Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática
Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática
Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática
Review Article
he family of interstitial lung diseases is characterized by From the Departments of Medicine and
cellular proliferation, interstitial inflammation, fibrosis, or a combination Epidemiology, Columbia University Irving
Medical Center (D.J.L.), and the Depart-
of such findings within the alveolar wall that is not due to infection or ment of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical
cancer.1 Interstitial fibrosis is the predominant phenotype in most cases. The major- Center (F.J.M.) — both in New York. Ad-
ity of patients with interstitial fibrosis ultimately receive a diagnosis of chronic dress reprint requests to Dr. Martinez at
the Division of Pulmonary and Critical
hypersensitivity pneumonitis (due to mold or bird exposure), pulmonary sarcoidosis, Care Medicine, Joan and Sanford I. Weill
an underlying autoimmune disease, or if no cause is identified, an idiopathic inter- Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell
stitial pneumonia (see Glossary) (Fig. 1). The most common idiopathic interstitial Medical College, New York–Presbyterian
Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center,
pneumonia is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a chronic, progressive, fibrotic New York, NY 10021, or at fjm2003@
interstitial lung disease of unknown cause, often with characteristic imaging and
histologic appearances (described below), that occurs primarily in older adults.2 N Engl J Med 2018;378:1811-23.
IPF is of particular clinical interest because it is often misdiagnosed and managed DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1705751
inappropriately with immunosuppressive therapy, it is associated with a high mor- Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society.
tality rate, and therapies that slow disease progression are now available.
Epidemiol o gy
IPF occurs worldwide. The prevalence of the disease appears to be increasing, al-
though it is unclear whether this reflects increased recognition or a true increase
in incidence. The incidence of IPF appears to be higher in North America and
Europe (3 to 9 cases per 100,000 person-years) than in South America and East
Asia (fewer than 4 cases per 100,000 person-years).3 In the United States, the
prevalence of IPF has been reported to range from 10 to 60 cases per 100,000,
although in one study, the prevalence was 494 cases per 100,000 in 2011 among
adults over the age of 65 years, which was twice as high as the prevalence re-
corded 10 years earlier.4-6 Increasing rates of hospital admissions and deaths due
to IPF also suggest an increasing burden of disease.3,7,8
Chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis: An interstitial lung disease characterized by peribronchiolar and interstitial chronic
inflammatory infiltrates and interstitial fibrosis with or without poorly formed granulomas.
Ground-glass opacities: Hazy areas of increased lung attenuation on CT imaging.
Honeycombing: Thick-walled, linear clusters of cysts on CT, which are often subpleural. Honeycombing represents lung
Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia: Any one of nine interstitial lung diseases of unknown cause.
Mosaic attenuation: Ground-glass opacities alternating with lucent (or hyperlucent) lung on CT. Mosaic attenuation is
suggestive of small-airway involvement (e.g., hypersensitivity pneumonitis).
Proteostatic dysregulation: Abnormalities in the synthesis, trafficking, folding, or turnover of intracellular proteins.
Reconstruction kernel: The algorithm used to generate CT images. Higher (sharper) kernels provide better spatial resolu-
tion and are preferred for high-resolution CT imaging.
Reticulation: Short, irregular, linear opacities on CT. Reticulation typically represents fibrosis.
Traction bronchiectasis: Dilated bronchi on CT due to peripheral retraction resulting from lung fibrosis.
of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLco) should more established disease, bilateral reticular infil-
be measured in patients with suspected intersti- trates, hazy opacities, and reduced inspiratory lung
tial lung disease. These studies typically identify volumes on chest radiographs should prompt
a reduced forced vital capacity (FVC), a reduced consideration of interstitial lung disease. In IPF,
total lung capacity, and a reduction in DLco.2 bilateral reticulation is often predominant in the
However, spirometric results and lung volumes lower lung zones.
