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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,981.261 B1

i 45) Date of Patent : Mar.e 17, 2015

(54) METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR SHOCKWAVE 5,400,688 A 3, 1995 Eninger et al.
ARC 6,029,558 A 2/2000 Stevens et al.
6,256.263 B1 7/2001 Stevens
6,266,926 B1 7/2001 Figge et al.
(75) Inventor: Brian J. Tillotson, Kent, WA (US) 6.279,449 B1 8/2001 Ladika et al.
6,412,391 B1 7/2002 Stevens et al.
(73) Assignee: The Boeing Company, Chicago, IL 6,595,102 B2 7/2003 Stevens et al.
(US) 6,653,972 B1 1 1/2003 Krikorian et al.
6,782,790 B2 * 8/2004 Barrett ........................... 89.1.11
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued)
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 336 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
WO 97, 16697 5, 1997
(21) Appl. No.: 13/483,995 WO 2011 1481.65 12/2011
(22) Filed: May 30, 2012 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(5 1) Int. C. “Review of methods to attenuate Shock/Blast waves.” Igra et al. Dec.
F42D 5/45 (2006.01) 2012.*
F4H 5/07 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl. Primary Examiner — Joseph M. Pelham
USPC .......... 219/383: 219/201; 219/202; 89/36.01 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Thompson Hine LLP
89/36.07; 89/36.08: 89/36.09
(58) Field of Classification Search (57) ABSTRACT
None A method and system for attenuating a shockwave propagat
See application file for complete search history. ing through a first medium by heating a selected region of the
first fluid medium rapidly to create a second, transient
(56) References Cited medium that intercepts the shockwave and attenuates its
energy density before it reaches a protected asset. The second
medium may attenuate the shockwave by one or more of
1,195,042 A 8, 1916 Leon reflection, refraction, dispersion, absorption and momentum
2,405,694 A 8, 1946 Nicolas transfer. The method and system may include a sensor for
2.513,279 A 7, 1950 Albert detecting a shockwave-producing event, determining a direc
3,050,707 A 8, 1962 Baker et al. tion and distance of the shockwave relative to a defended
3,660,951 A 5, 1972 Cadwell target and calculating a firing plan, and an arc generator for
3,773,168 A 11, 1973 Meinass
3,875,844 A 4, 1975 Hicks creating the second medium. The arc generator may create the
3,943,870 A 3/1976 Paslay second medium by creating an electric arc that travels along
4,215,630 A 8/1980 Hagelberg et al. an electrically conductive path utilizing at least one of high
4,313,181 A 1, 1982 Holm intensity laser pulses, pellets forming a conductive ion trail,
4,543,872 A 10, 1985 Graham et al.
5,020,411 A 6, 1991 Rowan ........................... 89.1.11 sacrificial conductors, projectiles trailing electrical wires, and
H1231. H 9, 1993 Richards magnetic induction.
5,341.718 A 8, 1994 Woodall et al.
5,394,786 A 3, 1995 Gettle et al. 23 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
US 8,981.261 B1
Page 2

(56) References Cited 8.448,559 B2 5, 2013 Hunn et al.

8,555,768 B1 10/2013 Barker et al.
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 8,863,666 B2 * 10/2014 Tillotson et al. .............. 102.215
2003/0233.931 A1* 12/2003 Nemtsev ........................ 89.1.11
7,077,049 B2 7/2006 Shumov et al. 2004/0107827 A1 6/2004 Edberg et al.
7,213,494 B2 5, 2007 James 2004/01 1827O A1* 6/2004 Barrett ........................... 89.1.11
7.350.447 B1 * 4/2008 Smith ............................ 89.1.13 2007/OOO6723 A1 1/2007 Waddell, Jr. et al.
7,421,936 B2 9/2008 Barger et al. 2007,0180983 A1 8, 2007 Farinella et al.
7,437.987 B1 10/2008 Ohnstad et al. 2008. O190276 A1 8/2008 Barger et al.
7,827,900 B2 11/2010 Beach et al. 2009.0114084 A1 5/2009 Thinn et al.
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8,141,470 B1 3f2012 Farinella et all 2011/0168004 A1 7/2011 Henegar
k lk 2011/0297.031 A1 12/2011 Fu et al.
8,151,710 B2 4/2012 Fu et al.
8.436,730 B2 5, 2013 Fischbach et al. 2012,0060677 A1 3/2012 Farinella
8437,223 B2 5/2013 Barger et al. * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 1 of 7 US 8,981.261 B1

24 6 -14 1"

| yed
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U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 3 of 7 US 8,981.261 B1

F.G. 5
U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 4 of 7 US 8,981.261 B1

Prior to Shock interaction

F.G. 8A
U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 5 Of 7 US 8,981.261 B1



