Research Notes

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Definition of Terms  Review of Literature – readings related to

the study.
Conceptual- literal/dictionary  Review of related studies – data-based
Operational- according to the usage in the study researches or theses and dissertations
made similar to the topic.
Lexical- Citation “quote on quote”
Types of Related Literature
Kinds of Operational Definitions
Conceptual or Theoretical Literature – non
 Denotative- variables or concept are
research reference materials written by authorities
defined in terms of what the concept is or
on the subject which embody experiences,
what it represents
viewpoints and interpretations of the subject of the
Ex: Father - a male parent
research study.
 Connotative- variables are define
according to implications or associations - Narrative review - summarize of synthesize
one might make with the variable. what has been written.
Ex: Father - strong, provider, head of the - Descriptive review - objectively describes
family events and key elements and determine in
the book.
Significance of the study
- Scanning review - indicates the nature and
 Action based connected to recommendation extent of emergent topics in the literature to
 Describes the potential contributions of the identify key concepts, themes and sources
study to an individual or org. of evidence.
- Realist review- analyze and understand
End user - person, org that could benefit from the complex phenomena and how it works as
study opposed to the conventional style.
Scope and limitations Research or Empirical Literature- consist of
 Limitation - author does not have control studies and researchers, theses or dissertations,
(Specific of the respondents). published or unpublished which have a bearing on
 Delimitation - it is the author who controls the current research. Also called data-based
the exclusions. literature aggregate reviews
 Constraints/restrictions - limitation are - Systematic review- attempts to appraise
what the researchers cannot do (elements and synthesize in a single source all
outside of their control) & delimitation empirical evidence to answer research
(elements outside of the boundaries they questions in a topic of interest.
have) - Meta analysis- uses statistical tools to
CHAPTER 2 combine results of interdependence studies
into quantitative analysis to determine all
Literature review - consists of a collection of trends.
pertinent readings, published or unpublished data-
based research reports or article, in local or foreign Critical reading- is an active intellectual process in
settings. which the reader participates in an inner dialogue
with the writer
- key component of the research process.
- provides basis for the evidenced-based research Critical thinking- is the analysis of ideas,
proposal in nursing. inferences, assumptions, principles, arguments,
- happens at the beginning of the research process conclusions, issues, statements.
(quantitative). Come at the end in qualitative study. Categories and Sources of Materials for
- sets the stage/foundation of the study. Literature Review
- organized critique of the important scholarly
literature. Primary sources - information and data for the
- describes current knowledge, gaps and review is taken directly from the original research or
contribution of present study. author of the reference material,
a. Data-based material or Research problems, methodology, results, and
Literature - focus on testing various conclusions.
concepts, theories, or models and a variety e. Thesis Abstract- is a summary of research
or variables related to the practice of content.
Tertiary Sources - consists of collection of primary
and secondary sources such as textbooks,
- Quality of evidence - the extent to which
encyclopedia articles, guidebooks,
the study design, procedure and analysis
provides objective data and minimizes bias. WAYS TO WRITE AND DOCUMENT THE
- Quantity of evidence- the number of ARTICLE
studies evaluated including the strengths
and weaknesses of its findings and data 1. Summarizing
analysis. 2. Quoting
- Consistency of evidence- the degree to 3. Paraphrasing
which studies have similar and different 4. Acknowledging sources of data
designs, but investigate the same research 5. Cite References
questions. 6. See References
b. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles - is a 7. Footnotes
research paper that has been submitted to a 8. Endnotes
reputable or scholarly journal. 9. Apa style
c. Refereed Journal - has a panel of external Theoretical Framework
and internal reviewers or editors who review
submitted manuscripts for possible - Theory comes from the Greek word
publications. “theoria” which means a beholding
d. Nursing Theories - taken from theoretical spectacle or speculation.
and conceptual schemes developed in - Theory is a statement that is much broader
nursing and related disciplines. and complex than fact
e. Empirical Studies- uses data derived from - Theory is a set of statements that describes
observations or experiment and published in or explains phenomenon in a systematic
peer-reviewed journals. way, pointing out why one event relates to
f. Ideas from other sources- research another or what causes an event to occur.
studies may be pursued upon the
Characteristics of Theory
suggestion of experts, interest groups,
conference beliefs and actions embodied in  Concept- the building block of theory; a
