CS 109 11 2094
CS 109 11 2094
CS 109 11 2094
14 854
6 authors, including:
P. Sivakumar
CSIR Structural Engineering Research Centre
All content following this page was uploaded by Rupen Goswami on 14 December 2015.
eq. (1) needs thorough investigation; also the values of Survey of Standards and the literature on the
the constants k, and need to be evaluated in the test procedure
Indian scenario by carrying out tests on a wide variety of
brick and mortar combinations. Salient steps involved in the test and the corresponding
In order to characterize the compression behaviour recommendations as given in the Standards1,11,12 and
of brick masonry, other parameters, viz. elastic modulus, adopted in the literature5,6,9 concerned with brick masonry
and deformability are also important. Hence, the experi- used in India, are shown in Box 1.
mental results on compression stress–strain relation
of brick masonry are of practical significance. Attempts
Experimental programme on compressive
towards testing of brick masonry under compression have
stress–strain behaviour of brick masonry
been made in the recent past5–10.
Testing of brick masonry under uniaxial and biaxial
In this section, we provide details of the experimental
cyclic loading has been carried out by Naraine and Sin-
programme, evolved based on a survey of the literature.
ha7, and AlShebani and Sinha8. The scope of the present
A critical discussion on the literature is also included at
article is the characterization of stress–strain relation of
relevant places. More details of experimental studies car-
brick masonry subjected to monotonic, uniaxial compres-
ried out are given below. Some of the highlights of the
sion loading. Hence the studies on cyclic loading are not
present experimental programme are:
included in further discussions.
Stress–strain relation for masonry has been obtained (1) It includes a procedure to control the moisture con-
by Sarangapani et al.5 through compression test on stack tent in the bricks and mortar during fabrication of
bonded prisms and the initial tangent modulus, secant prism.
modulus at 25% of ultimate stress and the strain corre- (2) It includes the usage of compressometer that is cus-
sponding to ultimate stress also have been obtained. tomized for measuring strain in the brick masonry
Gumaste et al.6 have tested four types of specimen (viz. prisms.
stack bonded prism, English bonded prism, stretcher (3) It proposes a rate of displacement to be adopted in
bonded wallettes and English bonded wallettes). In order to obtain the post-peak behaviour properly.
addition to the values of initial tangent modulus, secant
modulus at 25% of ultimate stress and strain correspond- In the present experimental programme, stack bonded
ing to ultimate stress, the constants k, and as given in prisms used have been fabricated out of five bricks as
eq. (1) have been evaluated by them. Kaushik et al.9 have shown in Figure 1. It is to be noted that the prisms meas-
tested stack bonded prisms and have presented the chord uring 420–440 mm height, 219–226 mm width and 100–
modulus between 5% and 33% of ultimate stress and 105 mm thickness satisfy the requirement pertaining to
strains corresponding to eight different levels of normal- the aspect ratio as given in IS1 and ASTM11. Since the
ized stress. Also, the expressions for compressive main concern of this article is to obtain statistical para-
strength of masonry, strain corresponding to peak stress meters associated with the stress–strain relation, it is
and simplified models for stress–strain relation of considered the sample size of 66 and of 79 may not be suf-
masonry have been presented. Though there are com- ficient. If a sample size of 7 is considered, the length of
monalities in the aspects considered in these studies, confidence interval for mean value at a 5% level of sig-
there are differences in the procedures adopted. It is nificance for a typical brick masonry with mean value of
also noted that there is no standard test procedure in the 4 MPa and standard deviation 0.5 MPa is 0.71, whereas
BIS for obtaining the stress–strain relation of masonry. the length of confidence interval comes down to 0.45 (a
Keeping these in view, a survey of the literature and reduction of about 57%) if a sample size of 15 is consid-
standards has been carried out and based on this a ered. Hence, in the present programme, a sample size of
detailed experimental programme has been evolved for 15 specimens has been considered.
carrying out test on compression behaviour of brick We decided to use a poor quality brick and cement
masonry. Actual test on a typical brick masonry fabri- mortar (1 : 5) by weight that is commonly used in the
cated using soft and weak bricks from South India has construction of small residential buildings. The bricks
been performed and the results have been compared with have been subjected to monotonically increasing com-
those obtained from the expressions proposed in the litera- pression of 14 N/mm 2/min; Table 1 presents the mean
ture. Results of these comparisons have been presented. and COV of compressive strength computed based on test
It is known that the variation in the mechanical proper- results. In this programme, it has been decided to pre-wet
ties of bricks, mortars and hence the masonry is large. the bricks to a level of approximately 75% of saturation.
