Class 10 Science 4205 D 2019

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CLASS : 10th (Secondary) Code No. 4205

Series : Sec. M/2019
Roll No. SET : D

(Physics, Chemistry and Life Science)
[ fgUnh ,oa vaxzsth ek/;e ]
[ Hindi and English Medium ]
(Only for Fresh/Re-appear Candidates)

le; : 3 ?k.Vs ] [ iw.kk±d : 60

Time allowed : 3 hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 60

• d`i;k tk¡p dj ysa fd bl iz'u-i= esa eqfnzr i`"B
16 rFkk
iz'u 27 gSaA
Please make sure that the printed pages in this
question paper are 16 in number and it contains 27

• iz'u-i= esa nkfgus gkFk dh vksj fn;s x;s dksM uEcj rFkk lsV dks
Nk= mÙkj-iqfLrdk ds eq[;-i`"B ij fy[ksaA
The Code No. and Set on the right side of the
question paper should be written by the candidate
on the front page of the answer-book.
4205/(Set : D) P. T. O.

(2) 4205/(Set : D)
• d`i;k iz'u dk mÙkj fy[kuk 'kq: djus ls igys] iz'u dk Øekad
vo'; fy[ksaA
Before beginning to answer a question, its Serial
Number must be written.

• mÙkj-iqfLrdk ds chp esa [kkyh iUuk / iUus u NksMsa+A

Don't leave blank page/pages in your answer-book.

• mÙkj-iqfLrdk ds vfrfjDr dksbZ vU; 'khV ugha feysxhA vr%

vko';drkuqlkj gh fy[ksa vkSj fy[kk mÙkj u dkVsaA
Except answer-book, no extra sheet will be given.
Write to the point and do not strike the written

• ijh{kkFkhZ viuk jksy ua0 iz'u-i= ij vo'; fy[ksaA

Candidates must write their Roll Number on the

question paper.

• d`i;k iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus lss iwoZ ;g lqfuf'pr dj ysa fd iz'u-i=

iw.kZ o lgh gS] ijh{kk ds mijkUr bl lEcU/k esa dksbZ Hkh nkok
Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
Before answering the question, ensure that you
have been supplied the correct and complete
question paper, no claim in this regard, will be
entertained after examination.

4205/(Set : D)

(3) 4205/(Set : D)
lkekU; funsZ'k %
General Instructions :

(i) lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA

All questions are compulsory.

(ii) oLrqfu"B iz'uksa ds lgh fodYi fy[ksaA

Write the correct option in objective type

(iii) nh?kZ mÙkj okys iz'uksa esa vkarfjd fodYi dk izko/kku gSA
Internal choice has been provided in long
answer type questions.
(iv) izR;sd iz'u ds vad mlds lkeus n'kkZ;s x;s gSaA
Marks of each question are indicated against it.


– v
SECTION – A [ Marks : 20
¼HkkSfrd foKku½

1. vfxze lw;ksZn; rFkk foyafcr lw;kZLr dk eq[; dkj.k gS] izdk'k

dk % 1
(A) ijkorZu
(B) viorZu
(C) fopyu
(D) izdh.kZu

4205/(Set : D) P. T. O.

(4) 4205/(Set : D)
The main reason behind the advanced sunrise
and delayed sunset is ……………. of light.

(A) Reflection

(B) Refraction

(C) Deviation

(D) Scattering

2. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu tSoek=k ÅtkZ òksr dk mnkgj.k ugha

gS \ 1

(A) ydM+h
(B) xkscj xSl
(C) ukfHkdh; ÅtkZ

(D) dks;yk
Which of the following is not an example of bio-
mass energy source ?

(A) Wood

(B) Gobar gas

(C) Nuclear energy

(D) Coal

4205/(Set : D)

(5) 4205/(Set : D)
3. fizTe vkifrr 'osr izdk'k dks jaxksa dh iV~Vh esa foHkDr dj nsrk
gSA fn[kkbZ nsus okys jaxksa dks Øe esa fyf[k,A 1

The prism split the incident white light into a

band of colours. Write these colours name in


4. pkyd rkj dk izfrjks/k fdu dkjdksa ij fuHkZj djrk gS \ 1

On what factors, the resistance of a conductor

depends ?

5. ÅtkZ ds vkn'kZ òksr eas D;k xq.k gksrs gSa \ 2

What are the properties of a good source of

energy ?

6. 2 Ω, 3 Ω rFkk 6 Ω ds izfrjks/kdksa dks fdl izdkj la;ksftr

fd;k tk, fd la;kstu dk dqy izfrjks/k 1Ω gks tk, \ 2

How can three resistors of resistances 2 Ω, 3 Ω

and 6 Ω be connected to give a total resistance

of 1 Ω ?

4205/(Set : D) P. T. O.

