MDM System Performance Test Recommendations
MDM System Performance Test Recommendations
MDM System Performance Test Recommendations
Abstract:- The paper provides detailed guidance for a production workflow scenarios, properly evaluate the impact
Performance Test Process and Recommendations for of the changes, and accurately quantify and characterize the
a Master Data Management System, focusing on the IBM system’s level of performance. Source control will allow the
Infosphere MDM Server. And outlines the Importance of team to revert to the performance tests for a particular version
early involvement of the Business and systems owners of the implementation, thereby facilitating the performance
in setting performance benchmarks, and the problem investigation process.
stakeholders’ collaboration, during the test and the steps
to establish monitoring, change control, and document the Implement monitoring tools to cover all the critical
test results and the performance test processes and system components in the System, for Example: Operating system,
scalability Testing recommendations. I/O, CPU, Memory, Network, and DB components.