the rrl. word picture or basic idea of a
Secondary Sources- materials for the review are
taken from a researcher or an author who cited the
Abstract concepts: nursing, man, health,
original author in his work.
a. Replications- a study on the same subject
or problem of a previous research. A form of Concrete concepts: nurse, girl, Manila
triangulation which makes use of multiple
Kinds of Concepts
sources and references.
b. Thesis Review- describes research content  Enumerative- characteristics of
of previous studies conducted, hence, phenomena that are always present and
descriptive elements predominate. universal to all people such as age, height,
c. Review of Related Research- summarizes weight.
a particular field of study and places the  Associative- refers to concepts that exist
recent research in context. only in some instances in the phenomena
d. Thesis Critique- an appraisal of the vital which are not common to all conditions such
components of a study, particularly the as income, disease, anxiety
 Relational- characteristics of phenomena Types of Models
that can be understood only when they are
 Conceptual Models- are ideas formulated
combined with two or more enumerative
in the mind; a mental model or
and associative concepts.
psychological representation of how an
 Statistical- refer to the quantitative property
activity is carried out.
of a thing represented in terms of its
 Theoretical Models- represents the real
distribution to the population.
world expressed in language (qualitative) or
 Summative- represents the global and
mathematical (quantitative) symbols.
complex embodiments of the phenomenon
such as health, nursing, man, and Research Design- is the researcher’s overall plan
environment. on how the study will be conducted.
Conceptualization - is the process of forming Sampling
basic ideas, designs, plans or strategies based on
Universe- is a totality of elements to which
given facts.
research findings may apply.
Facts - is the most basic term in research that is Population- refers to the accessible group of
irreducible because it is an established and individuals from which the samples will be drawn.
verifiable truth.
Specific types of Population
Constructs - are highly abstract, complex
phenomena that are not observable.  Target Population- group of individuals or
objects which is of interest to the
Conceptual Framework - represents the researchers
relationship of study variables that can be written or  Subject or Respondent Population- group
visual. of individuals or objects chosen to provide
actual data
Theoretical Framework - study is based on theory  Stratum- term describes a mutually
or derivable theories relevant to the study. exclusive segment of the population,
distinguished by one or more traits or
Proposition- is a statement or assertion of the qualifications
relationship between concepts derived from
theories or generalization based on empirical or Inclusion or eligibility criteria- is the criteria
factual data. characteristic specified in the population to be
included in the study.
Paradigm- represents global issues about
individuals, groups, situations and events of interest Exclusive criteria- characteristics of the population
that are not specified in the study and are therefore
to the profession.
Conceptual Paradigm- a diagram or a picture that
Sampling- is the process of selecting
represents the structure and parts of a theory. representative portion of the population to
Metaparadigm- is the most abstract level of represent the entire population.
knowledge representing global concepts specific to Specific types of sampling
nursing discipline.
 Sampling unit - refers to a specific area or
Person- is the recipient of care place which can be used during the
Environment- internal and external surroundings sampling process.
that affect the person  Sampling frame - comprises a complete list
Health- is the degree of wellbeing of sampling unit from which sample is
Nursing- is the attributes, characteristics and drawn.
action of the nurse providing the care.  Sampling design - is the scheme that
specifies the number of samples drawn from
Model- is a symbolic representation of a the population.
phenomenon or phenomena using few words to  Sampling size - is the total number of
express its meaning that can be easily understood. samples who will participate in the study
after the sampling design was completed.
 Sample - is a portion of the population from 4. Systematic or Sequential- is the selection
which data will be solicited for purposes of of samples in sequence according to a
the research. predetermined modality
Respondents or participants of the study - are Theoretical Sampling - is an approach used in
individuals who will respond to the survey grounded theory studies.
particularly in non-experimental descriptive studies - A term coined by Barney Glaser and Anselm
Strauss in 1967. To gain a deeper understanding
Subject of the study - are individuals who will of the phenomenon under study and facilitate and
receive treat or intervention and or special attention development of theory. Can be viewed as a
in experimental studies technique of data triangulation using independent
Key informants or volunteer samples - are pieces of information to get a better meaning of an
individuals chosen to provide the most vital event that is only known or understood. This
information in qualitative studies. method is also known as “handy sampling”

