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Examination March 2024


[Time: Three Hours] [Max. Marks: 70]

1. Fill up strictly the following details on your answer book
a. Name of the Examination: BACHELOR OF BUSINESS
ADMINISTRATION (FIFTH SEMESTER) --- - -- --- - ---- -- - -- - I
b. Name of the Subject: BUSINESS RESEARCH I

I c. Subject Code No: 2108000405020002

Student's Signature
2 . Sketch neat and labelled diagram wherever necessary.
: 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks of the question. I
I 4 . All questions are compulsory. ___J

' 5. Write to -the - point answers.

6. Check the options clearly before attempting.

Q.1 Answer the following questions in brief. (Any seven) 14

I. Name various types of non-scientific methods.
2. What is dependent variable? Give an example.
3. Differentiate between Quantitative and Qualitative research.
4. Difference between terms: "Data" and "Information"
5. Explain the terms: Sample Frame, Sample Element
6. Explain Nominal Scale with Suitable example.
7. Why pre-testing (pilot testing) of questionnaire is necessary?
8. What is data coding?
9. What is Bibliography in research Report?
I 0. Do you think Business Research subject is difficult and knowledge giving?
() Yes
Check whether there are any mistakes in the question mentioned above or not.
If there is mistake, re-write correct question with justification.
11. What is Hypothesis?

Q.2 A. Explain various characteristics of a good scientific research. 7

B. Explain exploratory and descriptive research designs 7


Explain various steps of business research process.


.,!. ~ ~).Cl) ~~ 1J t & .: ,
Mail Survey methods on the 7
Q.J A. Evaluate Personal surve y. Tele phonic Surv ey and
basis of followin g param eters .
Social Desirability,
Use of physi cal stimuli,
Dive rsity of questions.
B. Disc uss limitations of obse rvation method.


the merits and 14

Discuss various internal sources of secondary data. Explain
demerits to use secondary data.
Q.4 Attempt ANY TWO of the following.
suitable examples
A. Stratified sampling and Cluster sampling methods with
B. Any three probabilistic sampling Methods
C. Various non-comparative scale with suitable exam

Q.5 Answer the following questions (ANY TWO)
A. Types of research report
B. Data Editing and Data Cleaning
C. What care should be taken while deciding word
ings of the questionnaire?
encing adoption of electric
D. Draft any seven questions for studying factors influ
vehicle (Only two demographic questions allowed).

. J
c::: - l

II U 11111 11 ~ Ill rn ff I
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1111111 1111 1nIH
1111 1U

l~A N-200H0004050<,000 I
·1.\'. B.B.A. (S,·m - \' ) Exumi11afio11

.J:11111 a t') 202 1

Hcsc ard1 l\ k thoclolo~y - I

1 im c: 2 Hour, l I Tot al Mark ~: 50

~:,~~ 1 : I 1n ~1ru ctio11 ,

( '1 )

01~r:~hc.t ... r~;L-1h·,,u ·r~ ·; 1~ -l /; rt ~•t,!l •t~--~~;{,·t ,,~,dl.

Sr,a t No.:

, Fill up strict ly the details of• sign s on your nn~;wcr book LJ Cl[~JI_lLl [_]
l~ame of 1hu Exarn1n;.it1on.

• T .Y.B.B.A. (Sem -V)

NamG of thG Su bj0c1 :

,.. ; Researc h Methodoloy y · I ______ ._

SubJeC-1 Code hlo.: [ 2008000405060 001 j Stl.(de nt's Signatu re

Q- 1. An swer th e following question s. (Any five) 10

l. Class ify briefly between bas ic rcscri rch & appli ed research .
2. Defin e ex perime nt.
3. Bric fi y cx pl.:1in Ca usa l research design.
4. Va ri able whi ch is creating causa l link between dependent and independent
variable is ca lled ___ ______ vari abl e and which changes relationship
between independent and dependent variable under different conditions is
ca ll ed ~ - - - va riable. (Moderating, Mediating)
5. Explain " Popul ati on Definiti on Error" and "Measurement Error"?
6. St.ate difference betwee n primary data and secondary data.

