Icmiee22 042
Icmiee22 042
Icmiee22 042
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3 authors:
Abdullah Al Faruk
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Ahmed Abrar on 12 February 2023.
Effect of Blockage Area Variation on the Hemodynamic Characteristics in Stenosed Artery using
Numerical Techniques
B. M. Arafat Rahman1,*, Ahmed Abrar Shayor2, Abdullah Al-Faruk 3
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna-9203, BANGLADESH
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna-9203, BANGLADESH
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna-9203, BANGLADESH
The investigation and in-depth study of vascular fluid dynamics play a critical role in the inquiry of how the progression
of atherosclerosis occurs, a large prominent disease in humans. Recent evolution in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is
allowing contribution to monitoring flow in presence of stenosis without in-vivo techniques with sufficient accuracy and less
cost. Computer-based medical imaging techniques and mainly simulating complex flows would also help in developing
therapeutics and devices to detect the stenosis severity in advance using values of velocity, pressure, and other hemodynamics
parameters. In the present work two-dimensional artery models with single stenosis but with blockage percentages of 35%,
50%, 75%, 80%, 86%, and 95% respectively were taken for carrying out the analysis, a numerical simulation was hence
performed to assess the effect on physiological flows. The blood is stipulated to be incompressible, homogenous, and non-
Newtonian, while the artery is fixed and rigid. The continuity, momentum, and standard k-ω turbulence equations, as well as
the non-Newtonian Carreau model, will be used to describe the flow field in the mathematical model. Steady-state analysis
was carried out for the case since simple instantaneous analysis does not warrant a complex transient flow study. The velocity
profile, wall static pressure, wall shear stress, and turbulence intensity were measured in pre-stenotic, throat, and post-stenotic
regions. At the throat, the flow changes rapidly, causing an escalation in velocity and wall shear stress (WSS) deviating from
flow in the normal artery. In the post-stenotic region, the flow is quite turbulent, resulting in the creation of vortices. The
results indicated that the blockage caused the development of high velocity and along with the viscosity change causes high
WSS to develop on the wall. Because of the stenosis, the throat section has a significant pressure variation and flow becomes
turbulent due to crossing the critical Reynolds number. Also, it was found from the investigation that a 75 % blockage is
dangerous enough and 80% stenosis can be considered critical. This characterization of criticality was performed by studying
the turbulence intensity variable of the flowing biofluid (blood).
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Table 1 r and A for various percentages of stenosis value is higher than 1. But in boundary layer we need
skewed layers of mesh as they are more stretched but
Stenosed r A with less height. The skewness for most of the elements
Percentage close to 0 and (maximum 0.85). So, the Skewness
35% 0.4031 0.0485 property is very good along with the orthogonal qualities
50% 0.354 0.073 are also very satisfactory as most of the element has
75% 0.25 0.125 orthogonal quality value as 1.
86% 0.187 0.1565 2.2. Blood Properties
95% 0.1118 0.19425 The fluid (blood) is considered homogeneous,
2.1 Mesh Generation incompressible, and non-Newtonian. The mass density of
In this step, the geometrical model is discretized blood is considered as 1060 Kgm-3. The flow is
into various infinitesimally small volumes. Number of considered as steady. For Non-Newtonian fluid,
elements and nodes created for each geometry are shown according to Pierre Carreau's suggested Carreau model-
in Table 2.
𝜇 = 𝜇∞ + (𝜇0 − 𝜇∞ )[1 + (𝛾𝑐 𝛾˙)2 ]𝑛−1/2 (1)
Table 2 The number of nodes and elements generated in
each geometry Where 𝜇∞ = 0.0035 Pa a.s, 𝜇0 = 0.056 Pa. 𝑠, 𝛾𝑐 =
Model Name Nodes Elements 3.313 s, 𝛾˙ is the instantaneous shear rate, and n=0.356
𝐷𝑢𝜃 𝑢𝜃 𝑢𝑟 1 𝜕𝑝 𝑢𝜃
𝜌[ + ]=− + 𝑓𝜃 +𝜇 [∇2 𝑢𝜃 − +
𝐷𝑡 𝑟 𝑟 𝜕𝜃 𝑟2
2 𝜕𝑢𝑟
2 ](5)
𝑟 𝜕𝜃
𝐷𝑢𝑧 𝜕𝑝
𝜌 = − + 𝑓𝑧 + 𝜇∇2 𝑢𝑧 (6)
𝐷𝑡 𝜕𝑧
ICMIEE22-042- 3
The following two equations determine the turbulent turbulence kinetic energy and specific dissipation rate.
kinetic energy and specific dissipation rate of the For the convergence of the simulations residuals absolute
conventional k-ω model respectively: criteria had been taken as 1e-6.