Power Sampling - is the standard for determining Theoretical Framework consist of: (based on
sample size adequacy. theory)

Types of Sampling  Concept

 Proposition
Non probability sampling - respondents or  Paradigm
subjects are selected in a non-random way.
Conceptual Framework (concrete diagram)
Types of Non-Probability Sampling consist of:(based on the researcher study anchored
in the theory)
a. Accidental or Convenience Sampling – uses
the most readily available or most  Concept
convenient group of people as study  Proposition
respondents.  Paradigm
b. Quota Sampling- relies on predetermined
number or proportion units of the population Experimental Design
c. Purposive or Judgement Sampling – are  Post-test only- treatment = test
handpicked to be included in the sampling  Pre-test post-test- test = treatment = test
frame based on certain qualities for  One shot design- one treatment in all
purposes of the study. population (no control group)
d. Snowball or Network or Chain Sampling -  Clinical trial - post test for comparison only
consists of identifying few persons who but in health care settings
meet the inclusion criteria of the study and  Randomized clinical trials
who turn refer other individuals who may be
interviewed Quasi-Experiment
e. Modal Instance sampling- use when one
wishes to investigate thoughts and actions  Non-equivalent control- before and after
of typical people and when the researches design is identical to the pretest-posttest
fears that significant data about this group control group design, with the exception of
of people might be lost in a more general randomization
study  Cohort - the chosen comparison group is
another group with similar characteristics
Types of Probability Sampling with that of the experimental group
 Time series- design is an epidemiological
1. Simple Random - the selection of samples research design in which a single population
on random basis from a sampling frame group of defined size is studied over a
2. Stratified Random- divides the population period of time.
into homogeneous subgroups from which
elements are selected at random Non-Experimental
3. Cluster or Multi-Stage - is the successive
selection of random samples from large to Types of Descriptive Research
smaller units by using either simple or  Descriptive Normative Surveys- self
stratified reported data which are collected from
samples for purposes of exploring and lived experiences of individuals about a
describing real life situations phenomenon through description and analysis
 Correlational or explanatory studies
examine the extent of relationship between 2. Ethnographic Studies- refer to the collection
variables by determining how and why and analysis of data on the lifestyle and daily
changes in one variable relate to changes in activities of a culture or a group of people
another variable. This is also called 3. Grounded Theory Studies- are concerned with
explanatory research the analysis of data leading to the development of
 Comparative Studies- examine two or theory
more intact groups to find out the difference
in their performance between and among 4. Historical Studies- are involved in identification,
them in certain dependent variables of location, critical evaluation and synthesis of part
interest events
Descriptive Evaluative Surveys or 5. Case Studies
Methodological Studies - are concerned with the 6. Field Studies- investigate problems as they
development, testing and evaluation of methods, occur in their natural setting
procedures, guidelines and instruments after which
7. Biographies- explore the life of an individual.
an evaluative judgment is done
8. Critical Theory- is action oriented
Case Study- is an in-depth study of a single case
or limited number of typical, interconnected cases 9. Feminist Approach- is an interdisciplinary
intended to interpret their behavior relative to the approach that investigate how gender are
occurrence of certain disease or events or considered in the social, political and cultural norms
phenomenon of interest to the nursing discipline
10. Participatory Action Research (PAR)- the
Cross-Sectional or Sequential Designs- is a researcher works with groups or communities that
research method that combines the major elements are vulnerable to the control or oppression of a
of cross sectional, sequential and longitudinal dominant group or culture
Longitudinal Design- collects data over long 11. Focus Group- is a form of in-depth qualitative
periods of time interview in which a group of people are asked
about their attitude towards a particular subject
Bricoleur- a person who is immersed in a study
situation and has the expertise in performing
qualitative research
Rigors of Qualitative Research
1. Credibility- the finding represents realities of the
participants the truth and the value
2. Confirmability- the degree to which the finding
can be accepted by other researchers
3. Dependability- the results of the study are
consistent and comparable with raw data
4. Transferability- findings can be used in other
contexts or studies or in situations with similar
samples and settings
5. Authenticity- described truthfully and accurately
varied experiences, the multiple perspectives and
values of the participants
Types of Qualitative Research
1. Phenomenological Studies- were derive from
philosophy and psychology which examines the

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