.2020
Ans. (c) : Total resistance in parallel Ans. (c) : Since capacitance of capacitor can be given
= Value of resistance by- C
Number of resistance
(when all resistance have same value)
Total resistance 1 Q = Charge is measured in Coulomb
10 V = Voltage across the capacitor measured in volt
809. Equivalent resistance between point A and B in Thus the unit of capacitance is coulomb/volt.
following figure is : 813. In the given figure, the potential difference
between points P and Q is -
42.5 mΩ
(ii) For copper wire 1 m and 6mm2
1.7 108 1
(a) The total voltage is 24V R ρ 2.8mΩ
(b) The total voltage is zero A 6 106
(c) The arrangement can be upto 10A maximum (iii) For aluminium wire 8m and 1 mm2
(d) The voltage sources connected in a parallel 108 8
can supply a maximum current of 20A R ρ 2.65 212mΩ
SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-I A 1 106
(iv) For aluminium wire 1 m and 6 mm2
Ans : (d)
ρ 108 1
R 2.65 4.416mΩ
A 6 106
So aluminium wire of 8m and 1mm2 wire has the
highest resistance.
849. The value of current flowing between points B
and C in the circuit shown below is:
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 6
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I
Ans : (c)
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 6
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I
Ans : (a)
6 3 18
R= = 2
36 9
Above circuit can be redrawn as
Req = 2±2 · 4
867. Which of the resistances is represented by the
curve system?
So, 3 mesh current (I1, I2 and I3) are required to solve
the circuit.
870. In the circuit shown below the voltage function
is v(t) = 150 sin t.
(a) Potentiometer The average power in the resistance 'R' will be:
(b) Layer resistance
(c) Hot conductor (NTC)
(d) Cold conductor (PTC)
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I (a) 300 W (b) 450 W
Ans : (d) (c) 750 W (d) 700 W
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I
Ans : (b) V(t) = 150 sint
Vm = 150 Volt
R = 25
Positive temperature coefficient (PTC) here in the given Vrms = m [for sinusoidal wave]
curve as the temperature across the resistance increase,
the resistance also increases so it's a cold conductor 150
with PTC. 2
In fact it is a curve for PTC thermistor for which 2
resistance decreases for some time up to point of 150
minimum resistance and then it starts increase with 2
average power = rms 450W
increase in temperature. R 25
868. The resistance of a conductor, when its 871. What is the unit of measure for electrical
temperature is increased_____: pressure or electromotive force?
(a) remains constant (b) decreases (a) Amperes(A) (b) ohm()
(c) varies (d) increases (c) Volt(V) (d) Watt(W)
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I
Network Theory 155 YCT
Ans : (c) Volt- A unit of electrical pressure (or 875. If three 30F capacitors are connected in
electromotive force) which causes current to flow in a series, the net capacitance is ...............
circuit. One volt is the amount of pressure required to (a) 10F (b) 60F
cause one ampere of current to flow against one ohm of (c) 90F (d) None of these
resistance. SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-II
Ans : (a) Net capacitance is -
872. Which of the following circuit configurations
has the same amount of voltage drop across 1 1 1 1
each of its components? C C1 C2 C3
(a) parallel connection 1 1 1 1
(b) series-parallel connection
(c) series connection C 30 30 30
(d) All options are correct 30
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I C
Ans : (a) Parallel connection circuit configuration has the C 10F
same amount of voltage drop across each of its component.
876. Which of the following determines total power
in a series circuit?
(a) Source voltage times the current
(b) Total voltage applied to the circuit
(c) Current flowing through a switch
(d) Average of the wattage consumed by each
E resistor
I i1 i 2 i3 SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-II
& VR1 E Ans : (a) The total power in series circuit is given by
the current times of source voltage.
VR 2 E PTotal = Vs ×Is
VR 3 E Vs = Source voltage
I = Source current
873. Henry is the unit of measurement for which of s
the following properties? 877. A potential divider is normally connected.......?
(a) reactance (b) capacitance (a) Outside the generator circuit towards the load
(c) resistance (d) inductance circuit
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I (b) Within the generator circuit
Ans : (d) Self-inductance or mutual inductance unit is (c) At a distance V/100 metres from the
Henry. It’s denoted by (H). generator where V is the voltage to be
874. In a pure capacitive circuit____: measured in KV
(a) the current leads applied voltage by 90 degree (d) None of these
(b) the current is in phase with applied voltage SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-II
(c) the current lags applied voltage by 90 degree Ans : (a) The voltage divider should always be
(d) none of these connected out side the generator circuit towards the
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I load circuit (Test object) for accurate measurement.
Ans : (a) In a pure capacitive circuit the current leads 878. In a pure inductive circuit.............?
applied voltage by 900. (a) The current leads applied voltage by 90 degree
1 j (b) The current is in phase with applied voltage
jC C (c) The current lags applied voltage by 90 degree
= |XC| – 90º (d) None of these
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-II
Ans : (c) In a purely inductive circuit, the rate of
change of current is opposed by the reactance of the coil
and the effect of this opposition is to make the current
lag behind the applied voltage or be out of phase by 90º.
V V0
X C X C 90º
The current lags the voltage by 90º as voltage has
reached its maximum at point A then current zero at
point B.
Network Theory 156 YCT
879. The average power in a pure inductive circuit 883. A network has 10 nodes and 17 branches. The
is ............... number of different node pair voltage would be
(a) 0 (b) VI (a) 7 (b) 9
(c) VI cos (d) 3VI cos (c) 45 (d) 10
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-II SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-II
Ans : (a) Ans : (b) Number of nodes pair voltage = n –1
P = VI n = nodes = 10
V = Vm sint Number of node pair voltage = 10 – 1= 9
I = Im sin (t – /2) 884. Find current l1, l2 and l3 respectively in the
I = – Im cost given figure.
P = Vm sint × (Im cost)
Vm I m sin 2 t
Average power for a full cycle (a) 1.38A, 1.1A and 5.52 A
2 (b) 1.38A, 5.5A and 1.1 A
1 (c) 1.38A, 0.9A and 6.38 A
P Vm I m sin 2 t dt
2 0 (d) 1.1A, 5.52A and 1.38 A
P=0 SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-II
880. Kirchoff's current law (KCL) is applicable only Ans : (a)
to ...........
(a) Closed loops in a network
(b) Electronic circuits
(c) Junction in a network
(d) Electric circuits
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-II
Ans : (c) Kirchhoff 's current law that deals with the Apply nodal at V1
conservation of charge entering and leaving a junction Vl V1 V1
Network. 8 0
4 5 1
V1=5.51 Volt
I1 1.38A
I1 I 4 I5 I 2 I3 0 I2 1.102A
881. Flow of electrons in the circuit constitutes........ 5.51
(a) Magnetic charge I3 5.51A
(b) An e.m.f
(c) An electric current 885. In the below network effective resistance
(d) None of these existing across the voltage source is .......
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-II
Ans : (c) The flow of electron in a circuit is called the
electrical current.
I Ampere
882. If two resistance of 10 and 10 are connected
(a) 4 (b) 3
in parallel the equivalent resistance is ...........
(a) 15 (b) 100 (c) 2 (d) 1
(c) 5 (d) 1 SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-II
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-II Ans : (b)
Ans : (c) I 3I
Current through 4 resistance = I-
4 4
Therefore, voltage drop across it-
= 4 3I
10 10 V 3I
R eq Resistance Reff =
10 10 I I
100 R 3
R eq 5
20 Thus effective resistor fed by voltage source is 3.
Apply KVL
3 2I NL VNL ..........(i)
No of branches (b) = 6
but given VNL = (INL) No of nodes (n) = 4
3 2I NL I NL
2 Link/ chords b n 1
2 6 4 1
I NL 2I NL 3 0 3
I NL 3I NL I NL 3 0 902. For a voltage source..........
(a) Terminal voltage is equal to the source emf
I NL I NL 3 1 I NL 3 0 (b) Terminal voltage cannot exceed the source emf
I NL 1 I NL 3 0 (c) Terminal voltage is always lower than source
If I NL 3 0 (d) Terminal voltage is higher than the source emf
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I
then I NL 3Amp Ans : (b) For a voltage source, terminal voltage can not
exceed the source e.m.f. because of some voltage- drop
VNL I 2NL VNL 9 Volts of external resistance of voltage.
This is not possible 903. A dependent source...........
If (INL-1) = 0 (a) May be a current source or a voltage source
(b) Is always a voltage source
than I NL 1Amp (c) Is always a current source
2 (d) Neither a current source nor a voltage source
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I
VNL = (1)2 VNL 1Volt Ans : (a) Dependent source are classified as
Power dissipated in non-linear resistor (i) Voltage dependent voltage source.
P = VNL. INL (ii) Voltage dependent current source.
(iii) Current dependent voltage source.
P = (1×1) (iv) Current dependent current source.
P 1watts
900. If the number of branches in a network is 'B',
number of nodes is 'N' and the number of
dependent loops is 'L', then the number of
independent node equations will be..........
(a) N + L –1 (b) B –1 904. Kirchhoff's laws are not applicable to circuits
(c) B – N (d) N –1 with........
(a) Distributed parameters
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I (b) Lumped parameters
Ans : (d) No. of branches = B (c) Passive elements
No of nodes = N (dependent) (d) Non linear resistance
No of loops = L SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I
then BSNL TTA 28.09.2016, 3 PM
No.of independent node N 1 Ans : (a) Kirchhoff's law is not applicable for the
distributed -parameters.
901. The number of chords of a connected graph of Distributed parameter - Distributed element circuits
the given circuit will be............. are electrical circuits composed of length of
transmission lines or other distributed components.
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 6 In distributed parameter, it is not possible to apply
Kirchhoff's law because it has not closed-loop.
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I
Network Theory 160 YCT
905. The current through 120 ohm resistor in the 908. According to free electron theory, electrons in
circuit shown in the figure is........... a metal are subjected to.............
(a) Constant potential
(b) Sinusoidal potential
(c) Square-wave potential
(d) Non-periodic potential
(a) 1 A (b) 2 A SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I
(c) 3 A (d) 4 A Ans : (a) According to free electron theory, electrons in
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I a metal are subjected to constant potential and mutual
Ans : (c) repulsion among electron is neglected.
909. A semiconductor has a band gap of 2 eV. The
wavelength of radiation emitted from the
semiconductor when electrons and holes
recombine is...........
25 (a) 625 nm (b) 625 m
Current coming at node A Amp (c) 625 mm (d) 625 cm
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I
25 4
Current flowing through 120 resister = hc
7 7 Ans : (a) λ
21 E
I=3A 6.67 1034 3 108
λ 6.25 107 625 10 9
906. The V–i characteristic of an element is shown 2 1.6 1019
in the figure given below. The element is........ = 625 nm
Where, c = Speed of light
= Wave length
h = Plank-constant.
910. A current is said be alternating when it
(a) Nonlinear, active, non-bilateral changes in .............
(b) Linear, active, non-bilateral (a) Magnitude only
(c) Nonlinear, passive, non-bilateral (b) Direction only
(d) Nonlinear, active, bilateral (c) Both magnitude and direction
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I (d) None of these
ESE 2002 SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II
Ans : (a) Given circuit diagram- Ans : (c) A current is said to the alternating when
magnitude and direction change with time.
911. Which of the following statements pertains to
resistor only?
(a) They oppose sudden changes in voltages
(b) They can act as energy storage devices
(c) They can dissipate desirable amount of power
It is non-bilateral or unidirectional as same V-I (d) None of these
relationship doesn’t exist for current flowing in either SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II
direction. Ans : (c) Applying resistor in a circuit can only
It is a non-linear element dissipate or consume the desired amount of power. No
It is active as voltage is same for either direction of energy can be stored in resistor.
current. Use of inductor and capacitor in a circuit to store the
907. Linkage flux per unit current is called …….. energy is known as energy stored element.
(a) Capacitance (b) Resistance 912. In gases the flow of current is due to...........
(c) Inductance (d) Capacitive reactance (a) Electrons only
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I (b) Positive and negative ions
Ans : (c) Flux () can be defined as number of lines of (c) Electrons, positive ions
force, so if we can count the number of lines passing through (d) Electrons, positive ions and negative ions
a given point we can calculate the flux at that point. SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II
Flux linkage on the other-hand deals with the no. of Ans : (d) Current in gases and liquids generally
lines of force linking a given loop. consists of a flow of positive ions in one direction
together with a flow of negative ions in the opposite
Inductance L Henry direction. The heat loss or energy dissipated by electric
I current in a conductor is proportional to the square of
= flux linkage (in Wb), I = current (in amp) current.
Network Theory 161 YCT
913. All the resistances in figure shown below are 914. Four 100 W bulbs are connected in parallel
1 each. The value of current 'I' is: across 200V supply line. If one bulb gets
(a) No bulb will light
(b) All the four bulbs will light
(c) Rest of the three bulbs will light
(d) None of these
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II
(a) 1/15A (b) 2/15A Ans : (c) In a parallel connection of bulbs. If one get
(c) 4/15A (d) 8/15A fused then it gets disconnected from the supply and then
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II remaining three bulbs will continue glow.
Ans : (d) 915. A network has 4 nodes and 3 independent
loops. What is the number of branches in the
(a) 5 (b) 6
(c) 7 (d) 8
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II
Ans : (b) A network has 4 nodes and 3 independent
loop the number of branches in the network is 6.
branch b = + n –1
b = 3 + 4 –1
916. A voltage source having an open circuit voltage
of 100 V and internal resistance of 50 is
equivalent to a current source............
(a) 2A in parallel with 50
(b) 2A in series with 50
(c) 0.5A in parallel with 50
(d) 2A in parallel with 100
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II
Ans : (a) A voltage source having an open circuit
voltage of 100V and internal resistance of 50 is
equivalent to a current source 2A in parallel with 50
I = 2A
917. Consider the circuit given below. What is the
power delivered by the 24V source?
e = 1.610-19 coulomb
q = ne
q = 109 1.610-19
q = 1.610-10
Geq = 6 S + 4 S
G eq 10Simen
q 1.6 1010
927. Find Req for the following circuit. t 103
i = 1.610 A
930. In the shown in figure the voltage at the node B
with respect to node D is calculated to be 15V.
Then the current in 30 resistor will be:
(a) 16 (b) 10
(c) 7.6 (d) 4
SSC JE 20.10.2020, Shift-I
Ans. (c) :
(a) 2.5A (b) 2A
(c) 10A (d) 0.5A
NMRC JE 2017
Ans : (d)
Given that,
VB = 15V
2 and 8 in parallel Current in 30
2 8 16 30 VB 30 15 1
1.6 I = 0.5 A
2 8 10 30 30 2
931. _______remains same in all parts of a series
(a) Current (b) Resistance
(c) Voltage (d) Power
NMRC JE 2017
Ans : (a) In series connection current is constant and in
6 and 1.6 in series parallel connection voltage is constant throughout the
Req = 6 + 1.6 = 7.6 circuit.
Network Theory 164 YCT
932. If a DC supply of 180V is connected across By current division rule-
terminals AB in figure, then current in 6 R DBC
resistor will be: IDAC = I
IDAC = 2
(a) 6A (b) 5A
IDBC = I – 1 A
(c) 12A (d) 10A
IDBC = I – IDAC = 1A
NMRC JE 2017
VA – VC = 3 1 Volt
Ans : (d) Given circuit diagram
VA – VC = 3.........(i)
VB – VC = 2.........(ii)
From equation (i) and (ii)
VA – VB = 1 Volt
VAB = 1 Volt
934. When all the resistance in the given circuit are
1 each, the equivalent resistance across the
points A and B will be?
6 1 100 0
5 1 50 0
6 + 300 0 = 5 + 5000
1 By KCL I1+I2+I3=0 ..........(i)
200 By using Nodal Analysis–
0 = 0.005 V –120 V – 90 V
Putting the value of 0 in equation (II) 25 5 15
6 = R0 (1+1000.005) 1 1 1 120 90
6 25 5 15 25 5
1.5 23V 2850
R0 = 4Ω 75 125
937. An electric current is the flow of : 2850 75
(a) neutral charges only V
23 125
(b) both positive and negative charges
current through 15 resistor
(c) negative charges only
2850 75
(d) positive charges only I = 4.95A
23 125 15
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 166 YCT
940. In the figure below, the current in the 3Ω Total flow of current in the circuit
resistor is : V
R eq
(a) 0.824 A (b) 1.325 A
(c) 0.711 A (d) 1.438 A
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
Ans. (b)
R3= 10 9V
The current in 3Ω
R2= 82
2.15 82
I1 2.15 13
3 82 51 133
Delta to Star Conversion–
13 13
6 2 12 176.3
R1 I1
6 2 5 13 133
5 6 30 1.325 A
5 6 2 13 941. Find the current in the 5Ω resistor from the
5 2 10 analysis of following figure.
5 6 2 13
R1 and R2 are in parallel combination
Delta to Star Conversion–
51 82
63 18
R1' R '2 13 13 R1
R eq1 ' 6 3 4 13
R1 R '2 51 82
13 13 6 4 24
4182 6 4 3 13
R eq1
133 13 43 12
R eq1 2.42 6 4 3 13
R eq R eq1 1 R 3
2.42 1
Req = 4.1892Ω
R 3 = 10
12/13 1 13
1 1 1 1
R AB 4 4 4
1 3
R AB 4
9V 4
51 82 R AB 1.33
R1' R '2 13 13
R eq1 ' 946. The value of temperature coefficient of
R1 R '2 51 82 resistance (α) depends upon :
13 13 (a) cross-sectional area
4182 (b) length of material
R eq1 (c) nature of material and temperature
133 13 (d) volume of material
R eq1 2.42 UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
10 Ans. (c) : The value of temperature coefficient of
Req 2.42 1 resistance depends upon nature of material and
Req = 4.1892Ω temperature.
947. At 300K temperature coefficient of a wire is
0.00125 per 0C and its resistance is 1Ω. What
will be its resistance at 1100 K
(a) 5.1225 Ω (b) 6.125 Ω
(c) 2 Ω (d) 3 Ω
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
Ans. (c) : Formula, Rt=R0(1+0t)
9V Rt =1
V 9 0 = 0.00125 / 0C
I 2.15A
R eq 4.1892 t =300 K
= (300 – 273)=270C
So, Rt = R0(1+0t)
1=R0 (1+0.0012527) ..............(i)
R t2 ?
t = 1100 K
=(1100 – 273)
9V R t 2 =R0(1+0.00125827) ...............(ii)
51 From equation (i) & (ii) s
I 2 2.15 13 2.15 1 1 0.00125 27
51 82 133
R t 2 1 0.00125 827
13 13
I 2 0.824A 1 0.00125 827
R t2
1 0.00125 27
945. The output resistance of the circuit at port AB
is 2.03375
R t2
948. The resistance of a metallic conductor is
inversely proportional to :
(a) temperature
(b) shape of cross-section of the material
(a) 1 (b) 1.2 (c) cross-sectional area of the material
(c) 1.33 (d) 1.5 (d) length of the material
ESE-2012 UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 170 YCT
(a) 15 Ω (b) 10 Ω
Ans. (c) Formula – R (c) 12.52 Ω (d) 16.60 Ω
a UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
R = Resistance Ans. (a) :
ρ = Resistivity or specific resistance
= length
a = cross section area
That is, the resistance is inversely proportional to the
cross section area of the conducting material.
949. The resistance of a 100m length of wire having
a uniform cross-sectional area of 0.01 mm2 and
having resistivity of 60 µΩ-cm, is : R3 and R4 are in the parallel, so
(a) 6000 Ω (b) 600 Ω ' R R4 88
R eq 3
(c) 60 Ω (d) 6 10–3 Ω R3 R 4 8 8
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I = 4Ω
Ans. (a) : Given that,
ρ = 60µΩ–cm = 6010–610–2 = 6010–8 Ω–m
a = 0.01mm2 = 0.0110–6 = 110–8 m2
= 100m
Formula – R
R 60 10 –8
100 R1, R2 and R 'eq are in series, then–
1 10 –8 Req = R1 + R2 + Req
= 6000Ω =5+6+4
950. The ability of a charged particle to do work is Req = 15Ω
known as : 953. At 00C a specimen of copper has a resistance of
(a) magnitude 4mΩ and its temperature coefficient of
(b) magnetism resistance is 1/234.5 per 0C. Find the value of
(c) potential difference its temperature coefficient at 700C.
(d) electric potential energy (a) 0.003284 per 0C (b) 0.003428 per 0C
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I (c) 0.003434 per C (d) 0.003248 per 0C
Ans. (d) : The ability of a charged particle to do work is UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
known as electrical potential energy. Ans. (a) : Formula–
951. A 240V, 60W lamp has a working resistance of: 0
(a) 1,400 Ω (b) 60 Ω t =
(c) 690 Ω (d) 960 Ω 1 0t
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I 1
Ans. (d) Given that– V = 240V Given that, 0 = 0.004264
P = 60W
t = 700C
R= t
P 1 0.004264 70 1 0.2985
240 240
240 0.004264
R t
60 60 1.2985
R = 960Ω t = 0.003284/0C
952. If we want to replace the following circuit by a 954. When a circuit so called open circuit?
simple circuit containing one Voltage source (a) When voltage between the two terminals is
and a resistance, then value of that resistance infinite
will be:
(b) When current flow through the branch is
(c) When voltage between two terminals become
(d) When current flow through the branch
become zero.
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 171 YCT
Ans. (d) : When the current flowing in a circuit is zero R3 and R4 are in Parallel–
and the resistance is infinite, then that circuit is called R R 4 12 6
open circuit. When the current flowing in a circuit is R eq1 3 4
infinite and the resistance is zero, then that circuit is R 3 R 4 12 6
called short circuit. Now, R1, R2 and Req are in series, then
955. The resistance of a 1 kW electric heater when R eq 2 R1 R 2 R eq1
energized by a 230 V 1-phase AC is = 3+5+4
(a) 52.9 (b) 230 = 12
(c) 1000 (d) 4.2
Ans. (a) : Given that,
P = 1 kW = 1000 Watt
V = 230 Volt
Resistance of heater-
2 The total current flow in the circuit
V 2 230
R 52.9 V 78
P 1000 I 6.5A
R eq 2 12
956. If the three bulbs of 25W, 40W and 60W which
would have the lowest resistance? 958. At 00C, a specimen of copper has a resistance of
(a) Both 25W and 60W bulbs a 4mΩ and its temperature coefficient of
(b) 25W bulb resistance is 1/234.5 per 0C. Find the value of
(c) 40W bulb its resistance at 700C
(d) 60W bulb (a) 5.55 mΩ (b) 4.52 mΩ
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I (c) 5.19 mΩ (d) 4.22 mΩ
Ans. (d) : Formula – UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
Ans. (c) : Formula– Rt = R0 (1+0t)
P Given that –
R t = 700C
V R0 = 4mΩ = 4 10–3Ω
P 1
2 0 = 0.004264/0C
V 234.5
25 Rt = 4 10–3 (1 + 0.004264 70)
= 4 10–3 (1 + 0.29848)
V2 = 4 10–3 1.29848
40 Rt = 5.19392 10–3Ω
V 2 Rt = 5.19 mΩ
R3 959. A copper wire has a resistance of 10Ω it is
stretched by one-tenth of its original length.
So, that R1 > R2 > R3
Then its resistance will be :
Then, the resistance of R3 or 60W bulb is less, as (a) 12.1Ω (b) 10 Ω
compare to other bulbs. (c) 9 Ω (d) 11 Ω
957. Find the current through the following circuit. UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
Ans. (a) : Given,
R old 10, length
R new ?, length new
10 10
R ×
(a) 10A (b) 6A A
(c) 7.5A (d) 6.5A 2
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I v
Ans. (d) : R 2
R new 11 /10
R old
R new 121
10 100
R new 12.1Ω
Vx –15 Vx Vx
4 2 8 Plotting the graph from the given points, we get :–
2Vx – 30 4Vx Vx The current equation is given by :–
8 2
7 39 1 1
8 x 4
Vdt 10dt
39 2 2
Vx i 10t 0
Vx 39 2 39 at, t = 0, we get i = 10×0 = 0
8 7 8 28 and, t = 2 i = 10×2 = 20A
991. So we can see that the current through inductor
increases linearly from zero to 20A in 2s in positive
direction and therefore remains constant at +20A.
993. A parallel-plate capacitor with air between the
plates has a capacitance of 10 pF. If the
distance between the parallel plates is halved
and the space between the plates is filled with a
material of dielectric constant 5, the newly
The current in the 1Ω resistor in the network
formed capacitor will have a capacitance of
as shown is
(a) 2.00 A (b) 2.25 A (a) 10 pF (b) 50 pF
(c) 2.50 A (d) 2.75 A (c) 100 pF (d) 150 pF
ESE 2018 ESE 2018
Network Theory 178 YCT
Ans. (c) For the case when, there is only air between A = Cross-sectional area
the capacitor plates. J = Current density
l = Length of conductor
A ESE 2020
C 0 10 pF .......................(i)
Where, A = area of plates Ans. (c) : Since R - ...........(i)
When d is halved and dielectric with dielectric constant 1
of 5 is inserted. and J = E E ( conductivity)
C' r 0 2 r 0 E
d/2 d ............(ii)
where r = 5 Substituting (ii) in equation (i)
C ' 2 5 C 10C E
C' 10 10 pF 100 pF J A
C' = 100 pF R=
994. A lossy capacitor Cx, rated for operation of 5 996. Which of the following statements are correct
kV, 50 Hz is represented by an equivalent for an ideal constant voltage source?
circuit with an ideal capacitor Cp in parallel 1. Its output voltage remains absolutely constant
with a resistor Rp. Cp is 0.102 F; and Rp = 1.25 whatever the change in load current.
MΩ. The power loss, and tanδ, of this lossy 2. It possesses zero internal resistance so that
capacitor when operating at the rated voltage internal voltage drop in the source is zero.
are, respectively 3. Output voltage provided by the source would
(a) 20 W and 0.04 (b) 10 W and 0.04 remain constant irrespective of the amount of
(c) 20 W and 0.025 (d) 10 W and 0.025 current drawn from it.
ESE 2018 4. Output voltage provided by the source varies
with the amount of current drawn from it.
Ans. (c) : Given that,
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only (b) 1, 3 and 4 only
Cp = 0.102 F (c) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 only
Rp = 1.25 M ESE 2020
V = 5 kV
Ans. (d) :
f = 50 Hz
tan is given by
tan r Statement '4' is incorrect as output voltage of a ideal
IC voltage source is constant irrespective of current drawn.
5 103 997. The voltage across the 40 Ω resistor in the
electric network shown in Fig. is
1.25 106
5 103
2 50 0.102 106
= 0.025
Power loss = I 2R R
5 103 (a) 3.45 V (b) 1.25 V
= 6
1.25 106 = 20W (c) 4.75 V (d) 6.25 V
1.25 10 DGVCL JE 06.01.2021 Shift-III
995. The resistance R of a conductor is Ans. (a) : Given circuit diagram-
(a) (b)
Jl Al
(c) (d)
Where:E = Electric field intensity
Network Theory 179 YCT
Apply Nodal at A Apply nodal on above circuit
V 25 V V 10 VAB 10 VAB VAB
0 0
50 40 10 1 1 2
V V V 25 10 2VAB 20 2VAB VAB
40 10 50 50 10 2
29V 1 5VAB = 20
VAB = 4 Volt
200 2
100 1000. A voltage source of emf 30 V is connected to a
V= load consisting of three resistors with
resistances of 10, 6 and 4 in series.
V = 3.45 volt
Determine the current in 4 resistor.
So, voltage across 40 is 3.45 Volt
(a) 3A (b) 1.5 A
998. In the circuit, the galvanometer shows no (c) 5A (d) 6A
deflection. What is the value of ‘X’? DGVCL JE 06.01.2021 Shift-III
Ans. (b) : Given circuit diagram-
(a) 1 Ω (b) 2 Ω
Req = 10 + 6 + 4 = 20
(c) 3 Ω (d) 4 Ω All resistors are connected in series, hence same current
DGVCL JE 06.01.2021 Shift-III will be flow in all resistors.
Ans. (b) : hence,
Current through 4
V 30
R eq 20
I = 1.5 A
1001. In case of a copper atom, atomic weight is 64
For zero galvanometer deflection and atomic number is 29. What will be the
number of neutrons in a copper atom?
P qr P p (a) 35 (b) 64
R S ……..(i)
Q p q r Q q (c) 93 (d) 29
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020
Put the value of above bridge in equation (i)
Ans. (a) : no. of neutron = Mass No. – Atomic No.
500 200 1.5 500 100 = 64 – 29
2.5 = X
500 100 200 1.5 500 200 = 35
300 1 1002. The frequency of a sinusoidal signal is 50 Hz.
2.5 = X + What will be the period of the signal?
301.5 2
(a) 20 ms (b) 30 ms
X = 2.0 (c) 50 ms (d) 10 ms
999. The voltage across A-B in the circuit shown in PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020
Fig. is Ans. (a) : f = 50 Hz
1 1
T 0.02s 20ms
f 50
1003. What will be the current in 80 Ω resistor if it is
connected to a supply of 220 V?
(a) 2.25 A (b) 2.75 A
(c) 2.50 A (d) 1.75 A
(a) 4 V (b) 2 V PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020
(c) 8 V (d) 10 V Ans. (b) : V = IR
DGVCL JE 06.01.2021 Shift-III V 220
Ans. (a) : From the given circuit- I = 2.75 A
R 80
1004. In case of a sinusoidal current, the unit of the
amplitude is:
(a) Radians/second (b) Hertz
(c) Radians (d) Amperes
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020
Network Theory 180 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ans : (b) The flow of an electric current in any metallic
Current Ampere wire is due to electron.
Resistance Ohm 1010. When 2A current flow, in a copper wire for 3
Inductance Henry micro second, then what is the approximate
Resistivity -m number of electron flow in wire cross section
1005. A loop which does not contain any other loop (electron charge: 1.6×10-19C)
within it is called _________. (a) 3.751011 (b) 3.751012
(a) Mesh (b) Super node (c) 3.7510 (d) 3.751014
(c) Node (d) Port (RRB 2014)
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020 Ans : (c) Given,
Ans. (a) : A loop which does not contain any other loop i = 2 A, t = 3 sec = 310–6 sec
within it is called mesh. e = 1.6 10–19 C
No. of electron = ?
q = it = 2 3 10–6 = 6 10–6 C
q 6 106
q = ne n =
e 1.6 10 19
n= 106 1019 3.751013
In this circuit no. of loop is 3 and no of mesh are 2.
n = 3.75 1013
1006. Four 100 resistors are connected is parallel.
1011. In street lights, Bulbs are..............connected in:
The equivalent resistance of the parallel
connections is : (a) In parallel
(b) In series
(a) 400 (b) 25
(c) In series parallel
(c) 100 (d) 50
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020 (d) terminal to terminal
Ans. (b) : The equivalent resistance are connected in RRB 2014
R Ans : (a) Bulbs are connected in parallel in street lights
parallel then R eq and the voltage across each bulb is same.
1012. A wire of 100 meter length have 0.1 mm2 cross
R eq sectional area and resistivity 50 ×10-8 m. Find
R eg 25 the resistance
(RRB 2014)
(a) 500 (b) 5000
(c) 250 (d) 50 k
Ans : (a) Given-
1007. The net charge on a neutral atom of an element length () = 100 m, = 5010-8 -m
will be _______.
cross sectional area (A) = 0.1 mm2 = 110–7m2
(a) Positive (b) Negative
(c) Infinite (d) Zero
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020 A
Ans. (d) : The net charge on a neutral atom of an 50 10 8 100
element will be -zero. R= = 5010–8107100
1008. In any electric circuit the flow of electron
constitutes : = 5100 = 500
(a) magnetic charge = 500
(b) an electric current 1013. The design of an electric heating element is
(c) an electric charge such that it was lost 450 watt from 250V main
(d) an electro motive force supply and it is made up of 1mm breadth and
RRB JE 2014 0.05 mm thickness of Nichrome ribbon. If
Ans : (b) The flow of electron in any circuit constitutes resistivity of nichrome is 1.10×10–8m, then
an electric current. length of ribbon-
q Charge (a) 63.1 m (b) 6.31 m
current (i) = = Coulomb/sec (c) 6310 m (d) 631 m
t time (RRB 2014)
1009. An electric current in a metallic wire is because
of- Ans : (d) Given- V = 250 volts
(a) Proton (b) Electron P = 450 W
(c) Iron (d) None of the above b = 1 mm = 10–3m
(RRB 2014) t = 0.05 mm = 5 10–5m
Network Theory 181 YCT
= 1.1010–8-m 1016. What is the current flow in 6 resistance in
=? below given circuit.
Given, I1 = 0.25
At node A
Then I3 = 0.5A V
I I3 I 4 I
I 1A 2.5 25 1
I1 0.005A
500 5000 200
From voltage division rule-
2.5 V
V IR 550
V 2.5
V 1 20 500
V = 20V V 2.75V
(a) 15 V (b) 10 V
(c) 12 V (d) 20 V
DSSSB JE 19.03.2021, Shift-I Source transformation-
Ans. (c) :
40 40
I28 =
4 28 8
i3 = 4 – i1 + 2i1 I(28) = 2A
= 4 + i1 1096. The voltage VAB in the circuit shown in the
Apply KVL- given figure is:
6i1 2i 3 0
6i1 2 4 i1 0
6i1 8 2i1 0
4i1 8 0
i1 2A (a) 0.7 V (b) 0.8 V
(c) 0.1 V (d) 0.9 V
V 6i1
DSSSB JE 19.03.2021, Shift-I
6 2 12 Volt Ans. (d) :
1094. All the resistances in the given figure are in
ohms. The effective resistance between the
points A and B is:
(a) 2 Ω (b) 3 Ω 10 20
VA 20
(c) 4 Ω (d) 5 Ω 30 3
DSSSB JE 19.03.2021, Shift-I 10 40
VB 40
Ans. (a) : RAD = 3 70 7
RAE = 3 20 40
RAF = 3 3 7
3 6 140 120 20
36 21 21
RAB = 2 VAB 0.95V 0.90 V
RAB 1.875
1105. In the circuit shown, if we connect a source of 2
12 6 volt with internal resistance of 1Ω at AA' with
Resistance = 12||6 = 4 positive terminal at A', then the current
18 through R is
R 12 4 16
I1 = = 0.75Amp
6I 12I1 12
6I 12 0.75 12 (a) 2 A (b) 1.66 A
(c) 1 A (d) 0.625 A
6I 12 9
6I 3 Ans. : (d)
I = 0.5A
1103. The electrical energy consumed by an
appliance of power rating P watts connected
across its rated V for t hours is
(a) P/V. tk Whr (b) k Whr
(c) Pt k Whr (d) k Whr
Ans. : (b)Electrical energy consumed
Power→ P watts
W = Pt Wh
W= kWh 2
1000 2.5
I 3 5 53
1104. 2 3 3 8
3 8
I 0.625 I 0.625 A
VS = ?
Current in 4 resistor
i 2 Amp
(a) 13 amp (b) 0.5 amp 2 resistor and 4 resistor are in series. So supply
(c) 4.5 amp (d) 8.5 amp voltage VS is equal to sum of voltage across 4 and
Ans. : (c) VS = 22+42=12 volt
VS 12V
1110. Which of the following elements is not
(a) Resistor (b) Inductor
(c) Capacitor (d) Transistor
Apply kirchhoff’s current law at node ‘N’ Ans. : (d) Transistor is not a bilateral element. A
Entering current = leaving current transistor is an active circuits elements it can amplify
2.5 4 I 4 2 power of a signal. It is an unilateral element conduction
I4 = 4.5A of currents in one direction is termed as unilateral
(Example diode, transistor etc).
1108. Find power absorbed/delivered by 120 V
1111. 1 Ton (unit of air conditioning load) in terms of
kW is
(a) 3.5 kW (b) 4.7 kW
(c) 12 kW (d) 10.5 kW
Ans. : (a) Unit of air conditioning load-
1Ton 3.5kW
(a) 120 watts (b) 240 watts
(c) 2 watts (d) 1 watt 1112. In the following figure, the voltage across C1
UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-II will be
Ans. : (b)
C×C C C2 C C C
CAB = + = + = + =C
C + C 2 2C 2 2 2
1116. A charge of 0.1 coulomb moves through a given
(a) zero (b) 50 V point in every 0.05 seconds. The current
(c) 150 V (d) 200 V flowing through the point is
UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-I (a) 2 mA (b) 5 mA
Ans. (d) : After R2 is an open circuit, the value of the (c) 2 A (d) 5 A
current in the circuit will be zero, so the entire source UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-I
voltage across the voltmeter will be used 200V, so the Ans. (c) : Given,
reading of the voltmeter will be 200V. q 0.1C , t 0.05sec.
1114. In the circuit shown below, the terminals A and i?
B are short circuited, the current drawn from
the battery is q 0.1 0.1 100 10
i 2A
t 0.05 5 5
i 2A
1117. The current I flowing in the following circuit is
V 2V
(a) (b)
V (a) zero (b) 1 A
(c) (d) zero
2R 10
(c) –1 A (d) A
Ans. (b) : Terminal AB short circuited– UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-I
Ans. (a) : Given circuit diagram–
R eq = R || R = VA VB 100 100 0
1 30 30 30
R eq = R I 0A
V 1118. A 220 V, 220 W bulb and a 220 V, 100 W bulb
I= are connected in series across a 220 V supply,
R eq
the power consumed by them will be
V 2V 2V (a) 33.3 W (b) 66.6 W
I= = I =
1 R R (c) 100 W (d) 300 W
R HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579)
BSNL TTA (JE) 25.09.2016, Shift-I
1115. In the following circuit, the equivalent
capacitance between terminals A and B is
Ans. (b) : Given, P1 220W , V1 220V
P2 100W , V2 220V
C 2 V12 (220) 2 220 220
(a) (b) C R1
2 3 P1 220 220
(c) C (d) 3C
Network Theory 199 YCT
V2 2 (220) 2 220 220 V2
R2 H1 = ×t
P2 100 100 2R
R2 484 (ii) In Parallel Combination
Req R1 R2 220 484
V 2 (220) 2 220 220
R 704 704
48400 R
704 2
Ptotal = 68.75 watt Supply voltage = V
66.6 W
2V 2 V2
1119. In the following figure, the equivalent H2 = t P
resistance at terminals A and B will be R R
H1 : H2 = 2R2
H1 : H2 = 1 : 4
(a) 275 (b) 180 1121. The elements which are not capable of
(c) 118.75 (d) None of these delivering energy by its own are known as
UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-I (a) Unilateral elements
Ans. (c) : (b) Passive elements
(c) Non-linear elements
(d) Active elements
Ans. (b) : Passive elements are not capable of
delivering energy. Passive elements are capable of
RAB 100 50 || 75 || 50 dissipate energy. Ex-R, L, C.
(75 50) 1122. If a 230V-100 Watt lamp is connected to 115
100 50 || Volt D.C. supply the power consumed by the
75 50 lamp is reduced to
75 50 (a) 1/4 (b) 1/2
100 50 || (c) 1/8 (d) 3/4
50 30 Ans. (a) : We know
100 50 || 30 100
80 V2
150 P
100 R
8 P V2
800 150 950 2
P2 V2
8 8 R = constant
P1 V1
RAB 118.75
P2 115 115
1120. Two heater wires of equal length are connected
first in series and then in parallel. The ratio of 100 230 230
heat generated from series to parallel P2 = 25W
connection will be P2 25
(a) 4 : 1 (b) 2 : 1 P1 100
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 1 : 4 1
Ans. (d) : (i) In series connection
1123. Two batteries of 12 volts and 6 Volts are
connected in series with a 10 ohms resistance
but polarities are in opposition. The current
flowing through the resistance is.
(a) 1.2 amps (b) 0.6 amp
Req = 2R (c) 2.4 amps (d) 1.8 amps
Supply voltage = V WBPSC SAE 2000
Network Theory 200 YCT
Ans. (b) : Ans. (a) :
12 6 6 R
I 0.6A eq
10 10 2
1124. A uniform wire of resistance R is divided into Ampere
10 equal parts and all of them are connected in
parallel. The equivalent resistance will be 2
Voltage across 3 3 0.6Volt
(a) 0.01 R (b) 0.1 R 10
(c) 10 R (d) 100 R 1127. The smallest resistance obtained by connecting
HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579) 1
Ans. (a) : R resistance of full wire- 50 resistances of ohm each is
(a) 50/4 (b) 4/50
(c) 200 (d) 1/200
HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579)
Ans. (d) : When we connect resistor in parallel, so
1 10 10 10 4
................. total 10 term
Req R R R that for smallest resistance.
1 100
R eq R
Req = 0.01R
1125. Three 2 ohm resistors are connected to form a 1
triangle. The resistance between any two 4 4 ..........4 so 50 time
R 50
corners is
(a) 6 (b) 2 1
R 50
(c) 3/4 (d) 4/3
HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579) 1
R 50
Ans. (d) : 200
1128. If the current in an electric bulb drops by 2%,
then power decreased by
(a) 1% (b) 2%
(c) 4% (d) 16%
HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579)
Ans. (c) :
Take point A and B Power (P) = I2R
R AB 2 || 2 2 P1 I R
2 || 4 P2 0.98I R
8 4 P1 1
6 3 P 2 0.98
1126. A cell of negligible resistance and e.m.f. 2 volts P2 = 0.96 P1
is connected to series combination of 2, 3 & 5 P P
Percentage decreased = 1 2 100%
ohms. The potential difference in volts between P1
the terminals of 3 ohm resistance will be P1 0.96P1
(a) 0.6 V (b) 2/3 V 100% 4%
(c) 3 V (d) 6V
HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579) P2 Power decreased by 4%
Network Theory 201 YCT
1129. A 25 W, 220 V bulb and a 100 W, 220 V bulb 1131. Two capacitors of capacitance 3 F and 6 F
are joined in parallel and connected to 220 V in series will have a total capacitance of
supply. Which bulb will glow more brightly ? (a) 9 F (b) 2F
(a) 25 W bulb (c) 18F (d) 24F
(b) 100 W bulb HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579)
(c) Both will glow with same brightness Ans. (b) :
(d) Neither bulb will glow
HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579)
V 2 220
Ans. (b) : R B1 1936
P 25
3 6
Cab = 3F || 6F F 2F
3 6
1132. Two capacitors have capacitances 25 μF when
in parallel and 6 μF when in series. Their
individual capacitances are
(a) 12 F and 13 F (b) 15 F and 10 F
(c) 10 F and 8 F (d) None of the above
HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579)
Ans. (b) : When two capacitor are connected in
R B2 484
R CAB = C1 + C2
P CAB = C1 +C2 = 25F ...........................(i)
In parallel circuit low resistance will take more current When two capacitor are connected in series-
and glow more bright.
1130. Two electric bulbs rated at P1 watt, V volt and
P2 watt, V volt are connected in series across V
volt. The total power consumed is C1C2
CAB = 6F
(a) P1 + P2 (b) P1P2 C1 C2
(c) (P1 + P2)/2 (d) (P1P2) / (P1 + P2) C1C2
6 F
HPSSC JE 08.08.2021 25 F
HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579) C1C 2 150 F2 c
Ans. (d) : 2 2
V2 V2 C1 C2 C1 C2 4C1C2
R1 , R2 2 2 2
P1 P2 C1 C2 25 F 4 150 F
1 1 C1 C2 5 F …………………………(ii)
Req = V 2 Solving equation (i) and equation (ii)
P1 P2 C1 = 15F
P P C2 = 10F
Req = V 2 1 2 ............equation (i) 1133. If length and area of cross-section is doubled,
then new resistance of wire will
We know that- (a) Increases four times (b) Decrease four times
V2 (c) Remains constant (d) Changes at random
PT ........... equation (ii)
R eq HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579)
From equation (i) put the value of Req in equation (ii)
Ans. (c) : Resistance R =
V2 A
PT 1
P P R1 , 2 2 1
V2 1 2 A1
21 1
PP A 2 2A1 , R2
PT 1 2 2A 1 A1
P1 P2
R1 = R2
Network Theory 202 YCT
1134. The potential difference across_____ is (a) 1A (b) 4 A
proportional to the rate of change of current in it. (c) 1 A (d) 4 A
(a) a resistor and a capacitor SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II
(b) an inductor Ans. (a) :
(c) a capacitor
(d) an inductor and a capacitor
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II
Ans. (b) : In an inductor VL L
Potential difference VL KCL at node A
ia + 3ia + im = 0
4ia + im = 0 ...(i)
At node B
V V 12
im = and ia =
1135. Determine the current in each branch (I1, I2, I3 2 4
and I4) of the given network. So put value of ia and im in equation (i)
V 12
4 im 0
V – 12 + =0
V = 8 Volt
(a) I1=8A, I2= 2A, I3=4A and I4= 2A V 12 8 12
(b) I1=6A, I2= 2A, I3=3A and I4= 1A Hence, ia = 1A
(c) I1=9A, I2= 2.25A, I3=4.5A and I4= 2.25A 4 4
(d) I1=6A, I2= 1.5A, I3=3A and I4= 1.5A 1137. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II unit, but derived unit?
Ans. (d) : (a) Kelvin (b) Watt
(c) Kilogram (d) Meter
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II
Ans. (b) : Kelvin, Kilogram and Meter are the
fundamental unit.
Power = Voltage × Current = Volt ×Ampere = Watt.
Power is not a fundamental unit, its a derived unit by
V1 assume as a node voltage the help of current and voltage.
Apply KCL at node V1 1138. Find the voltage 'vo' across 4 resistor in the
I1 = I2 + I3 +I4 following circuit.
60 V1 V1 V1 V1
7 12 6 12
60 V1 V1 V1 V1
7 7 12 6 12
60 12V1 7V1 14V1 7V1
7 84 (a) 12 V (b) 18 V
60 × 12 = 40 V1 (c) 24 V (d) 20 V
V1 = 18V SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II
60 V1 60 18 42 Ans. (c) :
Hence, I1 = 6A
7 7 7
18 18
I2 = 1.5A , I3 = 3A
12 6
I4 = 1.5A
1136. Determine the current ia in the given network. Apply ohm’s law at 4 resistance-
i0 ………….(i)
Apply KCL at node ‘a’
0.5i0 + 3 = i0
3 = i0 – 0.5i0 i0 = 6 A
Network Theory 203 YCT
From equation (i) Apply KCL
V0 4i0 12 4i 2V0 4 V0 0
V0 = 6×4 16 V0 4i 0
v0 24V 4i V0 16
1139. In an element from t=0s to t=5s, 12C of charge Apply ohm’s law at "6 " resistance
is entered. Find the flow of current in that V 6i
(a) 2.4 A (b) 1.2 A V0
(c) 12 A (d) 60 A 6
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II 2
Ans. (a) : Given that q = 12 C V0 V0 16
t = 5-0 = 5 V0 48V
q i t
1143. Three resistors, 150, 200 and 600 are
q 12 connected in parallel. Find the effective
i 2.4 A
t 5 0 resistance of the parallel
1140. What is the SI base unit of electric current? (a) 75 (b) 45
(a) Coulomb-Second (b) Coulomb/minute (c) 250 (d) 125
(c) Second/Coulomb (d) Ampere SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II Ans. (a) :
Ans. (d) : SI unit of electric current is Ampere.
1141. The total charge q(t), in coulombs, that
enters the terminal of an element is :
0 t0 for parallel connection-
1 1 1 1
q t 2t 0t2
2 t 2 R eq R l R 2 R 3
3 e t2
Determine the current at t = 5 s. 1 1 1 1
(a) 0 A (b) 2 A R eq 200 150 600
(c) 2e 6 A (d) 3 + e-6A 1 3 4 1
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II R 600
Ans. (c) : Given,
2 t 2 600
q 3 e , t2 R eq 75
dq d 2 t 2 2 t 2
i t 3 e 0e 2 1144. Identify the source that has the following
dt dt
2 t 2
i t 2e
At, t = 5
i 2e 6 A
1142. Find the value of 'v0' in the following circuit.
5 j5 5 j5
5 j5 5 j5
2 2
50 I IR I L
Z = 0 j
10 2 2
12 16 = 20 A
Z = (5 + 0j)
Network Theory 208 YCT
1167. The total resistance between the terminals X Ans : (b) Given–
and Y of the circuit shown in figure is Resistance of B (RB) = 500
Resistance of C (RC) = 100
Since material and cross section for both (B, C) are
Area AB AC
R1 R 2
For parallel combination RT
R1 R 2
2 2
RT 1k
22 Apply nodal analysis-
Total power P = P1 + P2 I1 3 I2 i
= 2W + 2W = 4W
1181. Consider the following image and find the 30 V V V
current through the 4 resistor. 12 5 6
30 V V V
12 12 5 6
5 5V 12V 10V
2 60
11 27V
(a) 1.3 A (b) 3.4 A
(c) 2.8 A (d) 4.6 A 2 60
UPRVUNL JE 2014 V 11 30
Ans. (a) : 27
Current in 6 resistance-
11 30 55
i 2.03A
27 6 27
1183. Consider the following circuit and determine
the equivalent resistance between A and B.
Applying super node theorem –
V1 V2
52 0
2 4
V1 V2
2 4
RAB = 15.76 + (14.54) || (15+1.63)
14.54 16.63
= 31.17
23.52 Let, current flows from the node A are i1, i then
1184. The electron relaxation time of metal A is 2.7 ×
10–4s and that of B is 1.35 × 10–4s. The ratio of
resistivity of B to resistivity of A will be :
(a) 4 (b) 2.0
(c) 0.5 (d) 0.25
Ans. (b) : We know that,
m 1
ne t t
B t A
A t B
resistvitityof B 2.7×10-4 i1+i1 - 5 -i = 0
= = 2.0
resistivity of A 1.35×10-4 2i1 - i = 5 ......(i)
(a) 0 V (b) 1 V
(c) 2 V (d) 3 V
Ans. (c) : Here voltage source connected across the 3
resistor and current source. So voltage across
3 resistor is same as voltage source.
Hence, Vx 2 Volt
1201. For the network shown in Fig., the equivalent 2 2
capacitance between the terminals A and B is R AB R AB 1
______. 22
1203. Three resistors of 20, 10 and 5 are
connected in parallel, what is the effective
(a) 7.5 (b) 2.85
(c) 35 (d) 5
(a) 1F (b) 3F UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016
(c) 2F (d) 1/ 3 F 1 1 1 1
Ans : (b)
DGVCL JE, Shift-II R eq 20 10 5
Ans. (b) : Rearrange the given network- 1 2 48
R eq 40
R e q 2.85
1204. Due to which of the following properties of a
conductor, does it pass current?
(a) Reluctance (b) Inductance
(c) Conductance (d) Resistance
CAB = C1 + C2 + C3 UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016
CAB = 1+ 1 + 1 Ans : (c) Current pass through the conductor due to the
CAB 3F conductance property.
1202. Show that how four 1 resistors must be conductance is symbolized by the English letter G. The
connected to give an overall resistance of 1 standard unit of conductance is the Siemens
across the terminals A and B. (abbreviated S), formerly known as the mho.
1205. A lamp rated at 60V, 40W is to be connected
across 230V. What is the value of resistance to
be connected in series with lamp?
(a) 100 (b) 255
(c) 90 (d) 345
UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016
Network Theory 215 YCT
Ans : (b) Rating of lamp = 60V, 40W 1208. Four resistors of 50, 50, 100 and 100
V 2
60´60 each are connected in parallel across 100V dc
Resistance of lamp = = = 90 supply. What is the current through each
R 40
branch if both the resistors of 50 burn out?
V 60 2
Current in the lamp = = = Amp (a) 1A (b) 6A
R 90 3 (c) 4A (d) 2A
Now lamp is connected 230V. UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016
Let R resister s connected in series with the lamp to Ans : (a) 50, 50, 100 and 100 each are
safe operation connected in parallel across 100V d.c.
2 If 50, 50 are burn -out (i.e. open-circuited).
230 = (90 + R )
690 = 180+2R
2R = 510 R = 255W
1206. Three equal resistors of 50 each are
connected in parallel across 110V dc supply.
What is the current through each branch if one 100
I1 1Amp
of the resistors gets shorted? 100
(a) 0A (b) 2.2A 100
(c) 4.4A (d) 6.6A I2 1Amp
UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016
1209. Find out resistance between X and Y in
Ans : (a) following:
I1 = I 2 = 0
Current always choose low resistance path.
1207. If the length of a wire having uniform
resistance R is stretched 'm' times with volume
remaining same. What will be new resistance
value? (a) 5 (b) 20
(a) R/m (b) Rm2 (c) 10 (d) 40
(c) mR (d) R/m2 UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016
UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016 Ans : (c)
BSNL TTA (JE) 2013
Ans : (b) We know that,
R1 1 , R2 2
A1 A2
R1 1 A 2
R 2 A1 2
Given 2 m. 1 R1 and R2 are in series
According to volume rule- R12 = (10+10) = 20
R3 and R4 are in series
A1 1 A 2 2 R34 = (10+10) = 20
A1 1 A 2 m 1
A1 mA 2
R1 A2
R 2 mA 2 m 1 R12 and R 34 are in parallel Þ
R1 1 20´ 20
2 R 2 m 2 R1 \ R XY = Þ R XY = 10W
R2 m 40
0.97 and 1 are in series and parallel with 2 resister
R eq2 1 0.97 || 2 1.97 || 2
After arranged the given circuit- 1.97 2
R eq2 0.99
1.97 2
6 1 100o
ne n 1.6 1019
i , 4
5 500 6 300 t 1
200 1 4
n = 2.51019
1 1.6 1019
200 1233. A resistance thermometer has a temperature
Put value of in equation (i) coefficient of resistance 10–3 per degree and its
1 resistance at 00 C is 1.0. At what temperature
5 R o 1 .50
200 is its resistance 1.1 .
(a) 100C (b) 1000C
1 0
5 R o 1 (c) 120 C (d) -100C
BSNL TTA (JE) 2013
5 Ans. : (b) Temperature coefficient of resistance
5 Ro
4 –3
() = 10 per degree
R o 4 Ro= 1
1230. In the given circuit, R1 > R2, Power dissipation Rt = 1.1
will be– T=?
Rt= Ro (1+T)
1.1 = 1(1+10–3T), 1.1=1+10–3T
0.1 = 10–3T
T = 0.1103 T 100o C
Apply KCL
8A = I +I2
V1 V1 V2 Resistance R and 2 R are connected in parallel so
50 100 voltage across both resistance is same.
3V1 V2 800 ………(1) Thermal energy developed in the resistance R
10 = I1 –I2 V2
H I 2 Rt t
V2 V1 V2 R
40 100 H1
–2V1+7V2=2000 ………(2) R
Heat developed in the resistance 2 R–
By solving equation (1) and (2)
21V1 7V2 5600 V2
H2 t
2V1 7V2 2000 7600
V1 400 Thus the ratio of HR : H2R
19V1 7600 19
V2 V2
V 400 t: t 2 :1
I 1 8A R 2R
50 50
HR : R2R = 2:1
P= I2 R=(8)250=6450=3200=3.2kW
1237. Two electric bulbs of 50 W and 100 W are
1235. The current flowing through the voltage source connected in series to mains. Which of the two
in the below circuit is- bulbs will glow brighter?
(a) 50 W
(b) 100 W
(c) Both 50 W and 100 W
(d) None of these
(a) 1.0A (b) 0.75A BSNL TTA (JE) 14.07.2013
(c) 0.5A (d) 0.25A Ans. : (a)
BSNL TTA (JE) 2013
Ans. : (a) Given circuit diagram-
So, I2 = 2.92A
I1 + I 2 = 5 (According to main figure)
I1 = 5 – I2 = 5–2.92 = 2.08A (a) 29 V (b) 30.5 V
I2 = I3 + 3 (c) 14V (d) 18V
I3 = I2 –3 = 2.92–3 = –0.08A BSNL TTA (JE) 27.09.2016, 10 AM
So the values of I1, I2 and I3 are respectively 2.08A, Ans. (a) Vs = 200V R1 = 14.5
2.92A, – 0.08A
R2 = 26.5 R3 = 60
1245. In the above circuit the currents I1 and I2 are:
Is = s
R eq
Req = 14.5 + 26.5 + 60 (All R in series)
= 41 + 60
(a) 6 A, 3 A (b) 3 A, 6 A
(c) 4.5 A, 4.5 A (d) 5 A, 4 A Req = 101
BSNL TTA (JE) 27.09.2016, 10 AM 200
Is = = 1.98Amp.
Ans. (a) Given circuit is - 101
Voltage drop across 14.5 resistor-
V1 = R1IS = 14.51.98 = 28.7 volt
V1 = 28.71 volt
V1 29 volt
Apply current divider rule- 1248. The total conductance of the circuit below:
9 6
I1 6A
I2 3A
1246. The resistance of a parallel circuit consisting of
(a) 13 (b) 1.6
two resistors is 12 ohms. One of the resistance
wire breaks and the effective resistance become (c) 6 (d) 2.5
18 ohms. The resistance of the broken wire is: BSNL TTA (JE) 27.09.2016, 10 AM
(a) 48 ohms (b) 18 ohms Ans. (b) Given, circuit is -
(c) 36 ohms (d) 24 ohms
BSNL TTA (JE) 27.09.2016, 10 AM
Ans. (c) Given,
R AB 12
R1 18
R2 ? 1 1 1 1
Parallel equivalent resistance,
R eq 10 2 1
R eq
Network Theory 223 YCT
1 1252. The value of voltage V1 and V2 for the circuit
Conductance , G eq shown below is:
R eq
G eq
G eq · 1.6 Mho
1249. Domestic appliances are connected in parallel
across AC mains because:
(a) it is simple arrangement (a) 7/10 V, 3/7 V (b) 10/3 V, 7/3 V
(b) operation of each appliance becomes (c) 3/10 V, 3/7 V (d) 1/7 V, 3/4 V
independent of each other DFCCIL-JE 11.11.2018
(c) appliances have same current ratings Ans. (b) :
(d) none of these
BSNL TTA (JE) 27.09.2016, 10 AM
Ans. (b) Domestic appliances are connected in parallel
across AC mains because, operation of each appliance
becomes independent of each other means current will
be drawn according to load. Light load appliance
consume low power and heavy load appliance consume
more power. Its depend upon the power factor of the load. For finding node voltage we apply nodal at node V1
1250. Kirchhoff's Voltage Law is known as: V 0 V1
(a) Conservation of charge 1 1
5 10
(b) Conservation of Energy
(c) Both 3V 10
1 1 , V1 Volt
(d) None 10 3
BSNL TTA (JE) 27.09.2016, 10 AM V1 10
I ,I
BSNL TTA (JE) 29.09.2016, 10 AM 10 3 10
Ans. (b) Kirchhoff's voltage law is also called principle 1
of conservation energy. According to this law, I Amp
multiplication of current and resistance with addition of V1 - IR = V2
emf in a given circuit is equal to zero. 10 1
3 V2
IR+ emf 0 3 3
1251. A 230 V lamp is rated to pass a current of 0.24 7
V2 Volt
A. If a second similar lamp is connected in 3
parallel to the lamp calculate the supply
1253. It two capacitors having capacitances of 5 F
current required to give the same power output and 10 F respectively are connected in series
in each lamp. across a 200 V supply, find the potential
(a) 0.24 A (b) 1.5 A difference across each capacitor.
(c) 1.9 A (d) 0.48 A (a) 50 V, 100 V (b) 133.33 V, 66.66 V
DFCCIL-JE 11.11.2018 (c) 200 V, 100 V (d) 100 V, 200 V
Ans. (d) : DFCCIL-JE 11.11.2018
Ans. (b) :
(a) 40 V (b) 25 V
Voltage drop across 10 (c) 10 V (d) 6 V
= 1.5 × 10 DFCCIL-JE 11.11.2018
= 15 V Ans. (d) :
Remaining Voltage across 15
= 20–15
Current flow each 15 resistors
5 1
I1 A
15 3
5 1 Apply nodal at node B
I2 A VBA 10 VBA VBA 50
15 3 0
Current flow shunted resistor- 5 5 10
3 2 5VBA 30
I3 30
2 3 VBA 6V
5 5
I3 Amp or VAB 6 6V
5 6 1263. A voltage divider is to given an output voltage
Shunted unknown Resistance = R of 10 V from an input voltage of 30 V as shown
in the figure. Given R2 = 100. The value of
R = 6 resistance R1 is:
Network Theory 226 YCT
1265. For the network shown in the figure, calculate
the power developed by resistor R1 and R2
V R2
R1 R 2
30 100 I1
I 4
100 R1 8 4
1000 + 10 R1 = 3000 9 4
10R1 = 3000 – 1000 I1 3Amp I2 = 9-3 = 6 Amp
2000 PR1 I12 R1 72 Watt PR 2 I22 R 2 144W
R1 , R1 200
1264. For the network shown in figure, the value of 1266. A cable have two conductors which is
supply current and source emf is: connected together at the end for testing. When
cable is 700 m long then resistance measured
from the other end at the connecting loop is
100. The value of resistance of same cable
having 8 km length.
(a) 1,100 (b) 1, 134
(c) 1,200 (d) 1,143
DFCCIL-JE 11.11.2018
Ans. (d) : 1 = 700 m
(a) 4.5 A, 36 V (b) 1.5 A, 27 V R1 = 100
(c) 4.5 A, 87V (d) 1.5 A, 36 V = 8 km = 8000 m
DFCCIL-JE 11.11.2018 2
Ans. (c) : R2 = ?
R1 1
R2 2
100 700
R 2 8000
R 2 1142.85 1143
1267. The value of potential difference across the
Given, I 4 3Amp 2 resistor for the network shown below is:
I 16 I 24
I4 , I 4
8 16 16
3 24 9
I 4.5Amp Supply current
16 2
E = 8 × I + 6 × I + 8 × I4
= 14 × 4.5 + 8 × 3 = 63 + 24 (a) 2.8 V (b) 10.1 V
= 87 V (c) 5.2 V (d) 2.1 V
DFCCIL-JE 11.11.2018
Network Theory 227 YCT
Ans. (d) : Ans. (d) : The seven Basic SI units:
(i) Length - meter (m)
(ii) Time -second (s)
(iii) Amount of substance-mole
(iv) Electric current-Amp.
(v) Temperature-Kelvin (K)
(vi) Luminous intensity - candela (cd)
Apply nodal at node (1) (vii) Mass- kilogram (kg)
V1 10 V1 V1 20 1270. If a 60 W and 100 W lamps in series, which
4 10 8 lamp will give more light
V1 V1 V1 10 20 (a) 100 W
(b) 60 W
4 10 8 4 8 (c) Both will give same light
10V1 4V1 5V1 (d) None of the bulb will glow.
40 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I
19V1 40 5 Ans. (b) : As we know that,
200 V2
V1 Volt P VI I 2 R
19 R
V1 200 20 In series connection with same voltage supply I
I2 = constant.
10 19 10 19 (The resistance of 60W bulb is higher 1.6 than the
2 20 40 resistance of 100W bulb).
VR across 2 2.1Volt
19 19 In series connection, the lamp whose resistance is more,
1268. For the circuit shown in the figure below, the will give more light. Hence 60W lamp give more light.
value of currents I1 and I2 is: 1271. Power is defined as
(a) Product of force and distance
(b) Rate of doing work
(c) Capacity of doing work
(d) Energy dissipated by load.
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I
Ans. (b) : Force × distance = work done.
Rate of doing work Power
(a) 2.5 A, 1.5 A (b) 3 A, 2.5 A Capacity of doing work = Energy
(c) 1 A, 1.5 A (d) 1.5 A, 0.5 A Energy dissipated by load = Power loss
DFCCIL-JE 11.11.2018 1272. Unit of electric power is
Ans. (d) : (a) Kilowatt (b) watt
(c) KW h (d) watt hour
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I
Ans. (b) : The SI unit of power is watt
Unit of electrical power = Electrical energy/time period
= Joule/ second
= watt
NOTE- here in the question SI unit is asked, please
I R2 don't confuse with kilowatt.
I3 1
R2 R3 1273. Resistance of open circuit is equal to
I1 60 (a) Zero (b) Infinity
1 (c) Less than 1 (d) None of the above
60 30
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I
1.5A I1
Ans. (b) : In open circuit condition the current in that
I 2 I1 I 3 branch network must be equal to zero i.e.
I2 = 1.5 1 = 0.5Amp V IR
1269. The number of basic SI units is: R
(a) 6 (b) 5 I
(c) 4 (d) 7 For open circuit I = 0
DFCCIL-JE 11.11.2018 Therefore, R
Network Theory 228 YCT
1274. Current is defined as Ans. (a) : When capacitances are connected in series,
(a) Gradual change in resistance the equivalent capacitance of the circuit will be
(b) Rate of flow of charge decreased. Because for series connection of capacitor
(c) Linear change in capacitance total equivalent capacitance is -
(d) None of the above. 1 1 1 1 1
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I Ceq C1 C2 C3 Cn
Ans. (b) : As we know that- 1280. The ideal characteristic of a stabilizer is
dq constant output
I (a) Current with low internal resistance
(b) Voltage with high internal resistance
Hence current is defined as the rate of flow of electric (c) Frequency with variable output voltage
charge. (d) Voltage with low internal resistance
1275. When resistances are connected in parallel, Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I
the equivalent resistance Ans. (d) : A stabilizer must give constant output
(a) Decreases (b) Increases voltage. This is possible only if internal resistance is
(c) No change (d) Fluctuates low. Therefore the ideal characteristic of a stabilizer is
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I constant output voltage with low internal resistance.
Ans. (a) : When several resistance are connected in 1281. The fundamental unit which is common in
parallel there equivalent resistance is always less than CGS and SI system is?
one of resistances which have a minimum value i.e. (a) Second (b) Kilogram
(c) Gram (d) Metre
equivalent resistance decreases.
BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 10 AM
1276. When inductors are connected in series, the Ans. (a) : CGS system of units- The unit of length is
equivalent inductance centimeter (cm). The unit of mass is gram (g). The unit
(a) Fluctuates (b) Increases of time is second(s).
(c) No change (d) Decrease SI system of units- The unit of length is metre (m). The unit
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I of mass is kilogram (kg). The unit of time is second (s).
Ans. (b) : When inductors are connected in series the So, "Second" is the unit which is common in CGS and
equivalent inductance are increased. SI system.
For series connection of inductor equivalent inductance- 1282. Calculate the current in I3 in the circuit-
Leq = L1 + L2 + ……………Ln
1277. Increased current is possible if resistors are
(a) Parallel
(b) Series
(c) In series and parallel
(d) None of the above. (a) –8A (b) 8A
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I (c) 7A (d) 12A
Ans. (a) : In parallel combination of resistance, the BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 10 AM
equivalent resistance is lesser than least value of Ans. (b) By Kirchhoff's 1st law- "The algebraic sum
resistance. Thus current will increase when resistor are of current in a network of conductors meeting at a point
connected in parallel. is zero."
