Document - 2024-10!20!141526 Court Decesion For Court Action Cause Ov Acctione Mcsn+24+Squ+Cause999+99+0243 Golden Triangle Waste Service

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Moroccan Empire

United States for North America

Squam Pomack Provincial Government
 ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ 
Moorish Divyne and National Movement of the Earth
Northw e s t Amexem + Northw e s t Africa+ North America+ the North Gate
all adjoining islands
 ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ 
 ~ the true and de jure natural peoples + heirs to the land ~ 
 ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ 

empire state ov morocco

unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne affidavit kourte decesion
articlle iii al moroccan moorishe squam pomack konsular kourte
October 20, 2024

all rize ande stande ande reemain standing innto perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artiklle iii
moorishe amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. i am sovereigne livinge justise david jeffrey blackman in
capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona suijuris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. my free
chozen nationall appellatione is dawud bilal abdullah bey in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria
persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. i ande all moors are the origeneall inndigeneous
sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents ov the greate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the
annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are
herebye vested in oursellves for we are the peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous natural! divyne annciente
empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall govemmente. we are one god. we
herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nunq pro tunq.

Cause of Action
whereas proper governance of our vast estate and resources must not be left inappropriately unaccounted
for by actors from the previous era former Corporation’s[ M i s s i s s i p p i D e p a r t m e n t
o f R e v e n u e ] [ Golden Triangle Waste Services] [ Lowndes County Tax Collector] who were
continually engaged in breach of trust, malfeasances, genocide by decree, human trafficking PERSONS,
Persons, and too many other violations of oaths of office and acts repugnant to the constitution for the United
States For North America, therefore proper explicit instructions must be formally stated, delivered and
executed by government (we the people from the living states for Morocco ) and from those with whom
proper authority to govern resides, note: during and throughout the past 50 years various subjects in the
Office of Garbage Collection at Golden Triangle Waste Services at the corporate location c/o 1311
Industrial Park Road , Columbus, Mississippi 39701, Office of Tax Collector Office of Commissioner
Mississippi Department of Revenue subordinate Office of Lowndes County Tax Collector at the 'post'
found at the corporate location c/o 1121 Main Street at the Columbus, Mississippi 3 9 7 0 1 and
M i s s i s s i p p i D e p a r t m e n t o f R e v e n u e have purposely engaged in interference-
delays obstruction of beneficiary rights of property ownership and processing claims tax returns ,
collection of the peoples garbage from their domiciles. The former corporations from these locations,
presumably in ignorance that the land of said all Mississippi’s building’s locations are owned by we the
sovereigne universall origeneall endigeneous ancient ascendents as mentioned above.

affidavit of fact writ of execution

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america I 'the north
gate' - the moroccan empire - continental united states; 'temple of the moon and sun'/ 'turtle island': non -
domestic, non - resident, non - subject; - moors I muurs - being the rightful heirs and primogeniture birthright -
cause ov acctione mcsn+24+squ+cause999+99+0243

unnlawfulle occupatione ov sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous land

isaiah 33:22 for the lord is Our judge, the lord is Our lawgiver, the lord is Our king; it is he who will
save Us. exxodus 21:21 ande if a man smites his servante or his maid withe a rod ande his servante die
under his hand, he shall be surely punished notwithstanding. if he continues a day or two, he shall not be
punished for he is his money. mathyou 16:18+ 19 et ego dico tibi quia tu es petra et super hanc petram
aedificabo ecclesiam meam et portae inferinon praevalebunt adversum eam 19 et tibi dabo claves regni
caelorum et quodcumque sum us ligaveris super terram erit ligatum in caelis et quodcumque sumus solveris
super terram erit solutum in caelis.

date kommanded to appeare : October 19, 2024

notice for remedy commandment ajudicated and executed

Whereas we confirm that the Empire State ov Morocco, has issued the United States Treasury Creditor
Bond 202592 and Lowndes County Creditor Treasury bond 646000641 in the amount of two hundred and
seven thousand (207,000,000.00) gold backed dollars (from our lands) circa 2018-2019 the following
government directives have been implemented by this court action order and executed by the United
States Fiduciary Trustee, Sovereign Postmaster and living creditor.

