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Meet 24 hours 25 AMITY UNIVERSITY



June 23, 2023


MBA’s Class of 2023


Note – Those have registered for campus process may only apply.

About the Company:

"Oriflame founded in 1967, we are a social selling beauty company in over 60 markets, with a
diverse portfolio of Swedish, nature-inspired, innovative beauty and wellness products sold and
marketed through approximately 3 million Oriflame Brand Partners.
Because we’re from Sweden, we have a different view on beauty and business. To us it’s the
combination of how you live, feel, look and act that makes you beautiful – as a person and as a
corporation. This is reflected in the Oriflame business opportunity and in Oriflame’s social and
environmental policies.

We are committed to sustainability and believe that every step taken towards reducing GHG
emissions and packaging waste can make a difference in reducing our business environmental
footprint and contribute towards positive change.

Position Offered : Business Coach and Management Trainee

Qualification: MBA

Salary : 10 LPA

NOTE : The employees will be joining us in Delhi office for 6 months for onboarding and in -
ductions. Post that, 2 would be moved to West (Mumbai) and 2 would be handling Delhi.
Hence, please make sure the candidates are open to shift, as this would be an in-office employ-
Role title Business Trainer
Function Sales
Level Reporting to Area Manager / Regional Sales Manager
The business Trainer works very closely with assigned Sales force & Leaders to create, execute and deliver Top-line Growth and Con-
tribute to bottom-line numbers for the assigned networks by training them on the concepts, products and the remuneration plan.
Working closely with the business coaches & creating an inspiring working environment for all by building strong and independent
Leaders who are ready to take India to its Vision.

 to support, execute and deliver Top-line Growth

 To support the short- & long-term goals for the assigned
 Growth with consistency and stability for the assigned
Vision & Strategy utilities
 To encourage & support Independent Leadership
through SARPIO

 Overall ownership of making Training Strategies, imple-

mentation, execution & results for the assigned networks

 To deliver monthly/quarterly/yearly Activity & Sales tar-

gets for the assigned networks
 To Organize, Promote and Support all Oriflame activities
and events such as new product launches, seminars, conferences,
prospecting activities, incentive trips & communicate timely to
Assigned Network Growth the assigned networks to keep them motivated.
 To constantly strategize and identify new locations to in-
 Geographical troduce and penetrate our business.
 Top-line  To encourage & create independent leadership through
 Managing bottom-line SARPIO.
number  Building Strong Relationship with leaders to put them on
 Consistency growth track and achieve set goals.
 Stability  To develop & support independent leaders through im-
 Independent Leaders plementation of various trainings in coordination with business
 Leadership Development coaches.
 Efficiency & Capability-  100% implementation of targets with regular and qual-
Leaders ity reviews/feedback with RSM
 Process and training Im-  Promoting and Executing leader led Events & Club to
plementation long term & consistent growth
 Act as an expert trainer, guide & establish leadership
growth and enhance their training skills.
 Should always in-search for new and innovative ideas
 Act as a link by sharing best practices, which can improve
Sales, Recruitment rate & productivity
 Actively uphold the code of ethics as laid down in the
policy manual & report violation if any for the assigned networks
 To submit all the reports, updates & data related to LD,
contests & Launches
 Strong follow-ups with the assigned networks on recruit-
ment, conference qualifications, various competitions & con-


 One needs to emerge as a role model and leader and live upto Oriflame Core Values – Togetherness, Spirit & Pas-
 Challenge can be Lack of professionalism & immature leadership, which needs to be handled with clear & constant
professional conduct & communication
 One needs to be detail oriented in approach and must be able to simplify the thoughts and communicate effec-
tively to everybody.
 Relationship management is must with leaders to run the show effectively.
 Higher level of knowledge and training experience is essential for this profile.

To carry this role, one needs to be a quick decision maker and expert of crisis management in any circumstances/ situations. It’s es-
sential to have relevant information, knowledge, should know who’s who, which will help/support taking key decisions

Sales, Activity of Old SF , Sales per active, Sales of wellness and Skin Care sets


To work with SF to deliver KPIs & drive various LD & Sales initiatives in coordination with RSM’s to make leaders to create indepen-
dent leadership.
To work with RSM’s to identify improvement areas and improve execution

Business Trainers must be exceptionally good in Training, effective communicators and having strong commitment towards their
vision. Focused on assigned responsibilities and should deliver within stipulated timelines. One should be confident in themselves
and their knowledge in order to be able to question, explain, challenge, share, encourage, listen and inspire. Must be focused on
creating value to the business and are using inputs and information from others to achieve the objective. The work environment is
fast moving and entrepreneurial and plans are frequently adjusted thus business coach needs to be flexible and able to adopt to en-
sure best outcome for the business. With a positive mind-set you always see the bright aspects of a situation and bounce back
quickly from eventual setbacks. Be a coach and mentor for sales force in driving the Sales & leadership concept through Oriflame


Strong ability to inspire leaders, persuade through dreams and desire, influence and ex-
plore positions and alternatives to reach outcomes that will gain acceptance of all parties
and meet Oriflame sales objectives. To create innovative ideas & concept that is informa-
tive and inspirational for the leaders to form right networks and enable leadership devel-
People Manage- Must have very strong people management skill with clear interest in making a change in
ment people’s life. Must be detail oriented and accuracy in all the tasks with flair for creativity.
One must have deep knowledge on various aspects in Oriflame business, Oriflame prod-
Leadership Man- ucts & Business opportunity viz. Success Plan. Strong ability to drive business through
agement trainings that is informative and inspirational for the leaders to form right networks and
enable leadership development
Creativity It’s a must for business coach to be highly creative in nature
Communication Must be an excellent communicator in all forms and a good presenter to inspire leaders.