(6) 4205/(Set : D)

7. vkius i;kZoj.k dks cpkus ds fy;s rhu izdkj ds 'R' ds fo"k; esa
rks vo'; lquk gksxk % 2

de mi;ksx (Reduce), iqu% pØ.k (Recycle) vkSj iqu%

mi;ksx (Reuse)A de mi;ksx dk foLrkj ls o.kZu djsaA

You must have come across the three R's to save

the environment :

Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. Explain Reduce in


8. (a) dksbZ oLrq vory niZ.k ds oØrk dsUnz
(C) rFkk Qksdl F

ds e/; fLFkr gSA ml oLrq ds izfrfcEc dh fLFkfr] lkbt

rFkk izÑfr dk fp= cukb,A 2

An object is situated between the centre of

curvature (C) and focus (F) of a concave

mirror. Draw a ray diagram of the position,

size and nature of image.

4205/(Set : D)

(7) 4205/(Set : D)
(b) ml ysal dh Qksdl nwjh Kkr dhft, ftldh {kerk
–2.0 D gSA ;g fdl izdkj dk ysal gS \ 2

Find the focal length of a lens of power

–2.0 D. What type of lens is this ?

9. ukekafdr vkjs[k [khap dj fdlh fo|qr tfu= dk ewy fl)kUr

rFkk dk;Zfof/k Li"V dhft,A dc dh rqyuk esa ac ds egÙoiw.kZ
ykHk D;k gSa \ 6

Explain the underlying principle and working of

an electric generator by drawing a labelled

diagram. What are the advantages of ac over

dc ?


(a) HkwlaidZu (Earthing) ls D;k vfHkizk; gS \ fo|qr

midj.kksa dks HkwlaifdZr D;ksa fd;k tkrk gS \ 2

What do you mean by earthing ? Why

should the electrical appliances be
earthed ?

4205/(Set : D) P. T. O.

(8) 4205/(Set : D)
(b) ifjukfydk ls vkidk D;k vfHkizk; gS \ ,d ifjukfydk
esa izokfgr fo|qr /kkjk ds dkj.k mRiUu pqacdh; {ks= dks
vkjsf[kr dhft,A ifjukfydk ds mi;ksx Hkh fyf[k,A 4

What do you mean by a solenoid ? Draw the

magnetic field lines around a current

carrying solenoid. Write down the use of a


[k.M – c
SECTION – B [ Marks : 19
¼jlk;u foKku½

10. fuEu jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k esa dkSu-lk vfHkdkjd vipf;r gks

jgk gS \ 1

ZnO + C → Zn + CO

Which reactant is reduced in the following

chemical reaction ?

ZnO + C → Zn + CO

4205/(Set : D)

(9) 4205/(Set : D)

11. vkids ikl rhu foy;u A, B rFkk C gS]a ftudk pH dk eku

Øe'k% 3, 7 ,oa 9 gSA mijksDr esa ls dkSu-lk foy;u vEyh;
gksxk \ 1

You have three solutions A, B and C, whose pH

value is 3, 7 and 9 respectively. Out of above

solutions, which solution is acidic ?

12. rÙo M, MCl 3 lw= okyk ,d DyksjkbM cukrk gSA vkorZ
esa ;g rÙo M laHkor% fdl lewg ds varxZr gksxk \ 1

(A) Si (B) Al

(C) Na (D) Mg

Element M forms a chloride with formula MCl 3 .

Element M would be most likely in the same

group of periodic table as :

(A) Si (B) Al

(C) Na (D) Mg

4205/(Set : D) P. T. O.

( 10 ) 4205/(Set : D)
13. fo;kstu ¼vi?kVu½ vfHkfØ;kvksa ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ ,d
mnkgj.k ¼jklk;fud lehdj.k½ nhft,A 2

What do you mean by decomposition reactions ?

Give one example (chemical equation).

14. Dyksj-{kkj izfØ;k D;k gksrh gS \ bl izfØ;k dk jklk;fud

lehdj.k nhft,A 2

What is Chlor-alkali process ? Give chemical

reaction for the process.

15. vk/kqfud vkorZ ds vkorZ esa ck;ha ls nk;ha vksj tkus ij
ijek.kq lkbt+ fdl izdkj ifjofrZr gksrh gS \ dkj.k fyf[k,A 2
In modern periodic table, how does the atomic

size vary in a period on moving from left to

right ? Write its reason.

16. (i) ?kqyu'khy /kkrq vkWDlkbM dks ty esa ?kksyus ls D;k gksrk
gS \ ,d mnkgj.k nhft,A 2

What happens when water soluble metal

oxides are dissolved in water ? Give one

4205/(Set : D)

( 11 ) 4205/(Set : D)
(ii) vk;fud ;kSfxdksa dk xyukad mPp D;ksa gksrk gS \ 2

Why do ionic compounds have high melting

point ?