After Shock riteraction

FG. 88

Of to Shock iteractic

U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 6 of 7 US 8,981.261 B1

After Shock interaction

U.S. Patent Mar. 17, 2015 Sheet 7 Of 7 US 8,981.261 B1

US 8,981,261 B1
1. 2
METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR SHOCKWAVE Such prior art shockwave attenuation systems may not be
ATTENUATION VLAELECTROMAGNETIC effective to protect highly mobile land assets for which an
ARC incoming threat may be in the form of a ballistic shell, rocket,
IED, or landmine, or waterborne assets for which an incom
FIELD ing threat may be in the form of a torpedo, ballistic shell,
bomb or a naval mine. Therefore, a need exists for a shock
The disclosure relates to methods and systems for shock wave attenuation device that is capable of dynamically inter
wave attenuation, and more particularly to methods and sys posing a medium between an explosion source and a pro
tems for attenuating shockwaves by rapidly heating air to 10
tected asset. There is also a need for an intermediate medium
interpose an intermediate medium between the shockwave that effectively attenuates the energy from a shockwave and
and a protected region. that allows for protection of a protected asset in a marine
Explosive devices are being used increasingly in asymmet
ric warfare to cause damage and destruction to equipment and Presented is a system and method for attenuating a shock
loss of life. The majority of the damage caused by explosive wave propagating in a first medium by detecting a shock
devices results from shrapnel and shockwaves. Shrapnel is wave-producing event, determining a direction of the shock
material. Such as metal fragments, that is propelled rapidly wave relative to a protected asset, and interposing a second,
away from the blast Zone and may damage stationary struc transient medium, different from the first medium, between
tures, vehicles, or other targets. Damage from shrapnel may the shockwave and the protected asset Such that a shockwave
be prevented by, for example, physical barriers. Shockwaves produced by the event contacts the second medium and is
are traveling discontinuities in pressure, temperature, density, attenuated in energy thereby prior to reaching the protected
and other physical qualities through a medium, Such as the 25 asset. The second medium may be formed by rapidly heating
ambient atmosphere. Shockwave damage is more difficult to a region of the first medium so that the second medium differs
prevent because shockwaves can traverse an intermediate from the first medium in at least one of temperature, density
medium, including physical barriers. and composition.
Damage from shockwaves may be lessened or prevented In one embodiment, a system for attenuating a shockwave
by interposing an attenuating material between the shock 30 propagating in a first medium may include a sensor for detect
wave source and the object to be protected. This attenuating ing a source of the shockwave and generating a detection
material typically may be designed or selected to absorb the signal, an arc generator in communication with the sensor and
energy from the shockwave by utilizingaporous material that configured to receive the detection signal therefrom, and in
distorts as the energy of the shockwave is absorbed. response thereto create an electromagnetic arc to heat a
U.S. Pat. No. 5,394,786 to Gettle et al. describes a shock 35 selected region of the first fluid medium rapidly to create the
wave attenuation device that utilizes an absorbing medium. second, transient medium, different from the first medium,
That assembly includes porous screens that forman enclosure interposed between the shockwave and the protected region
filled with a pressure wave attenuating medium. This attenu Such that the shockwave contacts the second, transient
ating medium may be an aqueous foam, gas emulsion, gel, or medium. The arc generator may be configured to heat the
granular or other solid particles. However, as shown and 40 selected region by generating an electromagnetic arc, such as
described in the drawings of that patent, the shockwave an electric arc or a laser or microwave arc, between the pro
attenuating assembly must be positioned before the explosion tected region and the incoming shockwave. In one embodi
occurs and Surround the area to be protected. For example, the ment, the arc generator may include a power Supply for gen
assembly may be positioned on the side of a vehicle to prevent erating the arc and may provide a conducting path.
damage to the vehicle or passengers within. 45 In embodiments, the arc generator may be configured to
A similar shockwave attenuation device is described in generate a focused microwave beam or a focused laser beam.
U.S. Patent Publication No. 2007-0006723 to Waddell, Jr. et In each case, the beam may rapidly heat the fluid medium in
al. That device includes a number of cells filled with an the selected region to create the second medium. In one
attenuating material. Such as aqueous foams. However, like embodiment, in which the fluid medium is atmospheric air,
the device described in Gettle et al., the pressure-attenuating 50 the focused beam rapidly heats the air in the selected region
material and device must be positioned on a structure, Sur and changes its temperature, density and composition, the
face, or person desired to be protected by the system before latter the result of the creation of free electrons.
the explosion occurs. In other embodiments, the arc generator may be adapted to
One feature common among prior art shockwave attenua develop and drive a large electric current through the fluid
tion systems is that they require an intermediate medium or 55 medium rapidly. In the embodiment in which the medium is
structure that acts to attenuate the force of the shockwave by atmospheric air, the second medium may differ from ambient
absorbing the energy of the shockwave. Although only a air in temperature, density and composition. With these
portion of the shockwave may pass through the medium, the embodiments, the arc generator may be adapted to create a
energy of the shockwave is nevertheless significantly reduced conducting path for the electric current. Accordingly, the arc
by the intermediate medium. However, because these systems 60 generator may be configured to generate one or more of a
are structural, they must be fixed in place before a shockwave laser-induced plasma channel (LIPC) from converging laser
is created. Further, these shockwave attenuation systems may beams, ionizing tracer pellets fired along converging paths,
not protect an entire vehicle or person. For example, attenu and projectiles trailing fine electrical wires fired along con
