Duodenal Neuroendocrine Tumors Impact of Tumor Size
Duodenal Neuroendocrine Tumors Impact of Tumor Size
Duodenal Neuroendocrine Tumors Impact of Tumor Size
DOI: 10.1002/jso.25753
Department of Hepatobiliary, Surgery and
Institute of Advanced Surgical Technology and Abstract
Engineering, The First Affiliated Hospital of Background: The current study sought to investigate the impact of tumor size and
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
2 total number of LN examined (TNLE) on the incidence of lymph node metastasis
Division of Surgical Oncology, The Ohio State
University Wexner Medical Center and James (LNM) among patients with duodenal neuroendocrine tumor (dNET).
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus, OH
Methods: Patients who underwent curative resection for dNETs between 1997‐2016
Division of Surgical Oncology, Department of
Surgery, Winship Cancer Institute, Emory were identified from 8 high‐volume US centers. Risk factors associated with overall
University, Atlanta, GA survival and LNM were identified and the optimal cut‐off of TNLE relative to LNM
Department of Surgery, Stanford University,
was determined.
Palo Alto, CA
Department of Surgery, Virginia Mason
Results: Among 162 patients who underwent resection of dNETs, median patient age
Medical Center, Seattle, WA was 59 (interquartile range [IQR], 51‐68) years and median tumor size was 1.2 cm
Department of Surgery, University of (IQR, 0.7‐2.0 cm); a total of 101 (62.3%) patients underwent a concomitant LND at
Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public
Health, Madison, WI the time of surgery. Utilization of lymphadenectomy (LND) increased relative to
Department of Surgery, Washington tumor size (≤1 cm:52.2% vs 1‐2 cm:61.4% vs >2 cm:93.8%; P < .05). Similarly, the
University School of Medicine, St. Louis, WI
incidence of LNM increased with dNET size (≤1 cm: 40.0% vs 1‐2 cm:65.7% vs
Division of Surgical Oncology, Department of
Surgery, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN >2 cm:80.0%; P < .05). TNLE ≥ 8 had the highest discriminatory power relative to the
Division of Hepatopancreatobiliary and incidence of LNM (area under the curve = 0.676). On multivariable analysis, while
Advanced Gastrointestinal Surgery,
LNM was not associated with prognosis (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.9; 95% confidence
Department of Surgery, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI intervals [95%CI], 0.4‐2.3), G2/G3 tumor grade was (HR = 1.5; 95%CI, 1.0‐2.1).
Conclusions: While the incidence of LNM directly correlated with tumor size, patients
Timothy M. Pawlik, MD, MPH, PhD, FACS, with dNETs ≤ 1 cm had a 40% incidence of LNM. Regional lymphadenectomy of a
FRACS (Hon.), Professor and Chair,
least 8 LN was needed to stage patients accurately.
Department of Surgery, The Urban Meyer III
and Shelley Meyer Chair for Cancer Research,
Professor of Surgery, Oncology, Health KEYWORDS
Services Management and Policy, The Ohio Ampulla, neuroendocrine tumor, Duodenum, prognosis, surgery
State University, Wexner Medical Center, 395
W. 12th Ave., Suite.
Email: [email protected]
1 | INTRODUCTION scoring system16 and classified as grade G1 (Ki‐67 ≤2%), G2 (Ki‐67 3%‐
20%), and G3 (Ki‐67 >20%) according to the WHO 2010 classification.17
Duodenal neuroendocrine tumors (dNETs) represent up to 3% of all Overall survival (OS) was calculated from the date of surgery to the
primary duodenal malignancies and 2%‐3% of all gastrointestinal date of death or date of last follow‐up. Tumor recurrence was
neuroendocrine tumors (NETs).1-3 The incidence of dNETs has determined by suspicious imaging finding or biopsy‐proven tumor.
