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© 2019 JETIR April 2019, Volume 6, Issue 4 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Impact of Social Media

Pratyush Kumar Deka, Department Of Computer Science and Engineering
Galgotias University, Yamuna Expressway Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
E-mail id - [email protected]

ABSTRACT:-Social media is a platform for audiences around the world to discuss their issues and opinions. Before we know
the real aspects of social media, people need to know what social media means. Social media is a term used to describe the
interaction between groups or individuals in which they produce, share, and sometimes exchange ideas, images, videos, and
more on the Internet. The social network is transforming the behavior of young people interacting with their parents, peers, and
how they use technology. The effects of social networking are twofold. On the positive side, social networks can act as valuable
tools for professionals. They achieve this by helping young professionals to market their skills and to seek business opportunities.
This paper covers every aspect of social media with its positive and negative effects. Focus is on specific areas such as health,
business, education, society and youth. In this paper, we explain how these media will have a broad influence on society.

KEYWORDS: Business, Cyber Bullying, Education, Social Media, Society, Mobile Devices.

Social media is an online platform that people use to build social networks or social relationships with others
who share similar personal or career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life links. The impact of social
networks on young people is important. It is becoming increasingly evident that social networks have become
part of people's lives. Many teenagers use their laptops, tablet computers and smartphones to check their
friends and family's updates on Tweets and status. As technology advances, people are under pressure to
accept different lifestyles. Social media is a web-based form of communication of data. Social media
platforms enable users to have conversations, share information and create web content. Social media has
different forms, including blogs, micro-blogs, wikis, social networking sites, photo-sharing sites, instant
messaging, video-sharing sites, podcasts, widgets, virtual worlds, and more. On an individual level, social
media enables us to communicate with our friends and relatives, to learn new things, to develop your interests
and to be entertained. At a professional level, we can use social media to expand or expand our knowledge in
a particular field and build our professional network by connecting with other professionals in our industry.
At the business level, social media allows us to have a conversation with our audience, to get feedback from
our customers, and to raise your brand. Social Media is an innovative idea with a very brilliant opportunity
and an additional scope for advancement. With the advancement of social media, many organizations are
using this medium to improve their practices. By using social networking, we can advertise or communicate
in a more efficient manner. Likewise, people don't have to rely on the media or on TV to get their daily dose
of news that can all be obtained from a social networking site. People can track or gather information from all
over the world. The paper is introduced in Section I and Section II contains the literature review and research
methodology used, Section III contains various popular social media sites, Section IV contains the Impact of
Social Media on Medical and Health, Section V contains the Impact of Social Media on Business.[1]. Figure
shows the various social media networks.

Fig.1: Social Media Network

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Review of Literature:
As Youth and Teens are the builders of the nation, and in this age they have grown up as part of the Net
Generation. They can easily use the latest technology in a variety of ways, including smartphones, mp3
players, digital cameras, video games, iPads, electronic readers and personal computers. Social media has
both positive and negative effects. This research paper is based on secondary data collected from online
sources, different research papers and the Google search engine. Some data gathering tools (On Site
Observations, Interviews, and Questionnaires) have also been used to gather information on the use of social
media in general.[2]
Popular Social Media Sites:
This is the largest social media network on the Internet, both in terms of total number of users and name
recognition. Facebook came into existence on February 4, 2004, Facebook has within 12 years managed
to collect more than 1.59 billion monthly active users and this automatically makes it one of the best
mediums for connecting people from all over the world with your business. It is predictable that more
than 1 million small and medium-sized businesses use the platform to advertise their business.[3] Figure 2
shows the Facebook logo.

