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(An autonomous Institution of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India)

NCCS Complex, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune - 411007, Maharashtra, India

Advt. No. NCCS/Project Management Cell/P09/Online/2024

The National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS) is an autonomous institution of Department of Biotechnology,
Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, for a mandate of basic research, teaching & training,
and as a national repository for cell lines/hybridomas etc. The centre is located in the midst of academically
enriched environment of University of Savitribai Phule Pune Campus, Pune. NCCS invites applications for
following post on extramural project purely on temporary basis.

Sr. No. 01

Short Term Trainee Internship (as per SERB Scientific Social

Name of the Post Responsibility Policy)

Number of posts 01 (One)

Understanding the role of specific serotonin receptor signaling in

Name of the Project
modulating the antigen-specific immunity to control tumor growth.

Name of the PI Dr. Girdhari Lal

Students in undergraduate engineering or postgraduate science. /

(Students pursuing graduation in engineering or Students pursuing Post-
Graduation in Science)
Essential Qualification & Experience:
*Please note that Students who have completed their graduation in
engineering or completed their post-graduation in science are not eligible
as per funding agency's guidelines.

Student should have interest in Biological Sciences and Immunology, and

willing to spent dedicated 2 months’ time for this research training. Students
Desirable experience
can visit more detail on NCCS website (www.nccs.res.in or

Post Tenure: 2 months

Total Monthly Emoluments Rs. 5000/- per month

Last date of receipt for application 01st November, 2024

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Sr. No.

Short Term Trainee Internship (as per SERB Scientific Social

Name of the Post Responsibility Policy)

01 (One)
Number of posts

Studying the liquid-liquid phase separation properties associated with a

Name of the Project
transcriptional co-activator.

Dr. Amitabha Majumdar

Name of the PI

Students in undergraduate engineering or postgraduate science. /

(Students pursuing graduation in engineering or Students pursuing Post-

Graduation in Science)
Essential Qualification & Experience:
*Please note that Students who have completed their graduation in

engineering or completed their post-graduation in science are not eligible

as per funding agency's guidelines.

MSc. in life science related subjects and have concepts to work with basic

molecular biology techniques like cloning, restriction digestion, gel

Desirable experience
electrophoresis, etc. with interest in phase separation, imaging. Practical

experience will be advantageous for the position.

2 months
Post Tenure:

Rs. 5000/- per month

Total Monthly Emoluments

01st November, 2024

Last date of receipt for application

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रा ष्ट्री य को शि का शि ज्ञा न के न्द्र , पु णे
(जैिप्रौद्योशिकीशिभाि, भारत सरकार की स्वायत्त संस्था /
An autonomous Institution of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India)
एनसीसीएस कॉम्प्लेक्स/NCCS Complex, एस. पी. पुणे शिश्वशिद्यालय पररसर/ S.P Pune University
Campus, िणेिख ंड/Ganeshkhind, पुणे/ Pune - 411007,महाराष्ट्र/ Maharashtra, भारत/India.


सारी जानकारी युक्त ब्यौरे केिल ब्लॉक अक्षरों में भरें /All details should be filled up in block letters
01) नाम/ Name (उपनामपहले/ नवीनतमपासपोर्टसाइज़फो
SURNAME- FIRST NAME ) र्ोग्राफचिपकाएं/Affix
latest passport
02) शपता/ पशत का नाम/
size photograph
Name of Father/Spouse

03) शिज्ञापनसं/Advt. No., शजस पद के

शलए आिेदन शकया है एिं उसकी
संख्या/ Applied Post & Post Sr. No.

04) जन्मशतशि/ Date of Birth

05) आिेदन प्राखिके अंशतम शदनांक

परआयु/ Age as on closing date of
application (DD/MM/YYYY)

06) िहर शपनकोडसं, िहर/िााँि, शजला, राज्य एिं राष्ट्रसशहत

I) स्थायी पता/ Permanent Address along with City Pin
Code No., City/Village, District, State & Country.