increased from 0.027/100 000 in 1983 to 1.1/100 000 in 2010, perhaps
reflecting the increased use of gastrointestinal endoscopy.4,5 According
2.2 | Statistical analysis
to the latest population study in the United States, dNETs present most
often in the 6th decade of life and males are slightly more predominant Categorical variables were reported as totals and percentages and
than females. In turn, resection of dNETs generally represents the most compared by χ2 test or Fisher exact test as appropriate. Continuous
common modality associated with the best chance at cure. variables were expressed as median with interquartile ranges (IQRs) and
Although dNETs are usually small on presentation (ie, 75% of compared using the Mann‐Whitney U test. Kaplan‐Meier survival curves
cases ≤20 mm), regional lymph node (LN) metastasis has been were plotted and compared using the logrank test. The receiver‐
reported in up to 40%‐80% of cases.7-10 Current treatment guide- operating characteristic curve analysis was used to investigate the
lines recommend treatment strategies for dNETs that are similar to discriminatory ability of TNLE relative to the number of LNM. Risk
gastric NETs for nonfunctional tumors and similar to pancreatic NETs factors associated with OS or LNM were identified by using Cox‐
for functional dNETs.11 For example, the European Neuroendocrine proportional hazard regression models or Logistic regression models,
Tumor Society (ENETS) consensus guidelines generally recommend respectively. Results were reported as hazard ratios (HRs) or odds ratio
surgical treatment for large (>20 mm) and/or metastatic dNETs, as (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). A P‐value < 0.05 (two‐tailed)
well as periampullary dNETs.11 More often dNET cases are now was considered statistically significant for all analyses. Statistical analyses
diagnosed, however, incidentally when the tumors are small in size were performed using SPSS 22.0 (IBM, Chicago, IL).
(<10 mm), well‐differentiated, limited to the mucosa and submucosa,
and nonfunctioning. In turn, endoscopic local excision may be
increasingly considered for these early‐stage tumors rather than
surgical resection.12 The impact of not staging the nodal basin in the
3.1 | Baseline characteristics
setting of endoscopic excision remains poorly defined. Unfortunately,
data on the clinical characteristics, tumor biology, treatment, and Among 162 patients with dNETs, median patient age was 59 (IQR, 51‐68)
prognosis of patients with dNETs have been limited largely to small, years and 53.7% (n = 87) of patients were male (Table 1). Roughly one‐in‐
single‐center case series.12-14 Therefore, the objective of the current five (n = 34/162, 21.0%) patients had a functional tumor; gastrinoma
study was to define the outcomes of patients who underwent (n = 31/34, 91.2%) was the predominant tumor type. The overwhelming
curative‐intent resection for periampullary and nonampullary dNETs majority of patients had no designated syndrome (n = 146, 90.1%),
using a large, multi‐institutional database. Specifically, the aim was to whereas a small subset of individuals had multiple endocrine neoplasia
characterize potential risk factors associated with the presence of type 1 (n = 8, 4.9%) or neurofibromatosis syndrome (n = 4, 2.5%).
lymph node metastasis (LNM), as well as identify the minimal number Abdominal pain (47.5%) was the most common symptom. The majority
of LN needed to stage patients optimally. (n = 127, 78.4%) of patients underwent an open surgical procedure.
Surgical procedures included transduodenal resection (n = 25, 15.4%),
partial duodenectomy (n = 20, 12.3%), segmental duodenectomy (n = 33,
20.4%), and pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) (n = 52, 32.1%); 30 (18.5%)
patients underwent an endoscopic resection. Based on final pathological
2.1 | Study cohort and data collection
assessment, median tumor size was 1.2 cm (IQR, 0.7‐2.0 cm). A total of
Patients who underwent surgical resection for dNETs between 1997 101 (62.3%) patients underwent a concomitant lymphadenectomy (LND)
and 2016 were identified from the US Neuroendocrine Tumor Study at the time of surgery (transduodenal resection, n = 11; partial
Group (US‐NETSG).15 All patients were diagnosed with dNETs, which duodenectomy, n = 14; segmental duodenectomy, n = 26; PD, n = 50);
were confirmed by histological examination. Patients who presented median TNLE was 10 (IQR, 3‐16). Among patients who underwent LND
with distant metastasis or underwent cytoreductive/palliative (R2) (n = 101), at least one LNM was identified in 61 (60.4%) patients. The
resection were excluded. The study was approved by the Institutional overall incidence of procedure‐related complications was 48.1% (n = 78)
Review Boards at each participating institution. with 22.8% (n = 37) of patients experiencing a severe Clavien‐Dindo III‐V
A standardized datasheet was utilized to collect the demographic, complication.