Therefore, reliable estimates of mean and coefficient of This is to achieve a good brick–mortar interface by
variation (COV) of important parameters associated with avoiding the floating of bricks and limiting the loss of
uniaxial compression behaviour are necessary and are of water from the mortar as recommended by Groot and
practical significance. Larbi 13. In Table 1, the water absorption corresponding to
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 109, NO. 11, 10 DECEMBER 2015 2095
Box 1. (Contd)
Recommendation in standards
Length [6 measurements 50 bricks#=300#] 219.45 mm 0.007
Breadth [6 measurements 50 bricks#=300#] 102.41 mm 0.012
Height [6 measurements 50 bricks#=300#] 75.5 mm 0.026
Water absorption
@24 h immersion [15#] 12.21% 0.037
@15 min immersion [5#] 9.59% –
Compressive strength [15#] 5.31 N/mm2 0.19
Consistency: Slump test (in accordance with RILEM 14 )
@ w/c ratio 1.0: slump = 203 mm
@ w/c ratio 0.9: slump = 79 mm
@ w/c ratio 0.85: slump = 68 mm (chosen in this experimental programme)
@ w/c ratio 0.70: slump = 0
Peak compressive stress [10#] 19.14 N/mm2 0.09
Strain corresponding to peak stress [10#] 2.664 10–3 0.12
Modulus of elasticity [10#] (chord modulus between 5% and 33% of peak compressive stress) 16695.29 N/mm2 0.07
Peak compressive stress [15#] 2.82 N/mm2 0.15
Strain corresponding to 5% of the peak stress i [15#] 0.2213 10–3 0.263
Strain corresponding to 33% of the peak stress e [15#] 2.222 10–3 0.216
Strain corresponding to 50% of the peak stress [15#] 3.568 10–3 0.190
Strain corresponding to 70% of the peak stress [15#] 5.173 10–3 0.171
Strain corresponding to 90% of the peak stress [15#] 7.081 10–3 0.153
Strain corresponding to peak stress p [15#] 9.063 10–3 0.115
Strain corresponding to 90% of the peak stress in recession limb [11#] 10.499 10–3 0.179
Strain corresponding to 60% of the peak stress in recession limb u [8#] 13.599 10–3 0.264
Modulus of elasticity [15#] (chord modulus between 5% and 33% of peak compressive stress, in 401.72 N/mm2 0.127
accordance with the recommendations9,11,22 )
Ratio u /p [15#] (a parameter similar to ductility) 1.526 0.187
Figure 2. a, Curing of fabricated specimen under water up to 7 days. b, Curing of specimen under wet burlap during 8–28 days.
Reference Estimated compressive strength (N/mm2 ) Deviation of the result of tests* (%)
*Mean value of peak compressive stress as obtained from the tests: 2.82 N/mm2 .
average value of 0.2 may be used throughout. The pro- mechanics-based inter-relationship between compressive
posed value of 0.2 for the COV of normalized strain at strengths of brick, mortar, nature of interface and ma-
different levels of the normalized stress could be suitable sonry. In order to achieve this, there is a need to carry out
while soft and weak bricks are used. While using strong similar experimental programmes using different brick
and stiff bricks, the COV of normalized strain at different and mortar combinations. While considering different
levels of the normalized stress needs to be assessed from combinations of brick and mortar, their relative strength
similar experimental studies. and stiffness need to be taken into account. Towards
By comparing the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) these aspects, studies are being continued at CSIR-SERC.
values of the mean normalized stress–strain curve as ob-
tained from the tests with those estimated using equations
available in the literature9,20,21, it is found that the curve 1. IS:1905–1987 (reaffirmed 2002), Code of practice for structural
use of unreinforced brick masonry – guidelines. Bureau of Indian
obtained from the test is comparatively closer to that pro- Standards (BIS), New Delhi, 2002.
posed by Kaushik et al.9 (Figure 6). It is to be noted that 2. Dymiotis, C. and Gutlederer, B. M., Allowing for uncertainties in
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because of its simplicity. Between the two equations pro- 3. Pande, G. N., Kralj, B. and Middleton, J., Analysis of the com-
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ever, it is observed that for the weak and soft bricks the rische Bauzeitung, 1958.
initial linear part has to be more slanting and hence, a 5. Sarangapani, G., Venkatarama Reddy, B. V. and Jagadish, K. S.,
normalized strain level of 0.6 corresponding to 75% of Structural characteristics of bricks, mortar and masonry. J. Struct.
Eng. (CSIR-SERC), 2002, 29, 101–107.
peak stress as shown in Figure 6 has been proposed for 6. Gumaste, K. S., Nanjunda Rao, K. S., Venkatarama Reddy, B. V.
better agreement with the obtained experimental data. and Jagadish, K. S., Strength and elasticity of brick masonry
Also, this needs concurrence from similar experimental prisms and wallettes under compression. Mater. Struct., 2007,
studies. 40(2), 241–253.
7. Naraine, K. and Sinha, S. N., Loading and unloading stress–strain
curves for brick masonry. J. Struct. Eng. (ASCE), 1989, 115(10),
Conclusion 7631–7644.
8. AlShebani, M. M. and Sinha, S. N., Stress–strain characteristics of
brick masonry under uniaxial cyclic loading. J. Struct. Eng.
This article presents procedure for obtaining the com- (ASCE), 1999, 125(6), 600–604.
pressive stress–strain relationship of masonry. A trilinear 9. Kaushik, H. B., Rai, D. C. and Jain, S. K., Uniaxial compressive
stress–strain relation has been proposed for typical brick stress–strain model for clay brick masonry. Curr. Sci., 2007,
masonry used in South India. It is important to establish 92(4), 497–501.