BCTA Revision Questions Pack
BCTA Revision Questions Pack
BCTA Revision Questions Pack
Practice questions
You also obtained the following shareholder structure from the share register:
Beneficial Shareholders holding 5% or more of the Number % holding
ordinary share capital of shares
Modipadi Investment Holdings Limited 42 525 6.075%
Hlori Capital Property Limited 54 600 7.8%
Metsi Industrial Holdings Limited 135 000 19.29%
DLO Provident Fund 70 000 10%
Beneficial Shareholders holding 5% or more of the Number of Shares %
preference share capital
• The remainder of the shareholders each hold less than 5% of the issued ordinary and
preference shares of the company. Ordinary shareholders are entitled to one vote for
each share held.
• The preference shares do not carry a vote, unless the preference dividend is in arrears
and remains unpaid and where any resolution is proposed at a shareholders meeting
which directly affects the rights attached to the preference shares. The preference
shareholders will be entitled to one vote for each preference share held if the voting
conditions become applicable.
• MTN has had to pay a $9.5 million fine to Ethiopia as they failed to comply with the sim
card legislation in the country. As a result, MTN has not been able to pay the preference
dividend in the current year and they consider it unlikely that the preference dividend will
be paid in the next year.
• The overall decision making regarding the relevant activities of MTN are made by the
board of directors who are appointed by the shareholders at the annual general meeting.
The next annual general meeting will be held in Harare, Zimbabwe on September 20X7.
Issue 2
On 1 January 20X7, MTN purchased all of the assets and liabilities of Matheo Communications
(Pty) Limited (hereafter referred to as Matheo), a large consulting entity situated in
Johannesburg. Matheo is focused on providing consulting services to big corporations on
telecommunications matters. These assets and liabilities meet the definition of a business as
defined in IFRS 3 Business Combinations.
The financial manager of MTN, Mrs Dlamini, prepared the following working paper and notes to
account for the business combination. She has rounded all amounts to nearest Dollar and all
amounts are recognised at fair value unless otherwise stated.
Debit $ Credit $
Property, plant and equipment 1 4 750 000
Investment property 2 5 000 000
Intangible asset 3 4 600 000
Non-current asset classified as held for sale 4 1 751 900
Provisions 5 3 380 000
Long-term loan 5 3 998 449
Legal costs 6 55 231
Business combination loan 7 4 192 743
Gain on bargain purchase 8 4 585 940
1. Included in the property, plant and equipment of Matheo are hand held devices that were
used by the consultants to provide a service for their clients. MTN intends to sell all these
devices as part of their normal operations. The fair value of the hand held devices at the
acquisition date amounted to $1 350 000.
2. Investment property relates to a building situated in Borrowdale Brooke that Matheo
currently rents to MTN. MTN has been using the building as their head office for their
operations in Zimbabwe and plan to continue to do so after the acquisition of Matheo.
3. The following intangible assets were identified during the due diligence performed on the
• MTN has agreed to pay an additional $2 500 000 should the profit generated from the
assets and liabilities acquired increase by more than 10% per year for two consecutive
years. The fair value of the obligation at the acquisition date amounted to $1 800 000.
8. The gain on bargain purchase is calculated as the balancing figure
You may ignore all Income Tax consequences for the purposes of answering QUESTION 1
a) Discuss, with reference to IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, who exercises
control over MTN Limited for the period ended 31 March 2017. (15)
b) Prepare the correcting journal entry that should be processed by MTN Limited in order to
account for the business combination with Matheo Communications (Pty) Limited as at 1
January 20X7.
• Your correcting journal entry should ensure that the classification of the assets and
liabilities are accurate.
• Include all journal narrations.
• Ignore taxation. (13)
Effective and efficient communication: (2)
a) Discuss, with reference to IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, who (15)
exercises control over MTN Limited for the period ended 31 March 20X7.
An investor controls an investee when it is exposed, or has rights, to variable 1
returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those
returns through its power over the investee. [IFRS 10.6]
Thus, an investor controls an investee if and only if the investor has all the 1
An investor has power over an investee when the investor has existing rights that 1
give it the current ability to direct the relevant activities, ie the activities that
significantly affect the investee’s returns. [IFRS 10.10]
An in-depth analysis of the relevant activities is not required, because the ultimate 1
direction of all activities is decided by the Board of directors who are appointed
by the majority shareholders.
The voting rights attached to the preference shareholders will be deemed to be 1
protective rights as the rights protect the interest of the preference shareholders
without giving them power over the investee.
At initial assessment the voting rights attached to the preference shareholders 1
would apply in the exceptional circumstances when the preference dividends are
arears. These rights would initially not result in the preference shareholders
having power over MTN.
