094 DEV PATEL Project Report

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Dharamsinh Desai University

Faculty of Technology





Name: Dev Patel

Roll No.: CE094
ID: 18CEUOG126
Guided By: Associate Professor Mrudang T. Mehta,
Assistant Professor Jatayu H. Baxi

Dharamsinh Desai University, Nadiad

Faculty of Technology
Department of Computer Engineering

This is to certify that advanced technologies project entitled “REMS” is the

bona fide report work carried out by Dev Rakesh Patel (18CEUOG126) of
Department of Computer Engineering, Semester VI, academic year: 2021-
2022, under our supervision and guidance by Associate Prof. Mrudang T.
Mehta and Assistant Prof. Jatayu H. Baxi, of Department of Computer
Engineering, Dharamsinh Desai University Nadiad.

Table of Contents

i. Abstract…………………………………………………………………….3
ii. Introduction………………………………………………………………4
iii. Software Requirement Specifications……………………….5
iv. Analysis and Design………………………………………………..10
v. Data Modelling………………………………………………………..15
vi. Implementation Details……………………………….............18
vii. Screen shots of project…………………………………………….18
viii. Conclusion and Limitations…………………....................32
ix. Bibliography/References………………………………………….33


This Project “Real Estate Management System” is related to online application of


 This is advanced solution for his/her estate problem.

 One can avoid probate, tax deduction, etc. such problems just by
registration in our system.

 Here registration is free of cost. So one can easily buy or verify a


 Registration and verification is the online and automated system

provided by this software.


Project Purpose:
Primary Goal for developing Real estate Management System is to provide
automation and transparency during the trade of real estate.

Project Scope:
The software system being produced is called Real estate Management
system. It is being produced for a customer interested in trading real estate
via Internet. This system is designed to provide automation support for
trading process in real estate.

This software will allow any user to sign up, or create and account to become
a customer. Any customer can bid on and buy verified properties that are for
sale or rent, browse properties with some filters. They can also comment for
any query related to property. These services are available freely to any user,
while seller would have to pay the registration and verification fee and they
would also have many options to manage their own properties.

Project Objectives:
This system includes following functions:

 Allows user to register and login.

 Allows user to manage his own profile.
 Browse or filter property listings.
 Manage sale of said properties.
 Allows seller to manage his/her own properties.

Project Goals:
 Planned approach: The working in the organization will be
planned and organized.
 Accuracy: Accuracy of this system is high as agents hired by
the system would verify the properties.
 Reliability: The reliability of this software is very high due to
above said statement.

Software Requirement Specifications

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This document encases the idea and implementation for Real Estate
Management System.

1.2 Document Conventions

This document has no predefined reading conventions.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This document is intended for application designers, software testers,
users, and project Managers. Reader should keep in mind that this is not
Real estate online business rather its real estate auction system.

1.4 Product Scope

This Document specifies requirements for a simple application that
allows user to:
 Login and Register
 Manage own properties
 Bid on unsold properties
 Manage own profile
 Search property
 Ask Questions about the property
 Manage Agents
 Manage Resources
2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

This service provides user with online interface making process of
buying or renting easy and transparent.

2.2 Product Functions

Allows buyers or renters to bid and chat with sellers, sellers can also
manage their own properties. User can browse through many property
listings and can also add them to their own wish list.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics
Users in this application would be users, premium users, authorized
users, developers and testers.

2.4 Operating Environment

Minimum Hardware requirements:
Windows (i5+ processor), Linux or Mac OS
4GB ram, 1TB ROM, Internet or LAN connection
Minimum Software requirements:
Support for HTML5, CSS3, JS, Angular, Node.js, Python, dotnet, c#

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

Web browser needs to be opened externally, application does not
provide this support. Also system needs to have permanent internet

2.6 Assumptions and dependencies

There should be permanent LAN connection, Users trust in service
should be implicit.

3. Functional Requirements

3.1 Manage User

This Module will handle user registration, authentication even user role.

3.1.1 Register User

This module will register a user to our app.

Input: Username, email, password, optional payment for premium
Output: Acknowledgement that user registered

3.1.2 Authenticate User

This module will authenticate user

Input: Username, password
Output: Message about user validation, in case of success redirection to
home page.

3.2 Manage User Profile

This Module will manage user details

3.2.1 Show User Details

This module will display user details to authenticated user

Input: User Selection
Output: User Details

3.2.2 Update User Details

This Module will change user details

Input: Updated user details
Output: Acknowledgement about the same

3.2.3 Manage Preferences and User’s Features

This module will save user preferences from available preferences, and
will also allow user to buy premium package available
Input: User selection and optional payment
Output: Acknowledgement and Changes reflected according to

3.3 Browse Property Listings

This module allows user to browse across property listings

3.3.1 Search property

This module will search property based user selected criteria

Input: Parameters like location, property type, on leash or to buy, price
range, etc.
Output: Properties corresponding to those parameters

3.3.2 Add to Wish list

This module will add certain properties to user’s wish list to save for
easy access or favourites to save for later
Input: User selection

Output: Acknowledgement about the same

3.3.3 Sort property listings

This module will sort property listing based on some criteria.