clinical, and pathologic data at each institution. Largest tumor size,
primary tumor location, the total number of LNs examined (TNLE), the
3.2 | Periampullary versus nonampullary dNETs
number of LNM, perineural invasion, lymphovascular invasion, and
surgical margin status were determined based on the final pathological In assessing the cohort, 127 (78.4%) patients had a dNET located in
report. The tumors were staged according to the eighth TMN stage the duodenum away from ampulla of Vater, whereas 35 (21.6%)
TABLE 1 (Continued)
patients had a periampullary dNET. Clinicopathologic characteris- T A B L E 2 Factors associated with overall survival after curative
tics and surgical procedures associated with nonperi‐ampullary and resection for duodenal neuroendocrine tumors (dNETs)
periampullary pNET tumors were largely comparable (Table 1). Univariate analysis Multivariable analysis
Perhaps not surprisingly, patients with periampullary dNETs were HR (95%CI) P value HR (95%CI) P value
more likely to present with clinical jaundice (22.9% vs 1.6%;
Sex (male vs female) 1.3 (0.5‐3.4) 0.535
P < .001) and abdominal pain (68.6% vs 41.7%; P = .007) versus
Functional status 0.4 (0.1‐1.7) 0.202
patients with nonampullary dNETs. In addition, more patients who
Symptomatic 0.5 (0.2‐1.1) 0.083
had a periampullary dNET underwent a PD (n = 21, 60.0%)
Genetic syndrome 0.4 (0.1‐20.0) 0.309
compared with only 24.4% (n = 31) of patients with a nonampullary
dNET (P < .001). In turn, patients with a periampullary dNET had a AJCC T categories
T1 Ref. Ref.
higher TNLE compared with nonperi‐ampullary dNET (median 15 vs
T2 0.8 (0.3‐2.9) 0.835 0.4 (0.1‐1.7) 0.425
7, respectively; P = .005)(Table 1). In addition, patients with T3‐T4 1.9 (1.1‐6.6) 0.024 0.9 (0.2‐4.1) 0.924
periampullary dNETs were more likely to have a single tumor that
Multiple lesions 0.7 (0.2‐3.0) 0.623
was larger in size versus patients who had nonampullary tumors
Tumor size (cm)
(both P < .05). In contrast, receipt of LND, as well as incidence and ≤1 Ref.
number of LNM, were not different among patients with ampullary 1‐2 0.9 (0.3‐2.5) 0.831
versus nonampullary dNETs (Table 1). >2 0.9 (0.3‐2.8) 0.913
Tumor location 0.944
Duodenum Ref.
3.3 | Long‐term survival Ampulla of Vater 1.0 (0.7‐1.4)
With a median follow‐up of 27.2 (IQR, 8.9‐57.0) months, 1‐, 3‐, and 5‐ Surgery technique 0.732
Endoscopic Ref.
year OS was 94.2%, 86.9%, and 84.7%, respectively (Figure 1A). Of
Open/laparoscopic 1.3 (0.3‐5.7)
note, OS was similar among patients with periampullary versus
Surgical margin 0.537
nonampullary dNETs (5‐year OS, 70.8% vs 87.3%; P = .944) (Figure
R0 Ref.
1B). In the subset of patients who underwent PD, OS was also R1 0.6 (0.1‐2.7)
comparable among patients with periampullary (n = 21) and non- Lymphadenectomy 0.874
ampullary (n = 31) dNETs (5‐year OS, 81.0% vs 82.0%; P = 1.000). On No Ref.
multivariable analysis, only G2/G3 WHO classification was asso- Yes 0.9 (0.4‐2.3)
ciated with a higher risk of worse OS (Reference G1, HR, 1.5; 95%CI, Nodal metastasis 0.5 (0.2‐1.7) 0.260
1.0‐2.1; P = .032). In contrast, tumor location, size, and number, WHO classification
American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) T stages, nodal status, G1 Ref. Ref.
as well as treatment procedures were not associated with long‐term G2/G3 1.7 (1.1‐3.2) 0.025 1.5 (1.0‐2.1) 0.032
only, whereas 8 (44.4%) patients developed loco‐regional resec- Abbreviation: 95%CI, 95% confidence intervals; AJCC, American Joint
Committee on Cancer; HR, hazard ratio.
tion site and/or LN recurrence; one (5.6%) patient had both loco‐
regional and distant metastasis. Tumor recurrence was no
different among patients with periampullary versus nonampullary with tumors ≤ 1 cm, 1 to 2 cm and > 2 cm (LNM, 40.0% vs. 65.7% vs.
dNETs or among patients undergoing different surgical procedures 80.0%, P = 0.003) (Figure 2C).