can be normal during the early stages of inter-
stitial lung disease or when emphysema is also Pathobiol o gic Fe at ur e s
present.13 Chest radiographs may be normal or a nd R isk Fac t or s
show nonspecific findings in early disease. In
A favored conceptual model of the pathogenesis
of IPF posits that recurrent, subclinical epithelial
injury superimposed on accelerated epithelial ag-
Other ILDs, Idiopathic ing leads to aberrant repair of the injured alveo-
10% pulmonary lus and deposition of interstitial fibrosis by
conioses, 20%
myofibroblasts (Fig. 2). Senescence of alveolar
10% epithelial cells and fibroblasts appears to be a
central phenotype that promotes lung fibrosis.14
Shortened telomeres, oxidative injury, proteostatic
20% pneumonitis, dysregulation and endoplasmic reticulum stress,
and mitochondrial dysfunction lead to decreased
CTD-ILD, alveolar epithelial-cell proliferation and secretion
20% of profibrotic mediators.14,15 Mutations in TERT,
TERC, PARN, and RTEL1 — genes involved in the
maintenance of telomere length — are associ-
ated with an increased risk of IPF.16,17 Variations
Figure 1. Estimated Relative Distribution of Specific
Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILDs) in the United States. in genes (DSP, AKAP13, CTNNA, and DPP9) that
These estimates are based on our experience and are are responsible for cell adhesion, integrity, and
likely to be heavily influenced by regional variation in mechanotransduction (the generation of electri-
referral patterns and the true underlying prevalence of cal signals from a mechanical stimulus) also
each disease (which is unknown). Regardless of the ex- confer a predisposition to IPF.18,19
act prevalence of each condition, idiopathic pulmonary
A single-nucleotide polymorphism (rs35705950)
fibrosis, chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis, connec-
tive-tissue disease–related ILD (CTD-ILD), and pulmo- in the promoter region of MUC5B substantially
nary sarcoidosis are the most common interstitial lung increases the risk of IPF.20 MUC5B codes for mu-
diseases seen in our clinical practices. cin 5B, a glycoprotein required for airway clear-
ance and innate immune responses to bacteria.21
Type I alveolar
epithelial cells CCR2
Collagen cross-linking
Type II Cell LOXL2
type II cell
TGFBR1 Autotaxin
CTGF and LPA PBI-4050
Endoplasmic FGFR1 VEGFR PDGFR BMS-986020
reticulum Pamrevlumab
Latent TGF-β
Apoptosis and TD139
cellular senescence
Shortened Mitochondrial TGF-β
telomeres dysfunction and αVβ6 Nintedanib
impaired integrin Myofibroblast differentiation
mitophagy Matrix deposition
Fibroblast proliferation
Cell adhesion BG00011 and reduced apoptosis
abnormalities Senescence-associated secretory phenotype
Down-regulation of miR-29
Impaired autophagy
Extracellular matrix stiffness
and mechanical signaling
Lymphocyte-proliferation test
of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.
by recurrent epithelial-cell injury, senescent alveolar
for berylliosis
epithelial cells, profibrotic mediators leading to matrix
deposition by myofibroblasts, microbiome changes,
and host defense abnormalities. Potential therapeutic
interventions are shown in green. Histologic features
of usual interstitial pneumonia are shown in Panels B
and C at low magnification and high magnification, re-
ground-glass opacities
spectively (hematoxylin and eosin). The photomicro-
Ground-glass opacities
graphs show a marked patchy fibrosis in a peripheral,
lobular (paraseptal) distribution. Fibroblastic foci (aster-
isk) are typically a prominent (but nonspecific) feature.
* ANA denotes antinuclear antibodies, anti-CCP anti–cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, CK creatine kinase, and HRCT high-resolution CT.
Notably absent are features that would suggest an alter-
native interstitial lung disease, such as granulomas,
hyaline membranes, organizing pneumonia, and marked
inflammation. AEC denotes alveolar epithelial cell,
CTGF connective-tissue growth factor, CCL2 chemo-
kine (C-C motif) ligand 2, CCR2 chemokine (C-C motif)
† Crackles are noted on lung examination in nearly all cases. Reticulation with or without traction bronchiectasis is common.
sclerodactyly, mechan-
rheumatoid nodules,
Inspiratory squeaks
papules, Raynaud’s
FGF-2 fibroblast growth factor 2, FGFR1 fibroblast
growth factor receptor 1, LOXL2 lysyl oxidase–like 2,
LPA lysophosphatidic acid, LPA1 lysophosphatidic acid
receptor type 1, LPC lysophosphatidylcholine, MCP-1
monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, MMP matrix
metalloproteinase, PDGF platelet-derived growth factor,
PDGFR platelet-derived growth factor receptor, SDF-1
stromal-cell–derived factor 1, TGF-β transforming
or visible mold; indoor or caged
Microbes in the home or workplace
from forced-air heating, humid-
or tenderness; Raynaud’s
receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4,
Medication history
heartburn; muscle pain
agricultural exposure
lung disease. We routinely question patients
about exposure to dampness, mold, or birds in
the home or workplace, which can cause chron-
Amiodarone, methotrexate, nitro-
furantoin, chemotherapeutic
(specific exposures are often
synthetase syndrome),
not identifiable)
Pneumoconiosis (occu-
pational ILDs)
The findings on high-resolution CT can be used Figure 3 (facing page). High-Resolution CT Images
to infer whether the histologic pattern of IPF is of the Chest Showing Various ILD Patterns.