1278. 2 lamp of 60 W and 1 of 100 W are connected n
in series to a supply 220 V, the current flowing I
k 1
k 0
in the circuit will be
(a) 1A (b) 8A (c) 9A (d) 0A Given that-
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I
Ans. (a) : Total power = 2 × 60 + 1 × 100= 220 Watt.
V = 220 Volt.
P 220
I = 1A
V 220
1279. When capacitances are connected in series, the
I1 = 7 Amp I2 = 2 Amp.
equivalent capacitance
I4 = 3 Amp I3 = ?
(a) Decreases
(b) Increases I1 I4 I 2 I3
(c) No change I3 = (I1 + I4) – I2
(d) May increase or decrease I3 = (7 + 3) –2
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I I3 = 8 Amp.
Network Theory 229 YCT
1283. When 'n' resistor each of value 'r' are
connected in parallel, then resultant resistance
is x. When these 'n' resisters are connected in
series, total resistance is?
(a) nx (b) rnx
(c) x/n (d) n2x 6 and 6 are in parallel
BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 10 AM 66
Ans. (d) : Where 'n' resistor each of value 'r' are R 2 3
connected in parallel-
(a) 3A (b) 6A
(c) 2.5A (d) 1.5A
BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 10 AM After converting the current source into voltage source-
Ans. (d) Given circuit is-
ML2T 2 A 1 …….(i)
And, Magnetic induction B
qv itv
B MT 2 A 1 ……(ii)
(a) Voltage source (b) Capacitor
Hence, by comparing both the equation (i) and (ii) (c) Current source (d) Resistance
dimensions differ in length. BSNL TTA 28.09.2016, 3 PM
Network Theory 233 YCT
Ans. (c) 1315. An ideal voltage source will charge an ideal
(a) In infinite time (b) Exponentially
(c) Instantaneously (d) None of the above
BSNL TTA 21.02.2016
Ans : (c) An ideal voltage source will charge an ideal
capacitor instantaneously. The internal resistance of an
ideal voltage source must be zero or negligible.
Therefore, the time constant for the circuit becomes
Above given figure represents current source. A current zero. Hence the capacitor will charge and discharge
source is an active circuit element that is capable of instantaneously.
supplying a constant current flow to a circuit regardless 1316. The device which does not have frequency
of the voltage developed across its terminals. dependent properties on its own is?
1311. A network having a battery source in one of its (a) Inductor (b) Capacitor
arms is termed as–––––––– (c) Resistor (d) All the above
(a) Linear network (b) Bilateral network BSNL TTA 21.02.2016
(c) Active network (d) Passive network Ans : (c) The device which does not have frequency
BSNL TTA 28.09.2016, 3 PM dependent properties on its own is resistor. While
Ans. (c) An active network is a network that contains capacitive and inductive reactance depend on
an active source, either a voltage source or current frequency.
source that can supply energy to the network 1
capacitive reactance (XC) =
indefinitely. A passive network is a network that does 2fC
not contain any active source, they consist of passive Inductive reactance (XL) = 2fL
elements like resistor, inductors and capacitors. This is clear that if frequency f is increase then
1312. If four 80 micro farad capacitors are connected capacitive reactance decrease and inductive reactance
in series, the net capacitance is- increase. But no any change in the of R (Resistance).
(a) 20 micro Farads (b) 40 micro Farads 1317. If a capacitance is charged by a square wave
(c) 160 micro Farads (d) 320 micro Farads current source, then the voltage across the
BSNL TTA 28.09.2016, 3 PM capacitor will be:
Ans. (a) Four Capacitors are connected in series as- (a) Square wave (b) Step function
(c) Triangular wave (d) Zero
NSCL Diploma Trainee 24.02.2021
Ans. (c) : Voltage across the capacitor is given by the
The net Capacitance is 1
1 1 1 1 1 4 V idt
= C
Ceq 80 80 80 80 80 Since the integration of square wave gives triangular
Ceq = 20 F wave. So the voltage across the capacitor will be like a
1313. Energy is given by the product of- triangular wave.
(a) Force and time (b) Time and power 1318. Electron volt is unit of-
(c) Power and distance (d) Force and distance (a) Current (b) Potential
RSMSSB JEN Diploma 29.11.2020 (c) Energy (d) Magnetic force
BSNL TTA 28.09.2016, 3 PM BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 3 PM
Ans. (b) Energy- It is a quantitative property that must Ans : (c) Electron volt is the unit of energy. It is
be transferred to an object in order to perform work. commonly used in nuclear physics, equal to the energy
So, Energy (E) = Power (P) Time (t) gained by an electron when the electrical potential
increased by one volt at electron.
1314. An active element in a circuit is one-
1 eV 1.602 1012 erg. 1 Joule = 107 erg
(a) Receives energy
(b) Supplies energy 1 eV = 1.602×1019 joule.
(c) Both receives and supplies energy 1319. The dimensional formula of Planck constant is-
(d) None of these (a) [MLT] (b) [MT–1L2]
2 2
BSNL TTA 28.09.2016, 3 PM (c) [MT L ] (d) [MT–2L2]
Ans. (b) Active components:- It is an electronic BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 3 PM
component which supplies energy to a circuit. Active Ans : (b) As we know that
element have the ability to electrically control electron Energy E
flow (i.e. the flow of charge). All electronic circuits Planck's constant h
must contain at least one active component. Active
1 2 –2
elements are- Voltage sources, Current sources, Dimensional formula of energy = M L T
Generators, Transistor, Diodes etc. Dimensional formula of frequency = M0L0T–1
Network Theory 234 YCT
M1L2 T 2 1323. The value of V in the circuit shown in the given
Now, h figure is
M 0 L0 T 1
h ML2 T 1
Hence, the dimensional formula of Planck's constant is
ML2 T–1 = MT 1L2 .
1320. Resistance of a wire is r ohms. The wire is
stretched to double its length, and its radius is
(a) 1V (b) 2V
halved then its resistance in ohms is-
(c) 3V (d) 4V
(a) r/2 (b) 4r (c) 8r (d) r/4
BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 3 PM ESE-2001
Ans : (c) We know that Ans. (c) :
It wire is stretched then
new length ' 2
Apply KVL-
–36 + 5I + 4I = 0
9I = 36
(a) 3A and 15 (b) 4A and 20
1374. Find the capacitance to be connected in series
(c) 2A and 10 (d) 5A and 40
with a 10F capacitor for the equivalent Vizag Steel MT 13.12.2020
capacitance to be 7.5F. Ans. (b) :
(a) 20 F (b) 40 F
(c) 10 F (d) 30 F
Vizag Steel MT 13.12.2020
Ans. (d) : Given,
C 10F , Ceq 7.5F , C1 = ?
3 3
(a) A (b) A
2 4
(a) 4 (b) 6 9
(c) 0 A (d) A
(c) 2 (d) 8 4
Vizag Steel MT 13.12.2020 UPPSC AE 13.12.2020, Paper-I
Network Theory 244 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ans. (b) : Given circuit:
R1R3 = R2R4
10 × 20 = 10 × 20
200 = 200
Therefore, above circuit is at balanced condition so
current through resistance R = 2 is zero. (a) 15A (b) 1A
1378. The current "I' in the network given below is (c) 5A (d) 10A
DMRC JE, 26.02.2020
Ans. (c) : Incoming current = Outgoing current
4 12 48
R eq 3
4 12 16
Current through 6 resistor-
(a) 20 A (b) 100 A
(c) 50 A (d) 80 A
GSECL 2020 Shift-I
Ans. (d) :
3 12 3 12
I2 4A
36 9
I2 4A
1383. Find Va -Vb in the following part of a closed
circuit where Va and Vb are the potentials at a Apply KCL at point 'F'
and b. Total incoming current = Total outgoing current
120 = 40 + I
I = 80 Amp
KCL (Kirchhoff's current law)–The algebraic sum of
(a) 10 V (b) 15 V the current meeting at a junction in a electrical circuit is
(c) 3. 5 V (d) 2 A zero
DSSSB JE 05.11.2019 KCL is based on conservation of charge.
Ans. (a) : 1386. According to KVL, the algebraic sum of all IR
drops and emfs in any closed loop of a network
is always
(a) Zero
(b) Positive
(c) Negative
(d) Determined by battery emf
Apply KVL- Karnataka PSC JE 2017
Va – 10V + 5V – 5V – Vb = 0 Ans. (a) : According to KVL, the algebraic sum of all
Va – Vb = 10 – 5 + 5 IR drops and emfs in any closed loop of a network is
Va – Vb = 10V always zero
1384. The Kirchoff's current law as applied to ac
circuits is defined as:
(a) The algebraic sum of currents entering the
node is equal to algebraic sum of current
leaving the node
(b) The phasors sum of currents entering the node
is equal to phasors sum of currents leaving
the node
(c) The sum of magnitude of currents at the node E+(-V ) + (-V )+(-V ) = 0
1 2 3
is equal to zero
E-V1-V2-V3 = 0
(d) The total algebraic sum of currents at the
node is equal to zero E V1 V2 V3
R = 2W (2W + 2W)
R= 2W 4W
2´ 4
R= W Req = 5+R
2+ 4 V = I Req = 8(5+R)
4 100 = 40+8R
R= W
3 60
R 7.5
1388. A cell of negligible resistance and e.m.f. 2 volts 8
is connected to series combination of 2, 3 & 5 1391. Series connection of current sources is not
ohms. The potential difference in volts between allowed because it violates
(a) Principle of energy conservation
the terminals of 3 ohm resistance will be
(b) Ohm’s law
(a) 0.6 V (b) 2/3 V (c) KCL
(c) 3 V (d) 6 V (d) KVL
HPSSSB JE-2017 (Post code- 579) Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PHED) 2014 Paper-I
Ans. (a) : Ans. (c) : Current source are not allowed to be
connected together in series , either of the same value or
ones with different value.
1392. Which one of the following statement is TRUE
about the Kirchhoff's voltage law?
(a) The algebraic sum of all the voltage around
any closed path is infinite.
(b) The algebraic sum of all the voltages around
any closed path is negative.
V (c) The algebraic sum of all the voltages around
Total Current flowing through the circuit is I
R any closed path is one.
total Resistance R = 2+3+5 (d) The algebraic sum of all the voltages around
= 10 any closed path is zero.
V = 2 Volt SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 247 YCT
Ans : (d) In Kirchhoff's Voltage Law, Algebraic sum of (c) Instantaneously (d) None of these
all voltages are equal to zero in any closed loop. BSNL TTA 25.09.2016, 3:00 P.M.
according to Kirchhoff's voltage law in any closed loop Ans : (c) Since the voltage source is ideal so its
multiplication of flowing current and its all resistance is internal resistance will be zero and hence the time
equal to algebraic sum of all e.m.f. in that loop. It is constant for the circuit zero. That's why capacitor will
also based on energy conservation law. charge and discharge instantaneously.
IR EMF 0 1397. For the circuit given below, the voltage across
the 1 resistor is:
1393. The internal impedance of ideal voltage source
and current source are respectively-
(a) zero and zero
(b) infinity and zero
(c) zero and infinity
(d) infinity and infinity
UPRVUNL AE 04.07.2021 (a) 7/4 V (b) 5/4 V
Ans. (c) : The internal impedance of ideal voltage (c) 7/3 V (d) 2/3 V
source is zero and internal impedance of ideal current OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
source is infinity. Ans. (a) :
1394. A______ is formed by enclosing a dependent or
independent voltage source connected between
two non reference nodes and any elements
connected in parallel with it
(a) superloop (b) supernode
(c) dependent node (d) dependent loop Applying nodal at node A-
UPRVUNL AE 04.07.2021 VA 4 VA
1 0
Ans. (b) : A supernode is formed by enclosing a 3 1
dependent or independent voltage source connected VA – 4 + 3 V A = 3
between two non reference nodes and any elements 4VA = 7
connected in parallel with it. VA = 7/4 V
1395. As shown in the figure, 1 resistance is 7
hence, voltage across 1 ohm resistance is volt
connected across a source that has a load line 4
v + i = 100. The current through the resistance 1398. In the following circuit, currents I1 and I2 are
is respectively:
1.818 A and 0.4545 A
(a) 25 A (b) 50 A (b)
2.451 A and -1.568 A
(c) 100 A (d) 200 A (c)
0.4545 A and - 1.818 A
ESE-2014 (d)
1.56 A and-2.45A
Ans. (b) : OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
Ans. (c) : By converting current source into voltage
(a) 12 V (b) 6 V
(c) 24 V (d) 15 V
ESE (Pre) 18.07.2021
Ans. (c) :
(a) 0 (b) 1/3A
(c) 5/6A (d) 4A
OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
Ans. (a) : By converting 10A current source into
voltage source.
Apply KCL,
0.5i 0 i 0 3 0
0.5i 0 3
Apply KVL –
i0 = 6A
10 5I 10 0
V0 i 0 4 6 4 24V
1402. Three light bulbs are connected to a 9V battery
1400. Find V0 in the following circuit- as shown in the figure. What are the values of
the resistance of 20 W, 15 W, 10 W bulbs
(a) 10 V (b) 12 V
(c) 7.4 V (d) 4.6 V
(a) 4.05 , 1.945, 1.297
DFCCIL-JE 11.11.2018
(b) 6.02 , 3.762, 3.162
Ans. (c) :
(c) 7.672 , 4.887, 4.223
(d) 8.345 , 6.893, 5.634
ESE (Pre) 18.07.2021
Ans. (a) :
Apply KCL
V 12 VA
5 A
5 5
12 2VA 37 2VA V2
5 , P20
5 5 5 5 R 20
(a) 8 V (b) 10 V
(c) 12 V (d) 3.2 V
ESIC JE 2019
(a) 15 V (b) 10 V
(c) 5 V (d) -5 V
DMRC JE 20.02.2020
Ans. (b) : Current will not flow through 20 resistor because it is
parallel with short wire (Zero Resistance).
Req 5 10
Apply KVL- 5 10 10
-35+10I+2Vx+5I=0 [ Vx=10I ] R eq
5 10 3
current supplied by battery-
35I= 35
I= 1A V 10
I =
Hence, R eq 10 / 3
Vx = 10×1 10 3
= 10 V
1415. Find the value of resistance (Rab) in the
following circuit - I = 3A
1417. For the circuit given below, current through
1 resistance is:
(a) 6 Ω (b) 9 Ω
(c) 18 Ω (d) 12 Ω
DSSSB JE 05.11.2019
Network Theory 254 YCT
Ans. (b) : 1 1 1
R eq 5 20
1 4 1
R eq 20
6 4
total resistance R eq 2.4
V6 6
2 Supply current I 2.5 A
6 2.4
V 12 6 Supply power P = I2 Req
V = 18 volt = (2.5)2 (2.4)
V = 15 W
The value of R is
I 1428. Two coils are said to be `magnetically isolated',
18 provided the coefficient of coupling K……….?
R (a) is equal to one
R=9 (b) is less than one
(c) is less than or equal to one
1426. In the circuit below, the voltage across 9 Ω (d) is equal to zero
resistor is: SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-II
Ans. (d) : is equal to zero K = 0 , when flux produced
by one coil, does not link at all with the other coil and
thus the coils are said to be magnetically isolated.
The value of K is unity when the flux of one coil if fully
(a) 54 V (b) 50 V link with the other coil.
(c) 75 V (d) 45 V K=1
DSSSB JE 05.11.2019 In this state the coil are strongly coupled.
Ans. (d) : M
L1L 2
1429. For the network shown as below, when I = 0,
V = 20 V and when R = 0. I = 10A, If now R = 3
15 and 9 are parallel- , what is the value of the current?
15 9 45
Equivalent resistance =
15 9 8
(a) – 4.5 A (b) – 1.5 A 1433. In nodal analysis, for a network of N nodes, the
(c) 1.5 A (d) 4.5 A number of simultaneous equations to be solved
SSC JE 2011, Shift-II to get the unknowns is:
Ans: (d) Given that (a) N(N + 1) (b) N 1
V = 4I – 9 ..................(i) (c) N (d) N(N 1)
DMRC JE 10.04.2018, Shift-II
Ans : (b) Nodal analysis is based on Kirchhoff's current
law having N-node there will be N-1 simultaneous
from figure V= 2I .................. (ii) equation to solve and all voltage can be obtained. The
Now, number of non reference nodes is equal to the number
from equation (i) and equation (ii) of nodal equations that can be obtained.
2I = 4I - 9 1434. The power absorbed by a 10 V source in the
I = 4.5 A given circuit is.
1431. For the circuit shown in the figure below, I is
(a) 0 A (b) 1 A
(c) 2 A (d) 3 A (a) 30 W (b) 50 W
ESE-2010 (c) 10 W (d) 20 W
Ans. (b) : LMRC (SCTO) 17.04.2021
Ans. (d) :
By nodal method,
at bt I1 = I 2 + I3
I=e +e
I1 - I2 - I3 = 0
dI d teat e bt Vx (Vx 2Vx )
V t L =1 1 0
dt dt 2 1
V t ae be bt V
x Vx 1
1451. Inductance affects the direct current flows
Vx = –2 volt
(a) only at the time of turning on
(b) at the time of turning on and off 1455. In given figure, the value of resistance R in
(c) at all the time of operations is
(d) only at the time of turning off
ESIC JE-2016
Ans. (b) : Inductance affects the direct current flows at
the time of turning on and off.
1452. Power is measured in_______
(a) Joules/second (b) Coulomb/second (a) 20 (b) 30
(c) Watt/second (d) Joules (c) 40 (d) 10
PSTCL AE 06.08.2021 RPSC ACF& FRO 23.02.2021
Network Theory 261 YCT
Ans. (a) : Given circuit diagram- Ans. (c)
formula – P = I2R
Given that–
R = 3Ω
i = 2A
P = (2)2 3
Applying KCL at node =43
V 100 V P = 12W
20 1459. Find the current through the series
10 10
combination of 8 Ω and 4 Ω resistance, in the
V = 40 volt
following circuit.
V = iR
V 40
R 20
i 2
1456. The current i0 in the circuit shown below is:
(a) 0.5 A (b) 0.75 A
(c) 0.25 A (d) 1 A
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
Ans. (a)
(a) 6A (b) 2A
(c) 1.5A (d) 3A
RPSC ACF& FRO 23.02.2021
Ans. (a) : Given circuit diagram-
R eq1 = R2 + R3
= 4 + 8 = 12Ω
1 1 1
R eq2 R eq1 R 4
1 1
12 12
R eq2 6 (a) 1 A (b) 1.5 A
(c) 2 A (d) 0.5 A
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
Ans. (d)
R eq3 R1 R eq 2
= 6 + 6 = 12Ω
V 12
Itotal = 1A
R eq3 12
1461. If we want to replace the following circuit by a
simple circuit containing one voltage source R eq1 = R2 + R3
and a resistance, then value of that resistance = 4 + 8 = 12Ω
will be:
R eq R1 R eq
3 2
6 6 12 1 1 1 1
V 12
I 1 Amp R eq3 12 12 12
R eq3 12
R e q3 4
By current division rule 1474. In order to replace internal resistance, the ideal
R1 current source is replaced by:
I2 I
R1 R 2 (a) voltage source (b) capacitor
2 4.5 (c) open circuit (d) short circuit
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
4.5 1.5
DMRC JE 03.08.2014
9 3
1.5 Amp Ans. (c) : In order to replace internal resistance, the
6 2 ideal current source is replaced by an open circuit and
1473. If we want to replace the following curcuit by a the ideal voltage source is replaced by short circuit.
simple circuit containing one voltage source
and a resistance, then the value of that 1475. From the analysis of following figure, find the
resistance will be : current through the 8Ω resistor.
10 × 10
R eq1 = 5
10+10 By using Nodal Analysis
KCL at Node A
I2 + I 3 = I 1 .....(1)
VA 12 VA 20 VA
8 4 10
VA 12 VA VA 20
R eq2 = 5 + 1 6 4 2 5
5VA 60 10VA 4VA 80
3V or 19VA – 20 = 0
or VA V
Network Theory 266 YCT
So, current in 8 1 1 1
V 12
I2 A Ceq C1 C 2
8 CC
20 Ceq 1 2
12 C1 C2
19 15C2
8 152 5
I2 = 1.632A 15 C2
1476. A current of 3A flows for 50 hours through a 75+5C2 = 15C2
6Ω resistor. The energy consumed by the 10C2 = 75
resistor. C2 = 7.5F
(a) 0.9 kWh (b) 9 kWh 1480. If a number of capacitors are connected in
(c) 27 kWh (d) 2.7 kWh series, then the total capacitance of the
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I combination will be______.
(a) The average of the capacitances of all the
Ans. (d) : Given that– capacitors
i = 3A (b) greater than the capacitance of any individual
R = 6Ω capacitor
t = 50 hours (c) greater than the capacitance of the largest
Formula – E = i2 R t capacitor
E = (3)2 6 50 = 9 6 50 (d) smaller than the capacitance of the smallest
E = 2700 Wh capacitor
E = 2.7 kWh UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II
1477. A copper conductor has a resistance of 10Ω at Ans. (d) : In series connection-
200C and RTC of 0.0039 per 0C at 200C. Find 1 1 1 1
RTC at 00C. ........
Ceq C1 C 2 Cn
(a) 0.0000423 per 0C (b) 0.00324 per 0C
(c) 0.00423 per C 0
(d) 0.000124 per 0C In series connection of capacitor the equivalent
capacitance will be smaller than the capacitance of the
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
smallest capacitor.
α0 In Parallel Combination–
Ans. (c) : αt =
1+ α 0 t Ceq = C1 + C2 + .........Cn
In parallel connection of capacitor the equivalent
α0 capacitance will be greater than the capacitance of the
1+ α 0 × 20 largest capacitor.
0.0039 0.0039 0 20 0 1481. If two 5-F capacitors are connected in
0 (1 0.0039 20) 0.0039 parallel, then the effective capacitance will
0 (0.922) 0.0039 (a) 25 F (b) 20 F
0.0039 (c) 2.5 F (d) 10 F
0 UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (d) : Given that–
RTC at 0 °C α 0 = 0.00423per°C
C1 = C2 = 5F
1478. The SI unit of electric potential is: For parallel connection of capacitance-
(a) siemens (b) coulomb Ceq = C1+C2=5+5=10F
(c) ohm (d) volts 1482. A voltage is said to be alternating when it
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I changes in ______.
Ans. (d) : The SI unit of electric potential is volts. (a) magnitude only
Unit of charge Coulomb. (b) direction only
Unit of resistance ohm. (c) both magnitude and direction
1479. What capacitance must be placed in series with (d) neither magnitude nor direction
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II
a 15-F capacitor to obtain a total capacitance
Ans. (c) : A voltage is said to be alternating when it
of 5 F?
changes in both magnitude & direction with respect to
(a) 7.5 F (b) 10 F time.
(c) 4 F (d) 25 F
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (a) : Given that-
Ceq 5F, C1 15F
C2 = ?
When capacitor connected in series
Network Theory 267 YCT
1483. Determine the current flowing through the 5 Ans. (b) : In parallel connection of capacitor-
resistor in the following circuit Ceq = C1 + C2 + C3 ......... +C10
= C + C + C........... + C
Ceq 10C
1486. The total capacitance of 10 capacitors, each of
(a) 3.9 A (b) 10.523 A 5 F in series, will be______
(c) 14.79 A (d) 5 A (a) 0.5 F (b) 5 F
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II (c) 10 F (d) 2 F
Ans. (c) : UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (a) : Given that-
C1= C2 = C3 .................= C10 = 5F
For series connection-
1 1 1 1 1
Ceq C1 C 2 C3 C10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
Ceq 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Ceq 0.5F
Given that 1487. Determine the current flowing through the
I =50A 7 and 3 resistors, respectively, in the
Assume at node A voltage = V following circuit
Apply KCL at Node (A)
7 3 5 (a)11.254 A and 9.582 A
15 35 21 V 50 105 (b)5 A and 4.8 A
50 V (c)2 A and 4 A
7 3 5 71 (d)10.56 A and 24.65 A
5250 UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II
71 Ans. (d) : From the given circuit-
Current in 5 resistor-
V I3 R
5250 5250
I3 14.788 14.79A
71 5 355
1484. The frequency of the DC system in India is
(a) 0 Hz (b) 110 Hz
(c) 60 Hz (d) 50 Hz
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II Assume voltage 'VA' at node A
RRBSSE (Shift-II), 01.09.2015 Applied node analysis at node 'A'
Ans. (a) : The frequency of DC system is zero, as the I I1 I 2 I3
current only flows in one direction. V V V
For DC system frequency (f) = 0 Hz 50 A A A
7 3 5
For AC system frequency (f) = 50Hz
50 7 3 5 15VA 35VA 21VA
1485. What will be the total capacitance of 10
5250 = 71VA
capacitors of equal capacitance C connected in
parallel? 5250
VA 73.94 V
C 71
(a) 9 (b) 10 C V 73.94
10 Current in 7 resistor I1 A 10.56A
C 7 7
(c) (d) C V 73.94
10 Current in 3 resistor A 24.65A
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II 3 3
Network Theory 268 YCT
1488. Find the node voltage at node 1 in the following 1490. A current of 18 A flows through a conductor
circuit. for half a minute. The total charge flown
within the conductor in the same time was–
(a) 724 C (b) 90 C
(c) 540 C (d) 9 C
UPPCL JE 14.03.2016
Ans : (c) Given that
(a) 23.7 V (b) 53.7 V i = 18A
(c) 33.7 V (d) 42.7 V t = 30 sec
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II q = it
Ans. (c) : From the given circuit- = 18 × 30
q = 540 C
1491. In a circuit, two 3 ohms resistance are
connected in series to a parallel combination of
three 3 ohms resistance. If the supply voltage is
Assume voltage (V1) at node (1) & V2 at node 2- 14 V, the value of current in the circuit will be–
Apply KCL at node 1 (a) 3 A (b) 2 A
(c) 7/3 A (d) 42 A
V1 V1 V2 UPPCL JE 14.03.2016
10 3 Ans : (b) Number of resistance = 3
13V1 10V2 300 .......(i) 1 1 1 1
At Node-2 In parallel connection
R e q R1 R 2 R 3
V2 10 V2 V2 V1
0 1 1 1 1
1 5 3
23V2 5V1 150 R eq 3 3 3
150 5V1 1 3
V2 .......(ii) 1
23 Req 3
Putting value of V2 in equation (i) R e q 1
150 5V1 In series connection. Number of resistance = 2
13V1 10 300
23 R 'eq R1 R 2
249V1 = 8400
8400 '
V1 = 33.7V Total resistance = R eq R eq 1 6 7
Voltage (V) = 14V
1489. Three capacitors of 3F, 6F and 12F are
connected in parallel across an AC source. The Current (I) = 2Amp
maximum current will pass through the 7
______. 1492. The ratio of voltage drop across a conductor to
(a) all the capacitors (b) 6 F capacitor the resistive capacity of the conductor is
(c) 12 F capacitor (d) 3 F capacitor defined as-
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II (a) Electric field intensity (b) Current
Ans. (c) : In parallel connection, voltage same across (c) Magnetic field (d) Magnetic flux
each branch. UPPCL JE 14.03.2016
V Ans : (b) The ratio of the voltage drop across the
IC conductor to the resistive capacity of a conductor is
XC current. The material that opposes the current flow in
1 V
XC the conductor is called resistance. I
2 f C R
C R a
According to the above equation, the higher value of
1493. Ohm's Law is applicable to–
capacitance then less the value of XC will decrease due
to which the maximum current will flow. 1. Conductors
Hence the maximum current will flow in the 12 F 2. Thermistors
capacitor 3. Alloys
4. Diodes
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 1 and 4
(c) Only 1, 3 and 4 (d) Only 1 and 2
UPPCL JE 14.03.2016
Network Theory 269 YCT
2 2
Ans : (a) Ohm's law applies to conductor. If the C1 C2 C1 C 2 4C1C 2
physical state of a conductor remains unchanged then
the ratio of the voltage and current flowing in the C1 C2 0.16 4 0.0048
conductor is always constant.
V = 0.0064
I C1 C2 0.08F ____(III)
This constant value of conductor is called resistance. Solving eq (II) and (III)
1494. The sum of currents entering a junction is 9A. C2 0.04F, C1 0.12F
If the current leaves the junction from 3
different paths having the same resistance, the 1498. 1 torr______ .
current leaving from any one of the path will (a) 1 inch of Hg (b) 133 Pa
be– (c) 14.6 psi (d) 1 bar
(a) 1 A UPPCL JE 27.11.2019, Shift-I
(b) 9 A
(c) 3 A Ans : (b) 1 torr =133.322 Pascals
(d) It cannot be determined or
UPPCL JE 14.03.2016 = 133 Pascals
Ans : (c) The sum of current entering a junction is 9A. The torr is the unit of pressure
If the current leaves the junction from 3 different path 1499. Three wires having conductances 2, 3 and 6
having the same resistance, the current leaving from any mho respectively are connected in parallel in a
one of the path will be 3A. circuit. The equivalent resistance in the circuit
9 will be :
3 (a) 11 ohms (b) 1 ohm
1495. A resistor is colour coded with blue, grey (c) 1/11 ohms (d) 33 ohms
orange and silver bands. Find the value. UPPCL JE 11.11.2016
(a) 68 10% (b) 6.8 k 5% Ans : (c) Given ,
(c) 68 k 10% (d) 6.8 k 10% G1 2mho
UPPCL JE 27.11.2019, Shift-I
Ans : (c) Blue – 6 G 2 3mho
Grey–8 G 3 6mho
G G1 G 2 G 3 (In parallel combination)
Value of Resistance = AB×10C tolerance G 2 3 6
= 68×103 10% G 11mho
=68kΩ 10%
1 1
1496. In USA, the power supply frequency is: R R
(a) 100 Hz (b) 120 Hz G 11
(c) 60 Hz (d) 50 Hz 1500. Which of the following pair is not correctly
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020
matched ?
UPPCL JE 27.11.2019, Shift-I
(a) Mass–kg
Ans : (c) In USA, the power supply frequency is 60 Hz, (b) Current–A
while 50 Hz in India.
(c) Temperature–0C
1497. Two capacitors connected in series results in to (d) Luminous Intensity–Cd
the total capacitance of 0.03 F. If connected in UPPCL JE 11.11.2016
parallel the total capacitance is 0.16 F. the Ans : (c) There are 7 base Quantity in S.I. Unit
values of the capacitors will be: Base Quantity Base unit Symbol
(a) 0.02 F and 0.14F
Length meter m
(b) 0.08 F and 0.08 F
Mass kilogram Kg
(c) 0.06 F and 0.10 F
(d) 0.04 F and 0.12 F Time second s
UPPCL JE 27.11.2019, Shift-I Electric Current ampere A
Ans : (d) Given Temperature kelvin K
C1C2 Amount of substance mole mol
0.03F ____ in series __(I) Luminous intensity candela Cd
C1 C2
1501. A capacitor dissipates............ energy :
C1 C2 0.16F _____ in parallel __(II)
(a) no (b) 10% of the stored
Put the value of C1 +C2 in eq (I) (c) 20% of the stored (d) 50% of the stored
C1C2 = 0.03 × 0.16 = 0.0048 F UPPCL JE 11.11.2016
Network Theory 270 YCT
Ans : (a) Pc Vci 1505. What capacitance must be connected in series
with a 30F capacitor for the equivalent
Pc E msin t.Im sin t capacitance to be 10F ?
2 (a) 15F (b) 20F
Pc E m .I m .sin t cos t (c) 10F (d) 5F
DGVCL JE 06.01.2021, Shift-I
E m .I m
or Pc sin 2t Ans. (a) : In series connected capacitance, the
2 equivalent capacitance will be-
Average value of Pc 0 1 1 1
Hence, capacitor dissipates zero energy in itself. Ceq C1 C 2
1502. Ohm's law is followed by :
1 1 1
(a) Metal rectifier (b) Copper electrode
(c) Crystal detector (d) Arc lamp 10 C1 30
UPPCL JE 11.11.2016 1 1 1 3 1 2 1
Ans : (b) Copper electrode follows the Ohm's law. Metal
C1 10 30 30 30 15
rectifier, crystal detector, arc lamp does not follow the
ohm's law. C1 15F
1503. If 2.2 m long conductor has a cross sectional 1506. The input voltage applied to a 1k resistance
area of 0.025 m2 and resistance of 5 ohms, find in order that a current 100 mA may flow is:
its resistivity : (a) 10 V (b) 100 V
(a) 0.072 ohm m (b) 0.057 ohm m (c) 1 V (d) 0.1V
(c) 0.58 ohm m (d) 0.67 ohm m DGVCL JE 06.01.2021, Shift-I
UPPCL JE 11.11.2016 Ans. (b) : Given, R 1k
BWSSB Code 85, 10.04.2016 i = 100 mA
Ans : (b) Given Input voltage (V) = iR = 1000×100×10–3
Length of the conductor = 2.2 m V = 100 Volt
cross-sectional area of conductor = 0.025 m2 1507. For the circuit shown in Fig., find the value of
Resistance (R) = 5 ohms. resistor Rx such that the total power dissipated
Resistivity () = ? in the circuit is 2.5kW.
As we know -
RA 5 0.025
R ,
A 2.2
0.057 m
1504. Two heaters, rated at 500W, 250V each are (a) 21 (b) 38
connected in series across a 250V, 50 Hz mains. (c) 12 (d) 19
The total power drawn from the supply would DGVCL JE 06.01.2021, Shift-I
be _______ watt. Ans. (b) : From the given circuit-
(a) 500 (b) 250
(c) 1000 (d) 125
Ans. (b) : Two heaters connected in series as-
So, resistance R Given values are :
2 Power = 2.5 kW = 2500 watt
250 Voltage = 250 Volt
500 Equivalent resistance for dissipating 2500 watt
250 250 power.
R= 2
500 V 2 250 62500
R 125 R eq 25
P 2500 2500
As, heaters connected in series- According to given circuit diagram in question
Total resistance R T 125 125 R eq 15 ||10 38 || R x
RT = 250 25 6 38 || R x
V 250 250 38 R x
Power drawn (P) = 38 || R x 19 19
RT 250 38 R x
P 250W Rx = 38
1 1 1 1
= + +
Ceq 8 16 32
Total equivalent resistance 1 4 + 2 +1 7
= =
1 1 1 1 Ceq 32 32
R eq 12 12 12 32
12 Ceq = μF
R eq 4 7
3 1513. The following components are all active
10 components–
I 2.5A
4 (a) a resistor and an inductor
1510. If a 220 V heater is used in 110V supply, heat (b) a diode, a BJT and a FET
produced by it will be
(c) a capacitor, and an inductor
(a) One- half (b) Twice
(c) One fourth (d) Four times (d) an Op-amp, a BJT and thermionic triode
UJVNL JE 2016 ISRO TA 2015
ISRO TA 2015 Ans. (b) : A diode, a BJT and a FET are all active
UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-I components.
Ans. (c) : Given, V1 = 220V, V2 = 110V
1514. "Zero inductance and infinite resistance" are
Current I1 = I
the features of _________.
Current I2 = (a) Short circuited coil
2 (b) Open coil
Heat produce H1 = I RT .......(i)
2 (c) Coil connected to a DC voltage source
2 I RT
H2 = I 2 RT .......(ii) (d) Coil connected to a AC voltage source
Both equation are divided NLC GET 17.11.2020
H1 I 2 RT Ans. (b) : "Zero inductance and infinite resistance" are
2 the features of open coil. For ideal transformer, Rc=
H 2 I RT / 4
and Xm = 0 in open circuit condition.
H1 4
1515. The law in mechanical system which is
H2 1 analogous to Kirchhoff's law in electrical
H1 system is?
H2 =
4 (a) De Alemberts principle
1511. A.C. time taken by sinusoidal A.C. frequency (b) First Law of motion
25Hz to rise from zero to its maximum value is (c) Third law of motion
(a) 0.02 seconds (b) 0.01 seconds (d) Second law of motion
(c) 0.005 seconds (d) 0.5 seconds
ISRO TA 2015 NLC GET 17.11.2020
Network Theory 272 YCT
Ans. (a) : The law in mechanical system which is Ans : (a) Planck's constant value is 6.662 × 10–34 Js. It
analogous to Kirchhoff's law in the electrical system is is denoted by h.
De Alembert's principle.
In such type circuit system two fundamental law E
analogous to Kirchhoff law for the electrical circuit
have been- 1521. Quantities that are used to describe laws of
1) De Alembert's principle: The algebraic sum of
forces or torque acting on a node is zero physics are called
2) Energy Conservation principle: The algebraic sum (a) Atomic quantities
of velocity changes around loop in zero. (b) Nuclear quantities
1516. The SI is a globally agreed system of unit, with (c) Mechanical quantities
.............. base units (d) Physical quantities
(a) 5 (b) 6 BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm
(c) 7 (d) 8 Ans : (d) Quantities that are used to describe causes of
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm physics are called physical quantities. In physics there
Ans : (c) International system (SI) has 7 base units are seven physical fundamental quantities like length,
globally as- mass, time, amount of substance, Luminous intensity,
Quantity Unit current, temperature.
1. Length meter (m) 1522. The charge of an electron is known to be
2. Time second (s)
3. Amount of substance mole (mole) 1.6×10–19 coulomb. In a circuit the current
4. Electric current ampere (A) flowing is 1A. How many electrons will be
5. Temperature Kelvin (K) flowing through the circuit in a second?
6. Luminous Intensity candela (Cd) (a) 1.5 × 10–19 (b) 1.6 × 10–19
7. Mass kilogram (kg) (c) 0.625 × 10 (d) 0.625 × 10–19
1517. The mass of electron is UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
(a) 9.1 × 10–26g (b) 9.1 × 10–27g BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm
(c) 9.1 × 10 g –28
(d) 9.1 × 10–29g Ans : (c) Given, e = 1.6 × 10–19 C , i = 1A, t = 1 sec
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm q= i×t
Ans : (c) The Mass of electron = 9.1 10–31 kg q = 1 × 1 = 1C
= 9.1 10–31 103 g q = ne
= 9.1 10–28 g As we know q = ne
1518. kg m2 per sec is the unit of- n ,
(a) Energy (b) Momentum e 1.6 1019
(c) Angular momentum (d) Power n = 0.625 × 10
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm 1523. When a battery of 1.5 V is connected to wire of
Ans : (c) Angular momentum is a vector quantity. It is 5 m, having cross sectional area 2.5 ×10–7 m2,
defined as the property of any rotating object given by
the current passing through wire is 0.75 A.
moment of inertia times angular velocity
Then the resistivity of the wire is ............ ohm
L I meter
= mr2 ×
( I moment of inertia) (a) 1 × 10–7 (b) 1.1 × 10–7
t (c) 2 × 10 (d) 2.1 × 10–7
kg - m 2 BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm
Ans : (a) Given that,
1519. Which one of the following units is a Length () = 5 meter
fundamental unit? Area (A) = 2.5 × 10–7 m2
(a) Watt (b) Joule/sec Voltage (V) = 1.5 Volt
(c) Ampere (d) Newton
Current (I) = 0.75 Amp
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm
Ans : (c) Ampere is the fundamental unit according to Resistivity () = ?
international system (SI). Ampere is the unit of current V 1.5
R 2
which is a fundamental unit. I 0.75
1520. Planck's constant
(a) 6.62 × 10– 34 J.sec A
(b) 6.62 × 10– 34 J.min RA 2 2.5 107
(c) 6.62 × 10– 34 Cal .sec
(d) 6.62 × 10– 34 Cal .min 5
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm = 1.0 × 10–7 -m
Network Theory 273 YCT
1524. Electron volt is the unit of 1529. A battery is connected across the series
(a) Charge (b) Potential combination of the resistors of value 5 Ohms
(c) Energy (d) Electric power and 30 ohms. The voltage across 5 ohms
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm resistor is 20V. The battery voltage will be
Ans : (c) Electron volt is the unit of energy as we know (a) 105V (b) 140V
that- (c) 175V (d) 200V
W BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm
V W = energy
q Ans : (b) Given that,
W = qV = neV n= 1, V = 1Volt R1 = 5 Ω, R2 = 30Ω
= 1ev V1 = 20 Volt V2 = ? VB = ?
W = 1.6 × 10–19 coulomb - volt
= 1.6 × 10–19 Joule
1525. Farad is the unit of
(a) Inductance (b) Voltage
(c) Current (d) Capacitance
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm Then,
SSC JE 24.08.2018, Shift-II Req = 5 + 30 = 35
Ans : (d) Farad is the unit of capacitance both the resistors are in series hence same current will
q flow in the resistors given that R1 has 20 volt drop then
C coulomb / volt
V current in R1
Coulomb/volt is known as Farad (F). 20
I 4 Amp.
1526. Two individual heater coils are connected to 5
parallel across the mains. If one of the coil V2 = 4 30 = 120 Volt
break, the other coil Then, battery voltage (VB) = V1 + V2= 20 + 120 =140 V
(a) Develops lower temperature 1530. Two resistance R1 and R2 are connected in
(b) Develops same temperature as before
series R1 = 528 5 and R2 = 325 3. The
(c) Develops higher temperature
total resistance will be–
(d) Will also not be heated
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm (a) 853 2 (b) 853 5
(c) 853 3 (d) 853 8
Ans : (b) As they are connected in parallel, even if one
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm
of the coil is broken there will be no effect on the
voltage across the coil as well as the current through it. Ans : (d)
Hence, it will develop the same temperature as before.
1527. Capacitor is
(a) Active component
(b) Passive component
(c) Both active component & Passive component
(d) None of these Full value (R) = R1 + R2 = 528 + 325 = 853
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm Fraction value (R') = 5 + 3 = 8
Then total resistance can be written-
Ans : (b) Capacitor is a passive component because it
does not produce energy but stores energy. It does not Req = 853 8
consume energy as well. 1531. Siemen is a unit for measuring..................
1528. Current always flow in direction (a) Conductance (b) Resistance
(a) Opposite to that of Electron (c) Flux density (d) Electric field
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020
(b) Direction same as of electron
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
(c) Independent of electron flow NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee 2016
(d) None of these BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm ISRO TA 2015
Ans : (a) Current always flow in direction opposite to Ans : (a) Siemen is a unit for measuring conductance
that of electron. 1
Conductance G
or Siemen
Conductance is the quality of a material which makes
material for easy flow of current.
Network Theory 274 YCT
1532. An electric circuit contains 1534. What is the effective resistance between A and
(a) Active elements only B in the following diagram
(b) Passive elements only
(c) Both active and passive elements
(d) None of these
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm
(a) 1 (b) 2
Ans : (c) An electric circuit contains both active and
passive elements. An electric circuit is a combination of (c) 1 3 (d) 1 2 3
resistance, inductance, capacitance, battery etc. Active ISRO TA 2017
elements generate energy and passive elements use Ans. (c) : Given circuit diagram-
energy of active elements.
1533. What is the equivalent resistance between A
and B in the following diagram?
The transformation of given circuit can be reduced to
R 1
(a) R (b) 0.5R R + 2 (R + 1) = R(R + 1)
(c) 2 R (d) 4R 3R + 2 = R2 + R
ISRO TA 2017 or R 2 2R 2 0
Ans. (a) :
b b 2 4ac
2 48 2 2 3
2 2
R 1 3
1535. In the following circuit the ratio of heat
produced in resister R1 to the heat produced in
resister R3 is
3R(I) 3
I1 = I 0.6I A
2R 3R 5
I2 = 0.4I A
PR1 I2R 1 100 100 25
PR 3 0.6I 2 2R 0.36 2 36 2 72 18
RAB = R = 25:18
Network Theory 275 YCT
1536. When a resistance element of a heater gets 1539. Example of active device is:
fused. We remove a portion of it and reconnect (a) Electric bulb
it to the same supply, the power drawn by the (b) Transformer
heater will (c) Loud speaker
(a) Increase (b) Decrease (d) None of the above
(c) Remain unchanged (d) None of the above UJVNL JE 2016
Punjab Mandi Board JE 2014 Ans. (d) : Active devices are those devices which are
Ans. (a) : Power given by- capable of providing or delivering energy or provide
V2 gain of input energy.
P Some example of active devices are current source,
1 voltage source, FET, MOSFET, JFET.
P 1540. Two resistors of 200 ohm and 100 ohm are
As we remove or decrease resistance power drawn by connected in parallel to a 100 volt source. The
the heater will increase. total current taking by the circuit will be-
(a) 0.66 A (b) 3.0 A
1537. A copper wire is having resistance R . If the
new diameter of wire is half and length is (c) 0.33 A (d) 1.5 A
double. Then new resistance of wire will be: LMRC JE 2016
(a) R (b) 4 R Ans : (d)
(c) 8 R (d) R
Ans. (c) : Resistance of the wire-
l l
R ,R K 2
A d Given that,
Where, l = length of wire. R1= 200, R2 = 100, V = 100V
d = diameter of wire R1 & R 2 are in parallel
K = constant So,
l 2l R R2
R1 K 2 R2 K 2 R eq 1
d d R1 R 2
2 200 100
l 200 100
R 2 8 K 2 8R1
d 200
R eq
R2 = 8R1= 8R 3
1538. One kWh of electrical energy is equal to: V 100 3
(a) 3600 J (b) 860 k cal I 1.5 A
R eq 200
(c) 4186 J (d) 735.5 W
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 26.12.2020 1541. The resistance R offered by a conductor varies:
UPSSSC JE 31.07.2016 (a) directly as its cross sectional area and the
UJVNL JE 2016 resistivity of the material and inversely as its
KPTCL 2015 length
Rajasthan JE (PHED) 2015 (b) directly as the temperature and cross
Ans. (b) : 1 kilowatt hour is the energy produced by 1 sectional area of the material and inversely as
kilowatt power source in one hour. its length
1kWh 1kW 1 hour 1000 W × 3600 s (c) directly as its length and cross sectional area
of the material and inversely as its resistivity
= 3600000 Ws
(d) directly as the resistivity and length of the
= 36×105 J = 3.6 × 106 J
material and inversely as its cross sectional area
1 calorie = 4.2 joules
LMRC JE 2016
1 joules = calorie Ans : (d) The resistance R offered by a conductor varies
4.2 directly as the resistivity and length of the material and
3.6 106 inversely as its cross sectional area.
3.6 106 joules calorie
= 860 kilo calorie R
= 860 k cal. A
1 1 1
1 1 1
(For resistance)
R AB R1 R 2
(for Capacitance)
1 1 1 Voltage across given element
Series of Inductor ZAB = Z1 + Z2 di Where,i current flowing
LAB = L1 + L2 VK
dt through element
Parallel combination of Inductor
So, it is an inductor.
1 1 1 1 1 1 Inductance
ZAB Z1 Z2 LAB L1 L2 di
V= L
Impedance of Inductor ZL = L dt
DC current = 0 so ZL = 0 2
2 = L
So behave as short circuit at steady state. 2
All statements 1, 2 and 3 true. L=2H
Network Theory 277 YCT
1547. What is the current through the 8 resistance 1549. A drawn wire of resistance 5 is further
connected across terminals, M and N in the drawn so that its diameter becomes one-fifth of
circuit? the original. What is its resistance with volume
remaining the same?
(a) 25 (b) 125
(c) 625 (d) 3125
ESE 2017
Ans. (d) : Given, d2 =
R = 5
(a) 0.34 A from M to N
(b) 0.29 A from M to N Since volume is same, πr12 l1 = πr22 l2
(c) 0.29 A from N to M d
When time t = 0
Switch 'S' is closed.
capacitor will behave as short circuit-
V 12
So , current (i) = = = 0.06
R 200 VC() = 1 × 1 = 1V
i = 60 mA Time constant ()= Req Ceq
8. A coil resistance 30 and inductance 0.6 H is
switched on to a 240 V supply. What are the
rate of change of current at the instant of
closing the switch at t = 0 and the magnitude of
the final steady state current respectively? Req = 2 , C = 0.25 F
(a) 80 A/sec and 80 A (b) 400 A/sec and 8 A
= 2 × 0.25 = 0.5 sec
(c) 8 A/ sec and 80A (d) 400 A/sec and 80 A
ESE (Preliminary) 18.07.2021 Vc (t) Vc () Vc (0 ) Vc () e t /
Ans. (b) : – 1]e–t/0.5
= (1 + e–2t) u(t)
10. In the figure shown, steady state current
through 2 resistor?
At, t=
Given that, Current through the circuit-
C = 20 F, R = 10 V 12
dV R 1000
I =C c
dt 14. Determine the current i at t = 1s for the given
dVC network
2 cos 5000t = 20 × 10 –6 ×
2cos5000t dt
20 10 6
2 106 sin 5000t
20 5000
and VC = 20 sin 5000t V (a) 3A (b) 4A
and VR = IR = 20 cos 5000t V (c) 1A (d) 2mA
V(t) = VR + VC PGCIL Diploma Trainee 13.09.2018
1 1 Ans : (d)
20 2 cos5000t sin 5000t
2 2
= 28.28 [cos 45º cos 5000 t + sin 45º sin 5000t]
= 28.28 cos (5000t – 45º)V
[cos (A – B) = cosA cosB + sinA sinB]
12. A quantity whose magnitude has a definite
repeating time cycle is called a-
(a) Steady state periodic The switch S1 closes at 3 second and open before that.
(b) Transient state periodic The switch S2 open at 2 second and closed before that.
(c) Steady state aperiodic At t = 1 second S1 open and S2 closed.
(d) Transient V 10V
RRB JE 01.09.2019 Shift-I R 5 103
Ans. (a) : A transient period the process variable
change over time where a steady-state periodic is a V 10 2
So i 3
quantity whose magnitude has a definite repeating time R 5 103 10
cycle after achieving steady state. i = 2 10–3
13. In the given figure, the value of current I() is: i 2 mA
(t is time)
15. A 10 F capacitor is fed from an a.c. voltage
source containing a fundamental and a third
harmonic of strength one-third of fundamental.
The third harmonic current flowing through
the capacitor expressed as percentage of the
66 120
(a) A (b) A fundamental under steady-state condition will
1000 1000 be
Network Theory 282 YCT
(a) 150% (b) 100% 19. In the circuit shown in the given figure, the
(c) 50% (d) 33% switch is moved from position A to B at time t =
ESE-2008 0. The current i through the inductor satisfies
V V the following conditions :
Ans. (b) : I ; I C1 di
XC X C1 i 0 = -8A, = 3A/s, i = 4A
rd dt t=0
For 3 harmonics (V3) = V/3
X C1
X C3
V V/3
Hence, % I C3 3 100 100 I C1 100
X C3 X C1
The value of R is
3 (a) 0.5 ohm (b) 2 ohm
16. What is the value of the current i in the given (c) 4 ohm (d) 12 ohm
network at time t = 6 s? ESE 2002
di 0
Ans. (a) : Given, i(0) = – 8A, 3A / S
i 4A
At t = 0, when switch is at B.
(a) 4 mA (b) 4 A
(c) 2 mA (d) 2 A
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 13.09.2018
Ans : (a)
di 0
E2 i 0 R L
E2 = – 8R + 2 × 3
E2 = –8R+6
In the figure
Current (i) = ? At t =
E2 =4 R
When t = 6 sec
4R = – 8R + 6
At t = 6 sec, 6 volt supply circuit will open and 12 volt
12 R = 6
supply circuit will close.
V = 12 volt R = 0.5
R = 3×103 20. The steady state in the circuit, shown in the
V 12 given figure is reached with S open, S is closed
i at t = 0. The current I at t = 0+ is
R 3 103
i = 4×10-3 Amp
i 4mA
17. An inductor at t = 0+ with zero initial
conditions acts as
(a) short circuit (b) open circuit (a) 1 A (b) 2 A
(c) current source (d) voltage source (c) 3 A (d) 4 A
Ans. : (b) The inductor behaves like an open circuit in Ans. (b) : At t <0, capacitor (C) is open circuited.
the initial condition and behaves like a closed circuit in I = 2A,
the steady state condition. So at t = 0+ with zero initial
condition inductor act as open circuit.
18. When DC voltage is applied to a series RL
circuit, in steady-state condition, ideal inductor
will behave as, Then
(a) Open circuit Vc(0–) = 2 × 2 = 4V
(b) Large inductive reactance The circuit at t = 0+
(c) Short circuit Capacitor act as a voltage source
(d) Very large resistance
Ans. (c) : At steady state, inductor behave as a short
circuit and capacitor behave as an open circuit to dc
source respectively.
Network Theory 283 YCT
Applying nodal analysis at node a- So, current jumps to high value and it decreases
V V4 exponentially with a time constant.
2 0 = RC
2 1
3V 12
V 4volt 22. In the circuit given below, the steady state is
attained with S open, S is closed at t = 0. What
I 2 Amp is the value of current I at t = 0+ ?
21. The capacitor in the circuit as shown below is
initially charged to 12 V with S1 and S2 open S1
is closed at t = 0 while S2 is closed at t = 3s. The
waveform of the capacitor is represented by
VC(0–) = 3 × 1 = 3 V
At t = 0+
(b) Capacitor works as a voltage source-
By applying nodal analysis at node a
V V 3
3 a a 0
1 1
(d) 2V a 6
Va = 3V
V 3
I a 3A
ESE 2003 1 1
Ans. (a) : At t = 3 s, since 2is shorted, Ic jumps to a 23. In the circuit shown in the figure below, if is =
new value and then decrease with reduced time u(t) A, then what are the initial and steady-
constant. state voltages across the capacitor?
If t = 0 when s1 is closed and the initial value of current
at t = 0+.
Capacitor works as a voltage source-
(a) 0 A (b) 5 A
Applying voltage divider rule (c) 10 A (d) 20 A
ESE 2009
8 4
V(0+) = 4V Ans. (c) : At t<0, switch is open
At t =
VC 0 0
V() = 8V I L 0 0
29. The circuit as shown below is in the steady At t = 0 switch is close
state. The switch S is closed at t = 0. What are Capacitor act as short circuit and inductor act as open
dV circuit.
the values of V and at t = 0+?
I 10A
(a) 0 and 4 (b) 4 and 0 5
(c) 2 and 0 (d) 0 and 2 31. The switch of below circuit was open for long,
ESE 2009 and at t = 0 it is closed. What is the final steady
Ans. (b) : Before closing the switch, t < 0 state voltage across the capacitor and the time-
At steady state condition inductor in short circuit constant of the circuit?
Vc 20 10V
10 10
i dV 8
4 Volt / sec
C dt 2
(Capacitor discharged)
33. In the below network, the switch K is opened at
t = 0. Then at t = 0+ is
1 2
(a) A (b) A
3 3
(c) 1 A (d) 2 A
ESE 2012
Ans. (c) : At t<0 capacitor is open
(a) 1000 V/sec (b) 100 V/sec
(c) 10 V/sec (d) 1 V/sec Inductor is short circuit-
ESE 2011
Ans. (c) : V(0–) = V(0+) = 0 (Properties of capacitor)
At t = 0 switch is open
Applying KCL,
V dV
10 C 0
1000 dt
V 0 dV
10 C 0 12
1000 dt Current I = 1A
t 0 10 2
V 0 dV I L 0 I L 0 1A
C 10
1000 dt (According to properties of inductor)
1 0 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1
1 1
38. A unit step current of 1 A is applied to a
4 2 network whose driving point impedance is
12 10I
3 3 V s s+3
12 2 10I Z s = =
I s s + 2 2
10 10I
I 1A Then the steady state and initial values of the
voltage developed across the source are
36. What should be done to find the initial values
of the circuit variables in a first-order R-C
circuit excited by only initial conditions ? 3 1 3
(a) V,1V (b) V, V
(a) To replace the capacitor by a short circuit 4 4 4
(b) To replace the capacitor by an open circuit 3 3
(c) To replace the capacitor by a voltage source (c) V, 0V (d) 1V, V
4 4
(d) To replace the capacitor by a current source
ESE 2016 ESE 2003
Ans. (c) : The property of capacitor which opposes the Ans. (c) : Given that unit step 1A current
any rate of change of voltage across the capacitor 1
So, I s (Taking Laplace)
So capacitor does not allow the sudden change in s
1 s 3
So initial values we replace capacitor by a voltage V(s) Z s I s
source. s s 2 2
VC 0 VC 0 VC 0 Steady state value of voltage
37. The current is given by 1 s 3 3
s + 2 s + 4 Lt sV s Lt s 2
I s =
s0 s0
s s 2 4
s s + 1 s + α
Initial value of voltage
If the steady-state current at t = is 12 A, then
Lt sV s
the value of and initial value of current will s
be 3
(a) 1.5 and 1 A (b) 0.66 and 1 A s 1
(c) 0.33 and 0.5 A (d) 0.25 and 0.5 A Lt 2
ESE 2012 2 2
s 1
Ans. (b) : Given that, t , i 12A s
I(s) =
s 2 s 4 39. Consider the following circuit
s s 1 s
Apply final value theorem-
lim I t lim s.I s
t s0
s 2 s 4 0 2 0 4 2 4
s 0 s 1 s 0 1 0 1 In the above circuit Z(s) = 2 as s and Z(s)
8 = 3 as s 0, What are, respectively the values
12 of R1 and R2?
(a) 6 , 3 (b) 4 , 2
0.66 (c) 3 , 6 (d) 6 , 2
3 ESE 2004
Network Theory 288 YCT
Ans. (a) : Given Z(s) = 2, s 41. In the following circuit, what is the energy
Z(s)=3 , s 0 required to fully charge the capacitors,
5 1 assuming zero initial charge.
Zcapacitor = {As C is considered }
s Cs
For s , Zcapacitor = 0, short-circuit
As s , the circuit is
i 0 i(0 ) 2 A
25 Current through the circuit-
45. What is the energy stored in 1 second in an iL 0
inductor while carrying a current i = 20 + 10 t
where t is the time in seconds if the electro L 0.5 0.5 1
Time constant, ()= sec
motive force induced in the coil due to self- R 35 25 60 120
induction is 40 mV? General expression for inductor –
(a) 1.8J (b) 0.45J i L t i L i L 0 i L e t /
(c) 0.9J (d) 1.2J
DSSSB JE 05.11.2019 i L t 0 4 0 e 120t
Ans. (a) : Given, i = 20 + 10t i L t 4e 120t A
10 A / s 47. The time constant of a R–L circuit is :
(a) R/L (b) R2/L
(c) L /R (d) L/R
di UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II
dt DMRC JE 18.02.2017
40 103 DMRC JE Electrical-2017
L 4 mH L
Ans : (d) Time constant of an R-L circuit is
at, t = 1sec, I = 30A R
Energy stored through inductor- and Time constant of R-C circuit is ( = RC)
1 1 2 48. A capacitor opposes.
U LI2 , U 4 103 30
2 2 (a) Change in current (b) Change in voltage
1 (c) Both a and b (d) None of these.
U 4 103 900 , U 1.8J CPCL JE 2019
46. In the circuit shown the switch is opened at t = Ans. (b) : As i = C dV or C i
0 after having been closed for a long time. dt dV / dt
Current through the resistor for t > 0 is given
by: Hence, capacitor opposes rate of change in voltage.
at t = 0-
i (0-) = 2A
6 Current through the circuit-
i(0+) = i(0-) = 2A V 100
Vc 0 2 2 4V iL 10A
R 10
When switch is open then circuit becomes- L 2
Time constant 0.2 sec
R 10
General expression for inductor-
i L t i L i L 0 i L e t /
i L t 10 0 10 e 5t
Given that
R = 10
Temperature rise of an electric motor starting from cold, L=1H
time constant L
= one time constant or time taken to reach 0.632 Let the time constant
times its final temperature rise, and it is equal to T. 1
71. An R-C series circuit, initially at rest has a step 0.1sec
voltage signal. The response v(t) across C is v(t)
= 1– e–3t. If now there is an initial voltage at C V
of 3 Volts, what is v(t) for the same step signal? i 1 e
0.1/ 0.1
t 0.1 sec, 0.1 sec
–3t –3t R
(a) 1 + 3e (b) 1 + 2e
50 1 50
(c) 3e–3t (d) None of these 1 0.632 3.16 A
10 e 10
ESE 2007
74. In the network shown below, it is given that v =
Ans. (b) : Given, = 1/3 sec.
1V and dv/dt = – 10 V/s at a time t, where t is
V(t) = 1–e–3t the time after the switch S is closed, What is the
at rest (t = ) value of C?
V() = 1– e–3
V() = 1
V () = 1 V and V(0+) = 3 V
V(t) = V() + [V(0+)–V()]e–t/
= 1 + [3–1]e–3t (a) 0.05F (b) 0.1F
V(t) = 1 + 2e–3t (c) 0.15F (d) 0.2F
72. What is the time constant of the circuit below? ESE 2008
Ans. (a) : Given V = 1 Volt, 10V / s , C = ?
The time after the switch S is closed then -
Circuit is below -
= 5×40×103×0.01×10–3
= 5×40×0.01 = 2 sec L
76. In the circuit shown in the figure given below, I m sin t tan 1
the switch is opened at t = 0 after having been Given current is transient free if
closed for a long time. What is the current
through 50 resistor? t 0 tan 1 0
t 0 tan 1
78. A coil with a certain number of turns has a
(a) 3 e–1/60t (b) 3 e–1/100t specified time constant. If the number of turns is
(c) 3 e–1/1000t (d) 3 e–160t doubled, its time constant would
ESE 2006 (a) remain unaffected (b) become double
Ans. (d) : Given (c) become four-fold (d) get halved
150 SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
i 0 i 0 3A Ans: (b) Time constant ,
L µ N2
Req = 80 µ N
L 0.5 1 Here, N = Number of turns
If number of turns are doubled = 2N
R 80 160 \ New time constant,
in R–L–Circuit ' µ 2N
i L (t) i L () i L (0) i L () e t / ' = 2
iL() = 0 time constant is doubled.
i L (t) e t / .i L (0) 79. An LR circuit with a battery is connected at
t = 0. Which of the following quantities is not
i L (t) 0 i L (0)e t / zero just after the connection?
i L t i L 0 e t / 3 e 160t (a) current in the circuit
(b) magnetic field energy in the inductor
Network Theory 296 YCT
(c) emf induced in the inductor Taking inverse Laplace-
(d) power delivered by the battery V L
i t e t / Where
Ans. (c) : When at t = 0 circuit is connected with
battery then inductor behave as open circuit. Therefore
just after connection at no current (I) = 0
hence magnetic field energy LI 2 0
2 Therefore, the impulse response of an R-L circuit is a
Power delivered by battery = VI = 0 decaying exponential function.
di 83. A unit impulse voltage is applied at t = 0 to the
An emf induced = L , since current is changing with R-L circuit shown below while i(0–) = 1 A.
time in inductor hence the emf induced will be non- What is the expression for i(t)?
80. Which of the following is true for an RC circuit
if I is the capacitor current and V is the voltage
across capacitor?
(a) V (0+) < V (0–) (b) I (0+) = i (0–)
(a) e–10t (b) 1.5 e–10t
(c) V (0+) = V (0–) (d) I (0+) > I (0–) (c) 2 e–10t (d) 10 e–10t
JMRC JE 2021 ESE 2005
Ans. (c) : As RC circuit consists capacitor and Ans. (c) : Taking Laplace transform of the circuit
resistance only. As we know that a capacitor opposed
rate of change of voltage across it. Thus the
V 0 V 0
81. The time constant of a series RC circuit with
R=2 and C= 1 F is As i (0–) = 1A
(a) 1 sec (b) 0.5 sec So,
(c) 2 sec (d) 2.5 sec Taking Laplace transform of circuit -
PGVCL JE 2018 11
Ans. (c) : As we know, I s
10 S
Time constant RC 2
I s
Given, R = 2 s 10
C = 1F Taking inverse Laplace-
= 2×1 =2 Sec. i t 2e 10t
82. The impulse response of an R-L circuit is a___:
84. In the circuit shown in the figure below, it is
(a) rising exponential function desired to have a constant direct current i(t)
(b) decaying exponential function through the ideal inductor L. The nature of the
(c) step function voltage source v(t) must be:
(d) parabolic function
SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-I
Ans : (b)
ESE 2018
Network Theory 300 YCT
L 104. A resistance R and a 4 μF capacitor are
tan 1 connected in series across a 200 V DC supply.
R Across the capacitor is a neon lamp that strikes
L (glows) at 120 V. The value of R to make the
R lamp strike (glow) 5 seconds after it is switched
The first term in above expression, the steady state off is:
current is called the symmetrical short-circuit (a) 1.36 kΩ (b) 1.36 Ω
current. (c) 1.36 MΩ (d) 136 MΩ
The second term, unidirectional transient DSSSB JE 19.03.2021, Shift-I
component is called the dc offset current. Ans. (c) : For the transient equation-
This transient current causes the total short circuit
V t V0 1 e t /
current to be unsymmetrical until transient decays.
102. In the circuit, fig. VC(0) = 25V, the expression 120 200 1 e 5 /
for VC(t) for t > 0 is
1 e 5/
1 e 5/
5/ 2
(a) VC (t) = 20 e–0.4t V (b) VC (t) = 25 e–0.4t V 5
(c) VC (t) = 20 e–2.5t V (d) VC (t) = 25 e–2t V 5/ 5
ESE 2011 e 2
Ans. (d) : Given, C = 0.1 F e5 / 2.5
VC (0) = 25V
log e e5 / log e 2.5
VC (t) = ? t>0
VC () = 0 5
In R-C circuit transient equation -
VC (t) VC ( ) VC (0) VC () e t / 5
= CR 0.916
10 10 100 RC 5.45
R eq 5 5.45
20 20 R
1 C
5 0.5 5.45
2 6
1.36 106
t 4 10
VC (t) 0 25 0 e 1/ 2 R 1.36 M
VC(t) 25 e 2t volt 105. In the given circuit, find the current i in the 3-
103. The response of a series R-C circuit is given by k resistor at time t = 2 sec.
2V q 0
I s = π C
R s +
where q0 is the initial charge on the capacitor.
What is the final value of the current? (a) 4 mA (b) 2 A
1 2V q 0 e t / RC 2V q 0 (c) 4 A (d) 2 mA
(a) (b)
R C R C SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I
(c) Infinity (d) Zero Ans. (d) : Given circuit-
ESE 2016
Ans. (d) : Final value of current-
lim i(t) lim sI s
t S 0
2V q 0
lim s. 0
S 0 1 From given circuit, switch S1, is closed at t = 5 sec so at
R s
RC t = 2 sec switch S1 is open.
(a) 2 k (b) 3 k
The current is entering from the positive terminal of the (c) 5 k (d) 10 k
element i.e. power is absorbed by this element so power ESE 2002
is positive.