ating panels are not transparent and therefore cannot be Verging paths. In each of these embodiments, an electric arc
placed over windows or used as facemasks in helmets. They 65 may be generated to travel along a conducting path created by
also may be bulky and heavy, and therefore negatively impact dielectric breakdown of ionized ambient air at the selected
the performance of a vehicle on which they are mounted. region.
US 8,981,261 B1
3 4
In still other embodiments, the arc generator may include a ments of the present invention or may be combined in yet
sacrificial conductor that may not rely on current travel along other embodiments further details of which can be seen with
a path of ionized air. Rather, the arc generator may include a reference to the following description, drawings and claims.
power Supply that applies current to a conductor in the form of
one or more strips or wires of conductive material. The high 5 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS
current flowing through the conductor from the power Supply
may vaporize the conductor, forming a conductive channel of FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of the elements of a disclosed
vapor that may rapidly heat and ionize the air in the selected system, according to an embodiment;
region to create a rapidly expanding second medium. An FIG. 2 is an elevational, schematic view of the disclosed
advantage of this embodiment is that the sacrificial conductor 10
system mounted on a protected asset generating an arc to
may be attached directly to the protected asset, Such as a encounter a shockwave from an explosion;
FIG. 3 is an elevational, schematic view of the disclosed
Such embodiments as described above may reduce the system configured to utilize converging laser or microwave
energy density of the shockwave by creating a second beams;
medium in the path of the advancing shockwave that reflects, 15
FIG. 4 is an elevational, schematic view of the disclosed
refracts, absorbs and deflects at least a portion of the shock system configured to utilize pellets leaving conductive trails;
wave. This may result from creating a second medium that
differs from the ambient medium (e.g., atmospheric air) in FIG. 5 is an elevational, schematic view of the disclosed
density, temperature and/or composition. Such differences system configured to utilize projectiles trailing conductive
may change the index of refraction of the wave front as it wires;
contacts the second medium, causing at least some of the FIG. 6 is an elevational, schematic view of the disclosed
shockwave to be reflected from the surface of the second system configured to utilize a sacrificial conductor,
medium, to diverge as the shockwave travels through the FIG. 7 is an elevational, schematic view of the system of
medium, and to be reflected and diverge further as the shock FIG. 6 surface mounted on a protected asset;
wave contacts the rearward boundary of the second medium. 25 FIGS. 8A and 8Bare schematic views of an embodiment of
The second medium, Some embodiments, acts to absorb the the heating element of the disclosed system configured to
energy of the shockwave as the medium may be increased in generate an arc using flexible electrodes;
temperature. FIGS. 9A and 9B are schematic views of an embodiment of
In yet other embodiments, the arc generator create the the arc generator of the disclosed system configured to gen
second medium by magnetic induction. The arc generator 30 erate an arc using relatively rigid electrodes; and
may be adapted to create channels or ionized air. When con FIGS. 10 and 11 are diagrams showing some of the effects
tacted by an advancing shockwave, the conducting channel of a shockwave impacting the second, fluid medium.
may be deformed as ionized air is pushed inward. This move
ment does mechanical work, which removes energy from the DETAILED DESCRIPTION
shockwave, making it weaker. In one aspect, the channels 35
may not be rigid, and may be pushed by the shockwave The disclosed shockwave attenuation method and system
against the ambient air that the channels are displacing, which may utilize a second, transient fluid medium that may be
may transfer energy from the shockwave to kinetic energy of dynamically deployed in a first fluid medium between an
displaced air. In another aspect, parts of the conductive chan explosion and a protected asset within a protected region.
nels are not rigid, but the channels of ionized air pushed ahead 40 When contacted by an advancing shockwave produced by the
of the magnetic flux are disrupted and broken until they form explosion traveling through the first fluid medium, the second
new channels through the air that heat the air. At least a fluid medium may attenuate the energy from the shockwave
portion of the shockwave energy may be transformed to ion through several vectors, rather than simply by absorbing the
ization energy of air ions and into pressure-volume-tempera energy of the shockwave. While the following discussion
ture energy of expanded hot air. 45 describes various embodiments of the disclosed system and
In still another aspect, the conductive channels of magnetic method as operating in a first fluid medium of atmospheric air,
flux are rigid may not be deformed by contact with the it is to be understood that the first fluid medium may be water,
advancing shockwave. Instead, the flux may be compressed Such that the disclosed system and method may be deployed
by contact with the shockwave, which may increase the elec in a marine environment.
tric current in the conductive channels. This increased current 50 As shown in FIG. 1, in one embodiment, the system for
results from energy lost by the shockwave. The arc generator attenuating a shockwave via electromagnetic arc, generally
may be configured Such that the excess current may bypass designated 10, may include a sensor 12 including or incorpo
the power Supply and be shunted to heat a resistive load, or rating a computer 14, and an arc generator, generally desig
charge a capacitor where it may be used later to power the arc nated 16. The sensor 12 and computer 14 may be mounted on
generator. 55 or incorporated in a protected asset, such as a vehicle 18,
With such embodiments, the advancing shockwave is which may be a military vehicle as shown in FIG. 2, or they
diminished in force as the energy of the shockwave is con may be physically separate from the vehicle. Although FIG.2
Verted either into mechanical energy, as when it deforms shows vehicle 18 as a military vehicle, it is to be understood
magnetic induction channels, or into electrical energy, as that the depicted vehicle 18 also may represent other types of
when it interacts with rigid magnetic flux channels. It is 60 land vehicles, such as automobiles, armored vehicles such as