Q-2. (a) Explain expl ora tory research des ign in deta il. 07
(b) Explain fo ll owing Lcrms in relati on to business research . 06
- Concept
- Con struct
- Operational De fi nition
RAN-2008000405060001 J [ I ] [ P.T.O.)?
~ 'v ~ 1J
~ ss,, t . ,<.: tJt·· ,
<>H 07
d e ta il. 06
c fl,; SC ar ch d c.: -,ign in e th o d .
) Ex pl ai n dl;s cr ip ti v
o n ~c ie n ti fi c re se a rc h m
Q-2. (a tific ,111</ n
D i stin g ui sh bctw<.:cn sc ien
( b) 06
h o m e in te rv ie w, Mail su rv e y
ar io u s su rv ey
meth ods( In n s:
. (a ) C o m p ar e v
in g tw o p o in ts w it h re a so
Q-3 rvie w ) o n fo ll
T el ep h o n ic inte to se co n d ar y d at
nt to re /'e r
re sp o nd e
- A b il it y for 07
o l. o n te x t.
- Sample co n tr ry d at a so u rc es in In d ia n c
a l seconch1
) E x p la in variou s ex te rn
(b OR 06
e in te rv ie w , M a il su rv e y a
s ( f n hom
io u s su rv ey meth o d re a so n s:
Q-3. (a) C o
m p ar e v ar
fo Jl o w in g tw o p o in ts w it h
w ) on
ephonic in te rv ie
- R es p o n se ra
ility. ·0 7
- Social desirab er it s o f se c o n d a ry d at
d em
E x p la in v ar io
u s m er it s an d
(b )
tw o )
ll o w in g . ( A n y o d s in re se a rc
Q -4 . A n sw e r th e fo rv a ti o n m e th
ing o b se
ss v ar io u s ad v an ta g es o f us ti o n s o f o b se rv a
ti o n
a) Discu g tw o c la ss if ic a
se rv a ti o n ? E x p /a in fo l /o w in
b) What is o b
at ion.
D irec t vis In d ir e c t o b se rv
1. a ti o n .
vis n o n st ru c( u rc d o b se rv bank.
11. S tr u c tu re d
a n d p ro d u c ts o ff e re d b y
se rv ic e s
se rv a ti o n sh e e t to evaluate
c) D es ig n o b
~ ,;
(:.. _,;

J Papn / Suh_jt·l'I ( 'ock: 2IOSOOO•tn~Ol000 l / Bl ISINFSS lff,Sl-'/\IH II
"i,.. ,j


B.B.A. T.V (Sl'lll \/)
F:xamin:1Cion Novl·mlwr- 202.\ S,·11 1 No:

Busint•ss Rl·st·a n· h I I I

[Time: Three hours I I Mnx. 11111rl(s : 701

Instructions: I. Write tn-th1:-p11i11t :111swns St111k111•~ Sln11nl11n·
7 Check the nptinns ckar ly lwl11n.: attrn1pti11g .
J . Figures Ill the right indil'all' 111ark-; :dl11ttnl 111 that
quest inn .
cl . Draw di .1gra111 whcr\· v•·r 11v.:l '-":11')'

Q.1 Answer the followin~ ,,m·stions in hrid. (Any st•vcn) 1·1

I . What is Busi m;ss RL'SL';1rcl1 ?
.., What is lntcrvl'lling Variahk'.1 ( iivL' :111 cxa111pk .
J. Diffcn:ntiate het,H'C ll Prnhk111 -ldrntilica tio11 & Prohlrn1 -Sll l\'i11 µ ll''- l':11 r h
4. State an y t·,n dillererKL'S hL'tWl'L'I primary data and '-l'l'llt1d:11> data
'.'. Exp lain tl1c ll:rm : (i) l•:k111c111. (ii) Sa111pli11 g l lnit
6. Which scale is 11-,ed tiir catl' gori cal data and 1111111hL·r-, arl' lN'd :t'- lalirl< '
A. Nominal 13. Ordinal ( ·. Interva l I). Ratill
7. What arc the limitation s of' c lllSL'-e ndcd qm·-,tion-, in q111,; -,1i111111ain.: '.1
8. State different types of' n:sea rch reports .
9. Give any two examples of' Dicllllt0111011s ()uL'stions .
I 0. What is I lypotheo,;is?
11. Do yo u re gu larl y cnnsurnc tllhac c. 1. cven if' it i,; dangcrnu,, 1t1 hea lth '!
() Yes
() No
Check whether thcrc is any 111istakes in thc qucstillll 111enti11111.:d ahuv L' m nut . II' thl.'.rL' is
mistake. rc-writl' corrcct quest ion with j ustification

Q.2 A) Explain characteristics of a good scientilic n.:scarch. 07

B) Lxplain Dcscrip1ivr and Causal research designs in detail. 07
Cx plain various types tif errors in research .