Ans. (c) : Given,
p t V t i t = 10e-5t ×5e-5t
C = 20F
= 50 e-5t+(-5t) V(0–) = V(0+) = – 50 V
p t 50e 10t W for t 0 dv 0 dv 0
107. Transients are caused because 500 V / s
dt dt
1. the load is suddenly connected to or
We know that-
disconnected from supply
2. of the sudden change in applied voltage dv
i= C
from one finite value to the other dt
3. of the change in stored energy in inductors and at t = 0+
and capacitors V(0+) = iR
Which of the above statements are correct
dv 0
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only –50 = C .R
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 dt
ESE 2015 –50 = 20 × 10–6 × (–500) ×R
Ans. (d) : Transient are appear in the circuit due to R = 5 k
1. The load is suddenly connected to or disconnected 110. What will be the value of current IL. Through
from supply
2. Of the sudden change in applied voltage from one the resistor at t = 1ns if IR(0) = 6 Ampere.
finite value to the other
3. Of the change in stored energy in inductors and
108. For the given circuit find the value of v at
t = 12ms, If current is given as i = 10te–100t A. (a) 4.66 mA (b) 456 mA
(Where L=25 mH). (c) 6.098 A (d) 812 mA
DFCCIL JE 17.04.2016
Ans. (d) : Given L = 500 nH = 500 × 10–9 H,
(a) –15.06mV (b) –0.987 mV
(c) 34.09 mV (d) 87.99 mV R = 1000, t = 1n sec = 1 × 10–9 sec IR (0) = I0 = 6 A
DFCCIL JE 17.04.2016 IL (t) = ?
Network Theory 302 YCT
As we know that for an R-L series circuit current 113. An ideal current source is connected to the
t disconnected circuit shown in the figure t = 0.
IL(t) = I0 e L
The time constant of the circuit is
1000 t
IL(t) = 6e 50010
IL(t) = 6e 210 t
At t = 1 × 10–9 sec
9 9 RC
IL(t) = 6 e210 10 (a) (b) RC
IL(t) = 6 e 2 9RC
IL(t) =0.812 A (c) 2RC (d)
IL(t) = 812 mA ESE 2015
111. The time constant for the circuit shown below Ans. (c) : For given circuit diagram,
is : Req = R + 2R = 3R
C.2C 2
Ceq C
C 2C 3
Time constant for RC circuit-
(a) 0.2 microsecond (b) 0.8 microsecond =Req Ceq = 3R× C = 2RC
(c) 0.4 millisecond (d) 0.2 millisecond 3
BSNL TTA (JE) 2013 114. For the high-pass circuit to act as a
differentiator, the time constant must be
Ans. : (c) Given circuit diagram- (a) Small (b) Very high
(c) Moderate value (d) Very small
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I
Ans. (d) : A high pass circuit use to improve transient
stability condition, so that speed to operation should be
time constant () = Req.C high which implies time constant should be very small
3 6 with in a specified limit.
Req 2 115. If i = –10 e–2t, the voltage of the source of the
36 given circuit, Vs is given by
2 2 2 4k
= 41030.110–6
= 0.410–3
0.4 milli second (a) –10 e–2t (b) –20 e–2t
(c) 20 e (d) – 30 e–2t
112. A 0.2 H inductor with an initial current of 4 A ESE 2001
is in parallel with a resistor of 100 . The Ans. (b) :
current at 0.8 ms is
(a) 4 e–0.4A (b) 4 e–16×10 A
–3 –3
(c) 4 e–0.4×10 A (d) 4 e–16×10 A
ESE 2011
Ans. (a) : According to question the circuit diagram
Voltage across capacitor
VC = i × 1 = – 10 e–2t
Current through capacitor
i C C C 20e 2t
0.8 4 Total current,
I s it = i + iC = –10 e–2t + 20 e–2t = 10 e–2t
100 0.2s s 500
4 di t 1
VL L 1 10 e 2t 20e 2t
I(t) = £–1 [I(s)] = £–1 s 500 4e dt dt
di t
At t = 0.8 ms Vs = V C + 1 × i t + L
3 dt
i t t 0.8ms 4e 5000.810 4e 0.4 A = –10e–2t +10e–2t –20e–2t = –20 e–2t
Network Theory 303 YCT
116. The current through a 4H inductor is given by Ans. (c) : Given, for t 0
10 i(t) = Kte–t
I L (s) = . The initial voltage across the
s(s + 2) For i(t) to be maximum
inductor is- di t
(a) 40V (b) 20V dt
(c) 10V (d) 5V di t
BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 10 AM K e t t e t
Ans. (a) Given that,
= Ke–t [1 – t]
I L (s) di t
s(s 2) For 0
By partial fraction,
10 A B 1 = t t =
s s 2 s s 2
119. A coil of resistance 10 and inductance 0.8 H is
at s = 0 at s = –2 connected to 200V dc supply. The initial rate of
A=5 B = –5 change of current is
5 5 (a) 16 A/s (b) 160 A/s
IL s
s s2 (c) 250 A/s (d) 4000 A/s
Taking inverse Laplace transform, ESE 2014
I L t 5u t 5e 2t u t Ans. (c) :
I L t 5 1 e 2t u t
d.i L t
V t 4 5 1 e 2t u t
Initially, when the inductor is uncharged there is no
4 5 2 e 2t current through it i.e. inductor is open-circuited at
40 at t 0 starting and current is zero through it.
V 0 40V Hence, iL(0) = 0
By applying KVL equation in the loop
117. In any network the current will be seen to be di (0)
consisting of a forced current and a natural 200 i L (0)R L L 0
current. A forced current is dt
(a) a steady-state current with external source but di (0)
200 0 R 0.8 L
a natural current is a transient current in a dt
closed circuit with no external source di L (0) 200
(b) a transient current with external source but a 250A / sec
dt 0.8
natural current is a steady-state current in a
120. Name that transient which is produced when a
closed circuit with no external source circuit, which is originally dead, is energized.
(c) a steady-state current in a closed circuit
(a) Complex transient
without external source, while a natural
(b) Subsidence transient
current is a transient current with an external
(c) Transition transient
(d) Initiation transient
(d) a transient current in a closed circuit without
external source, while a natural current is a MPPEB Sub. Engineer Shift-I
steady state current with an external source. Ans. (d) : Initiation Transient :- These are produced
ESE 2014 when a circuit, which is originally dead is energized.
Ans. (a) : A forced current is a steady-state current with Subsidence Transient:- These are produced when an
energized circuit is rapidly de-energized and reach is an
external source but a natural current is a transient
eventual steady state of zero current or voltage. as in the
current in a closed circuit with no external source
case of short circuiting an R-L or R-C circuit suddenly.
118. The response of a network is i(t) = Kt e–t for Transition Transient:- These are due to sudden but
t 0 where is real positive. The value of 't' at energetic changes from one steady state to another.
which the i(t) will become maximum, is Complex Transient:- These are produced in a circuit
(a) (b) 2 which is simultaneously subjected to two transients due
(c) 1/ (d) to two independent disturbances or when the disturbing
ESE 2001 force producing the transient itself available.
Network Theory 304 YCT
121. A unit step voltage u(t–5) is applied to the RL VS 1 e 1
VS 1 0.3675
VS 0.6325
VC 0.63VS
124. The time constant for the circuit given below
The current i is given by will be
(a) 1–e–t (b) [1–e–(t–5)] u(t–5)
(c) (1–e ) u(t–5) (d) 1–e–(t–5)
OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
UPPSC AE 13.12.2020, Paper-I
ESE 2001
Ans. (b) : From given figure
1 1
(a) s (b) s
9 4
(c) 4s (d) 9s
Ans. (c) : Given circuit diagram-
time constant () = ?
e5s Current source is treated as open circuited in time
1 s I s
s constant calculation.
e 5s Ceq (1 1) ||1
I s
s 1 s
2 1 2
Ceq = F
1 1 5s 2 1 3
s 1 s Req = 3+3 = 6
Now taking inverse Laplace -
= Req Ceq
1 e u t 5
t 5
= 6
122. The initial and final values of 3
f(t) = 15 – 10t – 10 e–20t
are respectively
(a) 5 and (b) 5 and – 125. In the series R-L circuit the switch is closed at t
(c) 15 and (d) 15 and 10 = 0 sec. The value of current at t = 0 sec is
ESE 2014
Ans. (b) : Equation is given by-
f(t) = 15 – 10t – 10 e–20t
Initial value,
(a) 0 A (b) 5 A
lim f t 15 10 0 10e
20 0
t 0 (c) 2 A (d) 10/7 A
15 0 10 1 5 JPSC AE 10.04.2021, Paper II
Final value, Ans. (d) :
lim f t 15 10 10e
at t = 0+
Capacitor behave as short circuit and circuit become-
dt C 0.5
VC (0–) = 4 × 2
dV 0 = 20 V/s
VC (0–) = 8
At t = 0+
131. In an R-C circuit, when the switch S is closed,
the response ______.
(a) rises with time
(b) delays with time
(c) first increase and then decreases 8 4
V (0+) = 4V
(d) do not vary with time 8
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II At t =
Ans. (b) : In R-C circuit when the switch 'S' is closed
then the response delays with time.
132. In the circuit shown in the given figure, the
switch is closed to t = 0:
V() = 8V
134. Transient response in the system is basically
because of
(a) coupling (b) forces
(c) friction (d) stored energy
The current through the capacitor will BSNL TTA 28.09.2016, 10 AM
decrease exponentially with a time constant: Ans. (d) : Transient response in the system is basically
(a) 0.5s (b) 1 s because of stored energy as it is due to the initial
(c) 2 s (d) 10 s conditions which is nothing but the stored energy.
OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
135. A 10-F capacitor in series with a 1-M
Ans. (b) : Time constant always taken for t > 0 resistor is connected across a 100-V DC supply.
Time constant = = RC The time constant of the circuit
(a) 10 s (b) 10 m/s
(c) 0.1 s (d) 100 s
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (a) : Given that-
R 1M 1106
C 10F 10 10 6 F
Time constant () = RC = 1106 10 10 6 = 10 s
R = 1 136. A series R-L-C circuit is switched ON to a step
C=1F voltage V at t = 0. What are the initial and final
RC 1 1 = 1 sec values of the current in the circuit,
133. In the below network, S is closed for a long respectively?
time till steady state is attained. S is opened at (a) V/R, V/R (b) Zero, Infinity
t= 0. What are the value of voltage V at t = 0+ (c) Zero, Zero (d) Zero, V/R
and t = ? ESE 2008
Network Theory 307 YCT
Ans. (c) : At t = 0 inductor will behave as open and 3. When a source is delivering maximum power
XL f to the load, the efficiency will be-
(a) 50% (b) 100%
1 (c) 99% (d) 25%
t HPSSC JE 08.08.2021
1 MRPL (Tech. Asstt. Trainee), 21.02.2021
XL RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020
0 SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I
XL SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-II
HPSSC JE 2017(Code-580)
at t = capacitor will behave as open Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I
1 SSC JE 2015, 2008, SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
XC ESE-2014
So, X C t Ans. (a) :
So, I0 = 0 and I = 0.
III. Network Theorems For maximum power at load, load resistance is equal to
1. Superposition theorem is valid for which of the thevenin's equivalent source resistance.
following circuit elements? So RL = Rth
(a) Non-linear elements Output power
(b) Passive elements % 100
Input power
(c) Linear bilateral elements
(d) Resistive elements Vth2 Vth2 1
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 26.12.2020
100 100 = 50%
4R th 2R th 2
HPSSSB JE 2018 (Post code 663)
MPMKVVCL (Bhopal) JE 2018 The efficiency is only 50% when maximum power
UPSSSC JE 31.07.2016 transfer is achieved.
UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016 4. Maximum power transfer from source to load
LMRC JE 2016 resistance is _____ the internal resistance of the
RPSC Lect. (Tech. Edu. Dept.) 09.01.2016
KSEB Sub Engineer 2015 circuit.
KPTCL JE 2015 (a) equal to (b) more than
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I (c) less than (d) double
SSC JE 2009 ESIC JE 2019
WBPSC SAE 2005 ESE 2019
ESE-2002 DMRC JE 2018, Shift III
Ans. (c) : Superposition theorem- DFCCIL JE 17.04.2016
• It apply only for linear and bilateral element. ESIC JE 2016
• It is not used for power calculation. Rajasthan JE (PHED) 2015
• It apply when two or more than two active element ESE-2012
SSC JE 2011, Shift-I
present in the network.
• It follow the condition of homogeneity Ans. (a) : Maximum power transfer from source to load
occurs when the load resistance is equal to internal
2. In a linear bilateral network having more than
resistance of the circuit. i.e.
one source, the current in any part of the
network can be found by adding algebraically R L R th
the effect of each source separately. The above Maximum power can be given by-
statement is associated with V2
(a) Thevenin’s theorem Pmax th
(b) Millman’s theorem 4R th
(c) Superposition theorem 5. Thevenin's theorem converts a circuit to an
(d) Norton’s theorem equivalent form consisting of
GPSC AAE, Class-3, 25.07.2021 (a) a current source and a series resistance
BIS TA (Lab) 2020 (b) a voltage source and a parallel resistance
BSNL TTA 28.09.2016, 3 PM
(c) a voltage source and a series resistance
WBPSC SAE 2002 (d) a current source and a parallel resistance
Ans. (c) : In a linear bilateral network having more than ESE 2019
BSNL TTA 27.09.2016, 3 PM
one source, the current in any part of the network can be Rajasthan JE (PHED) 2015
found by adding algebraically the effect of each source BSNL TTA (JE) 14.07.2013
separately. The above statement is associated with SSC JE 2012
superposition theorem. WBPSC SAE 2002
Network Theory 308 YCT
Ans. (c) : Thevenin's theorem:-
Apply KCL-
- i1-3+i2=0
V 18 V
3 0
Where, 6 6 4
The thevenin voltage (Vth) is the open circuit voltage at 5V 90 90 3V
terminal A&B. 0
The thevenin resistor (Rth) is the resistance seen at AB 30
with all voltage source replaced by short circuit and all V 180
current source replaced by open circuit. 8
It provides a mathematical technique for replacing a V 180 180 18 9
given network, as viewed from two output terminals, by R 8 6 4 8 10 8 4
a single voltage source with a series resistance. It makes
the solution of complicated networks quite quick and Vth i 2 R 9 4 9V
easy. 4
6. Application of Norton's theorem in a circuit V th= 9 Volts
results in
(a) a current source and an impedance in parallel
(b) a voltage cource and an impedance in series
(c) an ideal voltage source
(d) an ideal current source Vth 9
NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar) I = 2.25A
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I R th R L 3 1
BSNL TTA (JE) 25.09.2016, Shift-I 8. A voltage source having an internal impedance
BSNL TTA 21.02.2016 of 8 + j6 ohms supplies power to a resistive
BSNL TTA 25.09.2016, 3:00 P.M. load. What should be the load resistance for
JKSSB JE 2014 / SSC JE 2013 maximum power transferred to it ?
RSEB JE 2011 (a) 8 ohms (b) 6 ohms
WBPSC SAE 2004, 2003
(c) 10 ohms (d) 10 ohms
Ans: (a) Norton's theorem application in a circuit
PSTCL AE 06.08.2021
result in a current source and an impedance in parallel. ESE-2004
Ans. (c) : Maximum power transfer theorem-
When– Zs = Rs + jXs
for maximum power transfer
Zs = RL
Where, R L Zs R s2 X s2
IN = Norton's current
Zn = Norton's impedance. R L R S2 XS2 82 62 10
7. For the circuit shown here find the current I 9. Thevenin's voltage and resistance for the
using Thevenins's theorem. circuit given below are respectively: (take, RL =
4 Rth
12 4
Rth = 3
12 4
Network Theory 309 YCT
By nodal analysis- Ans. (c) : Transforming the current to voltage source
V 30 V Vth the new circuit can be represented as below.
15 10
2V 60 3V 3Vth 60
5V – 3Vth = 120..................(i)
Vth V Vth
10 5 Rth = 2
3Vth – V = 0
V = 3 Vth
Putting the value V in equation (i)
15Vth –3Vth = 120
Vth = 10 Volt
Calculation of the resistance- VA 2 0 20 15 VB =0
VAB Vth 35V
k 0
(a) 5 V and 25 (b) –25 V and 5 k 1
V1 1 V1 1
(a) – and G = (b) and G =
4 I1 I 2 R1 R2 R2 R1
V V V1 1 V1 1
4 (c) and G = (d) – and G =
5 5 R2 R2 R1 R1
2V ESE-2009
5 Ans. (a) :
V= 10V
I1 2A
V02 4V
Now, V0 V01 V02 2 4 6V
27. Reciprocity theorem is applicable to a network
Norton's equivalent current = isc =–i
1. containing R, L and C elements
2. which is initially not a relaxed system V
From loop 1 i 1
3 having both dependent and independent R1
sources V1
Which of the above is/are correct? isc
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only R1
(c) 2 and 3 Only (d) 1, 2 and 3 For finding Rth voltage source is short circuited
ESE-2016 Voc Open circuit voltage iR 2
Ans. (a) : Reciprocity theorem-
A reciprocal network comprises of linear time Voc iR 2
R th
invariant bilateral elements. It is applicable to Isc V1
resistors, capacitors, inductors and transformers R1
therefore the theorem is applicable only to single
source networks. R th R 2
The theorem is valid only single independent 1 1
voltage or current source is present. Conductance =
R th R 2
28. Thevenin's theorem cannot be applied to
networks that contain elements which are 30. Which of the following theorems can be
(a) non-linear (b) linear applied to any network-linear or non-linear,
(c) active (d) passive active or passive, time-variant or time-
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (Power & Electricity Dept.) 2015 invariant?
SSC JE 2015 (a) Thevenin theorem
Ans. (a) : Thevenin's theorem cannot be applied to (b) Norton theorem
network that contain elements which are non-linear. (c) Tellegen theorem
Thevenin's theorem–Thevenin's theorem states that
(d) Superposition theorem
any two output terminals of an active linear network
containing independent sources (it includes voltage and Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PWD) 2018 Paper-I
current sources) can be replaced by a single voltage Ans. (c) : Tellegen theorem can be applied to any
source of magnitude VTH in series with a single resistor network-linear or non-linear, active or passive, time-
RTH connected across load. variant or time-invariant.
To find out Thevenin's voltage and resistances In any network, the sum of instantaneous power
independent voltage sources should be short and consumed by various elements of the branches is
independent current source should be open-circuited. always equal to zero.
P K 0
K 1
Where b= number of branches.
Network Theory 314 YCT
31. If the source impedance is capacitive, for Ans : (b)
maximum transfer of power from the source to
the load, the load should be
(a) capacitive
(b) complex conjugate of complex source
(c) resistive
(d) exactly the same as the source impedance
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PWD) 2018 Paper-I
ESE 2008 34. Superposition theorem is not valid for :
(a) Voltage responses (b) Current responses
Ans. (b) : If the source has complex source impedance
(c) Power responses (d) All of these
then for maximum transfer of power from the source to
MIZORAM PSC (PHED) 2019, Paper-I
the load, the load impedance should be complex
conjugate of source impedance for capacitive source Ans. (c) : Super position theorem is valid only for linear
impedance the load impedance should be complex system because the effect of a single source can not be
conjugate. individually calculated in a non linear system.
Power calculation can not be done by super position
because power is not a linear function of voltage or
32. If a constant current generator of 5A, shunted current. Super position is not applicable if any
by its own resistance of 1 , delivers maximum dependent source will present in the circuit.
power P in watts to its load of RL , then the 35. Which one of the following theorem is the
voltage across the current generator and P are converse of Thevenins theorem?
(a) 5 V and 6.25 (b) 2.5 V and 12.5 (a) Superposition theorem
(c) 5 V and 12.5 (d) 2.5 V and 6.25 (b) Millman's theorem
ESE-2016 (c) Compensation theorem
Ans. (d) : (d) Norton's theorem
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans : (d) In Norton's theorem, current source and
equivalent Norton's resistance are connected in parallel
with each other. Whereas in Thevenin's theorem,
voltage source and equivalent resistance are connected
in series Norton's theorem is reverse of Thevenin's
For maximum power transfer RL = 1
Apply current division rule-
IL 1 2.5A
Voltage across RL = 1
VL = 2.5 × 1 = 2.5 V
Maximum power transfer- Norton's equivalent circuit
2 2
Pmax = I .R L 2.5 1
Pmax = 6.25 W
33. Which of the below statements is true?
(a) Any two terminals of a network can be
replaced by an equivalent voltage and
equivalent series resistance in Norton
(b) Source transformation of Thevenin theorem Thevenin's equivalent circuit.
is known as Norton theorem 36. What will be the Norton's resistance (in ohms)
(c) In Thevenin theorem, voltage source is between terminals A and B for the circuit given
replaced by open circuit and current source is below?
replaced by short circuit
(d) Super mesh is defined as the combination of
two meshes that have voltage source on their
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 14.11.2018
Network Theory 315 YCT
(a) 2.25 (b) 2.75 (a) 6.2 (b) 5.2
(c) 3.25 (d) 3.75 (c) 4.2 (d) 2.5
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans : (b) Voltage source should be short circuit for Ans : (d) To find Norton's current load resistance
obtaining Norton's equivalent resistance. should be short circuit.
Apply KVL
20I +30I = 100
I 2A
Network Theory 317 YCT
Vth I 30 2 30 60V 45. Determine the Norton's current (in A) and
Norton's resistance (in ) respectively, for the
Current through the load given electrical circuit across the load
resistance' RL
Vth 60
IL 2.2 Amp
R th R L 22 5
So, Thevenin's voltage (Vth) = 60V,
Thevenin resistance (Rth) = 22
Load current (IL)= 2.22Amp.
44. Determine the value of maximum power (in W)
transferred from the source to the load in the
circuit given below. (a) 2.09, 7.66 (b) 2.34, 3.45
(c) 4.34, 3.26 (d) 2.34, 2.55
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (a) : Given circuit diagram–
(a) 30 (b) 25
(c) 20 (d) 35
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-II
Applying KVL in loop (1) & (2)
Ans. (d) :
24 = 4I1 +8I1 – 8Isc
24 = 12I1 – 8Isc
6 = 3I1 – 2Isc ..............(i)
5Isc + 8Isc – 8I1 = 0
13Isc – 8I1 = 0 ..............(ii)
20 100 Multiply 8 in equation (i) & 3 in equation (ii) then we
I 10 Amp
8 8 get,
8 1 8 48
R eq Isc 2.086A
8 1 9 23
100 8 100 Isc 2.086 Amp
Vth I R e q
8 9 9
For Norton's resistance
b = Number of branch
vk = voltage in kth term
ik = current in kth term
Network Theory 320 YCT
55. What will be the value of source impedance (in 57. Determine the Norton's current (in A) and
Ohms) for transmitting maximum power to the Norton's resistance (in ) respectively, for the
load in the circuit given below? given electrical circuit:
(a) 5+ j 2 (b) 5 – j 2
(c) 2 + j 5 (d) 2 – j 5 (a) 1.167, 12 (b) 2.345, 14
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I (c) 4.434, 16 (d) 2.346, 10
Ans. (b) : For transmitting maximum power to load in SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
the circuit in question the value of source impedance Ans. (a) : In the given circuit to obtain Norton current
must be equal to complex conjugate of load impedance. (I N), load resistance (R L) is short circuited.
Therefore, ZS ZL*
ZL 5 j2 ,
Complex conjugate of ZL = 5-j2
ZS 5 j2
56. Determine the maximum power (in W) Flowing current (I) 12 2.33A
transferred from the source to the load of the 8
circuit given below: Current across A and B ISC 2.33
ISC 1.167 A
Norton resistance-
R N 8 (8 || 8)
(a) 18 (b) 30
(c) 45 (d) 90 8 8 4
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I 88
R N 12
Ans. (c) : Given Data Voltage (v) = 60 Volt
58. For the circuit shown below, what is the values
of Thevenin's equivalent voltage (in V) across
the terminals A–B?
60 2
Pmax Now terminal AB open circuit so current will not flow
4 20
across 10.
60 60
4 20 E th Voltage across 6 6 30
Pmax 45 watt E th 30 V
P 2.5W
Rth = 10||10 + 5
10 10
(a) 1 (b) 0.5 = 5
(c) 0.3 (d) 0.2 10 10
SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-I 100
= 5
Ans : (b) 20
R th 10
Thevenin equivalent circuit
Thevenin voltage can be determined using Below
1 1 1 1
R 3 3 3
R 1
(a) 5 (b) 6
(a) Vth = 25 V, Rth = 20
(c) 4 (d) 7
(b) Vth = 50 V, Rth = 25
(c) Vth = 50 V, Rth = 20
Ans. : (b) For maximum power transfer (d) Vth = 100 V, Rth = 20
RL = Rth SSC JE 10.12.2020, Shift-II
3 6 Ans (c) :
Rth = 4
3 6
R th 2 4
Rth = 6
So, RL = 6 To find Rth short the voltage source-
At RL = 6 maximum power will transfer. Rth = (10||10)+15
84. If Rg in the circuit shown in figure is variable Rth = 5+15
between 10 and 40 , then maximum power R th 20
transferred to the load RL will be Current through 10 is
10 10
I = 5A
Current through 10 is 5 Amp
(a) 15 W (b) 13.33 W So voltage Vth = I.R = 5×10 = 50V
(c) 10 W (d) 2.4 W VAB Vth 50V
Network Theory 326 YCT
87. Which of the following statement is Voltage drop across 2 = 2 2.14 = 4.28 volt
CORRECT? Thus Thevenin voltage (Vth) = 20 – 4.28 – 10 = 5.72
(a) Superposition theorem is applicable to only Volt.
those circuits that only have active elements. Vth 5.72
(b) Superposition theorem is applicable to only
those circuits that only have passive 89. What will be the value of Norton's resistance
elements. (in ) between the terminals A and B for the
(c) Superposition theorem is applicable to only circuit given below?
those circuits that only have linear bilateral
(d) Superposition theorem is applicable to only
those circuits that only have non-linear
bilateral elements.
UPPSC AE 13.12.2020, Paper-I
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-II
Ans : (c) (a) 5.65 (b) 6.11
(c) 4.32 (d) 7.45
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-II
Ans : (b) For obtaining Norton equivalent resistance
Current source is open circuited and voltage source is
short circuited.
According to circuit diagram superposition
theorem is only those circuit that only have linear
bilateral elements. Power can't be directly measured by
this theorem and it is also not applicable to those
circuits which have dependent source.
88. Determine the Thevenin's voltage (V) and
Thevenin's resistance (in ) across the 6
resistor for the given electrical circuit
26 8 208
R AB 6.11
26 8 34
90. The open-circuit voltage across the load is
equal to 45 V. Calculate the load voltage (in V)
(a) 5.72, 1.71 (b) 4.67, 2.24 when the maximum power is transferred to the
(c) 3.54, 1.01 (d) 4.87, 2.09 circuit.
UPRVUNL AE 04.07.2021 (a) 11.25 (b) 22.5
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-II (c) 45 (d) 90
Ans : (a) For obtaining thevenin equivalent resistance, SSC JE 29.01.2018 Shift-II
load resistance is through out of circuit and voltage Ans. (b) :
source is short-circuited.
Equivalent current
= 5 + 5 + 6 = 16 Amp (a) 5.76 (b) 6.0
Equivalent resistance (c) 10.0 (d) 15.0
10 10 4 10 10 4 SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
= 2.22 Ans: (b) Maximum power will be transferred to RL
10 10 10 4 4 10 180
93. Determine the percentage (in %) of maximum RL = Rth
power delivered to the load resistance, when for Rth current source is replace by open circuit
(a) 50 (b) 65
(c) 70 (d) 75
SSC JE 29.01.2018 Shift-II
Ans. (d) : Maximum power transfer
E2 RAB = Rth = RL= (10 + 5) || (6 + 4)
Pm 15 10
4R L 15 10 6
According to question {RL=3Ri}
Network Theory 328 YCT
96. A 120 V source has a series internal resistance Ans. (c) : Makes all the independent sources into their
of 1 . The maximum power that can be internal impedances (voltage source is shorted) –
delivered to a load is
(a) 1800 W (b) 3600 W
(c) 800 W (d) 14400 W
ISRO TA 2016
Ans. (b) : V= 120 volt, R i 1
180 120 60
(a) 60 30º (b) 50 53.13º 20 40 60
(c) 56.56 45º (d) 56.56 –45º Hence Norton current at terminal a & b of the circuit is
KPTCL JE 2016 1 A.
Network Theory 329 YCT
101. The Thevenin voltage across terminals 1 and 2 (a) Thevenin's theorem
of the circuit in Figure 3 (b) Norton's theorem
(c) Millman's theorem
(d) Reciprocity theorem
JMRC JE 2021
Ans. (c) :
(a) 20 V (b) 30 V
(c) 40 V (d) 50 V
Rajasthan JE (PHED) 2015
Ans. (d) : Given circuit diagram
i 1
i i
Veq n
i 1
Apply KVL n
R eq Yi
60 30I 60I 30 0 i 1
30 1
I A 104. The maximum power transfer theorem can be
90 3 applied to-
1 (a) DC circuits only
VTh 60 30 (b) Neither AC nor DC circuits
VTh 50V (c) AC circuits only
(d) Both AC and DC circuits
Hence Thevenin voltage across terminal 1 and 2 of the RRB JE 30.08.2019 Shift-II
circuit is 50 V Ans. (d) : The maximum power transfer theorem can be
102. Network theorems are applicable to ________. applied to both AC and DC circuits.
(a) AC and DC linear circuits (i) This theorem is used when load resistance is
(b) DC non-linear circuits only variable.
(c) AC non-linear circuits only (ii) In this theorem given network is converted into the
(d) AC linear circuits only venin model.
JMRC JE 2021 (iii) Efficiency is always 50% in maximum power
Ans. (a) : Network Theorem: The fundamental theory transfer theorem.
on which many branch of electrical engineering such as Condition for maximum power transfer -
electric power, electric machine, control, power Vth2
electronics etc are built on the basis of electric circuit R L R th Pmax
4R th
theory, so here the network theorem helps us to solve
any complex network for the given condition. 105. According to Norton's theorem, the expression
All the theorems are applicable to AC and DC linear for load current is-
circuit. ISC ISC
103. Which of the following helps in finding a single (a) I L R L (b) I L
R int R int R int R int
equivalent voltage source of the circuit shown
in the figure? R int R int
(c) I L ISC (d) I L
R int R L R int R L
RRB JE 30.08.2019 Shift-II
Ans. (c) : Norton's theorem state that it is possible to
simplify any linear circuit to an equivalent circuit with
just a single current source and parallel resistance
connected to load.
Network Theory 330 YCT
80 103
I 5 10 9
R 6 106
R = 10 × 106
For maximum power-
RL = R = 10 × 106
Maximum power transfer-
80 103 = 1.6 × 10–10 W = 0.16 nW
R th R int
I L ISC or I L ISC 4R L 4 10 106
R th R L R int R L
109. When a source is delivering maximum power
106. _____________ theorem is applicable to both to a load, the efficiency of the circuit___:
linear and nonlinear circuits. (a) is always 50%
(a) Norton's Theorem (b) depends on the circuit parameters
(b) Substitution Theorem (c) is always 75%
(c) Thevenin's Theorem (d) None of these
(d) Superposition Theorem SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I
RRB JE 30.08.2019 Shift-II Ans : (b) In case of DC, efficiency of the circuit is
Ans. (b) : Substitution theorem it is applicable for
any linear or non linear, bilateral network consists of
a number of energy with passive element. P 4R
% max 100 2L 100
Theorem Application Pin Vth
Superposition theorem Linear 2R L
Thevenin's theorem Linear
% 50%
Norton's theorem Linear
Maximum power transfer Linear In case of AC efficiency of the circuit depends on the
Substitution Linear and non circuit parameter
linear ZL = RL + jXL
107. The Tellegen's theorem can be applied to- Case I : It RL and XL both variable i.e. ZL = Z*in
(a) Passive & active networks
(b) All of the options Vth2
Pmax = and 50%
(c) Hysteric and non-hysteric networks 4R L
(d) Linear & non-linear networks Case II: If RL is variable, XL is constant
RRB JE 30.08.2019 Shift-II 2
Ans. (b) : The Tellegen's theorem can be applied to- R L R 2th X th X L
Passive and active network. i.e. > 50%
Hysteric and non-hysteric network Case III : for load purely resistive
Linear and non linear network. RL = |Zth|
In a network sum of supplied power is equal to sum of i.e. > 50%
consumed power. 110. The Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits of
PSupplied = PConsumed a D.C network are shown in Figure. The values
108. A human nerve cell an open circuit voltage of of current I and resistance R in the Norton
80 mV and it can deliver a current of 5 nA equivalent are:
through a 6 Megaohm load. What is the
maximum power available from the cell?
(a) 0.16 nW (b) 16 mW
(c) 1.6 W (d) 16 pW
SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-II
(a) 2.5A, 2 (b) 2.5A, 0.5
(c) –2.5A, 2 (d) –2.5A, 0.5
Ans. (a) : Assuming internal resistance of cell is R
UPPSC AE 13.12.2020, Paper-I
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I
Ans : (a)
For RL = 6 × 106
Network Theory 331 YCT
Vth KCL on Node Vx
IN Vx 20 Vx
R th 0.1 Vx
RN = Rth 20 4
Given, Vx 20 5Vx
Vth = 5V, Rth = 2 20
5 6Vx 20 2Vx
I N 2.5A
2 6Vx 2Vx 20
RN = 2
111. In which of the following, it is not desired to 4Vx 20
attain the condition of maximum power Vx 5V
(a) Electronic circuits When supply by only 4A source then voltage source is
(b) Communicational circuits short circuit-
(c) Computer circuits
(d) Electric circuits
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-II
Ans : (d) Electric circuit is not desired to attain the
condition of maximum power transfer, the efficiency is
low (50%) and there is a greater voltage drop in the lines.
112. Which of the following is essential for the
reciprocity theorem to be applicable?
(a) Linearity Apply KCL on Node Vx-
(b) Bilateralism Vx V
(c) No initial history 4 x 0.1 Vx 0
20 4
(d) All options are correct
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-II Vx 80 5Vx 2Vx 0
Ans : (d) Reciprocity theorem to be applicable is- 4Vx = 80
Linear Vx = 20
Bilateralism Apply superposition theorem
No time-varying element Net response = algebraic sum of all individual response
No initial history Net Vx = 5+20
113. Using superposition theorem, find Vx in the = 25V
following circuit. 114. For the given circuit, the value of Norton's
equivalent resistance is:
(a) 20 V (b) 30 V
(c) 15 V (d) 25 V
SSC JE 20.10.2020, Shift-I
Ans. (d) : (a) 4.5 (b) 5
(c) 6 (d) 10
NMRC JE 2017
Ans : (a) To get Norton's equivalent resistance, the load
resistance is open and voltage source is short circuited
and current source is open circuit. The calculated RAB =
2 6 12 3
RN = 3 3 = 3
26 8 2
RN = 4.5
RTh = 5 || 5 2.5 || 5
= 2.5 2.5 || 5 5 || 5
RTh = 2.5 168 120
119. Which of the following are satisfied in a non- So, RTh = (168)||120 = 70
168 120
linear network? For Thevenin Voltage,
1. Associative 2. Superposition
3. Homogeneity 4. Bilaterality 120
VTh = VAB = 100 = 41.66 V
Select the correct answer using the codes given 120 168
below: 122. Consider the following statements for Norton's
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 1 and 4 only theorem :
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 2 and 4 only
1. Short the branch resistance through which
ESE 2017
current is to be calculated
Ans. (b) : When network follows the Superposition
2. Obtain the current through this short-circuited
branch, using any of the network
x1(t) y1(t)
simplification techniques
x2(t) y2(t)
x1(t) + x2(t) y1(t) + y2(t) 3. Develop Norton's equivalent circuit by
and Homogeneity rule connecting current source IN with the
x(t) y(t) resistance RN in series with it
ax(t) ay(t) Which of the above statements are correct?
that it is considered as a linear network. (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 3 only
120. Consider the following statements: (c) 1 and 2 only (d) 2 and 3 only
1. Network theorems are not derivable from ESE 2018
Kirchhoff's law. Ans. (c) Statements for Norton's theorem- It consists
2. To get the Norton current, one has to short the of current source IN in parallel with the resistance RN.
current source. Short the branch resistance through which current is
3. Thevenin's theorem is suitable for a circuit to be calculated.
involving voltage sources and series Obtain the current through this short-circuited
connections. branch, using any of the network simplification
Which of the above statements is/are correct? techniques.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 only 123.
(c) 2 only (d) 3 only
ESE 2017
Ans. (d) : Thevenin's theorem is suitable for a circuit
involving source of and series connection. Kirchhoff
Law is useful in derivation of some network theorem.
Voltage sources are short circuited and current source
are open circuited in calculating Norton current.
121. What are the Thevenin's equivalent voltage The circuit as shown in figure is connected to a
VTH and resistance RTH between the terminals
load ZL across X-X. For a maximum power
A and B of the circuit?
transfer to the load, ZL should be
3– j 3+ j
(a) (b)
4 4
3j –3 – j
(c) (d)
4 4
ESE 2018
Network Theory 334 YCT
1 R XC
Ans. (a) : Yth 1 2 j
j1 R X C2 R 2 X C2
1 3
1 2
Yth = 1 j 2
j1 1 9 1 9
4 4 4 4 For the circuit as shown, what is the value of C
1 3 that leads to maximum power transfer to the
2 2 1 3 6 2 load, if the value of L is 0.5 H?
1 j1 j 1 j1 j j
10 10 5 5 5 5 (a) 0.1 F (b) 0.01 F
4 4 (c) 0.001 F (d) 0.01 F
6 j2 ESE 2018
Yth =
5 Ans. (b) : For maximum power transfer theorem-
5 6 j2 30 j10 30 j10
Z th =
6 j2 6 j2 36 4 40 j
3 j 10
Z th Z C
4 S
According to maximum power transfer theorem the 10
maximum power is transferred to the load if the load C
impedance is equal to complex conjugate of impedance Given 10 rad/sec
across the load. j
* 3 j 10
Z L Z th Zs
4 j
124. 10
j/ C 10 j
100C j 100C j
10 j 100C j
5 5j
100C j 100C j
In the network as shown, with IS1 = 5A, IS2 = 1000 jC 10
10A, VAB = 120V, and with IS1 = 10A, IS2 = 5A,
5 5j 2
RTH = 20
135. Where Thevenin’s theorem is used to solve
network problems? (a) –15V (b) 15V
(a) It is very complicated to use the above (c) 5V (d) 0V
theorem UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-II
Network Theory 337 YCT
Ans. : (b) 140. Norton equivalent of the circuit given below is
12 4
R th 3 R th 3
12 4
For Finding Vth
R eq = +3
3+ 6
Applying KVL, 18
R eq = + 3 = 5Ω
V 12 V 9
6 0 R eq = 5Ω
6 10
5V 60 3V 180
0 8V 240
V = 30 Volt
Current through 10-
I 3Amp
So, Voltage across 4
Vth 3 4 12V
Vth = 12V
141. In the circuit, the maximum power that can be Apply nodal-
transferred to Load ZL is V 2 V 10V
3 2 8
8V 16 12V 30V 0
50V = 16
V Volt
Current through 0.8
(a) 250 W (b) 500 W
(c) 1000 W (d) 2000 W 10V 10 16
UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-II 8 50 8
Ans. : (b) ISC 0.4 A
143. The superposition theorem is used when the
circuit contains
(a) A number of voltage sources
(b) A number of current sources
(c) A number of voltage and current sources
(d) Any of the above
I(t) = 10 2 sin(1000 t ) WBPSC SAE 2000
Ans. (d) : The Superposition theorem is used when the
XL = L circuit containing more than one independent source
= 1000 ×10 × 10–3 either current source or voltage source.
= 10 144. The maximum power will be transferred from
For maximum power transfer to load ZL a source of 10 ohms resistance to a load of
ZL Z*th (a) 100 ohms (b) 50 ohms
ZL = (10 + 10 j)* (c) 25 ohms (d) 10 ohms
ZL = 10 – 10 j PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020
I 10 10 j WBPSC SAE 2000
I2 Ans. (d) : For transfer maximum power, to the load, the
10 10 j 10 10 j load resistance should be equal to the source resistance.
10 10 2 Rs = RL =10
I2 5 2 145. Determine the load resistance RL that will
P = I 22 R L = 50 × 10 = 500 W result in maximum power delivered to the load
for the given circuit. Also, determine the
142. The Norton equivalent between A and B for the maximum power Pmax delivered to the load
circuit is resistor.
3 3
RTh = =1.5
Finding of VTh
By applying nodal
3 0
1 5 VL2
V 2.5 V PL VL I L I 2L R L watt
Current through 5
2.5 Vth = Thevenin equivalent voltage
I 0.5A Rth = Thevenin equivalent resistance
Voltage across 3 RL = Load resistance
So, Vth 0.5 3 151. If two identical 3A, 4 Norton's equivalent
circuits are connected in parallel with like
Vth 1.5V
polarity to like, the combined Norton's
149. Which of the following theorems applicable for equivalent circuit has
both linear and non-linear circuits? (a) 6A, 4 (b) 6A, 2
(a) Superposition theorem (c) 3A, 2 (d) 6A, 8
(b) Thevenin's theorem
(c) Norton's theorem
(d) None of the above Ans. (b) :
Ans. (d) : Superposition theorem, Thevenin theorem
and Norton's theorem is not applicable for non-linear
150. The Thevenin's equivalent resistance is best
described by which of the following ? I=3+3
(a) It is the resistance seen at the external I 6Amp
terminals of a network
4 & 4 in parallel
(b) It is the resistance seen at the external
terminals of a network after independent R N 4 4 16 2
sources have been set to zero 44 8
Network Theory 341 YCT
152. For the DC network shown in figure, when R = 154. Superposition theorem is applicable to any part
0, I = 2.5A and when R = (infinity), V = 5V. of a linear bilateral network, if it
Then the value of V for R = 3 is (a) Contains single energy source
(b) Contains more than one energy source
(c) Has, steady infinite steady state error in S-
(d) Follows none of (a), (b) & (c)
Ans. (b) : Superposition theorem is applicable to any
(a) 1 V (b) 2 V part of a linear bilateral network, if it contains more
(c) 3 V (d) 5 V than one energy source.
APGCL JM 2021 155. Find the Thevenin’s voltage Vth across 2 ohm
ESE-2013 resistance.
Ans. (c) : Given, Voc = 5V Isc = 2.5A
Total resistance of the network
V 5
R th oc
Isc 2.5
(a) 4.778V (b) 2.571V
= 2 (c) 3.455V (d) 8.908V
Thus, Thevenin's equivalent circuit is given by- DFCCIL JE 17.04.2016
Ans. (b) : For Vth open the 2 terminal
Rth = 6 + 6
Rth = 12
For Vth Apply KVL
Maximum power Pmax =
4R th
12 144
= 18W
4×2 8 4
R eq = (3 ||2) +
167. A voltage source is connected in series with 5
three resistors; R1=10, R2=10, R3=20, A 3´ 2 4
load of 20 is placed in parallel with R3.The = + = 2
3+ 2 5
Thevenin resistance (RTH) seen by the load is.
(a) 10 (b) 40
(c) 30 (d) 16.7
BSNL TTA (JE) 14.07.2013
Ans. : (a)
(a) 2 (b) 1
R1 = (2 | | 4) (c) 4 (d) 0.5
2 4 JPSC AE 10.04.2021, Paper II
R1 Ans. (b) : Thevenin equivalent of given circuit-
8 4
6 3
R1 , 1 is series.
4 7
R2 = 1
3 3
Rth = RAB = (7/3 | | 1) 20 5 15
7 / 3 1 I
R th 2R R 2
7 15 2
1 and V 20 2I 20
3 R2
7/3 20R 10
R th 7 /10 V
3 Power transferred from A to B-
7 P VI
R th
10 20R 10 15
183. Thevenin's theorem is............. form of an R2 R2
equivalent circuit. dP
For P to maximum 0 we get-
(a) Voltage dR
(b) Current R 1
Network Theory 348 YCT
186. Using superposition theorem, find voltage v in Rth = 2
the below circuit. Vth = 3 × Rth
When R = 1
Vth 6
I 2A
R th 2 2 1
188. The linear network as shown below has only
(a) 3 V (b) 10 V resistors. If I1 = 8 and I2 = 12 A; V is found to
(c) 6 V (d) 9 V be 80 V. V = 0 when I1 = –8A and I2 = 4. Then
ESIC JE 2019 the value of V when I1 = I2 = 10A, is
Ans. (b) :
(a) 25 V (b) 50 V
(c) 75 V (d) 100 V
Apply nodal analysis on point 'A'
3 0 Ans. (c) : When I1 = 8A, I2 = 12 A
8 4
V = 80 V
VA VA 6 and when I1 = –8A, I2 = 4A
8 4 8 V=0V
3VA = 30 By using superposition theorem
VA 10 Volt When I1 is present then I2 = 0
So V' = I1R1
187. The black box as shown in the circuit below
and when I2 is present then I1 = 0
contains resistors and independent sources. For
So V'' = I2R2
R= 0 and 2, the value of current I is 3 and 1.5
respectively. The value of I for R = 1 will be when I 1 and I2 both are present
So V = V' + V''
V = I1R1 + I2R2
80 = 8R1 + 12 R2 ......................(i)
and 0 = – 8R1 + 4R2………………….(ii)
By solving these two equation,
(a) 0.5 (b) 1.5 80 16R 2
(c) 2.0 (d) 3.0
R2 = 5 and R1 = 5/2
ESE-2005 According to question
ESE-2003 when I1 = I2 = 10A
V 5
Ans. (c) : I = Th 3 for R 0 ––––– (i) V = 10 10 5
R Th 2
V 75 volt
V Th 3
I= for R 2 ––––– (ii) 189. Replace the below shown circuit by a single
R Th 2 2
voltage source with an impedance:
From (i) and (ii)
R th
Vth = 3 Rth
Vth 3
R th 2 2
R th 3
R th 2 2 (a) 2V, 1 (b) 1V, 3
6 Rth = 3 Rth + 6 (c) 3V, 1 (d) 2V, 3
6 Rth – 3 Rth = 6 OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
Network Theory 349 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ans. (a) : Source transformation of Thevenin theorem
is known as Norton theorem.
In Thevenin theorem the voltage source is replace by short
circuit and current source is replace by open circuit.
192. According to Thevenin's theorem, electrical
network can be reduced to -------- in series with
load resistor.
Millman's Theorem (a) single emf source and parallel resistor
(b) single current source and parallel resistor
i 1
i i
(c) single emf source and series resistor
E eq n
(d) single current source and series resistor
i 1
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-I
Y1 1, Y2 j, Y3 j , Yeq = 1 Ans. (c) : According to Thevenin’s theorem, electrical
10º 1 190º j 1 90º j network can be reduced to single emf source and series
E eq resistor in series with load resistor.
1 j j
= 1 – j (190º–1–90º)
= 1 – j2 (1+1)
Eeq = 3 volt
190. What is the value of resistance R which will
allow maximum power dissipation in the Vth
circuit? IL
R th R L
193. The two basic components of a Thevenin's
equivalent ac circuit are
(a) The equivalent voltage source and the
(a) 11.66 (b) 10.33 equivalent series impedance
(c) 8.33 (d) 7.66 (b) The equivalent voltage source and the
OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I equivalent series resistance
ESE 2017 (c) The equivalent voltage source and the
Ans. (a) : equivalent parallel impedance
(d) The equivalent voltage source and the
equivalent parallel resistance
Karnataka PSC JE-2016
Ans. (a) : Thevenin's theorem-states that a linear two
From maximum power transfer theorem, terminal circuit can be replaced by an equivalent circuit
if RL = RTh then it dissipate maximum power. consisting of a voltage source Vth in series with Zth.
RTh= Thevenin's equivalent resistance from terminal a-b
20 10
R Th 5 11.66
Maximum power transfer to the load will take place
when RL = RTh = 11.66 ohm.
191. Which of the following statements is true? Vth = Thevenin's voltage
(a) Source transformation of Thevenin theorem is = open-circuit voltage
known as Norton theorem. Zth = Thevenin's equivalent impedance
(b) Any two terminals of a network can be replaced
194. Which of the following options is true for the
by an equivalent voltage and equivalent series
resistance in Norton theorem. given circuit?
(c) In Thevenin theorem, the voltage source is
replaced by an open circuit and the current
source is replaced by a short circuit.
(d) supermesh is defined as the combination of
(a) I1= –2I2 (b) I2 > I1
two meshes that have voltage source at their
boundaries. (c) I1 = 2I2 (d) No current in the loop
MPMKVVCL (Bhopal) JE 2018 PSPCL JE 2019, Shift-II
Network Theory 350 YCT
Ans. (d) : Given circuit diagram- 196. Determine the value of current l (in A) through
the load resistance for the given electrical
V 125 V
2 0 32 8
50 200 R eq 8 || 4
4V 500 V 12 3
2 8
200 R L R eq
5V 400 500 3
5V 100 200. A d.c. source has an open-circuit voltage of 30V
V Vth 20V and an internal resistance of 1.5. The
Rth = 40 maximum power dissipated across the load is
198. What is the maximum power transferred to a
load for a resistive Thevenin's circuit and (a) 50 W (b) 100 W
condition for which it occurs? (c) 150 W (d) 200 W
GSECL 2020 Shift-I
Vth2 R
(a) Pmax and R L th Ans. (c) : Given,
2R th 2
Voc = 30 volt Rint = 1.5
4Vth2 For maximum power dissipation across load.
(b) Pmax and R L R th
R th V2 30 30
Pmax oc 150 watt
Vth2 4 R int 4 1.5
(c) Pmax and R L R th
4R th 201. Find the value of current (in A) through the
2 load resistance (RL) in the given circuit diagram?
(d) Pmax th and R L 2R th
R th
Ans. (c) :
(a) 2.2 (b) 1.3
(c) 2.6 (d) 2.25
SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-II
Ans : (b) On applying, Milliman's theorem in the given
V E1 E 2 E3 E
P = i2RL Th
RL .......... n
R Th R L R R R R
Em 1 2 3 n
(a) 1A (b) 2A
(c) 3A (d) 4A
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
Ans: (b) For R = , V = 20V (open circuit)
Voc = 20V = Vth (a) 12 (b) 16
For, (c) 6 (d) 4
R = 0, I = 4 A= ISC SSC JE 29.01.2018, Shift-I
V 20 Ans. (c) :
R th OC 5
Thevenin's equivalent across "R"
I 2A
208. Determine the value of Thevenin's equivalent Req = R.N = (4 || 4) + 4
resistance (in Ohms) across terminal A and B 4 4
for the electrical circuit given below: = 4= 2 + 4
R N 6
210. For the circuit shown in fig. the Norton's
equivalent current is
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 6 (d) 8
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans : (b)
(a) 12 A (b) 0 A
(c) 1 A (d) 2 A
First of all, short circuit the voltage source.
Ans. (d) : Given circuit -
4 and 4 are in parallel and 2 & 2 are also in
4 4 2 2
Req = 2 , Req = 1
44 22
2 2 4
RN 1
22 4
For I N or ISC
Case-II When voltage source is short circuited, and
only current source is working then
Across the 3 resistor the source is short circuited,
hence, no current will be flow.
Hence, current in 1 resistor
Norton's equivalent circuit-
Current in 1Ω
I 2 6 5A
I = I 2 – I1
I 6 5 1 A I L ISC
214. What is the special advantage of the network 1 1 1
theorems that Kirchhoff’s laws cannot tackle? 2 1 1 3
(a) Network theorems can solve problems 2
quicker than Kirchhoff’s laws when solution 216. For the circuit shown, voltage source and
of currents in a specific branch is required resistance of Thevenin’s equivalent circuit are
(b) Kirchhoff’s laws are powerful to solve any
network problem
(c) Kirchhoff’s laws however, may take more
time and labour to solve complicated network
(d) None of the above (a) 12 V, 6 (b) 12 V, 8
WBPSC SAE 2002 (c) 8 V, 4 (d) 24 V, 4
Ans. (a) : Network theorem can solve problems quicker WBPSC SAE 2004
than KCL & KVL when solution of current in a specific Ans. (c) : For calculation of Rth all independent source
branch is required. are made dead-
215. In the circuit shown in the figure-3, the current
through resistance RL is
Rth = 6+6||6
12||6 = 4
2 3 For Thevenin voltage
(a) A (b) A
3 2
4 1
(c) A (d) A
3 3
Ans. (d) : For finding Norton's resistance (RN) by
deactivating voltage source and current source.
By Millman's Theorem-
6 E
By voltage division rule Vth = 24 8V
18 Rk
217. Calculate current I in the following circuit V
using super position theorem. R
E1 E 2
R1 R 2
1 1
(a) 375 mA (b) 200 mA R1 R 2
(c) 150 mA (d) 100 mA 6 20
DFCCIL-JE 11.11.2018
3 4
Ans. (a) : 1 1
3 4
V= 12V
Change current source with voltage source
3 and 4 are connected parallel-
3 4
R eq
3 4
Apply KCL = 1.714
8 6I + 4 2I 8I 6 = 0
6 = 16I
I 375mA
218. The equivalent circuit representation for the
219. Consider the circuit A and B given below.
electrical circuit shown in Fig. is
(a) 20 V (b) 60 V
(c) 10 V (d) 40 V
ESIC JE 2019
Network Theory 358 YCT
Ans. (d) : Given circuit diagram Thevenin's voltage For Rth, voltage source = shorted.
across terminal 'a' and 'b' applying KVL in the loop
6 4
R th 2.4
50 - 5i - 20i = 0 for Vth (Voltage across terminal A-B)
25i = 50
i 2A
Thevenin voltage (Vth) = 20 × i = 20 ×2
Vth 40V
223. Thevenin's equivalent of a circuit, operating at Vth 10 Vth 5
= 5 rad/s, has 6 4
VOC = 3.71 –15.9ºV 2 Vth – 20 + 3 Vth – 15 = 0
ZO = 2.38 – j0.667 5 Vth = 35
At this frequency, the minimum- realization of 35
Vth = 7V
the Thevenin's impedance will have 5
(a) a resistor, a capacitor and an inductor So given circuit is reduced to
(b) a resistor and a capacitor
(c) a resistor and an inductor
(d) a capacitor and an inductor
Ans. (b) : Z = (2.38 – j0.667)
225. A 20V cell, a 1k resistor and a load resistor of
Z = R–jXC
9 k are connected in series. Let the terminals
or Z = R–j(XC – XL) but |XC| > |XL|
of the load resistor be A and B. For
Thevenin impedance can be realised by using either
troubleshooting the circuit, the load resistor is
R and C or by using R, L and C but minimal realisation
removed and the remaining circuit is
will be with R and C.
represented using a Norton equivalent circuit
224. As viewed from the terminals A and B, the
between A and B. What is the resistance value
circuit Shown in Fig can be reduced to an
that has to be used for this representation?
equivalent circuit of a single voltage source in
series with a single resistance with the (a) 0.9 k (b) 10 k
following parameter. (c) 1 k (d) 9 k
ISRO VSSC (TA) 14.07.2021
Ans. (c) : Given circuit-
R N 1 k
3 j4 2 j2 3 j4 3 j4
(a) (b)
2 j2 5 j6 3 j4 5 j6
2 j2 3 j4 3 j4 2 j2
(c) (d)
2 j2 5 j6 1 j2 3 j4
ESE 2013 2 4
Z11 Za Zc
Ans. (b) : 5 5
Z12 Z21 ZC
7 4
Z22 Zb Zc
5 5
Z11 Za Zc 0 3 j4 So, Z-parameter-
Z11 3 j4 6 4
Z11 Z12 5 5
Z12 Z21 Zc 3 j4 Z
21 Z22 4 11
Z22 Zb Zc 2 j2 3 j4
5 5
Z22 5 j6 17. The terminal voltage and currents of a two-
So, Z- parameter port network are indicated on the below figure.
If the two-port is reciprocal, then
Z11 Z12 Za Zc Zc
21 Z22 Zc Z b Zc
3 j4 3 j4
3 j4 5 j6
Z12 2 1
16. The Z-parameters of the 2-port network as (a) Z12 Z11.Z22 (b) Z12
shown below are Y12 Y22
(c) h12 = –h21 (d) AD–BC = 0
RPSC ACF& FRO 23.02.2021
ESE 2013
Ans. (c) :
Parameter Condition for
reciprocal network
11 4 6 4 Z Z12 = Z21
5 5 5 5 Y Y12 = Y 21
(a) (b) T AD–BC = 1
4 6 4 11 h h12 = –h21
5 5 5 5 g g12 = – g21
z z2 z z1
s 4 3s2 1 s 4 2s 2 4 (a) 1 (b) 1
(a) (b) z1 z1 z 2 z1 z1 z 2
s 3 2s 0 s2 2
s2 1 s3 1 z z1 z z1 z 2
(c) 4 2 (d) 4 2 (c) 1 (d) 1
s s 1 s s 1 z1 z 2 z 2 z1 z 2 z 2
KPTCL JE 2016 RSMSSB JEN (PHED)Degree 26.12.2020
Ans. (a) : The driving point impedance Ans. (b) : Given circuit diagram-
Z(s) s
1 s2 1 s 4 3s 2 1
s s 3
s s 2s s 3 2s Applying KVL at port 1-1'
s 2
s 1 V1 I1 I2 Z1 0
19. For the two port network shown in fig., the V1 I1Z1 I2 Z1 ....................(i)
transfer admittance parameter is Applying KVL at port 2-2'
V2 I 2 Z2 Z1 I1Z1 0
V2 I1Z1 I 2 Z2 Z1 ..............(ii)
As we know that standard equation for two port
network of Z-parameter-
V1 Z11I1 Z12 I 2 ....................(iii)
1 1 V2 Z21I1 Z22 I 2 ...................(iv)
(a) (b)
4 6 Compare the equation (i) with (iii) and (ii) with (iv) we
1 1 get-
(c) (d)
6 4 Z11 Z1 , Z12 Z1 , Z21 Z1 , Z22 Z1 Z2
KPTCL JE 2016 Impedance matrix-
Ans. (b) : Z11 Z12 Z1 Z1
21 Z22 Z1 Z1 Z2
21. For passive network, the coefficients of the
polynomials P(s) and Q(s) in the network
function N(s) are
(a) Complex and Positive
Z12 = Z21 = Zc (b) Complex and Negative
Z12 = Z21 = 2 (c) Real and Positive
Now, transfer admittance parameter (d) Real and Negative
RSMSSB JEN (PHED) Degree 26.12.2020
Y12 = Y21 = Ans. (c) : The coefficient of polynomial P(s) and Q (s)
Z in the network function N(s) are real and positive for
4 2 passive network.
2 4 22. A 2-port network is represented by the
Z 16 4 following equations :
V1 = 60I1 + 20I2
Z12= Z21 = 2 V2 = 20I1 + 40I2
2 1 The ABCD parameters of the above network
Y12 Y21
12 6 would
Network Theory 364 YCT
1 100 3 Ans. (a) : h (hybrid Parameter) can be given as
(a) 20 (b) 1 V1 = h11 I1 + h12 V2 (i)
2 I2 = h21I1 + h22 V2 (ii)
3 100 20
Admittance Y parameter can be given as
3 100 I1 = Y11V1 + Y12 V2 (iii)
100 20
(c) (d) 1
6 3 2 I2 = Y21 V1 + Y22 V2 (iv)
20 From (i)
ESE 2013 V1 – h12 V2 = h11 I1
Ans. (d) : V1 = 60I1 + 20I2 ...(i) 1 h
V2 = 20I1 + 40I2 ...(ii) I1 = V1 12 V2 (v)
h11 h11
We know that (ABCD) parameters are
V1 , I1 f V2 , I2 …………..(iii) From equation (v) Y11
Transferring the equations (i) and (ii) in the form of h11
relation (iii)
I, (ii) putting value (I1) in eq. (ii)
20I1 =V2 – 40I2
I1 0.05 V2 2I 2 ...................(iv) 1 h
I2 = h21 V1 12 V2 h 22 V2
Put the value of I1 in equation (i) h11 h11
V1 = 60 (0.05 V2 – 2I2) + 20I2
h h h
V1 = 3V2 – 100I2 .............................(v) I 2 21 V1 21 12 V2 h 22 V2
Equation (iv) and (v) comparison with T-parameter h11 h11
equation h 21 h h
V1 AV2 BI 2 I2 V1 h 22 21 12 V2
h11 h11
I1 CV2 DI2
So, A = 3, B = 100 h11h 22 h 21h12 H
1 h11 h11
C , D2
20 h 21 H
3 100 I2 V1 V2 (vi)
A B h11 h11
C D 1 From eq. (v) & (iii)
20 h
23. A passive 2-port network is in a steady- state. Y11 1 , Y12 12
h11 h11
Compared to its input, the steady state output
can never offer____: h 21 H
(a) higher voltage (b) lower impedance Y21 , Y22
h11 h11
(c) greater power (d) better regulation
SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-I 26. The Z matrix of 2 port network is given by
Ans : (c) A passive 2-port network is in a steady-state 0.9 0.2
compared to its input, the steady state output can never 0.2 0.6 . The element Y22 of the
offer greater power.
24. The condition for reciprocity for a two-port corresponding Y matrix of the same network is
transmission network is expressed by given by
A B A D (a) 1.2 (b) –0.4
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 1.8 (d) 0.4
(c) 0 (d) 1 0.9 0.2
B D C D Ans. (c) : Given, Zbus
0.2 0.6
ESE 2012
Ans. (d) : In transmission parameter condition for a Y Z1 1 0.6 0.2
0.5 0.2 0.9
bus bus
network to be reciprocal.
A B 6 2
AD–BC=1 or =1
C D 5 5
Hence option (d) is correct. 2 9
25. Which of the following is a correct relation? 5 5
(a) Y11=1/h11 (b) Y11= h11
(c) Y11=1/h11/h12 (d) Y11=1/h11+h12 9
Y22 = 1.8
EESL Engineer (Technical) 2020 5
Network Theory 365 YCT
27. When port-1 of a two-port network is short (c) Z21I1 + Z21I2 and Z12I1 + Z12I2
circuited, I1 = 4I2 and V2 = 0.5I2, then which of (d) Z12I1 + Z12I2 and Z21I1 + Z22I2
the following is true? ESE 2019
Ans. (b) :
V1 and V2 in impedance parameter (z-Parameter) are -
R 2 R3
By applying source transformation
33. A two-port network is described by the
following equations:
V1 = 50I1 + 20I2
V2 = 30I1 + 10I2
Then, which one of the following is not correct?
(a) Z12 = 20 (b) Y12 = 0.2
Apply KVL
(c) h12 = 2.0 (d) A = 25
ESE 2010 V1 = 25I1 + 100(Il + I2) – 200I1
V1 = –75I1 + 100I2 .................(i)
Ans. (d) : Given equation-
Now, V2 = 100 (Il + I2) – 200I1
V1 = 50I1 + 20I2 ...................(i)
V2 = -100I1+100I2..................(ii)
V2 = 30I1 + 10I2..................................(ii)
Equation (i) – Equation (ii)
From equation (i) and (ii)-
We can write Z-parameter- V1–V2= 25I1
V V2
50 20 I1 1
Z 25
30 10 I1 0.04V1 0.04V2 .......................(iii)
So, Z12 = 20
Y = [Z]–1 Put the value of I1 in equation (i)
1 10 20 V1 75 0.04V1 0.04V2 100I 2
100 30 50 After simplifying-
I 2 0.04V1 0.03V2 ......................(iv)
Y12 = 0.2
From equation (iii) and (iv)
h12 = 2 Y-parameter-
I1 0.04 0.04
A = 25 is not correct value I 0.04 0.03
Hence option (d) is correct. 2
(a) ib = ic (b) ia = id
(c) ic = id (d) ia = ib
ESE 2017
1 1 1 1 Ans. (c,d) : In Given two-port network,
5 5 5 5
y (b) y
1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5
Applying Nodal Analysis at node V2 The Z parameters Z11, Z12, Z21 and Z22 for the
(V1 – V2) Y3 + I2 – gmV1 = V2Y2......................(i) circuit as shown in figure, respectively, are
Putting V2 = 0 in equation (i) (a) 12Ω, 4Ω, 4Ω and 6Ω
V1Y3 +I2 –gm V1 = 0 (b) 8Ω, 6Ω, 4Ω and 4Ω
(c) 12Ω, 6Ω, 6Ω and 4Ω
I2 (d) 8Ω, 4Ω, 6Ω and 6Ω
V1 V2 0 Vizag Steel MT 13.12.2020
ESE 2018
I2 Ans. (a) :
So, g m Y3 Y21
In terms of ABCD-parameters of a 2-port The values of Z11, Z12, Z21, Z22 are respectively–
network, the parameters ZA, ZB and ZC of the Z11 = R1 + R3 = 8 + 4 = 12Ω
equivalent-T-network are, respectively Z12 = Z21 = 4Ω
A –1 D –1 1 A D –1 1 Z22 = R2 + R3 = 4+2 = 6Ω
(a) , and (b) , and
C C C C C C Thus,
A –1 D 1 A D
(c) , and (d) , and BC 12 4
ESE 2018 4 6
Ans. (a) : The ABCD or transmission parameters. 44. A, B, C and D represent the transmission
V1 A B V2 parameters of a two-port network. When is the
I1 C D I2 network reciprocal?
The equation can be written as (a) AB–CD = 1 (b) AD–BC = 1
V1 AV2 BI 2 ...........................(i) (c) AB–CD = 0 (d) AD–BC = 0
I1 CV2 DI 2 ...........................(ii) ESE 2008
Ans. (b) :
The equation (i) and (ii) can be modified and written as
Parameter Condition for
AI AD BC reciprocal network
V1 1 I2
C C Z Z12 = Z21
I D Y Y12 = Y 21
V2 1 I 2
C C T AD–BC = 1
Therefore, the z-parameter of the network can be h h12 = –h21
written as g g12 = – g21
Network Theory 369 YCT
45. Which one of the following gives the correct I
short circuit parameter matrix Y for the Ans. (b) : As h21 = 2
network shown below? I1 V 0
–I1 = V2 YC
Y12 YC
V2 V1 0
Apply KVL
I1 1 0.V2
I1 R 11 V1 0.V2 ....................(i)
Applying KCL at node (1)
V V V2 I 2 0.V1 0.V2 ...........................(ii)
I1 1 1 From equation (i) and (ii) we can write Y-parameter
1/ 4 1/ 2
I1 4V1 2V1 2V2 I1 R11 0 V1
I1 2V1 2V2 .........................(i) 2 0 0 V2
Applying KCL at node (2) 61. Which of the following expression shows
V V V1 correct function for 'Y' parameter in a two
I2 2 2 port network?
1/ 6 1/ 2
I 2 2V1 4V2 ..........................(ii) (a) (V1, V2) = f (I1, I2)
(b) (I1, I2) = f (V1,V2)
In equation (i) put V2 =0 (c) (V1,I1) = f (V2 – I2)
So, I1 = 2V1 (d) (V1,I2) = f (I1, V2)
V1 BSNL TTA 28.09.2016, 10 AM
h11 1/ 2
I1 V2 0
Ans. (b) : The function of 'Y' parameter in a two port
In equation (ii) put V2 = 0
I 2 2V1 I1 Y11 Y12 V1
I2 2V1 2 21 Y22 V2
h 21 1 This is also called as short circuit admittance parameter.