06) िहर शपनकोडसं, िहर/िााँि, शजला, राज्य एिं राष्ट्रसशहत

II) पत्राचारका पता/ Correspondence Address along with
City Pin Code No., City/Village, District, State &

06) *िैधईमेल/Valid E-Mail Address:

III) *िैधटे शलफोन/ मोबाइलनंबर/ Valid Telephone/
Mobile Number(s):

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*कृपया सुननश्चित करें कक ई-मेल आई डी मोबाइल नंबर सही और सुपाठ्य है / Please make sure that the E-
mail ID& mobile number is correct and legible. उम्मीदवारों को कमसे कम एक वर्ष के ललए अपना
मोबाइल नंबर और ई-मेलआईडी सलिय रखनेकी सलाह दी जाती है / Candidates are advised to keep their
mobile no and E-mail ID active at least for one year.

07) शलंि/Gender: _____________08) िैिाशहक खस्थशत/Marital status: ____________

09) राष्ट्रीयता/Nationality: ________ 10) क्या एससी/ एसटी/ ओबीसीहैं /Whether


11) A) ओबीसी उम्मीदिार के शलए- शनशदि ष्ट् करें शक एनसीएल कबतक िैध है /For OBC candidate –
Specify, NCL is valid up to: __________________________

12. उत्तीणि हुई अशतररक्त योग्यता परीक्षा (ए)/ Additional Qualifying Examination(s) passed

13.िैशक्षक योग्यता (एसएससी से िुरू करना है )/Educational Qualification: (Starting from SSC

उपाशध/शडग्री/ बोडि / शिश्वशिद्यालय शिषय/ शििेष कुलप्रािांक / प्रशतित/ उत्तीणि

Degree/ का नाम/ Name of शिषय/ Total Marks श्रेणी/ होनेका
परीक्षा उत्तीणि/ the Subjects/Specia Obtained/O Percentage / महीना
ut of
Examination Board/University lization Grade एिंिषि/
passed Month &
Year of

14. Please address the following questions in a separate sheet along with other attachments. /कृपया
निम्िलिखित प्रश्िों को अन्य अिि
ु ग्िकों के साथ एक अिग शीट में लििें।

a) Why have you chosen to apply for this short -term training? / आपिे इस अल्पकालिक प्रलशक्षण
के लिए आवेदि करिा क्यों चुिा?

b) What is your short term and long -term carrier goals? / आपके अल्पकालिक और दीर्घकालिक
वाहक िक्ष्य क्या हैं?

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c) Why do you like the lab you have chosen and briefly write the work focus of the lab? / आपिे
जो िैब चुिी है वह आपको क्यों पसंद है और िैब के कायघ फोकस को संक्षेप में लििें?

d) How will you use this training to further your career goals? / आप अपिे कैररयर िक्ष्यों को आगे
बढािे के लिए इस प्रलशक्षण का उपयोग कैसे करें गे?

15. घोषणा/ DECLARATION

मैं एत दद्वारा घोषणा करता/करती हाँ शक शिज्ञापन में दजि शकए हुए अनुदेि एिं माििदििन सूचनाओं के मैंने

सािधानी सेपढा है / I hereby declare that I have carefully read the instructions and guidelines

mentioned in the advertisement. मेरे ज्ञान और शिश्वास के अनुसार मेरे द्वारा दीिई सभी जानकारी

/आं कडें सहीहै , आिेदन में अिर कोई सूचना / डे टा िलत पाया जाता है या अपूणि आिेदन फॉमि पाया जाता

है तब, मेरी उम्मीदिारी अस्वीकृशत के शलए उत्तर दायी है ।To the best of my knowledge and belief all

the information/data provided by me are true and correct, if any information/data found

incorrect in the application or furnishing of incomplete application form. Then, my candidature

is liable for rejection.

लदनां क/ Date: -

(Name & signature of the applicant)

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