Q.3 A) Eva luate l\:rso nal survey. ·1clcphonic Survcy and Mail Survc: y rncthods based 0 11 followi11 ~t 07
- Perceived Anonymity

lt\ ) 0 11\021.)l\ 02( '.ffl 1)40 <; XI 7ll 11l('\ <;'2 1)

.," .'

1•aper / Suh_jcl't C 0tk : 2 IOH 000

405 020 002 / HU SIN ES S IH~

- RL·splH\ Sc Rate
- ( \, ntrol 1H\ data coll ecti on env iron
men t
B) I ~xpl ain va riou s ext ernal
sou rce s of sec ond ary dat a. 07
Whal is l)bs1.:rvation? Wh en Obs
erv atio n Me tho d is sui tab le to use
? Exp lain its adv ant age ~ and
di smlva nla gcs o r nbservati on met
hod .

Q.-& Al tem pt AN Y TW O of the foll owi

ng. 14
A) Sys tem atic sam plin g Me tho d
and Stra tifi ed Sam plin g Me tho
13) Qu ota Sam plin g and Sno w Bal d
l Sam plin g Me tho d
C) Vari o us No n-C om par ativ e sca
le wit h sui tab le Exa mp le

Q.5 Write ~ho rt notes on AN Y TW O

A) For mat of rese arch rep ort 14
B) Sta ti stic al Ad just ing the dat a
in dat a Pre par atio n
C) Dra ft any sev en que stio n 1 for
stu dyi ng per cep tion and atti tud
fact ors whi ch the y con sid er wh ile e of stu den ts reg ard ing
ma kin g sele ctio n cf Pos t Gra dua
G uj ara t Sta te (On ly two dem ogr tion Pro gra m in
aph ic que stio ns allo wed ).
D I Dat a edi tin g and dat a cod ing ~
it'\0!000 !
I ' ,, · 1111·11 h · 1 V)

l '' ' " I I

I 1\'lotu,, W ll.
, ( l' 'it'III d1

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<.,tudt nt • . r .:

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\1'1'1 1!\lt ' , 1•1( ! .' H ( ,llll .'} { 1'1(1N ". ' 1 ·' ( ).\
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l 'IH·,·k tit , 111 I\' hd i111· 11l lc 111pt II"
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(\ \ )f',1\\ d t. l !' ' \ \'I' lll' CUSS lll'Y

\11:,. \\ \.'I lhl' 1~111111\ I, ' · ., 11 1 hriel'. ( An y :--c v•··
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' \ :-t11d~ ,,11 :-:111:- 1'. , · 11nl 11wan.: ncss lev el , .· ·'. XYZ poli cy o f H:J:'
.11 1.I ll 'l ( ' I ll:111k i11 ·, ,:. '.drnlil'y va riahlc:-- Ir, ,, . ·,llioned research (,'-
\\ h:11 d,, ~ l'II lll t':t!l 1 .' 1 , ,!' li11.:rnl1.m.: '!
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I Paper/ Subject C'11tk: 1 ! 1:~000405020002 / 8 l.j~ P d · ~.:-- RESEAR CH

Wltnt is Business Resean.:h '?

~!'\SWER ANY THREE Qt:e~T IO NS OUT OF Q.2 , () .3, ,) ~. Q.5, Q.6, Q.7
Q.2 A) i: ,plain following classifi ..:ntil'i"" . .,('business researche s.
• Basic Research vs. r\f' ;J li~ t.i Resea rch
• Qualitative research \' '.; , (h;antitati ve Research

n) t:xphi n Concept', 'Constru ct' ;tt; d 'De finition' in relation tv 0 c1 ~::1~ -, s research by giving
su: taD le examp les.