within the scope of this disclosure to provide a system and tanks and armored personnel carriers; fixed structures such as
method in which combinations of the foregoing embodiments encampments, bunkers, revetments, buildings or portions of
are deployed to defend a protected asset, or in which an buildings Such as balconies; marine vessels such as Surface
embodiment is deployed multiple times against an incoming ships, Submarines, a hovercraft or air-cushion vehicles, off
threat. 65 shore platforms, and other structures that operate in, under or
The features, functions, and advantages that have been adjacent a body of water, aircraft including fixed wing air
discussed can be achieved independently in various embodi craft, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) craft and helicop
US 8,981,261 B1
5 6
ters; and people and animals. Each of the foregoing would be be deployed on a protected asset 18 in which one system is
placed in a protected region 20. configured to detect an incoming threat 28 and the other
Referring to FIG. 1, the sensor 12 may be selected to system is configured to detect an explosion 22. In yet another
provide measurements that enable the computer 14 to esti variation of such an embodiment, the sensor 12 may be in the
mate the location and time of an explosion 22, either before or form of two discrete sensors: one configured to detect an
after it occurs, and direct the arc generator 16 to respond. In incoming threat 28, and the other configured to detect an
one embodiment, the sensor 12 is configured to detect an explosion 22 from that incoming threat.
explosion 22 that has occurred, but before the shockwave 24 In some embodiments, the computer 14 may receive mea
caused by the explosion, traveling through a first fluid Surements from the sensor 12, estimate where and when an
medium 26, which in this embodiment is atmospheric air at 10
incoming threat 28 will detonate, or has already detonated,
ambient temperature and pressure, reaches the protected and directs the system 10 to deploy. When used with a sensor
region 20. This type of sensor 12 may be configured to detect 12 that may detect an explosion that already has occurred, the
any one or more of the electromagnetic signals emitted during
chemical detonations, including microwave bursts, flashes of computer 14 may be configured to receive information from
infrared radiation, flashes of visible light, flashes of ultravio 15 the sensor pertaining to one or more of the direction, location,
let light, and X-ray bursts. In an embodiment a sensor 12 may time, distance and magnitude of the explosion 22, the com
be configured to detect two or more of the foregoing types of puter determines when and where to activate the arc generator
electromagnetic radiation, which may result in the sensor 16.
detecting fewer false positives. In a variation of Such an In an embodiment wherein the sensor 12 is configured to
embodiment, the sensor 12 may be in the form of two discrete detect an incoming threat 28 before explosion 22 has
sensors, each configured to detect a different type of electro occurred, the computer 14 may be configured to compare the
magnetic radiation. In an embodiment in which the sensor 12 signature of the incoming threat 28 with stored known signa
is selected for use in a marine environment (e.g., to detect tures of various threats (e.g., particular missiles). The com
underwater explosions from naval mines or torpedoes), the puter 14 then estimates how probable each type of threat is,
sensor 12 may be configured to detect electromagnetic radia 25 and, based on the stored data about the type of warhead for
tion at wavelengths for which water is Substantially transpar each threat, the measured motion of the incoming object (with
ent, such as visible light near-ultraviolet light and near-infra associated uncertainty), and the shape, trajectory, orientation,
red light. speed and motion of the protected asset 18 in the protected
In some embodiments, once the sensor 12 has detected an region 20, the computer estimates a probability distribution
explosion 22, the sensor may be configured to estimate one or 30 function (p.d. f.) of explosion magnitudes and locations rela
more of the magnitude, distance, and azimuthal position of tive to the protected asset.
the explosion and provide the estimates to the computer 14 or Based on data or models of vulnerability of the protected
to the arc generator 16. In some embodiments, the computer asset 18 to shockwaves 24 of various magnitudes from vari
14 may measure the signature of the explosion 22 and com ous directions (including crew injuries likely to result from
pare it with stored known explosion signatures of a plurality 35 shockwaves) stored in a database (either locally or available
of different known explosive devices. The computer 14 may over a network), together with data or models of what the arc
then determine a probability that the explosion is from one of generator 16 can do to attenuate shockwaves in what posi
the known explosive devices. The computer 14 may then tions and in what time interval, the computer 14 may then
calculate an estimated probability distribution function form a firing plan to counter the threat at minimum cost. Cost
(p.d. f.) of explosion magnitudes and locations relative to the 40 may include not only the cost to operate the arc generator 16,
protected asset 18 or protected region 20 based on at least one but also the probable cost of damage from the attenuated
of stored data about the type of explosive device, location of shockwave. In cases where the probable explosion yield is
the explosion, and the shape, relative orientation and relative small and the probable distance of the explosion 22 from the
motion of the protected asset, and make a determination to protected region is large, the lowest cost plan may be not to
counter the explosion 22, including determining when and 45 deploy the system 10.
where to activate the arc generator 16, or not counter the As shown in the embodiments of FIGS. 1 and 2, the arc
explosion, based on one of stored data, models of Vulnerabil generator 16 may be configured to create a transient second
ity of the protected asset to shockwaves, and data from at least medium 30 between the advancing shockwave 24 resulting
one of data and models of performance of the arc generator 16 from the explosion 22 and the protected region20, which may
with respect to attenuating shockwaves from at least one of an 50 contain a protected asset 18. As shown in FIG. 2, generally
estimated explosion magnitude and location. Such calcula speaking, the sensor 12 may generate a detection signal in
tions and estimates may prevent the deployment of the arc response to detecting at least one of the explosion 22 or