present, thereby obviating the need for a lung Panels A, B, and C show the pattern of usual interstitial
biopsy in some cases. This pattern, termed pneumonia (UIP): predominant peripheral and lower-
“usual interstitial pneumonia” (UIP), consists of lobe reticulation (blue arrows) and honeycombing
heterogeneous paraseptal fibrosis with architec- ( yellow arrows), as well as traction bronchiectasis
(green arrow). This pattern is diagnostic of idiopathic
tural distortion (Fig. 2). The term UIP is also pulmonary fibrosis if no known cause is identified.
used to describe a high-resolution CT pattern Panels D, E, and F show features of “probable UIP”:
characterized by bilateral reticulation and honey- predominant peripheral and lower-lobe reticulation
combing that is predominantly peripheral and in (blue arrows) and traction bronchiectasis (green arrow)
the lower lobes (Fig. 3A, 3B, and 3C), which has without honeycombing. A probable UIP pattern with
substantial bronchiectasis, reticulation, or both in older
a high positive predictive value for a histologic adults strongly supports a diagnosis of IPF if no known
UIP pattern. Therefore, if no cause is identified, cause of ILD is identified. Panels G, H, and I show CT
a typical UIP pattern on high-resolution CT is features that are most consistent with a non-IPF diag-
diagnostic of IPF. nosis: a predominance of ground-glass opacities (black
A “probable UIP” pattern on high-resolution arrows) and reticular abnormalities in the lower lung,
with subpleural sparing. Although not diagnostic, this
CT, defined as bilateral reticulation that is pre- pattern is commonly seen when a histologic pattern of
dominantly peripheral and in the lower lobes, nonspecific interstitial pneumonia is present. Panels J,
with traction bronchiectasis but without honey- K, and L show CT features that are highly suggestive of
combing (Fig. 3D, 3E, and 3F), is also suggestive hypersensitivity pneumonitis: sharply defined mosaic
of an underlying histologic UIP pattern.41 In attenuation and ground-glass opacities (black arrows)
with mild reticulation. Images are shown from left to
studies performed at tertiary care centers with right as axial, coronal, and sagittal reconstructions.
multidisciplinary discussions used for diagnosis,
a probable UIP pattern on high-resolution CT
was diagnostic of IPF in older adults who had The procedure should not be performed in high-
substantial traction bronchiectasis or reticula- risk patients, including those with high oxygen
tion.42,43 IPF may therefore also be confidently requirements (e.g., >2 liters per minute), pulmo-
diagnosed on the basis of these findings, with- nary hypertension, rapid disease progression,
out the need for a lung biopsy. severely reduced FVC or DLco, multiple coexist-
Atypical features on high-resolution CT, includ- ing conditions, or frailty.44 Transbronchial lung
ing upper-lung or midlung predominance, peri- cryobiopsy has been increasingly advocated as a
bronchovascular predominance, subpleural sparing replacement for thoracoscopic biopsy. Although
(Fig. 3G, 3H, and 3I), predominant consolidation, experience with this technique is growing, cur-
extensive ground-glass opacities, extensive mo- rent data do not support its use.45-48 Surgical bi-
saic attenuation (Fig. 3J, 3K, and 3L), and diffuse opsy remains the standard procedure for obtain-
nodules or cysts, should raise suspicion of an ing lung tissue to establish a diagnosis of
interstitial lung disease other than IPF.41 Identify- interstitial lung disease.
ing these features can be difficult, and referral If a histologic UIP pattern is found in the
to a center that specializes in interstitial lung absence of a known cause, IPF can often be con-
disease may help establish an accurate diagnosis fidently diagnosed.41 In other circumstances,
without a lung biopsy. despite the availability of extensive clinical data,
When the combination of clinical and imag- confirmation of the diagnosis remains challeng-
ing data is not diagnostic, a thoracoscopic lung ing, particularly for nonexpert clinicians.49 Face-
biopsy can be considered if the results are ex- to-face multidisciplinary discussions involving
pected to influence therapy. Biopsy samples clinicians, radiologists, and pathologists are now
should be taken from multiple lobes, and sur- widely used to increase diagnostic agreement.50
geons should avoid sampling the most severely The reproducibility of an IPF diagnosis estab-
affected areas, since samples from these areas lished by multidisciplinary discussion is good
typically show advanced, nondiagnostic fibrosis. and improves prognostication.51
* Nonpharmacologic management includes smoking cessation, age-appropriate vaccination, supplemental oxygen, pulmonary rehabilitation,
evaluation for lung transplantation, diagnosis and management of depression and anxiety, weight and nutrition management, and support
and education. CYP denotes cytochrome P450, FDA Food and Drug Administration, and TGF-β transforming growth factor β.
† Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and bilirubin should be measured before the start of treatment, monthly
for the first 3 months of treatment, and then as clinically indicated. Nintedanib should be discontinued when the AST or ALT level is more
than 3 times the upper limit of the normal range if there is clinical evidence of hepatic dysfunction or the bilirubin level exceeds the upper
limit of the normal range. If no clinical signs or symptoms are present, an AST or ALT level that is 3 to 5 times the upper limit of the normal
range should prompt a reduction in the dose to 100 mg twice daily and additional evaluation as clinically indicated. An AST or ALT level that
is more than 5 times the upper limit of the normal range should always prompt discontinuation of nintedanib, regardless of whether there
are clinical signs or symptoms of hepatic dysfunction. Liver function should be closely monitored until the levels return to baseline values.
‡ AST, ALT, and bilirubin should be measured before the start of treatment, monthly for the first 6 months of treatment, and then every 3 months.
Pirfenidone should be permanently discontinued when the AST or ALT level is more than 3 times the upper limit of the normal range if there is
clinical evidence of hepatic dysfunction or the bilirubin level exceeds the upper limit of the normal range. If no clinical signs or symptoms
are present, an AST or ALT level that is 3 to 5 times the upper limit of the normal range should prompt careful monitoring of liver function
and additional evaluation as clinically indicated. An AST or ALT level that is more than 5 times the upper limit of the normal range should
always prompt discontinuation of pirfenidone, regardless of whether there are clinical signs or symptoms of hepatic dysfunction.
suggest clinically significant gastrointestinal side biome in IPF are ongoing (NCT02759120; and
effects.74 EudraCT number, 2014-004058-32).
Treatment guidelines for IPF include a strong There are several possible approaches for the
recommendation against the use of predni- management of cough in IPF, though none are
sone in combination with azathioprine and oral universally effective. A trial of thalidomide con-
N-acetylcysteine, a regimen associated with an firmed that it could be used to ameliorate cough
increase in mortality by a factor of 9, as com- in patients with IPF.89 An observational study
pared with placebo.10 A clinical trial showed no suggests that pirfenidone may attenuate cough.90
effect of N-acetylcysteine monotherapy on lung The P2X3 antagonist AF-219/MK-7264 (gefapixant)
function.75,76 Interferon-γ,77 endothelin antago- suppresses idiopathic cough91; a trial of this
nists,78 and warfarin79 are ineffective or harmful agent in patients with IPF has been completed
in patients with IPF. The Food and Drug Admin- (NCT02502097). Finally, an inhaled cromolyn
istration has appropriately warned consumers preparation was shown to ameliorate cough in
against various unapproved stem-cell “therapies” patients with IPF.92
advertised for the treatment of IPF.80
Although current guidelines recommend the C ompl ic at ions a nd Mor ta l i t y
use of antacid therapy to treat IPF,63 there are no
data from clinical trials to support this recom- IPF carries a poor prognosis, with a median
mendation. In two studies, antacid use was as- survival of 3.8 years among adults 65 years of
sociated with a slower decline in lung function age or older in the United States.6 Although this
and a lower mortality rate.81,82 These observa- statistic is disappointing, in practice it is not
tional studies of treatment effect are, by nature, uncommon for patients to live 5 years or more
confounded by indication and should not be used after receiving the diagnosis. Many patients die
to inform clinical practice.83 More recent data sug- from progressive, chronic hypoxemic respiratory
gest that antacid therapy may increase the risk failure. Palliative care is rarely instituted in pa-
of respiratory infections in patients with IPF.84 tients with IPF before the end of life.93
Growing knowledge of the biologic underpin- Each year, approximately 10 to 20% of patients
nings of fibroproliferation has opened new thera- with IPF have an acute exacerbation, characterized
peutic avenues. A phase 2 trial of pamrevlumab, by worsened hypoxemic respiratory failure, with
an intravenously administered antibody targeting bilateral ground-glass opacities, consolidation, or
connective-tissue growth factor, slowed the de- both on high-resolution CT imaging that are not
cline in FVC, as compared with placebo, over a fully explained by volume overload.94 Exacerba-
period of 48 weeks.85 PBI-4050, which targets tions may be triggered by a clinical event (e.g.,
multiple profibrotic cytokines and alters fibro- infection, aspiration, or drug toxicity) but are
blast function,70 may improve FVC when admin- frequently idiopathic.94 Most patients with an
istered in combination with nintedanib.86 TD139, acute exacerbation die from acute respiratory
an inhaled galectin-3 inhibitor, has been shown failure. Available guidelines make weak recom-