Q.3 A) Ev~d uate Personal survey. Te:•: ;,l' tn ic Survey and Internet 5 urYe:- i1 1 ethods
on the basis o f
!< )~lowing parameters.
-l ,se of Physical Stimuli
-So;:: ia! Desirability
-S;:ieed of Data Collectic111
'>) :: xpiain Internal Sources ul' s~- ,~01\J,,ry Data . i

Q.4 _.I_ \ r,:,., ~,l:lin various probabili st; .~ sc: ,np :i;1g techniques with su; tac< -.· ,~,~1,n ple .
B) 1:·x::,!:i;n process of samplin g ·,\ ·/ 11 suitable examples. ..,

Q.~ !~) L·..; ;-1lain various i10l1-Ct)In iJ f! r ::: , i v -: s.:a l~s suitabie Exam;;:;.;
B) \'/ ri t~ a detailed note 011 him .:r_, S..::1ks.

().6 @ [x plnin structure an d l:tj"l)l! ; e;f qu~:.~,ionnaire.

B) Discuss importan ce of prc-t~'.;.,t i:'. :;, o!'q uestionnaire giving su:r:1 ,)lc e:--:.:mi p\es.

Q.7 A) Discuss the format ;: rid l'. Onteilt orresearch report

R) :)rdt any 5 qu c~i i0:1s :-ela:cd w "Corn parativ~ stud\ on On line a;1d O flii ne banki nt',"
(O:i:y 7
two demographic qu estio1~s allowed)

Q.8 \Vri te short note s(ANY 2)

Q Types of Research Errors
H) Ad\·antages C)f ~cl:Onl:ary DJ[J
C) Advantages anJ Lirnitt!t ions of Obse:-va tion Mc1h ods
D) Eth ics in Rese2rcl1

Exn,niuation l\larch 2024
n \( '111(1 .( lR ()F BllSINESS ADMINISTRATIO~

["1a~. \,larks: 70)

1" ~t\ ""·tl,\n, •

I \.'itl hp N( ,·h'C~, flw t\,how(ntl ,11,tnils 011 ~-our answer book
.1 N:111w ,,( 1\1,· i;, ;1t11111:1( h,11 H.-\CH.ELOR OF BUSL~ESS
\l'MINl~'l '~A l'h lN ~ll'u-rn SEMESTER) • I

11 N ,\I\\\' ,,11ht• .S11l,k,·1· U\ l~INt,~S RESEARCH

, .S1,t-i,v 1 \ \\\\h' N,, ~ tOSil(H).10~020001 Srud& : ·s 5'gr.~-: e
• .S \..,•h·h 11,'< ll \\1\d \;1h,,tkd d1a )It,u,1 when:-,·cr ne1.'eSStlry .
1 l •\ ~''"'~ l\1 th,', ,~ht 111dk11\\' full marl-.., ,,f the question.
I''' '~(,I"~
\ II 'l u, \\th •11 ~ ' " \' , •,, '111
' '"" '" h\ th, ,,,,,1,1 ,\11 1' \\\' l'I-
(\ , 'h\·,·~ tlw ,,,,11,,11~ \'ll'i\t h t,,,f,11,: ath.'rnpth~ .

0 .1 \nswn tht' ron,,win~ qul'~tions in brief. c.\.n)· snen) · 14

I N:11111..', ,11·i,,11/\ 1\1'1('~ ,,f ll\.'ll -~1.'ientific methods .
' Wh:11 11' d('l'l<'IIUt'M ,·ariable ·~ GiYe an e\ ample .
1 1,11fr 1\'Hl i:lll' l'{\t\n'r n Quantitative and Quali tati ve research.
1 S I )d1t'\\'II\'·(' bd\\'l'<'II t\'nrn- : ''Darn " and ''Information ~
'I t~,,,1a111 tht- lcn11s : S:u11ple Fr.\lnt". Sample Element
(• t,,,,1:un N\m111wl S\.'.ak with Suitable example.
Wh~ l'n' •lr1'ti1l__~ ~pik,t t~ titlf ) of questionnaire'is necessary?
~ Wh~t ,~ data \'lhlm~'.'
u, Whiit ls RH,li,,g,~lph~ iu 1~ sea.n:-h Repo11?..
Hl. 1)0 ~\'ll think Busin♦1-~ Reseat\.'h subject ;s difficult and kl}_o\l.lledge gi\in g?
l ) Yes
l ) N,,
l 'h(Yk whe~hcr tht't't' :u't' an y mistakes in the questi~ mentioned abo, e or 'not
If tlwt\' i:- \ll\S'ta ke . n--writc ~'\lm.'1\:t question withjustification .
11 . Whnt is H~)f'nthe1'is '.'