I1 2V1
V2 0 62. The realization of the driving point impedance
59. A two port network is symmetrical if function Z(s) = (s2 ss2 + 3s + is
(a) A' = B' (b) B' = C' shown in the circuit given below :
(c) A'C' = B'D' (d) A' = D'
BSNL TTA 28.09.2016, 10 AM
Ans. (d) : A two port network is symmetrical if
A' D'
Two-port network will only exist when the input is open What are, respectively the values of and ?
circuit, so the ratio of output voltage is equal to the ratio (a) 5, 2 (b) 2, 5
of the output current to the input current, because the (c) 2, 3 (d) 2, 1
given equation is the inverse A,B,C,D parameter. ESE 2004
60. The [y] parameters of the network given below, Ans. (d) : As per given data-
are given by 1,1F in series than-
1 s 1
s s
1 s
1 || than
(a) 13, 8, 8, 20 (b) 13, 20, 8, 8 3 || F
(c) 20, 13, 8, 8 (d) 8, 8, 13, 20
BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 3 PM Then 9
Ans : (a) Given, T-network- s3
, 1 in series-
9 12 s
s3 3 s
Z = parameters are Z11, Z12, Z21, Z22. 12 s
|| 2
Z11 = Z1 + Z3 = 5+8 = 13 3s
Z12 = Z3 = 8 12 s 2
Z21 = Z3 = 8
Z22 = Z2 + Z3 = 12+8 = 20
3 s 4 2s
68. The h parameters h11 and h22 are related to z 12 s 2 18 3s
and y parameters as 3 s
(a) h11 = z11 and h22 = 1/z22
(b) h11 = z11 and h22 = y22 2 s 12
(c) h11 = 1/y11 and h22 = 1/z22 3 s 6
(d) h11 = 1/y11 and h22 = y22 then pole p1 = –6
ESE 2001
and zero z1 = –12
Ans. (c) : From h-parameter
70. The condition for symmetric property of
h11 1 and h 22 2 ABCD parameter of two port network is:
I1 V 0 V2 I 0 (a) C=B (b) B=D
2 1
R1 s 2
R1 R 2 Ls
L s 2
6s 8 s 6s 8
R1 R 2 Ls R1 R 2
s 2
6s 8
3s 18s 24
1 1
56 14 Z21 2 Z22 2
I1 I 0 I 2 I 0
2 1
1 1
14 and
(d) Y mho I
1 1 h 21 2
28 I1 V 0
Ans. (b) :
Z21 I I
and 1 2
Z22 V2 I1
Then, h 21
k Where k = coupling coefficient We know,
L1L 2 L AB L1 L 2 L3 2M1 2M 2 2M 3
Maximum value of k is 1. 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 2 1
46. The Duality of charge is: = 14 – 6
(a) flux linkage (b) voltage LAB = 8H
(c) current (d) inductance 49. The combined inductance of two coil connected
MPMKVVCL (Bhopal) JE 2018 in series is 0.6 H or 0.1 H, depending on the
Ans. (a) : The Duality of charge is flux linkage. relative directions of the currents in the coils. If
Duality of one of the coils, when isolated, has a self-
charge - flux linkage inductance of 0.2 H, calculate mutual
electric field - magnetic field inductance.
permittivity - permeability (a) 0.01 H (b) 0.25 H
electric flux density- magnetic flux density (c) 0.125 H (d) 0.2 H
electric potential - magnetic potential PGCIL Diploma Trainee 14.11.2018
Network Theory 390 YCT
Ans : (c) As L T L1 L 2 2M Ans : (c) It is given,
The +ve sign for additive polarity and –ve sign for N = 100 turns
subtractive polarity B = 30 Tesla
e = 100 volt,
Given 0.6 L1 L 2 2M.............(i)
A = 200 cm2 = 200 10–4 m2
and 0.1 L l L 2 2M.............(ii)
by solving equation(i)&(ii) eN
We get, 4M 0.5 M N B A
4 dt BA
M = 0.125H e
50. Both the number of turns and the length of the 100 30 200 104
core of a solenoid are doubled, then its 100
inductance will be- dt 0.6 second
(a) Quadrupled (b) Doubled
(c) Halved (d) Unaffected 53. A circuit has inductance of 2 H. If the circuit
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 26.12.2020 current changes at the rate of 10 A/sec, then
Ans. (b) : The self inductance of a solenoid is given as - self-induced emf is
(a) 5 V (b) 0.2 V
L 0 ...(i) (c) 20 V (d) 10 V
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
N = Number of turns of the solenoid.
A = The area of each turn of coil. di
Ans: (c) VL L
= The length of the solenoid. dt
0 = Permeability constant. given L = 2H
Then, The length & turns is doubled according to question.
i.e. ' = 2 , & N' = 2N
= 10 A/sec
Then, dt
N ' A 4 0 N 2 A VL= 2 10 = 20 Volt
L' = 0 = 54. Which of the following does not have dual
' 2 relationship?
2 0 N 2 A (a) Current-Voltage
L' = ...(ii)
(b) Inductance-Capacitance
Then, from equation (i) & (ii) we get - (c) Tie-set-Cut-Set
L' = 2L (d) Resistance-Reactance
51. What will be the coefficient of self–induction SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I
(in H) of the coil, if the current changes from Ans : (d) Resistance and reactance is not dual
+4 to –4 A in 0.10 seconds and the induced relationship.
EMF is 16 V ? Element Dual
(a) 1.2 (b) 2 Current Voltage
(c) 0.2 (d) 0.8 Inductance Capacitance
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-II Tie-set Cut-set
Ans : (c) It is given, Resistance Conductance
e 16V Reactance Susceptance
dt 0.10 Second 55. In mutual induction, what passes between
conductors in order to create voltage?
di 4 4 8 A (a) radiation (b) magnetic flux
di (c) current flow (d) resistance
Formula, e L SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I
Ans : (b) In mutual induction magnetic flux passes
dt 16 0.10 between conductor in order to create voltage.
Le 56. The property of a material which opposes the
di 8
production of magnetic flux in it is known
L 0.2H as.........
52. Determine the value of time (in sec) when an (a) mmf (b) Reluctance
average EMF of 100 V is induced in a coil of (c) Permeance (d) Permittivity
area 200 cm2 with 100 turns, when it is RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 26.12.2020
completely removed from a magnetic field of PGCIL Diploma Trainee 27.10.2018
30 T acting at right angles to the coil. SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I
(a) 0.4 (b) 0.2 Ans : (b) The property of a material which opposes the
(c) 0.6 (d) 0.9 production of magnetic flux in the material is known as
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-II reluctance. It is denoted by S.
Network Theory 391 YCT
When 100% magnetic coupling between the two coils
S AT / Wb or 1/ Henry L1 & L2, the coupling coefficient K=1
0 .r A
Where , = length of magnetic circuit (in m) M 50 200 106
A = Cross-sectional area of solenoid (in m2)
= 10000 106
0 = Permeability of vacuum 410 7 H / m M = 100 mH
r = Relative permeability of the material 61.
57. For magnetically coupled circuits, mutual
inductance is always ______.
(a) infinite (b) negative
(c) positive (d) zero
SSC JE 20.10.2020, Shift-I
Ans. (c) : Magnetically coupled circuit, mutual
inductance is always positive.
M = K L1L 2
K = 1 for magnetically coupled circuit.
M = L1L 2 The net inductance of the circuit shown above
M = Positive Value. is?
58. Reluctivity is analogous to ______ in an electric (a) L1+L2–2M (b) L1+L2–M
circuit. (c) L1+L2+2M (d) L1+L2+M
(a) specific resistance (b) conductivity NLC GET 17.11.2020
(c) conductance (d) current density Ans. (c) : The net inductance of the circuit shown above
SSC JE 20.10.2020, Shift-I is
Ans. (a) : Reluctivity is analogous to specific resistance
in an electric circuit.
1 1
Reluctivity = m/H
o r
Resistance is analogous to reluctance.
59. For any two magnetically coupled circuits, the
coupling is ideal under which of the following
condition for the coupling coefficient?
(a) 2 (b) 0
(c) 0.5 (d) 1
NMRC JE 2019
Leq = L1 + L2 + 2M
Ans. (d) : For any two magnetically coupled circuit
This is series aiding
coupling coefficient
62. A 100 mH coil carries a current of 1A. Energy
K stored in the magnetic field
L1L2 (a) 1J (b) 0.05J
Where, L1 and L2 - Inductance of primary and secondary (c) 1.5J (d) 2.5J
coil BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm
M = Mutual inductance between coil SSC JE 2015
K = coupling coefficient Ans : (b) Given that,
For ideal coupling K = 1
L = 100 mH = 100 × 10–3 H = 10–1H
Generally the value of K is less than 1.
I = 1 Amp
60. Two inductively coupled coils have self
1 1
inductance L1 = 50mH and L2 = 200 mH. The Stored energy E LI2 = 101 12
maximum possible mutual inductance between 2 2
the coil is _______. 1
= 0.05J
(a) 150 mH (b) 250 mH 20
(c) 200 mH (d) 100 mH 63. Three coils are connected as in the following
DGVCL JE 06.01.2021, Shift-I figure with self-inductances and mutual
Ans. (d) : Given, L1 = 50mH, L2 = 200mH, inductances as indicated. The effective
The mutual inductance between the two coils-
inductance of the circuit across the terminal
M K L1L 2 H AB in the figure, is
Network Theory 392 YCT
66. Assume that the coils have zero winding
resistance values, the mesh equations of the
circuit shown in Fig. are given as
di1 di
(a) 9 H (b) 21 H v1 t L1 M 2
(a) dt dt
(c) 11 H (d) 6 H
di1 di
Vizag Steel MT 13.12.2020 v2 t M L2 2
ISRO TA 2017 dt dt
Ans. (c) : Leq = L1 + L2 + L3 + 2 (–M12 + M23 – M13) di1 di 2
v1 t L1 M
= 4 + 5 + 6 + 2 (–1 + 2 – 3) (b) dt dt
= 15 – 4 = 11 H di1 di
v2 t M L2 2
64. Energy stored in a coil is doubled when its dt dt
current is increased by % di1 di
(a) 100 (b) 41.4 v1 t L1 M 2
(c) dt dt
(c) 50 (d) 25
di1 di 2
UJVNL JE 2016 v2 t M L2
dt dt
1 2
Ans. (b) : E LI di1 di 2
2 v1 t L1 M
(d) dt dt
E I2
di1 di
2 v 2 t M L2 2
E1 I1 dt dt
DGVCL JE 06.01.2021 Shift-III
E2 I2
Ans. (a) : Given circuit diagram-
E1 I1
2E1 I2
I 2 2I1
I 2 I1
% Increasein current 100
I1 From loop (i)
2I1 I1 2 1 di di
100 100 = 41.4 V1 L1 1 M 2 0
I1 1 dt dt
65. Consider the following statements : di1 di
or V1 L1 M 2
1. Mutual inductance describes the voltage dt dt
induced at the ends of a coil due to the From loop (ii)
magnetic field generated by a second coil. di di
2. The dot convention allows a sign to be V2 M 1 L 2 2 0
assigned to the voltage induced due to dt dt
mutual inductance term. Then,
3. The coupling coefficient is given by di di
M V2 M 1 L 2 2
k= dt dt
L1 + L 2 67. For the coupled circuit shown in Fig., where i1
Which of the above statements are correct? = 5 sin (2t) and i2 = 0, v1 (t) is given by
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 2 only (d) 2 and 3 only
ESE 2019
Ans. (c) : 1. Mutual inductance describes the voltage
induced at the ends of a coil due to the magnetic field
generated by a second coil
2. The dot convention allows a sign to be assigned to
the voltage induced due to mutual inductance term. (a) V1 (t) = 15 cos (2t) V
3. The coupling coefficient is given by (b) V1 (t) = -7.5 cos (2t) V
k = M L1L 2 (c) V1 (t) = -15 cos (2t) V
(d) V1 (t) = 7.5 cos (2t) V
Hence statement (3) is wrong. DGVCL JE 06.01.2021 Shift-III
Network Theory 393 YCT
Ans. (a) : Given circuit diagram- 72. Considering the principle of duality, which of
the following pair is INVALID dual pair?
(a) Resistance and Conductance
(b) Impedance and Reactance
(c) Voltage and Current
(d) Inductance and Capacitance
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020
Given that Ans. (b) : Dual pair are–
M = 1H , L1 = 1.5H, L2 = 1 H, i1 = 5 sin (2t) Resistance – conductance
From above circuit apply KVL Voltage – current
Inductance – Capacitance
V1 + L1 di1 M di 2 0
dt dt 73. Reciprocal of magnetic permeability is
di (a) Conductance (b) Susceptance
V1 = L1 1
i 2 = 0 (c) Reluctivity (d) Permittivity
dt RRB SSE Bilaspur Yellow paper, 21.12.2014
V1 = 1.5 (5sin 2t) Ans : (c) Permeability is a reciprocal of reluctivity
dt 1
V1 = 1.5 10 cos 2t permeability =
V1 15cos 2t V Reluctivity
74. In a magnetic circuit, which of the following is
68. Two coils having self-inductance of 10 H and 15 similar to current and resistance in an electric
H are connected in series aiding connection. circuit?
Find total inductance of the series connection, (a) Reluctance and flux density
if the mutual inductance between the coils is 2.5 (b) Flux and reluctance
H. (c) Magneto motive force and reluctance
(a) 22.5 H (b) 27.5 H (d) Reluctivity and resistivity
(c) 30 H (d) 25 H PGCIL Diploma Trainee 13.09.2018
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020
Ans : (b) Magnetic and electric circuit similarity-
Ans. (c) : Leq = L1 + L2 + 2M Electrical circuit Magnetic circuit
= 10 + 15 + 2 × 2.5 Current Flux
= 10 + 15 + 5 = 30 H Resistance Reluctance
69. The SI unit of permeability is: E.M.F M.M.F
(a) Tesla (b) Henry-meter Conductance Permeance.
(c) Ampere turns (d) Henry/meter 75. Which property in an electrical circuit is
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020 analogous to magnetic reluctance in a magnetic
Ans. (d) : SI unit of permeability is Henry/meter. circuit?
70. Two coils having self-inductance of 5 H and 4 (a) Inductance (b) Capacitance
H respectively, are magnetically coupled. Find (c) Resistance (d) Conductance
the coefficient of coupling if the mutual BIS TA (Lab) 2020
inductance between the coils is 2.5 H. BSNL TTA 25.09.2016, 3:00 P.M.
(a) 28 (b) 0.84 BSNL TTA 21.02.2016
(c) 0.96 (d) 0.56 Ans. (c) : Resistance in an electrical circuit is analogous
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020 to magnetic reluctance in a magnetic circuit.
Ans. (d) : Coefficient of coupling Electrical circuit Magnetic circuit
K Current Flux
L1L 2
Resistance Reluctance
2.5 2.5 2.5 Conductance Permeance
5 4 20 4.47 76. The reciprocal of resistance is called
K = 0.56 (a) Impedance (b) Conductance
71. If two coils are magnetically coupled and if the (c) Inductance (d) Susceptance
entire flux produced by one coil is linked with JKSSB JE 2014
another coil, the coefficient of coupling k will Ans. (b) : The reciprocal of resistance is called
be: conductance. It is given by-
(a) 0.75 (b) 0 1
(c) 0.5 (d) 1 G
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020 Unit of conductance is mho or Siemens.
SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-II
77. The differential coupling of two coils in series
Ans. (d) : If two coils are magnetically coupled and if connection has self-inductance of 2 mH & 4
the entire flux produced by one coil is linked with mH & a mutual inductance of 0.15 mH. The
another coil, the coefficient of coupling k will be 1. equivalent inductance of the combination is:
Network Theory 394 YCT
(a) 5.7 mH (b) 5.85 mH Ans. (c) : Given that,
(c) 6 mH (d) 6.15 mH L1= 18H
DFCCIL JE- 11.11.2018 L2= 2H
SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-II M = 3H
Ans. (a) : Given : L1 = 2mH, L2 = 4mH, M = 0.15mH M K L1L 2
Equivalent Inductance (Leq) = ? M 3 3
Since coil have differential coupling in series K 0.5
L1L 2 18 2 6
connection then
80. _______in a magnetic circuit is analogous to
resistivity in an electrical circuit.
(a) Flux density (b) Field intensity
(c) Permeability (d) Reluctivity
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II
Leq = L1 + L2 – 2M Ans. (d) : Reluctivity in a magnetic circuit is analogous
= 2 + 4 – 2 × 0.15 to resistivity in an electrical circuit
= 6 – 0.3 81. For magnetically isolated coils, the value of
Leq = 5.7 mH
coefficient of coupling is:
78. In the given circuit, inductances L1 and L2, if (a) 0 (b) 1
L1=2L2 and Leq is 0.7 H, are (c) 0.5 (d) 0.75
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I
Ans. (a) : For a magnetically isolated coils i.e. flux
produced by one coil does not links with other coil, the
value of coefficient of coupling is zero.
(a) 0.4 H and 0.8 H respectively M K L1L 2
(b) 0.6 H and 0.3 H respectively
for magnetically isolated circuit
(c) 0.8 H and 0.4 H respectively
(d) 1.0 H and 0.5 H respectively K = 0 (Coefficient of coupling)
UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-II so M = 0 (Mutual inductance)
Ans. : (b) L eq = 0.7H , L1 ? , L2 ? L 1 and L2 are self inductance of coil 1 and 2.
82. Two coils having self-inductance of 3 H and
L1 = 2L2
2H, respectively, have mutual inductance of
L ×L
L eq = 0.5 + 1 2 2H. They are connected in series and carry a
L1 + L 2 current of 4A. Calculate the energy of the
2 L2 L2 magnetic field when the self and mutual fluxes
0.7 0.5 L1 2L2
2 L2 L2 are in the same direction.
2L 2 (a) 144 J (b) 72 J
0.2 2 (c) 36 J (d) 8 J
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I
0.2 2 Ans. (b) : Given, L1= 3H, L2 = 2H,
3 M = 2H, I = 4A
0.6 When both self and mutual fluxes are acting in same
L2 0.3
2 direction then coils are connected in series with aiding
L1 2 L2 in nature.
L1 0.3 2 0.6 Then net inductance]
L = L1 + L2 + 2M
L1 0.6
= 3 +2 +2×2
L2 0.3 L = 9H
79. Two coils having self-inductance of 18 H and 2 Energy of magnetic field -
H respectively, are magnetically coupled and 1
the mutual inductance between them is 3 H. E LI 2
Find the value of coefficient of coupling.
(a) 0.60 (b) 0.25 E 9 4 4
(c) 0.50 (d) 0.75 2
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II E = 72 J
Network Theory 395 YCT
83. A coil-X of 200 turns and another coil – Y of 86. Which of the following expressions depicts the
400 turn are placed such that 80% of the flux coefficient of self inductance?
produced by X links Y. A current of 2A in X (Where = length of magnetic circuit and
produces a flux of 0.2 mWb in it. The mutual a = area of cross-section of magnetic circuit
inductance between the two coil is through which flux is passing, = permeability).
(a) 0.016H (b) 0.032H (a) N2a/ (b) N3a/
(c) 0.12H (d) 0.08H (c) N a/ (d) N2a
Ans. (b) : Given, N1 = 200 1 = 0.2 mWb Ans. (a) : Self inductance-
N2 = 400 I1 = 2 N Number of turns flux
2 = 80% of 0.2 mWb I current
N 400 0.2 103 80 N(mmf/Reluctance) N (NI)
Mutual Inductance = 2 2 =
I1 2 100 I Is
= 0.032 Henry N2 N2
= s
84. A circuit possesses an inductance of 1 H when a s /μa a
current through coil is changing uniformly at N 2 a N 2 a
the rate of 1 A/s inducing an opposing emf of L =
'X' Volts in it. What is the value of 'X'?
87. Calculate the reluctance of a magnetic coil
(a) 1 (b) 1.5
which is wounded uniformly on an iron core
(c) 2 (d) 2.5 provided that the relative permeability of the
UPRVUNL JE 2014 iron is 1400.
Ans. (a) : Given that- Also, the length of the magnetic circuit is 70 cm
L=1H and the cross-sectional area of the core is 5 cm2.
di (a) 3.6 105 AT/Wb (b) 7.9 105 AT/Wb
1A / sec. (c) 7.9 10 AT/Wb (d) 3.6 108 AT/Wb
dt UPRVUNL JE 2014
di Ans. (b) : Given that-
Opposing induced e.m.f. e L 1 1 1volt
dt r =1400
85. Calculate the mutual inductance for a system l = 70 cm = 7010-2 m
defined below. A = 5 cm2 = 510-4 m2
S= ?
Two coils P and Q are kept in parallel planes,
such that 70% of the flux produced by coil P 70 10 2
S AT / Wb.
links with coil Q. μ ο μ r A 4 10 1400 5 104
1 2 1
Stored energy E LI 5 250 250 Formula- Self inductance L 0 r
2 2
156250 Joule 156.25KJ 7
4 10 300 300 r 2
101. Determine the flux (in Wb) through a coil when 4
the reluctance of the coil is 4 Amp–turns/Wb 3.14 10 7 9 104 3.14 25 25 104
and the produced mmf. is 48 Amp–turns : L 55460.25 10 7 5.54 10 3 H
(a) 10 (b) 12 L 5.54 mH
(c) 14 (d) 16
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II 105. What is the coupling factor between the two
coils, each having self inductance of 25 mH and
Ans. (b) : It is given:- Reluctance = 4AT/Wb the mutual inductance between the two is 25
mmf. = 48 Amp–turn mH?
m.m.f (a) 0.5 (b) 0.75
formula : Flux (c) 1 (d) 2
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
= 12Wb, 12Weber Ans. (c) : Given that–
4 L1 = 25 mH
102. Determine the magnetic field strength (in A/m) L2 = 25 mH
of a material when the intensity of M = 25 mH
magnetization of the material is 0.084 Amp/m Where , L= Self-Inductance, M= Mutual Inductance
and the magnetic susceptibility is 0.0012 : M
(a) 70 (b) 700 K
L1L 2
(c) 0.7 (d) 0.07
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II 25
Ans. (a) : Given Data:- Intensity of magnetization 25 25
(I)=0.084 A/m 25
Magnetic susceptibility m = 0.0012 625
Magneticfieldstrength 25
K 1
0.084 106. Determine the magnitude of the EMF (in V)
H 70 A / m
0.0012 induced between the axis of rotation and the
H 70 A / m rim of the disc, when the disc of radius 10 cm
rotates with an angular velocity of 10
103. Determine the coupling factor between two revolutions per second, which is placed in a
coils each having self–inductance of 40 mH and magnetic field of 4 T acting parallel to the
the mutual inductance between them is 40 mH. rotation of the disc.
(a) 2 (b) 0.5 (a) 0.5 (b) 0.75
(c) 1 (d) 0.75 (c) 1 (d) 1.25
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 399 YCT
Ans. (d) : It is given, radius (R) = 10 cm= 0.1 m Ans : (c) Self inductance, L1 = 30 10–3 Henry
Magnetic flux density (B) = 4 T Self inductance, L2 = 30 10–3 Henry
speed (ns) = 10.0 rps Mutual inductance, M = 60 10–3 Henry
induced emf = ? M
Coupling factor (K) =
1 2 L1 L 2
Since; Induced emf (E) R B
60 10 3
2n 2 10 20 =
30 103 30 10 3
E 0.1 0.1 20 4 K 2
E= 40×3.14×0.01 111. The wave shape of current flowing through an
inductor is,
E 1.25 V
107. Which of the following statement is TRUE
about the magnetic reluctivity?
(a) Reluctivity is the reciprocal of reluctance
(b) Reluctivity is the reciprocal of susceptibility
(c) Reluctivity is the reciprocal of permeance
(d) Reluctivity is the reciprocal of permeability The wave shape of voltage drop (v) across the
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I inductor is
Ans : (d) Reluctivity is the reciprocal of permeability.
108. What will be the permeance (in H) of a coil,
when the flux through the coil is 50 Wb and the
value of produced mmf is 25 Amp–turns?
(a) 6 (b) 4
(c) 3 (d) 2
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans : (d) Given that,
flux () = 50 Weber
m.m.f NI = 25 AT
Reluctance (S) =
= 0.5 AT / Wb
50 SSC JE 2012
1 1 Ans: (d)
Permeance = = 2 Henry
Reluctance 0.5
109. Determine the magnetic field strength (in A–
turns/m) when the intensity of magnetization of
the material is 0.078 A–turns/meter and the
magnetic susceptibility of the material is
(a) 60 (b) 40
(c) 50 (d) 20 2.t
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I i
Ans : (a) Magnetic susceptibility () = 0.0013 Voltage across an inductor at any moment in time t is
Intensity of magnetization (I) = 0.078 AT/m
I V= L
magnetic field strength, H = dt
0.078 =L t
H= dt T
H = 60 AT/m 2L
V= Constant
110. What will be the value of coupling factor T
between two coils, when the self–inductance of
each coil is 30 mH and the mutual inductance
between them is 60 mH?
(a) 6 (b) 3
(c) 2 (d) 1
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 400 YCT
112. Given two coupled inductors Ll and L2 having Ans : (c) Mutual inductance is -
their mutual inductance M. The relationship M = K L1L 2 0.8. 0.2 0.8
among them must satisfy.
M = 0.8×0.4
(a) M > L1L2 (b) M L1L 2 M = 0.32H
L1 L 2 115. The mutual inductance between two closely
(c) m = L1L2 (d) M > coupled coils is 1 H. if the turns of one coil is
2 decreased to half and those of the other is
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II doubled, the new value of the mutual inductance
SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-I
would be
BSNL TTA 28.09.2016, 10 AM
(a) 1/4 H (b) 1 H
SSC JE 2012
(c) 2 H (d) 1/2 H
Ans:(b) For mutual inductance-
SSC JE 2012
M K L1L 2 Ans: (b) For mutual inductance-
Here, M1 K L1L 2 1H
K = 1, mutual inductance is maximum
K= 0, mutual inductance is zero. L N2
So, Now,
K 1 L
L1 1 & L 2 4L 2
M L1L 2 4
113. If the length of a bar of magnetic material is L
M 2 K 1 4L 2
increased by 20% and the cross-sectional area is 4
decreased by 20% then the reluctance is
M 2 K L1 .L 2
(a) increased by 50% (b) remaining same
(c) decreased by 33% (d) increased by 67% M1 M 2 1H
SSC JE 2012 116. Two inductors have self inductances of 9 mH
Ans: (a) The reluctance of a uniform magnetic circuit and 25 mH. The mutual inductance between the
can be- two is 12 mH. The coefficient of inductive
L coupling between the two inductors is
A (a) 18.75 (b) 0.25
S2 A1L 2 (c) 0.8 (d) 1.25
SSC JE 2012
S1 A 2 L1
Since, Ans:(c) Mutual Inductance -
length L2 of bar is increased by 20% = 120/100 = 1.2 M K L1L 2
L2 =1.2L1
M 12 103
80 K
and area is decreased by 20% = 0.8 L1L 2 9 103 25 103
A2= 0.8A1 12 10 3
then K 0.8
15 103
A 1.2L1
S2 S1 1 S2 1.5.S1 117. Which one of the following is the CORRECT
L1 0.8A1 expression for magnetic susceptibility?
S2 S1 B M
(a) (b)
% increase = 100 H H
1.5 S1 S1 (c) (d)
= × 100 = 50% Fm
S1 SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II
114. Two coupled inductors L1 = 0.2 H and L2 = 0.8 Ans : (b) Magnetic susceptibility, Quantitative measure
H, have coefficient of coupling K = 0.8. The of the extent to which a material may be magnetized in
mutual inductance M is relation to given applied magnetic field. The magnetic
(a) 0.16 H (b) 0.02 H susceptibility of a material, commonly symbolized by
(c) 0.32 H (d) 0.24 H m is equal to the ratio of the magnetization M within
PSTCL AE 06.08.2021
ESIC JE-2016 the material to the applied magnetic field strength H of
SSC JE 2012 m = M/H.
Network Theory 401 YCT
118. Determine the reluctance (in Amp–turns/Wb) T = 2010-3
of a coil, when the flux through the coil is 15 1
Wb and the produced mmf is 30 Amp-turns. f=
(a) 4 (b) 2
1 1
(c) 1 (d) 3 f= 50Hz
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II T 20 103
Ans : (b) Given – 122. In the circuit as shown voltage measured
flux () = 15 Wb between A, B is found to be 70 V. Value of M
mmf = NI=30 AT
mmf 30
From, Reluctance = = =2
flux 15
Reluctance 2 AT / Weber
119. Determine the value of produced mmf (in
Amp–turns) in a coil, if the coil has 120 turns
and carrying a current of 0.1A.
(a) 12 (b) 14 (a) 30 mH (b) 100 mH
(c) 16 (d) 18 (c) 200 mH (d) 70 mH
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II SSC JE 2013
Ans : (a) Given Ans: (a) Given,
Turn (N) = 120 Turns. Potential difference between A and B
Current (I) = 0.1 Amp. VA VB = 70
From, mmf = NI VA = 100
mmf = 120 0.1 = 12 AT
VB = 100 70 = 30 volt
mmf 12 AT KVL in loop-A
120. The mutual inductance between two coils dI
100 L1 1 0
having self inductances 3 henry and 12 henry dt
and coupling coefficient 0.85 is 3 dI1
(a) 12.75 henry (b) 5.1 henry 100 10 100
(c) 0.425 henry (d) 1.7 henry
dI1 100
SSC JE 2013 103
Ans: (b) Given dt 100 10 3
K = 0.85 KVL in loop-B
L1 = 3 dI dI
L2 = 12 30 L 2 2 M 1 0 I2 0
dt dt
M dI 30 30
M 1 30 , M 3
magnetic coupling coefficient (K) dt dI1 / dt 10
L1L 2
M = 30 mH
0.85 123.Two coupled coils, connected in series, have an
12 3 equivalent inductance of 16 mH or 8 mH
M 0.85 6 depending on the connection. The mutual
M 5.1Henry inductance between the coils is
121. The magnetic field energy in an inductor (a) 12 mH (b) 8 2 mH
changes from maximum value to minimum (c) 4 mH (d) 2 mH
value in 5 msec when connected to an A.C.
SSC JE 2013
source. The frequency of the source in Hz is
(a) 500 (b) 200 Ans: (d)
(c) 50 (d) 20 L1 + L 2 + 2M = 16mH ......(i)
SSC JE 2013 L1 + L 2 - 2M = 8mH ......(ii)
Ans: (c) Current in an inductor will change from
maximum value to minimum value i.e (zero) in 5ms from equation (i) & (ii) we get
T 4M = 8mH
i.e time period. 8
4 M = mH
T 4
5 103 s M = 2mH
Network Theory 402 YCT
124. Which one of the following is a valid value of Ans : (b) Inductance of any coil (L) is given by :–
coefficient of coupling between two inductors?
N N 2 o r A
(a) 1.414 (b) 0.9 L , L
(c) 1.732 (d) 17.32 I
SSC JE 2013 Where, N = Number of turns, r = Relative
Ans: (b) Value of coefficient of coupling (k) Permeability
0 k 1 I = Current l = Length of coil
Hence 0.9 correct answer. A = Area of coil = Magnetic flux
These are the factors which effect inductance of any
125. If the number of turns of a coil is increased, its
coil. If we decrease Number of turns. Inductance will
inductance :
also decrease.
(a) is increased (b) remains the same
(c) none of the options (d) is decreased 129. A 600-turn coil has a resistance of 7 ohms and
HPSSC JE 08.08.2021 an inductance of 0.8 H. If one-fifth of the turns
SSC JE 2015 are removed, then determine the new
inductance (in H).
Ans. : (a) By increasing the number of turn of a coil, its
(a) 0.512 (b) 1.25
inductance also increased.
(c) 2 (d) 2.5
N SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I
I Ans : (a) It is given,
LN L1 = 0.8 H, N1 = 600 Turns
According to question,
Where, = Flux
N= Number of turn 1
N 2 600 600 600 120 480
I = Current in coil 5
126. If the co-efficient of coupling between two coil L 1 N 1 ..............(i)
is increased, mutual inductance between the coils: L2 N 2 2
(a) is increased From equation (i) and (ii) –
(b) changes depend on current 2
(c) is decreased L2 N 2 L2 480 480
(d) remains unchanged L1 N1 0.8 600 600
SSC JE 2015
480 480 0.8
Ans. : (a) M K L1L 2 L2 0.512H
600 600
K = co-efficient of coupling L 2 0.512H
M = mutual inductance
L = self inductance 130. A magnetic circuit of reluctance 3000 A-
When Value of co-efficient of coupling is increased the turns/Wb is wounded by a wire of 400 turns.
mutual inductance also increased. Determine the average emf induced (in V) in
the coil, if a current of 2 A is flowing in the coil
127. The rate of change of current in a 4 H inductor
is reversed in 15 s.
is 2 Amps/sec. Find the voltage across inductor.
(a) 14.24 (b) 16.28
(a) 8V (b) 0.8V
(c) 17.96 (d) 19.62
(c) 2V (d) 16V
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I
SSC JE 2015
Ans : (a) Solution:–
Ans. : (a) L = 4H
Reluctance S 3000AT / Wb
2Amp / sec N = 400 Turn, I = 2 A, t = 15 sec
di N 400 400
eL L 53.333H
dt S 3000
e 4 2 Induced emf-
e 8 Volt di
128. What will happen to the inductance, if number
of turns of the coil is decreased? 53.333 2 2
53.333 4
(a) Increase (b) Decrease e 14.24
15 15
(c) Remain same (d) None of these
e 14.24 Volt
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 403 YCT
131. Calculate the total inductance (in H) of the Ans. (d) : It is given,
circuit shown below: Number of turns (N) = 60
Magnet motive force (mmf) = 30 Amp. – turns
mmf NI Where I = Current
m.m.f 30
I 0.5A
N 60
I 0.5 A
(a) 5.33 (b) 8.77 134. Determine the self-inductance (in mH) of a 4 m
(c) 10.5 (d) 11.9 long air-cored solenoid, if the solenoid has a
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I cross sectional area of 0.02 square meter and
Ans : (b) has 60 turns.
(a) 0.064 (b) 0.036
(c) 0.045 (d) 0.023
SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-II
Ans : (d) : Given that,
length of core ( ) = 4 m
Area of core (A) = 0.02 m2
No. of turn N = 60
N 2A
Solution :– L1 = 50 – 20 – 10 = 20H Self inductance, (L) = 0 r r 1 for Air
L2 = 20 + 12 – 10 = 22H
L3 = 60 + 12 – 20 = 52H 4107 60 60 0.02
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4
Leq L1 L 2 L3 20 22 52 L = 0.023 mH
= 0.05 + 0.045 + 0.019 0.114 135. The energy stored in a coil with inductance L is
determined as:
Leq = H L L dq
0.114 (a) 2
J (b) J
2l 2 dt
Leq 8.77H 2
dq L dq
132. Determine the self-inductance (in mH) of a 3m (c) 2 L J (d) J
long air-cored solenoid, when the coil has 300 dt 2 dt
turns and the diameter of the coil is 12 cm. UPPCL JE 25.11.2019, Shift-I
(a) 0.41 (b) 0.35 Ans : (d)
(c) 0.32 (d) 0.24
SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans : (a) Given that,
N 300 Turns 1
Energy stored in the coil (E) LI2
d 2
d 12cm 0.12m, r 0.06m 2
2 1 dq
3m 2 dt
2 136. If two inductors of 2mH and 3mH are
L 0 r r 1 for air connected in series across the 250V 50Hz AC
2 supply, then the total inductive reactance will
4 107 1 300 300 0.06 be ----------.
3 (a) 31.42 Ohms (b) 1.57 Ohms
4 3.14 10 90000 3.14 0.0036 (c) 3.142 Ohms (d) 5 Ohms
L Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II
3 Vizag Steel 25.10.2018 Shift-I
L 0.41mH Ans. (b) : L eq L1 L 2
133. Determine the value of current (in A) in a coil, 2 3 mH 5mH
if it has 60 numbers of turns and produces a
mmf of 30 Amp-turns. Inductive reactance X L 2fL
(a) 0.8 (b) 1.4 2 50 5 10 3
(c) 1.2 (d) 0.5
1.57 ohms
SSC JE 29.01.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 404 YCT
137. Two coils have self-inductances L1 and L2 140. A magnetic flux of 6 wb-turn sets up in the coil,
Henry respectively. If the two coils are when a current of 3 A flows through it. What is
connected in series and the mutual inductance the inductance (in H) of the coil?
between them is M Henry, the value of (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
maximum resultant inductance of the SSC JE 29.01.2018 Shift-II
combination will be Ans. (b) : Since N = 6 wb turn
(a) L1+L2+M (b) L1+L2+2M Current (I) = 3 Amp
(c) L1+L2–M (d) L1+L2–2M N
Inductance (L) = I
Ans. : (b) Maximum resultant inductance between two 6
L , L 2Henry
coils will occur when the series combination between 3
the two coils is of adding nature. 141. Two coils of self-inductance 3 H and 5 H are
Leq = L1 + L2 + 2M connected in a series-opposing each other.
Minimum resultant inductance between two coils will What is the equivalent inductance (in H) of the
occur when series combination between coil is in circuit, if the coefficient of coupling between
opposite nature. the coils is 0.6?
Leq = L1 + L2 2M (a) 2.5 (b) 3.35
(c) 4.35 (d) 5.5
138. When will the self-inductance of an inductive SSC JE 29.01.2018 Shift-II
coil be doubled? Ans. (b) : L1 = 3H, L2 = 5H, K = 0.6, M = ?
(a) Both the number of turns and the core length
of an inductive coil are equal Since, M K L1L 2 Where M= mutual Inductance
(b) Both the number of turns and the core length Here, Leq L1 L2 2M L= Inductance
of an inductive coil are doubled M K L1 L 2
(c) Both the number of turns and the core length
of an inductive coil are halved M 0.6 5 3
(d) The number of turns and the core length of an M 0.6 15
inductive coil are zero M 2.32 H
UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II Leq 5 3 2 2.32 8 (4.64)
Ans. (b) : Given that,
Leq 3.35 H
N 2 2N1 , 2 21
As we know that, 142. A solenoid has a diameter of 6 cm and a length
of 60 cm and it comprises of 7000 turns.
N 2 A Calculate the energy stored (in J) in the
solenoid, if 10 A current flows through it.
So, (a) 11 (b) 14
2 (c) 17 (d) 20
2N1 A
L2 SSC JE 29.01.2018 Shift-II
21 Ans. (b): It is given;
L 2 2L1 60 cm 0.6 m
d 6
139. The self-inductance of a solenoid of N-turns is radius(r) 3cm 0.03m
proportional to 2 2
(a) N (b) N 2 N 7000 Turn
(c) 1/N2 (d) 1/N 0 r N 2 A
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020 L {Since A=r2}
Ans. (b) : As we know that
N mmf 4 107 1 7000 7000 0.03 0.03
L and flux L
I reluctance 5
mmf 17392.3344 10
N× L 0.28H
reluctance 0.6
I 1
formula:- U LI 2
N NI N 2 0 r A 2
I × / 0r A 1
U 0.28 10 10
Hence, 2
L N 2 U 14 Joule
di 2 t I rms 2
3. L 2 R 2 i 2 t ec t
dec t
4. C i1 t i 2 t
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4 34. The impedance of a circuit having v = 120 sin
ESE-2009 π
Ans. (b) : (314t) and current i = 12sin 314t + is:
(a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 5
DMRC JE 2018, Shift-I
Ans. (b) : Given v = 120 sin 314t V
i 12sin 314t A
(2) Aplying KVL in loop (2)- Z=?
di t V 120
L1 1 R1i1 t ec t e t Z m
dt Im 12
(3) Applying KVL in loop (1)- Z = 10
di t 35. Voltage applied to a load is
L2 2 R 2 i 2 t ec t
dt 100 2 sin 500t. Current through the load is
(4) Applying Nodal at point A
10 2 sin 500t + π/3 . The power consumed by
Cde c t
i1 t i2 t the load is
(a) 500 W (b) 200 W
Cdec t (c) 1000 W (d) 2000 W
i1 t i 2 t
dt DSSSB JE 05.11.2019
32. An iron cored choke coil has an equivalent Ans. (a) : The power consumed by the load is
resistance of 4 Ω. It draws 10A from a single P = Vrms .I rms . cos
phase ac source of voltage 200 V, 50 Hz. Then, 100 2 10 2
power consumed by the coil and its power P . .cos 600
factor respectively are: 2 2
(a) 200 W, 0.2 lag (b) 400 W, 0.2 lag 1
P 1000
(c) 200 W, 0.2 lead (d) 400 W, 0.2 lead 2
DSSSB JE 05.11.2019 P = 500 W
Network Theory 420 YCT
36. Power dissipated in the circuit given is 9 W. Ans. (b) : For dc supply-
Value of E will be: Capacitor is open circuited and inductor is short
(a) 2V (b) 4V
(c) 6V (d) 8V
DSSSB JE 05.11.2019 Given, P = 8W
Ans. (c) : Power dissipation only occur in resistor- Apply KVL- E 1 i 1 i
Due to dc voltage, inductor is short circuit and capacitor E
is open. Then, 2
Power dissipated in the circuit-
P 2
2 8
Total resistance = 4 Given P = 8 Watt
E2 = 16
Req = 2+2 = 4 E = 4V
V2 E2 39. The RMS value of a triangular wave of
R R alternating quantity having peak value 3A is
E2 = P×R (a) 3 Amps (b) 3 Amps
E2 9 4 (c) 2 3 Amps (d) 1 Amps
E 2 36 APTRANSCO Sub. Engineer 2012
E 36 Ans. (a) : Given,
peak value of triangular wave (Imax) = 3A
E = 6V
I max
37. A 200 V single phase ac source is connected to RMS value of triangular wave
a load with an impedance of magnitude 10 Ω 3
and phase angle +60 degrees. A capacitor is 3 3 3 3
3 amp
connected across the load and supplies 1000 3 3 3
VAR. The real power supplied by the source is:
(a) 2000 W (b) 4000 W I rms 3 amp
(c) 1000 W (d) 3000 W 40. In a series RL circuit, the voltage across the
DSSSB JE 05.11.2019 resistance is 40 V and voltage across inductor is
Ans. (a) : V= 200 V, Z = 10 , = 60º 40V. Then the total voltage across the series
circuit is
V 200 (a) 40V (b) 56.56 V
I 20Amp
Z 10 (c) 80 V (d) 5.656 V
Real power supplied by the source APTRANSCO Sub. Engineer 2012
P = VI cos = 200×20×cos 60º Ans. (b) : Circuit diagram of an R-L circuit shown in
1 the figure given below-
P = 200×20×
P 2000W
38. If the power dissipated in the circuit shown
below is 8 W, then the value of E will be V 2 VL2 VR2
2 2
V 40 40
V 1600 1600
V 3200
(a) 2V (b) 4 V
(c) 8 V (d) 16 V V 40 2 40 1.414
ESE-2010 V= 56.56 Volt
4 3
= 450 + 600 = 1050
and I1, leads I2 by 1050.
Voltage across capacitor- 98. The ratio of maximum value/rms value is
(V)2 V12 V22 known as :
(10)2 = (6)2 + (V2)2 (a) Diversity factor (b) Average factor
100 = 36 + V2 2 (c) Form factor (d) Crest factor
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 14.11.2018
V22 100 36 = 64
Ans : (d) The crest factor of A.C. waveform is the ratio
V2 = 8V of its peak (crest) or maximum to its RMS value.
95. In RLC parallel circuit, current through Maximum value
inductor is more than current through C.F.
r.m.s. Value
capacitor, then what is the power factor of the
circuit? It gives maximum value of A.C. ripple in a output D.C.
V 423
Vrms = m 299.106 300 Volts i rms 2 3
2 2
114. The A.C. current is given by- i rms 2 1.732 = 3.46 amp.
I = 20sinωt 118. An A.C. source is connected to a resistive
When the current I is expressed in amperes, circuit. Which of the following is true?
the r.m.s. value of current will be (in amperes)- (a) Current leads the value
(a) 20 (b) 20 2 (b) Current lags behind the voltage
20 (c) Current and voltage are in same phase
(c) (d) 10 (d) Any of the above may be true depending
upon the value of the resistance.
Ans. (c) : Given, I 20sin t Ans. (c) : An a.c. source is connected to a resistive
The root mean square value of alternating current- circuit, current and voltage are in same phase.
I 20 The current flowing through the resistance is directly
I rms m A
2 2 proportional to the voltage across it with this linear
115. In an A.C. circuit, i = 100sin200πt. The time relationship in an ac circuit being called impedance.
required for the current to achieve its peak 119. In an A.C. circuit containing capacitance only-
value will be- (a) The current lags behind the e.m.f. by / 2
1 1 (b) The current leads the e.m.f. by / 2
(a) sec (b) sec (c) Both are in same phase
100 200
1 1 (d) The current leads the e.m.f. by / 4
(c) sec (d) sec PSPCL JE 2018
300 400
PSPCL JE 2018 Ans. (b) : In an a.c. circuit containing resistance only
voltage and current remain in the same phase. If the
Ans. (d) : Given I = 100sin 200t circuit contains inductance only, voltage remains ahead
Peak value, I = 100 of current by phase difference of 900. If circuit contains
100 = 100sin 200t capacitance only, current remains ahead of voltage by a
1 sin 200t phase difference of 900.
120. In an A.C. circuit containing inductance only-
sin sin 200t
2 (a) The current lags behind the e.m.f. by / 2
(b) The current leads the e.m.f. by / 2
200t (c) Both are in same phase
1 (d) The current leads the e.m.f. by / 4
t sec PSPCL JE 2018
Ans. (a) : In an a.c. circuit containing inductance only
116. The average power delivered to a series A.C.
circuit is given by- the current lags behind the e.m.f. by / 2
(a) i rms Vrms (b) i rms Vrms sin
(c) i rms Vrms cos (d) Zero
Ans. (c) : The average power delivered to a series a.c.
circuit is given by-
Pavg = i rms × Vrms × cos
117. What is the r.m.s. value of an alternating
current which when passed through a resistor 121. Power consumed in an A.C. circuit is zero, if-
produces heat which is thrice of that produced (a) Inductance and resistance both are high
by a direct current of 2 amperes in the same (b) Inductance and resistance both are low
resistor? (c) Inductance low and resistance high
(a) 6 amp (b) 2 amp (d) Inductance very high and resistance
(c) 3.46 amp (d) 0.66 amp negligibly small
Network Theory 432 YCT
Ans. (d) : Power consumed in an A.C. circuit is zero, if Voltage drop on inductor-
inductance is very high and resistance negligibly small. VL IX L
The power consumption in an AC circuit is zero when 10 2 5
circuit contains only inductance or capacitance.
Hence, for the given option when inductance is very 50 2Volts
high and resistance is negligible, the power consumed is 124. Consider the following equations of two
zero. alternating sinusoidal voltages having the same
122. When 100 volts D.C. is supplied across a angular frequency
solenoid, a current of 10 amperes flows in it. The equation for the resultant voltage is given
When 100 volts A.C. is applied across the same by :
coil, the current drops to 0.5 amperes. If the e1 = 2 sin(t)
frequency of A.C. source is 50 Hz, then the π
impedance, and inductance of the solenoid are- e 2 = 6 2sin ωt +
(a) 200 and 0.64 Henry
(b) 100and 0.86 Henry 1
(a) e r 8.71 sin t tan 1 V
(c) 200and 1.0 Henry 3 2
(d) 100and 0.93 Henry 3
PSPCL JE 2018 (b) e r 10 sin t tan 1 V
Ans. (a) : Case I: R
(c) e r 8.71 sin t tan 3 2 V
100 4
Case II: Z 200 (d) e r 10 sin t tan 1 V
0.5 3
As Z = R 2 X 2L PGCIL Diploma Trainee 27.10.2018
X Z2 R 2 Ans. (b) : Given, e1 2sin t 200
200 10
e 2 6 2 sin t 6 2450
X L 199.7 200 e r e1 e 2
or 2fL 199.7 200 6 2450
199.7 2 cos 00 jsin 00 6 2 cos 450 jsin 450
2 3.14 50
=0.635 Henry 1 1
2 1 j0 6 2 j
.64 Henry 2 2
123. Consider a series circuit of a resistance and an = (2 + 6) + j6
inductance, both having 5 resistance. A er 8 j6
potential difference of 100 V(rms) is applied to 2 2
it. If applied voltage is 0 V at a certain instant |er | = 8 6 10
and is increasing then voltage drop across 6 3
inductive reactance at that instant is: and tan 1 tan 1
8 4
(a) 20 2 V (b) 50 2 V
(c) 50 V (d) 0 V 3
er 10sin t tan 1 V
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 27.10.2018 4
Ans. (b) : 125. Which one of the following is the CORRECT
relation between the peak and average value of
an alternating current?
(a) Iavg = 0.637IPeak (b) Iavg = 1.414IPeak
(c) Iavg = 0.707IPeak (d) Iavg = 0.824IPeak
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I
Haryana SSC JE 08.04.2018, Shift-I
We have (Z) = R 2 X 2L 2I peak 2 I peak
Ans : (a) I avg 0.637 I peak
2 2
5 5 126. Determine the capacitance (in mF) of a circuit,
when the circuit is supplied with a 60 Hz
5 2 frequency and the capacitive susceptence of the
V 100 circuit is 0.5 Siemens.
Total current I
Z 5 2 (a) 1.3 (b) 2.4
(c) 3.6 (d) 5.2
I 10 2 SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 433 YCT
Ans : (a) Given – 1
frequency = 60 Hz.
Capacitive susceptence (Bc) = 0.5 Siemens
1 45 lagging
Capacitive reactance X C 2
Therefore a phase difference of 450 will be there
Capacitive susceptence = Bc
1 between voltage & current. Voltage lead, current by 450
Xc or current lag, voltage by 450.
1 129. At f= ______: R-L-C series circuit operates at
XC 2 unity power factor.
0.5 (a) 1/RLC (b) 1/RC
Capacitance C (c)
(d) 1/LC
2fX C
2 LC
1 1 SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-I
2 60 2 120 3.14 2 Ans. (c) : At unity PF, RLC circuit works at resonant
1 frequency. Because we know that at resonance
1.3 103 Farad
240 3.14 condition of total circuit. Impedance Z= R. Thus P.F.
C 1.3mF becomes unity. Resonance frequency is given by
127. In the circuit shown, if R = 0, then the phase relation f r .
angle between v(t) and i(t) is- 2 LC
130. If admittance Y = a + jb, then a=?
(a) Reactance (b) Susceptance
(c) Conductance (d) Resistance
SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-I
Ans. (c) : Given,
Y = a + jb, We know that Y = G + jB
(a) 300 (b) 600 R
(c) 00 (d) 900 a = G = conductance
SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-I b = B = susceptance
Ans. (d) :if R = 0 then the circuit is purely inductive so
for purely inductive the phase angle is 90 i.e. current In complete form of admittance real term represent
lags voltage by 90 . conductance.
131. What will be the instantaneous value of the
alternating current (in A) which is represented
by i(t) = 20 sin (13t – 200)A, when the value of t
is 5?
(a) 0 (b) 10
128. In an AC network, the load connected is (c) 14.14 (d) 17.32
(10 + j10). The phase relation between the SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-II
voltage applied and the current through the Ans. (c) : Given that,
load is-
(a) voltage leads current by 450 i t 20sin 13t 20
(b) voltage lags current by 450 At, t 5 sec
(c) voltage and current are in phase with each i t 20sin 13 5 20
(d) voltage lags current by 300 20sin 45
SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-I 20 1
Ans. (a) : Given- 14.14 sin 45º
Load (Z) = (10+j10) 2 2
Comprising to – i t 14.14 Amp
Z = R+jX
R = 10, X = 10 132. What is the peak value of the alternating
2 2 voltage (in V) having an average value of 180
Z 10 10 100 100 V?
10 2 (a) 254.59 (b) 282.57
R 10 (c) 333.34 (d) 359.96
cos PSTCL AE 06.08.2021
Z 10 2 SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-II
Network Theory 434 YCT
Ans. (b) : Given, 135. The power factor of the circuit show in figure:
Average value = 180 volt.
Peak value of voltage (Vm) = ?
Vav m
180 3.14
2 (a) 0.3 lagging (b) 0.8 lagging
Vm 282.57 V (c) 0.75 lagging (d) 0.6 lagging
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
133. A parallel RLC circuit is being supplied by a Ans: (b)
DC source as shown in the figure below. What Z = R + jXL
is the value of current flowing through the = (8 + j 6)
capacitor (in A)? 2 2
Z 8 6 10
R 8
Power factor p.f. cos
Z 10
0.8 lagging because load is inductive.
136. What is the total impedance (in Ohms) of the
(a) 0 (b) 0.5 series RLC circuit containing resistance of 8
(c) 1 (d) 2 Ohms, capacitive reactance of 2 Ohms and
inductive reactance of 8 Ohms connected in
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-II
series across a 100 V, 50 Hz supply?
Ans. (a) : It has D.C voltage source so frequency of (a) 10 (b) 18
voltage source is zero (f = 0). (c) 14 (d) 8
We know that capacitive reactance of capacitor HPPSC Lecturer 06.07.2021
1 SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
2fC Ans. (a) : It is given:
1 Resistance (R) = 8 Impedance (Z) = ?
2 C 0 Voltage (V) = 100V, Capacitive reactance (Xc) = 2
1 Inductive Reactance (XL) = 8
Xc 2
0 Total Impedance (Z) = R 2 X L XC
Xc 2 2
Z 8 8 2 64 36
Capacitor behaves as open circuit and there will be no
current flow in this branch (i = 0) Z 100 Z 10
134. Calculate the value of phase angle (in Degrees) 137. For the circuit shown below, the voltage (in V)
in a series RC circuit having a resistance of 50 across 4 mF capacitor is …….
Ohms and a capacitive reactance of 86.6 Ohms,
when supplied with a frequency of 50 Hz.
(a) 15 (b) 30
(c) 45 (d) 60
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (d) : Given,
Resistance (R) = 50
Capacitive reactance (XC) = 86.6
Frequency = 50 Hz (a) 37.3 (b) 3.73
In RC circuit (c) 0.373 (d) 37
X SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
tan C Ans. (b) : The given values according to circuit
R Diagram are:-
1 X C Capacitance (C) = 4mF = 4×10-3F, V= 220 volt
R Resistance (R) = 5, Inductance (L) = 0.15H
1 86.6 1
tan Since, Capacitive Reactance X C
50 2fC
tan 1 1.732
2 3.14 50 4 103
So the value of phase angle will be 60 in RC circuit XC 0.79
Network Theory 435 YCT
Inductive Reactance (XL) = 2fL 140. What will be the capacitive susceptance (in
= 2×50×3.14×0.15=47.10 Siemens) of the circuit given below?
Impedance (Z) =
2 2
R 2 X L XC 52 47.10 0.79
Z= 25 2144.61 46.57
V 220 (a) 0.126 (b) 1. 26
Current (I) = = 4.72Amps (c) 12.6 (d) 126.1
Z 46.57 SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
* Current will be same in all parameters in series Ans. (a) : Given that,
Voltage across 4mF capacitor:-
V= 0.79×4.72
V 3.73Volt Capacitance (C) = 0.4 mF = 4 10–4 F
138. Determine the instantaneous value of the 1
alternating current (in A), which is represented we know that, Capacitive susceptance
by i(t) = 10 sin (25t–15) A, if the value of t is 3?
(a) 9.36 (b) 7.87 Where, XC = Capacitive reactance
(c) 8.66 (d) 4.42 1 1 104
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I XC
2fC 2 3.14 50 4 104 400 3.14
Ans. (c) : It is given- 100
Instantaneous equation of current XC 7.96
i(t) = 10 sin (25t –15) Amp ……..(1) 12.56
t 3, So putting t = 3 in equation (1) 1
So, Capacitive susceptance
i(t) = 10 sin (25 × 3–15) 7.96
i(t) = 10 sin 600 sin 600 0.868 141. Determine the reactive power (in KVAR) of a
2 3–phase delta connected system having a line
i(t) = 10 × 0.866 voltage of 400 V. line current of 40A and the
i(t) = 8.66Amp. phase difference between the voltage and
139. Determine the value of the phase angle (in current is 45 degrees.
degrees) in a series RC circuit having a (a) 14.4 (b) 15.8
resistance of 20 ohms and capacitive reactance (c) 18.7 (d) 19.6
of 11.56 ohms when supplied by a frequency of SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
50 Hz. Ans. (d) : It is given,
(a) 60 (b) 30 Line Current (IL) = 40 A.,
(c) 90 (d) 45 Line Voltage (VL) = 400 Volt
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I = Phase difference = 450
Ans. (b) : It is given for a series RC circuit- For Delta connection-
Frequency (f) = 50 Hz
VL Vph I L 3 I ph
Resistance (R) = 20
Capacitive Reactance (XC) = 11.56
Reactive power Q 3VL I L sin
So , Impedence Z R 2 X C 2 Q 3 400 40 sin 45
2 2
Z 20 11.56 1
Q 1.732 16000
Z 400 133.63
Q = 19.6 kVAR
Z 533.63
142. Determine the quality factor of a series RLC
Z = 23.10 circuit, when the value of capacitance is 0.02
R 20 mF, the value of inductance is 8 mH and the
Now, cos
Z 23.10 value of resistance is 40 ohms.
cos = 0.866 (a) 0.5 (b) 0.4
= cos–1 (0.866) (c) 0.8 (d) 1.3
300 MGVCL JE 30.07.2021, Shift-I
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
Network Theory 436 YCT
Ans. (a) : Given Data, Inductance (L) = 8×10-3 Henry Z= 12 2 5
(a) 2 V, 1 (b) 1 V, 3
(c) 3 V, 1 (d) 2 V, 3
Ans. (c) : Given that-
R 1, X L j1, X C 1j 1. VR = 100 2 V
1 2. |I |rms = 2A
So, YR 1S 3. L = 0.25 H
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
1 (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3
YL j1S
j1 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1 and 2
1 ESE-2009
YC j1S
j1 Ans. (b) : Vs = 250 2 sin 300t ..............(i)
So, Yeq YR YC YL From above equation comparison with Vs Vm sin t
Yeq = 1 + j1 – j1 Vm 250 2, 300 rad / sec
EY 1 1 1 250 2
Veq 3V Vrms 250 Volt ,
Y 1
1 Given that
Zeq 1
Yeq R 100, VL 150 Volt
194. What is the value of quality factor of a series As we know,
RLC circuit having capacitance of 0.01 mF, Vrms VR2 VL2
inductance of 1 mH and resistance of 75 Ohms 2
(a) 0.133 (b) 0.267 VR Vrms VL2
(c) 1.333 (d) 2.667
SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-II 2502 150 2 200V
Ans : (a) Given that, So statement 1 is wrong
C = 0.01 10 farad, L = 1 10 , Henry
–3 –3 V 200
I rms R 2A
R = 75 R 100
Vs = VR2 VL2
As we know that voltage across an inductor is VL2 = Vs2 – VR2
VL L VL = Vs2 VR2 = 52 32 = 16
Hence by differentiating above function we get VL = 4 V
r t u t 216. Three currents i1, i2 and i3 is meet at a node. If
i1=10 sin(400t+600)A and i2 =10sin(400t–600)A
then i3=
(a) 0 (b) 10sin400t A
(c) -10sin400t A (d) -5 3 sin 400t
Network Theory 448 YCT
Ans. : (c) Given 219. Which of the following is the most common
i1 = 10 sin (400 t + 600) A waveform of AC signal?
i2 = 10 sin (400 t – 600) A (a) Square (b) Sinusoidal
The algebraic sum of all currents entering and exiting a (c) Saw Tooth (d) Triangular
node must equal to zero. UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II
Or incoming current = Outgoing current Ans. (b) : The most common waveform type of AC
signal is the sinusoidal. Which derives its name from the
fact that the current or voltage varies with the sine of the
elapsed time. The sine wave is unique in that it represents
energy entirely concentrated at a single frequency.
220. When an ac power is applied to a circuit having
reactive load, then the voltage is___________ .
(a) 90 degree out of phase with the current
i1 i 2 i3 0 (b) 180 degree out of phase with the current
(c) In phase with the current
10sin 400t 600 10sin 400t 600 i 3 0 (d) 270 degree out of phase with the current
10 sin 400t cos 600 cos 400t sin 600 UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II
Ans. (a) : When an ac power is applied to a circuit
10 sin 400t cos 600 cos 400t sin 600 i 3 0 having reactive load, then the voltage is 90 degree out of
phase with the current.
sin 400t 3 sin 400t Reactive power is the quantity of unused power that is
10 cos 400t 10
2 2 2 developed by reactive components in an AC. circuit.
221. If the voltage and current in an A.C. circuit is
cos 400t i 3 0 90º out of phase, then the power in the circuit
2 will be-
sin 400t 10 3 10sin 400t (a) Minimum (b) Maximum
10 cos 400t (c) Zero (d) 90 Watt
2 2 2 RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 26.12.2020
10 3 Ans. (c) : The power factor is the cosine of the angle
cos 400t i3 0
2 between the voltage and current. If the angle between
5sin 400t 5sin 400t i 3 the voltage and current is 90º
then cos 90º = 0
i 3 10sin 400t and power P = V.I cos 90º
217. Which of the following is required in series P=0
RLC circuit to get Q>1? Therefore power of the circuit will be zero.
(a) XL < R (b) XL > R 222. In a series circuit, current leads voltage by 90º
(c) XL = R (d) None of these what type of circuit is this?
UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II (a) R-L Circuit (b) Pure Capacitor
Ans. (b) : Series RLC circuit (c) Pure Inductor (d) R-C Circuit
X 1 L RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 26.12.2020
Quality factor Q= L Ans. (b) : In pure capacitor circuit current leads voltage
R R C by 90º
To achieve Q>1 we require the XL>R
218. Which of the following is the correct definition
of phasor?
(a) An instrument used for measuring phases of
an unbalanced 3-phase load
(b) A line representing the magnitude and
direction of an alternating quantity
(c) A line which represents the magnitude and 223. For the current wave shown in figure, average
phase of an alternating quantity value of current will be-
(d) A coloured tag or band for distinction
between different phases of a 3-phase supply
UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II
Ans. (c) : A phasor is a complex number that represents
the amplitude and phase of a sinusoidal.
A complex number Z
Z x jy Z Z(cos jsin )
Phasor is a line which represents the magnitude and (a) 1.0 A (b) 1.1 A
phase of an alternating quantity. (c) 1.5 A (d) 2.0 A
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 26.12.2020
Network Theory 449 YCT
Ans. (c) : Given current waveform- 227. What is the fundamental angular frequency of
a square wave with a period of 0.02 s?
(a) 200 rad/s (b) 150 rad/s
(c) 100 rad/s (d) 50 rad/s
SSC JE 10.12.2020, Shift-II
Ans (c) : Given that,
T = 0.02 sec
As we know that
Area under one revolution angular frequency 2f
Iaverage =
Base Length 2 1
1 2 21 T T
2 3 2
2 2 0.02
Iavg = 1.5A
100 rad / sec
224. Root Mean Square of current given by
equation 228. The sine waveform produces the ________
i = 10 + 5 cos(628t + 30º) will be disturbance in the electrical circuit and is the
(a) 8 A (b) 10 A smoothest and ________
(c) 10.6 A (d) 15 A (a) most, poor efficient waveform
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 26.12.2020 (b) least, poor efficient waveform
Ans. (c) : Given, i = 10 + 5 cos (628t + 30º) (c) least, efficient waveform
(d) most efficient waveform.
2 5 25 SSC JE 10.12.2020, Shift-II
Irms = 10 = 100 = 112.5 Ans (c) : The sine waveform produces the least
2 2
disturbance in the electrical circuit and is the smoothest
Irms = 10.6 Amp
and efficient waveform.
225. In pure inductive A.C. circuit- Sine wave is universally accepted because it has certain
(a) Voltage leads the current by 90º advantages-
(b) Current leads the voltage by 90º
(c) Voltage and current are in phase It produces minimum disturbance in the electrical
(d) Voltage leads the current by 180º circuits during operations.
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020 it produces less interference to nearby communication
Ans. (a) : In pure inductive A.C. circuit the voltage lines in the case of transmission of power.
leads the current by 90º. It results in low iron as well as copper losses in
226. What is the frequency of the waveform shown transformers, and ac rotating power for a given
below? output.
229. An alternating current i is given by i = 141.4
sin 314 t A. Find the frequency and time period
of the current.
(a) f= 50 Hz, T = 0.02 s
(b) f= 314 Hz, T = 0.02 s
(a) 50 Hz (b) 100 Hz
(c) 25 Hz (d) 75 Hz 1
(c) f= 314 Hz, T = s
RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 29.11.2020 314
Ans. (c) : 1
(d) f= 50 Hz, T = s
SSC JE 10.12.2020, Shift-II
Ans (a) : Given that,
i = 141.4 sin 314t A
2f 314
Time period T 0.04 sec 314 314
1 2 2 3.14
Frequency f
T f 50Hz
f 1
0.04 f
100 T
f 1
4 T 0.02sec
f = 25 Hz 50
Ans : (c) Given, 258. An R-L series circuit draws 15mA current
Load impedance = 3–j4 from a 120 V, 50Hz supply. The current lags
Voltage = 15V the voltage by 600. The value of resistance R is
15 15 3 j4 (a) 1k (b) 2 k
IL =
3 j4 3 j4 3 j4 (c) 4 k (d) 8 k
15 3 j4 3 9 j12 UGVCL JE 2012
= 3 j4 = Ans. (c) : In R-L series circuit-
25 5 5 5
IL = (1.8 + j2.4)A tan L
257. Determine the current in the given circuit, if
o X
the source voltage is vs = 12 cos (1000t + 15 ). tan 600 L
3R X L
| Z | R 2 X 2L R 2 3R 2
(a) 0.24 cos (1000 t + 15o + tan–1 4/3)A
(b) 0.24 cos (1000 t + 15o – tan–1 3/4)A | Z | 2R
(c) 0.24 cos (1000 t + 15o + tan–1 3/4)A V IZ
(d) 0.24 cos (1000 t + 15o – tan–1 4/3)A V
SSC JE 29.10.2020, Shift-II Z
Ans : (d) 120
15 103
R = 4 k
259. In a certain series resonant circuit, voltage
across capacitor VC = 150 V, voltage across
Vs = 12 cos (1000t + 15º) inductor VL = 150V, and voltage across resistor
t = 1000t VR = 50 V then the value of the source voltage
XL = L (a) 50V (b) 300V
XL = 1000×65×10–3 (c) 250V (d) 350V
RPSC ACF& FRO 23.02.2021
X L 65
Ans. (a) : Given : VC = 150 V, VL = 150 V, VR = 50 V
1 1 VS = ?
