Waterquality Betwa
Waterquality Betwa
Waterquality Betwa
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3 authors:
Amit Pal
Bundelkhand University Jhansi
All content following this page was uploaded by Jamshed Zaidi on 24 May 2016.
ISSN: 0975–833X
Jamshed Zaidi, Shree Ganesh and Amit Pal*
Institute of Environment & Development Studies, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi – 284 128, India
02. Turbidity (visual comparison method) 0-25 NTU standards 5 Bottles : bottle marked sample bottle for standards of 0, 5,
10, and 25 NTU for turbidity comparison.
03. Chloride (Titration method) ---- 4 reagent bottles: marked CHL-A, CHL-B, CHL-C (2
04. Total hardness (Titration method) 25-600 mg/l (ppm) CaCo3 4 reagent bottles: marked TH-A, TH-B, TH-C (2 bottles)
05. Fluoride (visual colour comparison 0-2.5 mg/l (ppm) 2 Reagent bottles: marked reagent FL-A, FL-B
06. Nitrate (visual colour comparison 0-100 mg/l (ppm) One reagent bottle : marked reagent Fe
07. Iron (visual colour comparision 0-2 mg/l (ppm) One reagent bottle: marked reagent Fe
08. Residual free chlorine (Titration 0-3 mg/l (ppm) 4 Reagent bottles: marked reagent RCL-A, RCL-B, RCL-C
The mercury generally reads about 40C minimum and 210C summer against the lowest at site I during winter in Betwa
maximum. Spring arrives by the end of February and is a river. Maximum water conductivity was recorded during May
short-lived phase of transition. Summer begins by April and at site III and minimum was recorded during January at site II
summer temperatures can peak at 470C in May. The rainy in Pahuj river. Conductivity was increased downstream in both
season starts by the third week of June (although this is the river may be attributed to higher concentration of soluble
variable year to year). Monsoon rains gradually weaken in ions and high nutrient enrichment. The conductivity mainly
September and the season ends by the last week of September. depends on ionic concentration or dissolved inorganic
In the rainy season, average daily high temperature around substances. Alkalinity plays an important role in buffering
360C with high humidity. The average rainfall for this city is capacity of water (Hutchinson, 1967) where upstream sites fall
about 900 mm per year, observed almost entirely within the under soft medium water type and downstream site fall under
three-and-a-half months of the Southwest Monsoon. Jhansi hard water increased catchment influences on the stream
which is situated in Central part of India of Bundelkahnd water. The natural water most of the alkalinity is due to CO2.
region of Uttar Pradesh having two rivers namely Betwa and The free CO2 react water partly to form carbonic acid (H2CO3)
Pahuj in East and West part of the city respectively. The which further gets dissociated in to hydrogen (H+) and
present investigation was carried out on both of the river to bicarbonate (HCO3) ions. The HCO3 ions thus formed get
find out the quality of water. Betwa River is located in the east further dissociated into H+ and CO3 ions.
of Jhansi city. Monthly water sample have been collected from
3 different point of Betwa River around Jhansi city (About 5 At site III of Betwa river maximum alkalinity was recorded
Km stretch) as fallows-. during May and minimum was found during January at site II
Site1. Kachcha Ghar; whereas in Pahuj river maximum alkalinity was observed
Site2. Orchha Resorts and during May in site III and minimum was recorded during
Site3. Knot Ghat respectively. January at site II. In the present study total hardness increased
Pahuj River is located in the west of Jhansi city. Monthly towards the onset of summer and it was maximum (157 mg/l)
water Sample have been collected from 3 different points of in site II of Betwa river and148 mg/l in site III of Pahuj river.
Pahuj River around Jhansi city (About 5 Km stretch) as The hardness of water is mainly governed by the content of
fallows – calcium and magnessium salt. Hardness may be due to the
Site1. After railway (Garia) dam; persence of Ca++ and Mg++ salts from detergents and soaps
Site2. Dhobi Ghat (Sipri) and used for laundering on the bank of the stream precipitated as
Site3. Pahuj Dam. calcium carbonate.
029 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 3, Issue, 5, pp.027-031, May, 2011
The concentration of chloride was comparatively lower for towards the summer could be the result of increase in water
being very low available. Chloride is found widely distributed temperature and increased rate of decomposition. Turbidity is
in nature in the form of salt of sodium, potassium and calcium. commonly linked to total suspended solids (TSS) because
The increase in the concentration of chloride down the stream water with high TSS levels typically looks murkier and have
point towards the faucal pollution. Chloride are least higher turbidity measurements. Common suspended solids are
metabolically utilized because of their inert nature . Inland clay, silt, and sand from soils, phytoplankton (suspended
natural waters have low chloride concentration often less than algae), bits of decaying vegetation, industrial wastes and
that of bicarbonates and sulphates. In natural fresh waters high sewage. Measuring turbidity in streams is an important
concentration of chlorides is regarded as an indicator of sewer indicator of the concentration of suspended sediments in the
pollution. The persent study depicted a narrow fluctuating water. Sediments are a natural part of streams and other water
range in chloride content. However, there was increasing trend bodies and even the most pristine streams in undeveloped
in its amounts from January to May in both the river. In water watersheds will run muddy during high flows. Typically, after
the most important source of Nitrate- nitrogen is biological of rainfall, the turbidity of the river increases with higher runoff
nitrogen organic matter both autochthonous and allochthnous rates.
origin. Domestic sewage and agriculture runoff have been
regarded as the main source of allocthonous nitrogenous Turbidity limits light penetration and hinders
organic matter.Metabolic wastes of aquqtic community and photosynthesis, thereby altering the composition and
dead organism add the autocthonous nitrogenous organic distribution of aquatic plant communities. Excessive fine
matter. There are nitrifying bacteria which are known to play sediment can fill the small spaces between the river bed gravel
significiant role in oxidation of such organic matter. The high and reduce suitable habitat for many benthic invertebrates
concentration of nitrate in water indicates pollution load. (e.g., mayflies, stoneflies, and clams) and spawning fish.
Sediment absorbs solar energy, raising water temperatures and
Nitrate is the most highly oxidized and usually the most reducing the amount of dissolved oxygen. Sediment also
abudant form of combined inorganic nitrogen in surface water carries nutrients, particularly phosphorus and toxic substances,
bodies. The concentration of nitrate contained in fresh water such as PCBs and mercury. These may be released in the
seems to be increased agricultural waste and sewage environment after sediment settles in the river bed (Basin
Information Document, 1997). In our study, the amount of
030 Jamshed Zaidi et al., Assessment of water quality
Turbidity recorded higher amount in May (18 – 22 NTU) and (Adhikari and Gupta, 2002). In the present study also total
lower in January (6– 11NTU) respectively. Total solids are a suspended solids were increased during summer season. The
measure of the suspended and dissolved solids in water. concentration of dissolved solids in River water is important
Suspended solids are those that can be retained on a water because it determines the flow of water in and out of the cells
filter and are capable of settling out of the water of aquatic organisms. Also, some dissolved inorganic elements
Table 3. Water quality of Pahuj River
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