17. (i) fuEUk ;kSfxdksa dk ukedj.k dhft, % 1×3=3

(a) CH 3 − C ≡ CH

(b) CH 3 − OH

(c) CH 3 − C − CH 3

Write the names of following compounds :

(a) CH 3 − C ≡ CH

(b) CH 3 − OH

(c) CH 3 − C − CH 3

(ii) isUVsu (C 5 H12 ) ds lHkh lajpukRed leko;oksa dk fp=.k

dhft,A 3

Draw all the structural isomers of pentane

(C5 H12 ) .

4205/(Set : D) P. T. O.

( 12 ) 4205/(Set : D)

fuEUk izfØ;kvksa dk jklk;fud lehdj.k lfgr o.kZu

dhft, % 2×3=6

Explain the following processes with help of

chemical reactions :
(i) ,LVjhdj.k

(ii) lkcquhdj.k

(iii) gkbMªkstuhdj.k

[k.M – l
SECTION – C [ Marks : 21
¼tho foKku½
(Life Science)

18. os tho tks tfVy dkcZfud inkFkksZa dks ljy vdkcZfud inkFkksZa esa
cny dj feêh esa feyk nsrs gSa % 1

(A) mRiknd (B) viektZd

(C) 'kkdkgkjh (D) ekalkgkjh

4205/(Set : D)

( 13 ) 4205/(Set : D)
The organisms which break down complex
organic substances into simple inorganic
substances and mix them in the soil :

(A) Producers (B) Decomposers

(C) Herbivores (D) Carnivores

19. raf=dk dksf'kdk dk dkSu-lk Hkkx KkusfUnz;ksa ls lwpuk dks

mikftZr djrk gS \ 1

(A) dksf'kdk dk;

(B) nzqfedk
(C) raf=dk{k

(D) raf=dk dk vafre fljk

Which part of neuron acquires information from
sensory organs ?

(A) Cell body

(B) Dendrite

(C) Axon

(D) Nerve ending

4205/(Set : D) P. T. O.

( 14 ) 4205/(Set : D)
20. fdlh Hkh ikfjra= esa ÅtkZ dk izokg lnSo fdruh fn'kkvksa esa
gksrk gS \ 1

In how many directions the energy flows in any

ecosystem ?

21. yM+dksa ds psgjs ij cky vkuk rFkk vkokt esa Hkkjhiu ;kSoukjaHk
ds y{k.k gSaA blds fy, dkSu-lk gkWeksZu mÙkjnk;h gS \ 1

Growth of facial hair and deepening of voice are

symptoms of puberty in boys. Which hormone is
responsible for it ?

22. iq"i esa L=hdslj ds dkSu-ls Hkkx }kjk ijkx ufydk vaMk'k; esa
izos'k djrh gS \ L=hdslj ds ml Hkkx dk uke crkb,A 1

In a flower, pollen tube enters through pistil into

ovule. Name that part of pistil.

23. f}[k.Mu rFkk cgq[k.Mu esa D;k varj gS \ mnkgj.k lfgr

le>kb,A 2

What is difference between binary fission and

multiple fission ? Explain with example.

24. fofHkUu xHkZfujks/kd ;qfDr;k¡ dkSu-lh gSa \ tuu LokLF; esa budk
D;k egÙo gS \ 2

What are different contraceptive methods ? How

are they important for reproductive health ?

4205/(Set : D)

( 15 ) 4205/(Set : D)
25. efLr"d rFkk es:jTtq dSls jf{kr gksrs gSa \ 2

How are brain and spinal cord protected in

human body ?

26. ,d uhys Qwy okys ikS/ks (BB) dk ladj.k ,d lQsn Qwy okys
ikS/ks (bb) ls djok;kA 4

A blue coloured flowering plant (BB) was crossed

with white coloured flowering plant (bb).

(i) izFke larfr ds Qwyksa dk jax D;k gksxk \

What will be the colour of flowers in F1
generation ?

(ii) nwljh larfr esa Loijkx.k }kjk izkIr lQsn Qwyksa dk

izfr'kr fdruk gksxk \
What percentage of white flowered plants

will be in F2 generation through self-

pollination of F1 plants.

lfp= O;k[;k dhft,A

Explain with diagram.

27. Loiks"kh iks"k.k D;k gS \ ikS/kksa esa izdk'k la'ys"k.k ds izØe dh

O;k[;k dhft,A 6

What is autotrophic nutrition ? Explain the

process of photosynthesis in plants.

4205/(Set : D) P. T. O.

( 16 ) 4205/(Set : D)

fo"keiks"kh iks"k.k D;k gS \ vehck esa iks"k.k ds pj.kksa dk lfp=

o.kZu dhft,A 6

What is heterotrophic nutrition ? Explain the

process of nutrition in Amoeba with diagram.


4205/(Set : D)

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