Indonesia and South Pacific Region Cooperation Through Pacific Elevation Strategy - Partner New Zealand and Fiji
Indonesia and South Pacific Region Cooperation Through Pacific Elevation Strategy - Partner New Zealand and Fiji
Indonesia and South Pacific Region Cooperation Through Pacific Elevation Strategy - Partner New Zealand and Fiji
This research discusses the collaboration between Indonesia and the Pacific Islands Forum,
represented by New Zealand and Fiji, through the Pacific Elevation strategy. This strategy
provides benefits for each country. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The
author conducted interviews with related parties, New Zealand Embassy Staff in Jakarta, Fiji
Embassy Staff in Jakarta and Indonesia former ambassador to Fiji. The implementation of
Pacific Elevation is the Trade Fair in the form of the Pacific Fair (2020) in Fiji, Pacific
Exposition 1 (2019) and Pacific Exposition 2 (2021) in New Zealand, also the international
forum Indonesia Pacific Forum for Development (2022) in Bali. The result showed that the
implementations increase economic development in both country in two main field Agriculture
and Tourism
1. Introduction
The Pacific Islands is a region divided into several types. First, large countries such as
Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Island. These are countries that
have relatively large amounts of natural resources (minerals, forests, seas). So, these countries
have sufficient capital to drive resource based industries to support long-term growth so that
regional countries are not dependent on foreign aid. Second, highland island countries,Even
though they have limited resources, small countries such as Vanuatu, Tonga, West Samoa and
Federated States of Micronesia have advantages in fertile land and to reduce their deficits, these
countries rely on the tourism sector, and external country aid. Third, a series of poor islands
with fertile land such as Nauru, Niue, Palau, Marshall Island, Cook Island, Kiribati and Tuvalu.
These countries rely on very limited mineral and water resources. For this reason, they are more
dependent on imports and almost all depend on foreign aid. Geographically, the Pacific Islands
Region is an area consisting of many islands and has sufficient natural resources and improve
the economy (Burhanuddin, 2015). Pacific Island’s main income is fisheries, agriculture,
coconut plantations, tourism and handicrafts sectors. The tourism sector in this region is one of
the largest foreign exchange earners. Pacific island countries have what many tourists are
looking for.Pacific countries are blessed with warm weather, unique geographical features and
a rich and distinctive culture.In addition to the experience of sun, sea and sands, also offer
enticing special activities, often centered on their natural assets and beauty. Tongan waters are
known for whale watching, Solomon Islands and Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) for
wreck diving. Tourists can travel across the slopes of volcanoes in Vanuatu. this attractions
makes tourism become the largest economic sector in the Cook Islands, Fiji, Niue, Palau, and
Vanuatu.However, countries in this region unable to maximize the economic value of their
natural resource potential. The obstacles that exist are lack of population, limited human
resource capacity, and the lack of investment and assistance from other countries (Yarangga,
Human resourcesis the most important component in a country. To develop natural
resources, adequate human resources are needed for economic growth.The Pacific Island
member states have combined population of approximately 2.3 million people in a unique and
diverse region. This region consists of hundreds of islands spread over an area equivalent to
15% of the earth's surface. There is great diversity across the Pacific Islands region, from Fiji,
which is the largest country in the group (excluding Papua New Guinea) with a population of
over 900,000, to Tuvalu and Nauru, with estimated populations of around 11,000 each; making
them the smallest member of the World Bank Group by population. Kiribati is one of the most
remote and geographically dispersed countries in the world, consisting of 33 coral atolls spread
across 3.5 million square kilometers of ocean – an area larger than India.(World
Bank,2022).More over, the geographical condition of the region, which has many small islands
, gives rise to various problems in the industrial process. Problems accessing transportation
(connectivity) from one island to another. To develop the economy throughout the Pacific
Islands region, connectivity through infrastructure is necessary so that development can be felt
throughout the region. Currently, the lack of transportation is a serious problem because it takes
time from one island to another.Then, the impact of climate change also adds to the problem
because in island areas it is very possible for natural disasters to occur such as typhoons, floods,
storms, rising sea levels so that economic growth becomes hampered due to frequent disasters
(Burhanuddin, 2015). Not only that, the problem that is the basis for cooperation between
countries at this time is because of Covid-19. Covid-19 itself is a global issue that is felt by all
countries in the world. The Pacific Islands also experience the same problems. The remoteness
of many Pacific Island countries provided initial protection from the global COVID-19
pandemic, but the outbreak eventually occurred throughout the region. As the region recovers
from the pandemic, many Pacific countries are facing health and economic impacts that are
hampering growth and creating new development challenges.Sustainable development
progress will require inclusive, community-based approaches and long-term cooperation
between governments, international development partners and regional organizations. The
combined impact of low human resources, inadequate infrastructure, the COVID-19 pandemic
along with climate shocks and ongoing disasters in Pacific Island countries will continue to
pose major challenges for the region in the years to come. (World Bank, 2022).
