Acetone Micronoyaux 1 Du 15
Acetone Micronoyaux 1 Du 15
Acetone Micronoyaux 1 Du 15
4 863-869
Received November 27, 1992; Revised and Accepted January 19, 1993
DNA modification
Flgnre 1. Chemical structures of base modifications recognized by the repair
The exposure of PM2 DNA (10 /ig/ml) to all agents was carried endonucleases used in this study (see Table I).
out in phosphate buffer (5 mM KH2PO4, 50 mM NaCl, pH
7.4). The exposure to UV radiation (254 nm), to NDPO2 and
to xanthine in the presence of xanthine oxidase (10 units/ml) and the following repair endonuclease preparations: (i) exonuclease
Feflll) -EDTA (100 /*M) has been described previously (23,25). m , 300 U/ml in 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 100 mM NaCl, 15
The exposure to UV radiation (333 nm) in the presence and mM CaCl2. (") FPG protein, 3 /tg/ml in BE,5 buffer (BE,
absence of acetone or acetophenone was carried out in a 4 x 4 buffer containing 15 mM EDTA), (iii) endonuclease HI, 40 ng/ml
mm quartz tube by means of an argon ion laser (Innova 100, in BE15 buffer and (iv) endonuclease IV, 10 U/ml in BE,5
Coherent; output 2.5 W in most experiments), the 333-nm buffer. The reactions were stopped by addition of 3 /tl 10%
spectral line of which was isolated with a prism and widened sodium dodecyl sulfate and the DNA applied to an agarose slab
to yield approx. 2.9 kW/m2. In some of the experiments, electrophoresis gel. After electrophoresis and staining with
sodium azide ( 0 - 6 mM), SOD (60 U/ml) or catalase (280 U/ml) ethidium bromide, the relative amounts of the supercoiled and
was added or H2O in the buffer was replaced by D2O. In the the nicked form of the DNA were determined using a
last case, the pD of the buffer was adjusted according to Srere fluorescence scanner (FTR20, Sigma Instruments, Berlin). From
et al. (26); the final isotope purity was greater than 95%. The these values, the average number of single strand breaks per DNA
DNA was precipitated by ethanol/sodium acetate and redissolved molecule produced either directly by the damaging agent or by
in BE,-buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 1 the subsequent enzymatic incision at the endonuclease-sensMve
mM EDTA) for damage analysis. modifications was calculated by means of a Poisson equation as
described previously (25,27).
DNA relaxation assay
An aliquot of 0.3 /ig of the modified DNA in 20 /J BE, buffer Modification of calf thymus DNA and HPLC analysis
was incubated for 30 min at 37 °C with 10 /d of buffer (for the The exposure of calf thymus DNA (50 ng in 100 /tl phosphate
determination of directly produced strand breaks) or of one of buffer) to acetone (2.7 M) plus 333 nm laser radiation (200
Nucleic Acids Research, 1993, Vol. 21, No. 4 865
scatoptwnone (6 mil]
• UV">
Figure 2. DNA modifications induced in PNC DNA by various doses of 333 nm UV radiation in the presence or absence of acetone (2.7 M) or acetophenone
(6 mM): DNA single strand breaks (O) and sum of single strand breaks plus (i) sites sensitive to FPG protein ( • ) , (ii) UV endonuclease (A), (iii) endonuclease
m ( • ) , fiv) endonuclease IV (D) and (v) exonuclease m (A).
I UV ndo.
kJ/m2) was carried out as decribed above for PM2 DNA. The Figure 4. DNA damage profiles: various endonuclease-sensitive modifications
DNA was precipitated, redissolved in 100 y\ BE{ buffer and (first to sixth column) and single strand breaks (seventh column) observed in PM2
DNA after treatment with (i) acetone (2.6 M) plus U V " 3 (86 J/m2) (ii)
incubated with 5 /ig FPG protein for 2h at 37CC. The excised acetophenone (6 mM) plus UV533 (8.6 J/trr3); (iii) UV234 (8.7 J/m2) fiv) NDPO,
bases were separated from the DNA on an anion exchange in ^ O buffer (3.5 mM, 2 h, 37°Q and (v) ranthine (8 11M) in the presence
minicolumn (Quiagen, USA) and applied to a reversed-phase of xanthine oxidase and Fe(in)-EDTA (30 min, 20°Q.
