Computerised Accounting Class XII
Computerised Accounting Class XII
Computerised Accounting Class XII
Overview of Computerised
Accounting System
organisations running
Concept of Computerised These softwares are suited for volume
small/conventional business where the frequency or
Accounting System of transactions is very low. e.g.,
Tally, EX- Busy, etc.
AComputerised accounting system refers to a system
Advantages of readymade software are
wherein the accounts of the enterprise are maintained on a softwares is gernerally low
The cost of installation of these
Computer. It processesthe financial transactions and events and number of users is
as per Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)to relatively easier to learn and
produce reports as per requirements of the user. " Ready-to-use software is very high.
framework of people (accountant) adaptability issometimes the vendoI
In acormputerised accounting system, the operating "The training needs are
simple and
storage and processing of data is called
(supplier of software) offers the training on the software
environment. Type of the accounting system used free.
determines the operating environment. It consists of ayailable off-the-shelf, time
hardware as well as software in which the
accounting system " As these softwares are software' is saved.
required in developing a 'tailor made number of users,
operates. softwares are used by alarge
are dependent on " As these
Both hardware and software componentsdepends on the type they have better after sales
each other. Structure of the hardware dependent upon Limitations of readymade software are
hardware is
of software and selection of and the software is
various factors such as the
number of users,level of
The level of secrecy is relatively low
to data frauds.
secrecy, etc. prone
linking to other
computerised accounting system These softwaresoffer little scope of
The complexity of the organisation. Modern computerised information systems.
depends on the type of concept of database. softwares use laser printers which are
costly than
accounting systems are based on therelated information in an " These
Database is acollection of logically
easily accessed, managed and
dot matrix printers.
organised way so that it can be 2.Customised
implernented using a Database making changes in
updated. A database is The term 'customised software' means
Management System (DBMS). requirement of
the readymade software to suit the specific softwares are
Accounting System the user i.e., make it user specific. These
Types of Computerised of
available in respect to types
available off-the-shelf and are changed to suit the
There are a lot of options Basic features are mostly
requirements of the user.
cornputerised accounting systems.
following are the types of The developer, to meet specific user requirement,
common in all the systems. The modify all the readymade softwares. However, the user
computerised accounting system Customised
has to bear the cost of such changes.
1. Ready-to-use/Readymade user but software are best suited for large and mediumn
developed not for only specific users, it is businesses and can be linked to the other information
Thesesoftwares are Since, these are for general
general. of use systems.
for the uscrs in modules of such software are
not necessary that all this software.
for every user who
128 CUET (UG) Sectlon U:Domaln
9 (d) 10. (c)
6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (b)
2 (a) 3 (b) 4. (a) 5 (d) 19. (a) 20. (b)
1. (c) 16. (d) 17. (d) 18. (b)
14. (c) 15. (c)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (c)
23. (C) 24. (d) 25. (a)
21. (a) 22. (c)
Using Computerised
Accounting System
Installation of 5. Generating Reports This is the final stage of
automation. Under this stage, final reports are prepared
Accounting System (CAS) in the form of journal, cash book, ledger, trial
modern business, accounting transactions are processed profit and loss account and balance sheet. Preparing
through computers. An accounting system has two aspects, reports is acomplex process and discussed ahead.
i.e. it has to work under aset of well-defined accounting
concepts and principles and it has to maintain records and Charts of Accounts
generate reports as defined by the user. An important component of CAS is that the accounts should
These aspects can be fulfilled by processing the transactions be appropriately grouped in the manner that all accounts of
and eventsin accordance with the accounting principles and one nature are classified under one broad head of account
adopting the software which is capable of generating the user and appropriately grouped as asset, liability, etc.
defined reports. The process of performingthe accounting
function with the help of accounting software can be said to Accounts groups are maintained todetermine the hierarchy
be as automation of accounting process. This process of ledger accounts which is helpful in determining and
includes presenting meaningful and compliant reports.
following steps in the installation of CAS The group behaviour is classified into capital or revenue and
1. Planning Under this stage, assessment of size of entity
and volume of business transactions is done for which more specifically into assets, liabilities, income and
automation has to be made.