XC 25 At resonance-
C 1000 40F
12cos 1000t 15º
i 2 2
| Z | Vs 50 150 150
2 2 2
| Z | R 2 X L X C 30 65 25 Vs 50
Z = R+j(XL–XC)
V In R-L series circuit the power factor is lagging
349. At very high frequencies, the parallel RL 354. The instantaneous value of power in purely
circuit behave as– inductive circuit is
(a) a pure inductive circuit (a) constant (b) changing
(b) an LC circuit (c) zero (d) none of this
(c) a pure capacitive circuit GETCO JE 2015
(d) a pure resistive circuit Ans. (b) : In purely inductive circuit current lags
UPPCL JE 14.03.2016 voltage by 90º
Ans : (d) The parallel RL circuit at vey high frequencies Let v(t) = Vm sin t (reference)
behaves as a pure resistive circuit.
At very high frequency XL is very high. XL & R are i(t) = Im sin t
combined in parallel. In parallel combination the
equivalent impedance is less than the lowest resistance. = – Im cost
Hence the circuit will behave like a pure resistive circuit. instantaneous power-
350. Peak value of current of a sine wave is 282.8 A. p(t) = v(t) i(t)
Find its rms value. = Vm sint (–Im cos t)
(a) 60 A (b) 200 A V I
(c) 141.4 A (d) 311 A = m m 2sin t cos t
UPPCL JE 14.03.2016
Vm Im
Ans : (b) Given that = . sin 2t
Im = 282.8 A 2 2
I 282.8 = – Vrms Irms sin 2t
I rms m 199.969A Hence instantaneous power is changing with
2 2
200 A pulsations of 2f frequency.
Average power utilization for a complete cycle is zero.
351. An electrical appliance is rated as 220 V, 5 kW, i.e. there is no power dissipation, only it can travel from
A.C. Here, the value 220 V refers to– source to load and vice-versa with pulsating frequency
(a) maximum value (b) rms value 2f.
(c) average value (d) lowest value
355. The magnitude of sum of two sinusoidal AC
UPPCL JE 14.03.2016
voltages is equal to the magnitude of each
Ans : (b) An electrical appliance is rated 220V, 5kW, individual voltage what must be the phase
AC. the value of 220V refers to rms value. The root difference between voltages?
mean square value of the alternating value of the (a) 60 (b) 90
alternating voltage is equal to the direct voltage with a (c) 120 (d) 180
given resistance wire having the same amount of heat in GETCO JE 2015
one second. Ans. (c) : If the resultant magnitude of sum of two
352. The period of a cosine wave is 1/60 seconds. Its sinusoidal AC voltages is equal to the magnitude of
frequency will be– each individual voltage then the phase difference
(a) 60 Hz (b) 120 Hz between voltages must be 120º.
(c) 50 Hz (d) 30 Hz
UPPCL JE 14.03.2016
Ans : (a) Given that
Time period of cosine wave (T) =
1 1
Frequency (f) = = 60 Hz
T 1
60 V1 = V2 = V and = 120º
Network Theory 470 YCT
Then resultant voltage- Ans. (b) : For a sine wave-
VR V12 V22 2V1V2 cos Peak to peak voltage = 2Vm = 100, Vm = 50
The r.m.s value of sine wave–
1 V 50
V 2 V 2 2V 2 Vrms = m
2 2 2
VR = V 360. A capacitor C connected to a single phase, 50
356. What is the fundamental period 'To' of the Hz, 240 V AC supply draws a current of 24 A.
signal x(t)=2 cos (t/4)? What would be the current if the voltage
(a) To= 4 (b) To= 8 applied is changed to 200 V at 60 Hz?
(c) To= 10 (d) To= 6 (a) 6A (b) 12A
DGVCL JE 06.01.2021, Shift-I (c) 10A (d) 24A
Vizag Steel MT 13.12.2020 NLC GET 17.11.2020
Ans. (b) : Given, Ans. (d) :
x(t) = 2 cos (t/4) .................(i) 240 1
x(t) = Xm cos (t+ .............(ii) Xc 10 10
24 2fc
Comparing both equations -
t C 318.309 F
t 2 50 10
4 1
1 X C2 8.33
2f 2 60 318.309 106
4 Current at 200V, 60Hz -
1 200
f I 24.00A
8 8.33
Hence, time period is reciprocal of frequency - 361. At higher frequencies, the value of capacitive
1 reactance
T0 (a) Increases (b) Decreases
T0 8 (c) Remain constant (d) None of these
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm
357. The power factor of a purely resistive circuit is Ans : (b) At higher frequencies the value of capacitive
(a) Zero (b) Unity reactance decreases.
(c) Lagging (d) Leading As we know that ,
ISRO TA 2015 1 1
Ans. (b) : The voltage and current in the purely XC
C 2fC
resistive circuit are in same phase i.e. 0° phase
difference, hence the power factor is unity. In purely XC
resistive circuit, where the impedance and resistance are f
same. (Z = R) Hence, by increasing frequency capacitive reactance
= 0° decreases.
cos 0º 1 362. The ideal value of power factor is
(a) 0 (b) 1
358. For an a.c. sine wave, voltage varies from zero (c) Infinity (d) 10
to 100 V maximum. How much is the voltage at BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm
the instant of 30 degree.
Ans : (b) The ideal value of power factor is 1. When the
(a) 87 Volts (b) 100 Volts
angle between voltage and current is zero i.e. voltage
(c) 58 Volts (d) 50 Volts
and current are in same phase then power factor (cos )
ISRO TA 2015
becomes unity.
Ans. (d) : The standard form of an a.c. sine wave– As Power factor (cos = 1
V Vm sin 363. In the waveform shown, RMS value of voltage
At 30° is
V 100sin 300
V = 100 = 50 volt
359. The r.m.s value of sinusoidal 100V peak to
peak is _________volt
(a) 100/ 2 (b) 50/ 2 200 100
(a) V (b) V
(c) 50 (d) 100
ISRO TA 2015 (c) 200 V (d) 100 V
Network Theory 471 YCT
Ans. (d) : Given wave form- Vrms
Ans. (c) : Minimum form actor =
Vrms = RMS value
Vave = Average value
Square wave with zero DC value have minimum form
T 366. There are three voltage sources. Voltage
VRMS = [f (t)]2 dt
T 0
Source 1 gives 200 V peak voltage; voltage
Source 2 gives 100 V peak which lags behind
Vrms = voltage Source 1 by 120 deg; and voltage
3 2 /3 2 2 / 3 2 4 / 3 2 5 / 3
Source 3 gives 100 V peak which leads voltage
100 t 0 100 t / 3 100 t 2 / 3 100 t 4 / 3 source 1 by 120 deg. If these voltage sources
and a 1 resister are connected in series, what
3 2 is the power dissipation in the resistor?
100 / 3 / 3 2 / 3 / 3
100 5 / 3 = 100 V
364. The 3-phase balanced source in the given figure
delivers 1500 W at a leading power factor of
0.844, then the values of ZL in Ohm is
approximately (a) 2000 W (b) 5000 W
(c) 2670 W (d) 4000 W
ISRO TA 2017
Ans. (b) :
Power factor (cos ) =
And in such a circuit the power loss is only due to
resistance, because capacitor and inductor does not 374. An electric kettle is marked 500 W, 230 V and
power loss while these are only storing power. is found to take 15 minutes to bring 1 kg of
371. In an AC circuit, the ammeter has shown water at 15oC to 100oC. If the specific heat of
reading of 5 ampere. The maximum value of water is 4200 J/kg/oC. The heat efficiency of the
the alternating current will be : kettle will be
(a) 5 ampere (b) 7.07 ampere (a) 87.3% (b) 83.6%
(c) 3.535 ampere (d) 0.2 ampere (c) 79.3% (d) 75.6%
LMRC JE 2016 ESE 2019
Ans : (b) Given that, Mass of water CV T
Current (Irms) = 5 A Ans. (c) : Heat output
I t in sec
Irms= m T = 100 - 15 = 85C
1 4200 85
Im = 2 I rms Heat output = = 396.67 J / sec
15 60
= 2 ×5 = 1.414×5 = 7.07 ampere = 396.66 Watt
Network Theory 473 YCT
Heat output |Z| = 225 400
Heat efficiency ( )= 100
Heat input | Z | 625
396.66 | Z | 25
500 R 15
79.33% Power factor = cos = 0.6
Z 25
375. The impedance of a parallel circuit is 10-j 300
377. A two-element series circuit is connected across
at 1 MHz. The values of circuit elements will be
(a) 10 and 6.4 mH (b) 100 and 4.7 nF an AC source given by e = 200 2 sin (314 t +
(c) 10 and 4.7 mH (d) 100 and 6.4 nF 20) V. The current is then found to be i = 10 2
ESE 2019 cos (314 t – 25) A. The parameters of the circuit
Ans. (b) : are
(a) R = 20 and C = 160 F
(b) R = 14.14 and C = 225 F
(c) L = 45 mH and C = 225 F
Z = 10 - j30 (d) L = 45 mH and C = 160 F
1 10 j30 ESE 2017
10 j30 10 j30
Ans. (b) : i = 10 2 cos(314t – 25) A
10 j30 1
j30 103
1000 1000 100
1 1
R jX c
R 100, 30 103
2fC 30 103
2 1 106 C 30 103 e = 200 2 sin (314 t + 20) V
C = 4.7 nF i = 10 2 cos (314t – 25)
376. Two resistors of 5 and 10 and an inductor
i = 10 2 sin (314 t + 65o)
L are connected in series across a 50 cos t o
voltage source. If the power consumed by the i lead by V by 45 , therefore elements are R & C
5 resistor is 10 W, the power factor of the e 200 2
circuit is |Z| = m 20
im 10 2
(a) 1.0 (b) 0.8
(c) 0.6 (d) 0.4 1
Z= Rj
ESE 2017 C
Ans. (c) : 1 1
Z = R 2 2 2 tan 1
|Z| = R2
Z = 15 + jXL
|Z| = 225 X 2L 20 = R2 .......(i)
3142 C2
P5 = 10 W
I 2rms 5 10 1
tan 1 45o
I rms 2 RC
Im 1
2 1
I m 2A 1 1
RC .........(ii)
V = I|Z| 314
50 = 2 225 X 2L R= .........(iii)
625 – 225 = X 2L
solving equation (i) and (iii)
400 = X 2L
we get R = 14.14 and
X L 20 C = 225 F
Network Theory 474 YCT
378. A voltage source-series resistance combination Average value of half wave rectifier
is equivalent to a current source-parallel I Im
resistance combination if and only if their Iav = m I rms
1. Respective open-circuit voltage are equal.
2. Respective short-circuit currents are equal. 2 I rms
Iav =
3. Resistance remains same in both cases.
Which of the above statements are correct? 2 2.3
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only Iav = Irms = 2.3 Amp
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 Iav = 1.03 Amp
ESE 2020 381. The ratio of amplitude of voltage oscillation to
Ans. (d) : Voltage series resistance combination can be the amplitude of current oscillation in a LC
considered as thevenin equivalent. circuit zero-input response is
(a) LC (b)
1 LC
(c) (d)
2 LC 2
Current source-parallel combination can be considered DGVCL JE 06.01.2021 Shift-III
an Norton's equivalent. Ans. (b) : Energy stored in magnetic field
E = L I2 ……..(i)
Energy stored in electric field
E = CV 2 ……..(ii)
Both circuit are equivalent if 2
Vth = INRN From equation (i) and (ii)
1 2 1
V L I CV 2
IN = th 2 2
R th 2
RN = Rth V L
379. A current i(t) = 2 + 8 sin (t) is measured using I C
a moving iron type meter, the value read by it V L
is. I C
(a) 32A (b) 8 A 382. A phasor is a complex number that represents
(c) 2 A (d) 6 A ________ of a sinusoid.
LMRC (SCTO) 17.04.2021 (a) Only phase
Ans. (d) : Given that, (b) Only frequency
(c) Only amplitude
i(t) = 2 + sin (t) (d) The amplitude and phase
2 PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020
2 8
Irms = 2 Ans. (d) : A phasor is a complex number representing a
2 sinusoidal function whose amplitude (A), angular
Irms = 4 32 = 36 frequency (), and initial phase () are time-invariant.
Irms = 6A 383. In a circuit, voltage and current are given by
380. An ideal 230 V, 50 Hz single-phase AC source V = 10 sin (t + 30º) and I = 10 sin (t – 30º).
Calculate the power consumed in this circuit.
supplies power to a load resistor 100 through
(a) 100 W (b) 50 W
a single ideal diode. Calculate the average (c) 15 W (d) 25 W
value of the current PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020
(a) 1.03 A (b) 2.35 A
Ans. (d) : V = 10 sin (t + 30) I = 10 sin (t–30º)
(c) 2.06 A (d) 1.75 A
10 10
DGVCL JE 06.01.2021 Shift-III Vrms I rms
2 2
Ans. (a) : Given that
Vrms = 230 Volt, R = 100
P Vrms I rms cos 60
230 10 10 1 100
Irms = 2.3Amp 25 watt
100 2 2 2 2 2
Coil impedance,
V 200 (a) 0.8 (b) 0.5
Z= 100 (c) 0.6 (d) 0
I 2
2 2
R= Z2 X L2 100 50 86.6 87 Ans. : (c) Given, R1 5, R 2 10
422. The current in a circuit is given by I = 50 sin V 50sin t , Vrms 50 / 2
(314t+150) amperes. The r.m.s. value of current Power consume in 5 resistor is 10W. then-
and frequency in hertz of the current are. P= I2R
(a) 50 A, 314 Hz (b) 35.46A 50 Hz
(c) 50 2A 160Hz (d) 25A, 50Hz I= I 2
WBPSC SAE 2002 Voltage drop in 5 resistor
Ans. (b) : Given, I 50sin 314t 150 VR1 = 2 5
Compare the above with standard equation-
5 2V
I = Im sin (t + )
Voltage drop in 10 resistor
We get,
t 314t VR 2 10 2V
314 rad/s Total voltage drop in resistor 5 2 10 2
2f 314
VR 15 2V
2 3.14 f 314
f 50Hz Power factor, cos R
and Im = 50 Z V
I 50 15 2
I rms m 35.35A 0.6 lagging (Because circuit is inductive.)
2 2 50 / 2
423. In a series combination of R = 10 and L = 426. The characteristic equation of the series RLC
0.1H circuit the phase relation between current circuit is
and voltage will be
(a) Current will lag the voltage by 900.
(b) Current will lag the voltage by some angle
between 0° and 90°.
(c) Current will lead the voltage by some angle
between 0° and 90° (a) s2+(LC)s+RL=0
(d) Current will be in phase with the voltage (b) s2+(1/LC)s+L/R=0
WBPSC SAE 2002 (c) s2+(L/R)s+LC=0
Ans. (b) : Due to inductor present in circuit current is (d) s2+(R/L)s+1/LC=0
lagging in nature but frequency is not defined so current UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-II
lag between 0° (minimum) to 90° (maximum) but Ans. : (d)
current will never lag by exactly 900 because circuit
have some resistance.
424. When a voltage V = 200 sin (t+1100) is applied
to circuit, then the current I = 5 sin (t +200)
The power consumed by the circuit. Laplace Form
(a) 500W (b) 400W I s
Input = R I s L s I s
(c) 200W (d) Zero watt C s
Network Theory 481 YCT
1 429. The r.m.s. value of a half-wave rectified
I s R L s 0 alternating current is 10 A. Its value for full-
C s wave rectification will be
1 20 40
R Ls 0 (a) A (b) A
C s
Divide both side L 20
R 1 (c) A (d) 20A
+ I s + =0 2
Multiply both side by s Ans. (c) : I rms = 10A, for half - wave rectified output
R 2 1
s + s + =0
I rms = m
2 1 I m = 2.I rms = 2×10 = 20A
+ s + =0
L LC For full wave rectified output
427. Two sinusoidal currents are given by following I 20
equations : I rms = m = A.
2 2
i1 10sin t 430. An alternating current given by i = 14.14 sin
i 2 15sin t ωt + has an r.m.s. value of
(a) 1.96 A (b) 7.07 A
The phase difference between them is (c) 10.0 A (d) 14.14 A
(a) 1050 (b) 750
(c) 15 0
(d) 600 UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-I
RRB ALLAHABAD 2014 Ans. (c) : Given, current equation–
RRB Gorakhpur 2014 π
UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-I i = 14.14sin ωt +
Ans. (a) :
Equating above equation with i = I msin ωt + -
i1 10sin t .........................(i) I m = 14.14
I 14.14
i 2 15sin t .........................(ii) I rms = m = = 10.0A
4 2 1.414
Comparing both of above two equations. 431. For sinusoidal waveform, the ratio of average
180 value to r.m.s. value is
1 600
3 3 2
(a) (b)
180 2 2 2
2 450
4 4 2 2 2
Thus phase difference 1 2 (c) (d)
60 (450 ) 60 450 1050
428. The reactance offered by a capacitor to an Ans. (d) : For sinusoidal waveform–
alternating current of frequency 50 Hz is 10 I 2I
ohm. If frequency is increased to 100 Hz, the I avg m m
reactance will be
(a) 2.5 ohm (b) 5.0 ohm 2
(c) 20.0 ohm (d) 40.0 ohm And r.m.s. value–
I rms m
Ans. (b) : Given, X C1 = 10Ω, f1 = 50Hz, f 2 = 100Hz 2
X C1 f2 Now,
= 2I m
X C2 f1
I av g 2 2
10 100
I rms m
X C2 50
10 50
X C2 432. The voltage phasor of a circuit is 10150 V and
X C2 5 current phasor is 2 - 450 A. The reactive
power in the circuit will be
Network Theory 482 YCT
(a) 17.32 VAR (b) 10 2 VAR 14 j48 9 j12
(c) 8.66 VAR (d) None of these 9 j12 9 j12
126 j168 j432 j2 576
Ans. (a) : Given, ZT
I = 2A, V = 10 V 81 144
= 15° – (–45°) = 60° 450 j600
Reactive power– 225
Q = V.I.sin = 2 10sin60 450 600
ZT j
3 225 225
20 10 1.732 17.32 VAR ZT = 2+j2.67
For lagging power factor Q = +ve 436. A series circuit has R = 10 ohms L = 0.1 H and
Hence, reactive power (Q) = 17.32 VAR C = 10F. The Q factor is
(a) 100 (b) 10
433. An R-L series AC circuit has R = 10 ohm and
(c) 2 (d) None of the above
XL = 10 ohm. It is connected to an AC voltage WBPSC SAE 2000
source, the phase angle between voltage and
Ans. (d) : Given, R 10, L 0.1H
current is
(a) 300 (b) 450 C = 10F
(c) 60 0
(d) 36.80 For a series circuit quality factor-
Ans. (b) : Given, R 10, X L 10 R C
Z = R 2 + X L 2 = 102 +102 1 0.1
10 2 10 10
R 10 1 1 1
cos = = = Q
Z 10 2 2 10 100
1 1
cos Q
2 100
437. Q of a capacitor C of leakage resistance R is
cos 1 1 C
2 (a) (b)
450 (lagging)
434. The instantaneous value of voltage and current (c) (d) CR
are represented 100cost and 10sin(t+60º) WBPSC SAE 2000
respectively the p.f. of the circuit is
Ans. (d) : For series
(a) 0.866 lagging (b) 0.5 lagging
(c) 0.866 leading (d) 0.5 leading X 1
Ans. (a) : V = 100 cos t For parallel
I = 10 sin (t+60º) Q CR
90 60 0 438. The power factor of a system on a 460 V, 3
phase, 60 Hz, in which the ammeter indicates
300 100 ampere and the wattmeter reads 62 kW
cos cos300 0.866lagging will be
(a) 0.88 (b) 0.78
435. Two impedances 3+j4 and 6+j8 are connected
(c) 0.68 (d) 0.72
in parallel. The combined impedance is HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579)
(a) 0.2+j0.5 (b) 9+j12 HPSSC JE 2017 (Code 580)
(c) J+j4 (d) 2+j2.67 Ans. (b) : Given VL = 460 V
WBPSC SAE 2000 IL = 100 A
Ans. (d) : P = 62 × 103 Watt
ZT =
3 j4 . 6 j8 P = 3VL I L cos
3 j4 6 j8 P 62 103
18 j24 j24 j2 32 3VL IL: 3 460 100
9 j12 cos = 0.778 0.78
18 j48 32 439. A supply voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz is fed to a
ZT residential building. The equation for the
9 j12
instantaneous voltage is
Network Theory 483 YCT
(a) V= 325.27 sin 314.16t Ans. (c) : Given, R = 8
(b) V= 225.27 sin 314.16t XL = 6
(c) V= 325.27 sin 214.16t
(d) V= 225.27 sin 214.16t R
Power factor cos
HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579) Z
Ans. (a) : Given, Vrms =230V = Vm= 230 2 V R
cos Z R 2 X L2
f = 50 Hz 2
R XL 2
8 8
2 3.14 50 cos
2 2
314.16 rad / sec 8 6 100
v t V sin t cos 0.80 lagging
v t 230 2 sin 314.16t 443. The phasor voltage and current across a load
element are 100.045º V and 5.015ºA,
v t 325.27sin 314.16t respectively. Determine the impedance and
440. In an R-L-C series circuit, the phase angle is admittance of the load.
given by (a) Z 0.05 30º and Y= 2030º S
(a) tan 1 X L / R (b) Z 20.0 30º and Y= 0.0530º S
(b) tan 1 R / X L X C (c) Z 0.0530º and Y= 20 30º S
(c) tan X L X C / R (d) Z 20.030º and Y= 0.05 30º S
(d) tan X C / R SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II
HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579) Ans. (d) : V 100.045º V
Ans. (c) : For series RLC circuit I 5.015º A
1 V 10045º
Z R jL Impedance Z 2045º 15º
jC I 515º
X = 2030º
Z R jX L C
j 1 1
Admittance Y 0.05 30º S
Z R j X L X C Z 2030º
XL XC 444. Given V1 = 25.00º V and V2 = 10.036.87º V
R are connected in series. Find the resultant
voltage Vs = V1+V2.
tan 1 L (Take cos 36.87º=0.8, and sin 36.87º=0.6)
R (a) (6+j33) V (b) (17+j31) V
441. The impedance of a circuit is given by 4 + j6 (c) (33+j19) V (d) (33+j6) V
ohm. Then its admittance in mho is SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II
(a) 0.0769 + j0.1154 (b) 0.0769 – j0.1154 Ans. (d) : VS = V1+V2
(c) 0.1154 – j0.0769 (d) 0.1154 + j0.0769 V1 = 250 V2 = 10.0 36.87
HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579) VS = 250+10.036.87
Ans. (b) : Z = 4+6j = 25+10 cos 36.87 + j 10 sin 36.87
1 1 = 25 + 10×0.8 + j10 ×0.6
Z 4 6j = 33 j6V
1 4 6j 445. Determine the average and effective values of
4 6j 4 6j the given waveform.
4 6j 4 6j
16 36 52
4 6j
= 0.0769– j0.1154
52 52
442. Three equal impedances each having a
resistance of 8 ohm and inductive reactance of (a) Vavg =6.67 V and V = 1333.3V
6 ohm are connected in star across 3 phase, 440
(b) Vavg = 66.7 V and V = 1333.3V
V system. The power factor is given by
(a) 0.75 lagging (b) 0.88 lagging (c) Vavg = 6.67 V and V = 133.3V
(c) 0.80 lagging (d) 0.72 lagging (d) Vavg = 11.5 V and V = 133.3V
HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579) SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II
Network Theory 484 YCT
Ans. (c) : Ans. (d) : Given,
i(t) = 50 cos (10t +10º)
We known that, i (t) = Im sin t
Im = 50 A = maximum amplitude.
448. The fundamental frequency of an alternating
quantity is 25 Hz. Find the corresponding
angular frequency.
Total time = 0.3 sec
(a) 50 rad/sec (b) 25 rad/sec
For Rectangular
(c) 25 rad (d) 50 rad
Response time SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II
Vavg Maximum Value
Total time Ans. (a) : fs = 25 Hz
0.1 20 = Angular frequency = 2f
= 20 6.67 Volt 2 × 25 = 50 rad / sec
0.3 3
449. The equation of an alternating current is given
Vrms 20 as i(t) = 100 sin 100t. Find the instantaneous
0.3 value after (1/600) seconds.
20 (a) 70.7 A (b) 86.6 A
= 11.55V 133.3 V (c) 50 A (d) 100 A
SC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II
446. The maximum values of the alternating voltage PSTCL AE 06.08.2021
and current are 400 V and 20 A, respectively, Ans. (c) : i (t) = 100 sin 100t
in a circuit. The frequency of the alternating t = 1/600 sec
quantities is 50 Hz, and these quantities are
sinusoidal. The phase angle of the current with i (t) = 100 sin 100
respect to voltage is . Choose the correct 600
expression for the voltage and current with 100 sin / 6 = 50A
respect to time t.
450. While drawing vector diagram for a series
(a) v(t) = 400 sin (100t) V circuit, the reference vector is-
i (t) =20 sin(100t)A (a) Voltage (b) Current
400 (c) Power (d) Phase angle
(b) v(t) = sin (100t) V UPRVUNL JE 21.09.2015
Ans : (b) For a series circuit, the reference vector is
20 current because current is same through each
i(t) = sin(100t) A
2 parameters in series circuit while in parallel voltage is
400 taken as reference because voltage is same in parallel
(c) v(t) = sin (100t) V circuit.
2 451. An alternating voltage of (160+j120) V is
20 applied to a circuit and the current in the
i(t) = sin(100+)t) A
2 circuit is given by (6+j8) A. The value of the
(d) v(t) = 400 sin (100t) V circuit impedance in ohm is given by
(a) 19.2 j5.6 (b) 19.2 + j5.6
i(t)= 20 sin(100t+) A
(c) 166 + j128 (d) 154 j112
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II
HPSSC JE 2017(Code-580)
Ans. (d) : Vm 400V Ans. (a) : Given that,
f = 50 Hz , =2f = 100 V = 160 + j 120
I m 20Amp I=6+8j
in phase v =400 sin (100t) V V 160 j120 6 8 j
i = 20 sin (100t + ) A I 68 j 6 8 j
160 j120 6 8 j
1920 j560 1920 560
100 100 100
447. If i (t) = 50 cos (10t + 10º) is the expression of Z 19.2 j5.6
a sinusoidal current, find the maximum
452. A resistor R in series with a capacitor C is
amplitude. connected to a 50 Hz, 240V supply. The resistor
(a) 100 A (b) 86.6 A absorbs 300W at 100 V. The voltage across the
(c) 70.7 A (d) 50 A capacitor is
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II (a) 118.17 V (b) 318.17 V
Network Theory 485 YCT
(c) 218.17 V (d) 418.17 V (c) 100 Hz (d) 50 Hz
HPSSC JE 2017(Code-580) SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I
Ans. (c) : Given, Ans. (c) : Given, angular velocity () = 200 radian/sec
Where f = frequency
VR = 100 V 200 = 2f
VC = ? f = 100Hz
VS = 240 V 456. For a pure resistance supplied through a
VS2 VR2 VC2 sinusoidal voltage, the phase difference
2 2 between the voltage and current phasors will
VC = 240 100 be ____.
VC = 218.17 V (a) 90º (b) 0º
453. An alternating current is represented by i=70.7 (c) 45º (d) 180º
sin 520t. Then the value of frequency in Hz is SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I
(a) 73 (b) 93 Ans. (b) : For pure resistive circuit, voltage and current
(c) 53 (d) 83 are in same phase that means phase difference between
HPSSC JE 2017(Code-580) voltage and current is zero.
Ans. (d) : Given,
Alternating current i = 70.7 sin (520 t)
2f 520 2f
f = 82.76 Hz
f 83 Hz.
454. Find the RMS value of the given current
waveform. 457. Given the current i(t) and voltage v(t) of a
circuit element, the power p(t) and energy W(t)
are given by:
(a) p(t) = v(t). i(t) and w(t) = p t dt
(b) p(t) = v(t). i(t) and w(t) = i t dt
(c) p(t) = v(t) + i(t) and w(t) = p t dt
25 50 0
(a) I A (b) I A t
2 3 (d) p(t) = v(t). i(t) and w(t) = v t dt
(c) I = 12.5 A (d) I = 25 A SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I
Ans. (a) : If current is i(t), voltage is v(t) we know that,
Ans. (b) : Given that, power = voltage × current
p (t) = v (t) × i (t)
and energy (joule) = power (watt) × time (sec)
w t p t dt
Power is the amount of energy transferred or converted
y = mx + c, c=0 per unit time.
50 Energy is defined as capacity to do work.
m = y/x = 458. The impedance of a circuit placed across a 120
V, 50 Hz source is (10 + j20) Find the current.
y= t (a) (4.8 j2.4) A (b) (24j48) A
4 (c) (2.4j4.8) A (d) (48j24) A
T 4 4
1 2 1 2500 2 2500 2 SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I
T0y dt
4 0 16
t dt
64 0
t dt Ans. (c) : Given that-
Vs= 120V, f = 50Hz, Zs = 10+j20
2500 t 3 2500 64 50
64 3 0 64 3 3
455. The angular velocity of a sinusoidal voltage is
given as 200 radians/second. Find the
(a) 200 Hz (b) 150 Hz
Network Theory 486 YCT
Apply KVL in loop- 462. An AC source is connected to an RL series
Vs = i ×Zs circuit. The phase of The source current, ,
1200 i 10 j20 with respect to the source voltage will be:
1200 (a) 90º lead (b) 0º < < 90º
i (c) 90º lag (d) 90º < < 0º
10 j20
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I
120 10 j20
i Ans. (d) : For a series R-L circuit-
10 j20 10 j20
1200 j2400 1200 j2400
10 2
i = (2.4 – j4.8) A
459. The phasor diagram of a load is as follows: Impedance (Z) = R + jXL
Z | Z | 0 0 90º
Current (I) =
What will be the load component/s? I
(a) Pure inductor | Z | | Z |
(b) RC load I Im
(c) Pure capacitor 0 90º (for impedance)
(d) RL load or RLC with the inductive reactance
more than the capacitive reactance 0 90
for current
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I 90 0
Ans. (d) : Hence phase of current varies between 90º to 0º.
463. A sinusoidal voltage has a peak value of 20V
and time period of 24s. At time zero, the
amplitude of the wave is 14.14V. What is the
amplitude at 1s?
Here in, given phasor diagram, current lag the voltage (a) 7.07 V (b) 17.3 V
by 45º. (c) 20 / 2V (d) None of the above
For inductive load, current lag the voltage. ISRO VSSC (TA) 14.07.2021
Therefore for this phasor diagram the load components Ans. (b) : Given that
are RL or RLC with inductive reactance more than the
Vm = 20V
capacitive reactance.
T = 24 Sec
460. Which of the following values of an alternating
t = 0, V = 14.14 volt
voltage or current represents the real
magnitude? t = 1 sec V = ?
(a) RMS value (b) Peak value at t = 0 angle-
(c) Average value (d) Instantaneous value V = Vm sin
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I 14.14 = 20 sin
Ans. (a) : RMS value of an alternating voltage or
current represents the real magnitude. 45
461. For an alternating voltage or current, one cycle Now equation of sinusoidal
is equal to:
(a) four alternations (b) one alternation V = Vm sin (t 45 )
(c) two alternations (d) three alternations
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I V = Vm sin t
Ans. (c) : For an alternating voltage or current, One
cycle is equal to two alternation, one is positive and Value of V at t = 1 sec
second is negative.
V = 20 sin 2 1
= 20 sin = 20 sin
= 20 sin 20 0.866 = 17.32 volt
Given, VL – VC = 9 V If S = VI
and VS = 15 V V00 I VI
VR VS2 VL VC = 152 92 12V VI cos jVIsin
X L 62.8
S 8002 6002
S = 1000 X L 2fL
P X 62.8 62.8
cos = L L 0.2H
S 2f 2 314
800 485. A resistor of 4 ohm in parallel with a pure
cos = 0.8 inductive reactance of 3 ohm is connected
Then, across 24 V, 50 Hz, supply. Total current
drawn from the supply will be
P (a) 14 A (b) 10 A
V cos (c) 4.8 A (d) None of the above
800 WBPSC SAE 2004
I= 5A Ans. (b) :
200 0.8
Find I = ?
483. An A.C. series circuit has R = 8 ohm, XL = 4
2 2
ohm, and XC = 4 ohm at 200 V, 50 Hz supply. If I I1 I 2
frequency of supply is reduced to 25 Hz while
voltage remaining unchanged, then the current V 24
I1 8A
drawn will be XL 3
(a) 25 A (b) 15 A
V 24
(c) 20 A (d) 10 A I2 6A
WBPSC SAE 2004 R 4
Ans. (a) : Given, Hence,
2 2
R = 8, XL = 4, XC = 4 I 8 6 64 36 = 100
Z = R 2 XL XC I = 10A
Network Theory 491 YCT
486. Two circuits having the same numerical ohmic Ans. (b) : e2 lags e1 by
impedance are joined in parallel. The power
factor of one circuits is 0.8 and the other is 0.6.
The power factor of the combinations
(a) 0.707 lead (b) 0.707 lag
(c) 0.8 lead (d) Zero
WBPSC SAE 2004 489. A.C. series R – L circuit has a resistance of 4
Ans. (b) : Given that, ohm and inductive reactance of 3 ohm. The
cos1 = 0.8 sin1 = 0.6 equivalent parallel circuit will be
& cos2 = 0.6 sin2 = 0.8 (a) 0.25 S conductance in parallel with 0.33 S
We know that,
(b) 0.16 S conductance in parallel with 0.12 S
Z = r (cos + j sin) susceptance
Where r = magnitude of impedance (c) 0.33 S conductance in parallel with 0.25 S
Then, susceptance
Z1 = r (0.8 + j0.6) = r36.86 (d) 0.12 S conductance in parallel with 0’16 S
Z2 = r (0.6 + j 0.8) = r53.13 susceptance
Z1Z2 r36.86 r53.13 WBPSC SAE 2004
Zeq = = Ans. (b) : R = 4 , X = 3
Z1 Z2 r (0.8 + j0.6) +r (0.6 + j 0.8)
2 2
r90 r 90 1 Z 4 3 5
= = 45
1.4 j1.4 2 45 2 R 4
Conductance (G) = = = 0.16S
r Z2 25
450 X 3
2 Inductive Susceptance = 2 0.12S
r Z 25
Zeq = cos 45 jsin 45 So,
2 0.16 S conductance in parallel with 0.12S susceptance.
r r 490. For series RLC circuit energized with a
= cos 45 jsin 45
2 2 sinusoidal voltage source of frequency 4 rad/s,
r/2 the applied voltage lags the current by an angle
tan of tan–1 2 degrees. Then the value of R for L =
1H and C = 0.05 F is
(a) 4.0 ohm (b) 2.0 ohm
1 1 (c) 1.0 ohm (d) 0.5 ohm
Power factor = cos 45 0.707 lag
2 1.414 ESE 2010
487. A single-phase ac voltage source has 200 V rms Ans. (d) : Given that, 4 rad / sec, L 1H, C 0.05F
and a system connected consumes an active Z = R + j (XL – XC)
power of 300 W. What is the reactive power Impedance of series R-L-C circuit (Z)=R+j(XL-XC).
consumed by the system if 2.5 A rms current is From question, voltage lags current that means the
drawn? given circuit is capacitive in nature.
(a) 100 VAR (b) 200 VAR XC XL
(c) 300 VAR (d) 400 VAR
2 X XL
PSTCL JE 02.08.2021 Z R 2 X L X C tan 1 C
ESE-2014 R
Ans. (d) : Given that, V = 200 V, P = 300 W 1
Phase angle tan 1 C L tan 1 2
I = 2.5 A
As we know that,
P VI cos 1
300 2
cos 0.6 R
200 2.5
sin 0.8 1
4 1
Q VIsin 4 0.05
Reactive power (Q) = 200 × 2.5 × sin = 200 × 2.5× 0.8 2
R = 0.5
= 400 VAR
491. The power factor of a system is kept high in
488. If e1 = A sin t and e2 = B sin (t - ), then order to
(a) e1 lags e2 by (b) e2 lags e1 by (a) reduce load handling capacity of electrical system
(c) e2 leads e1 by (d) e1 leads e2 by (b) increase voltage regulation of the line
WBPSC SAE 2004 (c) increase line losses
Network Theory 492 YCT
(d) maximize the utilization of capacities of 494. An ac source of 200 V r.m.s. supplies active
generators, lines and transformers power of 600 watt and reactive power of 800
TSTRANSCO JE 2018 VAR. The r.m.s. current drawn from the
Ans. (d) : The power factor of a system is kept high in source is
order to maximize the utilization of capacities of (a) 10 A (b) 5 A
generators, lines and transformers. Because we know – (c) 3.75 A (d) 2.5 A
P = Vrms I rms Cos TSTRANSCO JE 2018
Ans. (b) : P = 600 W Q = 800 VAR.
492. Two waves of alternating voltages of same Q 800 4
frequency are out of phase when the phase tan
P 600 3
angle between them is
(a) 180 degrees (b) 90 degrees cos
(c) 0 degree (d) 360 degrees 5
TSTRANSCO JE 2018 V rms rms. Cos = 600
. I
Ans. (a) : When two wave has 180º phase difference in 3
200 I rms 600
their voltage then they will be in out of phase if they 5
also have same frequency. 65
I rms
Irms 5A
495. A 100 mH inductor carries a sinusoidal current
of 1 A r.m.s. at a frequency of 50 Hz. The
average power dissipated by the inductor is
V1 and V2 are out of phase. ________ watts.
493. The power consumed by a coil is 300 W when (a) 0 (b) 0.25
connected to a 30 V dc source and 108 W when (c) 0.5 (d) 1
connected to a 30 V ac source. The reactance of TSTRANSCO JE 2018
the coil is Ans. (a) : Average power dissipation by inductor
(a) 3 (b) 4 always zero due to zero power factor
(c) 5 (d) 6.67 P = Vrms. Irms. Cos Cos 0
Ans. (b) : When coil connected in DC source-
Given that, 496. The instantaneous power in ac circuits can be
Pdc = 300 W obtained by taking product of the
Vdc = 30 V instantaneous values of ____ and ____ .
V 2 (a) current, voltage
Pdc = dc (b) frequency, voltage
R (c) frequency, current
Vdc 302 (d) frequency (max), voltage
300 300
900 Ans. (a) : The instantaneous power p(t) is defined as
300 R 3
R power at any instant of A.C circuit. It is equal to the
When coil connected in AC circuit- product of instantaneous value of voltage v(t) and
PAC 108W VAC = 30V current i(t) respectively. i.e.
30 3
p(t) v(t)i(t)
3 2
For single phase A.C. it is pulsating in nature and for
9 X 2 25 3– A.C. system it gives constant value with 1.5 times
X = 4 of 1- A.C.
Network Theory 493 YCT
497. Write the equation of current for the following Ans. (d) : In a purely resistive A.C. circuit, the current
system. and the voltage applied are in same phase with each
A 50 Hz sinusoidal current has peak factor 1.25 other.
and form factor 1.0. Its average value is 15A.
Also, the instantaneous value of current is 10 A
at t = 0 second.
(a) I = 18.75 sin (50t + 0.56) A
(b) I = 10.8 sin (100t + 0.5) A
(c) I = 10.8 sin (50t + 0.5) A
(d) I = 18.75 sin (100t + 0.56) A
UPRVUNL JE 2014 500. Following data is known about a resultant
Ans. (d) : Let equation of instantaneous current for current wave which is made-up of two
50Hz supply is given by – components:
i(t) I m sin (100πt ) ......(i) 1. A direct current of 10 A
2. A sinusoidal alternating current of 50 Hz
Im with a peak value of 10 A.
Given 1.25 .......(ii)
I rms Calculate the r.m.s. value of the resultant wave.
(a) 24.12 A (b) 12.24 A
I rms (c) 1.24 A (d) 2.14 A
and 1 .......(iii)
Iavg UPRVUNL JE 2014
Ans. (b) : The r.m.s. value of resultant current
From (iii) Irms = 1 15 = 15 A (Iavg = 15 A given)
From (ii) Im = 1.2515 = 18.75 A I
Irms (Idc ) 2 m
Also at t = 0, I (t) = 10 A 2
10 2
From equation (i) 10 = Im sin = 0.5333 10
18.75 (10) 2 150 = 12.24 A
sin 0.533 2
501. What will be the average value of the sawtooth
sin 1 (0.5333) 32.200 = 0.56 rad.
waveform shown below?
Hence, correct equation is-
i(t) 18.75sin(100t 0.56) A
498. The power factor of a circuit in which voltage and
current waves are non-sinusoidal is defined as
(a) it is the cosine of the angle of phase
difference between the voltage and current (a) 150 V (b) 100 V
waves (c) 200 V (d) 250 V
(b) it is the cosine of the angle of phase UPRVUNL JE 2014
difference between the two complex waves Ans. (b) : Average value of saw-tooth wave form
(c) it is the cosine of the angle of phase 1
difference between the two equivalent sine 200 2
Area under thecurve 2
waves having respectively rms values equal Vavg 100 volt
Time perid 2
to those of the voltage and current in the
circuit 502. The line current (in ampere) in phases a,b and
c are 500 + j150, 100-j600 and -300 + j600
(d) it is the sine of the angle of phase difference respectively, which refers to the same reference
between the two complex waves factor. Find Iao -
ESE-2015 (a) 100 + j50 (b) 100 – j50
Ans. (c) : It is the cosine of the angle of phase (c) 300 + j150 (d) 300 – j150
difference between the two equivalent sine waves DMRC JE 20.02.2020
having respectively rms values equal to those of the Ans. (a) : For obtaining symmetrical component of the
voltage and current in the circuit. original current phasor
499. In purely resistive circuits, the ___ and the
I a0 I a I b I c
____ applied are ____ phase with each other.
(a) current, voltage, out of 1
Iao [ 500 100 300 j 150 600 600 ]
(b) frequency, voltage, in 3
(c) frequency, voltage, out of 1
= 300 j150
(d) current, voltage, in 3
UPRVUNL JE 2014 Iao = 100+j50
s 2 0.5s 100
Then, admittance Y s
5s Real power (P)
s 20 P
0.1 cos
5 s S
Comparing with constant S P jQ
1 1 cos
Y s Cs 2
P Q 2 2 2
R Ls
1 1 According to question if reactive power (Q) =0
C = F, R 10 P P
5 0.1 cos 1 Unity
1 P 0 P
20 509. For the a.c. circuit given below, what is the
506. If the current flowing through a 20 resistor is value of I?
given as,
i(t) = 4 + 5 sin t –3 cos3t, then what is the
power consumed by the resistor?
(a) 1000 W (b) 660 W
(c) 500 W (d) 180 W
ESE 2008
Network Theory 495 YCT
(a) 1 + j1 (b) 1 + j0 Ans. (a) : As per given circuit-
(c) 0 – j1 (d) 0 + j0 1
ESE-2005 R Ls
1 Cs
Ans. (b) : From given figure- Z(s) = (R+Ls) ||
Cs 1
1 1 R Ls
Z1 = (60 + j60) Y1 Cs
Z1 60 j60
R 1
1 1 L s
L Cs
Z2 = (–j120) Y2
Z2 j120
R 1
L s
Z1, Z2 are in parallel- L CLs
Z(s) =
s R / L
1 1 1
R 1
Zeq Z1 Z2 C s2 s
Y = Y 1 + Y2 512. Which one of the following condition is true
1 1 about parallel RLC circuit?
60 j60 j120 (a) IR = V/R, IC = V/XC, IL = V/XL
(b) IR = V/XL, IC = V/R, IL = V/XC
j120 60 j60 (c) VR = IR, VL = I.XL, VC = I.XC
60 j60 j120 (d) IR = V/XC, IC = V/R, IL = V/XL
DFCCIL JE 17.04.2016
1 j 1 Ans. (a) : Let us consider a parallel RLC circuit
120 j120 120
I VY 1200º
I 10º 1(cos 0º jsin 0º ) 1 j0 V
510. If the alternating current is i=64.8 sin 423t. R
What will be the average current? V
(a) 5.99 A (b) 56.78 A IC VC
(c) 67.45 A (d) 41.21 A
DFCCIL JE 17.04.2016 IL =
Ans. (d) :Given, X L L
i(t) = 64.8 sin 423 t 513. A 3-phase load of 0.8 pf lag is supplied from a
balanced 3-phase supply of phase sequence
2 Im RYB. With VYB as reference the current IR will
i0(avg) =
(Given cos–1 (0.8) = 36.86º)
2 64.8 (a) In-phase with VYB (b) Lag VYB by 36.86º
= 41.25A (c) Lead VYB by 53.14º (d) Lag VYB by 53.14º
3.14 [ESE-2013]
i0(avg) = 41.21 A Ans. (c) : As per given data phasor diagram can be
511. The impedance Z(s) in the below circuit is drawn as-
s R / L
(a) 2
C s R / L s 1/ LC
s 1/ RC
(b) 2
L s 1/ RC s 1/ LC
From the phasor diagram, IR will lead VYB by
s R / L (30º + 60º ) – 36.86º = 53.14º.
(c) 2 514. A 10 mH inductor carries a sinusoidal current
L s 1/ RC s 1/ LC
of 1 A rms at a frequency of 50 Hz. The
s 1/ RC average power dissipated by the inductor is
(d) 2 (a) 0 W (b) 0.25 W
C s R / L s 1/ LC
(c) 0.5 W (d) 1.0 W
ESE 2003 ESE-2003
Network Theory 496 YCT
Ans. (a) : In inductor and capacitor the first half cycle 40 j20 3
power is stored and the next half cycle power is
delivered to load. So power is not dissipated through 2 2
inductor and capacitor. 2 2
The power is dissipated only by resistor. 40 20 3
Vrms =
515. A series RLC circuit has R = 2, L =1H and 2 2
C=1F respectively. If Vm = 230V, the current Im 1400
at resonance is _____.
(a) 100 A (b) 90 A 20 3 2
(c) 115 A (d) 110 A tan 1
40 2
Ans. (c) : At resonance- X L X C and Z = R 3
tan 1
Vmax 2
I max
R 40.890
230 V 1400 2 cos t 40.89
I max
2 V 52.91cos t 40.890
Imax 115A
518. An ac voltage is described by V(t) = 5 cos
516. In a purely inductive circuit, voltage always (100t), find out the form factor:
_____ current by_____. (a) 0.637 (b) 1.41
(a) (Lag) 90° (b) (Lead) 45° (c) 1.11 (d) 0.5
(c) (Lag) 45° (d) (Lead) 90° UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016
MGVCL JE 30.07.2021, Shift-I
UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016 Ans : (c) Given -
Ans : (d) In a purely inductive circuit, voltage always V(t) = 5 cos (100 t)
leads the current by 90° Form factor (Kf) = ?
Vm 5 Vrms
rms value
Form factor (Kf) =
Average value
517. The instantaneous values of two voltages are 5/ 2 5
V1(t) = 60 cost and
V2(t) = 40 cos (t–600); What is the 10 / 10 2
instantaneous value of difference of these two Kf = 1.11
voltages? 519. An A.C voltage has frequency of 50Hz with
(a) 87.17cos(t–23.410) peak amplitude of 100V. In how many seconds
(b) 20cos(t–600) after the zero value, voltage will attain the
(c) 20 cos(t + 600) value of 86.6V?
(d) 52.91cos(t + 40.890) (a) 1/300 second (b) 1/100 second
UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016 (c) 1/150 second (d) 1/600 second
Ans : (d) UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016
60 Ans : (a) Given -
V1 t 60cos t 00
2 Vm = 100V
40 V = 86.6V
V2 t 40cos t 60 600 Let, instantaneous value of voltage -
2 v = Vm sin t
Difference of two voltage (V) = V1–V2 v = 100 sin (2 × 50t)
60 40
V 0 60 v = 100sin (100t )
2 2
60 40 86.6 = 100 sin (100t)
cos 0 jsin 0 cos 60 jsin 60 sin (100t ) = 0.866
2 2
60 40 1 3
j or sin (100t ) = sin
2 2 2 2 3
60 20 20 3 1
j t= sec
2 2 2 300
Vm 10
\ Vrms = = = 7.07V
2 2
2f = 400
f = 200 Hz
Xc = 1 4 1 5
2´3.14´50´50´10-6 x .dx
0 5
X c = 63.69W
4 2
Z = (100 - j63.69) =
5 5
-63.69 528. A network consists of a large number of ideal
Now tan =
100 linear resistors, one of which is R and 2
æ-63.69 ö constant ideal sources. The power consumed by
= tan-1 ççç ÷÷
÷ R is P1 when only the first source is active and
è 100 ø
P2 when only the second source is active. If
= -32.490 both sources are active simultaneously, then
Power factor the power consumed by R is–
(a) P1 P2 (b) √P1 √P2
cos = cos (-32.490 )
(c) (√P1 √P2)2 (d) (P1 P2)2
cos = 0.843 BSNL TTA (JE) 25.09.2016, Shift-I
526. A capacitor of 60F is connected to 110V, 60Hz Ans. (c) : P1 I12 R I12 1
source. What is the rms value of current and R
capacitive reactance? P
I1 1
(a) 2.48A, 44.2 (b) 1.48A, 44.2 R
(c) 2.48A, 22.1 (d) 1.48A, 22.1 P
P2 I 22 R I 22 2
UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016 R
Ans : (a) Given C = 60F, V = 110 volts P2
f = 60Hz I2
Itotal = I1 I2
Ptotal (I1 I 2 ) R 1 2 R
1 2
Capacitive reactance (Xc) =
PTotal P1 P2
1 Hence, the value of power decayed by R will be
(Xc) = 2
2´3.14´ 60´60´10-6 P1 P2
106 529. The capacitive circuit are used to ––––––– pf
(Xc) =
2´3.14´3600 (Power factor)
(a) increases (b) decreases
X c = 44.2W (c) satblizer (d) No effect on
Current drawn by the capacitor BSNL TTA (JE) 25.09.2016, Shift-I
V Ans. (a) : The capacitive circuit are used to increase
I= the power factor (pf). The power factor of the capacitive
Xc circuit is good and to reduce the power factor value
110 adding the inductor to the circuit.
I= 530. A coil and a bulb are connected in series with a
5V dc source. When a soft-iron core is inserted
I = 2.48 Amp in the coil, the light emerging from the bulb-
527. The root means square value of (a) Increases (b) decreases
(c) remain same (d) becomes off
f x = x 2 in 0, l is- BSNL TTA (JE) 2013
l2 l4 Ans. : (c)
(a) (b)
5 5
l4 l2
(c) (d)
5 5
DGVCL JE 06.01.2021, Shift-III
Network Theory 499 YCT
A coil and a bulb are connected in series with direct Vm 14.14
current, when a soft iron core is inserted into the coil, VR.M.S. = = 0.707 × 14.14 = 9.99
there will not be any appreciable change in the magnetic 2 2
flux linked with the circuit, hence, induced current VR.M.S. = 10V
equals zero and hence intensity of bulb remains the t = 50t
same. = 2f
531. R and C are connected in parallel across a ω 50π
f= f= f = 25 Hz
sinusoidal voltage source of 240 V. If the 2π 2π
currents through the source and the capacitor 534. The reactance of 1 mH inductor connected to
are 5A and 4A respectively, what is the value of R? d.c. supply is
(a) 14 (b) 48 (a) 1 m (b) infinite
(c) 80 (d) 240 (c) 0 (d) none of these
BSNL TTA (JE) 2013 BSNL TTA (JE) 14.07.2013
Ans. : (c) Ans. : (c) Given, Inductance of inductor L = 1 mH
Inductive reactance (XL) = jL
X L j 2f L
For DC supply, frequency (f) = 0
So, X L j 2 0 L
2 2 2
IS = I R + I C XL = 0
or IR2 = IS2 – IC2 Hence inductive reactance for DC supply is zero.
= 5 2 – 42 535. The instantaneous voltage and current in a
= 25 – 16 = 9 circuit is given by v (t) =20 sin (100 t + π/2) V, i
IR = 3 Amp (t) =10 sin (100 t + π/6) A, Power consumed by
V = IR.R the circuit is
240 = 3 × R v (t) = 20 sin (100 t + /2) V
240 i (t) = 10 sin (100 t + /6)
R= = 80
3 (a) 200 W (b) 100 W
532. In a capacitor, the (c) 50 W (d) 50 2 W
(a) Current leads the Voltage BSNL TTA (JE) 14.07.2013
(b) Voltage leads the current Ans. : (c) Given,
(c) Current and Voltage are in same phase π
(d) None of the above V t = 20sin 100t + V
BSNL TTA (JE) 14.07.2013 2
Ans. : (a) In a capacitor, the voltage lags current or current π
I t = 10sin 100t + A
lead voltage. 6
P VI cos
20 10
= cos 600
2 2
V V V 20 10 1
Current– I =
Z R jX C Z 2 2
V = 50W
I 4
536. As frequency increases, the impedance of a RC
That means current leads voltage in capacitive circuits. series circuit
533. The equation of alternating voltage is (a) Increases (b) Decreases
14.14 sin 50t. The Frequency and the effective (c) Remains the same (d) None of these
value of voltage is BSNL TTA (JE) 14.07.2013
(a) 25 Hz, 10 V (b) 50 Hz, 10 V Ans. : (b)
(c) 50 Hz, 14.14 V (d) 25 Hz, 14
BSNL TTA (JE) 14.07.2013
Ans. : (a) RMS value is also known as effective value -
Vm = 14.14
V = Vm sint
V = 14.14 sin 50t Impedance (Z) = R– jXC
f = 1000 Hz 0 = 2f0
From figure -
0 L
Q - factor S P jQ ,
2f 0 L 2 3.14 1000 10 103 Where,
= = S = Apparent power
R 20
P = Active power
Q = 3.14
Q = Reactive power
545. Capacitor opposes instantaneous change of
(a) Frequency (b) Current 549. The kVAR rating required for improving the
(c) Resistance (d) Voltage power factor of a load operating at 500 kW and
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I 0.85 power factor to 0.95 is ____.
(a) 145 kVAR (b) 500 kVAR
Ans. (d) : Capacitor opposes the instantaneous change
(c) 50 kVAR (d) 100 kVAR
of voltage because for a capacitor current is given by-
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I
ic t C c Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2016, Paper-I
Ans. (a) : Given,
Where, rate of change of voltage. P = 500kW
cos 1 0.85 1 cos 1 0.85 31.78
546. The power factor can be improved of the AC
supply by using cos 2 0.95 2 cos 1 0.95 18.19
(a) triac kVAR = ?
(b) stepper motor As we know that,
(c) Synchronous condenser
(d) SCR Q P tan 1 tan 2
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I Q 500 tan 31.78 tan18.19
Ans. (c) : An overexcited synchronous motor under no
load condition is called “synchronous condenser”. In 500 0.619 0.328
this case it behaves as capacitor therefore it is use to 500 0.291 = 145.5
improve the p.f. in A.C. supply. Q = 145.5 145 kVAR
547. In an LC circuit, when the capacitor energy is
550. For an RL circuit, the power factor cannot be
maximum, the inductor energy is
less than –––––––– or greater than ––––––––
(a) Minimum
(a) 0, 1 (b) –1, 0
(b) Maximum
(c) 1, 1 (d) –00, + 00
(c) Half-way between maximum and minimum
BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 10 AM
(d) None of the above
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I Ans. (a) : For an RL circuit the power factor can not be
less than zero or greater than 1–
Ans. (a) : In LC circuit at–
Stored energy in inductor = Stored energy in capacitor
1 1
i.e. Li 2 CV 2
2 2
Thus if capacitor energy is maximum, inductor energy The power factor of the L-R circuit is in between one
will be minimum. and zero.
548. The vector sum of active power and reactive Real power
power required is______. Power factor =
Apparent power
(a) Apparent Power
(b) Power Factor 551. In an R-L series circuit, the power factor is
(c) Load Factor (a) leading (b) lagging
(d) Maximum Demand (c) zero (d) unity
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, 2016 Paper-I BSNL TTA 28.09.2016, 10 AM
Network Theory 502 YCT
Ans. (b) : In an R-L series circuit, the power factor is Ans. (a) : Two inductances L1 and L2 are connected in
lagging. R/Z is called the power factor of the circuit. In parallel across V volts, the total power factor will be
higher, because total reactance will be low due parallel
pure resistive circuits the value of power factor is unity.
connection, and Impedance value also decreases.
In pure inductive and pure capacitive circuits, its value
would be zero. Z R 2 X 2L
552. An RLC series circuit is fed with a sinusoidal R
And power factor cos
voltage generator with variable frequency. Z
RMS value of the voltage is 200V. The If impedance decrease then power factor increases.
frequency of the voltage generator is changed 555. A current of 100 mA through an inductive
from a very low value to very high value and reactance of 100 ohm produces a voltage drop
the power drawn from the source is measured of
(a) 1 V (b) 628 V
using a wattmeter. The power is plotted as a (c) 10 V (d) 100 V
function of frequency. The power vs frequency Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2016, Paper-I
curve shows a peak. What is the peak value of Ans. (c) : Given : I = 100 mA = 100 × 10–3 A
the power? Inductance = 40mH, XL = 100 ohm, VL = ?
Capacitance = 1F, Resistance = 10. VL = IXL
(a) 2 kW (b) 4 kW = 100 × 10–3 × 100
(c) 7 kW (d) 10 kW VL = 10V
ISRO VSSC (TA) 14.07.2021 556. A pure inductor is connected to an alternating
Ans. (b) : As per question impedance can be given as voltage source. If the voltage and frequency are
doubled, then circuit current.
Z R 2 X L XC (a) Becomes double
(b) is halved
As the frequency is varying from very low to very high (c) Becomes three times
value, so the reactive term can be eliminated for (d) No change
calculation purpose. Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2016, Paper-I
Then Ans. (d) : Given I1 = 1, V1 = V, X1 = 2fL
Z = R =10 I2 = ? V2 = 2V X2 = 2 × 2f × L = 4fL = 2X1
And V = 200 I 2 V2 X1
V 2 200 200
Now P = I1 V1 X 2
R 10
I 2 V 2X1
4000 W
I1 2V X1
4 kW
553. If voltage applies to a 415 V rated capacitors 1
drops by 10%, its VAR output drops by
(a) 23% (b) 87% I2 I1
(c) 19% (d) 10% Thus a pure inductor is connected to an alternating
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2016, Paper-I voltage source. If the voltage and frequency are
Ans. (c) : Given : doubled, then circuit current is same.
415 90 557. Suppose such a lamp has been designed to
V1 = 415 V, V2 373.5 V consume 60W when it is connected to a 12 V
100 power source. What is the resistance of the
kVAR 1 V1
2 filament, and what amount of current will
flow? If the actual voltage is only 11V, how
kVAR 2 V2 much energy would it consume over a 100-h
2 period?
373.5 (a) 2.4 ohm, 5A, 5.024 kWh
kVAR 1 kVAR 2 0.81 kVAR 2
415 (b) 2.4 ohm, 10 A, 5.024 kWh
drop of VAR output = (1 – 0.81) × 100 (c) 1.2 ohm, 5 A, 5.024 kWh
= 19% (d) 2.4 ohm, 10 A 5.024 Wh
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2016, Paper-I
554. Two inductances L1, and L2, are connected In Ans. (a) : Given P = 60W, V = 12V, t = 100 hours
parallel across V volts, the total power factor
will be R
(a) Higher (b) Lower P
(c) Same (d) None of the above
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2016, Paper-I 60
Network Theory 503 YCT
Actual voltage = 11V Ans. (a) Given that, T1 T, A1 A
V 11
I = 4.583 5A if , T2 T / 2, A 2 2A
R 2.4
2 1 T
2L m
R 2.4
1 T
E 5.041 kWh f
2L r 2 d
m r d
1 1
It is clearly shown in graph, for inductive circuit (a) F (b) F
(XL>XC) the frequency should be greater than resonant 4 2
frequency. 1
(c) F (d) 1F
571. Magnitude of the impedance 4 + 3j is given by- 2
(a) 7 ohms (b) 1 ohms ESE-2006
(c) 12 ohms (d) 5 ohms Ans. (a) : Given, Vs = sin 2t comparing it with
BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 3 PM V=V sint
Ans : (d) Given, Then,
Impedance (Z) = 4+3j 2
Magnitude of impedance (|Z|)
2 2
= real part imaginary part 1 1
Z1 0 jXC 0
2 2
| Z | 4 3 16 9 25 jC j2C
| Z | 5 Z2 1 j1
Network Theory 508 YCT
3 589. If the load current decreases then the power
586. A current i = 10 sin 300t is produced factor
(a) will also decrease
when a voltage V = 30 sin 300 t is applied to a (b) will increase
circuit. The estimated value of impedance is : (c) will remains unchanged
(a) 3 (b) 1 (d) none of these
(c) 30 (d) 10 Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2018, Paper-II
KVS WET 2017
Ans. (b) : P VI cos
Ans. (a) : Given, i = 10sin 300t , V = 30sin300t P
8 I
V cos
i = imsin(t – )
im = 10 1
i 10 cos
irms = m = 1
2 2 If at constant power and voltage- cos
V = Vmsint I
Vm = 30 Load current decrease then the power factor is decrease.
V 30 590. The nature of current response i(t) for t 0 for
Vrms = m = the network shown is
2 2
Vrms 30 / 2
Impedance (Z) = =
i rms 10 / 2
Z= 3
587. If V = Vm sin t is the voltage across the
capacitor, then the current is :
I (a)
(a) I m sin t (b) m
2 2
(c) Im sin t (d) I m sin t
KVS WET 2017
Ans. (a) : If V = Vm sint the voltage across the (b)
capacitor, then the current in purely capacitive circuit I
lead voltage V by 90°.
So the equation of current
I = Im sin(t + /2)
588. Which among the following happens in a low
power factor?
(a) large kVA rating of the equipment
(b) greater conductor size
(c) reduced handling capacity of the system
(d) all of the above
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2018, Paper-II ESE 2011
Ans. (d) : Ans. (b) : The figure from the question is given as-
(1) As P = S cos
or kW = kVA cos
i.e. kVA
thus cos kVA Then,
1 5/s 5
(2) Area of conductor (A) , A cos I s 2
cos 2 s 3 2 / s s 3s 2
If power factor is reduce then power handling capacity Compare with characteristic equation-
of system is decreases. s 2 2n s 2n s 2 3s 2
(a) 0.707 Vm (b) 0.63 Vm
UPPSC AE 13.12.2020, Paper-I (c) Vm (d) 0.5 Vm
Ans. (c) : According to the option c TSPSC Manager (Engg.)HMWSSB 2020
Ans. (d) :
Za = R + sL
Ya 2 2
R sL V T / 4 Vm T/4
rms value m
1 2 T 2 T
Yb = Cs Vm2 1 Vm2 1 Vm
= 0.5Vm
1 2 4 2 4 2
So, Y = Y a + Yb = Cs
R sL 611. The RLC series circuit having R = 200, L =
1/ RLs 0.1 H and C = 10 μF is suddenly connected to a
or Y Cs
1 1 voltage source of 200 Volts, by closing the
switch at t = 0+ is
R Ls
609. The active and reactive power consumed by the (a) Over damped (b) Undamped
circuit given below is (c) Under damped (d) Critically damped
TSPSC Manager (Engg.)HMWSSB 2020
Ans. (d) : For series RLC circuit
R C 200 10 10 6
Damping =
2 L 2 0.1
(a) 100 W and 70.7 VAR =1
(b) 70.7 W and 70.7 VAR critically damped
(c) 100 W and 0 VAR 612. Q Factor is equal to
(d) 0 W and 70.7 VAR (a) Inductance / Capacitance
TSPSC Manager (Engg.)HMWSSB 2020
(b) Capacitance / Inductance
Ans. (c) :
(c) Reactance / Resistance
(d) Capacitance / Reactance
RSEB JE 2013
Ans. (c) : The quality factor of the network is a measure
of sharpness of the curve for the current drawn by
1 1 1 1 j 1 j circuit.
Maximum energy stored
Z 1 j 1 j 1 j2 Q factor = 2
1 2 2 Energy dissipated per cycle
Z 11 2 0 L X L Reactance
P = V2/Z R R Resistance
Network Theory 513 YCT
613. A high Q coil has a : 615. For a series R-C circuit, the power factor
(a) high band width corresponding to maximum power is
(b) low power factor (a) 0.5 lag (b) 0.5 lead
(c) high losses (c) 0.707 lag (d) 0.707 lead
(d) a flat response ESE-2014
BSNL TTA 25.09.2016, 3:00 P.M. Ans. (d) : As we know that,
P For RC series circuit
Ans : (b) Quality factor Q stored Z = R – jXC
When power is maximum-
I2X X |XC| = R
tan C = 1
Z = 45º
We know that, cos = cos 45º
1 = 0.707 lead
cos 616. In a series R - L - C circuit excited by a voltage
So, if power factor is low then Q of coil is high. e =E sin t where
614. In the circuit shown in the given figure, 1
LC < 2 :
(a) Current lags behind the applied voltage
(b) Current leads the applied voltage
(c) Current is in phase with the applied voltage
(d) Voltage across L and C are
OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
The current through the inductor L is Ans. (b) : When LC < 2
(a) 0 A (b) 3 A
(c) 4 A (d) 8 A 1
L <
ESE-2002 C
Ans. (d) : As we know that parallel circuit has same XL < XC
voltage but different currents
I R 52 42 3 Amp
tan 1 L
When XL < XC, the circuit acts as a series RC circuit in
which the current leads the voltage by less than 90º.
617. The driving point impedance Z(s) for the
circuit shown below is:
8 j10 3 j2
Zeq j10
8 j10 3j2
24 j16 j30 20
(a) 45º (b) 90º = j10
11 j8
(c) 0º (d) 135º
ESE-2013 44 j14
= j10 = (3.22 –j11.07)
Ans. (d) : From given statement and figure- 11 j8
620. In an AC circuit containing pure inductance,
the voltage applied is 110 V, 50 Hz, while the
current is 10 A. The value of inductance is:
(a) 30 mH (b) 3.5 mH
(c) 3.0 mH (d) 35 mH
PSPCL JE 2019, Shift-I
Ans. (d) : Given : V = 110 V, I = 10A, f = 50Hz
As we know that,
V 110
X L 2fL
I 10
From phasor total angle between I1 and I2 11 11
900 450 L
2f 2 50
So, I1 leads I2 by 135º. L 35 mH
3 j4 3 j4 17 20
15 X C
3 j4 3 j4 6 15X C
9 16 17 15 X C
7 j0
6 6 15X C 300 20X C
627. In series with a parallel combination of a 5X C 300
capacitor and inductor, a resistor of 20 (as X C 60
shown in the given figure) is connected. If the 1
current drawn from the supply is lagging 60
voltage by 45º and the angular frequency is
1000 rad/s the value of capacitance is C 16.67 F
1000 60
C 16.67F
628. A single phase A.C. voltage source has 200 V
rms and a system connected consumes an
active power of 300 W. What is the reactive
power consumed by the system if 2.5 A rms
current is drawn?
