Mordheim Warbands

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Warcry Mordheim Warbands

About Mordheim Warbands

 Warcry Mordheim Warbands are an attempt
to port the original Mordheim warbands into
 Fighter profiles, points values, and many
rules are modeled on existing Warcry
warbands, using the newest Warcry rules.
 These warbands should therefore have the
same power level as existing Warcry bands
and should be able to play against existing
Warcry bands without balance issues.

Mercenary Warbands
 When playing a Mercenary warband, choose
Reikland, Middenheim or Marienburg as
your home province.
 This will affect the warband’s custom
Reaction and the Hero Abilities available to
that warband.
 In narrative campaigns, your choice of
province cannot be changed later on.
Cost Name Weapons 4 7 8 Runemarks 5 2 6 3 5 2 6 3
185 Captain Sword, Pistol 4 4 20 Hero, Scout 1 4 4 2/4 8 3 3 1/3
165 Captain Sword, 4 5 20 Hero, Bulwark 1 4 4 2/4
185 Captain Great Sword 4 4 20 Hero, 1 3 5 3/6
175 Captain Halberd 4 4 20 Hero, 2 3 5 2/5
135 Sergeant Sword, Pistol 4 4 15 Scout 1 3 4 2/4 8 3 3 1/3
115 Sergeant Sword, 4 5 15 Bulwark 1 3 4 2/4
130 Sergeant Great Sword 4 4 15 Destroyer 1 3 5 3/5
120 Sergeant Halberd 4 4 15 Destroyer 2 3 5 2/4
105 Greatsword Great Sword 4 4 12 Destroyer 1 3 4 2/4
65 Trooper Sword, 4 4 10 Bulwark 1 3 3 1/3
65 Trooper Spear, Shield 4 4 10 Bulwark 2 2 3 1/4
70 Trooper Halberd 4 3 10 Destroyer 2 2 4 1/4
85 Marksman Bow 4 3 10 Scout 1 2 3 1/3 3-15 2 3 1/3
90 Marksman Long Bow 4 3 10 Scout 1 2 3 1/3 3-18 2 3 1/3
100 Marksman Crossbow 4 3 10 Scout 1 2 3 1/3 3-18 2 4 1/3
105 Marksman Handgun 4 3 10 Scout 1 2 3 1/3 3-12 2 5 1/4
90 Marksman Blunderbuss 4 3 10 Scout 1 2 3 1/3 8 4 3 1/2
160 Marksman Long Rifle 4 3 10 Scout 1 2 3 1/3 6-20 2 5 2/5

[Double] Martial Discipline [Double] Aimed Shot [Double] Form Shieldwall
 Pick a visible enemy fighter Scout only. Hero only.
that was the target of one of  Use only if this fighter has not Until the end of the battle round,
this fighter’s melee Attack yet made a Move action this add 1 to the Toughness of friendly
actions this activation. battle round. fighters with the Mercenaries and
 Until the end of the battle  The next shooting Attack Bulwark runemarks as long as they
round, deduct 1 from the action this fighter makes this are within 3” of this fighter.
Strength of melee Attack activation scores critical hits
actions made by the chosen on 5+ (instead of the normal
enemy as long as that enemy 6).
is within range of one of this
fighter’s melee Attacks.

[Triple] Wide Sweeping Blow [Triple] Volley Fire [Quad] Flow of Battle
Destroyer only. Scout only. Hero only.
 Roll a dice for each visible Add half the value of this ability  Pick a number of visible
enemy within 3” of this (rounded up) to the Attacks of the friendly fighters up to the
fighter. next shooting Attack action made value of this ability that are
 On 3-4, allocate 1 Damage to by this fighter this activation. each within 6" of this fighter.
the enemy being rolled for.  Each of these fighters may
 On 5-6 allocate Damage equal make a bonus Move or
to the value of this ability to Disengage action (some can
the enemy being rolled for. make Move and some can
make Disengage actions).
[Reaction] Bravery and Loyalty
 A fighter can make this reaction after an enemy finishes a Move action visible to this fighter and within 3”
of this fighter.
 Pick another friendly fighter with the Mercenaries runemark who is within 3” of this fighter.
 The chosen fighter makes a bonus melee Attack action that must target the enemy who made that Move

[Double] Honest Steel [Double] Inspiring Officer [Double] Tactical Supremacy

Hero only. Hero only. Hero only.
Add 1 to Attacks and Strength of Until end of the battle round, add  Roll a dice.
this fighter’s next melee Attack half the value of this ability  On a 3+, add one Wild Dice to
action this activation. (rounded up) to the value of your saved Wild Dice.
abilities used by other friendly
visible fighters within 6" of this
fighter (to a max of 6).