2. Selection of Accounting Software It involves
For example, the accounts are to be grouped on the basis of
their nature e.g.., salary, wages and staff welfare expenses are
selection of apprOpriate accounting software. The choice
is based upon certain factors like the requirements of grouped as employee costs.
organisation, the size of organisation, security concerns The groups ascertain whether the same willaffect profit and
access from remote locations, etc. loss account which is revenue in nature or balance sheet
3. Selection of Accounting which is capital in nature.Groups can be sub-classified to
Hardware This stage practically unlimited levels. But at the lowest level would be
involves choosing the desired computer hardware the ledger account.
compatible with the accounting software. The hardware
such as Hard Disk Drive or RAM should be adequate to Codification and Hierarchy of Account Heads
support theaccounting software. Also the operating
system should be compatible with the software. When the size of an organisation increases, the number of
accounts heads will also increase. It becomes important to
4, Classification and Grouping of Accounts This stage have proper classification of data and toprovide special code
involves preparing a comprehensive list of accounts to various heads of accounts.Codification means providing
which are to be opened during the year. These ldentification mark tothe various heads of accounts. There is
accounting heads are givern an accounting code on the a hierarchicalrelationship between the groups of accounts
basis of which the transactions are posted to the
and its components. Proper codification isrequired in order to
designated account head in the ledger. The trial balance maintain the hierarchical relationships between a group and
is generated automatically alongwith profit and loss its sub-groups.
account and balance sheet. The creation of accounts
group and hierarchy is initiated before entering A code, which may be numerical or alphanumeric, is
transactions in the system. allocated to each account and arranges the accounts in logical
subdivisions. The example below will elaborate it better.
Accoutancy 133
2.BalanceSheet but there is nothing like passing adjusting entries for errors
information regarding the and rectification, except for rectifying an error of principle by
itis a statement which provides having recorded a vwrong voucher such as using payment
prepared as per the
financial position ofa company. It is voucher for a receipt transaction.
Schedule II of the Indian Companies Act, 2013.
to Gateway of Tally>
In tally, to view the Balance sheet, go Security of CAS
Balance Sheet. companies as the
Data leakage is quite common in large
might be provided to various
AUC Compemy (1151h access of company's data important for the
stakeholders. Thus, it is extremely
companies to use the security features of
Accounting System.
features generally available in
Here are some of the security
system facilitates defining the
9076 231A
Practice Questions
should be ........inthe
installation 3 In CAS, the accounts
1What is the correct sequence of steps in manner that all accounts of one nature are
of cornputerised accounting system? scCount.
classified under one broad head of
í) Selection of accounting software (a) separated (b) grouped
(i1) Planning (d) None of thèse
(ii) Generating reports (c) Either (a) or (b)
fiv) Selection of accounting hard ware have a proper lassiicaian t
(r) Classification and grouping of accounta 4 Which tool is used tospecialcode to various htads of
(a) (ii), G, (iv), (v), (ii) (b) (i), (i), (Gii), (iv), (v) data and to provide
(d) (ii), (iv), (i), (v), (ii) accounts?
Ie) (v), (iv), (ii), (ii), (6) (a) Accounting Software
2 Which of the follgwing is an accounting software? (c) Gateway of Tally
(a) Tally (b) Microsoft Office (d) Microsoft Ofice
lc) Photoshop (d) Notepad
136 CUET (UG) Sectlon H: Domaln
validation at
level can add
18 TDL (b) TDL levelonly
... means providing identification mark to the platform levelonly (d) None of these
(a) (a) and(b)
various heads of account. (c) Both analysis are
(a) ldentification tool (b) Heads of accounts Tools available for data accountg
(c) Codification (d) None of these 19 verification ofchart of
(b) displaying the lowest and highest value transactions
6 The relationship between the groups of accounts and (b)
(d) None of these
and its components is (c) Both (a)