Indonesia sees the problem of economic development in the Pacific Islands region as a
way to strengthen diplomatic relations between Indonesia and the Pacific Islands. It is known
that diplomatic relations between Indonesia and the Pacific Islands are worrying. The West
Papua problem is the main trigger for the breakdown of diplomatic relations between Indonesia
and Pacific countries. The incoming Papuan separatist upheaval to the international arena
bridged by Pacific countries. Indonesian government has a long history of resolving the
problem of separatism in the Papua region. This separatist group is identified as the Free Papua
Organization (OPM). The armed actions of the separatist group want to realize the demand for
Papuan independence and annul the results of Papuan independence and annul the results of
the Act of Free Choice, carried out by the UN in 1969 under the coordination of UNTEA which
supervised Papua's transition under Indonesia since 1963 based on The New York Agreement.
The rise of military actions by the Papuan separatist movement was also followed by a
campaign for Papuan independence from Indonesia in the international world, starting from the
regional environment. closest, namely the South Pacific to those further away such as Europe
and America, as well as in multilateral organizations such as the European Union and globally
(Nainggolan, 2014).With this security threat, Indonesia must strengthen its relations with
Pacific countries. this cooperation maybe can’t make a significant impact in the economic
sector, but in the security sector, Indonesia can guarantee its rights over Papua in the
international world.
2. Literature Review
This research will focus on cooperation for the economic development of Indonesia and
Pacific Islands Forum through Pacific Elevation. Several previous studies have discussed
cooperation between Indonesia and Pacific countries, such as research from Andrea Satria
Nugrahantya (2021) Pacific Elevation 'Engagement': Indonesia's Strategy towards the Country
-Countries in the South Pacific Region in Stopping the Separatist Movement in West Papua. In
his research, the author raises the political problem of the issue of independent Papua which
involves Pacific island countries with Indonesia so that the Pacific Elevation strategy is a means
for Indonesia's political security. Next there is a journal by Prasetia Anugrah Pratama and
Yohanes Sulaiman (2021) "The Exposition 2019 Implementation of Foreign Policy Indonesia
in its Approach to the Pacific Region.Meanwhile, in this research, author will discuss economic
development in the Pacific Islands in the Tourism and Agriculture sectors. Furthermore,
regarding Indonesian foreign cooperation and assistance in the Pacific Islands, there are several
previous studies that discuss this issue, such as, Ica Cahyani (2021) "Indonesia's Interest in
The South-South Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) Policy to Fiji during Joko Widodo 2014-2019
Government", Journal by Ayu Rachmawaty, Ade Rachmaliani, Ahmad Rizaldi (2019) "The
Impact of Indonesian Aid on Member Countries of South-South Cooperation in the Asian
Region" . Adirini Pujayanti (2015) "South-South Cooperation and Its Benefits for Indonesia",
Angga Santa Gideon (2021), "Indonesia Charm Offensive: The Strength of Indonesian Foreign
Aid Against South Pacific Countries on the Issue of West Papuan Independence", Bima
Bramasta, Praja Firdaus Nuryananda (2021) "Indonesian Government Strategy to Reduce the
Papua Issue: Analysis of Indonesian Foreign Assistance to Three South Pacific Countries (Fiji,
Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu) 2015-2019".In economic development, Rezya Agnesica
Helena Sihaloho, Rusdi Jarwo Abbas, Silvia Dian Anggraeni (2021) "Indonesian Geoeconomic
Maneuver Strategy in Responding to Support from South Pacific Countries for the Issue of
Papuan Independence", Maulana Arbi Irsyad, Nurmasari Situmeang, Sindy Yulia Putri (2020
) Indonesia's Role in Technical Cooperation on Indonesia-Fiji Shell Craft Training in the
Context of Encouraging Fiji's Economic Development (2020), Cooperation in the tourism
sector, D.A, Rizky (2014) "Indonesia's Cooperation with Fiji in the Tourism Sector (MoU Case
Study in the Tourism Sector)" , Agricultural sector Nanda Patricia (2021) "Indonesia's
Economic Diplomacy Strategy in the Agricultural Sector Through the South-South
Cooperation Framework in the Asia Pacific Region"., and Hari Priyono (2015) "Guidebook for
Bilateral Cooperation in the Agricultural Sector of Indonesia and the Asia Pacific"
the difference of this research from previous research is that, in this research the author
only focuses on the economic development in the Pacific Islands through two sectors,
agriculture and tourism. This research will discuss about Indonesia's efforts to build multilateral
cooperation with the Pacific Islands Forum countries. Indonesia has been one of the 21 Post-
Forum Dialogue Partners of the Pacific Islands Forum since 2001. The Pacific Islands Forum
has an important meaning for Indonesia, especially because it is the only forum for engaging
with all countries from the sub-region in the Pacific and has the same interests, especially
development, climate change, natural disasters and maritime affairs. Indonesia has similar
interests in economic development in two sectors, namely agriculture and tourism. This is an
opportunity for the Pacific Islands to collaborate with Indonesia in their economic
development. Thus, this collaboration is realized through the Pacific Elevation
strategy.Through this strategy, Indonesia helps the Pacific region by collaborating for
economic development in two sectors, tourism and agriculture. Pacific Elevation is a new step
for Indonesia to strengthen partnership relations with Pacific Island countries. Indonesia, as a
neighboring country with the Pacific islands, previously did not maximize its role in the region.