[Reaction] Wolf-kin Resilience
 A fighter can make this reaction when targeted by an Attack action, but before the hit rolls are made.
 Subtract 1 from the Damage allocated to this fighter from each hit and critical hit from that Attack action,
to a minimum of 1.

[Double] Crush the Weak! [Double] Lead with Strength [Double] Staggering Blow
Hero only. Hero only. Hero-Destroyer only.
The next melee Attack action  Use only if an enemy was  Pick a visible enemy fighter
made by this fighter this activation taken down by an attack within 1” of this fighter who
scores critical hits on 5+ (instead of action made by this fighter does not have the Gargantuan
the normal 6) if the target’s this activation. or Mounted runemark(s).
Toughness is lower than the  This fighter may make a bonus  That enemy must make bonus
Strength of the Attack. Move action or a bonus Attack Disengage action.
action.  If they cannot, allocate D6
Damage to that enemy.
[Reaction] Vicious Riposte
 A fighter can make this reaction after they are targeted by a melee Attack action, but before the hit rolls
are made.
 For each hit roll from that Attack action that rolls a 1 or 2, allocate 2 Damage to the attacking fighter.

[Double] Dueling Pistol [Double] Snort Crimson Shade [Double] Poisoned Stiletto
Hero-Scout only. Hero only. Hero only.
Add 1 to the Damage of hits and Add half the value of this ability  Choose an enemy within 1” of
critical hits caused by this fighter’s (rounded up) to the Move this fighter and roll a dice.
shooting Attack actions this characteristic of this fighter for the  On 3+, allocate 3 Damage to
activation. next Move action they make this that fighter.
Cost Name Weapons 4 7 8 Runemarks 5 2 6 3 5 2 6 3
185 Captain Sword, Pistol 5 3 18 Hero, Scout 1 4 4 2/4 8 3 3 1/3
200 Captain Crossbow 5 3 18 Hero, Scout 1 4 4 2/4 3-18 2 4 1/4
175 Arch Great 4 4 20 Hero, Priest 1 3 5 2/5
Lector Hammer
115 Prophet Maces 4 3 15 Hero, 1 4 3 2/4
140 W. Hunter Sword, Pistol 5 3 15 Scout 1 3 4 2/4 8 3 3 1/3
155 W. Hunter Crossbow 5 3 15 Scout 1 3 4 2/4 3-18 2 4 1/4
140 Hangman Great Axe 4 4 18 Brute 1 3 5 3/5
125 Hangman Great Sword 4 4 18 Brute 1 4 4 2/4
130 Priest Great 4 4 15 Priest 1 3 5 2/5
120 Priest Hammers 4 4 15 Priest 1 4 4 2/4
115 Priest Hammer, 4 5 15 Priest 1 3 4 2/4
70 Flagellant Maces 4 3 10 Destroyer 1 4 3 1/3
70 Flagellant Great Brazier 4 3 10 Destroyer 1 3 4 1/4
70 Flagellant Flail 4 3 10 Destroyer 3 3 3 1/4
55 Zealot Club, Shield 4 4 8 1 3 3 1/3
55 Zealot Spear, Shield 4 4 8 2 2 3 1/4
75 Zealot Bow 4 3 8 1 2 3 1/3 3-15 2 3 1/3
60 Warhound Jaws 6 3 6 Beast 1 2 3 2/3

[Reaction] Grim Resolve
 A fighter can make this reaction after an enemy fighter finishes a Move action visible to this fighter and
within 3” of this fighter.
 Pick another friendly fighter with the Witch Hunters runemark.
 The chosen fighter makes a bonus Move action.
 After that Move action, the chosen fighter must be within 1” of the enemy that made that Move action.
[Double] Tireless Seeker [Double] Hunting Hound [Double] Imposing Presence
 Use only during the first battle Beast only. Brute only.
round.  After this fighter's next attack Until the end of the battle round,
 This warrior may make a action in this activation, if at whenever an enemy fighter makes
bonus Move action equal to least 1 one hit roll from that a melee Attack action that could
the value of this ability in Attack action results in a hit or target this fighter, that enemy
inches. critical hit, the target loses must target this fighter.
one of their Actions in this
battle round.
 If the target has no more
Actions to forfeit, allocate 3
Damage to the target instead.

