Fire Protection Flammabilityandtextilefibrescolourage
Fire Protection Flammabilityandtextilefibrescolourage
Fire Protection Flammabilityandtextilefibrescolourage
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3 authors:
Ameersing Luximon
Georgia Institute of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Asimananda Khandual on 29 December 2015.
Fire hazards being reported every day, killing lives and destroying resources. According to fire hazard statistics,
more than 12 million fires break out every year in the United States, Europe, Russia and China killing some
300,000 people and injuring several hundreds of thousands. Direct worldwide losses of life and costs are not
reported but $500 million is an estimate based on some national data by Manor and Georlette in 2005. The
Phenomenon evolved by combination of many factors, including; ignitability, ease of extinction, flammability of
the volatile products generated, rate of heat released, flame spread, smoke obstruction and smoke toxicity etc.
Therefore, in the pursuit of improved flame retarding polymers or finishes has been seeing an unprecedented
field of researches for the development of low cost polymers with better performances. Though initially, flame
resistant textiles developments started for defense personnel to protect them in various hostile environments, its
application becoming widely diversified with the modern industrialization that demands typical performances
with comfort to ensure safety not only for military but also for civilians.We are presenting series of articles to
understand basics of fire propagation, inherent properties of various textile fibres and new fibres, flame
retardants and their developments.
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result, a high HRR endangers life and resources. Every fire The fire hazard of apparel fabrics depends to a large extent
hazard variables do not threaten life i:e could be, a product on the ease of ignition and the rate of spread of flame of the
showing easy ignitability or flame spread rates, however this fabrics. Ignition occurs when the temperature of the fabric is
does not necessarily mean that it catches fire and expected to high enough for thermal decomposition and generation of
be dangerous. Such behavior may merely suggest a flammable volatiles. A high incident flux, low thermal inertia,
predisposition to hinder the fire progression. However high and weak chemical bonds will result in faster time of ignition
HRR is intrinsically dangerous. This is because the speed with and greater flammability hazard. The fiber content , structure
which the fire develops causes high temperatures, high heat and finishing treatments of the fabric influence the ignitibility.
release rate and high heat flux environments, which may be Cellulosic fabric such as cotton, viscose and linen ignite easily
deadly to residents and the duration of burning are dependent and burn quite fast. They can also continue to smoulder
on both the characteristic of the fuel involved and ventilation (afterglow), causing fires to restart or propagate [17]. A rapid
profile as illustrated in Fig. 5. spread of flame can occur over the surface of cellulosic fabric
The secondary fire effects are also crucial factors that with pile, like fleece, flannel or terry. Thick, tight and smooth
promote the rate of flame spread by emissions of smoke and cellulosic fabrics will not ignite so easily. Generally, fabrics
toxic gases. The greatest danger to people happens when the made of animal fibers, like wool or silk, will not ignite easily.
combination of radiant heat release with lack of oxygen Man- made fibers such as polyester and polyamide melt away
occurred. The HRR of burning material is the product of from the flame as the flame touches them and they often
mass loss rate per unit of exposed surface area and its actual extinguish themselves. Whereas the synthetic fibers, are not
heat of combustion. Hence, heat release rate is not just one of prone to catch fire easily and they melt away from a heat
many variables used to describe a fire but a single most source. However, this means that they provide no fire
important variable in describing fire hazards. protection for enclosed materials, such as foams in furniture,
so that a small flame can develop into a horrible house fire.
Synthetic textiles will burn strongly if they cannot melt away
from the flame and the molten fibers can cause severe burns[17].
The demand for the degree of heat and flame protection
vary ranging from clothing for situations in which the wearer
may be subjected to occasional exposure to a moderate level of
radiant heat as part of his/her normal working day or to the
clothing for prolonged protection, where the wearer is
subjected to severe radiant and convective heat, to direct
flame, for example firefighter suits.
Fig. 5: Heat Release Rate varies with Fuel characteristics Factors affecting the flammability
and vent profile[14]
Ease of ignition, rate of burning and heat release rate are
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NATURALS As a general rule they Most have minimal Usually leaves a soft ash that Paper, wood or leaves
ignite easily with a smoke can be blown or wiped away, smell.
steady glowing flame if any
Cotton Ignites easily, continues Little white to grey Soft white or grey ash that The smell, burning paper
to burn when removed smoke. blows away, the weave in the or wood. Cotton burns
from flame. Usually a ash can still be seen on rather slow. Has a
sputtering flame. personal tests. glow after flame is out
Hemp Very similar to cotton. White to grey Grey to white ash The smell of burning paper
smoke or wood
Linen Very similar to cotton, a Same as Cotton Same as Cotton, may be more Appearance will differ from
little harder to ignite brittle at the base of the ash cotton,. Same smell.
and slower to burn. on the fabric edge.
Silk Ignites quickly, burns Very minimal smoke Leaves a beaded or gritty dark Smells like burning hair
easy, and slower the to light. grey or black ash. but sometime too faint.
thicker it is. Harder to extinguish.
