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Owner’s Manual

Product: Cobra MX
Manual: 091-0623
Serial: 10100001
Voltage Rating: 24 VDC
Revision: Sept 2013 Rev E
Gun models: 262-XXX W/C 1/4"
263-XXX W/C 3/8"
Shown with Classic Cup
266-XXX A/C 1/4"
267-XXX A/C 3/8"

Shown with MAX Cup

225 Ampere Water Cooled, 1/4" tip

250 Ampere Water Cooled, 3/8" tip
175 Ampere Air Cooled, 1/4" tip
200 Ampere Air Cooled, 3/8" tip
Push-Pull Welding Guns
Table of Contents

Safety Considerations.........................................................................i-iii
Installation................................................................................ Section A
Technical Specifications......................................................................................1
Support Equipment Required..............................................................................1
Coolant Requirements........................................................................................1
Gun Lead Connections.......................................................................................1

Operation..................................................................................Section B
Controls and Settings..........................................................................................2
Trigger Adjustment..............................................................................................2
Drive Roll and Idler Rolls....................................................................................3

Accessories..............................................................................Section C
Optional Kits........................................................................................................4
Snake Skins........................................................................................................4
Contact Tips........................................................................................................5
Gas Cups............................................................................................................6

Maintenance.............................................................................Section D
Periodic Maintenance.........................................................................................6
Recommended Spare Parts List.........................................................................7

Troubleshooting........................................................................Section E
Troubleshooting Guide........................................................................................9
Testing The Gun..................................................................................................9

Appendices...............................................................................Section F
Diagrams / Parts List......................................................................................... 11

Safety Warnings
Declaration of Conformity for
European Community (CE) Products
Note This information is provided for units with CE certification (see rating label on unit).

Manufacturer’s Name: MK Products, Inc.

16882 Armstrong Ave.
Irvine, CA 92606

Declares that the product: Cobra
Python MX
conforms to the following Directives and Standards:


Low Voltage Directive: 2006/95/EC

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive: 2004/108/EC


Electromagnetic Compatibility, (EMC): EN 60974-10: 2007

Torches And Guns For Arc Welding, EN 60974-7: 2005

Safety Considerations
1-1 INTRODUCTION to the State of California to cause cancer short circuits.
This equipment is intended for ultimate and birth defects or other reproductive If combustibles are in area, do NOT weld
application by commercial/industrial harm. or cut. Move the work if practicable,
users and for operation by persons Adequate ventilation. Severe discomfort, to an area free of combustibles. Avoid
trained and experienced in the use and illness or death can result from fumes, paint spray rooms, dip tanks, storage
maintenance of welding equipment. vapors, heat, or oxygen enrichment or areas, ventilators. If the work cannot
Operation should not be undertaken depletion that welding (or cutting) may be moved, move combustibles at least
without adequate training in the use of produce. Prevent them with adequate 35 feet away, out of reach of sparks
such equipment. Training is available ventilation. NEVER ventilate with and heat; or protect against ignition with
from many public and private schools or oxygen. suitable and snug-fitting, fire-resistant
similar facilities. covers or shields.
Lead-, cadmium-, zinc-, mercury-,
Safe practices in the installation, beryllium-bearing and similar materials, Walls touching combustibles on opposite
operation and maintenance of this when welded or cut, may produce sides should not be welded on (or cut).
equipment requires proper training in the harmful concentrations of toxic fumes. Walls, ceilings, and floor near work
art, a careful study of the information Adequate local exhaust ventilation must should be protected by heat-resistant
provided with the equipment, and the be used, or each person in the area, covers or shields.
use of common sense. Rules for safe as well as the operator, must wear an Fire watcher must be standing by with
use are generally provided by suppliers air-supplied respirator. For beryllium, suitable fire extinguishing equipment
of welding power sources, compressed both must be used. during and for some time after welding
gas suppliers, and electrode suppliers.
Metals coated with or containing or cutting if:
Careful compliance with these rules will
materials that emit toxic fumes should 1. Appreciable combustibles (including
promote safe use of this equipment.
not be heated unless coating is removed building construction) are within 35
The following Safety Rules cover some form the work surface, the area is well feet.
of the more generally found situations. ventilated, or the operator wears an
READ THEM CAREFULLY. In case of air-supplied respirator. 2. Appreciable combustibles are further
any doubt, obtain qualified help before than 35 feet, but can be ignited by
Work in a confined space only while it is sparks.
being ventilated and, if necessary, while
1-2 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS wearing an air-supplied respirator. 3. Openings (concealed or visible) in
A. Burn Prevention floors or walls within 35 feet may expose
Gas leaks in a confined space should be combustibles to sparks.
ELECTRIC ARC WELDING PRODUCES avoided. Leaked gas in large quantities
H I G H I N T E N S I T Y H E AT A N D can change oxygen concentration 4. Combustibles adjacent to walls,
ULTRAVIOLET RADIANT ENERGY dangerously. Do not bring gas cylinders ceilings, roofs, or metal partitions can be
WHICH MAY CAUSE SERIOUS AND into a confined space. ignited by radiant or conducted heat.
PERMANENT EYE DAMAGE AND Hot work permit should be obtained
WHICH MAY DAMAGE ANY EXPOSED Leaving confined space, shut OFF
gas supply at source to prevent before operation to ensure supervisor’s
SKIN AREAS. approval that adequate precautions have
possible accumulation of gases in the
Wear helmet with safety goggles or space if downstream valves have been been taken.
glasses with side shields underneath, accidentally opened or left open. Check After work is done, check that area is
appropriate filter lenses or plates to be sure that the space is safe before free of sparks, glowing embers, and
(protected by clear cover glass). This reentering it. flames.
is a must for welding or cutting (and
chipping) to protect the eyes from radiant Vapors from chlorinated solvents can An empty container that held
energy and flying metal. Replace cover be decomposed by the heat of the arc combustibles, or that can produce
glass when broken, pitted, or spattered. (or flame) to form PHOSGENE, a highly flammable or toxic vapors when heated,
toxic gas, and other lung and eye irritating must never be welded on or cut, unless
Medical first aid and eye treatment. First products. The ultraviolet (radiant) container has first been cleaned in
aid facilities and a qualified first aid energy of the arc can also decompose accordance with industry standards.
person should be available for each shift trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene
unless medical facilities are close by for This includes: a thorough steam or
vapors to form phosgene. DO NOT caustic cleaning (or a solvent of water
immediate treatment of flash burns of WELD or cut where solvent vapors can
the eyes and skin burns. washing, depending on the combustible’s
be drawn into the welding or cutting solubility), followed by purging and
Wear protective clothing - leather (or atmosphere or where the radiant energy inerting with nitrogen or carbon dioxide,
asbestos) gauntlet gloves, hat, and high can penetrate to atmospheres containing and using protective equipment.
safety-toe shoes. Button shirt collar and even minute amounts of trichloroethylene
pocket flaps, and wear cuffless trousers Water-filling just below working level may
or perchloroethylene.
to avoid entry of sparks and slag. substitute for inerting.
C. Fire and Explosion Prevention
Avoid oily or greasy clothing. A spark A container with unknown contents
Causes of fire and explosion are:
should be cleaned (see paragraph
may ignite them. combustibles reached by the arc, flame,
above). Do NOT depend on sense of
Flammable hair preparations should flying sparks, hot slag, or heated
smell or sight to determine if it is safe
not be used by persons intending to material, misuse of compressed gases
to weld or cut.
weld or cut. and cylinders, and short circuits.
Hollow castings or containers must be
Hot metal such as electrode stubs and BE AWARE THAT flying sparks or falling
vented before welding or cutting. They
work pieces should never be handled slag can pass through cracks, along
can explode.
without gloves. pipes, through windows or doors, and
through wall or floor openings, out of Explosive atmospheres. NEVER weld or
Ear plugs should be worn when working cut where the air may contain flammable
sight of the goggled operator. Sparks
on overhead or in a confined space. A
can fly many feet. dust, gas, or liquid vapors (such as
hard hat should be worn when others gasoline).
work overhead. To prevent fires and explosion:
D. Compressed Gas Equipment
B. Toxic Fume Prevention Keep equipment clean and operable,
The safe handling of compressed gas
WARNING: The use of this product may free of oil, grease, and (in electrical
equipment is detailed in numerous
result in exposure to chemicals known parts) of metallic particles that can cause
industry publications. The following

