01 Advertisement Faculty IIIT Kalyani 2019
01 Advertisement Faculty IIIT Kalyani 2019
01 Advertisement Faculty IIIT Kalyani 2019
(Autonomous institution under MHRD, Govt. Of India & Department of
Information Technology & Electronics, Govt. of West Bengal)
c/o WEBEL IT Park, Opposite of Kalyani Water Treatment Plant,
Near Buddha Park, Dist. Nadia, Kalyani - 741235, West Bengal
[email protected]
[email protected], website-www.iiitkalyani.ac.in www.iiitkalyani.ac.in
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani invites applications from Indian nationals for
recruitment to the following faculty/non-faculty positions :
Sl.No. Name of the Post(s) No. of posts Pay Level as per 7th CPC
1. Associate Professor (CSE/IT) 02 13A2
2. Assistant Professor 09 10, 11 and 12
Grade II & Grade I (CSE)
3. Registrar 01 14
4. Assistant Registrar 01 10
4. Library & Information Assistant 01 6
5. Junior Assistant 03 3
The candidates must specify the position applying for. However, the Selection Committee
may decide to consider the candidate in alternative position as well.
1. Cadres
Associate Professor Ph. D. 6 years after Ph.D. of which at least 3 years at the 50
with Level 13A2 level of Assistant Professor with Level 12.
2. Notes
1. Any change in the Level will be through open advertisement and on recommendation of
duly constituted selection committee, except where specifically exempted in these Rules.
2. All new entrants shall have Ph.D. in the relevant / equivalent discipline and shall have
first class in the preceding degrees.
3. For existing faculty members who completed their Ph.D. along-with their normal
teaching load of Institute / QIP, the enrolment period of Ph.D. will be counted as teaching
5. For the departments which are not having any vacancy, movement in higher Level will be
carried out as per prescribed selection process but it will be restricted to only for serving
faculty members of the respective departments.
3. Ph.D. completed (including thesis 8 per Ph.D. student. (In case there are more than
submitted cases) one supervisor, then the Guide (1st Supervisor)
gets 5 credit points per student and the rest to be
divided equally among other supervisor(s).
4. One Journal paper in SCI/ Scopus 4 per paper since the last promotion. First
(Paid Journals not allowed) author/Main Supervisor will get 2 and rest will
be divided among others.
6. HOD, Dean, Chief Warden, Professor 2 points per semester up to a max of 16 credit
Incharge (Training & Placement), points since the last promotion.
Advisor (Estate), CVO, PI (Exam),
TEQIP (Coordinator).
10. Workshop / FDP / short terms courses 2 per course up to a maximum of 8 credit s since
of min 05 working days duration the last promotion.
offered as coordinator or convener.
11. For conducting national programs like 2 credit points per course up to a max of 4 credit
GIAN etc.as course coordinator. points since the last promotion.
Program of 2 week duration
1 credit point per course up to a max of 2 credit
Program of 1 week duration points since the last promotion
13. Length of service over and above the 2 credit points per year with maximum of 10
relevant minimum teaching credit points since the last promotion.
experience required for a given cadre.
14. Establishment of New Lab(s) 4 credit points since the last promotion.
15. Theory Teaching of over and above 6 1 credits / credit hrs. up to a max. of 6 credit
credit hrs. course points since the last promotion.
18. Text/Reference Books published on 6 credit points per book up to a max. of 18 points
relevant subjects from reputed since the last promotion.
international publishers
20. Significant outreach Institute out 1 credit point / activity up to a max of 4 credit
Activities points since the last promotion.
Selection Procedure
1. After Screening, the shortlisted candidates shall be invited for presentation.
Shortlisting criteria for calling for presentation may be fixed higher than those in the
2. Those candidates who will be recommended after presentation shall be invited for the
interview before the Statutory Selection Committee. No candidate can directly appear
before the statutory selection committee.
3. Based on the recommendations of the statutory selection committee and approval of
the Board of Governors, the appointment letters shall be issued.
Reservation is applicable as per Government of India rules. The candidate belonging to
reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PwD) are required to attach the Caste/ Category
certificate in prescribed format of Government of India. The Institute follows the Central list
in the case of SC/ST and OBC-NCLs.