(both P > 0.05). The likelihood to identify LNM was associated with TNLE.
Specifically, TNLE ≥ 8 was associated with a higher incidence of
identifying LNM (TNLE < 8: 20/45, 44.4% vs. TNLE ≥ 8: 41/56,
3.4 | Tumor size and nodal metastasis
73.2%; P = .004), as well as a higher number of LNM identified
As tumor size is a key indicator in defining the T category for dNETs in (median number of LNM, TNLE ≥ 8: 2 [IQR, 1‐5], vs TNLE < 8: 1
the AJCC staging manual,16 the impact of tumor size on the proportion of [IQR, 1‐2], P < 0.001). In addition, TNLE ≥ 8 had the highest
LND, as well as the incidence of nodal metastasis, was further analyzed. discriminatory power relative to the incidence of LNM (area
Of note, LND were performed among almost all (93.8%) patients with under the curve [AUC] 0.676, sensitivity 67.2%, specificity =
dNET >2 cm compared with 61.4% of patients with tumors of 1 to 2 cm 65.0%) (Figure 2D). On multivariable analysis, tumor size (1‐2 cm
and 52.2% of patients with tumors ≤1 cm (both P < 0.01) (Figure 2A). vs ≤1 cm (OR, 2.8; 95%CI, 1.0‐8.0; P = .048), >2 cm vs ≤1 cm (OR,
Patients with larger tumors were also more likely to have a higher TNLE 4.6; 95%CI, 1.4‐15.0; P = 0.012), as well as TNLE ≥ 8 vs <8 (OR, 3.6;
(median TNLE > 2 cm 14 vs 1‐2 cm 7 vs ≤1 cm 5; P < 0.001) (Figure 2b). 95%CI, 1.4‐9.2; P = .007) were associated with the likelihood of
In addition, the incidence of LNM incrementally increased among patients identifying LNM (Table 3).
F I G U R E 2 The proportion of lymphadenectomy (LND) (A) and number of LND (B) among patients with different tumor sizes. C, the
incidence of lymph node metastasis (LNM) among patients with different tumor sizes. D, Receiver operative characteristics (ROC) analysis
illustrating that total number of lymph nodes examined (TNLE) ≥8 had the highest discriminatory power relative to LNM
T A B L E 3 Factors associated with lymph node metastasis (LNM) of comparable with previous data reported in the literature (66%‐
duodenal neuroendocrine tumors (dNETs) 93.8%).8,19,20 Interesting, the impact of LNM on long‐term outcome
Univariate analysis Multivariable analysis has been controversial. While some studies have suggested that LNM
OR (95%CI) P value OR (95%CI) P value was associated with a worse prognosis,7,16 data from the current
study, as well as several other previous reports, have not demon-
Sex (female vs male) 2.5 (1.1‐5.6) 0.030 2.6 (1.0‐6.4) 0.046
strated an association of LNM with long‐term prognosis.8,9,21 Given
Functional status
the low accuracy of preoperative imaging to detect LNM among
Symptomatic 1.1 (0.4‐3.1) 0.805
dNETs patients, most surgeons advocate for routine LND at the time
Genetic syndrome 2.1 (0.5‐8.2) 0.297
of surgical resection of dNETs.12,22 To this point, LNM was present in
Multiple lesions 1.3 (0.4‐4.2) 0.626 over one‐half of all patients with dNETs (60.4%). Perhaps of more
Tumor size (cm) interest, the data clearly demonstrated a strong correlation with
≤1 Ref. Ref.