Fig.2: Facebook Logo

We might think that restricting our posts to 140 characters is not a way to advertise our business, but we'll be
shocked to know that this social media stage has more than 320 million active monthly users who can build
on the 140 character limit to pass on information. Businesses can use Twitter to interact with prospective
customers, answer questions, release latest news and, at the same time, use targeted ads with specific
audiences. Twitter was founded on March 21, 2006, and is headquartered in San Francisco, California.[4]
Its SEO value alone makes it a must-have tool for any small business. Google+ was launched on 15 December
2011 and joined the major alliances of 418 million dynamic customers in December 2015.[5]
You tube:
You Tube: the largest and most well-known online video networking site — was established by three previous
PayPal workers on 14 February 2005. It was later bought by Google in November 2006 for $1.65 billion.
YouTube has more than 1 billion website guests every month and is the second most popular web browser
behind Google.[6]

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Instagram is a visual stage of online networking. The site has more than 400 million dynamic clients and is
owned by Facebook. A significant number of its clients use it to post travel, form, sustenance, workmanship
and comparable subjects data.[2] The stage is also recognized by its remarkable channels along with video
and photography altering highlights.[7]. Figure 3 shows the logon of Instagram.

Fig.3: Instagram Logo

Sharing Of Doctors Prescriptions to Friends, Relatives:

 Support for health-related causes.

 Helping health services to prioritize critical cases.

 Increased accountability to consumers.

 More data available to health researchers

Support for health-related causes.

 Helping health services to prioritize critical cases.

 Increased accountability to consumers.

 More data available to health researchers.

Support for Health-Related Causes:

 Helping Health Services to Prioritize Critical Cases.

 Increased Accountability To Consumers.

 More Data Available To Health Researchers.

Impact of Social Media on Education:
Social networking technologies also allow one to share one's thoughts with another. It helps a man on one
side of the world to interact and trade ideas with a man on the other. Using social media, students can easily

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communicate or share information quickly with each other through various social networking sites such as
Facebook, Orkut, and Instagram, etc.[8]
Impact of Social Media on Society:
As we are all well aware, the social media are designed to facilitate a massive impact on our society. Some
social media destinations have changed the way people communicate and mingle on the web. Person-to-
person communication destinations provide an open door for individuals to reconnect with their old
companions, partners and colleagues.[9]

As technology develops, web- social networking has become a routine for every last individual, people;
groups are consistently viewed as dependent on this technology. Online networking has increased the quality
and rate of coordinated effort for students. Social media has different merits, yet it also has a few faults that
affect individuals in the opposite way. False data can lead to disappointment in the training framework, mis-
promotion in organizations can influence productivity, online networking can manipulate the general public
by attacking the safety of individuals, yet it also has a few faults that affect individuals in the opposite way.
False data can lead to disappointment in the training framework, mis-promotion in organizations can influence
productivity, and online networking can manipulate the general public by attacking the safety of individuals,
yet it also has a few faults that affect individuals in the opposite way. False data can lead to disappointment
in the training framework, mis-promotion in organizations can influence productivity, and online networking
can manipulate the general public by attacking the safety of individuals.

[1] J. H. Kietzmann, K. Hermkens, I. P. McCarthy, and B. S. Silvestre, “Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building
blocks of social media,” Bus. Horiz., 2011.

[2] A. Kaplan and G. Mazurek, “Social media,” in Handbook of Media Management and Economics: Second Edition, 2018.

[3] A. M. Kaplan and M. Haenlein, “Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media,” Bus. Horiz., 2010.

[4] S. Asur and B. A. Huberman, “Predicting the future with social media,” in Proceedings - 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference
on Web Intelligence, WI 2010, 2010.

[5] S. M. Impression, “Advertising Effectiveness : a Social Media Impression,” Measurement, 2010.

[6] A. Power, “What is social media?,” Br. J. Midwifery, 2014.

[7] H. M. Bik and M. C. Goldstein, “An Introduction to Social Media for Scientists,” PLoS Biol., 2013.

[8] S. Media and W. Sites, “Social Media Web Sites,” Media, 2010.

[9] J. Foster, “Social media.,” J. Ir. Dent. Assoc., 2013.

[10] B. D. Weinberg and E. Pehlivan, “Social spending: Managing the social media mix,” Bus. Horiz., 2011.

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