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual Page i

general rules cover many of the most to exceed 55 degrees C (130 degrees two wrenches to tighten adapter marked
common situations. F.) Cool with water spray where such RIGHT and LEFT HAND threads.
1. Pressure Regulators exposure exists. Regulator outlet (or hose) connections
Regulator relief valve is designed Protect cylinders, particularly valves may be identified by right hand threads
to protect only the regulator from from bumps, falls, falling objects, and for oxygen and left hand threads (with
overpressure; it is not intended to protect weather. Replace caps securely when grooved hex on nut or shank) for fuel
any downstream equipment. Provide moving cylinders. gas.
such protection with one or more relief Stuck valve. Do NOT use a hammer 5. Pressurizing Steps:
devices. or wrench to open a cylinder valve that Drain regulator of residual gas through
Never connect a regulator to a cylinder cannot be opened by hand. Notify your suitable vent before opening cylinder
containing gas other than that for which supplier. (or manifold valve) by turning adjusting
the regulator was designed. Mixing gases. NEVER try to mix any screw in (clockwise). Draining prevents
Remove faulty regulator from service gases in a cylinder. excessive compression heat at high
immediately for repair (first close cylinder pressure seat by allowing seat to open
NEVER refill any cylinder. on pressurization. Leave adjusting
valve). The following symptoms indicate
a faulty regulator: Cylinder fittings should never be modified screw engaged slightly on single-stage
or exchanged. regulators.
Leaks - if gas leaks externally.
3. Hose Stand to side of regulator while opening
Excessive Creep - if delivery pressure Prohibited use. Never use hose other cylinder valve.
continues to rise with downstream valve than that designed for the specified gas.
closed. Open cylinder valve slowly so that
A general hose identification rule is: red regulator pressure increases slowly.
Faulty Gauge - if gauge pointer does for fuel gas, green for oxygen, and black When gauge is pressurized (gauge
not move off stop pin when pressurized, for inert gases. reaches regulator maximum) leave
nor returns to stop pin after pressure Use ferrules or clamps designed for cylinder valve in following position: for
release. the hose (not ordinary wire or other oxygen and inert gases, open fully to
Repair. Do NOT attempt repair. Send substitute) as a binding to connect hoses seal stem against possible leak; for fuel
faulty regulators for repair to to fittings. gas, open to less than one turn to permit
manufacturer’s designated repair center, No copper tubing splices. Use only quick emergency shut-off.
where special techniques and tools are standard brass fittings to splice hose. Use pressure charts (available from
used by trained personnel. your supplier) for safe and efficient
Avoid long runs to prevent kinks and
2. Cylinders abuse. Suspend hose off ground to keep recommended pressure settings on
Cylinders must be handled carefully to it from being run over, stepped on, or regulators.
prevent leaks and damage to their walls, otherwise damaged. Check for leaks on first pressurization
valves, or safety devices: and regularly thereafter. Brush with
Coil excess hose to prevent kinks and
Avoid electrical circuit contact with tangles. soap solution. Bubbles indicate leaks.
cylinders including third rails, electrical Clean off soapy water after test; dried
wires, or welding circuits. They can Protect hose from damage by sharp
soap is combustible.
produced short circuit arcs that may lead edges, and by sparks, slag, and open
flame. E. User Responsibilities
to a serious accident. (See 1-3C) Follow all Safety Rules.
ICC or DOT marking must be on each Examine hose regularly for leaks,
wear, and loose connections. Immerse Remove leaky or defective equipment
cylinder. It is an assurance of safety from service immediately for repair. Read
when the cylinder is properly handled. pressured hose in water; bubbles indicate
leaks and follow user manual instructions.
Identifying gas content. Use only F. Leaving Equipment Unattended
cylinders with name of gas marked on Repair leaky or worn hose by cutting
area out and splicing. Do NOT use Close gas supply at source and drain
them; do not rely on color to identify gas gas.
content. Notify supplier if unmarked. tape.
NEVER DEFACE or alter name, number, 4. Proper Connections G. Rope Staging-Support
or other markings on a cylinder. It is Clean cylinder valve outlet of impurities Rope staging-support should not be
illegal and hazardous. that may clog orifices and damage seats used for welding or cutting operation;
before connecting regulator. Except rope may burn.
Empties: Keep valves closed, replace
caps securely; mark MT; keep them for hydrogen, crack valve momentarily, 1-3 ARC WELDING
separate from FULLS, and return pointing outlet away from people and Comply with precautions in 1-1, 1-2, and
promptly. sources of ignition. Wipe with a clean, this section. Arc Welding, properly done,
lintless cloth. is a safe process, but a careless operator
Prohibited use. Never use a cylinder or its
Match regulator to cylinder. Before invites trouble. The equipment carries
contents for other than its intended use,
connecting, check that the regulator high currents at significant voltages.
NEVER as a support or roller.
label and cylinder marking agree, and The arc is very bright and hot. Sparks
Locate or secure cylinders so they that the regulator inlet and cylinder outlet fly, fumes rise, ultraviolet and infrared
cannot be knocked over. match. NEVER Connect a regulator energy radiates, weldments are hot,
Passageways and work areas. Keep designed for a particular gas or gases to and compressed gases may be used.
cylinders clear of areas where they may a cylinder containing any other gas. The wise operator avoids unnecessary
be stuck. Tighten connections. When assembling risks and protects himself and others
Transporting cylinders. With a crane, threaded connections, clean and smooth from accidents.
use a secure support such as a platform seats where necessary. Tighten. If A. Burn Protection
or cradle. Do NOT lift cylinders off the connection leaks, disassemble, clean, Comply with precautions in 1-2.
ground by their valves or caps, or by and retighten, using properly fitting The welding arc is intense and visibly
chains, slings, or magnets. wrench. bright. Its radiation can damage eyes,
Do NOT expose cylinders to excessive Adapters. Use a CGA adapter (available penetrate lightweight clothing, reflect
heat, sparks, slag, and flame, etc. that from your supplier) between cylinder from light-colored surfaces, and burn
may cause rupture. Do not allow contents and regulator, if one is required. Use the skin and eyes. Skin burns resemble