dNET size and the likelihood of LNM, as patients with tumor >2 cm
1 to 2 2.9 (1.1‐7.6) 0.033 2.8 (1.0‐8.0) 0.048
(80.0%) or 1 to 2 cm (65.7%) in size had a much higher incidence of
>2 6.0 (2.0‐18.4) 0.002 4.6 (1.4‐15.0) 0.012
LNM than patients with tumors ≤1 cm (40.0%) (P = .003). Margonis
Tumor location 0.819
Duodenum Ref. et al10 had similarly reported a higher incidence of LNM among NET
Ampulla of Vater 0.8 (0.6‐1.1) tumors sized >1.5 cm,10 while Burke et al noted a difference in the
Total number of 0.004 0.007 incidence of LNM using tumor size using >2 cm as the cut‐off.23
LNs examined While 1 cm is currently used as the cut‐off size to differentiate T1
<8 Ref. Ref. from T2 in the AJCC staging manual,11,16 there was still a relatively
≥8 3.4 (1.5‐7.9) 3.6 (1.4‐9.2)
high incidence of LNM even among patients with small tumors
WHO classification (≤1 cm, 40.0%). Whereas surgical resection and lymphadenectomy
G1 Ref.
has traditionally been recommended for only tumors >1 cm, data in
G2/G3 1.8 (0.6‐5.7) 0.328
the current study suggest that patients with dNETs ≤1 cm should also
Abbreviations: 95%CI, 95% confidence intervals; OR, odds ratio.
be considered for LND rather than local excision alone.
The minimal number of LNs needed to examine to achieve accurate
>1 cm, and the ability to identify LNM depended on the adequacy of staging of the nodal basin for patients with dNETs has not been defined
the LND with TNLE ≥ 8 being the optimal TNLE to stage patients with in the latest NCCN guidelines.11,16 The topic of TNLE has been an area
dNETs. of interest for several other hepatopancreatic diseases. In fact, TNLE
Duodenal NETs have been anatomically classified most often as among patients with pancreatic and small bowel NETs relative to
periampullary versus nonampullary. Perhaps not surprisingly, periam- recurrence‐free survival and overall survival has been examined by our
pullary tumor location was associated with higher likelihood of group and others.15,24 Using a large multi‐institutional database with
abdominal pain (80% vs 73%) and clinical jaundice (22.9% vs 1.6%) external validation based on the surveillance, epidemiology, and end
versus nonampullary dNETs due to obstruction of bile and pancreatic results (SEER) registry, we demonstrated that TNLE ≥ 8 had the highest
ducts. Consistent with a previous population‐based study,18 the discriminatory power relative to recurrence‐free and overall survival
current study also noted that periampullary dNETs were larger at among patients with pNET who hadone to three LNM, and patients who
the time of presentation compared with nonampullary dNETs. Patients had ≥4 LNM in both a multi‐institutional data set and the SEER
with periampullary dNETs were also more likely to undergo PD database.15 In the current study, we similarly noted that TNLE ≥ 8 had
and had a higher number of LNs examined than patients with the strongest discriminatory power to ensure identification of possible
nonampullary dNETs. The incidence of LNM was, however, no LNM and optimally stage the nodal basin for patients with dNETs.
different among patients with periampullary versus nonampullary Specifically, TNLE ≥ 8 versus TNLE < 8 was associated with a higher
dNETs. Consistent with previous data, we also noted that tumor grade chance of identifying LNM (73.2% vs 44.4%), as well as a higher number
was associated with long‐term survival among patients with both of LNM identified. Taken together, LND as part of an operative
periampullary and nonampullary dNETs after curative resection.8 In procedure for patients with dNET should include examination of ≥8 LN
contrast, Randle et al18 failed to find an association of higher tumor to ensure adequate staging.
grade and worse survival among patients with dNETs—especially as Several limitations should be considered when interpreting data
related to patients who had periampullary versus nonampullary in the current study. While a multi‐institutional study increased the
dNETs. The reason for these disparate results are likely multifactorial sample size of the analytic cohort, patient selection, surgical
yet may be due to patients with periampullary dNET in the current technique, as well as utilization of LND and pathologic examination
study being more likely to undergo a more extensive resection, such as of LN, may have varied at different centers. All participatory centers
PD, compared with patients included in the study by Randle et al18 were, however, major hepatopancreatic institutions that followed
who more often underwent a local excision. standard state‐of‐the‐art care guidelines regarding the management
Prognosis following curative‐intent resection of dNET was of patients with NET. The current study also did not note a difference
generally very good with a 5‐year survival of 84.7%, which was of long‐term survival among patients with versus without LNM. The
reason for this may have been due to a lack of statistic power (Type II R E F E R E N CE S
error); however, other authors have noted a similar finding and
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