[Triple] Glorious Martyr [Triple] Tools of Judgment [Quad] Soulfire

Destroyer only. Scout only. Priest only.
 Use only if this fighter has 5 or Add the value of this ability to the Assign Damage equal to the value
more Damage allocated to Damage of hits and critical hits of this ability to all enemies within
them. from the next Attack action made 4” of this warrior.
 This fighter may make a bonus by this fighter in this activation.
Move or Attack action.
 In addition, add 1 to the
Attacks of the next melee
Attack action made by this
fighter this activation.

[Double] Price of Victory [Double] Accusation [Triple] Hooded Hunter
Hero-Scout only. Hero-Scout only. Hero-Scout only.
 Use only if a friendly fighter  Pick a visible enemy fighter  Remove this fighter from the
was taken down this battle within 8” of this fighter. board.
round.  Until the end of the battle  Then set them up anywhere
 This fighter may make a bonus round, add 2 to the Damage of within 5” of where they stood
Move action or a bonus Attack critical hits (but not normal and at least 3” away from all
action. hits) of Attack actions made by enemies.
other friendly fighters that
target the chosen enemy.

[Triple] Shield of Faith [Triple] Heart of the Gryphon [Tripe] The End is Nigh!
Hero-Priest only. Hero-Priest only. Hero-Destroyer only.
Until the end of the battle round, Remove D3 Damage from each Until the end of the battle round,
enemies cannot use abilities while friendly fighter within 6" of this add 1 to the Attacks of melee
they are within 3” of this fighter. fighter (roll for each). Attack actions made by visible
friendly fighters while they are
within 6" of this fighter.
Cost Name Weapons 4 7 8 Runemarks 5 2 6 3 5 2 6 3
175 Matriarch Great 4 4 20 Hero, Priest, 1 3 5 2/5
Hammer Destroyer
165 Matriarch Hammer, 4 5 20 Hero, Priest 1 4 4 2/4
170 Matriarch Hammer, 4 4 20 Hero, Priest 1 4 4 2/4 3 4 4 1/4
115 High Augur Daggers 4 3 15 Hero, 1 4 3 2/4
125 Superior Great 4 4 15 Destroyer 1 3 5 2/5
115 Superior Hammer, 4 5 15 1 3 4 2/4
120 Superior Hammer, 4 4 15 3 3 4 2/4 3 4 4 1/4
120 Superior Hammers 4 4 15 1 4 4 2/4
80 Relic Staff 4 3 12 Icon Bearer 2 3 3 1/3
120 Priestess Great 4 4 12 Priest, 1 3 5 2/5
Hammer Destroyer
110 Priestess Hammer, 4 5 12 Priest 1 3 4 2/4
70 Augur Daggers 4 3 10 Sentient 1 4 3 1/3
65 Sister Hammer, 4 4 10 1 3 3 1/3
70 Sister Great 4 3 10 Destroyer 1 3 4 1/4
65 Sister Whip 4 3 10 3 3 3 1/3
85 Sister Sling, Shield 4 4 10 1 2 3 1/3 3-12 2 3 1/3
55 Novice Hammer, 4 4 8 1 3 3 1/3
70 Novice Sling 4 3 8 1 2 3 1/3 3-12 2 3 1/3
[Reaction] Blaze of Fury
 A fighter can make this reaction after they are targeted by a melee Attack action but before the hit rolls
are made.
 For each hit roll from that Attack action that hits, allocate 1 Damage to the attacking fighter.
 For each critical hit, allocate 2 Damage to the attacking fighter instead.

[Double] Righteous Contempt [Double] Throw Bolas [Double] Premonition
 Use only if there is a visible  Pick a visible enemy within 6" Sentient only.
enemy within 6” of this of this fighter and roll two  Pick a visible fighter within 6”
fighter. dice. of this fighter or this fighter
 This fighter may make a bonus  For each 4+, allocate a themselves.
Move action. number of Damage to that  Until the end of the battle
 After that Move action, this enemy equal to half the value round, subtract 1 from Attacks
fighter must finish closer to of this ability (rounded up). of Attack actions that target
the closest visible enemy than  For each 6, also deduct 1 from the chosen fighter (to a
they were at the start of the that enemy’s Movement until minimum of 1).
Move action. the end of the battle round (to
a minimum of 3).

[Triple] Sigmarite Warhammer [Triple] Protection of Sigmar [Quad] Soulfire

Destroyer only. Icon Bearer only. Priest only.
Add the half the value of this Until the end of the battle round, Assign Damage equal to the value
ability (rounded up) to the deduct 1 from the Attacks of of this ability to all enemies within
Strength and Damage of hits and Attack actions made by enemy 4” of this warrior.
critical hits from the next melee fighters while they are within 6" of
Attack action made by this fighter this fighter (to a minimum of 1).
in this activation.

