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Preprocessors 2.

Source File Inclusion Directive: (#include)

 The preprocessor is a translator that converts a program It tells the preprocessor to replace the directive with the
written in one high-level language into an equivalent content of the file specified in the directive. It can be written as,
program written in another language. a. #include<filename>
 Compiler converts a program written in a high-level language b. #include “filename”
into a n equivalent program either in an assembly-level c. #include token-sequence
 Assembler converts assembly language program into Example:
machine code. // File name areaofcir.c
 Interpreter is a translator that converts the statements written #include<stdio.h>
in a high-level language program into machine language void disp()
code. {
float r,pi;
The various preprocessor directives available in C language are as pi=3.14;
follows: printf("Enter r:");
1. Macro replacement directive (#define, #undef) scanf("%f",&r);
2. Source file inclusion directive (#include) printf("Area of circle : %f",pi*r*r);
3. Line directive (#line) }
4. Error directive (#error)
5. Pragma directive (#pragma) //Filename areadisp.c Output:
6. Conditional compilation directives (#if, #else, #elif, #include "areaofcir.c"
Enter r:5
#endif, #ifdef, #ifndef) void main()
7. Null directive (#new-line) { Area of circle : 78.500000
1. Macro Replacement Directives: disp();
Macro is a token that can be replaced by the user-defined }
sequence of characters. There are two types of macros:
1. Macro without arguments, also called object-like 3. Line directive: (#line)
macros. It is used to reset the line number and the file name as
2. Macro with arguments, also called function-like macros. reported by __LINE__ and __FILE__ macros. It defined as,
#line constant
Object-like Macros: (#define) #line constant “filename”
It is also known as symbolic constant. It is defined as,
#define macro-name replacement-list Example:
Example: #include<stdio.h>
#include<stdio.h> void main()
#define pi 3.14 {
void main() printf("Line number is : %d”, __LINE__);
{ #line 200
int r; printf("Line number is : %d”, __LINE__);
printf("Enter r:"); }
scanf("%d",&r); Output:
printf("Area of circle : %f",pi*r*r); Line number is : 4
} Line number is : 200
Function – like Macro : (#define) 4. Error directive: (#error)
A macro with arguments is called a function-like macro. It causes the preprocessor to generate the customized
Its usage is syntactically similar to a function call. It can be diagnostic messages and causes the compilation to fail. It defined
defined as, as,
#define macro-name(parameter-list) replacement-list #error
\ Example: #error token-sequence
#define square(x) x*x Example:
void main() #include<stdio.h>
{ #error User defined error messages
int x; void main()
printf("Enter a number:"); {
scanf("%d",&x); printf("Compilation Failed:");
printf("Square : %d",square(x)); }
Output: Output:
Enter a number:5 fatal error C1189: #error : User defined error messages
Square : 25
5. Pragma directive: (#pragma) S. Conditional
It is used to specify diverse options to the compiler. The Syntax
No compilation directive
options are specific for the compiler and the platform used. It is
#if constant-expresion
written as,
1. #if - #endif Statements
#pragma token-sequence
#pragma option
#if constant-expression
#pragma warn
#pragma option
2. #if - #else - #endif #else
Some pragma options available with Turbo C 3.0,
SNo Options Role #endif
#if constant – expression
1. -C Allows nested comments
2. -C- Doesn’t allows nested comments in fav 3. #if - #elif - #endif #elif constant – expression
1. Statements
-r Enables the use of register variables #endif
2. #ifdef identifier
-r- Suppresses the use of register variables 4. #ifdef - #endif Statement
#pragma option -C Example:
void main() #include<stdio.h>
{ #define pi
/* Program with #pragma void main()
/* To display Welcome msg*/ {
*/ #ifdef pi
printf("Welcome"); printf("PI - defined");
} #else
Output: printf("PI - undefined");
Welcome #endif
#pragma warn
Used to turn on, off or toggle the state of warnings. Output:
S. Warning
Warning PI - defined
No Code
1. dup Redefinition of macro is not the same.
2. voi Void functions may not return a value 7. Null Directive
3. par Parameter is never used It is defined as,
4. rch Unreachable code #new-line
The null directive has no effect.
5. pia Incorrect Assignment

#pragma warn -pia
void main()
int a;
else Output: Not null
printf("Not null");

6. Conditional Compilation Directives:

Program is compiled only if a certain condition comes
out to be true. The available conditional compilation directives
are as follows,
#if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #elif, #endif

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