Bluetooth is a wireless LAN technology designed to connect devices of different functions such as telephones,
notebooks, computers (desktop and laptop), cameras, printers, and even coffee makers when they are at a short
distance from each other.Bluetooth technology has several applications. Peripheral devices such as a wireless
mouse or keyboard can communicate with the computer through this technology.
Bluetooth was started by the Ericsson Company. It is named for Harald Blaatand, the king of Denmark (940-981)
who united Denmark and Norway. Bluetooth technology is the implementation of a protocol defined by the IEEE
802.15 standard.
A Bluetooth network is called a piconet, or a small net. A piconet can have up to eight stations, one of which is
called the primary; the rest are called secondaries. All the secondary stations synchronize their clocks and
hopping sequence with the primary. Note that a piconet can have only one primary station. A piconet can have a
maximum of seven secondaries, and additional secondaries can be in the parked state.A secondary in a parked
state is synchronized with the primary, but cannot take part in communication until it is moved from the parked
state to the active state.
PICONET Architecture
Piconets can be combined to form what is called a scatternet. A secondary station in one piconet can be the
primary in another piconet. This station can receive messages from the primary in the first piconet (as a
secondary) and, acting as a primary, deliver them to secondaries in the second piconet. A station can be a member
of two piconets. A Bluetooth device has a built-in short-range radio transmitter. The current data rate is1 Mbps
with a 2.4-GHz bandwidth.
SCATTERNET Architecture
It performs modulation/demodulation of the data into RF signals. It defines the physical characteristics of
bluetooth transceiver. It defines two types of physical link: connection-less and connection-oriented
Baseband Layer:
The baseband layer is equivalent to the MAC sublayer in LANs. The access method is TDMA.The primary and
secondary stations communicate with each other using time slots. The length of a time slot is exactly the same as
the dwell time, 625 µs. This means that during the time that one frequency is used, a primary sends a frame to a
secondary, or a secondary sends a frame to the primary. Bluetooth uses a form of TDMA that is called TDD-
TDMA (Time-Division Duplex TDMA).
The Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol, or L2CAP . It is used for data exchange on an ACL link;
SCO channels do not use L2CAP. The format of the data packet at thisL2CAP is
The 16-bit length field defines the size of the data, in bytes, coming from the upper layers. Data can be up to
65,535 bytes. The channel ID (CID) defines a unique identifier for the virtual channel created at this level . The
L2CAP has specific duties: multiplexing, segmentation and reassembly, quality of service (QoS), and group
Two types of links can be created between a primary and a secondary: SCO links and ACL links. SCO A
synchronous connection-oriented (SCO) link is used when avoiding latency (delay in data delivery) is more
important than integrity (error-free delivery).In an SCO link, a physical link is created between the primary and a
secondary by reserving specific slots at regular intervals. ACL An asynchronous connectionless link (ACL) is
used when data integrity is more important than latency. In this type of link, if a payload encapsulated in the
frame is corrupted, it is retransmitted.
Frame Format
A frame in the baseband layer can be one of three types: one-slot, three-slot, or five slot. In a one-slot frame
exchange, 259 μs s needed for hopping and control mechanisms. This means that a one-slot frame can last only
625 − 259, or 366 μs.With a 1-MHz bandwidth and 1 bit/Hz, the size of a one slot frame is 366 bits. A three-slot
frame occupies three slots. Since 259 μs is used for hopping, the length of the frame is 3 × 625 − 259 = 1616 μs or
1616 bits. A device that uses a three-slot frame remains at the same hop (at the same carrier frequency) for three
Frame Format
This 72-bit field, normally contains synchronization bits and the identifier of the primary to distinguish the frame
of one piconet from that of another.
This 54-bit field is a repeated 18-bit pattern. Each pattern has the following subfields:
The 3-bit address subfield can define up to seven secondaries (1 to 7). If the address is zero, it is used for
broadcast communication from the primary to all secondaries.
Type. The 4-bit type subfield defines the type of data coming from the upper layers.
This 1-bit subfield is for flow control. When set (1), it indicates that the device is unable to receive more
frames (buffer is full).
This 1-bit subfield is for acknowledgment. Bluetooth uses Stop-and-Wait ARQ; 1 bit is sufficient for
This 1-bit subfield holds a sequence number. Bluetooth uses Stop-and-Wait ARQ; 1 bit is sufficient for
sequence numbering.
The 8-bit header error correction subfield is a checksum to detect errors in each 18-bit header section.
This subfield can be 0 to 2740 bits long. It contains data or control information coming from the upper layers.
• Low cost.
• Easy to use.