HPLC column (LC-18S, Supelco, USA.; 25 cm; 5-/tm particle
size) equipped with a UV detector operating at 290 nm and eluted
with 50 mM phosphate buffer pH 5.5, which contained 5% damage, much lower concentrations of acetophenone than of
methanol, at a flow rate of 1.2 ml/min. When authentic acetone were needed; only few modifications are generated by
8-hydroxyguanine was added to unmodified DNA before the UV333 alone in the absence of any photosensitizer (Fig. 2,
incubation with FPG protein, the recovery was found to be more Table II).
than 80%. In Fig. 4, the data are replotted in the form of DNA damage
profiles, which show the ratios of the various types of
RESULTS modifications induced. For comparison, Fig. 4 also depicts DNA
damage profiles which were observed after (i) direct excitation
DNA damage profiles of DNA by 254 nm UV irradiation, (ii) exposure to singlet
Supercoiled PM2 DNA (104 bp) was exposed to 333 nm laser oxygen, generated by thermal decomposition of NDPO2, (32)
radiation in phosphate buffer, both in the presence and absence and (iii) exposure to hydroxyl radicals, generated by xanthine
of acetone or acetophenone. The irradiated DNA was analysed and xanthine oxidase in the presence of Fe(III)-EDTA. These
for strand breaks and for modifications sensitive to various repair damage profiles have been described earlier (23,25,33,34).
endonucleases (see Table I and Fig. 1). As shown in Fig. 2, all The data (Fig. 4) indicate that the DNA damage induced by
types of modification increased linearly with irradiation time. A irradiation in the presence of acetone or acetophenone consists
linear increase of the extent of damage was also observed when predominantly of base modifications; both strand breaks and sites
the acetophenone concentration was varied between 0.1 and 10 of base loss (AP sites, recognized by exonuclease IE or
mM at constant irradiation time (Fig. 3). From the best-fit straight endonuclease IV) are relatively rare. Among the base
lines, the numbers of modifications per radiation dose were modifications detected, pyrimidine dimers (recognized by the UV
calculated (Table II). To induce a comparable extent of DNA endonuclease from M.luteus) are most frequent. The number of
866 Nucleic Acids Research, 1993, Vol. 21, No. 4
Table n . Endonuclease-sensitive modifications and single strand breaks induced in PM2 DNA by UV (333 nm) irradiation in the
presence and absence of photosensitizers
Acetone (2.7 M) 0.01 13.6±0.7 5.2 ±0.7 27.3 ±0.4 1.9±0.3 0.3 ±0.2 0.71 ±0.06
Acetophenone (6 mM) 0.10 26.5 ±1.3 6.3 ±1.4 291 ±23 2.1 ±0.3 1.5±0.3 2.1 ±0.1
None 0.00 0.07 ±0.02 0.01 ±0.02 0.40 ±0.04 0.04 ±0.03 0.01 ±0.03 0.027 ±0.008
absorbance [Ig (I</I)] per cm of the irradiated solution in comparison to the buffer alone.
number of modifications ( ± S.D.) per 104 base pairs and unit dose (J/mm2) calculated by linear regression from the data points
shown in Fig. 2.
c g
~ modifications sensitive to FPG protein (formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase), endonuclease ID, UV endonuclease preparation
from M. luteus, endonuclease IV and exonuclease m, respectively
single strand breaks
» UV«ndo. *
,1 1 10 100 1000 10000 • FPQpraWn
TaWe IV. Effects of SOD, catalase and D2O as solvent on the endonuclease-sensra've modifications
induced by acetone (2.7 M) plus UV333
* Number of modifications observed in H2O buffer without SOD or catalase defined as 100%
Values represent means ±S.D.; the number of determinations are given in parentheses
• OH-Qui m e d l . DMA
(40 pan!) • FPQ proMa
i V
= c
= .001 .01 10 100 0 2
\J 10
Figure 7. Quenching by sodium azide of DNA modifications sensitive to FPG 10 0 5 10
protein induced by NDPOj (20 mM, 2 h, 37°Q. Left panel: semilogarithmic elutton tlm* (mln)
plot of the relative number of DNA modifications versus the azide anion
concentration (mM). Right panels: Stern-Volmer plots of the inverse of the
Figure 8. HPLC chromatograms of (i) authentic 8-hydroxyguanine (40 prool,
relative number of DNA modifications versus the azide anion concentration.