This strategy raises Indonesia's image and also provides benefits for the Pacific Islands to
develop their economy.
3. Methodology
This research used descriptive qualitative method. Bogdan and Taylor (1982) stated
that qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of
written or spoken words from people and behavior that can be observed in descriptive research,
which gives researchers freedom in estimating variables related to the degree of correlation.
(Nugrahani, 2014). In qualitative descriptive research, it can describe the process of activities
and situations from time to time experienced by a researcher without any engineering and can
explain the relationship between researchers and sources or informants (Sutopo, 2002). In this
research the author will examine data about Pacific Elevation starting from The initial idea is
to organize the related variables so as to obtain relevant results for this research. Then the
results of the research will be described clearly and in detail.
4.1 Economic Development in the Pacific Islands (Fiji and New Zealand)
Economic development is not just focused on improving infrastructure and business to
support economic income, economic development in this case emphasizes advancing
community welfare by encouraging community creativity to develop natural resources in their
region. Achieving the welfare of the people of a country will require supporting economic
activity tools such as facilities, infrastructure and equipment. And naturally, various non-
economic aspects must also be taken into account such as socio-cultural, political and legal,
globalization which make equally important contributions to the smoothness and sustainability
of a country's economy. (Wilson Bagun, 2021).In this research, author will focus on economic
development in two regions of the Pacific Islands Forum member countries, Fiji and New
Zealand. The Indonesian government presents the Indonesian Embassy in these two countries
in the South Pacific, in New Zealand including Samoa, the Kigdom of Tonga. , Cook Islands
and Niue while the Embassy in Fiji serves Kiribati, Nauru and Tuvalu. The economic
development in this research is more specific to Agriculture and Tourism in the South Pacific,
in this case New Zealand and Fiji. Apart from New Zealand, Fiji is also one of the countries
that has a good and stabil economy in the Pacific region even recorded as the most developed
country from all melanesian country. Fiji infrastructure is quite developed in the Pacific island
region. Its significant development has made it start to build trading partners with Australia,
New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan, England and China. Meanwhile, New Zealand has been
Indonesia's partner in the Pacific region since the establishment of formal diplomatic relations
in 1985. The New Zealand government has seven strategic goals. reveals the impact it wants
to achieve in the world within a 10 year period.
1. International Rules and Institutions: Strengthen, protect and use international rules and
institutions to pursue Aotearoa New Zealand's values and interests.
2. Economic Returns and Resilience: Grow sustainable economic returns and resilience
from trade, investment and other international connections.
3. Indo-Pacific: Embed Aotearoa New Zealand as an active and integral partner in shaping
an Indo-Pacific order that delivers regional stability and economic integration.
4. Pacific: Promote a peaceful, prosperous and resilient Pacific in which Aotearoa New
Zealand’s interests and influence are safeguarded.
5. Environment and Climate Change: Promote sustainable international solutions to
global environment and natural resource challenges that impact on Aotearoa New
6. Security and Safety: Lead Aotearoa New Zealand’s international action to advance and
protect New Zealanders’ safety and Aotearoa New Zealand’s security.
7. International Relationships: Build and leverage targeted international relationships to
achieve our goals.
From this principle, New Zealand always supports Pacific countries by maximizing its
relations with Pacific countries and also maximizing its relations in the Indo-Pacific by
establishing cooperation with Indonesia. With diplomatic relations too, New Zealand supports
and respects each other's sovereignty and territory. integrity and dedication to maintaining a
peaceful, stable, prosperous and safe Indo-Pacific region. New Zealand always supports
Indonesia in carrying out its foreign policy in the Pacific region. And Pacific Elevation as a
form of Indonesian foreign policy which provides many benefits for the South Pacific region,
especially in this research, the author highlights the aspect of economic development in the
fields of tourism and agriculture. Indonesia has similarities with Pacific countries in these two
Grafik 1 : NZ’s Farm Export & Import
From the graph above we can see that livestock exports in New Zealand reached 25
million dollars in 2020. And it can be seen that New Zealand's export figures are higher than
its import figures. Most New Zealand milk is conventional cow's milk from cows fed on pasture
in the wet areas of New Zealand, including the Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Manawatū,
Nelson, Tasman and the West Coast. NZ ALSO exports powdered milk, butter and cheese.