generator 16 in the event that the explosion 22 is too far away explosive device such as incoming threat 28. The detection
or too weak to generate a shockwave 24 that damages the signal is received by arc generator 16, and in response, may
protected region 20 significantly. 55 create an electromagnetic arc through the first medium 26
In another embodiment, the sensor 12 may be configured to which rapidly heats the medium to change one or more of its
detect an incoming threat 28 containing an explosive device composition and temperature to create the second, transient
or devices, such as a ballistic shell, bomb, torpedo, depth medium 30, different from the first medium 26. The location
charge, naval mine or bomb-laden Surface vessel. In Such an of the second medium 30 may be in a selected region calcu
embodiment, the sensor 12 may be configured to use radar, 60 lated by the computer 14 of the sensor 12 to be interposed
visible or infrared light, passive or active acoustic sensors, or between the shockwave 24, or predicted shockwave path, and
other threat-detection method known to those skilled in the the protected region 20. Thus, the shockwave 24 contacts the
art, as well as trajectory tracking and prediction methods second, transient medium 30 and is attenuated in energy
known to those skilled in the art. density before it reaches the protected region 20. The arc
In yet another embodiment, the sensor 12 may be config 65 generator 16 shown schematically in FIG. 1 may take the
ured to detect both the incoming threat 28 and the explosion form of multiple, discrete arc generators, each connected to
22 from the threat. In one embodiment, two systems 10 may and controlled by the sensor 12.
US 8,981,261 B1
7 8
In one embodiment, shown schematically in FIG. 1, the arc converging paths. The laser wavelengths and intensities are
generator 16 is configured to direct a beam 34 of electromag selected to ionize the air along their paths, thereby forming
netic energy to focus in a selected region where the second the plasma channels. The power Supply 38 applies Voltage
medium 30 may be created. The beam 34 may be in the form across the terminals at the bases of the two channels 40, 42,
of a relatively powerful microwave beam or laser beam. The and the voltage is sufficient to form the arc 36 through the air
electric field of the intense beams 34 may cause dielectric 26 where the beams are close to each other. Current flows
breakdown of the ambient air at the focal point of the focused through the channels of the LIPC and induces a magnetic
beams, in which the electrons are separated from the mol field. The current interacts with the magnetic field and pro
ecules in the air. The free electrons are accelerated by the duces an outward force (JXB). This force acts to widen the
electric field and strike other molecules to knock other elec 10 area enclosed by the current loop.
trons loose, creating a cascade of electrons and ions. As shown in FIG. 4, in another embodiment of the system
As the density of free charge carriers in the air increases, 10B the arc generator 16 (FIG. 1) is a gun, which may have at
the air becomes opaque to the incoming electromagnetic least two or multiple barrels 44, 46 that fire two pellets 48,50
beams and rapidly absorbs energy from the beams as heat, along converging paths. The pellets 48, 50 are configured to
which raises the temperature of the air as well as its density 15 create trails 52, 54 of ions, for example, by burning silver
and composition, thus creating the second medium 30 to iodide, in the manner of tracer bullets. The two trails 52, 54
intercept the advancing shockwave 24. The composition form conductive channels through the air (the first fluid
changes of the second fluid medium 30 may include adding medium), and the power Supply 38 applies Voltage across
free electrons, which have a relatively low molar mass, ion terminals at the bases of the two conductive channels, pref
ization of molecules so that they interact more strongly and erably the barrels 44, 46. The voltage is sufficient to form an
therefore propagate shockwaves at higher speeds, and break arc 56 through the air 26 between the two trails 52,54 (i.e., the
ing diatomic molecules such as molecular oxygen into single conductive channels) where they are at their closest. The arc
atoms, which reduces the average molar mass. 56 heats the air 26 to create the second transient fluid medium
In some embodiments, the beam 34 may be a microwave 30. In other embodiments, the pellets 48, 50 may be selected
beam. The arc generator 16 may include a vacuum tube 25 to melt or burn up completely, thereby avoiding creating a
amplifier (e.g., a magnetron) and focused by a static focusing hazard for by standers.
device (e.g., a dish antenna or a Fresnel plate), or produced As shown in FIG. 5, in another embodiment of the system
and focused by other means of combinations apparent to 10C the arc generator 16 (FIG. 1) is a projectile launcher
those skilled in the art. In other embodiments, the beam 34 is configured to launch projectiles 58, 60 trailing conductive
a laser beam. The laser beam may be a single beam focused to 30 wires 62, 64 much like a Taser(R). The power supply 38 applies
a point by optics, or multiple beams converging to a common voltage across the two wires sufficient to form an arc 66
point. In either case, the beam 34 may create single or mul through the air 26 where the paths of the projectiles 58, 60 are
tiple arcs 32 (FIG.2). In some embodiments, the arc generator closest to each other. The arc 66 heats the air 26, forming the
16 may use many converging beams 34 to create one arc 32. second fluid medium 30 in a selected region between the
In other embodiments one beam 34 may be used multiple 35 advancing shockwave 24 and the protected asset 18 in the
times in quick Succession to create many arcs 32. The beams protected region 20. As electrical current flows through the
may be fixed or steerable. wires 62, 64, which form conductive channels, the current
As shown in FIG. 3, in another embodiment of the system further heats and ionizes the air 26. In some embodiments, the
10A the arc generator 16 (FIG. 1) may be configured to current is sufficient to vaporize the wires 62, 64, thereby
generate an electric arc 36 through a volume of ambient air 26 40 heating additional nearby air 26.
to create the second medium 30. Electrical resistance to the As shown in FIGS. 6 and 7, in another embodiment the
current heats the air, changing its temperature, density and system 10D includes a arc generator 16 (FIG.1) in the form of
composition to create the second medium 30 to attenuate the one or more sacrificial conductors 68 connected to the power
shockwave 24. The change in composition may include add supply 38. The heating mechanism of this embodiment does