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual Page ii

acute sunburn; those from gas-shielded overheat cables and cause a fire. should be used to join welding cable
arcs are more severe and painful. Loose cable connections may overheat lengths.
DON’T GET BURNED; COMPLY WITH or flash and cause afire. 3. Cables
PRECAUTIONS. Frequently inspect cables for wear,
Never strike an arc on a cylinder or
1. Protective Clothing other pressure vessel. It creates a brittle cracks, and damage. IMMEDIATELY
Wear long-sleeve clothing in addition to area that can cause a violent rupture REPLACE those with excessively worn
gloves, hat, and shoes. As necessary, or lead to such a rupture later under or damaged insulation to avoid possibly
use additional protective clothing such rough handling. lethal shock from bared cable. Cables
as leather jacket or sleeves, flameproof with damaged areas may be taped to
apron, and fire-resistant leggings. Avoid D. Compressed Gas Equipment give resistance equivalent to original
outer garments of untreated cotton. Comply with precautions in 1-2D. cable.
Bare skin protection. Wear dark, E. Shock Prevention Keep cable dry, free of oil and grease, and
substantial clothing. Button collar to Exposed electrically hot conductors or protected from hot metal and sparks.
protect chest and neck, and button other bare metal in the welding circuit,
or in ungrounded, electrically-HOT 4. Terminals and Other Exposed
pockets to prevent entry of sparks. Parts
equipment can fatally shock a person
2. Eye and Head Protection whose body becomes a conductor. DO Terminals and other exposed parts of
Protect eyes from exposure to arc. Eyes NOT STAND, SIT, LIE, LEAN ON, OR electrical units should have insulating
may be damaged by radiant energy TOUCH a wet surface when welding covers secured before operation.
when exposed to the electric arc, even without suitable protection. 5. Electrode Wire
when not looking in the direction of the Electrode wire becomes electrically HOT
arc. Never look at an electric arc without To protect against shock:
when the power switch of gas metal-arc
protection. Keep body and clothing dry. Never welding equipment is ON and welding
Welding helmet or shield containing a work in damp area without adequate gun trigger is pressed. Keep hands
filter plate shade no. 12 or denser must insulation against electrical shock. Stay and body clear of wire and other HOT
be used when welding. Place over face on a dry duckboard, or rubber mat when parts.
before striking arc. dampness or sweat cannot be avoided.
Sweat, sea water, or moisture between 6. Safety Devices
Protect filter plate with a clear cover body and an electrically HOT part - Safety devices such as interlocks
plate. or grounded metal - reduces the body and circuit breakers should not be
Cracked or broken helmet or shield surface electrical resistance, enabling disconnected or shunted out.
should NOT be worn; radiation can be dangerous and possibly lethal currents Before installation, inspection, or service
passed through to cause burns. to flow through the body. of equipment, shut OFF all power, and
Cracked, broken, or loose filter plates 1. Grounding the Equipment remove line fuses (or lock or red-tag
must be replaced IMMEDIATELY. When installing, connect the frames of switches) to prevent accidental turning
Replace clear cover plate when broken, each unit such as welding power source, ON of power. Disconnect all cables from
pitted, or spattered. control, work table, and water circulator welding power source, and pull all 115
to the building ground. Conductors must volts line-cord plugs.
Flash goggles with side shields MUST
be worn under the helmet to give some be adequate to carry ground currents Do not open power circuit or change
protection to the eyes should the helmet safely. Equipment made electrically HOT polarity while welding. If, in an
not be lowered over the face before an arc by stray currents may shock, possibly emergency, it must be disconnected,
is struck. Looking at an arc momentarily fatally. Do NOT GROUND to electrical guard against shock burns or flash from
with unprotected eyes (particularly a high conduit, or to a pipe carrying ANY gas or switch arcing.
intensity gas-shielded arc) can cause a a flammable liquid such as oil or fuel. Leaving equipment unattended. Always
retinal burn that may leave a permanent Three-phase connection. Check phase shut OFF, and disconnect all power to
dark area in the field of vision. requirement of equipment before equipment.
3. Protection of Nearby Personnel installing. If only three-phase power Power disconnect switch must be
Enclose the welding area. For production is available, connect single-phase available near the welding power
welding, a separate room or enclosed equipment to only two wires of the source.
bay is best. In open areas, surround three-phase line. Do NOT connect the
the operation with low-reflective, equipment ground lead to the third (live)
noncombustible screens or panels. Allow wire, or the equipment will become
for free air circulation, particularly at electrically HOT - a dangerous condition
floor level. that can shock, possibly fatally.
Viewing the weld. Provide face shields Before welding, check ground for
for all persons who will be looking directly continuity. Be sure conductors are
at the weld. touching bare metal of equipment frames
at connections.
Others working in area. See that all
persons are wearing flash goggles. If a line cord with a ground lead is provided
with the equipment for connection to
Before starting to weld, make sure that a switch box, connect the ground lead
screen flaps or bay doors are closed. to the grounded switch box. If a three-
B. Toxic Fume Prevention prong plug is added for connection to a
Comply with precautions in 1-2B. grounded mating receptacle, the ground
Generator engine exhaust must be lead must be connected to the ground
vented to the outside air. Carbon prong only. If the line cord comes with a
monoxide can kill. three-prong plug, connect to a grounded
mating receptacle. Never remove the
C. Fire and Explosion Prevention
ground prong from a plug, or use a plug
Comply with precautions in 1-2C.
with a broken ground prong.
Equipment’s rated capacity. Do not
2. Connectors
overload arc welding equipment. It may
Fully insulated lock-type connectors