Grafik 2 : NZ’s Farm Export & Import
From the following table agricultura three million cattle annually, and exports more than 85%
of sheep and meat the cow. China buys 40% of New Zealand beef and veal and for example
from New Zealand sheep and wool.
About three-quarters of the NZ$7 billion worth of horticultural commodities were
exported l commodities are exported by New Zealand are dairy products, meat, forestry
products, and plantation products reach 90%.Not only cow's milk New Zealand also exports
wool and meat.Goats and sheep were the main agricultural activity in New Zealand until the
end of the year 1980s, when agricultural dairy production soared. Most New Zealand sheep are
sheared between November and January, NZ processes almost 20 million sheep and
.Horticulture is tied with forestry as New Zealand's third largest exporterlivestock, after milk
and meat. Nearly 3,000 New Zealand farmers produce 150 million trays of Kiwifruit for export
annually from 12,000 hectares; there are about 250 trays, each with 30 to 36 pieces of fruit, per
tonne, so NZ exports 600,000 tonnes of kiwi a year. All kiwi exports go through Zespri, and
half of NZ's kiwi exports go to China and
Grafik 2 : NZ’s Farm Export & Import
From the graph above described that half of New Zealand's kiwi exports are imported
by Asian countries, such as China and Japan at 25% and 22%, Taiwan 6% and Korea 5%.
followed by countries in the European region at 25% and countries others 3%. With huge
agricultural opportunities, Building a partnership with new zealand for The Pacific region one
of Indonesia's strategic steps. Total trade value of Indonesia- New Zealand in the last 5 years
(2004-2008) showed an increase of 30.98%. In 2009 (Jan-Apr) total trade between Indonesia
and New Zealand was US$ 305.3 million.In bilateral trade, Indonesia is the 8th export
destination country after Australia, United States, Japan, China, United Kingdom, South Korea
and Taiwan. Meanwhile, Indonesia is in 13th place in importing countries behind Australia,
China, the United States, Japan, Singapore, Germany, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand,
England, Italy and Taiwan. Import New Zealand from Indonesia is still dominated by
petroleum and its derivative products,coal and paper products. Meanwhile, New Zealand's
exports to Indonesia are still dominated by dairy products and meat (Indonesia Foreing Affairs
Ministry, 2018)
Grafik 4:
Based on the graph above, you can see that the blue line shows the actual state or
condition of tourism in New Zealand , from September 2013 to December 2019 the flow of
visitors was still stable and even tended to increase between 200k-400k or more. However,
entering March 2020, the flow of visitors decreased In fact, until December 2020 the number
of visitors dropped drastically to 0 March 2021 – early September 2021 there was an increase
of around 5% in visitors. And back on the September to December 2021, visitors decreased
again, reaching 0, and then returned rises in early March 2022 – December 2022 rises to 380k
and declines again in the month December 2022 – September 2023 at 200k. The yellow line
Shows visitors visiting Bru Zealand by season. But since September 2013-March 2020 the
figure never reached 400k only higher than 200k. And the same as the blue line, the yellow line
is also in March 2020 – December 2020 experienced a drastic decline at number 0. However,
it increased in March 2021-September 2021 then fell back to 0 from September 2021-
December 2021 after it will increase again in March 2022- September 2023, even visitor figures
are based on this season in 2023 is higher than the actual. Decrease in the same year between
March 2020-December 2021 is predicted to be due to Covid-19.
Stabil reputation of Tourism and Agriculture, even after these Covid times,making New
Zealand one of Indonesia's partners to continue the government Indonesia to Pacific countries.
Return to New Zealand's 7 strategy goals that will be implemented for the next 10 years in point
4 there is one important point and The focus of the New Zealand government is the Pacific and
at this point New Zealand wants to: Promote a peaceful, prosperous and resilient Pacific that
protects New Zealand's interests and influence. New Zealand is an important trading partner for
many Pacific countries. In 2018, two-way trade between New Zealand and Pacific is worth
NZD$3.62 billion. NZD$2.17 billion of which was goods and services exported from New
Zealand to the Pacific, and NZD$1.45 billion in goods and services imported from the Pacific.
similar goods – milk, meat, machinery, ships, and iron – to a large extent Pacific markets (Fiji,
Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Samoa and Cook Islands).