Q..l ,·\ . h :\ph\ln vari1..,u:- dmr.H.'lt' n·s of a good ~ntific resean:h. 7

H li-tl'lnin <.~xpll1r~1tl1ry a11J des(T1pti, e researt'.h designs 7


Explain v:ufous !lll'P.." nf business ~arch proce~. 14


t l()80(.)040~0..1 0002 u or 21
Q.3 A. f:valuate Personal ~urvey. Telephonic Survey and Mail Survey methods on the ;
· basis of folJowing ·parameters . I .,
Social Desirability ,
- Use of ~hysical stimuli,
Divefsity of questions,
' 1
B. Discµs:~ limitations of Qbsetvation method.



_ Discuss variou~ l~l~mal sources o( s~ondary data. EJCplain

the merits 1

demerits to use ~econdary data. , . '

' \ '

Q.4 ·, Attempt A}\_JY .T ,O o~ the followtii,. . ·--' . . .

A. Strat1fie,q__ samphng and Clu~ter samplmg me~l\,.ods with smtable ~x.amples
B. Any., three
,.. , g Methods ,. \ -.. ~ ... \

C. V~µs non-compara~i~_e:· scale with suiqtp,t'e,examples

., ., ')
._ .

Q.S Answer the following questi~ns (ANY TWO) ._, .

A. Types of resear~b report
Jli Data EditingJ\U9 bata Cleaning, _·· ,
· C. What care t~Qttld be taken W?ile,deciding wordiqg~,:-of the questionnaire?
D. Draft an)',~~en questions fqtstudying factors inflvencing adoption, of electric
vehiclelP,.nly two demo~r~p~'ic questions allJ:;.~,~d). , _.,
. '


', .
t ~ '·\
I '
. ,\'


. '\ '',
\ ' ..
\; \

. '"

l':tpl 'r / Suh_jN'I Cod r: 2 l080 0040 5020 002 /

2108 0004 0502 0002

8.8.A . T.Y (Sem - V) s,,a t N o:
Ex~1mination Nove mbe r-20 23
Busi ness Rese arch l _l I I I

!Max . mark s: 701

tTim t' : rhn.'t' hours!
1. \\,'ri te to-th e-point answers Stud ent's Sign:1t11n·
ln~tr uctio ns:
"' Chec k. the opt ions clear ly before attempting
to that
-' · Figures to the ri ght indicate marks allotted
4 Draw diagram whe rever necessary

seve n)
Q. l Answ er the follo wing ques tions in brief . (Any
l. \\.ha t is Business Research ?
"' \\ .hat is Intervening Variable? Give an example.
Problem- So lving researc h.
, Diffe rentiate ben;,,,een Problem-Identification &
4. State any two differences benvee, , prim
ary data and seco ndary data .
~- b:.p lain the tem1 : (i) Element, (ii) Sampling
b . Which sca le is used for categorical
data and numbers are used as labe ls?
A . Nominal 8 . Ordinal C. Interval D.
tions in ques ti onnaire?
.., What are th e limitations of close-ended ques
8. State diffe rent types of research reports.
tions .
9. Give any two exam ples of Dichotomous Ques
I 0. What is Hyp~)thes is?
11 . Do yo u regularl y cons ume tobacc.), even
if it is dangerous to hea lth?
() Yes
() No
tion mentioned ahow or rn,t. Ir th\.'n.' is
C heck whet her there is any mistakes in the ques
mistake, re-w rite correct question with justi ficat

research. 07
Q-2 A) Expla in characteristics of a good scientific
ns in detail. 07
B) Explain Desc riptiv e and Causal research desig
Explain vario us types of errors in resea rch.
ing 07
ey and Mail Surv ey meth ods based Lm folh_,\\
Q.3 A) Evaluate Pers onal surv ey, Tele phon ic Surv
- Perceived Anon ymit y

IA501B02E5A02C4EE9405 8F7891C352D
Pape r / Subje ct Code: 21 08000-t05020fHJ2 / BLSJ .'
-f,~S Rt ~L\R CH

- Respo nse Rate

- Control on data collec ti on environment r,
8 ) Explain ,·ari ous external sources of secondary data.
\\:hat is Observation? \Vhen Observati on Y1eth od is suita ble to
us{:? L,:p l&ir, 1t \ o.e·.a.r.L-C..g ~ 2.x
disadvantages of observation meth od.