(a) 100 VAR (b) 200 VAR
(c) 300 VAR (d) 400 VAR
(a) 8.64 F (b) 16.67F HPSSSB JE 2018 (Post code 663)
(c) 12.33F (d) 13.33 F Ans. (d) : Given
LMRC (SCTO) 17.04.2021 V = 200V, Active power = 300 W, Reactive power = ?
Ans. (b) : I = 2.5 A
Active power = VI cos
cos 0.6
200 2.5
Reactive power = VI sin
200 2.5 1 0.6
= 400 VAR
Given that, R = 20 , 1000 rad / sec 629. For a load supplied through an AC voltage, the
L = 15 mH, XL = 15×10-3 ×1000 =15 apparent power is 250VA and the reactive
C=? power is 125 VAR. Calculate the active power.
(a) 216.5 W (b) 2.165 kW
Z R 2 x eq
p.f .lagging X L X C (c) 125 W (d) 1.25 kW
DMRC JE 20.02.2020
jX L jX C 15X C j15X C
X eq Ans. (a) : Apparent power = 250 VA
jX L jX C j15 X C 15 X C Reactive power = 125 VAR
Power factor-
cos 450
1 20
2 2 15X C
20 2 2
15 X C Active Power W Apparent power Reactivepower
Square on both side- 2 2
1 20
2 Active Power (W) = VA VAR
2 2 2
2 2 15X C = 250 125
15 X C = 216.5 W
fo = 159.15 Hz
23. A series R-L-C circuit has R = 1000 , L= 100
tan = H, C=10pF. The supply voltage is 100V.
R Calculate the bandwidth.
X XC (a) 10 rad/s (b) 1 rad/s
tan 1 L (c) 100 rad/s (d) 50 rad/s
MPPKVVCL (Jabalpur) JE -2018
19. In a series resonant circuit, the impedance
Ans. (a) :
below resonant frequency is Bandwidth for series R-L-C circuit
(a) Capacitive R 1000
(b) Inductive 2 1 10 rad / sec.
L 100
(c) Resistive
24. The frequency at which resonance occurs in a
(d) Depends on values of circuit components
circuit is called-
HPSSSB JE 2018 (Post code 663) (a) Supply frequency
KSEB Sub Engineer 2015 (b) Half power frequency
Ans. (a) : In series Resonant circuit impedance below (c) Resonant frequency
resonant frequency is leading in nature i.e. capacitive in (d) Low frequency
nature. NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar)
20. The figure of merit of RLC circuit will increase Ans. (c) : The frequency at which resonance occur, is
if called resonant frequency (fr). At this frequency
(a) R decreases (b) R increases (i) imaginary part of impedance = 0
(c) Voltage increases (d) Voltage decreases i.e. XL= XC
(ii) Z = R
KSEB Sub Engineer 2015
Ans. (a) : The figure of merit of series RLC circuit 1
(iii) Resonant frequency fr
known as quality factor. 2 LC
L X L 1 X 25. What is the phase angle of a series RLC circuit
Q c
R R CR R at resonance?
(a) 0º (b) 90º
1 L (c) 45º (d) 30º
R C NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar)
Ans. (a) : In series resonance RLC circuit
21. A high Q tuned circuit in a tuned amplifier
permits it to have high? Resonance occur. At Z = R
(a) Selectivity (b) Fidelity i.e. circuit become purely resistive.
(c) Sensitivity (d) Frequency range For purely resistive circuit V and I are in same phase
KSEB Sub Engineer 2015 i.e. cos = 1 = 0º
Network Theory 521 YCT
26. At resonance the impedance of the circuit is 29. A series resonant circuit has an inductive
_____ the resistance value. reactance of 1000, a capacitive reactance of
(a) Equal to (b) Greater than 1000 and a resistance of 0.1. If the resonant
(c) Lesser than (d) Not equal to frequency is 10MHz, then the bandwidth of the
HPSSC JE 18.07.2021 circuit will be
NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar) (a) 1kHz (b) 10 kHz
(c) 1MHz (d) 0.1 kHz
Ans. (a) : Total impedance of RLC circuit.
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PWD) 2018 Paper-I
Z = R + j (XL - XC)
Ans. (a) : Given data,
At resonance XL = XC i.e. imaginary part is zero.
X L 1000, X C 1000, R 0.1
Hence at the time of resonance Z = R
fr = 10 MHz
27. At resonant frequency a R-L-C series circuit X 1000
draws maximum current due to the reason Quality factor Q L 10000 104
R 0.1
(a) the difference between capacitance and Resonant frequency f r 10 106
Bandwith BW
inductance reactance is zero Quality factor Q 104
(b) the impedance is more than the resistance = 1000 Hz = 1 kHz
(c) the voltage across the capacitor equals to the 30. On increasing the ‘Q’ of the coil
applied voltage (a) its power factor increases
(d) the power factor is less than unity (b) its power factor decreases
ESIC JE 2016 (c) its power factor remains unaltered
ESE 2002 (d) its power may increase or decreases
Ans. (a) : Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PWD) 2018 Paper-I
Ans. (b) : On increasing the 'Q' of the coil. Its power
factor decreases.
power factor
31. An imperfect capacitor is represented by a
j capacitance C in parallel with a resistance R.
Input impedance Zeq R jL the value of its dissipation factor tends is
At resonance, imaginary part = 0 (a) CR (b) 2CR
1 (c) 1/ CR (d) 1/CR
0 L Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PWD) 2018 Paper-I
0 C Ans. (d) :
At resonance the difference between capacitive and
inductive reactance is zero 0 L 0 .
and current at resonance V V
I s 1
R Where, X C
The series impedance is minimum at resonance. Hence IC VC
circuit current is maximum at resonance.
28. A circuit has a resonant frequency of 450 kHz Dissipation factor (DF) = tan R
and a bandwidth of 50 kHz. Find the Q of the IC
circuit. V
(a) 950 (b) 0.95 V 1
= R
(c) 9.5 (d) 9 VC RVC CR
NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar) 32. The parallel circuit resonance magnifies
Ans. (d) : Given that, fr = 450 kHz = 450×103 Hz (a) Current
B.W. = 50 kHz = 50×103Hz (b) Voltage
fr 450 103 (c) Both current and voltage
Quality factor (Q) = 3
=9 (d) Power
B.W. 50 10 Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PHED) 2014 Paper-I
Network Theory 522 YCT
Ans. (a) : Purpose of parallel circuit resonance is to Ans : (d) In the RLC series circuit, when the circuit
magnify current. current is in phase with the applied voltage, the circuit is
A parallel RLC network behaves as a band stop filter said to be in series resonance.
or band reject filter. In series RLC circuit, X L X C
33. If R, XL and XC be the resistance, inductive A series resonant circuit has the capability to draw heavy
reactance and capacitive reactance of a series current and power from the mains, so current will be
resonant circuit then current is maximum.
(a) Minimum and in phase with voltage given by Impedance will be minimum at resonance in a series R-L-
C circuit.
(b) Maximum and in phase with voltage given by
I=V/R 37. The impedance of a capacitor is _______
(c) Minimum and lagging in phase with voltage (a) Directly proportional to the supply frequency
given by I=V/XL (b) Directly proportional to the square root of the
(d) Maximum and leading in phase with voltage supply frequency
given by I=V/XC (c) directly proportional to the square of the
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PHED) 2014 Paper-I supply frequency
Ans. (b) : For series resonant circuit impedance is (d) Inversely proportional to the supply
minimum and current is maximum and XL = XC frequency
So, I m ax
R 1
Ans. (d) : Impedance of capacitor (XC) =
34. In the given circuit, at resonance, IR in 2f C
Amperes is equal to
or X C
inversely proportional to supply frequency.
38. A RLC circuit has a resistance of 6 ohm,
(a) 0 (b) 10 inductive reactance of 8 ohm, capacitive
(c) 5 (d) 0.5 reactance of 16 ohm, the impedance (ohm) of
ESE 2002 circuit will be.
Ans. (c) : The given circuit is parallel R-L-C circuit. At (a) 10 ohm (b) 16 ohm
resonance the circuit behaves as purely resistive and (c) 8 ohm (d) 6 ohm
sum of current through L and C is zero. CPCL JE 2019
Hence source current is flowing through resistance only.
At resonance, circuit become- Ans. (a) : In RLC circuit-
Z R j X L XC
2 2
6 8 16
36 64 100 10
Current through resistance R 39. For a parallel RLC circuit, which one of the
IR = I = 5A following statements is NOT correct?
35. The Q factor of an RLC circuit is defined as the (a) At resonance the magnitude of input
ratio of impedance attains minimum value
(a) Upper half power frequency to the bandwidth (b) The bandwidth of the circuit decreases if R is
(b) Lower half power frequency to the bandwidth increased
(c) Resonant frequency to the bandwidth (c) At resonance, input impedance is a real
(d) Bandwidth to the resonant frequency quantity
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PHED) 2014 Paper-I (d) The bandwidth of the circuit remains same if
Ans. (c) : L is increased
Resonance frequency JUVNL JE-2017
Quality Factor =
Bandwidth Ans. (a) : Parallel Resonance Zin R; maximum
36. Which one is NOT true for series resonance?
(a) No imaginary component exist V
I s ; minimum
(b) Current will be maximum 0 R
(c) Power factor is unity 1
(d) Impedance is maximum Bandwidth is : 2 1
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 14.11.2018 RC
Network Theory 523 YCT
40. Consider the following circuit : 43. At resonance in a parallel RLC circuit, the
source current and the inductor current are
(a) In phase (b) 45º out of phase
(c) 90º out of phase (d) 180º out of phase
CPCL JE 2019
NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee 2016
For the above circuit, the current source is Ans. (c) : At resonance in parallel circuit, the source
sinusoidal with frequency equal to the resonant current and the inductor current are 90º out of phase.
frequency of the circuit. What is the value of
current through the resistor?
(a) 0 (b) 0.1 I
(c) I (d) 10 I
ESE 2004
Ans. (c) : Source frequency = Resonant frequency
Hence the given circuit is in resonance.
At resonance the circuit behaves like purely resistive
and source current is flowing only through resistor
(Sum of current through L and C is zero).
So current flow through resistance R is I.
41. When all the elements in the circuit carry the
same current then it is called a/an ______ Resonant frequency-
circuit. 1
(a) parallel (b) open fr
(c) series (d) thermal 2 LC
PSPCL JE 2019, Shift-I It is used as low pass filter, high pass filter, band pass
Ans. (c) : When all the elements in the circuit carry the filter, band-stop filter, voltage multiplier and oscillator
same current then it is called a series circuit. circuit. It is used for tuning radio or audio receiver.
42. At half power frequency, the current in RLC 44. Three loads are connected in parallel across a
series circuit is : 1–phase, 1200 V, 50 Hz supply.
(a) 1/2 of current at resonance Load 1: Capacitive load, 10 kW and 40 kVAR
1 Load 2: Inductive load, 35 kW and 120 kVAR
(b) of current at resonance Load 3: Resistive load of 15 kW
3 What is the total complex power of the circuit?
(c) 1/4 of current at resonance (a) (10+j80) kVA (b) (60+j160) kVA
1 (c) (10–j160) kVA (d) (60+j80) kVA
(d) of current at resonance PGCIL Diploma Trainee 27.10.2018
MIZORAM PSC (PHED) 2019, Paper-I Ans. (d) : P = (10 + 35 + 15) kW
Active power (P) = 60 kW
Ans. (d) : The frequencies for which current in series
Reactive power Q 120 40 kVAR 80 kVAR
RLC circuit is equal to of the maximum current are Complex power (S) =
2 P + jQ 60 j80 kVA
also known as half power frequencies.
45. For a parallel RLC resonant circuit with
resistance in series with inductor, what will be
the effect on resonant frequency, if we increase
the value of resistance?
(a) Resonant frequency will increase
(b) Resonant frequency will decrease
(c) Effect cannot be estimated
Where, (d) Resonant frequency will remain
f1 = lower half power frequency PGCIL Diploma Trainee 27.10.2018
f2 = upper half power frequency Ans. (b) : Frequency at parallel resonance condition-
Power at the half power frequency is 2
1 1 R
1 I
2 f r ............(1)
Power I 02 R 0 R 2 LC L
2 2 1
Therefore at f1 and f2 current is It is clear from above relation that R , R f r
I i.e. resonant frequency decreases due to increase in
I 0
2 resistance.
Network Theory 524 YCT
46. For a series resonant circuit, what happens to L
the Q–factor when the capacitance of the Z
circuit is increased three times and the
0.01 103
frequency is slashed by four times? Z (R = 0)
(a) It remains unchanged 0.01 103 0
(b) it decreases by half Z
(c) It doubles So impedance of tank circuit will be .
(d) It increases to 1.33 times 49. For a series RLC resonant circuit, what is the
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 27.10.2018 total reactance at the lower half power
1 1 frequency?
Ans. (d) : As we know that Q
0 CR 2f 0 CR (a) 2R45º (b) 2R 45º
According to question (c) R (d) –R
1 ESE 2005
Q1 ........................(1) Ans. (b) : At lower cut-off frequency 0 Z will
2f 0 CR
1 be capacitive in nature X C X L
and Q 2
f At lower half power frequency-
2 0 3CR
4 I I0 / 2
4 Where,
.........................(2) I = source current
6f 0 CR
I0 = Resonant current
From equation (1) and (2) we have-
V 1 V
Q2 4 2f 0 CR Z 2R
Z 2 R
Q1 6f 0 CR 1
Impedance angle is negative for capacitive impedance.
Q 2 1.33Q1 so,
47. Determine the resonant frequency (in kHz) of a Z 2 R 45º
tank circuit, when the capacitance and 50. Determine the value of inductor (in mH)
inductance of the circuit is 0.08 mF and 0.08 connected in parallel with a capacitance of 5F
mH respectively. having a quality factor 6. Assume the resonant
(a) 1 (b) 2 frequency of 5 rad/s :
(c) 3 (d) 5 (a) 8 (b) 7
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I (c) 9 (d) 8.5
Ans : (b) Given – SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
Capacitance = 0.0810-3 Farad Ans. (a) : Given that; Capacitor (C) = 5 farad
inductance = 0.0810-3 Henry. 5
1 Resonant frequency (fr) = 5 rad/sec = Hz
Resonant frequency (f r ) 2
2 LC Quality factor (Q) = 6
1 1
Formula :- f r
3 3
2 0.08 10 0.08 10 2 LC
103 5 1
2 3.14 0.08 2 2 L5
1000 1
1990.45 25
6.28 0.08 5L
f r 2kHz 1 1
25 0.008H 8mH
48. What is the value of the total impedance (in 5L 125
ohms) of a tank circuit working at resonant L 8 mH
frequency having a capacitance of 0.01 mF and
51. In a series R-L-C circuit, the maximum voltage
an inductance of 0.01 mH?
across the capacitor occurs at a frequency
(a) 0 (b) 10
(a) double the resonant frequency
(c) 100 (d) (b) equal to resonant frequency
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-II
(c) 2 times the resonant frequency
Ans. (d) : Impedance of tank circuit is known as
(d) below the resonant frequency
Dynamic impedance. It is given by–
ESE 2006
Network Theory 525 YCT
Ans. (d) : For the value of frequency at which voltage 500
across capacitor is maximum can be found out by- X L at 500Hz 0 L 50 250
dVC Quality factor for series R-L-C circuit-
d X L
This frequency is less than resonance frequency because Q L at resonance 0
series R-L-C circuit behaves capacitive in nature below
the resonant frequency. Q 25
52. At resonant frequency, the impedance of the 10
series RLC circuit is ……… Voltage across capacitor at resonance-
(a) purely resistive (b) purely inductive VC = Q.Vs = 25×100
(c) purely capacitive (d) zero VC = 2500 V
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I 55. Determine the capacitive reactance (in Ohms)
ISRO TA 2015 of a series resonant circuit, when the circuit is
Ans : (a) supplied by a frequency of 50 Hz and having a
capacitance of 0.04 mF.
(a) 65.65 (b) 79.62
(c) 82.26 (d) 84.64
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans : (b) Given that,
f = 50 Hz, C = 0.04 10–3 farad
capacitive reactance, X C
1 1
XC 79.617
2fC 2 3.14 0.04 103 50
Q 2 V 50 Volt
73. A series resonant circuit has a Q-factor of 150;
For series R-L-C resonance circuit-
an inductance of 0.1 H and a capacitance of 0.1
L 2f 0 L F. The resonance frequency is given by
Q 0
R R 106 10 4
21.5k L (a) Hz (b) Hz
2 2 2
100 103 10 2
(c) Hz (d) Hz
2 100 0.2 2 2
3 1000 3 HPSSSC JE 2018 Code -387
70. A coil of resistance 10 ohms and inductance 10 Ans. (b) : Given that
mH is connected in a series with a 0.01 mF L 0.1H, C 0.1F
capacitor. Find the value of current (in A) at 1
Resonant frequency f r
resonance, if the circuit is connected across 10 2 LC
V supply. 1
(a) 10 (b) 1 fr
2 0.1 0.1 106
(c) 14.14 (d) 1.414
SSC JE 29.01.2018 Shift-II 104
fr Hz
Ans. (b) : The circuit is purely resistive in resonance 2
condition. 74. Which of the following is NOT the property of
Voltage (V) = 10 Volt, R = 10 a parallel resonant RLC circuit?
V 10 (a) Power factor is zero
I 1Amp (b) Current is minimum
R 10 (c) Admittance of the circuit at resonance is
I 1amp minimum
(d) Impedance of the circuit at resonance is
71. A parallel circuit of a coil whose resistance and maximum
inductance is 10 ohms and 250 mH respectively GPSC AAE, Class-3, 25.07.2021
and is connected in parallel with a capacitor of RRB JE 19.09.2019 Shift-II
0.0025 mF. Calculate the resonant frequency Ans. (a) : Properties of parallel resonant circuit are-
(in Hz) of the circuit. Circuit impedance is purely resistive
(a) 201.3 (b) 20.13 Circuit impedance will be very high
(c) 12.64 (d) 1264 Current will be small
SSC JE 29.01.2018 Shift-II Power factor will be unity.
Ans. (a) :It is given; Inductance (L)= 250mH, 75. At resonance frequency, the inductive
Capacitance (C) = 0.0025mF reactance value is the same as-
(a) Reactance of the capacitor
1 (b) Impedance of the circuit
Resonant frequency f r
2 LC (c) Resistance of the circuit
1 (d) Reactance of the coil
fr RRB JE 01.09.2019 Shift-I
2 3.14 250 103 0.0025 103 ESIC JE 2019
fr 201.3 Hz ISRO TA 2017
LMRC JE 2015
Network Theory 529 YCT
Ans. (a) : At resonance frequency, the inductive Ans. (a) : In series resonance the impedance of the
reactance values is same as reactance of the capacitor. circuit is minimum at resonance. Inductive reactance
X L XC XL is equal to capacitive reactance XC total impedance
of the circuit is Z = R
At resonance, the circuit behaves like a resistive
Power factor of the circuit at resonance is unity.
76. An RLC series circuit is resonating at 150Hz,
its impedance at 50Hz will be :
(a) Inductive
impedance of circuit Z = R+ jXL - jXC
(b) Capacitive
(c) Only resistive Z = R + jωL -
(d) Dependent on RLC elements values ωC
DMRC JE 2015 at resonance -
XL = X C
Ans. (b) An RLC series circuit is resonating at 150Hz,
So impedance Z = R+jXL -jXC
it impedance at 50 Hz will be capacitive.
so impedance at resonance is minimum.
79. In RLC circuits, the electric current at
resonance is_____:
(a) maximum in series circuit and minimum in
parallel circuit.
(b) maximum in parallel circuit and minimum in
series circuit
X C X L capacitive (c) maximum in both the circuits
(d) minimum in both the circuits
X L X C inductive
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I
77. Calculate the resonance frequency of a circuit RPSC Lect. (Tech. Edu. Dept.) 09.01.2016
consisting of an inductor of 0.2mH and Ans : (a) In RLC circuit the electric current at the
capacitor of 2F capacitance. resonance is maximum in series circuit and minimum
(a) 7.45 kHz (b) 8.66 kHz in parallel circuit.
(c) 7.96 kHz (d) 10.34 kHz Series resonance- Parallel resonance-
(e) 8.44 kHz
RSEB JE 2011
Ans. (c) : Given L = 0.2 mH, C = 2 F
For resonance frequency-
1 1 1 æ 1 ö÷
fr Y = + jççC - ÷
2 LC 2 0.2 103 2 106 V R ç
è L ÷ø
1 æ 1 ö÷ At resonance–
R + jçççL - ÷
2 2 105 è C ø÷ 1
C =
10 At resonance– L
4 1 1
L = Y= (minimum)
f r 7957.74 Hz C R
fr = 7.96 kHz Z R minimum 1
and Z = (maximum)
78. What is the total impedance of the RLC series Y
circuit at resonance? I max = So, at parallel resonance
R 1
(a) minimum (b) maximum Imin = V × = VY
(c) infinite (d) zero R
(e) average
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579)
HPSSSB JE-2017 (Post code- 579)
UPPCL JE 14.03.2016
RSEB JE 2011
Network Theory 530 YCT
80. At a frequency less than the resonant R
frequency_____: Power factor (cos =
(a) series circuit is capacitive and parallel circuit pf cos 1 R at resonance)
is inductive
(b) series circuit is inductive and parallel circuit 83. An R-L-C series resonant circuit has the
is capacitive following parameters: Resonance frequency =
(c) both circuits are inductive 5000/2 Hz; impedance at resonance = 56
(d) both circuits are capacitive and Q-factor = 25. Calculate the capacitance of
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I the capacitor.
Ans : (a) At a frequency less than the resonant (a) 143 F (b) 0.143 F
frequency series circuit is capacitive and parallel circuit (c) 1.43 F (d) 14.3 F
in inductive in nature. SSC JE 20.10.2020, Shift-I
1 Ans. (b) : Given,
XC = , X L jL 5000
jC f0 , Z R 56, Q 25
For series RLC circuit : 2
1 C=?
Z R j L 1 1
For < r o RC 2 f 0 RC
XC > XL 1 1
Therefore Z will be capacitive in nature, C
2 f 0 RQ 2 5000
for parallel RLC circuit. 56 25
1 1 C 0.143 F
Y j C
84. The resonant frequency of an RLC series
for < r circuit is 1.5 MHz with the resonating capacitor
1 of 150 pF. The bandwidth is 10 kHz. The
L effective value of the resistor is
So Y will be inductive in nature. (a) 16.3 (b) 9.5
81. The value of current at resonance in a series (c) 7.4 (d) 4.7
RLC circuit is affected by the value of___: ESE 2014, 2010
i. R ii. C iii. L Ans. (d) : Given that,
(a) Only i (b) Only ii f0 = 1.5 MHz, C = 150 pF, B.W. = 10 kHz
(c) Only iii (d) i, ii and iii Quality factor for R-L-C series resonant circuit
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I resonant frequency f 0 1
Ans : (a) At resonance- Q
XL = XC Bandwidth 0 RC
f0 1
1.5 106 1
10 103 21.5 106 R 150 1012
So, R = 4.7
Z R j X L X C
85. A coil with large distributed capacitance will have–
Z R 0 (at resonance) (a) no relation with the resonant frequency
Z=R (b) large resonant frequency
The value of current at resonance in a series RLC circuit (c) zero resonant frequency
is affected only by the value of R. (d) low resonant frequency
82. In series LCR circuit, at resonance____: SSC JE 02.03.2017 Shift-I
(a) current is maximum, power factor is zero UPPCL JE 14.03.2016
(b) current is maximum, power factor is unity Ans : (b) A coil with large distributed capacitance will
(c) current is minimum, power factor is unity have large resonant frequency
(d) None of these 1
SSC JE 01.03.2017, Shift-I fr
SSC JE 2008
86. The resonant frequency for the circuit.
Ans : (b) In series LCR circuit at resonance the current
is maximum and power factor is unity.
at resonance XL = XC
Z = R + j (XL – XC) = R (minimum)
I (I is maximum)
R for L = 0.2 H, R = 1 and C = 1F, is
Network Theory 531 YCT
(a) 1 rad/s (b) 2 rad/s 89. In R-L-C series circuit the current at resonance is
(c) 3 rad/s (d) 4 rad/s V V
ESE 2016 (a) (b)
Ans. (b) : Given circuit-
(c) (d) None of the above
R 2 X2
Ans. (a) : If series R-L-C circuit at resonance, the
impedance Z is at its minimum value which is equal to
R. Therefore, the circuit current at resonance will be at
R R 1 jRC its maximum value which is equal to V/R.
Zeq jL = jL V
1 jRC 1 2 R 2 C2 In R-L-C series circuit the current at resonance is
at resonance impedance is purely resistive in nature i.e. R
imaginary part equal to zero XL = XC at resonance frequency.
90. A series R-L-C circuit is connected to a 25 V
R 2 C
L 0 source of variable frequency. The circuit
1 2 R 2 C2 current is found to be a maximum of 0.5 A at a
R 2C frequency of 400 Hz and the voltage across C is
L is 150 V. Assuming ideal components, the
1 2 R 2 C2
values of R and L are respectively
R 2C L (a) 50 and 300 mH
2 2 2
R CL (b) 12.5 and 0.119 H
Put R 1, L 0.2H, C 1F (c) 50 and 0.119 H
2 4 (d) 12.5 and 300 mH
ESE 2016
2rad / sec
Ans. (c) : Given that,
87. A series LCR circuit is resonant at 100 kHz Imax = 0.5A at 400Hz, VC = 150 V at 400Hz
and has a quality factor of 50. The lower half the circuit is in resonance, because circuit current is
power frequency is ________ . maximum at resonance.
(a) 99kHz (b) 49.5kHz Then,
(c) 98kHz (d) 49kHz |VL| = |VC| and VR = VS
NLC GET 17.11.2020 VR = 25 V
Ans. (a) : We know that- VR = IR
f 25
Quality factor = r R R 50
B.W 0.5
fr 150
or Q VL I X L X L 300
f 0.5
XL = L 2f 0
f r 100
f f 2 f1 = kHz 300
50 50 L 0.119H
f = 2kHz 2 400
Lower cut-off frequency 91. In an RLC series circuit with constant voltage
f 2 source but of frequency varying from zero to
f1 f r = 100 kHz = 99kHz infinity, the circuit is said to be in electrical
2 2 resonance when.
88. At resonance in a series RLC circuit, the (a) magnitude of XL > XC and Z R
applied voltage equals the ........... voltage drop (b) magnitude of XL=XC and Z R
(a) Resistance (b) Inductive (c) magnitude of XL = XC and Z = R
(c) Capacitive (d) Reactive (d) magnitude of XL < XC and Z R
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 3 pm LMRC JE 2016
SSC JE 2012 Ans : (c) In an RLC series circuit with constant voltage
Ans : (a) At resonance in a series RLC circuit the source but of frequency varying from zero to infinity,
applied voltage equal to the resistance voltage drop. We the circuit is said to be in electrical resonance when
know that in a series RLC circuit. magnitude of XL = XC and Z = R.
2 2
V = VR2 VL VC XL = 2fL Z= R 2 X L -X C
At Resonance VL = VC 1
Then, V VR
Network Theory 532 YCT
92. The self-capacitance of a coil measured by the 94. A series RLC circuit has a resistance of 50Ω,
resonating capacitor. The measurement gives inductance of 0.4H and a capacitor of 10F.
the value of tuning capacitor as C1 = 460 pF at The circuit is connected across a 100V supply.
a frequency, f1 = 2 MHz. The second The resonance frequency and the current
measurement at f2 = 4 MHz yields a new value
of tuning capacitor, C2 = 100 pF. The through the resistance are
distributed capacitance Cd will be (a) 500 rad/s and 2A (b) 1000 rad/s and 2A
(a) 10 pF (b) 20 pF (c) 500 rad/s and 0.5A (d) 1000 rad/s and 0.5A
(c) 30 pF (d) 40 pF ESE 2018
ESE 2019 Ans. (a) : Given that,
Ans. (b) : Resonance Frequency L = 0.4H, R = 10F
1 C = 50
2 L C1 Cd 1 1
Resonance at frequency f1 and Capacitance C1 and LC 4 10 10 106
Power P1
3 VL 3
P1 L
Network Theory 543 YCT
19. A 3-phase, star-connected symmetrical load
consumes P watts of power from a balanced
supply. If the same load is connected in delta to
the same supply, the power consumption will
(a) P watts (b) 3 P watts
(c) 3 P watts (d) P/3 watts
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PHED) 2014 Paper-I
Ans. (c) :
VL is same for Y- load
Zph is same for Y - load
Star connected load
PY = 3 VPh IPh cos
I Ph Ph
VPh Vph2
PY = 3VPh cos = 3 cos
P =3
V L / 3
cos VL 3VPh
6R 3R 18R 2 ZPh
RAB = 4 4 16 18R 4 = R/2 V2
6R 3R 9R 9R 16 PY L cos .........(i)
4 4 4
18. A 3-phase delta-connected symmetrical load - connected load
consumes P watt of power from a balanced P 3VPh IPh cos
supply. If the same load is connected in star to V
P 3VPh Ph cos
the same supply, then what is the power ZPh
consumption? VPh2
(a) P/3 (b) P P 3 cos
(c) 3P (d) 3P
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PWD) 2018 Paper-I V2
P 3 L cos ......(ii) VL VPh
SSC JE 2013 ZPh
Ans. (a) : (i) When the resistances are delta connected: From equation (i) & (ii)
voltage across each resistance = line voltage = V P 3PY
2 2
V 3V 20. Which three-phase connection can be used in a
3 power consumption in delta P 3
R R transformer to introduce a phase difference of
(ii) When the resistances are star connected voltage 30° between its output and corresponding
V input line voltages?
across each resistance = phase voltage = (a) Star – star (b) Star – delta
3 (c) Delta – delta (d) Delta – zigzag
2 Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PHED) 2014 Paper-II
V 1
3 power consumption in star PY = 3 Ans. (b) : 3 connection can be used in a transformer
3 R
to introduce a phase difference of 300 between its
V2 output and corresponding input line voltages star-delta.
R 21. The rating of a 3-phase power system is given as
P 3V 2 (a) rms phase voltage
3 (b) peak phase voltage
(c) rms line to line voltage
V2 (d) peak line to line voltage
R Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PHED) 2014 Paper-II
P 3PY SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II
Mizoram PSC Nov. 2015, Paper-II
P Ans. (c) : Rating of 3 power system is given as rms
3 line to line voltage.
Network Theory 544 YCT
22. A Delta connected capacitor bank is preferred Line current I L 3 I ph
over a Star connected bank, to ensure
IL = 1.732×88
(a) Lesser capacitance (b) Easy calculation
IL = 152.416 A
(c) Easier connection (d) All of these
HPSSSB JE 2018 (Post code 663) Active power 3VL I L cos watt
Ans. (a) : Delta impedance is three times larger than 3 440 152.416 0.8
star impedance provided all impedance have same = 92.92 kW
value. 25. Pick the correct statement :
Zy = 3 Z (For capacitor bank) (a) Delta connection draw same current as star
It is clear that either you connected capacitor banks in connection
star or delta, they both provide same reactive power to (b) Delta connection draw 3 times as much
improve power factor. But capacitor connected in delta current as star connection
will have three times larger reactance as compared to 1
capacitance reactance present in star. As capacitor (c) Delta connection draws times as much
capacitance is inversely related reactance, so capacitors 3
bank connected in delta will have capacitance three current as star connection
times lesser than star. (d) Delta connection draws 1/3 times as much
current as star connection
23. The power in a delta connected system is
MIZORAM PSC (PHED) 2019, Paper-I
........... times the power in star system
(a) 2 (b) 1/3 Ans. (b) : In star connection-
(c) 1/3 (d) 3 V
Phase voltage Vph L
DMRC JE 18.02.2017 3
Ans : (d) Let VL = x volts Line current I LY I ph
In connection In connection Vph
VL x Vph = VL = x I LY
Vph = Z
3 3 IL = 3 I ph VL
Vph P = 3 I 2ph R 3Z
IL = Iph =
R 2 In Delta connection,
PY = 3 I ph R =3 R Phase voltage Vph VL
Vph2 Line current I L 3I ph
= 3 2 R = 3 R
R R2 3Vph
Vph2 3x Z
P = ……(ii)
=3 R 3VL
From (i) and (ii) Z
3VL2 x 2 P
= ……(i) PY = Line current in star ILY VL / 3Z
3R R 3
Line current in delta I L 3VL / Z
or P = 3PY
24. The active power in a delta connected system of VL Z 1
440V with a balanced load of inductive 3 3VL Z 3
reactance of 3 & resistance of 4 per phase is So, line current in delta is 3 times of current in star.
(a) 1468 kW (b) 846.35 kW 26. In a three phase balanced delta connected
(c) 92.92 kW (d) 28.57 kW system, the phase relation between the phase
DMRC JE 18.02.2017 currents and their respective line currents is
Ans : (c) Given VL or Vph = 440V given by :
R = 4 per phase (a) The line currents lag behind their respective
XL = 3 per phase phase currents by 30
Z = R XL 2 2 (b) The phase currents lag behind their respective
line currents by 30
2 2
4 3 (c) The line currents lag behind their respective
=5 phase currents by 45
R 4 Vph 440 (d) The phase currents lag behind their respective
cos = 0.8 and I ph 88A line currents by 45
Z 5 Z 5
MIZORAM PSC (PHED) 2019, Paper-I
Network Theory 545 YCT
Ans. (b) : In a three phase balanced delta connected Ans. (a) :
system the phase currents lag behind their respective Basis of Single phase Three phase
line currents by 30 comparison
Network Simple Complicated
Loss Maximum Minimum
Efficiency Less More
Uses For home In large industries
appliances and for running
heavy load
29. The three resistances of 3 Ω each are
IR,IB,IY = Line current connected in delta. Their value in each branch
IYR, IRB, IBY = Phase current of equivalent star connection will be:
For balance load, line current are 120º a part. (a) 6 Ω (b) 1 Ω
(c) 9 Ω (d) 3 Ω
PSPCL JE 2019, Shift-II
Ans. (b) :
ph In Delta Connection
R VL Vph
400 / 3 I L 3I ph
10 delta connected system,
400 400
P 3VPh I ph cos
16000 1
P1 5333.33watt 3 230 30 cos 45 3 230 30
3 2
5333 watt 20700
14639.321W P 14.63 kW
28. Three-phase AC supply system is preferred as 2
compared to single-phase AC supply system 31. Which of the following is NOT correct about a
due to: star connected balanced 3-phase circuit?
(a) High efficiency (a) The phase current is equal to the line current
(b) Small number of connections (b) The phase voltage is less than the line voltage
(c) Small voltage drop (c) The system does not contain a neutral point
(d) Low cost of switching (d) It is a four wire system
NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee 2016 SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-II
Network Theory 546 YCT
Ans. (c) : In three phase transmission, we have two 34. The line current for a balanced delta connected
basic network depending on their necessity. In star system is 10 A. Calculate the value of phase
connection, all the three line R, Y, B are connected to current (in A)
one common point i.e. neutral. (a) 10 (b) 17.32
Now, the current flowing through R line and RN phase (c) 5.77 (d) 11
is same. Hence in star connection, line current is equal SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
to phase current. In star connection- Ans. (c) : It is given:- Line current (IL) = 10Amp
Phase current (Iph)= ?
VL 3 Vph For Delta connection, Relation between line current and
IL Iph phase current
I L 10
In Delta connection- I ph
3 3
VL Vph
Iph 5.77Amp
IL 3Iph
35. A 3 –phase delta connected system is supplied
Where VL= Line voltage Vph = Phase voltage by a line voltage of 200 V. The value of phase
IL= Line current, Iph= Phase current current is 30A. What is the power consumed
32. A 3-phase delta connected system is supplied (in kW) by the system, if the current lags the
by a line voltage of 400 V. The value of phase voltage by 30 degrees?
current is 70A. What is the power (in kW) (a) 16.32 (b) 14.45
consumed by the system, if the current lags the (c) 15.59 (d) 16.69
voltage by 60 degrees? SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
(a) 16.8 (b) 42 Ans. (c) : It is given,
(c) 67.2 (d) 84 Line voltage VL 200V
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (b) : Given, Phase difference 300
600 Phase current I ph 30 A ]
I ph 70 Amp
Consumed power P 3VL I L cos
Delta connection system Vph = 400 volt
In delta connection system Vph= VL VL Vph
and, I L 3 I ph For delta connection
IL 3 I ph
Power (P) 3 VL I L cos
P 3 200 3 30 cos 300
(P) 3 400 3 70 cos 600
1 P 3 200 30
P 3 28000 2
2 P 3 100 30 1.732
P 42000 watt P 9000 1.732 15588 Watt
P 42kW
P 15.59 kW
33. What is the apparent power of a 3-phase star
connected system having a line voltage of 250 V 36. For balanced 3-phase supply system, the phasor
and a line current of 40 A and the phase sum of the line currents is NOT zero if the load is
difference between the voltage and current is (a) Balanced delta connected
36.87 degrees? (b) Unbalanced delta connected
(a) 13.856 kW (b) 13.856 kVA (c) Balanced star connected
(c) 17.32 kW (d) 17.32 kVA (d) Unbalanced star connected
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-II SSC JE 2012
Ans. (d) : Given, I L 40 Amp Ans : (d) In case of delta connection,-
The load is balanced or unbalanced the phasor sum of
VL 250 Volt the line current is always zero.
36.870 In case of star connection-
Active Power The phasor sum of line current is not zero for
Apparent power (S) = unbalanced load but is equal to neutral current.
37. A delta connected 3–phase circuit has three
3VL I L cos equal resistances of 36 Ohms in each phase.
= 3VL IL What is the value of per phase resistance (in
Ohms) of the equivalent star connected circuit?
= 3 250 40 (a) 12 (b) 36
S 17.32 kVA (c) 84 (d) 108
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II
Network Theory 547 YCT
1 I 8.7
Ans : (a) Resistance of star circuit is equal to resistance I Ph L
3 3 1.732
of delta. When all resistance value will be same. I Ph 5A
RY or R 3R Y 41. Determine the total power (in kW) consumed
3 by a 3-phase delta connected system supplied
36 by a line voltage of 230 V, if the value of phase
RY 12
3 current is 30 A and the current lags the voltage
38. Three inductors each of 60 mH are connected in by 30 degree.
delta. The value of inductance of each arm of the (a) 14.62 (b) 15.26
equivalent star connection is (c) 16.62 (d) 17.93
(a) 10 mH (b) 15 mH SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I
(c) 20 mH (d) 30 mH Ans : (d) It is given,
SSC JE 2013 VL (Line voltage) = 230 V,
Ans. : (c) Phase current (IPh) = 30 A, = 300
L1 = L2 = L3 = 60mH for Delta connection,
VL Vph and I L 3 I ph
(Consumed power) P 3Vph Iph cos
P 3 230 30 cos30 o
P 3 230 30 17926.2 Watt
P 17.93kW
R 4 XL 8
P.f = cos tan
Z 5
R 4
tan 2
cos 0.8 lag
tan 1 2
Power factor lagging due to inductor.
86. Find the phase current if a three-phase star- 63.43º
connected system is connected to a 400 V, 50 Phase current (I ) = Vph = 4000º
R ph
Hz AC supply. Assume Zph consists of a Z 8.9463.43º
resistance of 10 in series with inductance of = 44.740 63.43
0.0318 H.
I R ph = 44.74 63.4º A
(a) 2.30 A (b) 16.33 A
(c) 40 A (d) 23.23 A 89. For a transmission line, three delta connected
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II capacitances, each having of 10F capacitance,
Ans. (b) : Given that- if converted into equivalent star connection,
L=0.0318 H, f =50 Hz, VL= 400 V each capacitance will be:
XL=2fL (a) 30 F (b) 45 F
=2 3.14500.0318 (c) 3.3 F (d) 15 F
XL= 9.99 @ 10 UPPCL JE 27.11.2019, Shift-I
Zph = 10 + j10 Ans : (a) Given,
C1 = C2=C3=10ΩF
Z 102 102 200 14.14 Cstar = 3× C
VL Cstar =3×10F = 30F
Vph 3 400 / 3
I ph = 90. In a delta connection, line voltage lags behind
Zph Zph 14.14 phase current by :
I ph 16.33A (a) 300 (b) 600
(c) 90 (d) 1200
87. Three coil, each having a resistance of 10 ohms UPPCL JE 11.11.2016
and an inductance of 0.02 H, are connected in Ans:(a) In delta connection, line voltage lags 30º by phase-
star across a 440 V, 50-Hz, three-phase power current and line current connected to each other by 120º.
supply. What will be the phase voltage?
(a) 230 V (b) 250.343 V
(c) 254.03 V (d) 0 V
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (c) : Given that-
VL = 440 V
In star connection-
VL 440
Vph 254.03V
3 3
88. A three-phase, balanced, delta-connected load
of (4+j8) is connected to a 400-V, 3
balanced power supply. Assuming that the
phase sequence is RYB, determine the phase
current IR is.
Network Theory 555 YCT
IR 2 IRY 2 IBR 2 2IRY IBR cos 600 93. Three loads, each of resistance 50 are
connected in delta to a 400V, 3-phase supply.
Determine the phase voltage and the phase
(a) 400 V, 14 A (b) 230 V, 14 A
IRY IBR IYB (c) 230 V, 8 A (d) 400 V, 8 A
2 2 DGVCL JE 06.01.2021, Shift-I
Ans. (d) : Given, R 50, VL 400V
IR 3 IRY 300
91. In case of a balanced three phase sinusoidal AC
supply, because of the phase difference
(a) neutral wire is not required, if load is balanced
(b) rotating magnetic field is produced for delta connection-
(c) neutral current is high if load is not balanced Vph = VL = 400 Volt
(d) all are correct
GETCO JE 2015 IL = 3Iph
Ans. (d) : A balance three-phase voltage supply consist Vph 400
of three individual sinusoidal voltage that are all equal Iph =
R ph 50
in magnitude and frequency but are out of phase with
each other by exactly 120º electrical degree. 400
I ph 8A
In balance three phase system the neutral current and 50
neutral power is zero. So neutral wire is not required.
94. The phase voltage of a delta-connected three
Neutral current is high if load is not balanced. phase system with balanced load is 240 V. The
A balance three phase voltage or current is one in the line voltage is:
size of each Phase in the same, and the phase angles of (a) 139 V (b) 240 V
the three phases differ four each other by 120º. (c) 320 V (d) 415 V
DGVCL JE 06.01.2021, Shift-I
Ans. (b) : For delta connection-
Line voltage (VL) = Phase voltage (Vph)
Hence VL= 240 = VPh
For star connection-
VL 3 VPh
IL = IPh
95. How many phase sequence are made by three
92. For given kVAR and line voltage the ratio of (a) 2 (b) 3
star to delta value of capacitor is (c) 6 (d) 5
(a) 0.3333 (b) 1.73 UJVNL JE 2016
(c) 1 (d) 3 Ans. (a) : For a 3 system, there are two possible phase
GETCO JE 2015 sequence positive and negative corresponding to the
Ans. (d) : two possible direction of alternator rotation.
96. The three non-inductive loads of 5 kW, 3 kW
and 2 kW are connected in a star network
between R, Y and B phases and neutral. The
line voltage is 400 V. The current in the neutral
wire is nearly
1 (a) 11 A (b) 14 A
3 (c) 17 A (d) 21 A
R ESE 2017
3C ESE-2016
Ans. (a) :
3C 3C
line voltage the ratio of star to delta value of capacitor
Capacitor of star = 3 × Capacitor of delta
CY = 3C
Line voltage = 400 V
3 400
C Phase voltage, Vph = V
Network Theory 556 YCT
PR = VPh R IPh R cos R 5kW Ans. (d) :
PY = VPh Y I Ph Y cos Y 3kW
PB = VPh B I Ph B cos B 2kW
For non inductive loads = 0, cos = 1
5103 5 103
IR = 21.65 0o
VPh 0o 400 0o
3 10 So,
IY = 12.99 120o
400 o R R R CN R BN R CN R AN
120 R AB AN BN
3 R CN
2 103 o 100 100 100 100 100 100
IB = 8.66 240
400 o 100
3 3 100 100
IN = IR + IY + IB = 11.45 19.10 o 11 A 300
97. A balanced 3-phase RYB sequence star-
connected supply source with phase voltage 99. What is the principle behind the working of
100V is connected to a delta-connected phase sequence indicators for 3- unbalanced
balanced load 16–j12Ω per phase. The phase 3-wire loads?
and line currents are, respectively (a) Line current depends on phase sequence
(a) 5 3A and 30A (b) 10 3A and 30A (b) Phase voltage depends on phase sequence
(c) Line voltage depends on phase sequence
(c) 5 3A and 15A (d) 10 3A and 15A
(d) Phase current depends on phase sequence
ESE 2018
DMRC JE 10.04.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (c) : Diagram for 3-Phase Delta connection is
drawn below :– Ans : (b) Phase voltage depends on phase sequence is
the principle behind the working of the phase sequence
indicators for 3– unbalanced 3–wire loads.
100. What is the equivalent resistance of one limb A
when delta connection is transformed in to star?
(a) R1R3/R1+R2+R3 (b) R2R3/R1+R2+R3
For delta, (c) R1R2R3/R1+R2+R3 (d) R1+R2+R3
Vph 100V JKSSB JE 2014
Ans. (a) : Conversion from delta to star :-
VL 3Vph
VL 3 100
VL Vph
I ph
Zph R 2 X L2 Equivalent resistance across limb 'A' is-
2 2 R1 R 3
Zph 16 12 RA =
R1 R 2 R 3
Zph 20
101. If each branch of a Delta circuit has impedance
√3 Z, then each branch of the equivalent Y
Iph = 100 3 5 3 A circuit has impedance:
I L 3 I Ph 5 3 3 15A (a) Z/√3 (b) 3Z
98. In a star connected resistive network, each (c) 3√3Z (d) Z/3
resistor has value of 100. If the star to delta JKSSB JE 2014
conversion is performed, each resistor in delta Ans. (a) : Given In delta connection if each branch has
network will be:
impedance = 3Z
(a) 200 (b) 150
(c) 250 (d) 300 star connection = ?
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 17.12.2020 As we know that,
Network Theory 557 YCT
In star connection system each branch impedance is 104. Three impedances each of value (10+j6) are
connected once in star, then in delta across a
three phase supply power consumed by the
load will be
(a) More in case of star connection
(b) More in case of delta connection
(c) Same for both the connections
Impedance equivalent in star. (d) Depends on the supply voltage
Z12 Z13 Z2 3 WBPSC SAE 2002
Z1 Ans. (b) : As we know that in a 3 system-
Z12 Z23 Z31 3 Z
3 3
Z Hence power in delta connection becomes three times
Z1 = with comparison to there equivalent star connection.
105. If the and T circuits in figure below are
102. A star network has each element of 4. The
value of each element of equivalent delta equivalent, then R1,R2,R3 respectively are
network will be
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 12
Ans. (d) : Given, RY = 4 (a) 9Ω,6Ω,6Ω (b) 6Ω,6Ω,9Ω
(c) 9Ω,6Ω,9Ω (d) 6Ω,9Ω,6Ω
BSNL TTA (JE) 2013
Ans. : (b) R1
Star to delta conversion 16 24
4 4 16 24 24
R BN R RN 4 4
R RBR = 12
Hence equivalent delta resistance = 12
103. Supply of 3 phase 10 kV is given to a balanced
16 24
load of 100 kW at power factor 0.8 lagging. The R1 6
wattless current is- 64
10 6 16 24
(a) amps (b) amps R2 6
3 3 64
24 24
7.5 R3 9
(c) amps (d) None of these 64
Ans. (c) : Given , VL = 10 kV, P = 100 kW,
cos = 0.8 (lag)
P = 3 VL I L cos
106. Each branch of Y-connected load has
P 100 103 resistance of 10Ω. The resistance of each
IL = branch of an equivalent Δ-connected load will
3 VL cos 3 10 103 0.8
12.5 (a) 30 Ω (b) 100 Ω
IL = Amp. = 7.22 A
3 (c) 110 Ω (d) None of these
Wattless current = I L sin UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-II
12.5 Ans. : (a) Given,
sin cos 1 0.8 R Y 10
12.5 7.5 R 3R Y
0.6 A R 10 3 30
3 3
Network Theory 558 YCT
107. A delta connected load with resistance of 6 ohm
and inductive reactance of 8 ohm in each phase
is supplied by a 3-phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, AC
supply. The value of total power drawn by the
load is
(a) 28.8 kW (b) 14.0 kW
(c) 10.8 kW (d) 52.0 kW
NSCL Diploma Trainee 24.02.2021
Ans. (a) : Per phase resistance R = 6 110. Three resistors, each one with a resistance of 27
, are connected in delta formation. If the delta
Per phase reactance X L 8 to star conversion is performed, each resistor
Supply voltage VS = 400V will be changed to ____.
(a) 9 (b) 6
Supply frequency f 50Hz (c) 3 (d) 81
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-I
So, that total impedance Z R 2 X L 2
Ans. (a) : Given that,
Z 62 82 36 64 100 R = 27 for delta/branch
Z 10
R 6 3
Z 10 5
V 400
I= s = = 40A
Z 10
Thus per phase power
R12 R 23 R13 R 27
P1- = Vph × Iph × cos 400 40 R13 R12
5 R1
9600 watt = 9.6 kW R12 R 23 R13
Hence, 3 power is given by- 27 27 27
P3- = 3× P1- = 3×9.6 kW 27 27 27 3
R 1 9
P = 28.8kW
R 1 R 2 R 3 9
108. 1 ohm, 2 ohms and 3 ohms resistances are
connected in delta. The equivalent star has the 111. Three equal impedances are first connected in
star across a balanced 3-phase supply. If the
value of the highest resistance same group of impedances are connected in
(a) 11 ohms (b) 5.5 ohms delta across the same supply, then
(c) 0.3 ohms (d) 1 ohm (a) Line current will remain same
WBPSC SAE 2000 (b) Line current will be doubled
Ans. (d) : Delta conversion to star- (c) Line current will be one-third
R1 R 2 (d) Power consumed will be three fold
R eq BWSSB Code 222, 26.05.2017
R1 R 2 R 3 BSNL TTA (JE) 25.09.2016, Shift-I
2 1 1
R AN Ans. (d) : For star connected load-
6 3 2
3 1 1 PY 3
V / 3 V2
6 2 R R
For delta connected with same load-
3 2
R CN 1 V 2 3V 2
6 P 3 ........................(ii)
The value of highest resistance is 1. From equation (i) and (ii) we have
109. The angle between line voltages and respective P 3PY
phase voltages of balanced 3-phase system is
(a) 300 (b) 600 112. In a three-phase system having phase sequence
(c) 90 0
(d) 1200 RYB the voltages VR = 100-1200 and VB =
WBPSC SAE 2000 100 1200 are defined, then VRB will be
(a) 173 - 900 (b) 173 900
Ans. (a) :The angle between line voltage and respective (c) 200 60 0
(d) 100 00
phase voltages of balanced 3-phase system is 300. APGCL JM 2021
Network Theory 559 YCT
Ans. (a) : VRB = VR – VB
= 100 –120º –100120º = 100 [a2 – a]
1 3 1 3
100 j j j100 3
2 2 2 2
100 3 90º 173 90º Volt
113. In case of balanced delta connected resistive
circuit, when one resistor is opened, the power VRN = VYN = VBN = Vph
drawn will be VRY = VYB = VBR = VL
(a) 86.6 % of power in delta IL = Iph
(b) 66.66% of power in delta
VL 3Vph
(c) 57.7% of power in delta
(d) 50% of power in delta in star connection
APGCL JM 2021 IL I ph
Ans. (b) :
The phase angle between line current & line voltage is
Case-I In delta connection = 30º.
VL Vph , I L 3 I ph 115. 3 phase 4-wire line supplies three I-phase
Power in single phase- resistive loads each taking 5 A and a 3-phase
motor load taking 5 A at a p.f. 0.5 lagging. The
P total line current will be
R (a) 5 2 A (b) 5 A
Power in three
2 (c) 5 3 A (d) 10 A
phase= WBPSC SAE 2004
R Ans. (b) : Given, IP = 5A
Case- II A 3 phase 4 wire line circuit is consider as star
When one resistance is connected. For star connection -
open- IL = I P
Power in single phase IL = 5 A
Vph2 116. A delta network has each element of 3 ohm.
P The value of each element of equivalent star
network will be
Power in two phase (a) 27 ohm (b) 9 ohm
2Vph2 (c) 30 ohm (d) 1 ohm
Power drawn will be Ans. (d) : Delta to star conversion-
3Vph2 Vph2
R 2 R 100
3 1
= 100 = 66.66%
114. A 3-phase supply mains is delivering power to a R1 =
balanced star connected load at unity power Ra R b Rc
factor. The phase angle between the line R bRc
voltage and the line current is : R2 =
Ra R b Rc
(a) 900 (b) 600
0 R a .R c
(c) 30 (d) 00 R3 =
APGCL JM 2021 Ra R b Rc
BSNL TTA (JE) 14.07.2013 Given that-
Ans. (c) :
V 1 V2
Perphase power = L L
3 R 3R
In Y – Connection –
V2 V2
V 240 3-phase power = L 3 L
Vph = L V 3R R
3 3 From equation (i)
Vph V2
And IL = Iph = 3 L 60
240 V2
Power absorbed in star L 20kW
3 20 R
6.9 A 121. The connection has the advantage of
Since load is resistive i.e. cos = p.f. = 1(unity) restricting the third harmonic components
currents to:
Power taken by load 3VL I L cos (a) Within star connection
P 3 240 6.9 1 (b) Within delta connection
(c) Within both star and delta connections
P 2.88kW (d) Neither star nor delta connections
119. In the given delta-wye conversion, Find the Punjab Mandi Board JE 2014
value of R1, R2 & R3. Ans : (b) The third-harmonic present in the phase
magnetizing current of three-phase transformer is not
present in the line current. The third harmonic
components are co-phase and hence cancel out in the
line. The third harmonic components flows rounds the
closed loop of the delta.
Network Theory 561 YCT
122. If each branch of star connection is 3. Then Ans. (c) : Given that
its corresponding delta connection will IL = 10 Amp
contain______. IPh = ?
(a) 3 (b) 1/3 In delta connection
(c) 9 (d) 1/9 I
UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016 IPh = L
Ans : (c)
IPh =
IPh = 5.77 A
125. A 3 phase delta connected load is consisting of
a resistor of 8 ohm in series with a capacitor of
6 ohm reactance in each phase. Line voltage is
173 Volt. The phase current will be
(a) 10 A (b) 17.3 A
(c) 12.36 A (d) 7.14 A
BSNL TTA (JE) 14.07.2013
Ans. : (b) Given that,
Load impedance = (8 – 6j)
R R RbRc RcRa Line voltage (VL) = 173 volt
R1 a b
3 3 3 3 3 3
R1 9
3 3
R R RbRc RcRa
R2 a b
Rc V 1730º
Phase current (ip) L
3 3 3 3 3 3 27 Z 8 6j
R2 9 173 0º
3 3 iP
Ra Rb RbRc RcRa 10 36.86º
and R3 i p 17.3 36.86º
3 3 3 3 27
3 3 126. In figure, Ra, Rb and Rc are 20Ω, 10Ω and 10Ω
R3 9 respectively. The resistances R1, R2 and R3 in Ω
3 3 of an equivalent star-connection are
123. For a star connection, what is the relationship
between the line and phase parameters.
(a) I L I ph , VL 3 Vph
(b) VL 3Vph ,I L 3I ph
(c) VL Vph , IL 3I ph
(d) I L Iph ,VL Vph
UPPCL JE 27.08.2018, Shift-II
Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018
Vizag Steel 25.10.2018, Shift-I (a) 2.5, 5,5 (b) 5,2.5,5
NMRC JE 2017 (c) 5,5,2.5 (d) 2.5, 5, 2.5
UPRVUNL JE 09.11.2016 BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 10 AM
BSNL TTA (JE) 25.09.2016, Shift-I
WBPSC SAE 2003 Ans. (a) : Delta to Star Conversion–
Ans : (a) For a star connection
Line current (I L )=Phase current (I ph )
R B R C 22 .....................(i)
The resistance between C and A when B open
Here no delta connection so
IL = Iph and VL = Vph
Power in open delta Pv Vph I ph
From equation (i)
Pv P
Hence, power in open delta is times of power reduced
R A R C 18 ..................(ii) 3
The resistance between A and B when C open in delta network.
(a) K2 (b) K
(c) 1/K (d) K
OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
Ans. (b) :
according to -Y transformation–
R1R 2
R1 R 2 R 3
R 2R 3
RB Ra Rc RaRb
R1 R 2 R 3 RB , RC
Ra Rb Rc Ra Rb Rc
R 3R1
RC R bRc
R1 R 2 R 3 RA
Ra R b Rc
15 15
= If scaled by a factor K
15 15 15
RA = 5
similarly RB = 5, RC = 5
148. In a balanced 3 phase 4 wire system of power
transmission the phase sequence is RYB. If the
voltage of R phase is 400 0o volts. Then the R ' KR a KR c K RaRc
voltage of B phase is: KR a R b R c Ra R b Rc
(a) 400 240o V (b) 400 – 240o V R 'B KR B
(c) 400 0 V (d) 400 –120o V
UPPCL JE 27.11.2019, Shift-II
Ans. (b) :
150. A balanced delta connected load has an
impedance of 930º /phase. What is the
impedance per phase of the equivalent star?
(a) 2730º (b) 27 90º
(c) 3 30º (d) 3 20º
OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
If in RYB - Ans. (c) : Z = 9 30º
VR = 400 0°
For balanced load–
VY = 400 –120°
Z = 3ZY
VB = 400 –240°
9 30º = 3ZY
VB = 400 120° ZY 330º / phase
3- power = 3
V L / 3 Now getting its delta equivalent
R1R 2 R1R 2 R 2 R 3 R 3R1 1 2 2 3 3 1
VL2 =
= ..........................................(i) R3 R3 3
2 6 3 11
3 3
R1R 2 11
R 23 11
R1 1
R1R 2 11
R 31
Phase voltage (Vph) = VL R2 2
VL2 Now from question
3- power = 3
R R12+R23+R31
3VL2 11 11 1 1
= ....................................(ii) 11 11 1
R 3 2 3 2
P 2 6 3 11 11 121
From equation (i) and (ii) we have PY 11
3 6 6 6
154. 0°/180° connection can also be defined as
(a) Delta/Star connection
152. The total power consumed by the circuit shown
(b) Star/Star connection
(c) Star/Delta connection
(d) Indirect-star connection
UPPCL JE 08.09.2021, Shift-I
Ans. (b) :
Connection Phase difference
Star-delta 300
Delta-star 300
(a) 4 W (b) 800 W
Star-star 00/1800
(c) 1600 W (d) 400 W
Delta-deta 00/1800
Network Theory 568 YCT
X. Miscellaneous Ans. (a) : OSHA- Occupational Safety and Health
Administration is a large regulatory agency of the USA
1. The handle of the star screw driver tester is department of labor that originally had federal visitorial
made of ------ powers to inspect and examine workplace.
(a) PVC 6. Which of the following appliances does/do NOT
(b) Toughen glass require earth connection for safety?
(c) Nylon (a) Refrigerator
(d) Plastic (b) Electric cooker
Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II (c) Vacuum cleaner
Ans. (d) : The handle of the star screw driver tester is (d) Washing machine
made of plastic. RRB JE 19.09.2019 Shift-II
Plastic which is non flammable and unaffected by oil Ans. (c) : Refrigerator, electric cooker, washing
petrol, grease, water etc. It is available in wide variety machine need earth connection because they have
of different tip size and length. completely or some metallic part on their outer body
2. Name of the tool used for cutting the thin sheet surface, so in case of any fault in the appliance there
is ----. would be a chance of electric shock. While appliance like
(a) Reamer (b) Snip vacuum cleaners and electric drills do not need earth wire
connection because they have plastic casings or some
(c) Tenon saw (d) Cold chisel
arrangement so that live wire can not touch the casing.
Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018
7. ______ is where the protection is provided by
Ans. (b) : Snips, also known as shears, are hand tools
single or basic insulation, but has the same
used to cut thin sheets. There are two broad categories : protective properties as double insulation.
tinner's snips which are similar to common scissors, and (a) Blown-in insulation
compound action snips, which use a compound leverage (b) Reinforced insulation
handle system to increase the mechanical advantage.
(c) Loose-fill insulation
3. The Double end spanners are made up of ------ (d) Concrete block insulation
(a) Low carbon steel RRB JE 19.09.2019 Shift-II
(b) Stainless steel Ans. (b) : The reinforced insulation is an improved
(c) Drop forged steel basic insulation with such mechanical and electrical
(d) Rolled cold steel properties that insulation provides same degree of
Vizag Steel 25.10.2018 Shift-I protection against electric shock as double insulation.
Ans. (c) : Double ended spanners (Chrome plated) is It has same level of insulation just like a double
made from high grade steel, forged and accurately insulation.
machined more sats are present in marked of double 8. ________ extinguishers are ideal for places
ended spanners. with a lot of electrical equipment such as offices
4. What is the purpose of the dead smooth file? or server rooms.
(a) For removing more metal (a) N2S (b) Cl2
(b) For general filing purpose (c) SO2 (d) CO2
(c) For high degree finishing RRB JE 01.09.2019 Shift-I
(d) For rough finishing Ans. (d) : CO2 extinguishers are ideal for places with a
Vizag Steel 25.10.2018 Shift-I lot of electrical equipment such as offices or server
rooms, because they are safe to use on fires involving
Ans. (c) : For high degree finishing, the dead smooth file
electrical apparatus, carbon dioxide extinguishes do not
is used. Dead smooth file is used for roughing out of metal.
leave any residue, unlike a foam extinguishes.
5. What is the full form of OSHA?
9. In which of the following classes of hazardous
(a) Occupational Safety and Health Administration are as classification petroleum fails ?
(b) Organization for Safety and Health Assistance (a) Class I (b) Class II
(c) Organization for Safety and Health Authority (c) Class III (d) Class IV
(d) Official Safety and Health ACt (e) Class V
MPPGCL Plant Assistant 2019 RSEB JE 2011
Network Theory 569 YCT
Ans. (c) : Classification hazardous material- Ans. (b) : A cutting tool used to finish and enlarge a
Class Material hole is known as reamer. A reamer is a type of rotary
class i explosives cutting tool used in metal working.
class ii flammable gases 13. Which is used to make electric connections
(a) Solder (b) PG clamp
class iii flammable liquids
(c) Thimbles (d) All above
class iv flammable solids
Nagaland PSC CTSE (Diploma) 2017, Paper-I
class v oxidizing
Ans. (d) : Solder - Soldering is a process in which two
class vi toxic & infections or more items are joined together by melting and
class vii radioactive pulling a filler metal (Solder) into the joint–
class viii corrosives PG clamp - Parallel grove clamps are designed to
10. A bulb-type voltage tester is recommended accepted wide range of conductors to minimize number
only for circuits at or under how many volts? of clamps needed to cover.
(a) 120 volts (b) 240 volts Thimbles - It is used to terminate electrical wires or
connections in a professional manner, so that
(c) 480 volts (d) 600 volts
minimizing current leakage or avoid overheating.
SSC JE 02.03.2017 Shift-I
Hence all the above equipments are used to make
Ans : (a) A bulb-type voltage tester is recommended electrical connections.
only for circuits at or under 120 volts.
14. Which one of the following conditions will be
11. From the following figures identify long nose correct, when three identical bulbs forming a
pliers. star are connected to a three-phase balanced
(a) The bulb in R phase will be the brightest.
(b) The bulb in Y phase will be the brightest.
(c) The bulb in B phase will be the brightest.
(d) All the bulbs will be equally bright.
Ans. (d) : All the bulbs will be equally bright because
of each bulbs are receiving equal phase voltages.
15.A converging lens is used to form an image on
a screen. When the upper half of the lens is
covered by an opaque screen :
(a) half of the image will disappear
(b) image will not form on the screen
UPPCL JE 25.11.2019, Shift-II (c) intensity of image will increase
(d) intensity of image will decrease
Ans. (b) :
BSNL TTA 25.09.2016, 3:00 P.M.
Ans : (d) A converging lens is used to form an image on
a screen. When the upper half of the line is covered by an
opaque screen then intensity of image will decrease.
16. Fire caused by LPG is _____ Fire.
(a) Class B (b) Class A
(c) Class D (d) Class C
Kerala PSC Draftman 2016, Grade II
12. A cutting tool used to finish and enlarge a hole Ans. (a) : Class B- A class B fire is a fire inflammable
is known as which of the following? liquids or flammable gases petroleum gases, tars, oils,
(a) Axe (b) Reamer oil based paints solvent, lacquers or alcohols.
(c) Hamer (d) tongs For example, propane, natural gas, gasoline and
kerosene fires are types of class B fires.
UPPCL JE 25.11.2019, Shift-II
Network Theory 570 YCT
1. The relation between electric intensity E, 4. The radius of curvature for pedal curve p=f(r)
voltage applied V and the distance d between is _____.
the plates of a parallel plate condenser is dr dr
(a) E = V/d (b) E = V × d (a) r (b) r 2
dp dp
(c) E = V/(d)2 (d) E = V × (d)2
MGVCL JE 30.07.2021, Shift-II dr 1 dr
(c) (d)
OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I dp r dp
ESE-2002 DGVCL JE 06.01.2021, Shift-III
Ans. (a) : From given statements according to question Ans. (a) : Let the radius of curvature of pedal equation
if electric intensity is E, voltage applied V and the is p f r
distance d between the plates of a condenser then.
Electric intensity-
2. The unit of electric field intensity is _______.
(a) Coulomb/m2 (b) Weber
(c) Coulomb (d) Newton/Coulomb
JPSC AE 10.04.2021, Paper-II
UPRVUNL AE 04.07.2021
Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II
Ans. (d) : The electric field intensity or electric field Therefore, from the figure-
strength (E) is the force per unit charge when placed in .............(i)
an electric field. 1 d d d
from equation (i)
F ds ds ds
E Newton / C
q 1 d d dr
3. The capacitance of a capacitor is not affected ds dr ds
by------- 1 d
(a) Plate area = sin cos
(b) Plate separation r dr
(c) Nature of dielectric 1 d d dr
sin .1 r cos sin r and cos
(d) Plate thickness r dr ds ds
NSCL Diploma Trainee 24.02.2021 1 d
UPPCL JE 25.11.2019, Shift-I = . r sin
BSNL TTA 27.09.2016, 3 PM r dr
BSNL TTA (JE) 14.07.2013 1 dp
UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-I = . p r sin
r dr
Ans. (d) : The capacitance of capacitor is given by
A r
C 0 dp
5. The maximum space rate of change of the
function which is increasing in the direction of
the function is known as
(a) Curl of the vector function
(b) Gradient of the scalar function
(c) Divergence of the vector function
(d) Stokes theorem
Where, JPSC AE 10.04.2021, Paper II
A = area of two plates Ans. (b) : The magnitude of the gradient is equal to the
d = distance between the plates maximum rate of change of the scalar field and its
So, capacitance does not depends on the thickness of the direction is along the direction of greatest change in the
plates. scalar function.