[Reaction] Oracular Insight [Double] Sign of Sigmar [Double] Hammer of Sigmar
Hero-Sentient only. Hero-Sentient only. Hero-Priest only.
 A fighter can make this Change the value of one of your  Pick a visible fighter within 6”
reaction after an enemy [Doubles], [Triples], or [Quads] to of this fighter or this fighter
fighter finishes a move action any other value (from 1-6). themselves.
within 3" of this fighter and  Until the end of the battle
visible to this fighter. round, add the value of this
 Add one Wild Dice to your ability to the Strength of
saved Wild Dice. melee Attack actions made by
this fighter.

[Triple] Heart of the Gryphon [Triple] Shield of Faith [Triple] Spirit Link
Hero-Priest only. Hero-Priest only. Hero-Sentient only.
Remove D3 damage points Until the end of the battle round,  Pick a visible enemy fighter
allocated to each friendly fighter enemies cannot use abilities while within 6” of this fighter.
within 6" of this fighter (roll for they are within 3” of this fighter.  Until the end of the battle
each). round, that fighter cannot be
activated as long as your
opponent could activate
another fighter they control.
Cost Name Weapons 4 7 8 Runemarks 5 2 6 3 5 2 6 3
215 Deathmas. Swords, 7 3 18 Hero, Scout, 1 5 4 2/4 8 3 3 1/3
Stars Agile
175 Clawlord Sword, 5 5 18 Hero, Elite 1 4 4 2/4
140 Sorcerer Staff, Blast 5 3 18 Hero, Mystic, 2 3 3 1/4 3-7 2 3 3/6
180 Nightleader Swords, 6 3 15 Hero, Scout, 1 4 3 2/4 8 3 3 1/3
Stars Agile
145 Assassin Swords, 6 3 12 Agile, Scout 1 4 4 2/4 8 3 3 1/3
135 Assassin Claws 6 3 12 Agile, Scout 1 5 4 2/4
165 Jezzail Jezzail 5 3 10 1 2 3 1/3 6-20 2 5 3/6
230 Rat Ogre Claws 5 5 30 Gargantuan, 1 4 5 3/5
90 N. Runner Claws 6 3 10 Agile, Scout 1 4 3 1/3
95 N. Runner Swords, 6 3 10 Agile, Scout 1 3 3 1/3 8 2 3 1/3
85 N. Runner Snare Net 6 3 10 Agile, Scout, 3 3 3 1/3
90 Stormver. Sword, 5 5 12 Elite 1 3 3 1/3
95 Stormver. Halberd 5 4 12 Elite 2 2 4 1/4
75 Clanrat Halberd 5 3 8 Agile 2 2 4 1/4
70 Clanrat Sword, 5 4 8 Agile 1 3 3 1/3
70 Clanrat Spear, Shield 5 4 8 Agile 2 2 3 1/4
90 Clanrat Sling 5 3 8 Agile 1 2 3 1/3 3-12 2 3 1/3
40 Giant Rat Claws 6 2 4 Beast, Agile 1 3 2 1/2

[Reaction] Musk of Fear
 A fighter can make this reaction after an enemy fighter finishes a Move action visible to this fighter and
within 3” of this fighter.
 Pick another friendly fighter who is not a Hired Sword or Dramatis Personae and who is within 3” of this
 The chosen fighter makes a bonus Move or bonus Disengage action.
 After that action, the chosen fighter must be more than 3” away from the enemy who made that Move
[Double] Scurry Away! [Double] Hired Bodyguard [Double] Barbed Net
Agile only. Elite only. Trapper only.
 A fighter can use this ability Until the end of the battle round,  Pick a visible enemy fighter
only if there is a visible enemy friendly fighters with the Hero within a number of inches of
within 3” of them. runemark cannot be targeted by this fighter equal to the value
 Roll a dice: On a roll of 2+, this enemy Attack actions or Abilities of this ability and roll a dice.
fighter may make a bonus while they are within 1" of this  On a 3+, that enemy cannot
Disengage action. fighter. make Move actions or
Disengage actions until the
end of the battle round.

