Umrah Guide

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Preparing for Ihram at the Miqat (Boundary for Ihram)**

- **Miqat** refers to the designated points where pilgrims must enter the state of Ihram. For those
traveling from different countries like India, the Miqat could be **Yalamlam** (for those arriving from the
south) or other Miqats depending on the route. Make sure to enter Ihram before crossing Miqat.
- **Ghusl (Purification)**: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to perform **Ghusl** before wearing the
Ihram. After Ghusl, men wear two unstitched white garments (one covering the upper body and one
covering the lower body). Women wear their regular modest Islamic clothing (covering the entire body
except the face and hands).
- **Niyyah (Intention)**: Before beginning the Umrah, it is essential to make the intention for Umrah at
Miqat. You can also combine Hajj if performing both.

**Du’a for Niyyah**:

- *“Labbaik Allahumma Umrah”*
*(Here I am, O Allah, making Umrah.)*

**2. Reciting the Talbiyah (Declaration of Pilgrimage)**

- After making the intention, you should start reciting the **Talbiyah**. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
continuously recited the Talbiyah after entering the state of Ihram until reaching the Ka'bah for Tawaf.

- *“Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik, Labbaika Laa Shareeka Laka Labbaik, Innal-Hamda Wan-Ni’mata
Laka Wal-Mulk, Laa Shareeka Lak.”*
*(Here I am, O Allah, here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Surely all praise, blessings,
and dominion are Yours. You have no partner.)*
The Talbiyah was repeated aloud, especially by men, as per the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

**3. Entering Masjid al-Haram and Seeing the Ka'bah**

- Upon arriving in Makkah, you should enter **Masjid al-Haram** with respect and humility. Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) would enter the mosque through **Bab as-Salam (Gate of Peace)** and lower his
gaze until reaching the Ka'bah.

**Du’a for entering the mosque**:

- *“Bismillah, Wassalatu Wassalamu 'Ala Rasoolillah. Allahumma Aftah li Abwaba Rahmatik.”*
*(In the name of Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, open for me
the doors of Your mercy.)*

**4. Tawaf (Circumambulating the Ka'bah)**

- Begin the **Tawaf** at the **Black Stone (Hajr al-Aswad)**. It is Sunnah to kiss or touch the Black
Stone if possible. If you cannot reach it due to crowds, simply point towards it while reciting:

**Du’a at the Black Stone**:

- *“Bismillah, Allahu Akbar.”*
*(In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest.)*

- The Prophet (PBUH) would make seven circuits around the Ka'bah in an anti-clockwise direction. Each
time you pass the Black Stone, say **Bismillah, Allahu Akbar**.

- **Du’a during Tawaf**:

There is no specific du’a for each round, but it is recommended to recite this well-known supplication:
- *“Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan wa qina 'adhab an-nar.”*
*(Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and protect us from the punishment of
the Fire.)*
Feel free to make other du’as from your heart during Tawaf or engage in dhikr such as **Subhanallah,
Alhamdulillah, La ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar**.

- **Raml (Brisk Walking)**: During the first three rounds, men should perform **Raml**, which means
walking briskly with short steps. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did this to show the strength and vigor of

- **Istilam**: After completing each round, gesture towards the Black Stone by raising your hand if you
cannot kiss it, saying **Allahu Akbar**.

**5. Two Rak'ahs at Maqam Ibrahim (Station of Ibrahim)**

- After completing the Tawaf, proceed to **Maqam Ibrahim** and offer **two Rak'ahs** of Salah.

**First Rak'ah**: Recite **Surah al-Kafirun**.

**Second Rak'ah**: Recite **Surah al-Ikhlas**.

It is Sunnah to pray close to Maqam Ibrahim if possible, or elsewhere in the mosque if it’s crowded.

**6. Drinking Zamzam Water**

- After completing the prayer, go to the **Zamzam well** and drink the blessed water. You may also pour
some over your head as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to do.

**Du’a for drinking Zamzam**:

- *“Allahumma inni as'aluka 'ilman naafi'an, wa rizqan wasi'an, wa shifa'an min kulli daa'in.”*
*(O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, vast provision, and healing from every disease.)*

**7. Sa’i between Safa and Marwah**

- Proceed to **Safa** and recite this du’a upon climbing it:

**Du’a at Safa**:
- *“Inna as-Safa wal-Marwata min Sha'airillah.”*
*(Indeed, Safa and Marwah are among the symbols of Allah.)*

- Face the **Ka'bah**, raise your hands, and make any personal du’a.
- Walk from **Safa to Marwah** seven times (one round is from Safa to Marwah, and another from
Marwah back to Safa).
- Men are encouraged to jog between the two green markers, symbolizing the running of Hajar (mother of
Prophet Isma’il).
- At **Marwah**, repeat the du’a similar to Safa.

**8. Shaving or Trimming the Hair**

- After completing Sa’i, men should shave their heads (Sunnah) or trim their hair all over. Women should
cut a small portion of hair (about the length of a fingertip).

**Shaving the head** is highly recommended because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) made du’a three
times for men who shaved their heads and only once for those who trimmed.

**9. Exiting Ihram**

- Once the hair is shaved or trimmed, you are officially out of **Ihram**, and your Umrah is complete.

- You can now return to your regular activities, free from the restrictions of Ihram.

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