Ans. (c): The ratio of charge (Q) to the voltage (V) will
(C1 - C 2 ) = 252 - 4´150 = 25
give the capacitance value of capacitor.
Q 0.9 C1 - C2 = 5..............(III)
C 0.03F
V 30 on solving equation (II) and (III)
20. Polarised electrolytic – Aluminium capacitors C1 = 15F and C2 = 10F
are designed to have DC working voltage in the 23.
Dielectric loss of an insulating material
range of _____. depends upon
(a) 200-1600 (b) 5-500 (a) Voltage, temperature, frequency and humidity
(c) 0-200 (d) 3-125 (b) Voltage, temperature and frequency
Kerala PSC Draftman 2016, Grade II (c) Voltage, frequency and humidity
Ans. (b) : Polarised electrolytic – Aluminium capacitors (d) Voltage, temperature and humidity
are designed to have DC working voltage in the range HPSSSB JE-2017 (Post code- 579)
of 5-500. Ans. (a) : The loss of energy that goes into heating of
21. The force between the plates of a parallel plate dielectric material in a varying electric field is called
capacitor of capacitance C and distance of dielectric loss.
separation of plates d with a potential Dielectric loss of an insulating material depends upon
difference V between the plates is voltage, temperature, frequency, and humidity.
(a) (CV2)/2d (b) (C2V2)/2d2
2 2 2 24. Determine the amount of charge stored on
(c) (C V )/d (d) (V2d)/C
HPSSC JE 18.07.2021 either plate of the capacitor of 2F when
HPSSSB JE-2017 (Post code- 579) connected to a 9 V battery?
(a) 18C (b) 4.5C
Ans. (a) : Electric field between the plates
(c) 2 C (d) 36 C
E MPPKVVCL (Jabalpur) JE -2018
20 A Ans. (a) :
and force F = QE Amount of charge stored by capacitor (Q) = CV
Q Where
F = Q´
2 0 A C= capacitance of capacitor
V= supply voltage
Q2 Charge (Q)= CV
2 0 A Q = 2×10-6×9
A Q = 18 C
C 0 & Q= CV 25. A 10V power supply would use filter capacitor
Put the value of following type:
2 (a) Electrolytic capacitor (b) Air capacitor
CV CV 2 (c) Paper capacitor (d) Mica capacitor
F =
2Cd 2d MPPKVVCL (Jabalpur) JE -2018
Hence Ans. (a) :Electrolytic capacitors are generally used
CV 2 when very large capacitance values are required.
F Electrolytic capacitors are generally used in DC Power
supply circuit.
22. Two capacitors have capacitances 25 when in
Electrolytic capacitor has their relatively low voltage
parallel and 6 when in series. Their individual
capacitances are
Electromagnetic Field Theory 574 YCT
26. While connecting capacitors in a circuit, care 30. To obtain a high value of capacitance, the
should be taken about the correct polarity for permittivity of the dielectric medium should
which type of capacitors? be-
(a) Ceramic capacitor (a) Low (b) Zero
(b) Electrolytic capacitor (c) High (d) Unity
(c) Mica capacitor NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar)
(d) Paper capacitor Ans. (c) : parallel plate capacitance may be defined by
NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar)
Ans. (b) : The electrolytic capacitors are polarized A
C 0 r
(polarity sensitive) and are labeled as such ceramic, d
plastic film. On the other hand air capacitor, ceramic A = area of cross section of plate.
capacitor, mica capacitor, paper capacitor do not have d = separation between plates.
polarity markings, because those types are non- r = relative permittivity of medium.
polarized. C r
Hence, if the permittivity of the dielectric medium is
high capacitance will also high.
31. If 60 C of charge passes through an electric
conductor in 30 seconds, the current in the
conductor is-
27. When air pocket is trapped inside a dielectric (a) 0.5A (b) 2A
of relative permittivity '5', for a given applied (c) 3.33 mA (d) 0.3 mA
voltage across the dielectric, the ratio of stress NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar)
in the air pocked to that in the dielectric is Ans. (b) : Given that, q = 60 C, t = 30 sec
equal to q 60
(a) 1/5 (b) 5 I =2A
t 30
(c) 1 + 5 (d) 5–1
32. The vectors having the same initial point are
Ans. (b) : We know that electric flux density (D) (a) Position vector (b) Free vector
D 0 r E …………………..(i) (c) Co-Initial vector (d) Unit vector
Where E is electric stress BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 10 AM
Given dielectric relative permittivity BSNL TTA 21.02.2016
r 5 Ans. (c) : Co-initial vector- Co-initial vectors are two
For air r 1 or more vectors which have the same initial point. For
1 example, AB and AC are co-initial vector since they
From (i) E
r have the same initial point 'A'.
E air r dielectric
E dielectric r air
E air 5
E dielectric 1
28. A capacitance of 0.05µF equals-
(a) 0.05×106 F (b) 0.05×10-6 F
(c) 0.05×10-12 F (d) 0.05×1012 F
33. The amount of charge stored in a capacitance is
NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar)
proportional to the-
Ans. (b) : 0.05F = 0.05×10-6 F, since (1 = 10-6 ) (a) Resistance (b) Inductance
29. Which of the following describes the action of a (c) Applied current (d) Applied voltage
capacitor? NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar)
(a) Converts AC into DC
(b) Stores electrical energy Ans. (d) : Charge stored between the plates of capacitor
(c) Opposes changes in current flow is given by
(d) None of the options Q V ……… (i)
NPCIL ST 2019 (Kakrapar) Or Q = CV
Ans. (b) : capacitors stores energy in electric field by Q
storing the charge C
E= CV 2 1 1 1 Q2
2 E QV CV 2
inductor stored energy in magnetic field. 2 2 2 C
(a) increasing (b) decreasing
(c) zero (d) same
SSC JE 02.03.2017, Shift-II
Ans : (b) Electric field of a conductive sphere is
1 Q (d)
40 r 2
SSC JE 2013
Ans: (d) The given triangle output can be changed
r- distance between charge placed and point where into the square output-
electric field is to be calculated.
E 2
Therefore electric field at point 'b' will decrease from
point 'a'.
63. Where is the Laplace's equation valid?
(a) Only in free space
(b) Only in conductors
(c) Only in charge free dielectric regions The instantaneous value of capacitor current is-
(d) Only in cavities bounded on all sides by i (t) = C dv/dt
conducting walls dv/dt = instantaneous rate of voltage change (volt /
ESE 2006 second)
Ans. (c) : We know that poisson’s equation dv
The wave form for current is i 2 Given C=2
2V V
It there is no charge present
Then V 0 dV q
dv Krdr
0 0
Kr 2
V r2 hence, the direction of electric force if a metallic
109. A point charge P generates an electric field of particle having no net charge is placed near a finite
circular shape and another point charge Q is metal plate carrying a positive charge is towards the
rotated along this circle. What is the work done plate.
by the electric field on the rotating charge in 112. Which of the following situation arises when a
one complete revolution? proton and electron are placed in a uniform
(a) zero if the charge P is at the center and electric field?
nonzero at other points (a) Their accelerations will be equal
(b) negative at the center (b) The electric forces acting on them will be
(c) positive at the center equal
(d) zero at the points (c) The magnitudes of the forces will be equal
KPTCL JE 2017 (d) The magnitudes of their accelerations will be
Ans. (d) : Work done F.dx qE.dx equal
or qEdx cos KPTCL JE 2017
Ans. (c) :When a proton and a electron placed in a
E and dx perpendicular to each other, cos90 0
uniform electric field-
Hence work done is zero. They experience equal force same in magnitude but
Where, E = electric field opposite in direction
dx = perpendicular distance
Force is given by F qE
Note: Here charge and electric field is same for both
thats why force will be equal.
Their accelerations will be different because mass of
electron and proton is different-
F ma
110. Mark the correct options: a F constant qE
(a) Gauss's law is valid only for symmetrical m
charge distributions mproton > melectron
(b) The flux of an electric field through a closed Thus the acceleration of electron will be greater than
surface is always zero if there is no net charge proton.
in the volume enclosed by the surface. aelectron > aproton
(c) Gauss's law is valid only for charges placed in 113. Following operations can be performed on a
vacuum capacitor:
(d) The electric field calculated by Gauss's law is P- connect the capacitor to a battery of emf.
the field due to the charges inside the Q- disconnect the battery.
Gaussian surface R- reconnect the battery with polarity reversed.
KPTCL JE 2017 S- insert a dielectric slab in the capacitor.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 587 YCT
(a) The electric field in the capacitor before the Ans. (c) :
action PS is the same as that after SP.
(b) The charge appearing on the capacitor is
greater after the action PSQ than after the
action PQS.
(c) In PQR (perform P, then Q, then R) the stored
electric energy remains unchanged and no
thermal energy is developed
(d) The electric energy stored in the capacitor is
greater before the action SPQ than after the Q Q
action PQS. The charge induced on the plates of a capacitor is
KPTCL JE 2017 independent of the area of the plates.
Ans. (b) : In action PSQ- Q+ = Q –
Connect the capacitor to a battery of emf When a parallel plate capacitor connected to a battery,
Q CV electron start moving from plate which connected to
VQ positive terminal of battery and deposit on plate which
Charge appearing on plate of capacitor. connected to negative terminal of battery.
S-insert a dielectric slab in the capacitor. The Hence same number of charges appear on positive plate
capacitance of a capacitor is increased when it filled and negative plate, independent of the area.
with a dielectric slab. 116. Among the following situation which of the
Q = CV situation is most likely to occur if an electric
QC dipole is placed at the center of a sphere:
(a) The electric field is zero at every point of the
C ,Q sphere
Q-disconnect the battery (b) The electric field is not zero anywhere on the
In PQS-First connect the battery then disconnect the sphere
battery then insert dielectric slab. So there is no (c) The electric field is zero on a circle on the sphere
meaning to insert a battery after disconnect the (d) The flux of the electric field through the
battery hence charge in PSQ >PQS process. sphere is zero
114. In a parallel-plate capacitor a thin metal sheet KPTCL JE 2017
is placed between the plates at equal distance. Ans. (c) : According to Gauss's law, electric flux
The sheet remains parallel to the plates of the depends only on the charge inside the sphere. As the net
capacitor. Then charge of dipole is zero, so the flux through the sphere
(a) the potential difference between the plates is zero. But the electric field is the resultant effect due
will increase to all charges. So the electric field can not be zero at
(b) The capacitance will increase every point of sphere. Potential is also not zero on
(c) The battery will supply more charge. sphere but it is zero for a circle on sphere.
(d) Equal and opposite charges will appear on the 117. Imagine a large plastic plate is kept in front of
two faces of the metal plate. you and a charge Q is uniformly distributed
KPTCL JE 2017 over that plate. Now at a point P, which is close
Ans. (b) : If a thin plate of thickness t is introduced in a to the center of the plate the electric field is 10
parallel plate capacitor then the V/m. If the material of the plate is changed
Q 0 A from plastic to copper with same geometrical
V 1 dimensions and carrying the same charge Q,
d t 1 the electric field at the point P will become.
K (a) 20 V/m (b) 5 V/m
As the dielectric constant of a sheet K > 1 therefore C
(c) Zero (d) 10 V/m
increase upon the introduction of the thin plate.
115. A parallel-plate capacitor has plates of unequal
Ans. (d) : The charge density of plastic and copper are
area. The larger plate is connected to the
positive terminal of the battery and the smaller the same so the electric field will be equal in both
plate to its negative terminal. Let Q+ and Q– substances. Thus the electric field at the point P will
be the charges appearing on the positive and become 10 V/m.
negative plates respectively, the relation 118. If the distance between the plates of a parallel
between Q+ and Q– is plate capacitor is increased. Which of the
(a) Q+ > Q– following will change?
(b) The information is not sufficient to decide the (a) Potential difference across the capacitor
relation between Q+ and Q– (b) Energy density between the plates
(c) Q+ = Q– (c) Charge on the capacitor
(d) Q+ < Q– (d) None of the three options
Electromagnetic Field Theory 588 YCT
Q (a) 15 V-m (b) 100 V-m
Ans. (a) : Capacitance C (c) 25 V-m (d) 200 V-m
0 A
Also C= Ans. (c) : Using Gauss's law,
Hence, Q10
10 en
Since the charge always 0
Qd remains conserved in an
V Q10
en 25 0
0 A isolated system, so it will
Here for flux of radius 20 cm,
remain same. 20
Qen Q10
en 25 0
So, V d
Where, Q = charge thus, 20 25 V - m
A = area 0
d = distance between plate 122. A cluster of charges with an electric dipole
If the distance between the plates of a parallel plate moment is often called-
capacitor is increased potential difference across the (a) Electric dipoles
capacitor will change. (b) Polarization
119. Imagine a charge q is placed at the center of (c) Electric susceptibility
the open end of a cylindrical vessel. The flux of (d) Eddy currents
the electric field through the surface of the RRB JE 01.09.2019 Shift-I
vessel is
Ans. (a) : A cluster of charges with an electric dipole
q moment is often called electric dipoles.
(a) (b) zero
0 The electric dipole moment is a measure of the
q 2q separation of positive and negative electrical charge
(c) (d) within a system, that is a measure of the system's
20 0
overall polarity.
The S.I. unit Coulomb-meter
Ans. (c) : When charge q is placed at the center of open
end of a cylindrical vessel then only half of the flux,
because half will lie inside the surface and half will lie
outside the surface.
so, flux through the surface of vessel is .
123. In a lossy dielectric material, the ratio of
120. Electric flux through a surface area is the
conduction current density to placement
integral of the
(a) normal component of the electric field over current density is given as-
the area
(a) (b)
(b) parallel component of the electric field over
the area
(c) normal component of the magnetic field over (c) (d)
the area RSMSSB JEN (Degree) 29.11.2020
(d) parallel component of the magnetic field over
Ans. (d) : In a lossy dielectric material the ratio of
the area
ESE 2012 conduction current density to displacement current
Ans. (a) : From Gauss’s law density is given as
E D.ds Qenclosed {Where E electric flux} JC
Tan =
Also J D
E 0 E.ds 0 E.ds Where,
is loss angle.
So, the formula shows that electric flux through a
surface area is the integral of the normal component of 124. A hollow metallic sphere of radius 'r' is kept at
the electric field over the area. potential of 1 volt. The total electric flux
121. Electric charges are distributed in a small coming out of the concentric spherical surface
volume. If the flux of the electric field through of radius 'R'(>r) is
a spherical surface of radius 10 cm (a) 40R2 (b) 40r2
surrounding the total change is 25 V-m, then (c) 40R (d) 40r
what will be the flux over a concentric sphere OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
of radius 20 cm? RSMSSB JEN (PHED) Degree 26.12.2020
Electromagnetic Field Theory 589 YCT
Ans. (d) : A hollow metallic sphere of radius 'r' is kept Ans. (d) : The equation of continuity can be given as
at potential of 1 volt. The total electric flux coming out
of the concentric spherical surface of the radius 'R' (>r) .j 0
is 40r. Where Charge density
125. The vector statement of Gauss's law is and j = current density
(a) D.ds dv (b) D.ds dv 129. Infinite surface charge sheets are placed with
V s V S
surface charge density + s c/m2 and -s c/m2
(c) D.ds dv (d) D.ds dv respectively along the Z -axis.
s V S V
OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I The electric field intensity between the sheets
ESE 2012 will be
Ans. (d) : We know that Gauss law is (a) Zero (b) s/0
D.ds Q (c) (s/4 0)*k (d) (s/20)*k
If the charge is distributed in the volume V over the
Ans. (b) : As we know
surface of which integral is taken
Electric field intensity due to infinite charge sheet.
D.ds V V dV E s
Where, V volume charge density
Where, s charge density (c/m2)
126. In Millikan's oil drop experiment if oil drop
does not have vertical motion under application 0 permittivity of medium
of voltage which of the followings. does not Electric field inside the infinite sheet is due to surface
influence voltage? charge density of s and s .
(a) radius of oil drop (b) density of oil
(c) acc due to gravity (d) air viscosity
(e) light intensity
RSEB JE 2011
Ans. (e) : Millikan's oil drop experiment measures
the charge of an electron.
Millikan was able to measure the amount of electric E E1 E 2
force and magnitude of electric field on the tiny
charge of an isolated oil droplet and from the data
s s s
determine the magnitude of the charge itself. 2 0 2 0 0
127. Which law explain about the force between the
two electric charges? E s
(a) Gauss's law (b) Coulomb's law 0
(c) Ampere's law (d) Faraday's law 130. ______ at a point is defined as the force
PGVCL JE 2018 experienced per unit positive charge at a point
Ans. (b) : Coulomb's law - According to coulomb's placed in the electric field.
law, the force of attraction or repulsion between two (a) Magnetic flux density (b) Electric intensity
charges is directly proportional to the product of their (c) Electric flux (d) Voltage rating
charges and inversely proportional to the square of the RRB JE 30.08.2019 Shift-II
distance between them. It acts along the line joining the Ans. (b) : Electric intensity at a point is defined as the
two charges. force experienced per unit positive charge at a point
qq placed in the electric field.
F 1 22 F
d Intensity E
kq1q 2 E = Vector Quantity.
F 2
d 131. Mica capacitors are characterized by all of the
Where following except..............
[k = Coloumb's constant = 9.0×109 Nm2/C2] (a) Accurate value (b) Low losses
q1 , q2 are point charge and d is distance. (c) Low leakage reactance (d) Stable operation
128. The equation of continuity defines the relation SSC JE 02.03.2017 Shift-I
between Ans : (c) Mica capacitors, are capacitors that offer high
(a) Electric field and magnetic field precision, reliability and stability. They are available in
(b) electric field and charge density small values and are generally used at high frequencies
(c) flux density and charge density and in situations where low losses and low capacitor
(d) current density and charge density change over time are required. Leakage resistance is
ESE 2012 high for mica capacitor.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 590 YCT
132. In a capacitor, the electric charge is stored Ans : (b) The best way to remove the charge from the
in.............. conductor is to ground the conductor.
(a) Dielectric To provide a path for excess electrical charge to flow
(b) Metal plates away from the negatively charged conductor or for
(c) Dielectric as well as metal plates electrons to flow from earth to the positively charged
(d) Neither dielectric nor metal plates conductor.
SSC JE 02.03.2017 Shift-I 136. When the plate area of a parallel plate
Ans : (a) In a capacitor, the electric-charge is stored in capacitor is increased keeping the capacitor
“Dielectric”. Capacitance is the ability of a component voltage constant, the force between plates..........
or circuit to collect and store energy in the form of an (a) increases
electrical charge. Capacitor are energy-storing devices (b) decreases
available in many sizes and shapes. They consists of (c) remains constant
two plates of conducting material sandwiched between (d) may increase or decrease on the metal
an insulator made of ceramic, film, glass or other making up the plates
materials, even air. SSC JE 02.03.2017 Shift-I
133. When a dielectric is placed in an electric field, Ans : (a) Keeping the capacitor voltage constant, if the
the field strength............... plate area of a parallel plate capacitor is increased then
the force between plates is increased. Because
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(c) Remain unchanged (d) Reduces to zero A
C r 0
SSC JE 02.03.2017 Shift-I d
Ans : (b) A dielectric material gets polarized when it or CA .............(i)
placed in an electric-field. The field produced due to the Q
polarization of material minimize the effect of external and C V Constant
field. Hence, the electric field inside a dielectric
or CQ ............(ii)
decreases when it is placed in an external electric field.
134. A six dot mica capacitor color coded, white, Hence at constant voltage - C Q A
red, green brown, red and yellow has the Charge will be increase after increasing the area then
capacitance value of: force between them - F QE
(a) 25 pF (b) 124 pF FQ
(c) 250 pF (d) 925 pF Hence force also increase.
137. Energy stored in a capacitor over a cycle when
SSC JE 02.03.2017 Shift-I
Ans : (c) excited by an a.c. source is...............
(a) same as that due to a d.c. source at equivalent
(b) half of at due to a d.c. source at equivalent
(c) zero
(d) None of these
SSC JE 02.03.2017 Shift-I
Ans : (c) Energy stored in a capacitor over a cycle when
excited by an A.C. source is zero.
For mica first dot indicate : 138. A parallel plate capacitor of area A cm2 and
White- EIA, Black- MIL separating distance 'a' cm is dipped in ethyl
Second and third dot : Significant figures alcohol up to a depth of a/2. Given the
Second Red 2 dielectric constant r of ethyl alcohol to be 25,
Third Green 5 the ratio of capacitance after dipping to that
Fourth color Multiplier (Brown 10) before dipping would be
Fifth color Capacitor tolerance (Red : 2%) 26 45
(a) (b)
Sixth color Characteristic 50 50
Hence, 50 3
Mica capacitance 250 2% pF (c) (d)
26 1
135. A charge exists on a conductor. The best way to ESE 2013
remove this charge is to................
Ans. (c) : According to question
(a) Isolate the conductor from other charges
Given Area = A cm2
(b) Ground the conductor
Distance = a cm
(c) Create vacuum around the conductor
(d) None of these Dielectric constant of ethyl alcohol r 25
SSC JE 02.03.2017 Shift-I Capacitance before dipping
Electromagnetic Field Theory 591 YCT
0 A (c) Gauss's theorem
C …………………..(i) (d) 'Newton's law of gravitation'
After dipping there will be two capacitances in series- SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-I
A Ans : (d) Coulomb's law for the force between electric
C1 0 charges closely resembles with Newton's law of
a/2 gravitation. According to Coulomb's law the force
A between two charged point is directly proportional to
C2 0 r
a/2 the product of the magnitude of the charge and
C C2 2 0 r A inversely proportional to square of distance between
Then Ceq= 1 ……………..(ii) both charges and depends on the nature of medium in
C1 C2 a 1 r
which the charge is placed.
Then ratio of (ii) and (i) q q
Ceq 2 0 r A a F 1 2 2
4 0 d
C a 1 r 0 A d = distance between two charge.
2 r 2 25 50 142. The potential inside a charged hollow sphere is
1 r 1 25 26 (a) Zero
(b) Same as that on the surface
139. Inside a hollow conducting sphere, electric (c) Less than that on the surface
field............. (d) None of the above
(a) is zero MRPL (Tech. Asstt. Trainee), 21.02.2021
(b) is a non-zero constant SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-I
(c) changes with the magnitude of the charge UPSSSC JE 31.07.2016
given to the conductor Ans : (b) The potential inside a charged hollow sphere
(d) changes with distance from the centre of the is same as that on the surface.
sphere If two points lie at a very small distance and intensity is
CGPSC AE 15.01.2021 E,it is clear that the work done will be equal q.Edl.
SSC JE 02.03.2017 Shift-I Let voltage difference be dv
Ans : (a) In a hollow sphere, there is no charge enclosed then dv = Edl
within the sphere, since all the charges are on surface. dv
E= volt/meter.
E D.dS Qenclosed dl
This shows that the field strength at some point is equal
Since in hollow sphere- to the voltage gradient at that point.
Qenclosed = 0
143. A capacitor of 40F is charged to a potential
Electric field in hollow sphere is zero.
difference of 500volts. The charge acquired by
Qenclosed = Total charge inside the surface.
the capacitor, in Coulomb's, is_____:
E Electric flux (a) 2.2 (b) 2
(c) 0.22 (d) 0.02
SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-I
Ans : (d) Given that
Capacitor (C) = 40 F = 40 × 10–6F
Voltage (V) = 500 Volt
Charge (Q) = CV = 40 × 10–6 × 500 = 0.02 Coulomb
140. Midway between two equal and similar
144. Which of the following capacitors will have
charges, a third equal and similar charge is
least energy stored in it?
placed. Then this third charge will.................
(a) A 500pF capacitor charged to 10kV
(a) Remain in stable equilibrium
(b) A 1F capacitor, charged to 5kV
(b) Be in unstable equilibrium
(c) A 40F capacitor charged to 400V
(c) Not be in equilibrium
(d) All will have same energy stored
(d) Will move out of the field to influence the
SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-I
two charges
Ans : (a) A 500 pf capacitor charged to 10 kV will have
SSC JE 02.03.2017 Shift-I
least energy stored in it
Ans : (a) Midway between two equal and similar
1 1
charges, a third equal and similar charge is placed. Then E CV 2 = 500 1012 10 10 106
this third charge will remain in stable equilibrium. 2 2
141. Coulomb's law for the force between electric = 5 102 2.5 102 = 0.025 J
charges closely resembles with____: 2
(a) Newton's law of motion When value of capacitor is large then value of stored
(b) Law of conservation of energy energy will be large.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 592 YCT
145. According to Gauss's Law, the surface integral SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-II
of the normal component of electric flux Ans : (b) Electric field due to point charge (Q)–
density D over a closed surface containing KQ
charge Q is E=
Q 1
(a) (b) 0 Q E 2
0 R
Q2 Where R distance from point charge at point 'O'
(c) Q (d) 1
0 From point "b" to "c" electric field will vary E 2 to
ESE 2014 b
Ans. (c) : According to Gauss's law 1
E 2 [c > b]
If ds = closed surface c
E Total electric flux Hence, electric field will decrease from point b to c.
D = Electric flux density 150. In practice, Earth is chosen as a place of zero
Q = Charge enclosed electric potential because it.
(a) in non-conducting
The relation can be given as E D.ds Qenclosed
(b) is easily available reference
146. The lines of force due to charged particles (c) keeps losing and gaining electric charge every
are____: day
(a) always straight (b) always curved (d) has almost constant potential
(c) sometimes curved (d) None of these ESE 2014
SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-I Ans. (d) : Universally earth is taken as a surface of
Ans : (b) The line of force due to charged particle are great conductivity, so its surface is taken as
always curved. equipotential or ground electric potential (V=0).
Force line that are drawn at interval and through which 151. What is required to remove static electricity
tangent line from a point indicate the direction of from machinery?
electric field intensity. (a) grounding the frame work.
147. A capacitor can be represented by a (b) humidify the surrounding.
capacitance and resistance in parallel. For a (c) constructing insulated cabins.
good capacitor, this parallel resistance is____: (d) insulating the machinery.
(a) Very high (b) Very low SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-II
(c) Low (d) None of these Ans : (a) To remove the static-electricity from
SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-I machinery we should ground the frame-work.
Ans : (a) A capacitor can be represented by a If this part is not grounded, then the person working on
capacitance and resistance in parallel for a good the machine may get electric shock.
capacitor, this parallel resistance is very high. 152. For dielectric, flux is proportional to ..........
In parallel circuit voltage same and value of current is low. (a) potential difference between electrodes
148. An electric charge moves with a constant (b) resistivity of medium
velocity (V) parallel to the lines of force of a (c) rate of change of potential difference
uniform magnetic field B. The force (d) rate of change of current
experienced by the charge is_____: SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-II
(a) eVB (b) e/BV Ans : (a) For dielectric, flux is proportional to the
(c) eV/B (d) 0 potential-difference between electrodes.
SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-I Dielectric refers to a property of material that is a poor
BSNL TTA 26.09.2016, 10AM conductor of electricity.
Ans : (d) F = q(V×B) = qVBsin Glass, porcelain, mica, rubber, plastics dry air, vacuums
In parallel, the angle between the magnetic field and the and some liquids and gases are dielectric.
velocity will be 00. 153. In a radio, a gang condenser is a type of ..........
F = qVB sin00 (a) Paper capacitor (b) Air capacitor
F=0 (c) Electrolytic capacitor (d) Ceramic capacitor
149. The electric field from 'b' to 'c' will be .......... SSC JE 03.03.2017 Shift-II
Ans : (b) In a radio, a gang condenser is a type of the
air-capacitor. These capacitors are used to vary the
tuned frequency in a radio.
154. The capacitance of a concentric spherical
capacitor of shell radii x and y (x > y) is
(a) increasing (b) decreasing 1 x 40 xy
(a) ln (b)
(c) zero (d) same 40 y xy
Enet = 2Ecos60 + E3
2 3kq 1 3kq 6kq 6q
= 2 = 2
a2 2 a a 4πεa 2
3 q
2 a 2
280. Two concentric spherical shells of radius 'R' 282. Find the volume charge density that is
and '2R' carry equal and opposite uniformly associated with the field D = ar C/m2
distributed charges over their surface as shown (a) 1 C/m3 (b) 0 C/m3
in Fig. The electric field on the surface of the (c) 2/r C/m (d) r C/m3
inner shell will be ______. UPPSC AE 13.12.2020, Paper-I
Electromagnetic Field Theory 611 YCT
Ans. (c) : According to the gauss Law Ans. (a) : Electric field intensity
V .D 1 Q
E 2
1 40 R
v 2 r 2 1
r r
2r 2
v 2
r r
v C / m3
283. Which of the following statement is correct
(a) Inside a perfect conductor, the potential is not
(b) Constant electric field produces magnetic
(c) Inside a perfect conductor, the electrostatic The charges are placed at four edges of a square and
field is not zero opposite charges are placed at diagonals.
(d) Inside a perfect conductor, the electrostatic
field is zero So, net electric field at the center of square is zero.
TSPSC Manager (Engg.)HMWSSB 2020 287. C0 is the capacitance of a parallel plate
Ans. (d) : We know that, capacitor with air as dielectric (as in figure(a)).
1 q If, half of the entire gap (as shown is figure (b))
40 r 2 is filled with a dielectric of permittivity r the
Charge q = 0 inside a perfect conductor expression for the modified capacitance is:
E 0
284. The charge (q) flowing in a conductor is q =
(3t2-5t) mC (t=time). Calculate the current
flowing in the conductor at t=3 seconds?
(a) 13mA (b) 10mA
(c) 6.5mA (d) 26 mA (a) 1 r
DMRC JE, 26.02.2020 2
Ans. (a) : Given that, (b) C0 r
q = 3t2 – 5t, i = 6t – 5 C0
dt (c) r
{At t = 3} 2
i = 6 ×3 – 5 = 13 mA (d) C0 1 r
285. Static electricity is produced by..............
(a) chemical reaction OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
(b) friction Ans. (a) : Without dielectric the capacitance
(c) induction
(d) both friction and induction 0 .A
C= C0
SSC JE 02.03.2017, Shift-II d
Ans : (b) Static electricity is produced by friction. Static When the dielectric is placed in half of the capacitor
electricity occurs when an electrical charge builds up plate–
due to friction between two different objects. Lightning
is a good example of static electricity. 0 A / 2 0 A
than C1 =
286. Two positive charges, Q coulombs each are d 2d
placed at points (0, 0, 0) and (2, 2, 0) while two r 0 A / 2 0r A
negative charges, Q coulombs each in C2 =
d 2d
magnitude, are placed at points (0, 2 0) and (2,
0, 0). The electric field intensity at the point (1, 0 A r 0 A
Total capacitance C C1 C2
1, 0) is: 2d 2d
(a) Zero (b) 0 A
80 C 1 r
(c) (d) C0
40 160 C 1 r
OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
Electromagnetic Field Theory 612 YCT
288. A point charge of 10-9C is placed at a point A in Electric field due to plate I
free space. What is the intensity of electrostatic
field on the surface of a sphere of radius 5 cm EI
2 0
at centre A?
1 9 and E II
Take = 9×10 in SI units 20
4πε 0
Both plates having equal charge and will oppose each
(a) 1800 V/m (b) 3600 V/m
(c) 5360 V/m (d) 2820 V/m other hence net electric field will be zero inside plate.
ESE (Pre) 18.07.2021 291. Electrical intensity at a distance from a positive
Ans. (b) : Given that, charge Q is measured. What extra charge to be
q = 10 C, r = 5cm, added to the original charge to keep the same
electrical intensity at double the distance?
9 109 (a) 4Q (b) 3Q
(c) 2Q (d) Q
q ISRO VSSC (TA) 14.07.2021
40 r 2 Ans. (b) : We know that electric field intensity
1 q Q
= . 2 E k 2 …………….(i)
40 r d
9 9 According to question-
9 10 10
= k Q Q '
5 102 5 102 E …………….(ii)
9 10 4 2d
= 3600 V / m
25 From (i) & (ii)
289. The area of hysteresis loop is a measure of kQ k Q Q '
(a) Magnetic flux d2 4d 2
(b) Permeance 4Q Q Q '
(c) m.m.f. per cycle Q ' 3Q
(d) Energy loss per cycle
( Where Q’ is the extra charge to be added)
UPSSSC JE 31.07.2016
292. A charge of ''q'' coulomb is moving in a circle
Ans : (d) The area of hysteresis loop is a measure of
energy loss per cycle. of radius ''r'' metre at a frequency of ''f''
Substance that cause some energy loss in magnetism revolutions per second. The equivalent current is
reversal. (a) qf (b) q/f
290. Find the electric field between two non (c) qr/f (d) q/fr
conducting plates placed facing each other, if ISRO VSSC (TA) 14.07.2021
both of them contains +ve charges having Ans. (a) : As per question
charge density . Charge = q
frequency = f
(a) (b)
0 2 0 i=?
2 we know that q = it
(c) (d) None of these
0 q 1
i qf f
ISRO VSSC (TA) 14.07.2021 t t
Ans. (d) : 293. A charge Q liberated P moles of hydrogen. The
number of moles of oxygen liberated by the
same charge is
(a) P (b) P/2
(c) 2P (d) None of these
ISRO VSSC (TA) 14.07.2021
Ans. (b) : A charge Q liberated P moles of hydrogen.
The number of moles of oxygen liberated by the same
charge is P/2.
Electromagnetic Field Theory 613 YCT
294. According to Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Ans. (d) : Given that
Induction, an emf is induced in a conductor I1 = 1000 A
whenever it ______. I2 = 2000 A
(a) moves parallel to the direction of the r = 0.1 m
magnetic field we know that force per meter length between two
(b) lies in a magnetic parallel conductors
(c) lies at 180º to the magnetic flux II
F= o 1 2
(d) cuts magnetic flux 2 r
DMRC JE 2018, Shift III o 1000x2000
Ans. (d) : Faraday's law of electromagnetic = 2 x 0.1
4N 16 N Sqrt (16) N
induction-According to Faraday's law of
electromagnetic induction, an emf is induced in a
conductor whenever it cuts magnetic flux and it is
proportional to rate of change of flux i.e.
295. Calculate the force experienced by conductor 298. Ampere's circuital law in magnetism is
that is 18 cm long, carrying current of 50A, analogous to ____ in electrostatics.
placed at right angles to the lines of force of (a) Faraday's law (b) Coulomb's law
flux density 10 × 10-3 Wb/m2 (c) Gauss's law (d) Biot-Savart's law
(a) 0.3 (b) 0.2 GSECL 2020 Shift-I
(c) 0.54 (d) 0.09 Ans. (c) : Amprere's circuital law–This law states that
OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I the closed line integral of magnetic field around a
ESIC JE 2019 current carrying conductor is equal to absolute
Ans. (d) : Given: = 18 cm = 0.18m, I= 50A permeability times the total current carrying the
-3 2 0
B = 10×10 Wb/m , 90 , force = ?
As we know that:
B.dl 0 I
Force(F) BI sin Gauss's law–The total flux linked with a closed surface
F = 10×10 ×50 × 0.18 × 1 = 9×10 -2 is 1/0 times the charge enclosed by the closed surface.
E.ds .q
296. "The line integral of magnetic field intensity 0
around closed path is equal to current enclosed 299. Ohm's law analogy for magnetic circuit is
by path." This statement is associated with _____.
which law? (a) MMF = Flux / Reluctance
(a) Lenz's law (b) Flux = 1 + (Reluctance / MMF)
(b) Ampere's circuital law (c) Reluctance = MMF Flux
(c) Coulomb's law (d) MMF = Flux Reluctance
(d) Gauss's law GSECL 2020 Shift-I
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II Ans. (d) : Electrical circuit to magnetic circuit analogy–
ESIC JE 2019 Ohm's law
BWSSB (Code 85), 10.04.2016 voltage = current × Resistance
ESE 2015 Ohm's law in magnetic circuit
Ans. (b) : Ampere's circuital law :- "The line integral mmf = flux × Reluctance
of magnetic field intensity around closed path is equal Electrical circuit Magnetic circuit
to current enclosed by path" Potential/EMF (V/E) MMF
H.d Ienclosed Current (I)
Resistance (R)
Reluctance (S)
Where, Conductance (G) Permeance
H = magnetic field intensity Ohm's law V = IR Ohm's law MMF = .S
Ienclosed = current enclosed 300. The property of a material which oppose the
297. The force per meter length between two production of magnetic flux in it is known as
conductors, 0.1 meter apart carrying currents (a) mmf (b) reluctance
of 1000 A and 2000 A is: (c) permeance (d) permittivity
(a) Sqrt (9) N (b) Sqrt (36) N SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-I
(c) Sqrt (25) N (d) Sqrt (16) N HPSSSB JE-2017 (Post code- 579)
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (Power & Electricity Dept.) 2015
EESL Engineer (Technical) 2020 Kerala PSC Asst: Gr. II Electrical Inspectorate 2015
Electromagnetic Field Theory 614 YCT
Ans. (b) : The property of a material which opposes the 304. Magnetic flux density is a
production of magnetic flux in it, its known as (a) Vector quantity (b) Scalar quantity
reluctance. Its work is analogous to the work of (c) Phasor (d) None of the above
resistance in an electrical circuit. In both AC and DC HPSSSB JE-2017 (Post code- 579)
fields, the reluctance is the ratio of the magneto motive Ans. (a) : The magnetic flux density is the number of
force (MMF) in a magnetic circuit to the magnetic flux lines of force passing through a unit area of material. It
in this circuit.
mmf F
( )
is denoted by B and unit is tesla (T).
Magnetic flux ()
( )
Magnetic flux density B =
( )
S = reluctance (ampere-turns per Weber) area A
F = magneto motive force (MMF) in ampere-turns Magnetic flux density is a vector quantity measuring the
= magnetic flux (Webers) strength and direction of magnetic field around a
301. Magnetic lines of force travel from_____ magnet or an electric current.
to____ inside magnet. 305. One Weber is equal to
(a) North to South (b) South to East
(c) South to West (d) South to North (a) 106 lines (b) 4 ×10-7 lines
Kerala PSC Asst: Gr. II Electrical Inspectorate 2015 (c) 10 (d) 108 lines
Ans. (d) : Magnetic lines of force travel from South to HPSSC JE 08.08.2021
North inside the magnet and north to south in outside HPSSSB JE-2017 (Post code- 579)
the magnet. 8
Ans. (d) : One Weber = 10 lines of force.
306. Unit of relative permeability is
(a) Henry/metre (b) H/m2
(c) H (d) Dimensionless
302. Absolute permeability 0 =
HPSSSB JE-2017 (Post code- 579)
Absolute permeability of free space is equal to: Ans. (d) : Relative permeability is defined as the ratio
(a) 4 × 10–7 H/m (b) 2 × 10–7 H/m of the material permeability () to permeability of free
(c) 4 × 10 H/m (d) 2 × 10–14 H/m space (or vacuum) 0
UKSSSC JE 10.01.2021
SSC JE 10.12.2020, Shift-II The relative permeability (r) = .
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 14.11.2018
Kerala PSC Draftman 2016, Grade II It has no unit so
Ans. (a) : The ability of a material to concentrate It is dimension less.
magnetic flux is called permeability (). 307. Ampere turns are the unit of
It is defined as the ratio of the flux density to (a) Inductance (b) m.m.f.
magnetizing force. (c) Reluctance (d) Magnetic field
B PSTCL AE 06.08.2021
o r HPSSSB JE-2017 (Post code- 579)
The absolute permeability or permeability of free space Ans. (b) : Magnetomotive force (mmf) is equivalent to
is– a number of turns of wire and current flowing through
the wire.
o 4107 H / m m.m.f = NI
303. Relative permeability of material = Where N = number of turn
(a) Flux density produced in vacuum I = Current flow though the wire.
(b) Flux density produced in material Unit is Ampere - turn.
Flux density produced in vacuum 308. Magnitude of hysteresis loss is given by the
Flux density produced in material relation
Flux density produced in material (a) Ph B1.6 2
max f V watt
Flux density produced in vacuum (b) Ph B1.6 2 2
max f V watt
Kerala PSC Draftman 2016, Grade II
(c) Ph B1.6
max fV watt
Ans. (d) : Relative permeability of material is defined
as the ratio of flux density produced in material to the (d) Ph Bmax fV 2 watt
magnetomotive force is the ampere-turn (AT). 466. A cylindrical bar magnet is kept along the axis
461. What is the angle between each digit of left of a circular coil. If the magnet is rotated about
hand in Fleming's left hand rule? its axis then
(a) 45º (b) 180º (a) No current will be induced in the coil
(c) 90º (d) 135º (b) Cannot be defined
(e) 60º (c) An emf will be induced
RSEB JE 2011 (d) A current will be induced
Ans. (c) : Fleming's left hand rule- "When a current- RSMSSB JEN (PHED)Degree 26.12.2020
carrying conductor is placed in an external magnetic Ans. (a) : A cylindrical bar magnet is kept along the
field, the conductor experiences a force perpendicular to axis of a circular coil. If the magnet is rotated about its
both the field and to the direction of the current flow." axis then no current will be induced in the coil.
462. Considering any closed path in a magnetic 467. The magnetic flux which does not follow the
field, the line integral of tangential component particularly intended path in a magnetic circuit
of the magnetic field around the closed path is is called:
equal to 0 times current enclosed. This (a) Leakage flux (b) Magnetic flux
statement is related to (c) Flux (d) Flux density
(a) Gauss law (b) Coulombs RRB JE 30.08.2019 Shift-II
(c) Amperes law (d) Faradays law Ans. (a) : The magnetic flux which does not follow the
PGVCL JE 2018 particularly intended path in a magnetic circuit is called
Ans. (c) : Ampere’s law - The line integral of leakage flux.
tangential component of the magnetic field around the
closed path is equal to 0 times current enclosed.
B.ds 0I enc
463. If a copper conductor is moved across a
magnetic field
(a) A current will be induced in the wire
(b) Nothing will happen
(c) The copper wire becomes magnetic
(d) A voltage will be induced in the wire
RSMSSB JEN (PHED)Degree 26.12.2020 468. Who discovered that a current-carrying
conductor would move when placed in a
Ans. (d) : If a copper conductor is moved across a
magnetic field?
magnetic field then the voltage is induced in the coil (a) Nikola Tesla (b) Gustav Kirchhoff
with the magnitude of the induced voltage. (c) Michael Faraday (d) Andre Ampere
464. Which one of the following is the reciprocal of RRB JE 30.08.2019 Shift-II
magnetic permeability Ans. (c) : Michael Faraday discovered that a current-
(a) Susceptibility (b) Reluctivity carrying conductor would move when placed in a
(c) Reluctance (d) Permeance magnetic field. It experiences a force which acts in a
RSMSSB JEN (PHED)Degree 26.12.2020 direction perpendicular both to the direction of the
Ans. (b) : In electromagnetism, permeability is
current and the field.
measure of the ability of a material to support theThe force developed in the conductor is given by the
formation of magnetic field with in it self. The relation.
reciprocal of magnetic permeability is magnetic F BI
reluctivity. F – Force developed in conductor
465. Ampere circuital law states that B – Flux density T (Wb/m2)
(a) × H = I (b) .H = I I – Current in the conductor
– length of conductor wire
(c) H.dl I (d)
H.dl = I
469. Mutual inductance is measured in-
UPRVUNL AE 04.07.2021 (a) Ampere (b) Volt
JPSC AE 10.04.2021, Paper-II (c) Henry (d) Ohm
RSMSSB JEN (PHED)Degree 26.12.2020 RRB JE 30.08.2019 Shift-II
Electromagnetic Field Theory 636 YCT
Ans. (c) : The unit of mutual inductance is Henry. (c) The current in the lines
There to be the mutual inductance between two coil is. (d) The voltage of the source
SSC JE 02.03.2017 Shift-I
AN1 N 2
M 0 r Henry Ans : (c) Magnetic flux in the magnetic circuit is
equivalent to electric current in the electric circuit.
Unit of flux and current is Webers and Ampere
474. How can the magnetic flux in the magnetic
circuit shown in the figure be increased?
591. Which of the following can produce maximum Since coil is rotating in static magnetic flux B with
induced voltage? uniform velocity so emf induced due to motion
(a) 1 A dc current (motional emf)
(b) 50 A dc current
(c) 1 A, 60 Hz ac current
L V B dt
(d) 1 A, 490 Hz ac current 594. Point out of the WRONG statement.
ESE-2015 The magnetizing force at the centre of a circular
Ans. (d) : Let current I = Asin t coil varies:
di (a) directly as the current
Induced voltage e L (b) directly as its radius
di (c) inversely as its radius
e (d) directly as the number of its turns
dt SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
Electromagnetic Field Theory 653 YCT
Ans: (b) Magnetizing force at centre of circular coil is (d) Two magnetic lines of force do not cut each
H a SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
2R Ans. (d) : Magnetic field lines seek the path of least
Where, resistance between opposite magnetic poles. In a single
I = current Bar magnet they attempt to form loop which are closed
R = radius from pole to pole.
N = number of turns The magnetic lines of force-
Here, They never cross each other
1 They all have same strength.
H They flow from the south pole to the north pole
Hence, radius is inversely proportional to magnetizing within a material and north pole to south pole in air
force. 598. Determine the magnitude of magnetic field (in
595. A 2 cm long coil has 10 turns and carries a mT) at the center of a 50 cm long solenoids, if
current of 750 mA. The magenetising force of the solenoid has 3000 turns and carrying a
the coil is: current of 5A.
(a) 675 AT /m (b) 450 AT/ m (a) 2.61 (b) 2.66
(c) 4.64 (d) 3.77
(c) 375 AT/ m (d) 225 AT/ m
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
SSC JE 2014, Shift-I
Ans. (d) : Given that:-
Ans: (c) Magnetic field intensity Number of turns (N) = 300
NI AT Current (I) = 5A,
l m Length of Solenoid = 50 cm = 0.5 m
Given N = 10, = 2 cm = 2 × 10–2 m = 0.02 m Magnetic flux density (B) = ?
I = 750 mA = 0.75 A 0 = Permeability of free space
10 0.75 N I 0
H = 375 AT/Meter We know that : B
596. Which one of the following is the CORRECT 7
300 5 4 10
expression for Biot–savart law? B = 12000 ×10-7
q 0.5
(a) B.dl 0 I (b) E B 3.768 mT
id sin ir 2 sin 599. A medium behaves like dielectric when the
(c) dB 2
(d) dB 2 (a) displacement current is just equal to the
r r conduction current
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II (b) displacement current is less than the
Ans. (c) : The Biot-savart law describes the magnetic conduction current
field generated by a constant current (c) displacement current is much greater than the
According to this law the magnetic field density dB, is conduction current
directly proportional to the element dl, current I, the (d) displacement current is almost negligible
sine of the angle , between the direction of the current ESE 2002
and the magnetic field and inversely proportional to the Ans. (c) : A medium behaves like dielectric when the
square of the distance at which point magnetic field displacement current is much greater than the
need to be calculated. conduction current.
r (relative permeability of medium)>> 1 and so
dB Idlsinθ displacement current density.
1 In case of dielectric medium (good dielectric)
and, dB 2 J D J C
Idl sin Displacement current density>> conduction current
or dB 2 density.
597. Which one of the following statement is TRUE >> for good dielectric 1
about the magnetic line of force?
(a) The magnetic lines of force travel from South 600. Calculate the force experienced by the
pole to North pole outside the magnet conductor, with L = 0.5m and B = 4 Wb/m2,
(b) The magnetic lines of force travel from North when the armature current is 5Amp?
pole to South pole inside the magnet (a) 5N (b) 10N
(c) Magnetic lines of force never form a closed (c) 15N (d) 20N
path SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II
Electromagnetic Field Theory 654 YCT
Ans. (b) : Given- (a) 0.426 (b) 0.435
Length of conductor = 0.5m (c) 0.265 (d) 0.124
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I
Armature current (Ia) = 5A
Magnetic flux Density (B) = 4 Wb/m2 Ans : (d) Given that,
N = 230 Turn
Force (F) = iB
I = 3 Amp.
F= 5×4×0.5 l = 7 meter
F= 20×0.5 N.I 230 3
s F 10N H A T / m
601. Hysteresis loss occurring in a material does Magnetic field, B = H = 0r H, 0 4 10 7 H / m
NOT depend on which of the following
parameters? 230 3
= 4107 ( = 3.14)
(a) Hysteresis constant 7
(b) Magnetic flux density = 1238 10–7 Tesla
(c) Frequency 0.124 10–3 Tesla
(d) Reluctivity
B 0.124mT
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans. (d) : The hysteresis loss occurring in a material 605. Hysteresis losses are present in iron core coil
does not depend on reluctivity. But it depends on when
hysteresis constant flux density and frequency. The (a) the current in the coil is alternating.
hysteresis loss in a material is represented as- (b) the current is unsymmetrical alternating only
1.6 (c) the current in the coil is d.c. only.
Ph kBmax fv
(d) the current in the coil is sinusoidal only.
Ph Bmax1.6 fv SSC JE 2012
Reluctivity is equivalent to resistivity of electrical Ans: (a) Hysteresis losses are present in iron core coil
circuit and inverse to permeability of magnetic circuit. when the current in the coil is alternating.
Where, 606. Which one of the following is the CORRECT
Ph = Hysteresis loss, f = frequency value of magnetic permeability in free space?
= Hysteresis constant (a) 4 10 4 (b) 4 10 5
Bmax = Maximum flux density (c) 4 10 7 (d) 4 10 3
602. Which of the following expression satisfies the SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II
Ampere's circuital law?
Ans : (c) The magnetic permeability in free space is
(a) B.dl 0 i (b) B.dl 0 i 2 constant has the exact value.
(c) B.dl 0 H (d) B.dl 0 H 2 μ 0 = 4π ×10-7 H/m = 12.56×10-7 H/m
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I The magnetic permeability is defined as the property of
Ans : (a) Ampere's circuital law- This law states that the material to allow the magnetic line of force to pass
the integral of magnetic field density (B) along an through it.
imaginary closed path is equal to the product of current 607. What will be the magnetic field strength (in
enclosed by the path and permeability of the medium. A/m) of a material when the intensity of
B.dl 0 i magnetization of the material is 0.064 Amp/m
and the magnetic susceptibility of the materials
603. What will be the current (in A) through a
is 0.52 × 10–4 ?
solenoid, when the solenoid has 160 turns and
(a) 1240 (b) 1265
produces an mmf of 32 Amp–truns?
(a) 0.1 (b) 0.2 (c) 1260 (d) 1230
(c) 0.4 (d) 0.8 SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I Ans : (d) Given,
Ans : (b) Given that, Intensity of magnetization of the material
No. of turn = 160 (I) = 0.064 A/m, = N.I Magnetic susceptibility = (m) = 0.52 10–4
mmf I
I= So m =
32 The magnetic field strength-
Current (I) = = 0.2 Amp. I 0.064
160 H= 1230.77
604. What will be value of magnetic field (in mT) at m 0.52 104
the centre of a 7 m long coil, when the coil has H 1230 A / m or (Am-1)
230 turns and carrying a current of 3 A?
Electromagnetic Field Theory 655 YCT
608. Determine the magnitude of EMF (in V) 6
induced between the axis of rotation and the B2max
rim of the disc, when the disc of radius 10 cm 2 50 50 16 106 20
rotates with an angular velocity of 60 6 10
revolutions per second and placed in a 2 50 50 16 20
magnetic field of 3 T acting parallel to the
6 106
rotation of the disc. Bmax
(a) 6.69 (b) 4.64 1600000
(c) 6.67 (d) 5.65 Bmax 1.94 T
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II
Ans : (d) Angular velocity = 60 revolution/second. 611. Two coils with self-inductance 1 H and 2 H having
a mutual inductance of 1 H between them carry
Radius of dics = 10 cm 0.1m currents of 2 A and 2 A respectively. The total
B 3Tesla energy stored in the field, in joules, is
From magnetic field strength in closed disk. (a) 2(1 + 2 ) (b) 2(2 + 2 )
(c) 3(1 + 2 ) (d) 3(2 + 2 )
A SSC JE 2011, Shift-II
3 r 2 3 3.14 0.1 0.1 0.0942Wb Ans: (b) Given that
Induced emf (e) Angular velocity L1 = 1 H
L2 = 2 H
0.0942 60 M12 = M21 = 1 H
e 5.65 Volt I1 = 2A
609. What will be the value of current (in A) in a 50 I2 = 2 A
cm long air-core solenoid, if the value of Total stored energy (E)-
magnetic field at the center of the solenoid is 5 1 1
L1I12 L 2 I22 MI1I 2
mT and the solenoid has 300 turns? 2 2
(a) 6.63 (b) 5.63 1 1 2
(c) 4.36 (d) 8.25
= 1 2 2 2 1 2 2
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II
Ans : (a) Given, E = 4 + 2 2 2 (2 + 2 )
612. The emf induced in a coil is given by
B 5 103 T
N 300 Turn e=–N
50 cm 0.5 m dt
where e is the emf induced, N is the number of
As we know that,
turns and d is the instantaneous flux linkage
B 0 r
4 10 7
H / m with coil in time dt.
The negative sign in the expression is due to
103 0.5 (a) Hans Christian Oersted's Law
I (b) Ampere's Law
4 107 3.14 1 300
(c) Michael Faraday's Law
I 6.63Amp (d) Lenz's Law
610. Determine the maximum flux density (in T) a SSC JE 02.03.2017, Shift-II
material having eddy current coefficient of 2, SSC JE 2013
thickness of 4 mm, volume of 20 cube, meter, Ans: (d) According to Lenz’s law, the induced. EMF
which is supplied by a frequency of 50 Hz when sets up a current in a direction so as to oppose the cause
the material has eddy current loss of 6 W. of producing it. So it’s expressed as Negative sign.
(a) 2.24 (b) 3.34 d
(c) 1.94 (d) 1.21 e N
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II
613. Two parallel conductors carrying current in
Ans : (c) Given,
3 opposite directions will exert on each other
We = 6 watt V = 20 m
(a) an attractive force (b) a repulsive force
f = 50 Hz ke = 2 (c) an axial force (d) no force
t = 4 10–3 meter SSC JE 2013
Eddy current loss-
Ans. : (b) The current flowing in same direction then
We k e B2max f 2 t 2 V the conductor attracts to each other and if the current
2 flowing in the opposite direction then the conductor
6 2 502 B2max 4 103 20 generates a repulsive force.
B1 =
4 4 107 I 1
(a) e = LR (b) e = Ldi/dt
4a 2 2 (c) e = d/dt (d) None of these
I SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I
B1 4 2 107
a Ans : (d) Faraday's first law - Whenever a conductor
B1 is placed in a varying magnetic field an E.M.F. gets.
H= induced across the conductor (called induced e.m.f.)
Faraday's second law- It states that the magnitude of
4 2I 107 induced e.m.f. is proportional to the rate of change of
4 107 a flux linkages with coil.
2I d
H A/m eN
a dt
664. A straight conductor of circular cross-section d
or e N
carries a current. Which one of the following dt
statements is true in this regard ? Negative sign is taken from Lenz's law.
(a) No force acts on the conductor at any point 667. The developed electromagnetic force and/or
(b) An axial force acts on the conductor tending torque in electromechanical energy conversion
to increase its length system act in a direction that tends............
(c) A radial force acts away from the axis (a) To increase the stored energy at constant flux
tending to reduce its cross-section (b) To decrease the stored energy at constant flux
(d) A radial force acts away from the axis (c) To decrease the stored energy at constant
tending to reduce its cross-section mmf
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I (d) To increase the stored energy at constant
Ans : (c) Let a straight conductor of circular cross- mmf
section carries a current as shown below SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-I
Electromagnetic Field Theory 665 YCT
Ans : (b) The developed electromagnetic force (or) (a) A and B are correct
torque in electromechanical energy conversion system (b) B and C are correct
act in a direction that tends to decrease the stored (c) A and C are correct
energy at constant flux. (d) A, B and C are correct
Wfield , x SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II
Ffield Ans : (d) The force per unit length between two
This shows that stored energy of the field is reduced stationary parallel wires carrying (steady) current is
with the increase of x while flux linkage are kept inversely proportional to the separation of wires and
proportional to the magnitude of each current. It also
satisfies the Newton's third law.
668. A coil wound over an iron carries certain
current and established flux in the ring. If the F 0 1 2
area of a x–section of the ring is doubled, the 2d
flux density in the core............. 671. A magnetic circuit requires 800 AT to produce
(a) Is double of the previous value a certain quantity of flux in magnetic circuit. If
(b) Is half of the previous value its excitation coil has 100 turns and 5 ohm
(c) Is same as the previous value resistance, the voltage to be applied in exciting
(d) Is not possible to predict coil is.............
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II (a) 60 V (b) 40 V
Ans : (b) A coil wound over an iron carries certain (c) 80 V (d) 8 V
current and established flux in the ring. If there is a x- SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II
section of the ring is doubled the flux density in the core Ans : (b) Ampere turns · 800 AT
is half of the previous value.
R = 5 N = 100
B1 = /A
NI = 800 AT
Put A = 2A
1 I= = 8Amp.
B2 = /2A B2 = 100
V = IR = 85 = 40V
B2 B1 672. " In all cases electromagnetic induction, an
2 induced voltage will cause a current to flow in
669. A cast steel electromagnet has an air gap length a closed circuit in such a direction that the
of 0.3 cm. Find the ampere–turns for the air magnetic field which is caused by that current
gap to produce a flux density of 0.7 Wb/m2 in will oppose the change that produces the
the air gap. current", is the original statement of ............
(a) 2100 AT (b) 1671 AT (a) Lenz's law
(c) 1447AT (d) 167 AT (b) Faraday's law of magnetic induction
SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II (c) Fleming's law of induction
Ans : (b) Given, (d) Ampere's law
= 0.3cm B = 0.7 Wb/m2 SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II
Ans : (a) Lenz's law-" From the definition of Lenz's
B = 0 r H r = 1
law, the induced current is always opposed by the
NI induced current is always opposed by the cause that
produce it."
0.7 Lenz's law is based on the law of conservation of
NI = 0.3 102 energy.
673. A short circuited rectangular coil falls under
21 104 21 gravity with the coil remaining in a vertical
NI = 103
4107 4 3.14 plane and cutting perpendicular horizontal
NI = 1671AT magnetic lines of force. It is........... acceleration.
670. Consider the following statements: (a) Zero (b) Increasing
The force per unit length between two (c) decreasing (d) Constant
stationary parallel wires carrying (steady) SSC JE 04.03.2017, Shift-II
currents ............ Ans : (d)
A. Is inversely proportional to the separation
of wires
B. is proportional to the magnitude of each
C. Satisfies Newton's third law
Out of these.............
Electromagnetic Field Theory 666 YCT
Magnetic field lines doesn't change while the loop is in B = Magnetic flux density
falling down due to gravity hence no emf is induced and A = Cross-section area
acceleration remain constant. = Angle between magnetic field and area.
674. A coil is said to have a self-inductance of 1 678. Current passing through an inductor is 4A.
henry if an EMF of 1 volt is induced in it when Energy stored in the inductor of inductance 0.2
the current flowing through is changes at the Henry will be :
rate of _______. (a) 0.8 J (b) 8 J
(a) 1 A/second (b) 1 mA/Second (c) 1.6 J (d) 0.16 J
(c) 1 mA/min (d) 1 A/min OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
SSC JE 20.10.2020, Shift-I UPPCL JE 11.11.2016
Ldi Ans : (c) Given,
Ans. (a) : e L = 0.2H
I = 4A
1 = 1 1
dt Stored energy = LI 2
di 1
E = 0.24
1amp / sec
dt 2
675. The magnetic field intensity in a material 1
= 0.216
whose relative permeability is 1 when the flux 2
density is 0.005T is : E = 1.6 J
(a) 250 AT/m (b) 452 AT/m 679. In the standard B-H curve X axis and Y axis
(c) 1775 AT/m (d) 3980 AT/m intercepts respectively represents
NMRC JE 2017 (a) Residual magnetism and coercive force
Ans : (d) B = 0.005 Tesla (b) Coercive force and residual magnetism
r = 1 H = ? (c) Hysteresis loss and flux
o = 410-7 (d) Flux and MMF
B 0.005 GETCO JE 2015
H= Ans. (b) : The B-H curve is characteristics of the
o r 4107 1
magnetic properties of a material or element of alloy. It
5 104 50 1000 tells how the material responds to an external magnetic
4 4 3 14 field.
12500 BH
H= = 3980 AT/m B = oH
676. The area of hysteresis loop for a specimen is B = Magnetic flux density
found to be large. This means that the H = Magnetising force
hysteresis loss in this specimen would be– The force required to remove, the residual magnetism
(a) negative (b) small from the material is called the coercive force or
(c) zero (d) large coercivity of the material.
UPPCL JE 14.03.2016
Ans : (d) The area of hysteresis loop for a specimen is
found to be large. This means that the hysteresis loop in
this specimen would be large.
677. Magnetic flux will be..............if the surface area
vector of a surface is perpendicular to the
magnetic field.
(a) zero (b) unity
(c) close to maximum (d) maximum
680. "M.M.F around any closed path equals the
UPPCL JE 11.11.2016
current enclosed by the path". This is known as
Ans : (a) If the surface area vector of a surface is
perpendicular to the magnetic field then magnetic flux
(a) Biot-Savart law (b) Coulomb's law
will be zero.
B.A.cos (c) Gauss's law (d) Ampere's law
UPPCL JE 27.11.2019, Shift-II
900 Ans. (d) : M.M.F. around any closed path equals the
B.A.cos 900 current enclosed by the path. This is known as Ampere's
= Flux
H r .dr NI
Where, reflection coefficient
897. The reflection coefficient of a line is 1. The Z L Z0
line is Vmax = maximum voltage of signal along the line
(a) Open circuited (b) Short circuitedVmin = minimum voltage along the line
(c) Terminated in Z0 (d) None of these 901. The predominant primary constituents of a
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 10 AM telephone cable are_____
Ans : (b) The reflection coefficient of a line is –1. The (a) L and G (b) L and C
line is short circuited. (c) G and C (d) R and C
Z Z0 BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 10 AM
L Ans : (d) The predominant primary constituents of a
Z L Z0
telephone cable are R and C. Because low frequency
For short circuited line, ZL = 0 application e.g. In twisted pair telephone line, cable
1 reflection coefficient constituents are R and C.
898. What is the expected VSWR for a transmission 902. Cut off frequencies of constant K filters of all
line with reflection coefficient of 0.5 types are given by______
(a) 1.5 (b) 0.5 (a) Z1/4Z2 = 0 (b) Z1/4Z2 = 1
(c) 2 (d) 3 (c) Z1/4Z2 = 1 (d) none of these
BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 10 AM BSNL TTA 29.09.2016, 10 AM
Electromagnetic Field Theory 695 YCT
Ans : (c) Zc (characteristic impedance) for constant-K Ans : (c) Ultra High Frequency (UHF):- The signals
filters of all types (High pass and low pass filter), having UHF (300 MHz to 3 GHz) are propagated
through line of sight communication which is nothing
Z1Z2 but space wave propagation i.e. frequencies in UHF
Z1 range propagate by space wave.
1 907. The input impedance of a line of infinite length
4Z 2
Ei = Internal electric field m = magnetic susceptibility
Pind = dipole moment t = temperature
b = Interatomic distance 54. A dielectic material has the real part of the
dielectric constant ( 'r ) as 4 and its loss tangent
According to formula.
b then E i is 0.004. What is the complex dielectric
b increases then Ei decreases.
51. Which one of the following statements is
(*r ) represented by?
correct? A ferrite core has lower specific eddy (a) 4+j0.016 (b) 4-j0.016
current loss compared to an iron core because (c) 4+j0.001 (d) 4-j0.001
the iron core has ESE-2004
(a) higher electrical resistance Ans. (b) : Given,
(b) lower electrical resistance
'r = 4
(c) higher permeability
(d) lower permeability tan = 0.004
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PWD) 2018 Paper-I *r = ?
Ans. (b) : A ferrite core has lower specific eddy current We know that
loss compared to an iron core because the iron core has "r
lower electrical resistance. tan
52. The hysteresis loop for the material of the core
of a transformer should be "r 0.004 4
(a) Short and narrow (b) Tall and narrow = 0.016
(c) Short and wide (d) Tall and wide Again we know that
*r 'r j "r
Ans. (b) : The hysteresis loop for the material of the
core of a transformer should be tall and narrow because *r 4 j 0.016
the material used in transformer core should have high
55. Which one of the following materials can not be
saturation level and low coercive force. Transformer
used for permanent magnets?
core is of soft iron material.
(a) Alnico (b) Barium ferrite
53. Above the Curie temperature, ferro-magnetic (c) Carbon steel (d) Iron – cobalt alloy
materials behave like JPSC AE 10.04.2021, Paper-II
(a) Paramagnetic (b) Diamagnetic HPSSSB JE 2018 (Post code 663)
(c) Anti-ferromagnetic (d) Ferrimagnetic Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade(Power & Electricity Dept.) 2015
ESE 2017, 2010, 2006 Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PHED) 2014 Paper-I
ISRO TA 2016 ESE-2002
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (Power & Electricity Dept.) 2015
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PHED) 2014 Paper-I Ans. (b) : Materials can not be used for permanent
UKPSC JE 2013, PAPER-I magnets barium ferrite.
Electrical & Electronic Engineering Material 709 YCT
56. Which one of the following is not a permanent Ans. (d) : A superconductor may be used for generating
magnetic material? magnetic field. In superconducting materials, an electric
(a) Chromium steel (b) Silicon iron current will flow without any resistance and therefore
(c) Cobalt steel (d) Alnico can conduct much larger electric current than ordinary
RSMSSB JEN (PHED)Degree 26.12.2020
ESE-2004, 2005
wire, creating intense magnetic fields. Superconducting
magnets can produce greater magnetic fields than all.
Ans. (b) : Silicon iron is not a permanent magnetic
material. Silicon iron is soft magnetic material. 62. In which one of the following ways can the Hall
4% Si-Fe is a soft magnetic material having coercive voltage across an impurity semiconductor
field Hc= 40 amp-m-1. crystal be increased?