IFRS 10 requires that an investor reassess whether they control an investee if facts 1
and circumstances indicate a change in one or more of the elements of control.
In the current year, the dividend due to the preference shareholders is in arrears 1
and therefore the preference shareholders are now entitled to participate in the
decision making related to the relevant activities of MTN.
Therefore, the preference shareholders have the practical ability to exercise their 1
right to vote in the current year (i.e. rights are now substantive).
The party with the majority of the voting rights (existing rights) is deemed to have 3
power over MTN and currently on assessment of the various shareholders the
following is evident:
Total available voting rights:
Issued (1) Ordinary shares: 700 000
Issued Preference shares 1 000 000
Total 1 700 000 (1)
Used on ISSUED shares and not authorised shares to calculate voting rights;
Voting rights based on BOTH ordinary and preference shares
Metsi Industrial Holdings Limited has the majority of the voting rights when 2
combining their share of the ordinary share capital with the preference share
Ordinary shareholding 135 000
Preference shareholding 800 000
* Loan: Either derecognise full loan of $4.1m and recognise loan of $3m and cont consideration
(fin liability) at FV OR adjust for difference between loan CA and what CA should be ($2.5m and
Calculate present value of the loan:
N=60; I/Y=11.5% (or 11.5%/12 if P/Y=1); FV=3 000 000; PV=1 692 743
Loan amount given $4 192 743 LESS FV of the CL $ 2 500 000 = PV of Loan $1 692 743
COMMUNICATION: Journal narration 1
Current assets (12,500 + 2,400 +130 – 130 (cash in transit)– 400 (W2)(a)) 14,150
Equity shares of $1 each ((12,000 + 2,400 (W3)) 14,400
Share premium (W3) 9,600
Land revaluation reserve 2,000
Other equity reserve 500
Retained earnings (W5) 13,060
Non-controlling interest (W4) 3,690
Non-current liabilities
6% loan notes 3,000
Current liabilities (10,000 + 6,800 – 350 intra group balance) 16,450
Working 1 Goodwill
Parent holding (investment) at fair value:
Shares ((5,000 × 80%) × 3/5 × $5 12,000
Loan note issue ((5,000 × 80%) / 500 × 100) 800
NCI value at acquisition ((5,000 × 20%) × $3.50) 3,500
Fair value of net assets at acquisition (W2) (7,000)
Goodwill on acquisition 9,300
Below are extracts from the financial statements of Poochie Ltd:
Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 March 20X1
Revenue 30,650
Cost of sales (26,000)
Gross profit 4,650
Distribution costs (900)
Administrative expenses (500)
Profit from operations 3,250
Investment income 680
Finance costs (400)
Profit before tax 3,530
Income tax expense (300)
Profit for the period 3,230
Non-current liabilities
Long term borrowings (including leases) 2,300 1,040
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 250 1,890
Interest payable 230 100
Taxation 400 1,000
Total equity and liabilities 8,090 6,660
Additional information:
• Profit from operations is after charging depreciation on the property, plant and
equipment of $450.
• During the year ended 31 March 20X1, plant and machinery costing $80 and with
accumulated depreciation of $60, was sold for $20.
• During the year ended 31 March 20X1, the company acquired property, plant and
equipment costing $1,900, of which $900 was acquired by means of lease. Cash payments
of $1,000 were made to purchase property, plant and equipment.
• $90 was paid under the lease.
• The receivables at the end of 20X1 includes $100 of interest receivable. There was no
equivalent balance at the beginning of the year.
• Investment income of $680 is made up of $300 interest receivable and $380 dividends
• Dividends paid during the year were $1,200.
Prepare a statement of cash flows for Poochie Ltd for the year ended 31 March 20X1 in
compliance with IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows using the indirect method.
Poochie Ltd: Statement of cash flows for the year ended 31 March 20X1
$ $
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations 2,410
Interest paid (W1) (270)
Income tax paid (W2) (900)
Net cash from operating activities 1,240
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (W3) (1,000)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 20
Interest received (W4) 200
Dividends received 380
Net cash from investing activities (400)
Cash flow from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of shares (W5) 250
Proceeds from long-term borrowing (W6) 450
Payment of lease (90)
Dividends paid (1,200)
Net cash from financing activities (590)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 250
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 160
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 410
(W1) Interest paid:
Interest liability b/f 100
Finance cost per SPL 400
Interest paid (Balancing figure) (270)
Interest liability c/f 230
(W2) Tax paid:
Liability b/f 1,000
Tax charge per SPL 300
Tax paid (Balancing figure) (900)
Liability c/f 400
(W3) Property, plant and equipment:
Balance b/f 850
Depreciation (450)
Disposal (80 – 60) (20)
Lease additions 900