RAYON (1/2 Burns slower than Tends to have a Soft ash that can be blown Paper or wood like smell.
natural and cotton. Steady flame, darker smoke than away. Is slightly more brittle Tends to have more ash
synthetic) minimal dark grey to cotton, but can vary than Cotton ash and may be left and is not as clean of a
black smoke gritty. burn as Cotton. Has a
bright glow before flame
burns out.
SYNTHETICS Tend to retreat from Usually dark and Hard, brittle, lumpy ashes, or Harsh acidic smells or little
flames and melts thick smoke melted beads to no smell. Usually
blended making hard to
Acetate Melts and burns with Sometimes dark Hard dark brittle bead. Can Vinegary or treated wood
flame. Will retreat from grey to black smoke. drip while burning smell.
flame, burns quick. be careful.
Acrylic Retreats from flame. Varies Hard brittle irregular Harsh acidic smell.
Burns rapidly, melts. It Ash/beading.
will burn if flame is on
it long enough.
Sputtering flame
Nylon Melts then burns, will White smoke Hard grey, smoky or brown Vegetable or plant like
. retreat from flame. bead. smell. If ash is burned,
Burns slowly smells like plastic.
Polyester Melts and burns at the Black smoke Hard brittle cream or brown Sweet or acidic smell. Drips
same time, retreats from bead. Can turn while burning. The
flame. black if burned drippings are sometimes
excessively. on fire.
Spandex Melts, does not retreat Black or dark ash An acidic or rubber smell
from flame like a hot pencil eraser
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example a tighter spun yarn can resist ignition more than a flame retardant. The heat of combustion (HC) is important
loosely spun yarn or the same way for fabric [18]. The density major that shows how quickly a fire will spread .
and structure of a fabric are also critical; a dense fabric
composed of several layers or of high GSM is less likely to Flame-retardant, heat protective textiles[20]
burn than a low density fabric with an open structure[15]. The There exists a significant difference between civilian and
Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI) is often used to indicate the military fire events. The majority of civilian fires are accidental
burning tendency of a material. Any fiber with a LOI value of events, whereas the majority of military fires are deliberately
21% or lower will effortlessly ignite and burn in the presence planned and professionally executed that specifically intended
of air. LOI values of 26-28 are indicative of fibers which are to destroy equipment and installations and to maim and kill
44 m MAY 2014
life. Military textile materials are often the
first materials to ignite and they Table 4: Melting points of some thermoplastic textile fibers [20]
propagate small fires that may rapidly Fibre type Trade names Melting point (Tm°C)
lead to large conflagrations. The use of
flame-retardant textiles for many defense Polyester Terylene, Dacron, Trevira,
applications can specifically include: Thermastat, Coolmax, Patagonia 255
l Protective clothing - for firefighters, Polypropylene Meraklon, Leolene, Ulstron 150
bomb disposal (explosive ordnance
disposal, EOD) crews, nuclear, Polyamide Nylon 6, Nylon 6-6, Tactel 250
biological and chemical (NBC) Poly Vinylidene Chloride Damart Thermolactyl, Rhovyl Shrinks 95
protection, AFV tank crews, naval
forces aboard ships and submarines, Modacrylic SEF, Velicren, Teklan, 175
aircrew, and special forces such as SAS Spandex (Elastic Fibres) Lycra, Vyrene 250
(Special Air Service), SBS (Special
Boat Service), and US navy seals.
than 35% polyester is suggested because it can cause skin
l Equipment - such as tents, shelters, vehicle covers, and burns.
bedding. The melt hazard issue is still a cause for much debate,
especially in its inferences for infantry and marines operating in
Military flame and heat threats cold climates. Some nations ignore this potential problem,
The threats to humans and equipment can be sorted as : whilst others, including the UK, observe the risk in certain
1. open flames from burning textiles, wood, vegetation, special situations for all aircrew, tank crew, and all naval action
furnishings and fuels clothing. The UK has recently relaxed the restrictions on the
2. radiant weapon flash - whether conventional or nuclear use of thermoplastic textiles in certain cold weather
weapons operations[20]
3. exploding penetrating munitions, especially incendiary
4. conducted or convected heat, including contact with hot Conclusion
objects The fiber inherent characteristic, structure and finishing
5. toxic fumes generated in confined spaces treatments of the fabric influence the ignitibility and burning
6. smoke which hinders escape in confined spaces, and can propensity. The demand for the degree of heat and flame
damage other equipment protection vary widely ranging from clothing for normal
7. molten, dripping polymers, which can injure clothed situations to various hostile environments where the wearer
humans and spread fires in furnishings and interior fittings may be subjected to high risk of fire hazards. Design of
suitable fire and heat protection clothing can save lives and
Thermoplastic melt hazard[20] resources. Further research work on flame protective textiles
are going on to develop new fibres and finishes with improved
In many a situations, forces can experience the detrimental performances with reasonable handle and comfort properties.
effects of molten fibre polymer sticking to their skin. They The new generation development are also motivated on their
may cause severe injuries. Table 3 shows that thermoplastic biodegradability and eco-friendly processing routes.
fibres have melting points as low as 105°C and if used in
underwear can shrink onto the skin prior to melting. The
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