In addition to normal pay and allowances, other benefits will be applicable as per Institute rules.
1. The application form and essential qualification, experience and other details be downloaded
from www.iiitkalyani.ac.in
2. The application form (hard copy) complete in all respect is to be submitted to Registrar (Offg.),
Indian Institute of Information Technology Kalyani, WEBEL IT Park, 14, Adibasi Para, Opp.
Kalyani Water Treatment Plant, Near Buddha Park, Kalyani, Nadia, PIN : 741 235, West Bengal,
India on or before 15.06.2019 by Speed Post only.
3. The completed application form along with Demand Draft of Rs. 600/- (Rupees Six hundred
only) [ Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred only) for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates], Non-
Refundable, drawn in favour of the “Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani”,
payable at Kalyani, should reach the Registrar (Offg.), Indian Institute of Information
Technology Kalyani, WEBEL IT Park Campus, 14, Adibasi Para, Opp. Kalyani Water
Treatment Plant, Near Buddha Park, P.O. Kalyani, Dist. Nadia-741235, West Bengal, India
on or before 11.06.2019 by 4 P.M. by Speed Post only.
4. The envelope should be superscribed the post “..………………………………” in ....................
5. For each of the qualifications, professional experiences, achievements, etc., documentary proof
in the form of self-attested photo-copies is to be attached with the application.
6. The originals must be produced at the time of interview and at the time of joining.
7. Consistently good academic background with all requirements for any category of post applied,
as per guidelines of MHRD. Letter no. F.No.33-9/2011- TS.III, dated 29/05/2017 may be
available in MHRD website.
9. Copy of the category certificate (OBC / SC / ST/PWD), issued by the competent authority, not
below the rank of a Tahsildar, must be attached. In case of OBC candidates, the latest certificate
indicating the status regarding creamy layer must be attached. PWD certificate must have been
issued by the competent authority as per Government of India norms.
10. The eligibility, qualification, experience and requirements for the posts notified shall be
governed by the guidelines issued by MHRD letter no. F.No.33-9/2011- TS.III, dated
11. The vacancies advertised are indicative and subject to variation at the time of interview /
recruitment. The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill any of the vacancies advertised.
The Institute reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason.
12. Any misleading wrong information supplied by the candidates may lead to summarily rejection
of the application, if found subsequently, also the appointment will be cancelled.
13. An application in prescribed form with complete information and attachments will only be
entertained for further processing.
14. The Screening Committee shall short-list the eligible and desirable candidates from amongst the
applicants, based on specialization, availability of candidates, and requirements of the
departments. In doing so it shall not be bound by the options exercised by the applicants. Those
candidates who will be recommended after presentation shall be invited for the
interview before the Statutory Selection Committee.
15. Mere fulfilment of minimum qualification and experience requirements for the post does not
entitle the candidate to be called for an interview. The Institute reserves the right to restrict the
number of candidates for interview to reasonable limit, on the basis of qualification and
experience higher than those prescribed in this advertisement.
16. Persons employed in Government and Semi-Government organizations must apply through
proper channel or submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of interview. However, an
advance copy, superscripted as “Advance Copy” on the application form, may be submitted
before the last date.
19. Decision of the Selection Committee and the Board of Governors of IIIT Kalyani with respect to
the selection process is final.
20. Legal disputes, if any with IIIT Kalyani are restricted to the jurisdiction of Kalyani Court only.
21. Period of probation to the posts will be 01 year from the date of joining and may be extended by
the respective BOG on recommendation of Director.
22. A PhD degree shall be minimum qualification for regular positions of IIIT Kalyani.
23. Soft copy of the application is also to be sent to the Registrar ([email protected])
24. Applications, received after the last date will not be considered in this round and may be
considered in the next round.
25. Candidates will have to appear for Presentation/Interview at their own cost, if called before a
Selection Committee on the date and place which will be separately notified/informed to the
26. The originals must be produced at the time of interview and at the time of joining.
The printed and signed online application form along with necessary enclosures should be sent to the
following address so as to reach by 15.06.2019.