[Triple] Eshin Triad [Triple] Running Death [Quad] Master of Silent Death
Scout only. Scout only. Scout only.
 Pick two friendly fighters, each  This fighter may make a bonus  This warrior can fly when
with the Eshin and Scout Move action or bonus making move actions until the
runemarks, and each within 8” Disengage action. end of his activation.
of this fighter.  In addition, add 1 to the  In addition, this warrior may
 The chosen fighters can each Damage allocated by critical make a bonus Move action.
make a bonus Move or a hits (but not normal hits) from  Then, he may make a bonus
bonus Disengage action (they Attack actions made by this Attack action.
do not have to make the same fighter this activation.

[Double] Assassin’s Leap [Double] Envenomed Weapons [Double] Children of the H. Rat
Hero-Scout only. Hero-Scout only. Hero-Mystic only.
This fighter can fly when making Add 1 to the Damage of hits and  Place a Giant Rat fighter that
Move actions until the end of his critical hits caused by this fighter’s you control, anywhere within
activation. Attack actions this activation. 5” of this fighter and at least
3” from all enemies.
 This fighter may be activated
this battle round.

[Triple] Skitterleap [Triple] Lead from the Back [Triple] Choke

Hero-Mystic only. Hero-Elite only. Hero-Mystic only.
 Pick another friendly fighter Until the end of the battle round,  Choose a visible enemy within
without the Mounted or add 1 to the Attacks characteristic 6” of this fighter and roll dice
Gargantuan runemarks that is of melee attack actions made by equal to the value of this
within 12" of this fighter. visible friendly fighters while they ability.
 Remove that fighter from the are within 6" of this fighter.  For roll that exceeds the
board. Toughness of that fighter,
 Then immediately place that allocate 5 Damage to them.
fighter anywhere on the
battlefield, a number of inches
of this fighter equal to the
value of this ability.
Cost Name Weapons 4 7 8 Runemarks 5 2 6 3 5 2 6 3
210 Possessed Great Claw 5 4 22 Hero, Brute, 1 3 5 3/6
195 Possessed Tentacles 5 4 22 Hero, Brute, 2 4 4 2/4
130 Master Dagger, 4 3 18 Hero, Mystic, 1 4 3 1/4 3-7 2 3 3/6
Magister Blast Minion
175 Foe-Render Axe, Shield 5 5 18 Hero, Brute, 1 4 4 2/4
140 Bestigor Halberd 5 4 12 Trapper 2 3 5 2/4
135 Darksoul Great Axe 4 4 15 Destroyer, 1 3 5 3/5
125 Darksoul Flail 4 4 15 Destroyer, 3 3 4 2/4
90 Fury Claws 8 3 8 Beast, Fly 1 3 3 1/2
80 C. Hound Jaws 8 3 10 Beast 1 3 3 1/3
80 Gor Swords 5 3 10 Trapper 1 4 3 1/3
75 Gor Sword, 5 4 10 Trapper 1 3 3 1/3
85 Ungor Short Bow 5 3 8 Trapper 1 2 3 1/3 3-12 2 3 1/3
70 Magister Dagger, 4 3 10 Mystic, 1 3 3 1/3 3-7 2 3 1/3
Blast Minion
70 Mutant Tentacles 4 3 10 Terrifying 2 3 3 1/4
70 Mutant Great Claw 4 3 10 Terrifying 1 3 4 1/4
55 Cultist Club, Shield 4 4 8 Minion 1 3 3 1/3
55 Cultist Spear, Shield 4 4 8 Minion 2 2 3 1/4
75 Cultist Bow 4 3 8 Minion 1 2 3 1/3 3-15 2 3 1/3

[Reaction] Blackblood
 A fighter can make this reaction when they are targeted by a melee Attack action.
 After the Damage is totaled, but before it is allocated to this fighter, roll a dice for each critical hit scored
from that Attack action.
 For each 3+, allocate 3 Damage to the fighter who made that Attack action.
[Double] Eye of God [Double] Brayherd Ambush [Double] Nightmarish Visage
Minion only. Trapper only. Terrifying only.
Until the end of the battle round,  Use only during the first battle  Pick a visible enemy fighter
each time an enemy was taken round. within a number of inches of
down by an Attack action made by  This warrior may make a this fighter equal to the value
this fighter, increase this fighter’s bonus Move action equal to of this ability and roll a dice.
Toughness by 1, or the Strength or the value of this ability in  On a 3+, until the end of the
Attacks of one weapon available to inches. battle round, that fighter
that fighter by 1, until the end of cannot make Move actions or
the battle. Disengage actions.