 University Degree Bachelor / Masters
 Management Degree or Equivalent will be added advantage
 - Industry experience would be an added advantage
 Previous experience from direct sales would be an added advantage
 Interest in trainings and proven record in conducting various trainings of different scales
 Relevant Sales Experience as a people manager.
 Multi Language will be preferred
Role title Business Coach & Area Sales Manager
Function Sales
Level Reporting to Area Manager / Regional Sales Manager
The business coach works very closely with assigned Sales force & Leaders to create, execute and deliver Top-line Growth and Con-
tribute to bottom-line numbers for the assigned networks by bringing efficiency and cost controls. To create short term as well as
long term growth with consistency and stability. Working closely with the business trainers & creating an inspiring working environ-
ment for all by building strong and independent Leaders who are ready to take India to its Vision.

 to create, execute and deliver Top-line Growth

 To build short- & long-term goals for the assigned networks
Vision & Strategy  bringing efficiency and cost consciousness
 Growth with consistency and stability for the assigned utilities
 To encourage & support Independent Leadership through SARPIO
 To Track reports & Analyse data – take relevant actions to reach the Goal
 Overall ownership of making Strategies, implementation, execution & res-
ults for the assigned networks

 To create & deliver short term as well as long term growth with consis-
tency and stability
 To deliver monthly/quarterly/yearly Recruitment & Sales targets for the
assigned networks
 To Organize, Promote and Support all Oriflame activities and events such
Assigned Network Growth as new product launches, seminars, conferences, prospecting activities, incentive
trips & communicate timely to the assigned networks to keep them motivated.
 Geographical  To constantly strategize and identify new locations to introduce and pen-
 Top-line etrate our business.
 Managing  To encourage & create independent leadership through SARPIO.
bottom-line  Building Strong Relationship with leaders to put them on growth track and
number achieve set goals.
 Consistency  To develop & support independent leaders through implementation of
 Stability various trainings in coordination with business trainers
 Independent  To ensure implementation of the process created for feedback, inputs for
Leaders markets & leaders
 Leadership  100% implementation of targets with regular and quality reviews/feed-
Development back with RSM
 Efficiency &  To Execute and create excitement among SF for various Competitions/
Capability-Leaders Challenges/Various Launches
 Process and  Promoting and Executing leader led Events & Club to long term & consist-
training Implemen- ent growth
tation  Act as an expert coach, guide & establish leadership growth and enhance
their skills through regular coaching
 Should always in-search for new and innovative ideas
 Act as a link by sharing best practices, which can improve Sales, Recruit-
ment rate & productivity
 Actively uphold the code of ethics as laid down in the policy manual & re-
port violation if any for the assigned networks
 To submit all the reports, updates & data related to LD, contests &
 Strong follow-ups with the assigned networks on recruitment, conference
qualifications, various competitions & contests.

 One needs to emerge as a role model and leader and live upto Oriflame Core Values – Togetherness, Spirit &
 Challenge can be Lack of professionalism & immature leadership, which needs to be handled with clear & constant
professional conduct & communication
 One needs to be detail oriented in approach and must be able to simplify the thoughts and communicate effec-
tively to everybody.
 Relationship management is must with leaders to run the show effectively.
 Higher level of knowledge and training experience is essential for this profile.

To carry this role, one needs to be a quick decision maker and expert of crisis management in any circumstances/ situations. It’s es-
sential to have relevant information, knowledge, should know who’s who, which will help/support taking key decisions

Sales Volume, Sales Growth, Sales force, Recruitment rate, Avg SF, Leadership development – New titles, tracking conferences &
driving various competitions.


To work with SF to deliver KPIs & drive various LD & Sales initiatives in coordination with RSM’s to make leaders to create indepen-
dent leadership.
To work with RSM’s to identify improvement areas and improve execution
Work closely with RSM on various sales related projects

Business coach must be exceptionally good in relationship building, effective communicators, strategy makers and having strong
commitment towards their vision. Focused on assigned responsibilities and should deliver within stipulated timelines. One should
be confident in themselves and their knowledge in order to be able to question, explain, challenge, share, encourage, listen and in-
spire. Must be focused on creating value to the business and are using inputs and information from others to achieve the objective.
The work environment is fast moving and entrepreneurial and plans are frequently adjusted thus business coach needs to be flex-
ible and able to adopt to ensure best outcome for the business. With a positive mind-set you always see the bright aspects of a situ-
ation and bounce back quickly from eventual setbacks. Be a coach and mentor for sales force in driving the Sales & leadership
concept through Oriflame way.


Strong ability to inspire leaders, persuade through dreams and desire, influence and explore po-
sitions and alternatives to reach outcomes that will gain acceptance of all parties and meet Ori-
Sales Management
flame sales objectives. To create innovative ideas & concept that is informative and inspira-
tional for the leaders to form right networks and enable leadership development
Must have very strong people management skill with clear interest in making a change in
People Management
people’s life. Must be detail oriented and accuracy in all the tasks with flair for creativity.
One must have deep knowledge on various aspects in Oriflame business, Oriflame products &
Leadership Manage- Business opportunity viz. Success Plan. Strong ability to drive business through trainings that is
ment informative and inspirational for the leaders to form right networks and enable leadership de-
Creativity It’s a must for business coach to be highly creative in nature
Communication Must be an excellent communicator in all forms and a good presenter to inspire leaders.


 University Degree Bachelor / Masters
 Management Degree or Equivalent will be added advantage
 - Industry experience would be an added advantage
 Previous experience from direct sales would be an added advantage
 Interest in trainings and proven record in conducting various trainings of different scales
 Relevant Sales Experience as a people manager.
 Multi Language will be preferred

Registration Link :

Deadline : 2 PM, 25th June

(Kritika Das Gupta)

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