(a) vertical (6) horizontal recorded at the end of the year to
that are
(c) diagonal (d) hierarchical 20 Entries balances of all the accounts as per
update the
7 Proper codification is required in order to maintain accrual basis.
(a) Opening entry (b) Journal entry
the hierarchical relationship between d) Rectification entry
(a) humans and computers (c) Adjusting entry
(b) operating systenm and application softwares provides the net result of the
(c) groups and its sub groups (d) journal and ledger 21 Which account period of
operations of the business for a specified
8 Which of the following is not a subhead of assets? time?
(a) Fixed assets (b) Current assets Cash flow statement
(a) Profit and loss account (b)
(c) Capital (d) Allof these (d) Balance sheet
(c) Fund flow statement
9 Which of the following is a subhead of liabilities? 22 To view the profit and loss account,
we have to go ta
(a) Non-current liabilities (b) Short-term liabilities Account
(c) Both (a) and (b) (a) None of these (a) Gateway of Tally > Accounts > Profit and Lossand Loss
b) Gateway of Tally > Final Accounts > Profit
10 Which of the following is a subhead of revenue? Account
(a) Other incomes (b) Salary paid (c) Gateway of Tally > Profit and Loss
(c) Direct expenses (d) Current assets (d) None of the above
11 Identify the step(s) that TPS involves in processing 23 Balance sheet is a statement with provides
a transaction from the following. information regarding the
(a) Data collection (b) Data storage (a) net result of the operations of the business
(c) Query support (d) All of these (b) financial position of a company
12 How many predefined vouchers does tally has? (c) inflow and outflow of cash
(a) 21 (b) 22 (c) 23 (d) 24 (d) acquisition and utilisation of funds
13 Through which voucher, all inflows of money are 24 The balance sheet is prepared as per the
recorded? (a) Schedule I (b) Schedule II
(b) Payment voucher (c) Schedule III (d) Schedule 1V
(a) Beceived voucher
(c) Contra voucher (d) Journal voucher 25 The ...of theprevious year becomes the
14 With the help of . voucher, all outflowsof of the current year
money are recorded. (a) closing balance, opening balance
(a) received (b) payment (c) contra (d) journal (6) opening balance, closing balance
(c) Either (a) or (b)
15 With the help of this voucher, only transfer of fund (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
between cash and bank account is recorded.
26 Why closing entries are passed?
Identify the vouche. (a) To update the balances of all the accounts as per
(a) Received voucher (b) Payment accrual basis
(c) Contra voucher (d) Journal
(b) To transfer balance of a temporary account to
16 voucher is used to record all the non-cash permanent account
transactions of the business. (c) To close journal entries (d) None of these
(a) Received (b) Payment (c) Contra (d) Journal 27 Which system provides data about what changes
17 In this voucher all the good sold by the business is are made in the original data and who made thos
recorded both cash and credit.
() Purchase voucher
(a) Password security
(a) Received voucher (b) Data audit
(c) Contra voucher (d) Sale voucher (c) Data security
(d) Data leakage
1. (a) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (c) (a
(c) 9 (c) 10.
11. (d) 12 (C) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (d)
17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (c)
22.. (c) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (A) 26. (b)
21. (a) 27. (b)
Practice Questions
in a
is a collection of data which is stored
1 What is the full form of DBMS?
tabular form.
(a) Database management security (a) Rows
() Table
(b) Database management system (d) Object
(c) Database marketing system (c) Reports
(d) Database monitory system is the request of information from a
is the group of data which is interlinked collection of data.
(b) Object
and set of programs which helps in accessing the (a) Table
data (c) Query (d) Column
(a) ABMS (b) CBMS
10 Database consists of a lot of data stored in the form of
(c) DBMS (d) EBMS (a) table (b) object
3The main objective of DBMS is to (c) query (d) reports
(a) retrieve stored data 11 In order to extract a specific data or information,
(b) collection of data the user needs to run a in the database.
(c) smooth functioning of systems (a) command (b) query
(d) All of the above (c) bios (d) interference
4 For which of the following sectors, DBMS will be
useful? 12 Which of the following is oneof the query language
in DBMS?
