Question 1595217
Question 1595217
Question 1595217
Class 07 - Science
Time Allowed: 1 hour Maximum Marks: 33
a) alcohol b) water
a) Autotroph b) Parasite
c) Symbiosis d) Saprophyte
3. Manure and fertiliser are added to the field to increase fertility as they contain: [1]
Column I Column II
5. Name a parasitic plant with yellow, slender and branched stem. [1]
6. Name a plant that has both autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition. [1]
7. Why do farmers grow many fruits and vegetable crops inside large greenhouses? What are the advantages to the [2]
8. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth. But farmers who cultivate pulse crops like green gram, bengal [2]
gram, black gram, etc. do not apply nitrogenous fertilizers during cultivation. Why?
9. Longest part of human alimentary canal is ________. [1]
c) Fatty acids d) Glucose
11. Which one is not a function of hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach? [1]
Column A Column B
a) Dark coloured clothes are very cool b) Dark coloured clothes reflects more heat
c) Dark coloured clothes looks good d) Dark colured clothes absorb more heat
18. What is the range of a clinical thermometer? [1]
Column A Column B
d. 300K = iv. 00C
e. 00 C = v. 370C
Will the double-layered cups also keep ice cream shakes cold for a longer time? Explain your answer.
24. Why is mercury used in thermometers? [2]