The non-sugar agricultural sector is emerging from a largely subsistence base and
average contributes 8 % to GDP, and accounts for about 3.8 percent of domestic exports
country. Leading commodities in this sector include tuber crops (dalo, cassava,sweet potatoes,
and yaqona), tropical fruits (pineapple, papaya and mango), vegetables, nuts, ginger, tobacco,
rice, spices, cocoa and coconut products. Industry livestock includes beef, milk, pork, poultry,
eggs, lamb, goat and Bee products. The main contributors to exports are fruits (pawpaw) and
vegetables, including taro.Certified organic products in small but growing quantities, including
coconut and fruit products and nutriceuticals are exported. However, growth in this sector is
not stable.The performance of this sector continues to be challenged by various factors such as
costs, livestock practices poor conditions, lack of markets and limited access to finance by
farmers. strict biosecurity measures by trading, production and transportation partners are
high.Fiji is a country that completely dependent on agriculture and tourism. Fiji has
approximately 497,787 hectares or 28% of land available for agriculture. Agricultural land used
broken down into temporary crop land, fallow land,permanent agricultural land, grassland,
coconut, natural forest, plantation forest and non-agricultural land. The highest percentage of
actual land use (37%) is for crops permanent followed by grassland (19%) and natural forest
(17%). Food crop subsector largely driven by the root crop and horticultural industries.
Commodity The main ones are taro, ginger, papaya, pineapple and the Bilateral Quarantine
Commodity Agreement(BQA) such as eggplant, okra and breadfruit. Taro and cassava are root
crops planted in trenches with taro intended primarily for the export market. Cassava is root
crops the most widely grown and livestock subsector is dominated by beef production milk.
Grafik 4 : Fiji Agriculture Ministry.2022
From the graph above it can be seen that in the agricultural industry there are top 3 agricultural
commodities based on production volume and production area, there are Cassava (cassava),
Dalo(Taro), and other related vegetables. This is what has occupied the top position of
agriculture in Fiji since Year 2022.
Tourism was by far the most significant service in 2013 and 2014 reached $1.318 billion
and $1.405 billion respectively. This sector also contributes (directly and indirectly) close to
one of third Fiji's total workforce. Australia is the country's largest source of tourism revenue,
accounting for more than half of total revenue from 2012-2014. Comparative analysis between
2013 and 2014 saw a general increase in revenue from major markets. This including Australia,
which increased from $704.9 million to $757.5 million (7.5%); Zealand New increased from
$207.9 million to $224.9 million (8.2%); US increased from $106.5 million to $110.9 million
(4.1%) and Continental Europe increased from $61.8 million to $66.1 million (7.0%). In 2014
alone, Australia and New Zealand contributed 70 percent of the total revenue, with Australia
contributing 54 percent and New Zealand 16 percent. America The United States accounts for
about 7.9 percent of income, the Continent 4.7 percent, the Islands Pacific 3.6 percent, China
and the UK accounted for 3.2 percent and some respectively other countries contributed
between 0.1 percent and 1.9 percent. In terms of total contribution, tourists generate the largest
share of tourism revenue. In 2014, contributed around 82 percent of the total, while business
visits and conferences, as well visits to friends and relatives accounted for approximately 5.5
and respectively 6 %.
Tourism is actually still the biggest foreign exchange earner in Fiji. income tourism will
continue to be an important factor contributing to maintaining conditions external sustainability
of the Fijian economy. To maintain the growth of this industry, The Fiji Government will work
to complete the Fiji Tourism Development Plan (FTDP). The plan clearly outlines a roadmap
towards achieving this vision of a $2 billion industry by 2020. This can be achieved by focusing
on a quality tourism market that produces high yields.
Table 1 :,2023
From the graph above we can measure the condition of tourism in Fiji since July 2020
–July 2023. Same as tourism conditions in New Zealand, in 2020-2021 Fiji experienced a
decline in the number of visitors, only in January 2022 did it increase amounted to 30.8 from
1.2 in the following 6 months there was an increase in visitors of 109.4, in July 2022 there was
a significant increase in visitors at 337.5 and then at 5 the following month from June the
increase in visitors rose to its maximum number 450. And stable for 5 months until the
beginning of 2023, precisely in January decreased to 420.3 and this figure remained for the next
6 months then in July 2023, the number of visitors rose again to 450. different from previous
planning, with COVID-19, tourism in Fiji had to be locked down so this industry did not
develop during Covid-19.
4.2 Factors Inhibiting Economic Development in the Pacific Islands
Infrastructure development, in this case connectivity, is a problem can be in all Pacific
countries. Due to its geographical conditions, there are many small islands. they find it difficult
to build connectivity facilities for connecting their countries with each other for ease of trade .
The most important infrastructure projects are focused on strengthening climate resilience and
disaster. This includes building new marinas and seawalls as well as investing in renewable
energy projects. There is a high demand for construction services for marine environment,
renewable energy solutions, and electricity infrastructure and transmission.Projects different
between countries. In Fiji, the focus is on improving air supply and treatment, with the Fiji
Water Authority tendering for its suppliers. Samoa, Tonga and Kiribati is looking for renewable
energy products to reduce fuel use diesel. Meanwhile, updating port infrastructure is a top
priority for Papua New Guinea. Australian companies continue to implement big projects.