ing free electrons, which have very low molar mass, ioniza 45 not rely on dielectric breakdown of the air 26 to create a
tion of molecules so they interact at longer distance and current channel. The sacrificial conductor 68 may be in the
therefore propagate shockwaves at higher speed, and break form of strips or wires made of electrically conductive mate
ing diatomic molecules like oxygen into single atoms, which rial. In some embodiments, the conductor 68 may be mounted
reduces the average molar mass of the fluid in the second on the protected asset 18.
medium 30. 50 To deploy the system 10D, the arc generator 16 actuates the
The arc generator 16 (FIG. 1) of the system 10A of this power supply 38 to supply current to one of more of the
embodiment may include a power Supply 38 configured to conductors 68, first vaporizing it, then ionizing it to form a
initiate a large electric current quickly—typically on the conductive channel of vapor 70. Due to both the resultant
order of a few milliseconds or less. Such a power supply 38 magnetic field (JXB) force and the expansion of the hot vapor
may include a capacitor, a Superconducting storage coil, and 55 created by vaporizing the conductor, the ionized vapor moves
an explosive flux compression generator. The first two outward from its initial position and heats and ionizes the
examples may require fast-acting, high-current Switchgear, nearby air to create the second fluid medium 30.
Such as a gas-insulated Switch, to turn on a large current In one embodiment, shown in FIG. 7, the sacrificial con
quickly (for the capacitor) or to divert it quickly from a shunt ductor 68 may be attached to a protected asset 18, which may
to the electric arc (for the storage coil). 60 be the land vehicle shown. The conductor 68 may be attached
In one aspect of this embodiment, the arc generator 16 to a wider insulating strip 72 that in turn is mounted on the
creates an electrically conductive path from the power Supply asset 18. With such a placement of the conductor 68, the
38 to the selected region between the shockwave 24 and the conductor 68 may be protected from routine vehicle opera
protected region 20 to establish the arc, and back to the power tions, and may be further protected by overlaying it with a
Supply. In one embodiment, shown in FIG. 3, the arc genera 65 coat of paint. When energized by the power supply 38 (FIG.
tor 16 creates a laser-induced plasma channel (LIPC). The arc 6), the conductor 68, which may be a metallic strip, vaporizes,
generator 16 fires two high-intensity laser beams 40, 42 along and the heated and ionized air may expand from the vehicle
US 8,981,261 B1
9 10
surface and move away from the vehicle to create the second A system 10 may be comprised of multiple copies of each
medium 30 in the selected region. embodiment. In an embodiment, a system 10 may include a
In yet another embodiment, the sacrificial conductor 68 single sensor 12 connected to and controlling multiple, dis
may be made partly or entirely of lithium. Lithium has a very crete arc generators 16, each mounted on the protected asset
low molecular weight, and consequently a higher shock speed 18. In some applications, an embodiment may produce a
and lower effective index of refraction than other metallic relatively narrow, substantially linear arc of hot, ionized air.
vapors. Further, it disperses into nearby air 26 more quickly, Multiple copies of each embodiment may be used to increase
which helps to heat the air more rapidly. the frontal area as desired. Alternatively, a single copy of an
In other embodiments, the arc generator 16 may be config embodiment may be used multiple times in rapid succession,
ured to attenuate the advancing shockwave by magnetic 10 producing multiple arcs that collectively cover the desired
induction. As shown in FIG. 8A, the arc generator 16 may be protected region 20. Further, these embodiments may be
powered by the power supply 38 to create an electric arc 72 combined. For example, a system 10 may utilize ionizing
tracer pellets to protect an asset 18 from explosions 22 rela
that forms a conducting channel between two electrodes 74, tively far away, and employ sacrificial conductors to protect
76 that are not rigid, such as thin rod antennae. The conduct 15 the same asset from explosions at short range.
ing channel 72 interacts with its own magnetic field to pro With each of the embodiments discussed, the system 10 is
duce an outward force F=JxB (where F is the outward force, deployed to attenuate the energy of an advancing shockwave
J is the current density and B is the magnetic field flux). 24 forman explosion 22 by creating a second fluid medium 30
When the shockwave 24 created by an explosion 22 that differs from the first fluid medium 26, which may be
reaches the arc 72, as shown in FIG. 8B, the shockwave ambient air, positioned so that it interacts with the shockwave.
deforms the arc in directions perpendicular to the conductive As shown in FIG. 10, as the shockwave contacts the interface
channels. Specifically, the shockwave 24 pushes the ionized 90 between the first fluid medium 26 and the second fluid
air created by or making up the arc 72 inward, and the current medium 30, the difference in refractive index reflects a frac
tends to flow where the air 26 is ionized. This movement by tion of the incoming energy toward the explosion 22, as
the shockwave 24 may do mechanical work against the mag 25 indicated by arrows A. This partial reflection occurs a second
netic field force F and remove energy from the shockwave, time as the shockwave passes through the second fluid
making it weaker. Although not shown, the movement by the medium 30 and contacts the interface 92 between the second
shockwave 24 also may deform the electrodes 74, 76, which medium and the ambient 26 as it exits the second medium. All
also represents physical work that drains energy from the gradients or discontinuities in the medium provide a reflec
shockwave 24. 30 tion point for the incoming shockwave 24. For example, if the
In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 8A and 8B, because the second medium 30 is non-uniform, reflection will occur at
electrodes 74, 76 may be relatively non-rigid, these parts and each of many places within the medium.
the conductive channel 72 push against the air 26 they are As shown in FIG. 11, shockwaves 24 obey Fermats theory
displacing. This may transform energy from the shockwave of least time and therefore an effective refractive index for the
25 into kinetic energy of displaced air. In some cases it may be 35 shockwave can be defined that is inversely proportional to the
possible for the conductive channels 72 and electrodes 74,76 shock speed. The properties or composition of the second