[Triple] Vision of Torment [Triple] Maniacal Rage [Quad] Wrath of the Shadowlord
Mystic only. Destroyer only.  This fighter makes a bonus
 Pick a visible enemy fighter  Roll a dice for each visible attack action.
within 8” of this fighter and enemy within 3” of this  In addition, a number of
roll dice equal to the value of fighter. normal hits scored by that
this ability.  On 3-4, allocate 1 Damage to attack action equal to half the
 If one or more of these dice the enemy being rolled for. value of this ability (rounding
score a 6, that enemy loses  On 5-6 allocate Damage equal up) become critical hits
one action this battle round. to the value of this ability to instead.
the enemy being rolled for.

[Double] Raging Frenzy [Double] Dark Blood [Double] Lure of Chaos
Hero-Brute only. Hero-Mystic only. Hero-Mystic only.
 Use only if an enemy has been  Roll dice equal to the value of  Pick a visible enemy fighter
taken down by an Attack this ability. within 6” of this fighter.
action by this warrior this  For each roll of 1, allocate 1  That enemy makes a bonus
activation. Damage to this fighter. Move action directly toward
 This warrior may make a  For each 4-5, add 1 to the this fighter, as if they were
bonus Move action or a bonus Damage of hits and critical hits jumping.
Attack action. of the next shooting Attack  That enemy moves a number
action made by this fighter of inches equal to the value of
this activation. this ability.
 For each 6, add 1 to the  The enemy can make this
Attacks of the next shooting Move action even if there are
Attack action made by this hostile fighters within 1” of
fighter this activation. them.

[Triple] Gristly Trophy [Triple] Wings of Darkness [Quad] Bestial Stampede

Hero-Trapper only. Hero-Mystic only. Hero-Trapper only.
 Use only if an enemy was  Until the end of the battle  Pick a number of visible
taken down by an Attack round, this fighter can fly friendly fighters with the
action by this fighter this when making Move actions. Possessed and Trapper
activation.  In addition, until the end of runemarks equal to the value
 Until the end of the battle the battle round, friendly of this ability that are each
round, add 1 to the Attacks fighters with the Possessed within 9" of this warrior.
characteristic of melee attack runemark can also fly when  Each of these fighters may
actions made by visible starting Move actions within make a bonus Move action or
friendly fighters while they are 6” of this warrior. a bonus Attack action (they do
within 9" of this fighter. not all have to make the same
Cost Name Weapons 4 7 8 Runemarks 5 2 6 3 5 2 6 3
215 Vampire Sword 5 5 25 Hero, Fly, 1 4 4 2/5
130 Necrom. Staff, Blast 4 3 18 Hero, Mystic 2 3 3 1/4 3-7 2 3 3/6
170 Ghoul Claws 5 4 20 Hero, 1 4 4 2/4
King Destroyer
165 Wight Sword, 3 5 25 Hero, Elite 1 4 4 2/5
King Shield
120 Wight Great Sword 3 4 15 Elite, Minion 1 3 5 3/5
115 Wight Halberd 3 4 15 Elite, Minion 2 3 5 2/4
100 Wight Sword, 3 5 15 Elite, Minion 1 3 4 2/4
55 Skeleton Halberd 3 4 10 Minion 1 2 4 1/4
50 Skeleton Sword, 3 4 10 Minion 1 3 3 1/3
50 Skeleton Spear, Shield 3 4 10 Minion 2 2 3 1/4
35 Zombie Claws 3 3 12 Minion 1 2 3 1/2
60 Ghoul Claws 5 3 8 Destroyer 1 3 3 1/3
60 Dreg Great Club 4 3 8 1 3 4 1/4
60 Dreg Halberd 4 3 8 2 2 4 1/4
55 Dreg Club, Shield 4 4 8 1 3 3 1/3
55 Dreg Spear, Shield 4 4 8 2 2 3 1/4
75 Dreg Bow 4 3 8 1 2 3 1/3 3-15 2 3 1/3
85 D. Wolf Jaws 8 3 10 Beast, Minion 1 3 3 1/3

[Reaction] Unfeeling Flesh
 A fighter can make this reaction when targeted by an Attack action, but before the hit rolls are made.
 Subtract 1 from the Damage allocated to this fighter from each hit and critical hit from that Attack action,
to a minimum of 1.
[Double] Aura of Dred [Double] Shambling Horde [Double] Feeding Frenzy
 A fighter must have at least Minion only. Destroyer only.
one runemark to use this  Use only if this fighter is  Use only if an enemy was
ability. within 6” of a visible friendly taken down by an Attack
 Roll a dice. fighter with the Hero action made by this fighter
 On a 2+, until the end of the runemark. this activation.
battle round, enemies within  This warrior may make a  Remove a number of Damage
3” of this fighter cannot make bonus Move action equal to from this fighter equal to the
reactions. the value of this ability. value of this ability.