(a) Universities
(b) Manufacturing (a) SQL (b) Microsoft Office
(c) Human resources (c) Language translator (d) None of these
(d) Allof the above 13 ... is a window which consist of various fields
5 A........... is a database structure which is used to and spaces to fill the data.
either store the data or for referencing purpose (a) Query (b) Table
(a) data (b) information (c) SQL (d) Form
(c) object (d) knowledge 14 Which database object is used to
create user
6Which of the following is the most common interface for database application?
database object? (a) Table (b) Object
(a) Table (b) Column (c) Form (d) Report
(c) Row (d) None of these 15 is the result of a database query presented
7 Data in table is recorded in .... and in a formatted
so that the user can see a meaningful and (a) Table
(b) Object
formatted data (c) Report (d) Form
(a) upward and downward 16 Object that contain usual
(b) horizontal and vertical in information which helps
(c) diagonal and vertical
(d) rows and columns
(a) report
is known as
(b) form
(c) object
(d) table
Accountancy 139
11 Data tables can display 22 For a complete view of data which is stored acrogs
(a) input various tables, the user is required to
(b) output (a) execute queries based on SQL
(c) output given a range of input (b) search for data tables in DBMS
(d) None of the above (c) Either (a) or (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
18 Which keyword is used to create a table?
(a) Create table (b) Table 23 acts as a contaíner of data from whicha
(c) Open table (d) New table user can define, store, retrieve and update.
(a) Accounting information
19 The keyword to ereate a table is followed by (b) DBMS
(a) serial number (b) employee code (c) Management information system
(c) date (d) unique name (d) None of the above
20 Accounting information can be generated by 24 Which of the following is not a function of database
(a) executing somne queries management system?
(b) searching it online (a) Data storage management
(c) Either (a) or (b) (b) Data dictionary management
(d) None of the above (c) Recording accounting data
21 MS Access is a (d) Recovery management
can be
(a) customised software 25 Wich of the following accounting information
(b) relational DBMS retrieved using DBMS?
(c) operating system (a) Shareholders record (b)Customers' profile
(d) All of the above (c) Petty cash register (d) All of these
8. (b) 9 (c) 10. (a)
5. (C) 6 (a) 7. (d)
2 (c) 3. (a) 4 (d) 19. (d) 20. (a)
1. (b) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (a)
13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (c)
11. (b) 12. (a)
23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (d)
21. (b) 22. (a)
Accounting Applications of
Electronic Spreadsheet
generated using electronic
Some of the items that can be
Concept of Electronic Spreadsheet spreadsheets are
It is a tabular representation of any statistical, mathematical, the loss in the value of
scientific or accounting data. It is a software tool that lets one 1. Depreciation Schedule It lists
There are various
enter, calculate, manipulate and analyse set of numbers. the asset over a period of time. straight line
methods to calculate depreciation like
It is a large sheet in which data and information is arranged method or written down value method.
in rows and columns.There are various spreadsheet formulas can be used to calculate depreciation
programs available, like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Libra depending upon the method of depreciation.
Office Calc, Lotus 123, etc. the
(i) Straight Line Method In this method,
These spreadsheets are also known as worksheets. They also amount of depreciation remains fixed over the life
provide the functions of mathematical formulas. They can of the asset. The amount of depreciation can be find
also recalculate the results when there is a change in source out by using the following syntax
data. SLN (COst, salvage, life)
Here are some of the basic elements of electronic (iü) Written Down Value Method In this method,
spreadsheets are as follows depreciation is charged on the diminishing balance
" Workbook and worksheet of the asset, and the value of asset does not remain
" Rows, columns and cells same. The amount of depreciation can be find out
by using the following syntax
Features of Electronic Spreadsheet DB (COSt, salvage, life, period)
" It is easy to learn and does not require any special training. 2. Loan Repayment Schedule This schedule helps in
" Mathematical calculations can be done with built-in knowing the amount that needed to be paid back
through a series of periodic payments, which includes
principal amount and interest. The amount can be find
" Data is presented in tables which minimises manual work out with PMT formula, where is PMT (incude rate, nper,
and increases accuracy. py, fv). Here, pv = present value: fv= future value, and
" Information can also be provided in the form of charts and
nper = number of payment period for an investment.
graphics. 3. Payroll Accounting A payroll is a list of emnployees
" It can easily sort data in ascending and descending order. working in an organisation and receiving payments and
" Password can be added to workbook which increases the other work related benefits. Payroll can be created with
Security of the data. the help of electronic spreadsheets as it is easy to
maintain in electronic form rather than manually.
