Compressed Air Compressor Curve Calculator With Equipment Inputs COMPRESSORS Comp 1 Comp 2 Effective date of CAGI sheet 8/2009 8/2009 C1 Manufacture Ingersol Rand Atlas Copco C2 Model H250W ZA 315 VSD C3 Full load CFM 1070 2020 C4 Rated pressure, psig 125 125 C6 Compressor nameplate HP 250 394 C7 Compressor nameplate efficiency 94,1% 95,8% C8 Fan nameplate HP 0 0 C9 Fan nameplate efficiency 0,0% 0,0% C10 Total input kW at 0 flow 49,0 0,0 C11 Total kW at rated flow/pressure 200,5 331,0 C12 Specific Package kW / 100 CFM 18,7 16,4 C13 Control Type On Line / Off Line VFD C15 Unload kW as a % of Full Load kW 24% 0% C16 Reload pressure set point (low psig) 105 119 C17 Unload pressure set point (high psig) 115 121 C18 Compressor avg. discharge pressure 110 120 C21 Receiver capacity (gallons) 2900 2900 C22 Compressor timeout delay (minutes) 10 0 C23 Cooling Type Water Cooled Water Cooled