to push the air so fast that they may create new shockwaves medium 30 are chosen such that the effective refractive index
moving away from the protected region 20. of the second medium 30 differs from the first medium 26 in
In a variation, the parts of the conductive channels 72 and at least one of temperature, molecular weight and composi
electrodes 74.76 may not be rigid, but the channels of ionized 40 tion. As the shockwave passes into or out of the second
air pushed ahead of the magnetic flux are disrupted (broken) medium 30, the difference in effective refractive index
when they flow rapidly through the air 26. Each time a chan refracts the wave, as shown by lines B, diverting it and defo
nel 72 breaks, the electric current briefly stops. When it stops, cusing it away from the protected asset 18. In the disclosed
the trapped magnetic flux creates an electromotive force embodiments, the second medium 30 is created such that the
strong enough to ionize a new channel through the air 26 and 45 shockwave travels faster in the second medium 30 than in the
then heat that air. This may transform energy from the shock first medium 26, so the refractive index of the second medium
wave 24 into ionization energy of air ions and into pressure is less than that of the first medium. Further, the second
Volume-temperature energy of expanded hot air. medium is created to have a convex shape and therefore acts
In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 9A and 9B, the arc as a divergent lens, so that the energy of the shockwave 24
generator 16 may be configured to have rigid electrodes 78, 50 spreads out, as shown by lines C. So its intensity drops as it
80 joined by a rear wall 82 to form three sides of a box. An arc approaches the protected asset 18.
84 may beformed by the power supply 38 of the arc generator In addition, the second medium 30 may absorb some shock
16 between electrodes 78,80. When the arc 84 is contacted by energy as the shock travels through it. Factors contributing to
the shockwave 24, the magnetic flux (represented by the the absorption of energy include energy retained in the mol
crossed circles 86) is deflected inward but movement is con 55 ecules of the second medium itself (e.g., enhanced rotational
strained by the electrodes 78, 80 and wall 82. Instead, the flux energy, excited molecular bonds, excited electrons, molecu
86 is compressed and increases the electric current in the lar decomposition, and ionization) and shock energy con
electrodes 78, 80. In one embodiment, the power supply 16 is Verted to electromagnetic energy through blackbody emis
configured so that this additional electric current bypasses the sion from hot particles or photon emission from de-exciting
power supply and instead is directed to a resistive load 88. 60 various excited States.
Resistive load 88 also may take the form of a capacitor, which A further mechanism for attenuating the energy density of
may receive a charge from the additional electric current. the shockwave 24 is momentum exchange. If the second
Thus, with the embodiments of FIGS. 8 and 9, magnetic medium 30 is moving relative to the first medium 26, then it
induction is used to remove energy from the advancing shock will exchange momentum with the shockwave 24. The result
wave by the additional mechanism of converting the shock 65 is a combination of reflection, slowing, and redirection of the
wave energy to mechanical energy or converting the shock shockwave. Any or all of the foregoing mechanisms may
wave energy to current. operate in a given embodiment. The composition, tempera
US 8,981,261 B1
11 12
ture, speed and location of the second medium 30 may be 11. The system of claim 6, wherein the protected asset is
chosen or created to create any one or all of the aforemen one of a Surface vessel, a Submarine vessel, an offshore plat
tioned mechanisms. form, a land vehicle, a land structure, and a human, and
While the method and forms of apparatus disclosed herein wherein the sensor determines the selected region based on
constitute preferred aspects of the disclosed shockwave 5 one or more predetermined vulnerabilities of the protected
attenuation apparatus and method, other methods and forms aSSet.
of apparatus may be employed without departing from the 12. The system of claim 1, further comprising multiple arc
Scope of the invention. generators, each connected to the sensor.
13. The system of claim 12, wherein the multiple arc gen
What is claimed is: 10 erators are adapted to be mounted on a protected asset.
1. A shockwave attenuation system, comprising: 14. The system of claim 1, wherein the first fluid medium is
a sensor for generating a detection signal based on at least ambient air, and the arc generator utilizes at least one of
one of detecting an explosion capable of producing a electric, microwave and laser energy to produce at least one of
shockwave traveling through a first fluid medium to a relatively hot and ionized air to form the second, transient
protected region, and estimating a location and time of 15 medium in the selected region, Such that the shockwave con
the explosion, and detecting an explosive device and tacts the second, transient medium and is attenuated in energy
estimating a location and time of an explosion from the density by at least one of reflection, refraction, absorption,
explosive device that is capable of producing the shock momentum transfer and magnetic induction.
wave traveling through the first fluid medium; and 15. A method of attenuating a shockwave, the method
an arc generator in communication with the sensor for comprising:
receiving the detection signal therefrom, and in response detecting with a sensor at least one of an explosion capable
thereto heat a selected region of the first fluid medium of producing a shockwave traveling through a first fluid
rapidly to create a second, transient medium, different medium to a protected region, and an explosive device:
from the first medium, interposed between the shock estimating a location and time of the explosion of the at
wave and the protected region Such that the shockwave 25 least one of an explosion from the explosive device and
contacts the second, transient medium and is attenuated the explosive device that is capable of producing the
in energy density before it reaches a protected asset in shockwave;
the protected region. generating a detection signal by the sensor in response to
2. The system of claim 1, wherein the second medium detecting at least one of the explosion and the explosive
differs from the first medium in at least one of temperature, 30 device;
density and composition. heating a selected region of the first fluid medium rapidly to