to lower galectin-3 expression on alveolar macro- mendations for the use of glucocorticoids and
phages in IPF.87 GLPG1690, which targets auto- do not recommend the use of mechanical venti-
taxin, an enzyme responsible for LPA produc- lation in patients with an acute exacerbation,
tion, may reduce circulating LPA levels while emphasizing the need to establish physician or-
influencing lung function and findings on func- ders regarding life-sustaining treatment before
tional respiratory imaging. Trials of BMS-986020 the onset of a life-threatening event.2
( number, NCT01766817), an oral Patients with IPF are at increased risk for ve-
LPA antagonist, and BG00011 (NCT01371305), nous thromboembolism,95 lung cancer,96 and pul-
a monoclonal antibody targeting the αVβ6 inte- monary hypertension.97 A high index of suspicion
grin, have been completed, and the results are should be maintained for pulmonary embolism
pending. A phase 1 study has shown that PRM- as the cause of any acute respiratory deteriora-
151 (recombinant pentraxin-2) is safe in patients tion. Incidental pulmonary nodules should be
with IPF88; a phase 2 study (NCT02550873) has managed according to established guidelines for
been completed. Two clinical trials of antimicro- high-risk patients.98 Annual low-dose CT scan-
bial therapy potentially targeting the lung micro- ning should be considered for patients meeting
the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force criteria Dr. Lederer reports receiving consulting fees, advisory board
fees, and fees for serving on a steering committee from Genen-
for lung-cancer screening.99 Although pulmonary tech/Roche, grant support and advisory board fees from Boeh-
hypertension occurs in some patients with IPF, ringer Ingelheim, consulting fees and advisory board fees from
management in the outpatient setting should Veracyte, fees for serving on an adjudication committee from
Degge Group, lecture fees, fees for serving on a steering com-
consist solely of supplemental oxygen, without mittee, and fees for generation of educational content from
pulmonary vasodilator therapy. Until further data France Foundation, grant support and consulting fees from Fi-
are available, targeted therapies approved for pul- brogen and Global Blood Therapeutics, and consulting fees
from Patara, Philips Respironics, ImmuneWorks, Sanofi Gen-
monary arterial hypertension should be avoided zyme, and Galapagos; and Dr. Martinez, receiving honoraria
in patients with IPF unless they are enrolled in a and travel support from AstraZeneca, Continuing Education,
clinical trial investigating such therapies.100 ConCert, Inova Fairfax Health System, MD Magazine, Miller
Communications, National Association for Continuing Educa-
tion, Novartis, Pearl Pharmaceuticals, PeerView Communications,
Prime Communications, Puerto Rican Respiratory Society, Po-
F u t ur e Dir ec t ions tomac, Chiesi, Roche, Sunovion, Theravance, and University of
Alabama Birmingham, receiving advisory board fees and travel
In light of the rising prevalence of IPF and the support and serving on a data and safety monitoring board for
increase in associated mortality, we hope that Boehringer Ingelheim, Genentech, and GlaxoSmithKline, serv-
the next 5 years will be marked by greater rec- ing on the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease advisory board
for ProterixBio, receiving honoraria from Columbia University,
ognition of the disease on the part of primary Haymarket Communications, Integritas, Inthought Research,
care providers, leading to earlier involvement of Methodist Hospital Brooklyn, New York University, Unity, UpTo-
a multidisciplinary team to aid in diagnosis and Date, WedMD/MedScape, Western Connecticut Health Network,
Academic CME, Clarion, Patara, PeerView, and PlatformIQ,
management. Novel preventive interventions, serving on the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Study steer-
evolving use of screening biomarkers, and the ing committee for Afferent, Gilead, and Veracyte, serving on the
eventual ability to target newly discovered risk pulmonary hypertension–idiopathic interstitial pneumonias
(PH-IIP) study steering committee for Bayer, serving on the IPF
factors for IPF could lead to a decline in the in- Study data and safety monitoring board for Stromedix/Biogen,
cidence of this disease as well as other fibrotic and receiving travel support from Nitto and Zambon. No other
interstitial lung diseases in coming years. Ad- potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
vances in therapeutics, including individualized the full text of this article at
approaches and interventions to halt collagen We thank Drs. Gisli Jenkins and Naftali Kaminski for their
deposition, may one day eliminate the need for advice and comments about the mechanisms underlying idio-
pathic pulmonary fibrosis, Dr. David Lynch for his review of
lung transplantation and turn IPF into a lifelong findings on high-resolution CT studies, and Dr. Alain Borczuk
chronic disease. for providing histologic images.
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