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual Page iii

Thank You For selecting a quality product. We want you to take
pride in operating this product...as much pride as we
have in bringing the product to you!

Please Examine Carton and Equipment For Damage Immediately

When this equipment is shipped, title passes to the purchaser upon receipt by the
carrier. Consequently, claims for material damaged in shipment must be made by the
purchaser against the transportation company at the time the shipment is received.

Please record your equipment identification information below for future reference. This
information can be found on your machine nameplate.

Model Name & Number _____________________

Code & Serial Number _____________________

Date of Purchase _____________________

Whenever you request replacements parts for, or information on this equipment always
supply the information you have recorded above.

Read this Owner’s Manual completely before attempting to use this equipment. Save this manual
and keep it handy for quick reference. Pay particular attention to the safety instructions we
have provided for your protection.
Section A Installation
Technical Specifications
Wire Capacity
.030" - .045" (0.6mm - 1.2mm) solid hard wire, and cored wire
.030" - 1/16" (0.8mm - 1.6mm) aluminum

Wire Speed
800 IPM (20.3 mpm) max
Duty Cycle - 60%
All ratings are using Argon gas
175 Amps/25 Volts Air Cooled, 1/4" Tip (Model 266)
200 Amps/25 Volts Air Cooled, 3/8" Tip (Model 267)
225 Amps/25 Volts Water Cooled, 1/4" Tip (Model 262)
250 Amps/25 Volts Water Cooled, 3/8" Tip (Model 263)

Support Equipment Required

• C.V. or C.C. power source of sufficient capacity for your needs.
• Regulated gas supply and hoses.
• Properly sized power leads from power source to wire feeder and
• Water source and hose capable of providing a minimum of 1 quart
(.95 liter) / min. at 45 p.s.i. when using water cooled guns.

Coolant Requirements
WARNING: Use only Cobra Coolant - failure to use coolant will void
Use Cobra Coolant (Aluminum Protection),which does not contain reactive
sulphur or chlorine and does not react with copper, brass or aluminum. The
Cobra Coolant is available in quantities of 1 gallon (P/N 931-0060), 5 gallon
(P/N 931-0060-5GAL), or a case of 4 gallons each (P/N 931-0060-4).
The coolant flow rate should be a minimum of 10 GPH (1 qt/min) between
35 and 45psi. Contact the re-circulator manufacturer for specifications on

Gun Lead Connections

Power Cable - Air Cooled
A #2 power cable is used on the Cobra
MX gooseneck gun. The gun end of the
cable is stripped to the copper strands
and wrapped with a copper strip. A
setscrew holds the cable securely in the
gun body with torque requirements of
55-60 in-lb. The cabinet end of the cable
is equipped with a 1/2" ring lug which
attaches to the top hole on the side of
the power block. Supplied with this gun
is a 3/8-16x5/8" bolt, a 3/8" spring lock
washer and a 5/8" flat washer to attach the ring lug to the power block.
Power Cable - Water Cooled
Cobra MX water cooled gun utilizes a power/water cable with a #6 AWG
cable inside a 5/16” diameter hose. The gun end is threaded into the gun
body.These connections utilize a conductive sealant and are tightened with
torque requirements of 100 + 5 IN-LB.

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - Page 1

The Cobra MX gun comes standard with a poly-lined conduit, for feeding
aluminum wire. The longer fitting with a shallow groove is used on the gun
end. A set screw located on top of the gun handle secures the conduit in
Gas Hose
The gas hose is pushed over a barbed fitting on the end of the gun body and
secured by twisting the hose retainer to the end of the hose (shown below).
The hose retainer is re-usable and can be removed and re-installed as
needed. The cabinet end of the gas hose uses our standard gas fitting (1/8” -
27 nps).

Water Hose
If so equipped; The gas hose is pushed over a barbed fitting on the end of
the gun body and secured by twisting the hose retainer to the end of the
hose. The hose retainer is re-usable and can be removed and re-installed as
needed.The other end is connected to the center fitting on the power block.
Control Cable
A multi-conductor control cable is used on the Cobra MX gun. The gun end
of the cable is secured with a cable clamp and the wires are connected to the
potentiometer, the micro switch, the motor and the gun body mechanically.
Slack is left in the electric cable as it exits the back of the gun to prevent
cable and/or wire breakage. The cabinet end has a seven pin "W" clocked
amphenol connector.
Section B Operation
The Cobra MX gun maintains a constant, steady, uniform wire feed speed,
regardless of curved or looped wire conduit. The constant push exerted
by the slave motor in the cabinet, combined with the pull of the gun motor,
causes the wire to literally float friction-free through the wire conduit. The
24VDC gun motor is controlled by a three and three-quarter (3 3/4) turn
potentiometer in the gun handle.
Controls and Settings
The laterally-positioned potentiometer is located in the lower end of the
handle, providing up to 800 ipm with 3 3/4 turns.
Trigger Sensitivity Adjustment
Micro Switch Screw Location
The micro switch assembly consists of the micro
switch, and leads.
Trigger Sensitivity
The amount of trigger lever travel can be shortened
for a quicker or more responsive action.
A more sensitive trigger lever is produced by
reducing the gap between the trigger lever and the
micro switch lever. By turning-in the trigger sensitivity
adjustment screw, it closed the gap between the
trigger lever and the micro switch lever.
Screw adjusted out of
This will enable the operator to increase the trigger, pre-setting the
sensitivity of the trigger lever. micro-switch lever for
shorter motion sensitivity.