Q.4 Attempt A..°'1-Y TWO of the following.

A) Systematic sampling Method and Stratified Samp li ng \,1eth
8 ) Quota Sampling and Snow Ball Sampling \,1 ethod
C) Various Non-Compara1ive scale wi ~h suitable Examp le

Q.5 \\.rite short notes on ANY TWO .

A) Format of research report
8 ) Statistical Adjusting the data in data Preparation
C) Dra41 an y seven questions for study ing peicept ion a;id attitu
de o:
stude nts regard ing
uatio n Program in
factors which they consider while making selection c f Post Grad
Gujarat State (Onl) two demographic questi ons allowed ).
D; Data editing and data coding
40!1U J~ 1 8 ' 'it.-..r:.. ••:> - - -
P~ ver I S111bject Co de: J1tHW00

V) Sea t No:
Th ird Yea r 8.8 .A (Se me ste r-
Exa min atio n Jun e - 202 3 [ i \ I
Bu sin ess Res ear ch

7 tun
IMiu 1 .airf<s: ~J , Stlldent's Sigmr
[Tit~(': l'h r~ ttQ~~~ . .
Ins tru ctio ns: I , Write to-t he- pom t answers. . ' ·on .
atte mp ting .
~l. Che ck th~ opt ion s c!ea~ly bef ore th I ues
allotted to at
J. Figu:-es to the right indac,ate mai ·ks
4. Ora ~ diagram wh ere ver necess
, 1ry.

bri ef (An) seve •i)

Q,l An swe r the foil ow inb q"~,stion : in
e@, ·ch
11} Explain B~st..: Research Vs. Appli,~d Re,sch?
2. What is Jv~ ~derating Variablt: in
3. Me ntio n Qu alit ies of a goo, '. fr., a.
en prim ary Da a and sec ond ary Dat
4. State any two d;ff ere nce s bet \,ve
5. Exp lain the ten 1,:;; . "Data" and ,.In
6. Wh at do you mean by Tar get Pop
7. Me ani ng of5 ,'.ale aui Attitude
~. Wh at is Da ta 1• :i .tinr,.
9. Wh at is tran s, ;' ~nr of dat a ,-,

, Design in c:eta ·:.

Q.2 Exp lain Va rio us T) p,.s of Researc
ear ch Pro ces s in
ntific rest;,-,rch. Expi si in Bu sin ess Res
Explain Ch ara cte rist ic.- of fi g~ d scie
Mail ~- rvey me tho ds on the basis
son al :mr vey , 'J,~ lcp hon ic Sur vey and
Q.3 A) Eva lua tf Per
foll ow ing par am ete rs.
- Sam ple Co ntro l
- Per cei ved An ony mit y
- Res pon se Rat e
l\ 1etho(.'
l ) Dis cus s adv ant age s of O'-'t -~rv:t!ion
sec o -..fary data.
E: plain tL: me rits and de!iJt-.-its to 11se
020 002 / BU SIN ESS RE SEA RC
Pap er/ Subject Code: 2 I08 000 405

bab ility sam plin g I14\

Q.4 eren ce betw een Sam ple a~d Cen sus in brief. Exp lain any 3 Pro
Exp lain diff
Meth ods.
wit h suit abl e 114\
Non -co mp arat ive and Com par ativ e atti tud e mea sur eme nt sca les
Exp lain var iou s
exa mp le.

ll 4 l
Q.5 Wr ite sho rt nQtes on AN Y TW
A) For mat of Res earc h report
stio nna ire
8) Seq uen ce of que stio ns in que
C) Per son al Sur vey Me tho d

vi vo 1- ·,
Au g: 30

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