Application of Electronic
In order to create payroll in
Spreadsheet in Generating Accounting Information spreadsheet, we have to
Electronicspreadsheet plays an important role in recording create some columns with headings that can hold the
value of some variables.
and generating accounting data. It can be used to find out The
the profit or loss of the business. Spreadsheets can also be hierarchy of columns can be set as
used to prepare various accounts and statements like balance " Employee Name Pay Rate
" Total Hours Worked
sheet. Overtimne
" Gross Pay
Itcan b¹ used in various other areas like payment tracking, Income Tax
" Other Deductions
loan repayment schedules, payroll, etc. Net Pay
A aheet in which data and
4n rowaand columneiscalled
is arranged 10 Which of the following appications can be used to
(n) paper aheet prepare various accounts and statements like
balance sheet?
(b) notebook (a) Adobe reader
(e) apreadaheet (b) Flectronicspreadsheet
(d) All of the nbove (c) Microsoft word
Which of the following is a type of electronic (d) None of the above
wpreadsheet? 11 What are the other areas in which an electronic
(a) MicroBoft Bxce) spreadsheet can be used?
(b) Google aheeta (a) Payment tracking
(c) Lotus 129 (b) Losn repayment schedules
(d) All of the above (c) Payroll
(d) All of the above
8 Spreadsheets are also known as
(a)workshects (b) paper sheet 12 The schedule which lists the loss in the vaiue of the
(c) notebook (d) All of these asset over a period of time is known as
(a) depreciation schedule
4 Mathenmatical formulas are provided in (b) payment tracking schedule
(a) eloctronic spreadsheets (c) loan requirement schedule
(b)paper sheets (d) none of the above
(c) notebooks
(d) None of the above 13 Different formulas can be used to calculate
depreciation depending upon
5 What happens when there is a change in source (a) system
data of an electronic spreadsheet? (b) humanware
(a)The results needs to be recalculated manually (c) method of depreciation (d) All of these
(b) It can recalculate the result automatically 14 In which method, the amount of depreciation
(c) Either (a) or (b) asset?
remains fixed over the life of the
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
(a) Written down value method
6 The basic elerments of an electronic (b) Straight line method
include (c) Either (a) or (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
(8) workbook and worksheets
(b) rows, columng and cells the amount of
15 The syntax used to calculate method is
(c) Both (a) and (b) depreciation using straight line
(d) None of the above (a) OCM (b)SLN
the features of electronic (d) DEP
7 Which of the following are (c) SLMD
spreadeheets? which method, depreciation is charged on the
require any special 16 In
(a) Easy tolearn and does not diminishing balance of the asset?
in tables (a) Written down value method
(b) Data is not presented províded in the form of charts (b) Straight line method
(c) lnformation can be (c) Either (a) or (b)
and graphe (d)Neither (a) nor (b)
(d) Both (a) and (c) method, the value of the
17 In written down value
8 Bpreadsheets can also be used to asset
accounting information
(a)generate (a) remnain same
(b) video editíng (b) does not remain same
the business
(c) electronic mail (c) depending up on the type of
(d) All of the aboVe (d) Either (a) or (b)
can be used to find out
the profit caleulate the amount of
3 Which application 18 The syntax used to written down value method is
or loss of the buBÍTLeBs? depreciation using (b) DBM
(a) Adobe render (a) WDV
(b) MicrOoft, word (d) DB
(c) DEP
(c) Electronic #preudsheet
(d) Nons of the bove
142 CUET (UG Séction il: Domain
is a list of
23 Aorganisation
employees working in an
19 Which schedule helps in knowing the amount that and receiving payments and other
needed to be paid back through a series of periodic work related benefits.
(a)payment tracking
(a) Payment tracking (b) Payroll accounting (b) payroll accounting
(c) Depreciation schedule (d) None of these (c) depreciation schedule
20 Periodic payment includes (d) None of the above
(a) principal amount only (b) interest amount only
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these 24 In the given syntax, (rate, nper, pv, fv) nper means
(a) number of years
21 The syntax used to calculate the amount of periodic (b) principal amount
payments is (c) interest rate
(a) PPA (b) PMT (d) number of payment period for an investment
(c) PMA (d) PMO
25 Payroll is easy to maintain in
22 In the given syntax, (rate, nper, pv, fv) pv stands for (a) manually system
(a) post value (b) past value (b) electronic form
(c) present value (d) pre volume (c) virtually
(d) All of the above
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (d) 20. (c)
21. (b) 22. (c) .23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (b)