Power Protection Industries (PPI) customized the electrical solution for the project
infrastructure throughout the Pacific. Hall Contracting, the largest dredging company in
Australia, implementing climate adaptation projects with a focus on community resilience in
Nuie and Tuvalu. Hydroflux provides environmentally friendly water and wastewater solutions
for businesses and cities in Fiji. Geofabrics has developed a range of solutions coastal protection
to build climate resilience.Australian companies not only do they build infrastructure, they also
help train next generations. This includes governance and technical skills as well as
procurement risk and build their tools to become professionals in the water utility field. (Source
: austrade-gov,2023).Connectivity is an issue as important as HR, in The Pacific, there are
around 14 countries and Fiji is one of the largest and is well-established and actually has good
connectivity. However, [connectivity] not towards Indonesia .Pacific countries have flights
straight to San Francisco and Los Angeles, then to Singapore but not every day. So that This
connectivity is a problem for Pacific countries to grow its economy and establishing
cooperation with other countries in Asia, one of which is Indonesia. One important component
of economic diplomacy is strengthening connectivity, the transportation sector. How two
countries can relate economically if you don't have a shipping route to transport goods, for
example. or for relationships between humans. There are quite a lot of Indonesian industry in
Fiji but most of them come in via Singapore. From trade figures, in 2017 it was not large,
namely US$22 million and infrastructure is critical to supporting economic activity in Fiji,
including tourism industry and other important export industries.
4.2.3 COVID 19
July 7 2020, six of the 21 Pacific island countries (excluding Papua New Guinea) has
reported a total of 449 cases of COVID-19 and seven deaths (WHO 2020). The limited spread
of COVID-19 is largely due to individual countries who took swift action by closing borders,
restricting domestic travel, set a curfew, and implement physical distancing measures. Of the
countries assessed, all countries except Fiji remain COVID-19 free. Fiji reported 21 confirmed
cases on July 9, 2020. A state of emergency was declared in seven countries reviewed, and
Vanuatu has extended this state of emergency until 31 December 2020. The response of the
Pacific islands in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on livelihoods and
economies are very diverse. In the early stages of the pandemic in this region
(March 2020), there was rapid closure of state borders and various quarantine periods applies
to people entering the country: starting from 14 days in Solomon Islands, Samoa and Tonga up
to 28 days. in Fiji. Sea freight continues, although with less frequency. This area has health
services and limited social protection programs, especially in Group 1 and 2 countries
.Government stimulus packages are starting to appear in Fiji Region experiences a spike in new
COVID-19 cases after almost a year of being COVID-free, with a total of 425 cases reported
since the current outbreak began in April 2021.The Ministry of Health and Medical Services
leads an intensive government campaign nationally to eradicate this virus, quarantine areas at
risk highest and increasing testing to more than 2,600 samples per day. All options are being
considered to contain this outbreak.Fiji, with advice and support from The World Health
Organization (WHO), continues to carry out strict contact tracing and cluster investigation
while collecting and analyzing various data to create input in decision making in the field of
public health. Disease surveillance The community has been expanded to allow individuals and
local communities to report potential health events to local authorities. Support vulnerable
groups and those in need, while maintaining access to medical and social services important is
an integral part of the government's response. This Pacific island nation too making progress in
the COVID-19 vaccination campaign. To date, Fiji has vaccinated 163,364 people with the first
dose of its vaccine. This figure represents 31% of The target population, in Fiji is people aged
18 years and over. Additionally, more than 4,300 people, mostly frontline workers who received
vaccinations with supplies initial vaccine donated by CORVAX in March, has now received its
second dose and have received complete vaccination. It is hoped that the vaccination program
can be accelerated and reaching all divisions and subdivisions as more vaccines are received
from CORVAX and pledged donations from the Australian and New Zealand governments
Fiji's response efforts include a number of national and international partners providing advice
engineering, funding, and delivery of life-saving medical equipment and supplies. (World
Health Organization, 2021)
base and climate resilience knowledge; ii) implement targeted adaptation strategies and
programs to help farmers adapt to climate extremes; and iii) developing climate the
comprehensive Resilient Agriculture Framework (CRA). This will encourage stronger
coordination, private sector participation and access to funding for change climate. The
agricultural sector has the potential to be impacted by climate change. Extreme events such as
high rainfall, floods and droughts can affect livestock production and management, Land
availability may decrease due to salt water intrusion, beach and bank erosion rivers, exposure
to salt water spray, and heat stress on soil Floods, drought and hurricanes can cause physical
damage to crops, agricultural equipment, and infrastructure, reduced food security in terms of
food production, food quality, nutritional availability, affordability and access, impact on the
national economy as Fiji is an agro-economic country,Increased pests and diseases.