left panel); (ii) a preparation of bases excised by FPG protein (50 /tg/ml) from
calf thymus DNA (50 ^g) after irradiation with UV333 (200 kl/m2) in the
by near-UV radiation in the presence of acetone and presence of acetone (2.7 M) (central panel) and (iii) a control preparation, in
acetophenone. The following experiments were carried out to which FPG protein was omitted (right panel).
test this hypothesis.
The azide anion is known as an efficient quencher of singlet in D2O, as expected (data not shown). The large D2O effect was
oxygen (35). The influence of various concentrations of sodium also observed when the modification by NDPO2 was carried out
azide on the generation of DNA modifications by acetone plus in the presence of 20% acetone (data not shown). It must be
UV333 is shown in Fig. 6. The slopes of Stern-Volmer plots concluded that the damaging mechanism in the case of the
(inverse of the relative damage versus the azide concentration) photosensitizers does not involve singlet oxygen, H2O2 or
afford quenching constants which are given in Table HI. The data superoxide.
indicate that azide ions suppress the generation of FPG-sensitive
modifications by acetone plus UV333 300-fold more efficiently HPLC analysis of the FPG-sensitive base modifications
than the generation of the pyrimidine dimers. For comparison, The modified DNA bases excised by FPG protein from calf
the effect of azide ions on the singlet oxygen-mediated damage thymus DNA were analysed by HPLC equipped with a UV
induced by NDPO2 was also measured (Fig. 7). Unexpectedly, detector (290 nm). For DNA that had been exposed to acetone
the quenching constant for the FPG-sensitive modifications plus UV333 a peak was detected which co-eluted with
produced with NDPO2 was only one thirtieth of that for the 8-hydroxyguanine (7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine) (Fig. 8). No such
FPG-sensitive modifications produced with acetone and UV333 peak was observed with DNA incubated in the absence of FPG
(Table ffl). protein (Fig. 8). When unmodified DNA is incubated with FPG
protein, a small peak was detected which corresponds to approx.
Effects of superoxide and catalase and of DjO as solvent 2.5 pmol 8-hydroxyguanine per 50 /tg DNA (not shown). The
DNA damage mediated by singlet oxygen is expected to increase amount of 8-hydroxyguanine excised from DNA after exposure
in D2O as solvent, since the life-time of singlet oxygen is to acetone plus UV333 was only approx. 15% of the amount of
approx. ten-fold greater in D2O than in H2O (36,37). Decreased FPG-sensitive base modifications calculated on the assumption
damage in the presence of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and that: (0 the number of FPG-sensitive base modifications increases
catalase would indicate the involvement of superoxide or H2O2 linearly with the radiation dose even at high doses, (ii) relatively
in the damaging mechanism. As shown in Table IV, neither SOD high levels of damage (approx. 10 pyrimidine dimers and 5 FPG-
and catalase nor the solvent change to D2O had a significant sensitive modifications per 103 base pairs) do not prevent
effect (within the experimental error) on the generation of incision by FPG protein at all sensitive base modifications, (iii)
pyrimidine dimers and FPG-sensitive base modifications by the DNA concentration does not influence the number of
acetone plus UV330. In contrast, the number of FPG-sensitive modifications induced per mole DNA and (iv) calf thymus DNA
modifications generated by chemically generated singlet oxygen is as reactive as PM2 DNA. No attempts were made to verify
(thermal decomposition of NDPOJ was approx. ten-fold greater these assumptions.
868 Nucleic Acids Research, 1993, Vol. 21, No. 4