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - Page 2

Sensitivity Adjustment
With the wire feeder turned on (with or without welding wire loaded), turn the
screw in until the micro-switch is activated. Once activated, the gun and wire
feeder motors will begin feeding wire. Retract the screw accordingly until the
system is deactivated and adjusted to the operators' liking.

Drive Roll and Idler Rolls

The Cobra MX gun comes standard with a knurled drive roll and a grooved
idler roll,which will handle both hard wire and aluminum wire with diameters
from .030 to 1/16 inch and steel from .030 to .045 inches. Optional insulated
V-groove drive rolls are also available for aluminum wire if desired (see
optional kits).
Drive roll tension is accomplished with a unique spring-loaded pressure
screw. The Cobra MX comes from the factory with the pressure adjustment
screw preset. NO ADJUSTMENT is required for all sizes
and types of wires.
Drive Roll Installation/Removal
Note: Neither of the handles needs to be removed to access the drive or
idler rolls.

Cam Lever

1. Pull the cam lever away from the idler roll.

This will relieve the pressure against the drive
roll (as shown in Figure 1).

Figure 1
2. Align the drive roll removal tool (P/N 931-
0100) over the flats of the drive roll (as
shown in Figure 2). Hold the gun with one
hand or on a table top, with the other hand
give the removal tool a quick snap-turn in
3. Once the drive roll is loose, continue to
spin drive roll in the clockwise direction to
remove the drive roll from the gun. Figure 2

4. Install a new drive roll on the left-hand threaded shaft. The drive roll will
self-tighten when it is feeding wire.
Idler Roll Installation and Removal
(Reference Figure 3)
1. Using a slot type screwdriver, loosen idler screw, taking care not to lose
lock washer under idler roll.
2. Insert new idler roll and lock washer onto screw, insuring that idler groove
is toward top and lock washer is beneath.
3. Tighten.

Figure 3

NOTE: Lock washer must be under idler roll or it will not turn freely.

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - Page 3

Section C Accessories
A gas flow control mechanism (i.e. solenoid or valve) is required so the Cobra
MX can be used on Cobra wire feeders. The following kits are available
depending on the wire feeder used. The factory set times (in seconds) for
normal and latched trigger functions is 0.5 pre-purge and 1.0 post-purge.
Gas/Trigger Control Kit, 115V.......................................................... 005-0713
Gas/Trigger Control Kit, 42V............................................................ 005-0714

Optional Kits
Insulated Drive Roll Kits are used to prevent preheating of the aluminum wire
which may soften it and clog the liner. This picking up of current at the drive
rolls rather than at the contact tip is usually not a problem unless using too
large of a contact tip or excessively oxidized aluminum wire.
Insulated Grooved Drive Roll Kit................................................... 005-0715
For .030" (0.8mm) dia. aluminum wire. Includes insulated groove drive roll
and insulated idler roll assy.
Insulated Grooved Drive Roll Kit................................................... 005-0716
For .035" (0.9mm) dia. aluminum wire. Includes insulated groove drive roll
and insulated idler roll assy.
Insulated Grooved Drive Roll Kit................................................... 005-0717
For .040" (1.0mm) dia. aluminum wire. Includes insulated groove drive roll
and insulated idler roll assy.
Insulated Grooved Drive Roll Kit....................................................005-0718
For 3/64" (1.2mm) dia. aluminum wire. Includes insulated groove drive roll
and insulated idler roll assy.
Insulated Grooved Drive Roll Kit....................................................005-0719
For .062" (1.6mm) dia. aluminum wire. Includes insulated groove drive roll
and insulated idler roll assy.
Handle Kit..........................................................................................005-0725
Includes left and right handles, screws and drive roll door.
Trigger Kit..........................................................................................005-0726
Trigger kit includes sensitivity adjustment screw replacement for all Cobra
MX guns.
Micro Switch Kit................................................................................003-2274
Replacement micro switch assembly for all Cobra MX guns.
Potentiometer Kit..............................................................................003-2190
Replacement potentiometer assembly for all Cobra MX guns.
Flat spiral steel conduit for steel & cored wire.
615-0208.......................................................................................... 15 ft./4.5m
615-0216.......................................................................................... 25 ft./7.6m
615-0219........................................................................................ 35 ft./10.7m
615-0218........................................................................................ 50 ft./15.2m
Snake Skins
Snake Skin protective covers are now standard on all guns. You may order
spare replacement covers to protect the lead assy of the gun when the
factory one becomes damaged or worn. It can easily be replaced in the field
by means of Velcro©.
Snake Skin Cover 13ft (for 15ft leads).........................................931-0110
Snake Skin Cover 23ft (for 25ft leads)........................................ 931-0122
Snake Skin Cover 33ft (for 35ft leads)........................................ 931-0132
Snake Skin Cover 48ft (for 50ft leads)........................................ 931-0123

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - Page 4

Gas Valve Removal Tool
Gas valve removal is performed by using P/N 931-0105 Gas Valve Removal
Tool. This multifunctional tool has been slotted on one side to encompass
and conform to the gas valve stem and seat into the slotted gas valve body
as seen in Figures 1 and 2. Removal of the gas valve can be accomplished
by turning the gas valve tool counter clockwise. Reinstall by turning clock-
wise. The tool doubles as a bottle opener.