[Triple] Debilitating Talons [Triple] Cursed Weapon [Quad] Chosen Champion

Destroyer only. Elite only. Elite only.
 Choose an enemy fighter Until the end of this fighter's  Use only if this fighter is within
within 1” of this fighter. activation, Attack actions made by 6” of a visible friendly fighter
 Until the end of the battle this fighter score critical hits on 5+. with the Hero runemark.
round, that enemy cannot  Until the end of this fighter’s
make Move or Disengage activation, add 3 to Attacks of
actions while within 1” of this Attack actions made by this
fighter. fighter.

[Double] Sleepless Sentinel [Double] Call of Vanhel [Double] Necrotic Syphon
Hero-Elite only. Hero-Mystic only. Hero-Mystic only.
Add half the value of this ability  Pick a number of visible  Pick a visible friendly fighter
(rounded up) to the Move friendly fighters with the with the Undead and Minion
characteristic of this fighter for the Undead and Minion runemarks within 6" of this
next Move action they make this runemarks equal to half the fighter.
activation. value of this ability (rounding  Allocate Damage equal to the
up) that are each within 3" of value of this ability to that
this fighter. fighter.
 Those fighters can each make  Then, remove a number of
a bonus Move action of a Damage from this fighter up
number of inches equal to the to double the value of this
value of this ability. ability.

[Tripe] Call the Crimson Feast [Triple] Re-Animation [Quad] Vanhel’s Danse Macabre
Hero-Destroyer only. Hero only. Hero-Mystic only.
Until the end of the battle round,  Choose any friendly fighter  Pick a number of visible
add 1 to the Attacks characteristic with the Minion runemark friendly fighters with the
of melee attack actions made by that has been taken down. Undead and Minion
visible friendly fighters while they  Place that fighter anywhere runemarks up to equal to the
are within 6" of this fighter. within 3” of this fighter. value of this ability that are
 If that fighter has the Elite each within 9" of this warrior.
runemark, remove Damage  Each of these fighters may
from that fighter equal to the make a bonus Move action or
value of this ability. a bonus Attack action (some
 Otherwise, that fighter has no can make Move and some can
Damage allocated to it. make Attack actions).
 That fighter no longer counts
as taken down.
Cost Name Weapons 4 7 8 Runemarks 5 2 6 3 5 2 6 3
120 Warlock Staff, Blast 4 3 15 Ally, Mystic 2 3 3 1/4 3-7 2 3 3/6
220 Ogre Great Club 4 5 30 Ally, 1 3 6 4/8
130 Elf Elf Bow 5 3 12 Ally, Scout 1 2 3 1/3 3-20 2 3 1/4
120 Slayer Axes 3 4 18 Ally, Berserker 1 5 4 2/4
55 Halfling Short Bow 4 2 6 Ally, Agile 1 2 2 1/3 3-12 2 3 1/3
125 Pit Fighter Gauntlet, 4 4 15 Ally, Champion 1 4 3 1/4 3 3 4 2/4
185 Freelancer Lance, 8 5 18 Ally, Mounted 2 3 5 2/4
[Reaction] Gladiatorial Display [Double] Lead with Strength [Double] Gauntlet Jab
Ally-Champion only. Ally-Champion only. Ally-Champion only.
 A fighter can make this  Use only if an enemy was  Pick a visible enemy fighter
reaction after he is targeted taken down by an Attack within 1" of this fighter and
by a melee Attack action but action made by this fighter roll a dice.
before the hit rolls are made. this activation.  On a 3+ allocate 3 Damage to
 If none of the hit rolls from  This fighter may make a bonus that fighter.
that Attack action result in a Move action or a bonus Attack
critical hit, allocate 4 damage action.
to the attacking enemy.

[Double] Relentless Zeal [Double] Monster Slayer [Triple] Deathblow

Ally-Berserker only. Ally-Berserker only. Ally-Berserker only.
Add 3” to this fighter’s next Move Add 1 to the Attacks and Strength  Use only if this fighter has 5 or
action this activation. of Attack actions this fighter makes more Damage allocated to
this activation that target an them.
enemy with a starting Wounds  This fighter may make a bonus
characteristic of 22 or more. Move action.
 Then, they may make a bonus
Attack action.