This is to confirm that I, Dawud Bilal Abdullah Bey Chief Justice for the Squam Pomack Territory Supreme
Article iii Consular Courte as issued a judgement and damages to the estate of The El + Ali Moorish Tribal Trust
immediately. The following former Corporation’s [ M i s s i s s i p p i D e p a r t m e n t o f
R e v e n u e ] [Golden Triangle Waste Services] [Lowndes County Tax Collector] will immediately
cease and desist from sending fraudulent bills of exchange to the Doris Ann Willis estate claiming
that a debt is owed to the corporation. They are also guilty of mail fraud by using the post office to
send their fraudulent bills of exchange which is a violation of the constitution. On October 19, 2024, a
discharge hearing was held at the land ov nod, squam pomack territory consulate. Consular Court jurisdiction
and the article iii moorish judge is the only judicial officer who can render a decision on this matter. There can
be no tax on Moroccan land by a foreign state or Corporation there will be 100% immediate reimbursement or
discharge of all commercial obligations and transactions with the national identification bearing the United
States Department of State tax non obligated public law number AA222141 A1 as stated by the original
indigenous Moorish al Moroccan state. The debt is now discharged and will be reported to the internal revenue
on form 1099C under your corporate name [Golden Triangle Waste Services] [Lowndes County Tax Collector]
and all assigns, agents and heirs. Your corporate jurisdiction over the property [2019 Kia Soul 4cyl Turbo
Engine, Grey Exterior/ Black Interior with Identification Number: KNDJP3A51K7689245] has been
terminated and is now returned to the original sovereign Moorish National Estate (land ov flowers territory El
& Ali Moorish Tribal Trust). You will have 3 days from receiving this notice to refute it line by line and
praecipe by praecipe. unrebutted affidavits stand as law islam. The L ow nde s C ount y Ta x Of fi ce
will immediately with 3 business days upon receipt of certified mail 7020 2450 0002 2784 4201. Return all
funds to the Estate of Doris Ann Willis the living beneficiary account by United States Post Office Money
Order. The Office of Lowndes County Chief Financial Officer will be the party responsible for this action.
Golden Triangle Waste Services will be responsible for consul fee or services rendered to the beneficiary Doris
Ann Willis. There is a charge of $1500.00 is due from which will sent by United States Post Office Money
Order to the domicile of record of the Doris Ann Willis estate. If for any reason the subjects doing business as chief
does not comply within 7 days of receipt of this writ, all subjects will have a arrest command issued to the 290rd
Military Police Brigade Commander for immediate execution.

affidavit of fact writ of execution

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america I 'the north
gate' - the moroccan empire - continental united states; 'temple of the moon and sun'/ 'turtle island': non -
domestic, non - resident, non - subject; - moors I muurs - being the rightful heirs and primogeniture birthright -
reaz the unniversall origeneall inndigeneous annciente Iivinge empire state ov morocco didd herebye
kommande the phollowing debtors to appeare at the al moroccan moorishe Squam Pomack atiiclle iii
konsular kourte to state [their Name] ande nationalitie for the reckorde to the unniversall sovereigne
origeneall inndigeneous naturall divine peepel who are the moorishe national! reepublic federall
govemmente . said debtors failled to appeare ande the 290th Military Police Bridage Commander are
herebye have been notified of your treason on the land. The arreste command will be issued for you actions
against the nationals. The following debtors failed to appear as commanded; The Chief Executive Officer
and employees of the following corporations unlawfully doing business on the land without a creditors
bond! insurance! and license issued through the moorish government.
[Mississippi Department of R e v e n u e ] [Golden Triangle Waste
Services][Lowndes County Tax Collector, [all Agents, all Principals, all Heirs, all Assigns, all Derivatives
Thereof]. eache debtor failled to appeare as kommanded by the peepel who are the sovereigne origeneall
inndigeneous living annciente empire state ov morocco. this unniversall annciente origeneall inndigeneous
living articlle iii kourte is the sovereigne jurisdictione for all matters on the land. all of [YOUR
COMMERCE] and that of all [Agents, Principals, Heirs ande Assigns] is hereby tennminated by way of
sovereigne unniversall commercial! code I lien. the 290th Military Police provoste marshalle has been
notified as [YOU] are guillty ov unnlawfulle occupatione ov our sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous lands.
faillure to appeare is juste cause for this sovereigne kommande for [YOUR] immediatte aJTeste ande
placemente in prisonne at Guantanamo Bey, Cuba innto perpetuitie. knowtise to [Agent] is knowtice to
[Principal]. knowtice to [Principal] is knowtice to [Agent]. all foreigne [UNITED STATES
CORPORATION COMPANY CORPORATIONS] are unlawfulle at annciente morocco nunq pro tunq.

all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente divyne moorishe amerikan autograffs affirming this ande all
sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic
federall governmente dockumentes are on the pubblic reckorde at amerika, annciente morocco, northe weste amexem,
northe weste affrica, the northe gate, turtle islande, gaia', midguarde, earthe.

chronos time immemoriall inn to perpetuitee

ego sum
justise vizier ministar
in capitis diminutio nolo. in red ink, in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo in proprio heredes.
knowtise to agente is knowtise to principal I. knowtise to principall is knowtise to agente.

Date October 20, 2024

I am Dawud Bilal Abdullah Bey,
Chief Judge and United States Fiduciary
Squam Pomack consulate
Near [Yonkers. New York Union State Society]
Natural area code x: 7lwxmo y: nkgbhz
lande of nod northwest africa, morocco
[email protected]
amen, amen dic.o vobis, qu.Ecumque super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, qua!cumque alligaveritis super tcrram erunt ligata et ego in caelo ct quaecumque solveritis super tcrram cnmt soluta et in caelo
.1men. :1mcn dico vob is, qurecumquc alligaveritis super tcrram emnt ligata et ego in caclo ct quaecumque solveritis super terrnm enmt soluta ct in caelo

20 October 2024


affidavit of fact writ of execution

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america I 'the north
gate' - the moroccan empire - continental united states; 'temple of the moon and sun'/ 'turtle island': non -
domestic, non - resident, non - subject; - moors I muurs - being the rightful heirs and primogeniture birthright -

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