Gas Valve Removal Tool Figure 1 Figure 2

Contact Tips
(Models 263 and 267)
Heavy Duty Contact Tip - 3/8" Diameter*
Wire Size Tip ID Arc Tip Length Part No.
.030” (0.8mm) .041” (1.0mm) Spray 1.57” (39.9mm) 621-0390-25
Short 1.82” (46.2mm) 621-0396-25
.035” (0.9mm) .044” (1.1mm) Spray 1.57” (39.9mm) 621-0391-25
.035" (0.9mm) .044" (1.1mm) Short 1.82” (46.2mm) 621-0397-25
.045" (1.1mm) .053" (1.35mm) Short 1.82” (46.2mm) 621-0398-25
3/64” (1.2mm) .053” (1.35mm) Spray 1.57” (39.9mm) 621-0392-25
3/64” (1.2mm) .060” (1.5mm) Spray 1.57” (39.9mm) 621-0393-25**
1/16” (1.6mm) .074” (1.9mm) Spray 1.57” (39.9mm) 621-0394-25
.085” (2.16mm) Spray 621-0395-25
*Use of tip removal tool is recommended †
Also sold in quantities of 250
**This size tip furnished with gun Also sold in quantities of 500

(Models 262 and 266)

1/4" Diameter Contact Tip*
Wire Size Tip ID Arc Tip Length Part No.
.023” (0.6 mm) .031” (0.8 mm) Spray 1.50” (38.1 mm) 621-0057-25
.023” (0.6 mm) .031” (0.8 mm) Short 1.75” (44.5 mm) 621-0328-25
.030” (0.8 mm) .036” (0.9 mm) Spray 1.50” (38.1 mm) 621-0325-25
.030” (0.8 mm) .037” (0.9 mm) Short 1.75” (44.5 mm) 621-0326-25
.030"/.035” .041” (1.0 mm) Spray 1.50” (38.1 mm) 621-0076-25
(0.8 mm /0.9 mm)
.035” (0.9 mm) .044” (1.1 mm) Spray 1.50” (38.1 mm) 621-0001-25
.035” (0.9 mm) .041” (1.0 mm) Short 1.75” (44.5 mm) 621-0077-25
.035” (0.9 mm) .044” (1.1 mm) Short 1.75” (44.5 mm) 621-0002-25
3/64” (1.2 mm) .053” (1.35 mm) Spray 1.50” (38.1 mm) 621-0327-25
3/64” (1.2 mm) .060” (1.5 mm) Spray 1.50” (38.1 mm) 621-0003-25**
1/16” (1.6 mm) .074” (1.9 mm) Spray 1.50” (38.1 mm) 621-0075-25
1/16” (1.6 mm) .085”(2.1 mm) Spray 1.50” (38.1 mm) 621-0153-25

**This size tip furnished with gun Also sold in quantities of 250
* All tips sold in quantities of 25 Also sold in quantities of 500

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - Page 5

(Models 263 and 267)
Spring Loaded Contact Tip - 3/8” Diameter
Wire Size Tip ID Arc Tip Length Qty Part Number
.030” (0.8 mm) .041” (1.0 mm) Spray 1.57” (39.9 mm) EA 621-0331
.035” (0.9 mm) .044” (1.1 mm) Spray 1.57” (39.9 mm) EA 621-0332
3/64” (1.2 mm) .060” (1.5 mm) Spray 1.57” (39.9 mm) EA 621-0334
1/16” (1.6 mm) .074” (1.9 mm) Spray 1.57” (39.9 mm) EA 621-0335

MAX Cups Classic Cups

(Models 263 and 267) (Models 262 and 266)
Cup I.D. Part No. Cup I.D. Part No.
#6, 3/8" (9.5mm) 621-0420 #5, 1/4" (6.4mm) 621-0079
#8, 1/2" (12.7mm) 621-0421* #6, 3/8" (9.5mm) 001-0137†
#10, 5/8" (15.9mm) 621-0422 #8, 1/2" (12.7mm) 001-0138*†
*standard - furnished with gun #10, 5/8" (15.8mm) 001-0139†
*standard - furnished with gun

sold in packs of 4 each

Tip Extender
Gun Barrel Liners
Part Number Description
931-0137 Teflon liner package, 5 pieces
615-0341 Steel wire only, .030 - 1/16" (0.8 - 0.9mm)
621-0423 Tip Extender, MAX Cup (stackable)
621-0017 Tip Extender, Classic Cup (stackable)
615-0248 Spiral steel liner for tip extender

Section D Maintenance
Periodic Maintenance
Your Cobramatic system is designed to provide years of reliable service.
Maintenance of the gun will normally consist of a general cleaning of the wire
guide system, including barrels, drive rolls, and conduits at regular intervals.
Remove spatter build-up from inside of nozzles with a hardwood stick.
The only parts on the Cobramatic system that are subject to normal wear are
the conduit, contact tips, gas cups, front body liners, wire guides, drive and
idler rolls. A supply of these parts should be maintained on hand.
The number of units in operation and the importance of minimal down time
will determine to what extent spare parts should be stocked on hand. See
the recommended spare parts list for the most commonly replaced parts.
If repairs do become necessary, qualified shop maintenance personnel can
easily replace any part.

Maintenance Tools
Tool Part Number
Contact Tip Removal Tool 931-0044
Drive Roll Removal Tool 931-0100

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - Page 6

Recommended Spare Parts List
Qty. Part No. Description
1 615-0601-15 Conduit - 15 ft
1 615-0601-25 Conduit - 25 ft
1 615-0601-35 Conduit - 35 ft
1 615-0601-50 Conduit - 50 ft
2 005-0726 Trigger Assy Kit
2 003-2190 Potentiometer Assy Kit
1 005-0725 Handle Kit
2 003-2274 Micro-Switch Assy Kit
10 511-0101 Drive Roll
5 511-0001 Idler Roll





(.030" - 3/64")




Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - Page 7

Section E Troubleshooting
Trouble Cause Remedy
Input power fuse in
No wire feed at Replace fuse.
feeder/control box blown
gun, feeder not
Micro-switch defective/not Replace switch. Check
operating, i.e. no
being activated switch for operation.
slave motor or
brake solenoid. Check micro-switch wires
Broken electrical cable
for continuity.
Motor control fuse in Check motor leads for
feeder/control box blown shorts; then replace fuse.
Check potentiometer with
Bad potentiometer
No wire feed Check motor and
at gun, feeder Broken electrical cable. potentiometer wires for
operating properly. continuity.
See specific cabinet/
control box owner's
Bad speed control/PCB.
manual for speed control
Loose or no cable Check all power
connections. connections.
Check power supply
Wire feeds, but
owner's manual for
welding wire is not Contactor control cable
location and type of
energized. loose or in wrong position
contactor signal required,
i.e. closing or 115VAC.
Welding power source Check power source.
Blow out or replace
Dirty or worn conduit
Wire feeds Wrong size contact tip See contact tip table.
erratically. Check for lock washer
Idler roll stuck under idler roll, or replace
if damaged.
Bad potentiometer Check with meter.
Check potentiometer
Broken electrical cable wires for continuity or
Wire feeds one
speed only.
See specific cabinet/
Bad speed control control owner's manual for
speed control operation.
Place groove in idler roll
Wire walks out of Idler roll upside-down
toward top.
drive rolls.
Rear wire guide missing Replace wire guide.