[Double] Wayfinder [Double] Elven Accuracy [Double] Enchanted Cloak

Ally-Scout only. Ally-Scout only. Ally-Scout only.
 Use only during the first battle Add half the value of this ability Until the end of the battle round,
round. (rounded up) to the Damage of hits enemies that are 3” or more away
 This warrior may make a and critical hits from the next from this fighter cannot target this
bonus Move action equal to shooting Attack action this fighter fighter with Attack actions as long
the value of this ability in makes this activation. as this fighter is within 1” of any
inches. terrain feature.

[Reaction] Hide in Plain Sight [Double] Hearty Stew [Triple] Trampling Charge
Ally-Agile only. Ally-Agile only. Ally-Gargantuan or Ally-Mounted
 A fighter can make this  Use only during the battle only.
reaction after an enemy round this fighter was  The next time this fighter
fighter finishes a Move action deployed. finishes a Move action within
visible to this fighter and  Select a fighter type from your 1” of one or more enemies
within 3” of this fighter. warband’s list with a points this activation, pick one of
 This fighter may make a bonus value of 65 or less. those enemies.
Move action or a bonus  Place a fighter of that type  Allocate a number of Damage
Disengage action. that you control anywhere to that enemy equal to the
within 3” of this fighter. value of this ability.

[Double] Sword of Rezhebel [Double] Silver Arrows of Arha [Triple] Fires of U’Zhul
Ally-Mystic only. Ally-Mystic only. Ally-Mystic only.
 Pick a visible fighter within 6” This fighter has access to the  Pick any visible enemy fighter
of this fighter or this fighter following attack profile for their within 9” of this fighter and
themselves. next shooting Attack action this roll 9 dice.
 Until the end of the battle activation:  For each 4+, allocate 1
round, add the value of this 5 2 6 3 Damage to the chosen enemy.
ability to the Strength of 3-15 * 3 1/2  If the value of this ability is 6,
melee Attack actions made by Where * is equal to the value of roll 12 dice instead of 9.
this fighter. this ability.
Cost Name Weapons 4 7 8 Runemarks 5 2 6 3 5 2 6 3
195 Aenur Great Sword 5 3 18 Hero, Elite 1 4 5 3/6
195 Johann Daggers, Knives 5 3 15 Hero, Agile 1 5 3 1/3 8 5 3 1/3
205 Bertha Hammers 4 5 20 Hero, Priest 1 5 4 2/4
225 Veskit Claws, Pistols 5 5 20 Hero, Champion 1 5 4 2/4 8 2 5 2/5

[Double] Beheading Strike [Double] Enchanted Cloak [Special] High Matriach

Hero-Elite only. Hero-Elite only. Hero-Priest only.
Until the end of this fighter’s Until the end of the battle round, This fighter may use any of the
activation, add half the value of enemies that are 3” or more away warband abilities available to
this ability (rounded up) to the from this fighter cannot target this Sisters of Sigmar, as well as that
Damage of critical hits (but not fighter with Attack actions as long warband’s unique Reaction,
normal hits) made by this fighter’s as this fighter is within 1” of any regardless of runemarks.
next melee Attack action. terrain feature.

[Reaction] Uncanny Dodge [Double] Scale Sheer Surfaces [Triple] Flurry of Throwing Knives
Hero-Agile only. Hero-Agile only. Hero-Agile only.
Until the end of the battle round, Until the end of this fighter’s Add half the value of this ability
subtract 1 from Attacks of Attack activation, do not count the (rounded up) to the Attacks of the
actions that target the chosen vertical distance moved for Move next shooting Attack action made
fighter (to a minimum of 1). actions by this fighter. by this fighter this activation.

[Double] Unyielding Executioner [Double] Unblinking Eye [Double] Metallic Body

Hero-Champion only. Hero-Champion only. Hero-Champion only.
Until the end of the battle round,  Use only if there is at least one Until the end of the battle round,
each time a visible enemy fighter enemy within 6” of this fighter deduct 1 from the Damage of hits
within 6" of this fighter makes a (the enemy does not have to and critical hits scored against this
Disengage action, but before that be visible to this fighter). fighter (to a minimum of 1).
fighter moves away, allocate D6  This fighter may make a bonus
Damage to that fighter. Move action, equal to the
value of this ability in inches,
and must finish closer to the
closest enemy than they were
at the beginning of that Move

Warlock Ogre Elf Slayer Halfling P.Fighter Freelancer Aenur Johann Bertha Veskit
Mercenaries V V V V V V V V V
W. Hunters V V V V V V V V
Sisters V V V V V V V V V
Possessed V V
Undead V V
Skaven V V

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