3. The system of claim 1, wherein the arc generator heats create a second, transient medium, different from the
the region of the first fluid medium to create the second first medium, by anarc generatorin communication with
medium by using one of an electric arc, a laser-induced arc the sensor, in response to the detection signal, the second
and a microwave-induced arc. 35 medium being interposed between the shockwave and
4. The system of claim 1, wherein the arc generator the protected region Such that the shockwave contacts
includes a power Supply, and the arc generator rapidly creates the second, transient medium and is attenuated in energy
the second medium by creating an electrically conductive density before it reaches the protected region.
path from the power Supply to the selected region and back to 16. The method of claim 15, wherein the second, transient
the power Supply. 40 medium attenuates the energy density of the shockwave by at
5. The system of claim 4, wherein the arc generator creates least one of reflection, refraction, absorption, momentum
the electrically conductive path utilizing at least one of high transfer and magnetic induction.
intensity laser pulses to form a laser-induced plasma channel 17. The method of claim 15, wherein detecting includes
(LIPC), pellets that leave a conductive trail of ions, sacrificial detecting, with one or more sensors, at least two bands of
conductors, projectiles trailing electrical wires fired along 45 electromagnetic radiation from the explosion.
converging paths, magnetic induction utilizing flexible chan 18. The method of claim 15, wherein heating includes
nels of ionized air, and magnetic induction utilizing Substan rapidly creating the second medium by creating an electri
tially rigid conductors. cally conductive path from a power Supply to the selected
6. The system of claim 1, wherein the protected region region and back to the power Supply.
includes at least one protected asset, and at least one of the 50 19. The method of claim 18, wherein creating an electri
sensor and the arc generator is mounted on the protected cally conductive path utilizes at least one of high intensity
aSSet. laser pulses to form a laser-induced plasma channel (LIPC),
7. The system of claim 1, wherein the sensor detects at least pellets that leave a conductive trail of ions, sacrificial conduc
two bands of electromagnetic radiation generated by the tors, projectiles trailing electrical wires fired along converg
explosion. 55 ing paths, magnetic induction utilizing flexible channels of
8. The system of claim 1, wherein the sensor detects at least ionized air, and magnetic induction utilizing Substantially
one of a shape, trajectory and speed of an incoming threat rigid channels of ionized air.
containing the explosive device, and to calculate a signature 20. A method of attenuating a shockwave, the method
of the incoming threat, the sensor also using the signature to comprising:
determine likely explosion characteristics of the explosive 60 detecting with a sensor at least one of an explosive device
device. and an explosion from the explosive device;
9. The system of claim 8, wherein the explosion character estimating a location and time of the explosion of the at
istics include at least one of a location of the explosion, a time least one of an explosion from the explosive device and
of the explosion, and a magnitude of the explosion. the explosive device and predicting an explosion there
10. The system of claim 9, wherein the sensor uses the 65 from that is capable of producing the shockwave;
explosion characteristics to calculate a location of the calculating with a computer a firing plan based upon at
selected region. least one of data and models of vulnerability of a pro
US 8,981,261 B1
13 14
tected asset, and at least one of data and models of shockwaves, and data from at least one of data and
effectiveness of actuating an arc generator to heat a models of performance of the arc generator with respect
Selected region adjacent the protected region; and to attenuating shockwaves from the estimated explosion
if the firing plan determines that it is cost effective to magnitudes and locations.
execute the firing plan in view of a cost to operate an arc 22. The method of claim 20, wherein detecting includes
generator and probable cost of damage from a shock measuring a signature of the explosion from the explosive
wave from the explosion, actuating the arc generator to device;
heat a selected region of a first fluid medium rapidly to comparing the signature with stored signatures of a plural
create a second, transient medium, different from the ity of known different explosive devices:
first medium, the second medium being interposed 10
determining a probability the explosion is from one of the
between the shockwave and the protected region such plurality of known different explosive devices; and
that the shockwave contacts the second, transient calculating includes estimating a probability distribution
medium and is attenuated in energy density before it function of explosion magnitudes and locations relative
reaches the protected asset. to the protected asset based on at least one of stored data
21. The method of claim 20, wherein detecting includes 15
about the type of explosion, the location of the explosion
measuring a signature of an incoming threat carrying the
explosive device; and the shape, relative orientation and relative motion of
comparing the signature with known signatures of a plu the protected asset; and making a determination to
rality of different threats: counter the explosion or not counter the explosion,
determining a probability the incoming threat is one of the based on one of stored data and models of vulnerability
plurality of different threats; and of the protected asset to shockwaves from the explosion,
calculating includes estimating a probability distribution and data from at least one of data and models of perfor
function of explosion magnitudes and locations relative mance of the arc generator with respect to attenuating
to the protected asset based on at least one of stored data shockwaves from at least one of an estimated explosion
about the type of explosive device, measured motion of 25 magnitude and location.
the incoming threat, and a shape, relative orientation and 23. The method of claim 20, wherein calculating includes
relative motion of the protected asset; and making a calculating with a computer a firing plan based upon at least
determination to counter the incoming threat or not one of data and models of vulnerability of the protected asset
counter the incoming threat, based on one of stored data within a protected region.
and models of vulnerability of the protected asset to ck ck ck *k ck

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