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - Page 8

Troubleshooting Guide
Regardless of which gun or feeder used, all MK Products’ push-pull guns
operate on the same principle. The slave motor in the feeder runs at a
fast,constant speed, but has very low torque. It is always trying to feed
more wire than the gun motor wants, and when the motor gets all it wants, it
slows the slave motor, preventing a bird’s nest. Because of the low torque
produced by the slave motor, a brake system is used to prevent wire overrun
rather than tension. The drag adjustment in the feeder is used simply to
keep the wire slightly taut, so it will not pull off the spool while feeding wire.
The high torque 24VDC gun motor is controlled by a solid state speed
control located in the feeder, and a pot located in the gun. The gun motor,
potentiometer, and micro switch are connected to the cabinet/control box via
a control cable and Amphenol connector. If this cable becomes damaged, a
variety of symptoms can occur, depending on which wire(s) break. To test,
check each wire for continuity and shorts.
Remember, the micro switch in the gun activates both the slave motor and
gun motor circuits in the cabinet. Therefore, if the slave motor and brake
solenoid operate, but the gun does not, look more toward the gun motor’s 24
V circuits, speed control, control cable, or the gun motor. If nothing operates,
look more toward the slave motor’s input, micro switch leads, or micro switch.

Testing The Gun

Reference the "W" clocked gun wiring diagram on
the Cobra MX electrical diagram for information
about pin-outs and locations.
Motor Check
Remove the gun connector from the cabinet.
Using the gun Amphenol connector, check the resistance across pins “A”
and “B” (motor leads).
If an open circuit (more than K ohms) or short exist (less than 2 ohms)
exists, check the motor leads and motor independently.
Testing the Potentiometer - “W” Clocked
Using the gun amphenol connector, check the resistance across pin “D”
(wiper) and pin “C”. The resistance should vary from 0 - 5K ohms as the
potentiometer is turned.
Check the resistance across pin “D” (wiper) and pin “G”. The resistance
should vary from 5K - 0 ohms as the potentiometer is turned.
Testing the Micro Switch
Using the gun amphenol connector, check for continuity across pins “E” and
“F” when the trigger is pressed.

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - Page 9

Section F Appendices
Diagrams / Parts List

Exploded View........................................................................... 12
Bill of Material............................................................................ 13
Front Body Assembly................................................................. 14
Rear Body Assembly, Air Cooled............................................... 15
Rear Body Assembly, Water Cooled.......................................... 16
Classic Cup Barrel Assembly, Air Cooled.................................. 17
MAX Barrel Assembly, Air Cooled.............................................. 18
Classic Cup Barrel Assembly, Water Cooled............................. 19
MAX Cup Barrel Assembly, Water Cooled................................. 20
Lead Assembly, Air Cooled........................................................ 21
Lead Assembly, Water Cooled................................................... 22
Spiral Wrap Installation.............................................................. 23
Electrical.................................................................................... 26
Gun Connections, Air and Water Cooled................................... 27

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - Page 11

Cobra MX Head Assembly

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 12

Cobra MX Head Assembly
No. Qty. Part No. Description No. Qty. Part No. Description
1 1 002-0629 Assy Cam Idler Arm 13 5 333-0261 Wshr Spr LK #8 SST
2 1 003-2141 Front Body Assy 14 7 338-0014 Scr SHC 4-40 x 1/2 SST
3 1 003-2190 Assy Pot 15 4 338-0022 Scr SHC 6-32 x 3/8 SST
1 003-2267 Rear Body Assy, Air Cooled 16 5 338-0034 Scr SHC 8-32 x 1/2 SST
1 003-2276 Rear Body Assy, Water Cooled 17 2 405-0706 Label Serial Plate
5 1 003-2274 Assy Switch 18 1 405-1312 Label Warning CSA
6 1 005-0726 Assy Trigger 19 1 421-0452 Pin .093 X .800 LG
7 1 211-0085 Motor 20 1 431-1892 Scr Shoulder 1/8 Door MX
8 1 301-0093 Boot Torch 21 1 435-1585 Strap Motor

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 13

9 2 319-0254 Scr FH Phil 82 4-40 x 3/8 SST 22 1 437-0253 Door Molded
10 1 319-0258 Scr FH Phil 82 4-40 x 5/8 SST 23 Handle Kit: Includes line items 14, 20
1 005-0725
11 3 320-0101 Scr Button 4-40 x 3/16 SST 24 and 22
12 4 333-0260 Wshr Spr LK #6 SST
Cobra MX Front Body Assembly

Front Body Assembly

No. Qty. Part No. Description
1 - - Not Available Separately
2 - - Not Available Separately
3 1 325-0206 Scr Ph 10-24-3/8
4 1 333-0082 Washer Lock 10
5 1 419-0092 Spring Comp 0.31 OD x 0.20 ID
6 1 421-0525 Pin Dowel 1/8 x 7/8 Sst
7 1 431-1663 Scr Adjust Idler
8 1 431-1598 Arm Idler Python
9 1 511-0001 Assy Idler Wire Feed
10 1 511-0101 Drive Roll Gold

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 14

Cobra MX Rear Assembly - Air Cooled

apply silicone
for installation

Air Cooled Rear Body Assembly

No. Qty. Part No. Description
1 1 001-0562 Assy Gas Valve
2 1 - Not Available Separately
3 2 303-0096 O-Ring .145 ID x .07 W
4 1 321-1082 Set Screw Cup 1/4 - 20 x 3/8 SST
5 1 321-1104 Set Screw Conduit
6 1 411-0020 Tie Wrap

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 15

Cobra MX Rear Assembly - Water Cooled

apply silicone
for installation

Rear Body Assembly - Water Cooled

No. Qty. Part No. Description
1 1 001-0562 Assy Gas Valve
2 - - Not Available Separately
3 6 303-0096 O-Ring .145 ID x .07 W
4 1 321-1104 Set Screw Conduit
5 2 411-0020 Tie Wrap (not shown for clarity)

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 16

Cobra MX Classic Cup Barrel Assembly
Air Cooled - 003-2341

*Apply silicone lubricant to item

3 before installing.

