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// ==UserScript==
// @name bls DOORSTEP
// @namespace // @description try to take over the world! // @author testing // @match *://* // @@match // @match *://* // @match // @◙match // @icon  = // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // Define the values you want to autofill var firstName = 'John'; var lastName = 'Doe'; var email = ''; var mobileNo = '1234567890'; var city = 'New York'; var locationText = 'Oran'; // Define the location text you want to select // Function to select an option from the dropdown list function selectOptionFromDropdown(selector) { var option = document.querySelector(selector); if (option) {; } } // Function to select a location from the Kendo dropdown function selectKendoLocation(locationText) { // Find the Kendo dropdown widget const dropdownElement = $ ("#LocationId").data("kendoDropDownList"); if (dropdownElement) { // Set the value based on the text of the location dropdownElement.text(locationText);
// Trigger the change event if necessary
dropdownElement.trigger("change"); } else { console.log("Kendo dropdown element not found."); } } // Function to autofill the inputs, solve captcha manually, and submit function autofillSolveCaptchaAndSubmit() { var firstNameInput = document.querySelector('#FirstName'); // Replace '#FirstName' with the CSS selector for the First Name input field var lastNameInput = document.querySelector('#LastName'); // Replace '#LastName' with the CSS selector for the Last Name input field var emailInput = document.querySelector('#Email'); // Replace '#Email' with the CSS selector for the Email input field var mobileNoInput = document.querySelector('#Mobile'); // Replace '#Mobile' with the CSS selector for the Mobile Number input field var cityInput = document.querySelector('#City'); // Replace '#City' with the CSS selector for the City input field var verifyButton = document.querySelector('#btnVerify'); // Replace '#btnVerify' with the CSS selector for the Verify button var submitButton = document.querySelector('#btnSubmit'); // Replace '#btnSubmit' with the CSS selector for the Submit button if (firstNameInput && lastNameInput && emailInput && mobileNoInput && cityInput && verifyButton && submitButton) { firstNameInput.value = firstName; lastNameInput.value = lastName; emailInput.value = email; mobileNoInput.value = mobileNo; cityInput.value = city; selectKendoLocation(locationText);; // Wait for 11 seconds before submitting setTimeout(function() {; }, 15000); } } // Call the autofillSolveCaptchaAndSubmit function autofillSolveCaptchaAndSubmit(); })();