4.3 Indonesia's Strategy for Minimizing the Papuan Separatist Movement in the
South Pacific
In the era of globalization, the struggle for independence is being carried out by Papuan
separatists (OPM/KKB) This is not only carried out through demonstrations or attacks on
civilians and just security forces. However, the struggle for independence has now been carried
out in forums international. The Pacific Islands Forum is a forum for separatists to voicing
Papuan independence to the international world. If seen based on the background Based on race
and ethnicity, the Papuan tribe belongs to the Melanesian race which is increasingly strengthen
the reasons for Pacific island countries to support the release of Papua from Indonesia.
Indonesia's different historical background and many conflicts humanity starting from before
the Act of Free Choice was implemented until the results of an agreement that was accused of
being engineered under pressure from the Indonesian military at that time has become a polemic
that continues to underlie the struggle for independence until now. Apart from the Forum
Pacific Islands, MSG (Melanesian Spearhead Group) is one of the organizations that voicing
the struggle for an independent Papua.ULMWP (United Liberation Movement) campaign for
West Papua joining the MSG was carried out so that ULMWP became a full member MSG. In
December 2014, Vanuatu hosted the formation of United Liberation Movement for West Papua
(ULMWP) as the umbrella movement group for independence several other West Papuan
independence organizations such as the Federal Republic of West Papua (NRFPB), National
Coalition for Liberation (WPNCL), and West Papua National Parliament (PNWP) (United
Liberation Movement for West Papua, 2020). ULMWP is increasingly expanding wing by
becoming an Observer Member in the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG). MSG is a sub-
regional organization in the South Pacific region with members countries in the South Pacific,
namely Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and FLNKS. This organization
was formed on the basis of efforts to decolonize the Melanesian people gained full
independence (MSG, 2021). As Observer Member at MSG, ULMWP only has the authority to
submit statements if requested by the Director General of the MSG Secretariat and does not
have access to documents of this nature confidential (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2019). Full
membership status will be a step the most significant achievement for the official recognition
of West Papuans as a people Melanesia. Additionally, a move or decree that would officially
disprove rights Indonesia to occupy the West Papua region at a higher level of
diplomacy.Membership status in MSG consists of three types, namely Observer, Member
Association (Associate Member), and Full Member (Full Member). Highest meeting results at
MSG in the form of the 20th MSG Leaders' Summit (KTT) held in Solomon Islands,precisely
in Honiara from 24 to 26 June 2015 stated that Indonesia's status experienced an increase from
previously being an observer, now becoming an Associate Member. The increase in Indonesia's
status at MSG was due to MSG wanting to establish cooperative relations between Indonesia
and MSG member countries.
Elevation by presenting meeting at Ministerial level to discuss further economic development
in both countries. Further details regarding these three implementations of Pacific Elevation are
discussed below following.
5.1 Cooperation between Indonesia and the South Pacific (New Zealand) through
the Pacific Exposition (2019 and 2021),2019
Pacific Exposition 2019 was held on 11-14 July 2019 in Auckland, New Zealand. “This
Pacific Forum is the first of its kind. We build momentum of connection with each other and
brotherhood with fellow countries and territories Pacific." (Indonesian Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Retno L.P. Marsudi) This series of activities aims to accelerate the increase in regional
cooperation in the fields of economy, tourism and culture. Forum This is a collaboration with
Australia and New Zealand and will be attended by all 20 countries and territories in the South
Pacific. The Pacific Exposition will include a Tourism Forum (11 July), Business and
Investment Forum (12 July), Pacific Cultural Forum (13 July) and Festival Pacific Arts and
Culture (July 12 -14) and ends with the huge Sound of the Pacific concert (13-July 14). Pacific
Exposition 2019 was opened by Foreign Minister Retno together with the Australian Foreign
Minister and New Zealand Foreign Minister on 12 July 2019. This meeting will also be attended
by a number of Indonesian ministers, namely the Coordinating Minister for PMK, Minister of
Tourism, Minister of Education and Culture, Minister of BUMN, and members of the DPR-RI
as well as the Head of BKPM. Also participating were high-ranking Papuan regional officials,
West Papua, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and North Maluku. Various related institutions and
Pacific country parliament which handles tourism, culture and trade also supports this activity,
including from Indonesia, namely the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information,
Indonesian and BNP2TKI. More than 100 companies will take part in the Pacific Business and
Investment Forum to exploit the economic potential of the region with a GDP of US$ 2.6 trillion
and 300 million resident. Several Indonesian companies include Pertamina, Inalum, Garuda
Indonesia, Telkomsel, as well as state-owned banking companies. At the Pacific Tourism
Forum, hundreds of business people including those engaged in infrastructure, communications
and tour operators also gathered to discuss the cooperation network to form One Pacific
Destination in the Pacific region. Meanwhile, at the Pacific Cultural Forum, Indonesia invited
Pacific countries and territories to work together to preserve cultural heritage and promote
Pacific identity who are not yet known globally. Famous Indonesian dancers and musicians
such as Glenn Fredly, Ivan Nestorman, as well as the Papua Originals music group together
with well-known artists Pacific region such as Switzerland (Tonga), Mr. Cowboy/Sam Choon
(Samoa), Elephon (New Zealand) and Erakah (Fiji) will also show their talents in the Sound of
the concert Pacific, which will be attended by thousands of visitors from Pacific countries and
territories. (Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2019) The Indonesian Ambassador to New
Zealand, Tantowi Yahya, said there were at least four Indonesia's achievements in this event :
Recognition of Pacific countries towards Indonesia,Opening access to provinces in eastern
Indonesia,Memasukkan Indonesia ke peta pariwisata pasifik,and opening non-traditional
markets which can be realized at a high level real and potential transactions obtained through
business matching obtained by state-owned and private companies.