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂k Hemodynamic characteristics of the fluid must be set
(𝜌k) + (𝜌kui ) = (Γk ) + Gk − Yk + Sk (9) before the non-Newtonian Carreau model can be
∂t ∂xi ∂xj ∂xi
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂𝜔
activated in ANSYS Fluent to create non-Newtonian
(𝜌𝜔) + (𝜌𝜔ui ) = (Γ𝜔 ) + G𝜔 − Y𝜔 + S𝜔 (10) fluid.
∂t ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj
𝛼0∗ +Ret /Rk
𝛼 ∗ = 𝛼∞
( ) (11) Ghalichi et al. (1998)
1+Ret /Rk
ρk β ∗ Experimental Data,
Where, 𝑅𝑒𝑡 = , R k =6, 𝛼0∗ = 𝑖 , β𝑖 = 0.072, 𝛼∞ =1, Saad and Giddens
μω 3
Closure Coefficient for the Transitional k- ω Model 0 (1983)
∗ ∗
are:- 𝛼∞ =1, α∞ =0.52, 𝛽∞ = 0.09, 𝛽i = 0.072, R k = 6, 0 500 1000 1500 2000
and R𝛽 = 8
Fig.5 Model Validation
The three main characteristics that describe blood flow
via an artery are mass conservation, momentum Fig.5 shows there is a deviation of present work from
conservation, and transfer of turbulence. The fluid Ghalichi’s work. For Re 500 the error is about 7.92%. For
(blood) is homogeneous, incompressible, and non- Re 1000 the error is about 2.67%, For Re 1500 the error
Newtonian. The mass density of blood is considered as is about 3.86% and for the Re 2000 the error is about
1060 Kgm-3. The flow is considered as steady. The 9.09%. There is a huge deviation with the experimental
Standard k-ω model will be used for turbulence modeling. values of Saad and Giddens, but the trend of plot is
• 2D
• Non-Newtonian, Incompressible & steady flow
4.0 Result and Discussion
• Rigid wall Fig.6 shows that centerline static pressure distribution
• Reynolds number range 400 to 1500 for various mesh sizes. The number of elements and
• 35%, 50%, 75%, 86% & 95% stenosis region nodes for various mesh sizes are given in Table 3.
will be considered Table 3 Number of elements and nodes for various Mesh
• Mesh Name Elements Number Nodes Number
3. Numerical Modelling
By designating the inlet flow as "velocity inlet" at the Mesh 0 27993 27060
preset esteem and the output flow as "pressure outlet," Mesh 1 71500 72666
boundary conditions are established. A healthy person
has a systolic pressure of about 120 mmHg and a diastolic Mesh 2 94650 95988
pressure of about 80 mmHg. As a result, 100 mmHg was Mesh 3 120700 122206
chosen (about 13332 Pascal) as the static gauge pressure
at the outlet by averaging the two phases' pressures. Mesh 4 149910 151584
The wall-designated boundary line was subjected to a 102
stationary and no-slip condition Fig.4 shows the 102 Mesh 0
100 Mesh 4
Fig.4 Boundary Condition of the geometry
The solution method for this simulation is that solving the -10 0 10 20 30
equations coupled algorithm had been used as pressure x/D
velocity coupling. And for spatial discretization second Fig.6 Centerline Pressure difference (number of elements)
order algorithm had been used for pressure, momentum,
ICMIEE22-042- 4
86% and 95% the turbulence intensity is high (>5%) in
The centerline static pressure distribution plot is deviated the post stenotic region.
a bit for Mesh 0. But for the rest of the mesh sizes (Mesh 125 Stat Press
-10 0 10 20 30
Fig.9 Wall static pressure for various stenosed
percentages 35%, 50%, 75%, 80%, 86% and 95%
ICMIEE22-042- 5
is seen for 95% and 86% stenosis as well. At post stenotic Fig.14 shows that the wall shear stresses the pre stenotic
region for higher blockage geometries velocity trend throat dramatically increased up to 50 Pa which can
moves erratically from centerline for a certain period. damage the artery wall and cause rapture in the pre
280 stenotic region.
240 Wall Shear
Wall Shear Stress (Pa)
ICMIEE22-042- 6
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