MDM System Performance Test Recommendations

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Volume 9, Issue 10, October – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

MDM System Performance Test Recommendations

Sai Reddy Anugu

Abstract:- The paper provides detailed guidance for a production workflow scenarios, properly evaluate the impact
Performance Test Process and Recommendations for of the changes, and accurately quantify and characterize the
a Master Data Management System, focusing on the IBM system’s level of performance. Source control will allow the
Infosphere MDM Server. And outlines the Importance of team to revert to the performance tests for a particular version
early involvement of the Business and systems owners of the implementation, thereby facilitating the performance
in setting performance benchmarks, and the problem investigation process.
stakeholders’ collaboration, during the test and the steps
to establish monitoring, change control, and document the Implement monitoring tools to cover all the critical
test results and the performance test processes and system components in the System, for Example: Operating system,
scalability Testing recommendations. I/O, CPU, Memory, Network, and DB components.

Keywords:- MDM(Master Data Management); Transactions III. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A

Per Second (TPS); Infosphere MDM Server; Customizations; PERFORMANCE TEST PROCESS
Scalability; Performance Metrics, Monitoring Tools.
At a very high level, the following strategies help to
I. INTRODUCTION achieve comparable, consistent, and effective Performance
testing results for MDM Systems:
This paper focuses on the importance of performance
testing for the success of MDM Project implementation.  Allocate a dedicated or well-controlled performance test
MDM Server is designed with high performance and easily environment with similar resource allocation to
scalable, however, we need to ensure customizations made production.
for client-specific business requirements do not impact the  Maintain a consistent system state by restoring the
overall system performance. Customizations should also be Database and restarting the application server before
done through a rigorous performance testing process while starting the next test.
implementing the MDM project. Performance must be  To establish comparability and consistency before
forethought and not an afterthought. Need to utilize all the evaluating any changes, the same test should be done
opportunities to improve performance, by following the best using the same input data, running the same test cases,
practices in all the phases of the project implementation. going through the same steps (e.g. warm up, and steady
Document the performance objectives and performance test phase) with the same data collection traces or logging
data collection for key usage scenarios. Plan performance enabled Once such repeatability is established, the system
testing early in the development cycle to reduce costly is good to evaluate the targeted changes with all the other
remedies for performance issues identified later cycle. parameters and variables being kept the same.
 Use production-like data, and volume, and cover all the
II. UNDERSTAND AND PLAN PERFORMANCE production workflow scenarios to reduce the risk of
TESTING performance issues in production.
 Ensure a sufficient warm-up period of around 20 minutes
It has been proven many times that early involvement of before taking measurements, the warm-up time depends
the Business and system owners, will help in setting up the on the size of the system. To find a suitable warm-up
service performance goals like the number of Transactions period, do a set of long runs and look for a repeatable
Per Second (TPS), and acceptable resource utilization (CPU, inflection point where throughput has risen to a flat or
RAM, and I/O). Establish a consistent and repeatable nearly flat line.
performance testing process that includes proper and  Performance metrics need to be measured during a steady
sufficient performance data collection, a dedicated or state where they become constant. The number of
controlled performance testing environment, and good source transactions or data to drive the test should last long
code and change control. enough for stable and consistent performance.
 It is strongly recommended that you run the same test
Include regression test suits to test the functional
multiple times, without any changes, and then compare
failures, after each change to the system.
the key performance metrics.
 Set up the source control so that you can revert to a
Major code changes should be tested and evaluated
particular version of the application code and the
against a baseline to determine their performance impact
performance test. So, both the application and the test
during the journey to get the system into production. A
harness need to be managed
repeatable process and the right set of data to cover the

IJISRT24OCT760 1304

Volume 9, Issue 10, October – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Maintain a README for each test to record key run

information, including the time, run, the purpose of the
run, software settings and hardware configurations,
application version being used, configuration differences,
and performance metrics (e.g. Average Response Time,
Transaction Per Second).
 Evaluate bottlenecks with stakeholders, implement the
fix, and conduct a retest to ensure that the performance
has improved.


In conclusion, paying close attention to early planning,

setup and execution of performance tests for customizations
of MDM Systems is key to building reliable, high-performing
scalable applications. Allow organizations to adopt Agile
culture and improve customer experience.


[1]. Performance Considerations for IBM Infosphere

Master Data Management Advanced Edition
[2]. Prepare for the Database Performance Test
[3]. TIBCO® MDM Performance Tuning Guide
[4]. Reltio Developer portal

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