57. With increase in temperature, magnetic (a) By increasing the thickness of the crystal
susceptibility of a ferromagnetic material will (b) By increasing the concentration of impurity
(a) Increase atoms in the crystal
(b) Decrease (c) By increasing the width of the crystal
(c) Increase initially and then decrease (d) By increasing the current flowing through the
(d) Remain constant crystal
JPSC AE 10.04.2021, Paper-II ESE-2004
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (PHED) 2014 Paper-I Ans. (d) : Hall voltage across an impurity
semiconductor crystal be increased by increasing the
Ans. (b) : With increase in temperature, magnetic
current flowing through the crystal.
susceptibility of ferromagnetic material will decreases.
B .I
C Hall voltage VH Z
Magnetic susceptibility e.n e .d
Where T = Temperature Where d is thickness of the crystal. So VH I
= curie temperature 63. Increase in percentage of carbon in carbon
58. Which law is synonymous to the occurrence of steel reduces
diamagnetism? (a) Resistivity (b) Coercive Force
(a) Coulomb's law (b) Lenz's law (c) Permeability (d) Retentivity
(c) Ampere's law (d) Maxwell's law HPSSSB JE 2018 (Post code 663)
RSMSSB JEN (PHED)Degree 26.12.2020 Ans. (d) : Increase in percentage of carbon steel reduces
OPPSC AE 2021, Paper-I
Ans. (b) : Since when a diamagnetic material subjected to
an external field then it gets magnetization in the opposite 64. What are the materials which exhibit electric
to applied field. This phenomena is called diamagnetism. It polarization even in the absence of an applied
behaves same as Lenz's law. The Lenz's law is electric field called?
synonymous to the occurrence of diamagnetism. (a) Ferromagnetic (b) Paramagnetic
59. De-gaussing is the process of (c) Ferroelectric (d) Anti-ferroelectric
(a) Removing gases from materials ESE-2005
(b) Removal of magnetic impurities Ans. (c) : Ferroelectric materials exhibit hysteresis effects
(c) De-magnetizing metallic parts similar to those observed in ferromagnetic materials.
(d) Hysteresis loss The materials which exhibit electric polarization even in
HPSSSB JE 2018 (Post code 663) the absence of an applied electric field is called
Ans. (c) : De-gaussing is the process of demagnetizing ferroelectric material.
or eliminating an unwanted magnetic field. Due to 65. The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor
magnetic hysteresis, it is generally not possible to increases with increase in temperature because
reduce a magnetic field completely to zero. But de- (a) the mobility of carriers increases
gaussing typically induces a very small known field to (b) the carrier concentration increases
eliminate the unwanted magnetic field.
(c) both carrier concentration and mobility
60. Which of the following material is commonly increase
used for making magnetic recording tape? (d) thermal energy of electrode increases
(a) Ferric oxide (b) Silicon iron
(c) Iron dust (d) Iron
HPSSSB JE 2018 (Post code 663) Ans. (b) : With increase in temperature more covalent
Ans. (a) : Ferric oxide material is commonly use for bonds are ruptured so more free electrons are available
making magnetic recording tape. for conduction. Mobility of the carriers decreases with
61. A superconductor may be used for generating increase in temperature.
(a) Voltage (b) Pressure 1
(c) Temperature (d) Magnetic Field T
HPSSSB JE 2018 (Post code 663) T m
Electrical & Electronic Engineering Material 710 YCT
66. Which of the following materials has good (c) Paramagnetic materials
conductivity? (d) All the above
(a) Silicon (b) Carbon KPTCL JE 2015
(c) Copper (d) Aluminium Ans. (a) : Permanent magnets (materials that can be
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 14.11.2018 magnetized by an external magnetic field and remain
Ans : (c) In this option copper material has good magnetized after the external field is removed) are
conductivity. either ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic, as are the
Table of resistivity and conductivity at 200C material that are noticeably attracted to them.
Material ρ Ω - m at at 200C 71. Hall Effect can be used
conductivity (a) to find type of semiconductor (whether p or n
200C resistivity type)
Silver 1.59 10–8 6.30 107 (b) to find carrier concentration
Copper 1.68 10 5.90 107 (c) to measure conductivity
Gold 2.44 10 4.10 107 (d) all of the above
Aluminium 2.82 10 –8
3.7 107 ESE-2005
67. Which of the following materials has the Ans. (d) : Hall effect is used to find out the type of SC.
highest resistivity? by checking the polarity of induced Hall voltage VH.
(a) Polystyrene (b) Aluminium Used to find out concentration of charge carriers by
(c) Silicon (d) Carbon knowing the Hall coefficient value RH Also can find
APGCL JM 2021 conductivity by formula-
ESE-2003 8
Ans : (a) The order of resistivity in descending order is R H
given as- 3
Polystyrene>Carbon>Silicon>Aluminium Hall effect can be used to measure magnetic flux
density and signal power in EM waves also.
68. The relative dielectric constant of solid
dielectrics in the alternating field is 72. Insulating materials have the function of
(a) maximum at the power frequencies and (a) preventing a short circuit between conducting
decreases to unity at frequencies in the wire
ultraviolet range. (b) preventing an open circuit between the
(b) maximum at the power frequencies and voltage source and the load.
decreases to zero at frequencies in the (c) conducting very large currents
ultraviolet range. (d) storing very high currents
(c) unity at the power frequencies and increases GSSSB SI 08.04.2018
to its maximum value at frequencies in the Ans. (a) : Insulating materials have the function of
ultraviolet range. preventing a short circuit between conducting wire.
(d) Independent of frequency variations. 73. Principle of Hall effect is used in the
ESE-2006 construction of which one of the following?
Ans. (a) : Relative dielectric constant varies with (a) Ammeter (b) Voltmeter
frequency it attains its maximum value at power frequency (c) Galvanometer (d) Gaussmeter
(~ 100 Hz). At high frequencies dielectric constant is a ESE-2006
complex quantity. Imaginary parts is responsible for Ans. (d) : Gaussmeter is based on Hall effect and can
dielectric loss and it is high at power frequencies and be used to measure magnetic flux density.
decreases to unity at ultraviolet frequencies. 74. Salt solutions are :
69. Which of the following is correctly ordered (a) Insulators
according to the ascending order of band gap (b) Semi–conductors
energy? (c) Good conductors of electricity
(a) Graphite, Silicon, Diamond (d) Do not posses electrical properties
(b) Diamond, Graphite, Silicon
(c) Silicon, Diamond, Graphite DMRC JE 18.02.2017
(d) Silicon, Graphite, Diamond Ans : (c) Salt solutions are good conductors of
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 14.11.2018 electricity salt solutions contain Na+ and Cl ions which
Ans : (a) Energy band of Si = 1.1 eV they are responsible for electrical conductivity. When
Energy band of Diamond = 5.47 eV sodium chloride put in water then molecules pull the
Energy band of Graphite = 40 meV sodium and chlorine ions apart.
Hence ascending order of band gap energy is– 75. The electronic polarisability of an inert gas
Graphite <Silicon<Diamond atom is proportional to which one of the
70. Which of the following is the best choice for following?
permanent magnets? (a) R (b) R2
(a) Ferromagnetic materials (c) R (d) R4
(b) Diamagnetic materials ESE-2008
Electrical & Electronic Engineering Material 711 YCT
Ans. (c) : Electronic polarizability 80. The values of radiative and non-radiative
e = 4 0 R 3 lifetime of minority carries in a semi-conductor
are 50 ns and 100 ns, respectively. What is the
e µ R3 effective lifetime?
So, (a) 12.2 ns (b) 150 ns
e then R
(c) 33.3 ns (d) 75 ns
76. Silver metal is a _______ of electricity. ESE-2006
(a) good conductor (b) superconductor Ans. (c) :
(c) semiconductor (d) bad conductor
1 1 1
PSPCL JE 2019, Shift-I
Ans. (a) : Silver is a metal with the symbol 'Ag' and r nr
atomic number 47. Silver is lustrous, soft, very good 1 1 1
conductor of electricity but it is not used widely for
100 50
electrical purposed due to expensive.
100 50
77. In the case of a dielectric subjected to an
alternating electric field of frequency f, the 100 50
dielectric loss is proportional to which one of 33.3nsec
the following? 81. A small piece of an unmagnetised substance
(a) f (b) f2 gets repelled when it is brought near a
(c) 1/f (d) 1/f powerful magnet. Then the substance can be :
BWSSB Code 85, 10.04.2016 (a) Paramagnetic (b) Ferromagnetic
ESE-2008 (c) Non-magnetic (d) Diamagnetic
1 " 2 MIZORAM PSC (PHED) 2019, Paper-I
Ans. (a) : Dielectric Loss = 0 r E 0
2 Ans. (d) : A small piece of an unmagnetized substances
So, Dielectric loss 2 f gets repelled when it is brought near a powerful magnet.
Then the substance can be diamagnetic. A diamagnetic
Loss increases as frequency increases substance like Cu, Ge, Si etc. has no magnetism and no
78. The electric breakdown strength of insulating any dipole due to absence of magnetic field. When
materials depends on- magnetic field present dipole are induced.
(a) Nature of applied voltage 82. Which one of the following is the correct
(b) Imperfection of dielectric material statement ?
(c) Pressure, temperature and humidity The orientational polarizability in a polyatomic
(d) All of these gas is proportional to
PGVCL JE 2015 (a) temperature T (b) 1/T
Ans. (d) : Dielectric strength or breakdown voltage– (c) T2 (d) independent of T
It can be expressed in minimum electrical stress that will ESE-2008
result in breakdown of material under some conditions.
Ans. (b) : The orientational polarizability in a
It can be reduced by aging, high temperature, moisture
pressure, Imperfection of dielectric material, humidity polyatomic gas is proportional to 1
and nature of applied voltage etc. T
V We know that
Dielectric strength/breakdown voltage = kV / mm Orientational polarizability
V = Breakdown potential 0 =
t = thickness of material 3KT
kV/mm = S.I. unit of breakdown voltage 1
79. With the rise of temperature, dielectric 0 µ
strength of material So, if temperature increases then orientational
(a) increase (b) remain constant polarizability decreases.
(c) decreases (d) becomes zero Where, P = Permanent dipole moment.
MIZORAM PSC (PHED) 2019, Paper-I
Ans. (c) : The dielectric strength of a material is a 83. Quartz and BaTiO3 exhibit which of the
measure of the electrical strength of an insulation it is following properties?
defined as the maximum voltage required to produce a (a) Magnetostriction (b) Ferromagnetism
dielectric breakdown through the material and is (c) Piezoelectricity (d) Ferroelectricity
expressed in terms of volt per unit thickness. The higher ESE-2009
the dielectric strength of a material the better an Ans. (c) : Quartz and BaTiO3 both are piezoelectric
electrical insulator it makes. material so exhibits piezoelectricity property.
When temperature increases, dielectric strength of Piezoelectric materials:-
material decreases. Quartz, Ba Ti O3, Pb Ti O3, Pb Zr O3, KH2 PO4
Electrical & Electronic Engineering Material 712 YCT
84. The conductivity of ferrites is : 89. The property/characteristic of ferroelectric
(a) Less than that of ferromagnetic materials materials is
(b) Equal to that of ferromagnetic materials (a) Dielectric relaxation
(c) Greater than that of ferromagnetic materials (b) Dielectric breakdown
(d) Very high than that of ferromagnetic materials (c) Spontaneous polarization
MIZORAM PSC (PHED) 2019, Paper-I (d) Spontaneous magnetization
Ans. (a) : As resistance of ferrite material is quite high JPSC AE 10.04.2021, Paper-II
so that the conductivity of ferrites is less than ESE-2010
ferromagnetic materials. Ans. (c) : The property/characteristic of ferroelectric
85. In ceramic insulators, glazes are used to improve materials is Spontaneous polarization.
(a) Mechanical properties (b) Chemical properties
90. Which of the following has the highest value of
(c) Electrical properties (d) None of these
MIZORAM PSC (PHED) 2019, Paper-I thermal conductivity?
(a) Water (b) Steam
Ans. (a) : In ceramic insulator, glazes improves the
(c) Solid ice (d) Melting ice
mechanical strength and provides a smooth, shiny
surface. After a cooling down period, metal fitting are SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I
attached to the porcelain with porcelain cement. Ans : (c) Solid ice has the highest value of thermal
Toughened glass is also frequently used for insulators. conductivity. It's about 2.22 w/mk.
86. The material used for photo conductive cell is: Parameter Thermal conductivity
(a) ZnS (b) PbS water 0.5918 w/mk
(c) CdS (d) none of these steam 0.0188 w/mk
MIZORAM PSC (PHED) 2019, Paper-I solid ice 2.22 w/mk.
Ans. (c) : Photo conductivity is increases in electrical Melting ice 2.18 w/mk.
conductivity of material that take place when the 91. At a measuring frequency of 1012 Hz, the
material is illuminates with infrared, visible or dielectric constant of a material will be due to
ultraviolet light. (a) Electronic polarization
Photo conductive material most frequently used (b) Ionic polarization
includes – (c) Electronic, Ionic and Orientational polarization
CdS Cadmium Sulphide (d) Electronic and Ionic polarization
CdSe Cadmium Selenide. ESE-2010
87. A barium titanate crystal has a thickness of 2 Ans. (d) : At a measuring frequency of 1012 Hz, the
mm. Its voltage sensitivity is 12×10-3 Vm/N. It is dielectric constant of a material will be due to electronic
subjected to a pressure of 0.5 MN/m2. What is and Ionic polarization
the voltage generated? 92. The trade name of Nickel-Copper alloy, that is
(a) 3 V (b) 6 V
used as a heating element is-
(c) 5 V (d) 12 V
(a) Eureka (b) Kanthal
(c) Steel (d) Nichrome
Ans. (d) : Given,
SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-I
t = 2 mm = 2 103 m
Ans. (a) : Eureka is the trade name of Nickel-copper
g = 12 103 Vm/N alloy. It consists of 60% copper & 40% Nickel. Its
P = 0.5 106 N/m2 resistance temperature coefficient is low.
V=? 93. High permittivity ceramic is used for
We know that capacitors of
V gtP (a) A few pF to a few hundred pF
V = 12×10-3×2×10-3×0.5×106 (b) A few F to a few hundred F
(c) A few nF to a few hundred nF
V= 12 Volt
(d) A few mF to a few hundred mF
88. (rho) is called as the: ESE-2011
(a) conductivity of the material Ans. (b) : High permittivity ceramic is used for
(b) permeability of the material capacitor of a few F to few hundred F.
(c) permeability of the vacuum
(d) resistivity of the material High permittivity ceramic material
PSPCL JE 2019, Shift-II eg: Rutile, Titanite etc.
Ans. (d) : ' '(rho) is called as resistivity of the 94. Which of the following is a diamagnetic
material. If a current carrying conductor has the length (a) Aluminium (b) Oxygen
and cross section area 'A' and resistance 'R' then the (c) Lead (d) Nickel
resistivity of material can be written as- SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
RA Ans. (c) : Lead is a chemical element with its symbol
ohm -meter
Pb. It's atomic number is 82. It is a heavy metal that is
Resistivity of a material depends on the nature of material. denser than most of the common materials. The relative
Electrical & Electronic Engineering Material 713 YCT
permeability of paramagnetic material is greater than 1 Ans : (c) The copper materials has the least resistivity.
and less than 1000. Lead is a diamagnetic material Materials Resistivity
diamagnetic materials have r less than 1. Silver – 1.6 × 10–8 m
{r = relative permeability} Iron – 9.7 × 10–8m
95. What is the output voltage produced across the Carbon – 5.8 × 10–4m
crystal by Hall effect, due to? Copper – 1.68×10–8m
(a) Drop across the crystal due to current passing 100. Limiting temperature of F class insulating
through it material :
(b) Movement of charge carriers towards one end (a) 225 ºC (b) 105 ºC
(c) Induced voltage by the applied magnetic field (c) 120 ºC (d) 155 ºC
(d) Induced voltage by the applied electric field Kerala PSC Draftman 2016, Grade II
ESE-2007 SSC JE 2012
Ans. (b) : The output voltage produced across the Ans. (d) : There are basically four classes of insulation
crystal by Hall effect, due to movement of charge A, B, F and H. Class F being the most commonly used.
carriers towards one end. The limiting temperature of F class insulating material
96. Which of the following material shows is 155 ºC.
paramagnetism? These temperature ratings are -
(a) Copper (b) Iron Class A – 105 C
(c) Titanium (d) Silver Class E – 120 C
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I
Class B – 130 C
Ans. (c) : Titanium is a paramagnetic material gets
attract in the direction of magnetic field. the Class F – 155 C
susceptibility of paramagnetic material is positive and Class H – 180 C
very little. Their relative permeability is slightly greater Class C – above 180 C
than one (r>1). 101. The magnetic materials that are used to prepare
97. Match the items given in List–I and those in permanent magnets should have
List–II (Temperature Coefficient of Resistance) (a) steeply rising magnetisation curve
Select your answers using codes given in the (b) small hysteresis loop
lists: (c) high retentivity
List –I List-II (d) low coercive force
(a) Aluminium P. Negligibly small SSC JE 2012
(b) Manganin Q. Positive Ans:(c) Properties of the material of a permanent
(c) Carbon R. Negative magnet-
(a) a R, b Q, c P It should have high retentivity so, that it remains
(b) a Q, b P, c R magnetised in the absence of the magnetising field.
(c) a P, b Q, c R It should have high saturation magnetisation.
(d) a R, b P, c Q It should have high coercivity so that it does not
SSC JE 2012 get demagnetised easily.
Ans: (b) Temperature coefficient of - 102. Orientational polarization is
Aluminium = 0.0034= (Positive) (a) inversely proportional to temperature and
Manganin = 0.000002 = (negligibly small) proportional to the square of the permanent
Carbon = - 0.0005 = (Negative) dipole moment.
98. The following material is not used for making a (b) proportional to temperature as well as to the
piezoelectric transducer square of the permanent dipole moment.
(a) Rochelle salt (b) Barium titanate (c) Proportional to temperature and inversely
(c) Chromium sulphide (d) Quartz proportional to the square of the permanent
ESE-2012 dipole moment.
Ans. (c) : Common Piezo-electric materials are (d) inversely proportional to temperature as well
Rochelle salt, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, as to the square of the dipole moment.
lithium sulphate Barium titanate, quartz and ceramics ESE-2013
so, the given option chromium sulphide is not used for Ans. (a) : Orientation polarization is inversely
making a piezoelectric transducer. proportional to temperature and proportional to the
99. Which of the following materials has the least square of the permanent dipole moment.
N 2p E
(a) Iron (b) Brass P0 = ……. (i)
(c) copper (d) carbon 3KT
SSC JE 20.10.2020, Shift-I Moreover, we have
UPPCL JE 25.11.2019, Shift-I (P0) = N 0 E ……… (ii)
PGCIL Diploma Trainee 13.09.2018
SSC JE 2012
For equation (i) & (ii)
Electrical & Electronic Engineering Material 714 YCT
2P Ans. (d) : In a piezoelectric crystal oscillator, the
So, 0 oscillation or tuning frequency is linearly proportional to
3KT the inverse of the square root of the mass of the crystal.
Where, = orientation polarization For a piezoelectric oscillator,
P = permanent dipole Y
T = temperature Tuning frequency
103. Which one of the following is the correct
statement? The type of majority charge carrier Y M
Tuning frequency
in a semiconductor can be found by M / V V
(a) Hall effect (b) Piezoelectric effect
(c) Photoelectric effect (d) Meissner effect 1
ESE-2008 So, Tuning frequency
Ans. (a) : The type of majority charge carriers in a
semiconductor can be found by Hall effect.
Y = young modules of crystal
Piezoelectric effect is used in piezoelectric crystal
= crystal density
for measurement of dynamic pressure.
M = mass of crystal.
104. Which type of insulation covering the
108. Oxygen is a/an…………gas?
conductor used for low voltage?
(a) ferromagnetic (b) diamagnetic
(a) Poly–vinyl Chloride (P.V.C.)
(c) paramagnetic (d) inert
(b) Paper
(c) vulcanized Indian Rubber (V.I.R.) SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-II
(d) Cotton and Silk Insulation Ans. (c) : Paramagnetic- Gaseous oxygen is
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II paramagnetic also but it is moving too fast to be
Ans : (d) Cotton and Silk insulation covering the affected by the magnets. The reason that it is
conductor used for low voltage. paramagnetic is because the oxygen molecule has two
The conductor may have a single layer or double layer unpaired electrons. Unpaired electron, spin in the same
covering depending upon the requirements of service. direction as each other which increased the magnetic
Silk or cotton covered wires are usually used for field effect.
instrument and motor winding. 109. Which of the following heating element has
105. Absorbed moisture contents affect the lowest operating temperature?
dielectric strength ............ (a) Kanthal (b) Graphite
(a) directly (b) indirectly (c) Eureka (d) Nichrome
(c) does not affect (d) None of these SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-II
SSC JE 24.01.2018, Shift-I Ans. (c) : Eureka- Eureka has the lowest (450oC)
SSC JE 02.03.2017, Shift-II operating temperature.
Ans : (b) Dielectric strength is the maximum voltage It biggest feature is that its resistivity remains almost
that can be applied to a given material without causing constant of changing temperature. Eureka contains 60%
it to break down. Usually expressed in kV/mm. copper and 40% Nickel. It is used in heaters and low
Dielectric strength is depends on various factors such as temperature furnaces and stoves.
moisture content, temperature, thickness of a material. 110. The imaginary part of dielectric constant
Absorbed moisture content affect the dielectric strength determines
indirectly. (a) component of current which is in phase with
106. Ferro-electric materials have a the applied field
(a) high dielectric constant which varies non- (b) component of energy absorbed per m3
linearly. (c) amount of applied field
(b) low dielectric constant and is non-linear. (d) component of voltage which is in phase with
(c) high dielectric constant which varies linearly. the applied field
(d) low dielectric constant but linear. ESE-2014
ESE-2013 Ans. (b) : The imaginary part of dielectric constant
Ans. (a) : Ferro-electric materials have a high dielectric determines component of energy absorbed per m3
constant which varies non-linearly. 1
107. In a piezoelectric crystal oscillator, the P 0 r E 2
oscillation or tuning frequency is linearly 2
proportional to the r 'r j "r
(a) mass of the crystal
(b) square root of the mass of the crystal Where,
(c) square of the mass of the crystal 'r is real part and determines the charge storing ability.
(d) inverse of the square root of the mass of the "r is imaginary part and determines the energy
ESE-2013 losses in material.
Electrical & Electronic Engineering Material 715 YCT
111. Which one of the following material does not Ans. (a) : Enameled wire or magnet wire is a copper or
have a constant relative permeability? aluminium wire coated with a very thin layer of
(a) Diamagnetic (b) Paramagnetic insulation.
(c) Ferromagnetic (d) Free space It is used in the construction of transformer, motors,
SSC JE 29.01.2018, Shift-I generators, electromagnets and other applications
Ans. (c) : The relative permeability of ferromagnetic that require tight coils of insulated wire.
material is much greater than 1. It does not have
So it is preferred to cotton-covered wires to
constant relative permeability. Permeability is the
measure of the resistance of a material against the withstand higher temperature.
formation of a magnetic field. otherwise known as 116. Which one of the following fires is classified as
distributed inductance in transmission line theory. It is Class 'A' fire?
denoted by . (a) Fire on the electrical equipment
112. Consider the following statements: (b) Fire on the wooden Structure
In a Hall effect experiment, the sign of Hall (c) Fire on the LPG cylinder
voltage will change if (d) Fire on the flammable liquids
1. Direction of applied field is changed. Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II
2. Direction of applied magnetic field is changed. Ans. (b) : Classification Fire risk
3. Direction of both applied electric and Class A Solid combustible materials i.e. paper,
magnetic field are changed wood, textiles
4. Direction of current is changed. Class B Flammable liquids i.e. petrol, diesel, oil
Which of these statements is/are correct? Class C Flammable gases i.e. natural gas,
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 3 only propane
(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 3 and 4 Class D Combustible metals i.e. sodium,
ESE-2009 potassium, lithium,
Ans. (c) : Hall voltage is given by Class F Cooking oils/fats i.e. deep flat fryers
BI Class E Electrical fires i.e. short circuiting
W equipment
Charge density 117. An example for a para-magnetic material is---
W Width of sample (a) Copper (b) Bismuth
B Magnetic field applied (c) Steel (d) Nickel
I Current flowing through sample Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018
113. Dielectric strength of rubber is around Ans. (c) : Paramagnetic Materials: These are metals
(a) 3 kV/mm (b) 10 kV/mm that are weakly attracted to magnet. They include
(c) 30 kV/mm (d) 300 kV/mm aluminum, oxygen and platinum. The atoms of these
SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-II substances contain electrons most of which spin in same
Ans : (c) Dielectric strength of rubber is around direction but not all. They are only weakly influenced
30kV/mm. rubber is an insulating material, which is by a magnetic field.
used in cable for insulation. Rubber, PVC, XLPE etc. A paramagnetic material has a constant relative
are used for voltage below than 1kV, whereas paper is permeability (r) slightly more than 1.
used for voltage above 1kV. r 1
114. Which of the following magnetic materials is
preferred for very-high-frequency communication 118. The resistance of an aluminium conductor is ---
systems? ----.
(a) Rolled steel (a) less than the resistance of silver
(b) Forged steel (b) less than the resistance of copper
(c) Nickel-iron alloys containing up to 20% of (c) less than the resistance of iron
nickel (d) more than the resistance of iron
(d) Nickel-iron alloys containing up to 80% of Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018
nickel Ans. (c) : Resistivity of silver 1.59 ×10-8.m
UPPCL JE 25.11.2019, Shift-I
Resistivity of Copper 1.68 ×10-8.m
Ans : (d) Nickel-iron alloys containing up to 80% of
Resistivity of Aluminum 2.65 ×10-8.m
nickel magnetic materials is preferred for very-high
frequency communication systems. Resistivity of Iron 9.70 ×10-8.m
So, the resistance of an Al is Less than resistance of
115. Enameled wires are preferred to cotton-
covered wires to iron.
(a) withstand higher temperature 119. The combination pliers are made of ------
(b) improve heat dissipation material.
(c) reduce the resistivity (a) vanadium (b) nickel
(d) increase the mechanical strength (c) zinc (d) cold rolled silicon steel
ESE-2015 Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018
Electrical & Electronic Engineering Material 716 YCT
Ans. (a) : The materials used to make pliers consist Ans. (c) : Conductivity of photoconductor is increase
mainly of steel alloys with additives such as vanadium when light intensity is increase because more electron is
or chromium, to improve strength and prevent available after striking of photon on photo conductor.
corrosion. Basically photo conductor has similar properties of
120. Which one of the following fires is classified as semiconductor.
Class 'B' fire? 126. The dissipation factor of good dielectric is of
(a) Fire on the flammable liquids the order of
(b) Fire on the wooden Structure (a) 0.0002 (b) 0.002
(c) Fire on the flammable metals (c) 0.02 (d) 0.1
(d) Fire on the electrical equipment UPSSSC JE-2015
Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018 Ans. : (a) The dissipation factor of good dielectric is of
Ans. (a) : Class B fires involve flammable and the order of 0.0002.
combustible liquids such as gasoline, alcohol, Oil-based 127. Which of the following materials has
paint, lacquers.
susceptibility independent of temperature?
121. Which one of the following fires is classified as (a) Ferromagnetic (b) Ferrimagnetic
Class 'D' fire? (c) Paramagnetic (d) Diamagnetic
(a) Fire on the flammable liquids UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II
(b) Fire on the LPG cylinder
Ans. (d) : Diamagnetic materials has susceptibility
(c) Fire on the wooden Structure
independent of temperature-
(d) Fire on the flammable metal
No intrinsic magnetic moment
Vizag Steel 25.10.2018 Shift-I
Independent of temperature
Ans. (d) : Class-D Fire– For most commonly occurring
Dipole induced by the external magnetic field.
in chemical laboratories. This involve combustion metal
like magnesium, potassium or sodium. 128. Which of the following materials follow
magnetic anisotropy?
122. Which is the best conductor of electricity?
(a) Ferromagnetic (b) Ferrimagnetic
(a) Copper (b) Aluminium
(c) Paramagnetic (d) Diamagnetic
(c) Gold (d) Silver
UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II
Vizag Steel 25.10.2018 Shift-I
Ans. (a) : In materials like iron, the magnetic properties
Ans. (d) : Silver is the best conductive material but it is
depend on the direction in which they measured. This is
more costly so normally in transmission line we use
magnetic anisotropy. The material iron is a
aluminium conductor and for windings we use copper
ferromagnetic material type.
129. Which of the following is a ferroelectric
123. Which is the natural magnet?
(a) Lodestone (b) Silicon steel
(a) Barium titanate
(c) Cobalt (d) Alnico
(b) Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
Vizag Steel 25.10.2018 Shift-I
(c) All of these
Ans. (a) : Lodestone is the natural magnet. It is used in
(d) Rochelle salt
the permanent magnet where retentivity and coercivity
UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II
are high.
Ans. (c) : A ferroelectric material is one which exhibits
124. Selenium is
an electric dipole moment and is said to be
(a) Intrinsic semi-conductor
spontaneously polarized even in the absence of an
(b) Extrinsic semi-conductor
electric field. e.g. Rochelle salt, Barium titanate,
(c) P-type semi-conductor
(Potassium dihydrogen phosphate ), Sodium nitrite.
(d) N-type semi-conductor
WBPSC SAE 2003 130. Dielectric constant of air is _____.
(a) Less than 1 (b) Equal to 1
Ans. (a) : Selenium is an intrinsic semi-conductor. The
(c) Can't be determined (d) Zero
symbol of selenium is Se. Atomic number is 34 and
UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II
atomic weight is 78.96
125. For photoconductors with equal electron and Ans. (b) : Dielectric constant or relative
hole mobilities and perfect ohmic contacts at permittivity ( r )
the ends, an increase in intensity of optical
illumination results in Material Dielectric
(a) a change in open circuit voltage constant
(b) a change in short circuit current Air 1
(c) decrease in resistance Asbestos 2
(d) increase in resistance Mica 4-8
ESE-2010 Glass 5-12
V i g (R G)
V Xm X
R G (a) = sh
ig R m R s R sh
62. Determine the value of current (in mA) for the Rs R sh
full–scale deflection of a voltmeter, when the (b) =
sensitivity of the voltmeter is 50 ohm/Volt. R 2m X m2 X sh
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 10 (d) 20 X m X sh
(c) =
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I R m R sh
1 R (d) (Rs+Rm)2 +Xm2 = Rsh2 + Xsh2
Ans : (d) sensitivity
Ifsd Vm V SSC JE 2012
1 1 Ans : (a) Voltage in two parallel branches are same-
Ifsd 0.02
sensitivity 50 V I m R m R s jx m
Ifsd 20 mA
V Ish R sh jx sh
63. Determine the value of shunt resistance (in
Ohms) required to convert a galvanometer into Im
R sh jXsh
ammeter of reading upto 14 A, when the Ish (R m R s jX m )
internal resistance of the galvanometer is 27 Performing rationalization and put the imaginary part
Ohms and the value of current for full scale equal to zero as -
deflection is 0.5 A.
(a) 4 (b) 2 R sh jXsh R m R s jX m
(c) 1 (d) 0 R m R s jX m R m R s jX m
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I for frequency independency, the imaginary part is zero-
Ans : (c) Given that,
Meter current, Im = 0.5 Amp. R m R s Xsh X m R sh
Full scale current, Ifsd = 14Amp. R m R s X 2m
I 14
Multiplying factor, m fsd 28 R m R s Xsh X m R sh
I m 0.5
Xm X
Rm 27 sh
Shunt resistance, Rs 1 R m R s R sh
m 1 28 1
66. A potentiometer is used to measure the voltage
R s 1
between two points of a D.C. circuit, which is
64. How will you convert galvanometer into found to be 1.2 V. This is also measured by a
ammeter? voltmeter, which is found to be 0.9 V. The
(a) low resistance parallel with galvanometer
resistance of the voltmeter is 60 k. The input
(b) low resistance series with galvanometer
resistance between two points.
(c) high resistance parallel with galvanometer
(d) high resistance series with galvanometer (a) 60 k (b) 20 k
GPSC AAE, Class-3, 25.07.2021 (c) 45 k (d) 80 k
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I SSC JE 2012
Electrical Instruments and Measurements 802 YCT
Ans : (b) V1 = 1.2, V2 = 0.9 Ans : (a) For voltmeter sensitivity of PMMC type
RV = 60k R Rs
R=? instrument m is correct equation.
The external resistance to be connected in series given Where, Rm = Meter resistance
by- Rs = Series resistance connected with meter
V V2 Because internal resistance connected series in
R 1 RV
V2 voltmeter and multiplier resistance connected in series.
1.2 0.9 The value of voltmeter sensitivity ohm/volt.
R 60 k 70. An ammeter of resistance Rm is placed in an
R 20 k arrangement as shown in the figure. Material of
Rm, Rsh is copper whereas that of RS, RX is
67. During the measurement of a low resistance manganing. The condition for which the meter
using a potentiometer, the following readings performance is compensated against
were obtained: temperature, is
Voltage drop across unknown
resistance = 0.531 Volt.
Voltage drop across a 0.1 Ohm standard
resistance connected in series with the unknown
= 1.083 Volt. Value of the unknown resistor is
(a) 49.03 milliohm (b) 108.3 milliohm
(c) 20.4 milliohm (d) 53.1 milliohm
SSC JE 2012
Ans: (a) Given, 1 1 1 1
S = 0.1 VS = 1.083V (a) + + +
Vr= 0.531V. R m R sh R S R x
Resistance of unknown resistor - (b) Rm RS = Rsh Rx
R Vr (c) Rm + RS = Rsh + Rx
S Vs R m R sh
(d) =
V 0.531 RS R X
R S r = 0.1
s 1.083 SSC JE 2013
R = 49.03 milli ohm. Ans: (d)
68. A PMMC type voltmeter, having a full scale
reading of 250 V and an internal resistance of
400 kilo–ohms, is connect with a series
resistance of 100 Kilo–ohms. Calculate the
sensitivity of the voltmeter (in Ohms/Volts).
(a) 2400 (b) 2000 Rm Rx = Rsh Rs
(c) 20000 (d) 24000 R m R sh
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II
Rs Rx
Ans : (b) Given –
3 71. If a 110 V, 50 Hz is applied across a PMMC
Internal Resistance = 400 10
Series Resistance = 100 10 voltmeter of full-scale range 0–220 V and internal
Voltmeter Internal resistance connected in resistance of 10 k, reading of the voltmeter will be
series (a) 0 V (b) 110 2 V
R m 400 k 100 k = 500 k (c) 78 V (d) 55 V
3 SSC JE 2013
1 Rm 500 10 Ans: (a) In PMMC instrument if we supply AC
Formula S /V
Im V 250 current to these type of instrument the direction of
= 2k/V = 2000 /volt current will be reversed during the negative half cycle
69. Which one of the following is the CORRECT and hence the direction of torque will also be reversed
expression for voltmeter sensitivity of PMMC which gives the average value of torque is zero.
type instrument? For sinusoidal voltage PMMC reads zero.
Rm Rs R mRs 72. A voltmeter when connected across a D.C.
(a) (b) supply, reads 124 V. When a series combination
V V of the voltmeter and an unknown resistance X is
Rm Rs R mRs connected across the supply, the meter reads 4 V.
(c) (d)
V2 V2 If the resistance of the voltmeter is 50 k, the
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II value of X is
Electrical Instruments and Measurements 803 YCT
(a) 1550 k (b) 1600 k 75. If a zero-centred voltmeter has a scale from -
(c) 1.6 k (d) 1.5 M 5V to -5V, then the span of it is…………..?
SSC JE 2013 (a) -5 V (b) 5 V
Ans:(d) (c) 10 V (d) 0 V
Vm SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-II
Im Ans. (c) : 10V
5V to -5V
4 5-(-5)
50 k Maximum range = 10V
Hence, voltmeter range 0 to 10 volt.
I m 8 105 A
76. Determine the required value of series
Then, resistance (in Ohms) to convert a galvanometer
VR 120 V into a voltmeter of reading 0.4 volt range when
V 120 the resistance of the galvanometer is 40 ohms
R R 1.5M and the value of current to full-scale deflection
I m 8 105
is 4 mA.
73. Determine the value of current (in mA) (a) 60 (b) 50
required for the full-scale deflection of a (c) 40 (d) 30
voltmeter when the sensitivity of the voltmeter SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-I
is 125 Ohms/Volt.
Ans : (a) Im = 4 10–3 Amp.
(a) 2 (b) 4
V = 0.4 volt
(c) 8 (d) 10
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I Rm = 40
Ans : (c) We know that :– 0.4
I= 0.01 Amp.
1 40
Sensitivity m=
full scale Deflection
I m 4 103
Sensitivity = 125 / v
Rs = Rm (m–1) = 40 (2.5 –1) = 40 1.5
Ifsd 8 103 A Rs = 60
125 So, value of series resistance Rs = 60
I fsd 8mA Alternate solution-
74. Determine the value of a shunt resistance (in V 0.4
Rs Rm 40 100 40
Ohms) required to convert a galvanometer into Im 4 103
an ammeter of reading up to 15 A. The internal Rs = 60
resistance of the galvanometer is 30 Ohms and 77. What will be the sensitivity (in Ohms/volts) of a
the value of current for full scale deflection is PMMC type voltmeter when the full-scale
0.3 A. reading of the voltmeter is 240 V, the internal
(a) 0.84 (b) 0.74 resistance of the voltmeter is 200 kilo-Ohms
(c) 0.61 (d) 0.52 and the series resistance connected to the
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I voltmeters is 80 kilo-Ohms?
Ans : (c) (a) 1672.62 (b) 1432.23
(c) 1224.24 (d) 1166.67
SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans : (d) V = 240 volt
Total value of internal resistance and series resistance
of meter = 200 + 80 k = 280 k
1 R
Sensitivity of voltmeter Sv /V
From circuit: Im V
applying KCL law, 280 103
Ish = 15 – 0.3 = 14.7 Amp = 1166.67 /V
Internal Resistance (Rs) = 30 78. The range of a dc milliameter can be extended
Shunt Resistance (Rsh) = ? by using a––
IG R S Ish R sh (a) low resistance in series
0.3 30 = 14.7 Rsh (b) low resistance shunt
(c) high resistance in series
R sh 14.7 0.61 (d) high resistance shunt
SSC JE 2011, Shift-I
Electrical Instruments and Measurements 804 YCT
Ans : (b) The range of DC milliammeter can be 82. Which type of damping is used in MC
extended by using a low value of resistance in parallel voltmeter?
with meter. The shunt is made of manganin or (a) Fluid friction damping
constantan depending on whether it is used for DC or (b) Eddy current damping
AC. It's value is calculated by - (c) Air friction damping
Rm I (d) Hysteresis damping
R sh m Vizag Steel 25.10.2018 Shift-I
m 1 Im Ans. (b) : Eddy Current Damping– It is most efficient
79. Which of the following is TRUE in case of form of damping. The essential components in this type
current transformers? of damping are a permanent magnet and a light
(a) It helps in measuring high current using high conducting disc usually of aluminium.
range ammeter. In moving coil voltmeter damping caused by the eddy
(b) It helps in measuring high current using low current damping set up in the aluminium coil which
range ammeter. prevents the oscillation of the pointer.
(c) It helps in measuring high voltage using high 83. A potentiometer may be used for
range voltmeter. (a) measurement of current
(d) It helps in measuring low voltage using high (b) calibration of ammeter and voltmeter
range ammeter. (c) measurement of resistance
SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-II (d) all of the above
Ans : (b) Current transformer helps in measuring high UGVCL JE-2014
current using low range ammeter. Secondary winding of Ans. (d) : Potentiometer is used for measurement of
current transformer is always short circuited. Current current, measurement of resistance, calibration of
transformer is connected in series with the electrical circuit. ammeter and voltmeter.
80. How to convert a (0 to 1) m A meter to measure A potentiometer is a three-terminal resistor with a
the current in the range of 0 to 100 mA? The sliding or rotating contact that forms an adjustable
internal resistance of the meter is 100 Ω voltage divider. If only two terminals are used, one end
(a) Connect a 1.01 resistance in series with meter and the wiper, it acts as a variable resistor or rheostat.
(b) connect a 10.01 resistance in parallel with 84. An ammeter is a
the meter (a) absolute instrument
(c) Connect a 1.01 Ω resistance in parallel with (b) recording instrument
the meter (c) integrating instrument
(d) Connect a 10.01 resistance in series with (d) secondary instrument
the meter UGVCL JE-2014
UPPCL JE 25.11.2019, Shift-I Ans. (d) : An ammeter is a indicating type, secondary
Ans : (c) Internal resistance of ammeter instrument. Secondary instruments are - Ammeters,
R m 100 Voltmeter, Wattmeter, energy meter, ampere hour meters.
Secondary instruments are the instruments in which the
Ammeter measurement range (I m ) (0 1)mA value of the electrical quantity is measured and is
Required measurement range (I) (0 100)mA determined from the deflection of the instruments.
I 100 85. Swamp resistance and condenser are used
Ammeter coefficient (m) (a) To reduce the error while measuring DC
Im 1
quantities in a moving iron instrument
100 100 (b) To reduce the error while measuring AC
Shunt resistance R sh
m 1 100 1 quantities in a moving iron instrument
(c) To reduce the error while measuring DC
R sh 1.010
quantities in a moving coil instrument
81. The spiral hair springs used in moving coil (d) None of the above
ammeter are made up of ........... . GPSC AAE, Class-3, 25.07.2021
(a) Platinum - bronze (b) Phosphor-bronze UPSSSC JE-2015
(c) Phosphor-brass (d) Phosphor-copper Ans. : (b) Swamping resistor and condenser are used to
Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II reduce the frequency error in MI instruments. In
Ans. (b) : phosphor bronze alloys are primarily used for moving iron instruments the change in frequency causes
electrical products because they have- an error due to the change in magnitude of eddy currents
(1) Superb spring qualities setup in the metal portion of the instruments. The reactance
(2) High fatigue resistance of the operating coil changes by the change in frequency.
(3) Excellent formability At high frequencies the meter will give a reading lower
(4) High corrosion resistance than actual value and at low frequencies meter give a
Phosphor bronze, or tin bronze, is a bronze alloy that reading higher than the actual.
contains a mixture of copper with 0.5-11% tin and 0.01- This type of error can be eliminated only if the impedance of
0.35% phosphorous. the coil is independent of the frequency. This is achieved by
Electrical Instruments and Measurements 805 YCT
having a capacitance in shunt with the swamping resistance (d) None of these
of the coil as shown in below diagram. UPPCL JE 2018, Shift-II
Ans. (c) : To reduce the temperature effect, swamping
resistance made up of manganin (having temperature
coefficient of practically zero) and combined with
copper in the ratio of 20:1 to 30:1.
90. Which of the following material is used as a
series for range extension of voltmeter?
(a) Copper (b) Steel
86. The internal resistance of a voltmeter is 20,000 (c) Aluminium (d) Manganin
ohms. If this voltmeter is connected in series RSMSSB JEN (Diploma) 26.12.2020
with a resistance and a 220 volt supply is Ans. (d) : The series resistance is usually of manganin
connected across the combination, the used as a range extension of voltmeter. Voltmeter
voltmeter reads 200 volts. The value of the multiplier is a high non- inductive resistance.
resistance is • Multiplier resistance should not change with time of
(a) 200 (b) 4000 usage.
(c) 2000 (d) 20,000 • The temperature coefficient of resistance must be very
V 91. A moving iron ammeter has few turns of thick
Ans. : (c) Rr = Rv (m – 1) m wire so that
1 W W2
tan 3 1
W1 W2
Both wattmeter shows equal magnitude hence, W1 = W2
1 W W
tan 3 1 1
W1 W1 w1 VRY I R cos 30
= tan-10 w1 VL IL cos 30
Power factor angle = 0º w 2 VL I L cos 30
Wattmeter will read power consumed by Z2. Because in 37. A 3-phase – 110 V motor has a power factor of
Load Z2 both current from CC and voltage from PC are 0.5. The two wattmeters connected measure the
present while in Z1 only current. Thus wattmeter will total input of 50 kW. Calculate the reading (in
read Load of Z2. kW) of each wattmeter:
Electrical Instruments and Measurements 837 YCT
(a) 0, 150 (b) 100, 50 40. The moving coil in a dynamometer wattmeter is
(c) 0, 50 (d) 50, 50 connected :
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-II (a) in series with the fixed coil
Ans. (c) : Given that, (b) across the supply
w1 w 2 50 ................(i) (c) in series with the load
(d) Any one of the above
cos 0.5
SSC JE 2009
600 Ans. : (b) The moving coil in a dynamometer
w1 VL IL cos 30 60 wattmeter is connected across the supply.
w1 = 0..................(ii)
Equation (i) and (ii)
0 w 2 50 P.C L P.C L
Supply O Supply O
w2 = 50W RS A RS A
38. Determine the reading (in kW) of both the
wattmeters used to measure the power of a
three–phase three–wire system having input of (I) For low value of load current (II) For high value of load current
6 kW and power factor of 1. Dynamometer type wattmeter is used for the
(a) 4, 2 (b) 5, 1 measurement of A.C. as well as D.C. power. It consists
(c) 3, 3 (d) 6, 0 of a fixed coil forming the current coil whereas the
SSC JE 27.01.2018, Shift-I moving coil forms the potential coil.
Ans. (c) : It is given: cos = cos00 =1 41. In two-wattmeter method of measuring power
= 00 in a balanced 3-phase circuit the readings of
W1 = VL IL cos (30 + ) = VL IL(30+00) the two wattmeters are in the ratio of 1 : 2, the
[W1= VLIL cos300] .................... (i) circuit power factor is
In the same way, 1 1
W2 = VLIL cos(30 –) (a) (b)
2 2
W2 = VLIL cos (30 – 00)
[W2 = VL IL cos300] ............... (ii) 3
(c) (d) 1
from above relations shown in above equations. The 2
reading of both wattmeters is same positive ESE-2015, 2013
since, W1 + W2 = 6 kW Ans. (c) : Let W1 = 2W
W+W=6 W2 = W
2W = 6, W = 3
W1=3kW W2=3kW W W2 2W W
tan = 3 1 3
39. power consumed by a balanced star connected W1 W2 2W W
3–phase load is measured using two–wattmeter 1
method. The phase voltage and phase current tan = 30º
in the load is 220 V and 10A respectively. What 3
will be difference in reading (in W) of the two 3
wattmeter, if the power factor of the system is p.f. = cos = cos 30º
0.8 lagging ?
(a) 2286.3 (b) 2861.2 42. In dynamometer wattmeter the compensation coil
(c) 3048.4 (d) 3810.5 (a) has equal number of turns of voltage coil and is
SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-II connected in series with current coil
(b) has equal number of turns of current coil and is
Ans : (a) P 3Vph I ph cos connected in series with voltage coil
3 220 10 0.8 5280 W (c) has equal number of turns of current coil and is
P W1 W2 connected in series with current coil
(d) has equal number of turns of voltage coil and is
cos 0.8 , sin 0.6 connected in series with voltage coil
W W2 SSC JE 2011, Shift-II
tan 3 1 Ans: (b) In dynamometer wattmeter the compensating
W1 W2
coil has an equal number of turns of the current coil and
0.6 W W2 is connected in series with a voltage coil or pressure coil.
3 1
0.8 5280 It carries current equal to the sum of two current i.e. sum
5280 0.6 3168 of load current and pressure coil current.
W1 W2
0.8 1.732 1.3856 43. A wattmeter is being tested under phantom-
W1 W2 2286.3W loading condition. If the wattmeter reading is 60
W, the actual power consumed from the supply, is
Electrical Instruments and Measurements 838 YCT
(a) much higher than 60 W (b) 60 W (b) Compensate for inductance of pressure coil.
(c) much less than 60 W (d) 30 W (c) Compensate for power loss in the pressure coil.
SSC JE 2011, Shift-II (d) Reduce the error caused by eddy current.
Ans: (c) In phantom loading condition the power [ESE-2013]
consumed by load is very less. In this loading actual Ans. (c) : In case of low power factor, load current is
power is less than measure power. So, actual power large, the error caused by pressure coil in LC short
consumed from the supply is much less then 60 W. wattmeter is large. Hence specially wattmeter is
44. In dynamometer type of wattmeter, which of designed for low p.f. measurement. A compensating
the coil is spilt up into two parts? coil may be used in the instrument to compensate the
(a) pressure coil error caused by power loss in the pressure coil circuit.
(b) current coil 48. In a balanced 3-phase circuit, the line current is
(c) both the pressure coil and current coil 12 A. When the power is measured by two
(d) None of these wattmeter method, one meter reads 11 kW while
SSC JE 02.03.2017, Shift-II the other reads zero. Power factor of the load is
Ans : (b) A dynamometer type wattmeter essentially (a) 0 (b) 0.5
consists of two coils called fixed coil (current coil) and (c) 0.866 (d) 1.0
moving coil. The fixed coil is splitted into two equal SSC JE 2013
parts which are placed parallel to each other.
Ans : (b)
45. Phasor diagram of load voltage (V), current in IL = 12A
pressure coil (IP) and current in current coil (IC)
w1 = 11 kw
is shown in the figure when an electrodynamic
wattmeter is used to measure power. The reading w2 = 0
of the wattmeter will be proportional to Power factor of the wattmeter is -
tan = 3 [(w1 w2)/(w1+ w2)]
= 3 [(11 0)/(11 + 0)]
tan = 3 = = 60°
cos 60° = 1/2 = 0.5
49. Three wattmeter method of power
measurement can be used to measure power in:
(a) cos ( + ) (b) cos (a) Both balanced and unbalanced Circuits
(c) cos cos (d) cos cos ( + ) (b) Balanced Circuits
SSC JE 2013 (c) None of the options
Ans: (c) P = V cos. Ic cos (d) Unbalanced Circuits
P = VIc cos cos RRB JE 19.09.2019 Shift-II
P cos cos SSC JE 2015
46. A wattmeter is marked 15A/30A, 300V/600V and its Ans. : (a) Three wattmeter method of power
scale is marked up to 4500 watts. When the meter is measurement can be used to measure power in both
connected for 30 A, 600V, the point indicated 2000 balanced and unbalanced circuit.
watts. The actual power in the circuit is 50. In the two-wattmeter method of three phase
(a) 2000 watts (b) 4000 watts power measurement of a balanced load, if the
(c) 6000 watts (d) 8000 watts reading of one meter is -200W, then the power
SSC JE 2013 factor of the load is………….?
Ans: (d) Power consumed by wattmeter (a) equal to 0.5 (b) greater than 0.5
= CT ratio PT ratio VI cos ….. (1) (c) less than 0.5 (d) equal to zero
In the above question. SSC JE 26.09.2019, Shift-II
Power consumed by wattmeter = 2000 watts. Ans. (c) : If one of the wattmeter show negative reading
CT ratio = 15/30 then power factor will be less than 0.5 and angle more
PT ratio = 300/600 than 60o.
VI = 600 30
51. What is the phase angle (in degrees) of
Putting all the values in equation - (1) we get -
balanced 3-phase star connected system, if the
15 300 first and the second wattmeter show reading of
2000 = 600 30 cos
30 600 0 W and 1600W respectively?
cos = 0.4444 (a) 30 (b) 45
Power = VI cos = 600 30 0.4444 (c) 60 (d) 90
Power = 7999.2 8000 watts. SSC JE 29.01.2018, Shift-I
47. In a low power factor wattmeter, some-times Ans. (c) : Given that :–
compensating coil is connected in order to Reading of 1st wattmeter (W1) = 0 watt
(a) Neutralize the capacitive effect of pressure coil. Reading of 2nd wattmeter (W2) =1600 watt
Electrical Instruments and Measurements 839 YCT
W W1 (a) 0.5 (b) 0.65
Phase angle, tan 1 3 2 (c) 0.74 (d) 0.86
W2 W1 SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-II
1600 0 Ans : (d) Reading of wattmeter = 1 kW = 1000 watt
tan 1 3
1600 0 V 200
Vph L , I L I ph = 10 A
tan 1 3 3 3
P VL I L cos
1000 10 cos
52. In the two-wattmeter method of measuring 3- 3
power, the wattmeters indicate equal and
opposite readings when load power factor is 1.732 1000
cos 0.866
(a) 90 leading (b) 90 lagging 200 10
(c) 30 leading (d) 30 lagging So, cos 0.866
Ans. (b) : W1 = W, W2 = –W 55. In a low power factor wattmeter compensating
We know that, coil is connected:
tan 3 1
W W2 (a) In series with the current coil
W1 W2 (b) In series with the pressure coil
(c) In parallel with the pressure coil
WW (d) In parallel with the current coil
tan = 3
WW DSSSB JE 05.11.2019
= 90º lagging Ans. (b) : In a low power factor wattmeter
53. The ratio of the reading of two wattmetters compensating coil is connected in series with the
connected to measure active power in a pressure coil.
balanced 3-phase load is 2 : 1 The power factor The high value current causes the error in the wattmeter
of the load is––
reading for reducing the error, the compensation coil is
(a) 0.866 lag (b) 0.866 lead
(c) 0.866 lag or lead (d) None of the above used in the circuit. The compensating coil compensates
SSC JE 2011, Shift-I the error in the circuit which induces because of low
Ans : (b) In capacitive load- (leading power factor) power factor.
W1 VL I L cos 30 56. In 'Two-wattmeter method' of power
calculation of a 3-phase balanced star
W2 VL I L cos 30 connected system, what is the power factor of
W1>W2 the system, if one of the wattmeter's shows
In inductive load (lagging power factor) negative reading and the other shows a positive
W1 VL I L cos 30 reading?
W2 VL I L cos 30 (a) Greater than or equal 0 but less than 0.5
W2>W1 (b) 0.5
According to question- (c) Greater than 0.5 but less than equal to 1
W1 2 (d) Greater than 1
W1 W2 Leading ESE 2020
W2 1
SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-II
3 2W2 W2 3W2 1 JKSSB JE 2014
2W2 W2 3W2 3 Ans : (a) When the value of angle is less than 60º
0 greater than 90º then the value of power factor is greater
than zero and less then 0.5, So the reading of one
cos cos30 0.866 leading wattmeter is positive and others is negative.
54. The reading of wattmeter and ammeter is 1 i.e. 0 cos 0.5
kW and 10 A respectively in the three phase
57. Which of the following is used to measure the
circuit given below. What is the value of power
factor of the circuit, if the circuit is balanced? power in very high voltage circuits with a low
rating wattmeters?
(a) Cannot be measured
(b) Instrument transformer is used
(c) Full wave rectifier is used
(d) Few number of wattmeter transformer is used
CGPSC AE 15.01.2021
SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-II
Electrical Instruments and Measurements 840 YCT
Ans : (b) Instrument transformer is used to measure the 3 W2 W1
power in very high voltage circuit with a low rating Ans. (d) : tan = { = p.f. angle}
wattmeters. Instrument transformers are of two type- W2 W1
Current transformer and potential transformer. Current W1 = W, W2 = W
transformer and used to measure high current. Similarly Then,
potential transformer are used for high voltage. 3 W W
58. What is the reading (in kW) of both the tan =
wattmeter, when measuring the power of a W W
three-phase three wire system having an input Then, = 90°
of 5 kW and power factor of 0.866? 61. A dynamometer type wattmeter is used for the
(a) 5, 0 (b) 3.33, 1.67 measurement of:
(c) 2.5, 2.5 (d) 1, 4 (a) both AC and DC power (b) DC voltage
SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-II (c) only DC power (d) only AC power
Ans : (b) Given that, MIZORAM PSC (PHED) 2019, Paper-I
P 5kW, cos 0.866, 300 DMRC JE 2018, Shift III
HPSSSB JE 2018 (Post code 663)
P1 P2 5kW .............(i) SSC JE 23.01.2018, Shift-I
P P SSC JE 2007
We know that, tan 3 1 2 Ans. (a) : A dynamometer type wattmeter is used for
P1 P2 the measurement of both AC and DC power.
P P 1 P P 62. In the measurement of 3 phase power by two
tan 300 3 1 2 3 1 2
5 3 5 watt meter method, for an unbalanced load,
5 = 3 (P1 – P2) the power factor of the load is
5 3 W2 W1
P1 P2 1.66
3 (a) cos tan 1
P1 P2 1.66 kW .............(ii) W2 W1
from equation (i) and (ii), W W1
P1 3.33kW (b) cos tan 1 2
W2 W1
P2 1.67 kW (c) cos W2 W1
59. In a balanced 3-phase 200 V circuit, the line (d) None of the above
current is 115.5 A. When the power is UPSSSC JE-2015
measured by two wattmeter method, one of the Ans. : (a) In the measurement of 3- power by two watt
wattmeter reads 20 kW and the other one reads meter method, for an unbalanced load the power factor
zero. What is the poser factor of the load?
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.6 of the load is
(c) 0.7 (d) 0.8 3 W2 W1
ESE-2014 Power factor = cos tan
Ans. (a) : Given W1 = 20 kW W2 W1
W2 = 0 63. In an electrodynamometer wattmeter
W1 W2 (a) The fixed coils providing magnetic flux are
tan 3
1 W 2
connected across the power line.
(b) The compensated wattmeter improves its
20 0 accuracy by using windings with opposite
= 3
20 0 currents with respect to series windings
tan 3 (c) If the full-scale power measured is 100 W,
= 60º then the half-scale power will be 10 w
(d) It can measure a.c. power but is unsuitable for
1 d.c. power
Power factor = cos 60º 0.5
2 ESE-2015
60. In the 2 wattmeter method of measuring 3- Ans. (b) : In electrodynometer watt meter fixed coil
phase power the two wattmeters indicate equal (field coil or current coil ) are connected in series with
and opposite readings when load power factor load which is carry load current. The compensating coil
angle is the following degree lagging. is connected in series with pressure coil & it opposes
(a) 60° (b) 30°
the field of current coil. This type meter suitable for
(c) 0° (d) 90°
UJVNL JE 2016 both ac and dc measurement, it measure average value
WBPSC SAE 2003 of active power.
127. In 3- power measurement for a balanced load W2 3 150 30 3.cos 750
using the two-wattmeter method, the reactive W2 3 4500 0.2588
power is given by: W2 3493.8 W
(a) the sum of both the wattmeter readings
(b) three times the difference of the readings of W2 3.4938 kW
the two wattmeters Difference of the 2 wattmeter
(c) 3 times the sum of the readings of the two W1 W2 13.039 3.4938
wattmeters 9.54 kW
(d) 3 times the difference of the readings of the 130. The power delivered to a 3-phase load can be
two wattmeters measured by two wattmeters only when the
DMRC JE 10.04.2018, Shift-II (a) Load is balanced
Ans : (d) In 3– power measurement for a balanced (b) Load in unbalanced
load using the two -wattmeter method, the reactive (c) Load is connected to a source through 3-wire
power is given by 3 times the difference of the (d) Load is connected to a source through 4-wire
readings of the two wattmeters. WBPSC SAE 2000
Ans. (c) : The power delivered to a 3-phase load can be
3 W1 W2 3 VL I L sin
measured by two wattmeter only when the load is
128. In the two-wattmeter method of 3- power connected to a source through 3-wire.
measurement, if the phase sequence of the 131. When a no load test is carried out on HV side
supply is reversed: of 1000/100 V single phase transformer with
(a) there won't be a change in meter readings 100 V winding open, the wattmeter reads 110
(b) the reading of wattmeters will be watts. If the test is repeated on LV side with
interchanged 1000 V winding open. The wattmeter will read.
(c) the meters will not read (a) 11W (b) 1.1 W
(d) one of the meters will show a negative (c) 1100 W (d) 110 W
reading HPSSC JE 2017 (Code-579)
DMRC JE 10.04.2018, Shift-II Ans. (d) : At no load test, we measured the core loss
Ans : (b) In the two wattmeter method of 3– power which is constant loss.
measurement, if the phase sequence of the supply is Core loss is fixed for all machine either HV side or LV
reversed the reading of wattmeter will be interchanged. side.
129. Phase voltage and current of a 3, three-wire Wattmeter will read 110 W.
star-connected system, with an inductive load 132. When the 3 phase power is measured by two
of power factor 0.707 (lag), is 150 V and wattmeter method, at what power factor, the
30 3 A. If the power in the system is being readings of both wattmeter will be positive but
measured using two wattmeters, the difference not equal?
in meter readings is: (a) Between unity to 0.5 lag
(a) 3.95 kW (b) 2.26 kW (b) At 0.5 Lag
(c) 9.54 kW (d) 10.46 kW (c) Between 0.5 lag to zero
DMRC JE 10.04.2018, Shift-II (d) At Unity
SSC JE 24.03.2021, Shift-II
Ans : (c) Given,
Vizag Steel JET 25.10.2018, Shift-II
In star VL 3Vph SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-II
IL = Iph Ans. (a) : When the 3 power is measured by two
Vph 150V, I ph 30 3A VL = 3 150 wattmeter method, at between unity to 0.5 lag power
factor, the reading of both wattmeter
cos 0.707 or 450 (i) At unity power factor cos = 1, = 0º
Reading of wattmeter (W1)- Power measured by first wattmeter
W1 VL I L cos 30 W1 = VLI cos (30 – 0º) = 0.866 VLI
power measured by second wattmeter
W1 3 150 30 3 cos 30 45 W2 = VLI cos (30 + 0º) = 0.866 VLI
1 unknown inductance L x R 2 R 3C 4
Deflection Sensitivity = 60 40 40 10 6
Deflection factor
1 96000 106
0.5 L x 96 mH
Deflection sensitivity 2m / v 53. What is the phase shift (in degrees) between the
50. Determine the bandwidth (in Hz) of a sine signals, which is indicated by the Lissajous
wave that is reproduced by a CRO having a pattern given below?
rise time of 70 ms.
(a) 5 (b) 10
(c) 15 (d) 20
SSC JE 25.01.2018, Shift-I
Ans : (a) Bandwidth
Rise time
Rise time = 70 m-sec = 7010–3sec
(a) 0 (b) 60
0.35 350
Bandwidth (c) 90 (d) 180
70 103 70 SSC JE 22.01.2018, Shift-II
Bandwidth 5 Ans : (d) Phase shift between signal = 45 ± 90 ± 45
51. Which amplifier is used in an electronic · 1800
(a) Power amplifier
(b) Buffer amplifier
(c) Differential amplifier
(d) Wideband amplifier
ESE 2008
Ans. (c) : Differential amplifier is used in a electronic
multimeter i.e. op-amp IC.
52. Determine the value of unknown inductance
Lx, (in mH) and the effective resistance Rx (in 54. DVM meters are the examples for which type
of instrument?
) of inductor respectively for the circuit given
(a) Integrating type (b) Digital type
below, if no current flows through the
(c) Indicating type (d) Recording type
galvanometer (G).
Vizag Steel JET 27.10.2018
Ans. (b) : DVM is a digital type voltmeter which
measures an analog input voltage by converting the
voltage to a digital value and then displays the voltage
is numeric form.
55. Which of the following measurements can be
made using Lissajous figures?
(1) Frequency
(2) Phase difference
Electrical Instruments and Measurements 888 YCT
(3) Time interval between pulses 59. Beam of electrons in a cathode ray tube
(4) Pulse width emanates because of
(5) Fundamental and higher harmonic components (a) Second emission
Select the correct answer using the code given (b) Thermionic emission
below: (c) Diffusion
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (d) Post acceleration
RPSC Lect. (Tech. Edu. Dept.) 16.03.2021, Paper-II
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 4 and 5
ESE 2005
ESE 2005
Ans. (b) : Beam of electrons in a cathode ray tube
Ans. (a) : Lissajous figures measure a phase difference emanates due to Edison effect which is associated with
and frequency. Thermionic emission.
It is interesting to consider the characteristics of pattern Thermionic emission is the liberation of electrons from
that appear on the screen of a CRT when sinusoidal an electrode by virtue of temperature. Electron gun use
voltage are simultaneously applied to horizontal and this principle to produce electron beam in CRT.
vertical plates. These patterns are called lissajous 60. Cathode of CRO is coated with-
pattern. (a) Alkali material (b) Thorium oxide
56. A 4-digit DVM (digital voltmeter) with a 100 (c) Copper oxide (d) Barium oxide
mv lowest full-scale range would have a UPSSSC JE 31.07.2016
sensitivity of how much value while resolution Ans : (d) Cathode of CRO is coated with Barium oxide.
of this of this DVM is 0.0001? It emits electron beam when heated. It is heated
(a) 0.1 mV (b) 10 mV indirectly and oxide coated.
(c) 0.1 mV (d) 0.01 mV 61. CRO can be used for the measurement of:
JPSC AE 10.04.2021, Paper-II (a) voltage only
ESE 2010 (b) current only
Ans. (d) : Given, resolution = 0.0001 (c) frequency only
(d) Voltage, current, frequency and phase
Range = 100 mV
Sensitivity = Resolution × (minimum full scale value
UPPCL JE 27.11.2019, Shift-I
= Resolution × Range UPSSSC JE 31.07.2016
= 0.0001×100×10–3V Ans : (d) CRO is a very important electronic device. It
0.0001×1×10-1 = 0.01 mV is used in laboratories to study the effects under electrical
57. The precision of a ramp type digital voltmeter and electronic circuits and to measure and analyze
depends on various wave form.
(a) frequency of the generator and slope of the With this, the voltage, current, resistance, frequency,
ramp phase, difference, etc are measured with precision and
(b) frequency of the generator accuracy and fine-grained measurement are made.
(c) slope of the ramp 62. In a digital voltmeter, the oscillator frequency
(d) switching time of the gate is 400 kHz. A ramp voltage to be measured by
Mizoram PSC Jr. Grade (Power & Electricity Dept.) 2015 this voltmeter falls from 8 V to 0 V in 20 ms.
ESE 2010 The number of pulses counted by the counter is
Ans. (a) : In a ramp type DVM : (a) 8000 (b) 4000
Vm = slope × Pulse width × final count (c) 3200 (d) 1600
ESE 2013
Slope Pulse width
Vm final count –––––(i) Ans. (a) : Number of pulses =
frequency Oscillator time period
From equation (i) its clear that accuracy is decided by 20 10 3
frequency & slope in ramp type DVM. = 8000
1 3
58. An electronic voltmeter gives more accurate 10
readings in high-resistance circuits as
compared to a non-electronic voltmeter 63. Horizontal input to a scope is Emsin(t) V,
because of its vertical input to that scope is Emsin(t+30o)V.
What is the Lissajous pattern in that CRO?
(a) low meter resistance (b) high k/V rating
(c) high V/k rating (d) high resolution
PGCIL SR-I, 22.08.2021
ESE 2012
Ans. (b) : An electronic voltmeter gives more accurate
readings in high-resistance circuits as compared to a
non-electronic voltmeter because of its high k/V
rating. SSC JE 29.10.2020, Shift-II
Electrical Instruments and Measurements 889 YCT
Ans (a) : Horizontal input to a scope is Em sin (t) V, 67. Determine the voltmeter reading in the given
vertical input to that scope is Em sin (t +30°) V. circuit.
When 900 1800 or 1800 2700 then lissajous
pattern in that CRO is-