Input: Parameters such as price, size, etc.
Output: Properties corresponding to those parameters

3.4 Manage Properties

This module allows our premium customer to add, update or delete

user’s property listings

3.4.1 Add Property

This module will add property for sale.

Input: Latest Picture, price, size, location, property type, on rent or to
sell, Features etc.
Output: Property put on sale Acknowledgement

3.4.2 Update Property

This module will update property that is for sale.

Input: Latest Picture and updated details
Output: Acknowledgement

3.4.3 Delete Property

This module will delete property that user has put up for sale
Input: User selection
Output: Acknowledgement

3.5 Property Sale Management

This module manages sale of properties

3.5.1 Bid on Property

This property allows user to place multiple bid on that property that is
available for sale

Input: Bid
Output: Acknowledgement

3.5.2 Question for the Owner

This module allows user to ask questions about the particular property
Input: Question
Output: Upon receiving owner may choose to answer the question

3.5.3 Provide Feedback

This module will allow user to provide feedback on property listed

Input: Feedback
Output: Acknowledgement

3.5.4 Buy Property

This module will allow user to pay for the property that he bided highest
Input: User selection and Payment
Output: Acknowledgement and Authorized Statement from the owner.

4. Other Non-Functional Requirements

4.1 Performance Requirements

Each operation on this application is estimated to take 10-30ms as per
net coverage

4.2 Safety Requirements

Each user must abide by policies set by this application

4.3 Security Requirements

The security of the application is our utmost priority.

4.4 Business Rules

Any harm intended on user by another bidder may result to legal action.

Analysis and Design

1. Class Diagram

2. Use case Diagram

3. Sequence Diagrams

4. Activity Diagram

5. State Diagram

6. Collaboration Diagram

7. Component Diagram

8. Package Diagram

9. Deployment Diagram

Data Modelling
Database Design:
Table Name: Agent

Primary Key: Id

Description: Stores details of agents

Sr. No. Fields Type

1 Id Int
2 Name Nvarchar(MAX)
3 Email Nvarchar(MAX)

Table Name: Auction

Primary Key: Id

Description: Stores details of Auctions.

Sr. No. Fields Type

1 Id Int
2 propname Nvarchar(MAX)
3 custname Nvarchar(MAX)
4 Bid Int
Table Name: Comment

Primary Key: Id

Description: Stores Comments for property

Sr. No. Fields Type

1 Id Int
2 Name Nvarchar(MAX)
3 Comment Nvarchar(MAX)
4 Propname Nvarchar(MAX)

Table Name: Bid

Primary Key: Id

Description: Stores details of bid made

Sr. No. Fields Type

1 Id Int
2 Propname Nvarchar(MAX)
3 Custname Nvarchar(MAX)
4 Bid Int

Table Name: RentPropertyModel

Primary Key: Id

Description: Stores details of properties to rent.

Sr. No. Fields Type

1 Id Int
2 Name Nvarchar(MAX)
3 Image Nvarchar(MAX)
4 PropertyType Int
5 Address Nvarchar(MAX)
6 Description Nvarchar(MAX)
7 Price Int
8 Owner Nvarchar(MAX)

Table Name: SellPropertyModel

Primary Key: Id

Description: Stores details of properties to sell.

Sr. No. Fields Type

1 Id Int
2 Name Nvarchar(MAX)
3 Image Nvarchar(MAX)
4 PropertyType Int
5 Address Nvarchar(MAX)
6 Description Nvarchar(MAX)
7 Startprice Int
8 Owner Nvarchar(MAX)
Table Name: PropertyModel

Primary Key: Id

Description: Stores details of all properties.

Sr. No. Fields Type

1 Id Int
2 Name Nvarchar(MAX)
3 Image Nvarchar(MAX)
4 PropertyType Int
5 Address Nvarchar(MAX)
6 Description Nvarchar(MAX)
7 Price Int
8 Owner Nvarchar(MAX)
9 PropertyMode Int
10 PropertyStatus Int
11 PropertyDetail Int

Implementation Details and Screenshots

All the discussed features are implemented and are as shown below in screenshots

1. Landing Page

2. Login/ Register

After Logging in, as we can see no properties are available to browse

Customer can become seller after upgrading their premiumship

Now after logging again we’ll see seller home page and options to add
property to rent or sell.

Adding a property to rent

Commenting the property

Edit a property.

Adding property to sell

Admin can add agents and agents can change property status

Now when customer logs in

Customer can comment and place bid for this

Bids placed can be seen and deleted by customer

Seller can see those bids placed on their property and can accept them.

Customer will be able to see their properties if their bid was selected.

Conclusion and Limitations

 Conclusion
As witnessed by above screenshots the working of this project can be

 Problems Encountered and Possible Solutions

1. Hardware Limitations
This risk of this limitation is posed only when we ran out of disk space,
extending the space only seems to be probable solution.
2. Internet Speed
Minimum speed must be 128Kbps

 Summary
In this whole project, we first gather the requirement and then after planning
of designs of the documentation of project, we plan the implementation for
the code of that system. After through testing and debugging conclusion of
the project is reached.



 Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach by Roger Pressman,

McGraw Hill international edition

Web links:

 www.google.com
 www.wikipedia.com
 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-in/


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