APES Unit 3 Notes
APES Unit 3 Notes
APES Unit 3 Notes
Survivorship Curves: line that shows survival rate of a cohort (group of same-aged individuals) in a pop.
from birth to death
Faster drop in line = quicker death/life span of individuals
Slower drop in line = longer life span
Type I (mostly K-selected)
– High survivorship early in life due to high parental care
– High survivorship in mid life due to large size and learned defensive behavior
– Rapid decrease in survivorship in late
life as old age sets in
–» Ex: most mammals
Type II (mostly r-selected)
– Steadily decreasing survivorship throughout life
Type III (mostly r-selected)
– High morality (low survivorship) early in life due to little to no parental care
– Few make it to midlife; slow, steady decline in survivorship in midlife
– Even fewer make it to adulthood; slow decline in survivorship in old age
– Ex: insects, fish, plants
3.4 Population and Carrying Capacity
Carrying Capacity (k): the max. Number of individuals in a pop. that an ecosystem can
support(based on limiting resources)
● Fig. 1 is theoretical
● Fig. 2 is more realistic
● Pop. briefly “overshoots” (k) and then die-off happens
Logistical growth = initial rapid growth, then limiting factors to limit population to
carrying capacity, or sigmoid curve
● Total Fertility Rate (TFR): average number of child a women will have
○ Higher TFR = higher birth rate, higher pop. growth rate (generally)
● Replacement Level Fertility: The TFR required to offset deaths in a population
and keep the population stable
○ About 2.1 in developed countries (replace mom & dad)
○ Higher in less developed countries due to higher infant mortality
● Infant Mortality Rate (IMR): number of deaths of children under 1 per 1,000
○ Higher in less developed countries due to lack of access to: healthcare,
clean water, and food
● Higher IMR = higher TFR, due to families having having replacement children
● Development (Affluence): the more developed the nation, the lower the TFR
○ More education for women
○ More economic opportunity for women
○ Higher access to family planning and education
○ Later age of first pregnancy
○ Less need for children to provide income through agricultural labor
● Gov. Policy: can play a huge role in fertility by coercive (forceful) or noncoercive
(encouraging) policies
○ Forced or voluntary sterilization
○ China’s 1 child policy
○ Tax incentives to have fewer children
Microcredits or loans to women without children to start businesses
Technological Advancement
High GDP & life expectancy are both indicators of development and low
population growth.
Stage 1
● High IMR & high death rate due to lack of access to water and healthcare
● High TFR due to lack of access to:
○ Family planning
● Need for child labor
● Little to no growth due to high CBR & CDR balancing each other out
Ex: Virtually no country is in phase 1, but there are pockets or regions in phase 1
within countries who have transitioned to phase 2
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Growth factors
● Sex ratio: ratio of males to females. Closer to 50:50, the more ideal for breeding
○ Die-off or bottleneck effect can lead to skewed sex ratio (not enough
females) limiting population growth
● Density-Dependent Factors: factors that influence pop. growth based on size:
○ Ex: food, competition for habitat, water, light, growth based on size
○ All of these things limit pop. growth based on their size; aka - small pop.
don’t experience these, large do
● Density-independent: factors that influence pop. growth independent of their
○ Ex: natural disasters
(flood, fire, tornado, hurricane)
○ It doesn’t matter how big or small a pop. is, natural disasters limit them
● Food is a density dependent factor. (also a limiting resource)
○ When twice as much food was added to the dish, both species increased
carrying capacity by about 2x
● Biotic Potential = max. potential growth rate, with no limiting resources
○ May occur initially, but limiting factors (competition, food, disease,
predators) slow growth, & eventually limit pop. to carrying capacity (k)
● Biotic potential = exponential growth
Logistical growth = initial rapid growth, then limiting factors to limit population to
carrying capacity, or sigmoid curve
Population pyramids
Age cohorts & growth = groups of similarly aged individuals