Classic Cup Barrel Assembly - Air Cooled

No. Qty. Part No. Description
1 1 001-0138 Assy Gas Cup MK #8
2 - - Not Available Separately
3* 2 303-0096 O-Ring .145 ID x .07W
4 1 437-0299 Insulation Barrel
5 1 931-0137 5-Piece Teflon Liner Package
6 1 621-0003 Tip 0.06 x 0.25 OD

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 17

Cobra MX MAX Cup Barrel Assembly
Air Cooled - 003-2343

*Apply silicone lubricant to item

2 before installing.

MAX Cup Barrel Assembly - Air Cooled

No. Qty. Part No. Description
1 - - Not Available Separately
2* 6 303-0096 O-Ring .145 ID x .07W
3 1 437-0299 Insulation Barrel
4 1 931-0137 5-Piece Teflon Liner Package
5 1 621-0393 Tip HD Spray .060
6 1 621-0421 Assy Gas Cup #8 CobraMAX

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 18

Cobra MX Classic Cup Barrel Assembly
Water Cooled - 003-2342

*Apply silicone lubricant to item

3 before installing.

Classic Cup Barrel Assembly - Water Cooled

No. Qty. Part No. Description
1 1 001-0138 Assy Gas Cup MK #8
2 - - Not Available Separately
3* 6 303-0096 O-Ring .145 ID x .07W
4 1 437-0299 Insulation Barrel
5 1 931-0137 5-Piece Teflon Liner Package
6 1 621-0003 Tip 0.06 x 0.25 OD

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 19

Cobra MX MAX Cup Barrel Assembly
Water Cooled - 003-2344

*Apply silicone lubricant to item

2 before installing.

MAX Cup Barrel Assembly - Water Cooled

No. Qty. Part No. Description
1 - - Not Available Separately
2* 6 303-0096 O-Ring .145 ID x .07W
3 1 437-0299 Insulation Barrel
4 1 931-0137 5-Piece Teflon Liner Package
5 1 621-0393 Tip HD Spray .060
6 1 621-0421 Assy Gas Cup #8 CobraMAX

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 20

Cobra MX Lead Assembly - Air Cooled

Lead Assembly - Air Cooled

No. Qty. Description 15' Part No. 25' Part No. 35' Part No. 50' Part No.
1 1 Wrap Spiral Cord 5.5" LG 261-0094
2 1 Wrap Spiral Cord 13" LG 261-0094-13
3 1 Snake Skin 931-0110 931-0122 931-0132 931-0123
4 4 Tie Wrap 411-0045
5* 1 Hose Retainer, 5/16 431-1898
6 1 Assy Gas Hose 552-0242-15 552-0242-25 552-0242-35 552-0242-50
7 1 Assy Conduit 615-0601-15 615-0601-25 615-0601-35 615-0601-50
8 - - ---
1 Assy Power Cable A/C 843-0630-15 843-0630-25 843-0630-35 843-0630-50
1 Ultra Flex Power Cable (Optional) 843-0580-15 843-0580-25 843-0580-35 843-0580-50
10 1 Assy Controller Cable 005-0690 005-0691 005-0740 005-0692
11 1 SCR HX 3/8 - 16 x 5/8 ST 329-0054
12 1 Wshr Spr Lk #3/8 333-0011
13 1 Wshr .391 x .875 x .063 BS 331-0777
* Hose Retainer is re-usable and can be removed and re-installed as needed
** Power Cable includes copper wrap P/N 701-0053-1

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 21

Cobra MX Lead Assembly - Water Cooled

Lead Assembly - Water Cooled

No. Qty. Description 15' Part No. 25' Part No. 35' Part No. 50' Part No.
1 1 Wrap Spiral Cord 5.5" LG 261-0094
2 1 Wrap Spiral Cord 13" LG 261-0094-13
3 1 Snake Skin 931-0110 931-0122 931-0132 931-0123
4 4 Tie Wrap 411-0045
5* 2 Hose Retainer, 5/16 431-1898
6 1 Assy Gas Hose 552-0242-15 552-0242-25 552-0242-35 552-0242-50
7 1 Assy Water Hose 552-0243-15 552-0243-25 552-0243-35 552-0243-50
8 1 Assy Conduit 615-0601-15 615-0601-25 615-0601-35 615-0601-50
9 - - ----
10 Assy Controller Cable 005-0690 005-0691 005-0740 005-0692
11 1 Assy Power Cable W/C #6 005-0387-15 005-0387-25 005-0387-35 005-0387-50
*Hose Retainer is re-usable and can be removed and re-installed as needed

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 22

Cobra MX
Lead Assembly Spiral Wrap Installation
Gun End, Air Cooled


Spiral Wrap p/n: 261-0094-13

Power Cable

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 23

Cobra MX
Lead Assembly Spiral Wrap Installation
Gun End, Water Cooled

Spiral Wrap p/n: 261-0094-13

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 24

Cobra MX
Lead Assembly Spiral Wrap Installation
Cabinet End, Air and Water Cooled

Spiral Wrap p/n: 261-0094

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 25

Cobra MX Electrical

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 26

Gun Connections

Input Water Cooled Gun


Coolant Return

Shielding Coolant
Gas Supply
Welding Gas
Input Air Cooled Gun


Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 27

Safety Warnings

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 28

Cobra® MX Owner's Manual - page 29
16882 Armstrong Ave.
Irvine, CA 92606
Tel (949) 863-1234
Fax (949) 474-1428
August 1, 2010
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16882 Armstrong Ave.
Irvine, California 92606
TEL (949) 863-1234 FAX (949) 474-1428

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