Source : Kompas.TV ,2021
Source :,2021
Repeating the success of the First Pacific Exposition event in July 2019 and the embodiment of
the wishes of the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of
the Republic of Indonesia that Indonesia must appear in Pacific with hands up and starting a
new era in the Pacific with good diplomacy highlighting the similarities between fellow Pacific
peoples through Pacific Elevation,Indonesia will again hold the second Pacific Exposition in
2021. The second Pacific Exposition opened on Wednesday 27 October 2021 as an effort to
restore the economy in the region, especially Pacific region, the second Pacific Exposition
activity took place virtually and took place for 4 (four) days on 27-30 October 2021 opened by
the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Retno LP Marsudi. At the opening
ceremony of a comprehensive event that combines exhibitions trade, business meetings and
various forums, discussing actual issues, namely the Pacific Talks, health forum, fisheries
forum, tourism forum, trade forum, investment and This creative economy was attended by
thousands of invited guests and visitors who watched from their respective places or watching
5.1.2 Cooperation between Indonesia and the South Pacific (Fiji) through the 2020
Pacific Fair
In 2020, Indonesia invites Fiji to collaborate with Indonesia held the Pacific Fair. Pacific
Fair is one of the exhibition events will be held by the Indonesian Embassy in Fiji on 23-25
July 2020 at Grand Pacific Hotel, Suva, Fiji. At that time the Indonesian Ambassador to Fiji,
Mr. Benyamin Carnadi has prepared an exhibition to promote local products Indonesia in Fiji,
Likewise, the Fiji government has prepared everything needed to hold the Pacific fair Not only
Fiji, the Government of Indonesia in Fiji, which also includes other countries such as Kiribati,
Nauru and Tuvalu as well as in supporting this event. On January 15 2020, the Indonesian
Embassy in Fiji (Indonesian Embassy in Suva, Fiji) in collaboration with the Fijian Embassy
Jakarta for promoting the Pacific Fair. The event was attended by 200 delegates from the
governments of Indonesia, Fiji, and Kiribati, Association, Export Entrepreneurs from Indonesia
various information about the market potential and business opportunities in the Pacific Islands.
The theme taken at that time was “Towards a Prosperous and Sustainable Pacific” Connecting
Indonesia's Business opportunities with Pacific Island The Government of Fiji welcomes the
Platform provided by the Indonesian government.But unfortunately, Pacific Fair was not held
for several reasons, one of which was Covid-19, which at that time was still high in the Pacific
region. This was also conveyed directly by Former Indonesian Ambassador to Fiji Benyamin
Carnadi, he confirmed that This activity was never implemented in Fiji.Even though the Pacific
Fair was not held in Fiji, Fiji and Indonesia collaborated continues to progress through other
fields. Fiji itself was invited for the first time the name of the Pacific Islands Forum in the global
forum of the world's 20 largest economies.And this is a great opportunity to advocate for key
strategic areas that priorities for Fiji and the Pacific Islands such as Climate Change. Food
Security, Energy, Digital Transformation, Etc. The Indonesian Government and the Fiji
Government have agreed to establish a Regional Agricultural Training Center (RATC) and
Demonstration Farm in Dobuilevu, Rakiraki, Fiji in the SSTC scheme. This program is a
superior initiative Indonesia's first multi-year agricultural sector to be financed under AIDS
Indonesia (INDOAID)
working together to overcome the impacts of change climate resulted in three main
recommendations. First, formation commitment triangular cooperation between Indonesia-
Netherlands-Pacific. Second, the formation of the Pacific-IndonesiaNetherlands Network
(PINN), which consists of government, community and academic elements and experts, as well
as civil society. The third recommendation is to prioritize work together with overcoming the
impacts of climate change in the field of coastal rehabilitation, tourism and fisheries. (Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, 2020)
5.1.3 Cooperation between Indonesia and the South Pacific through the formation
of Indonesia Pacific Forum for Development (2022-2024)
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2022)
Indonesia-Pacific Forum for Development (IPFD) was held in Bali, Indonesia on 7-8
December 2022. Organized by Indonesia, IPFD was attended by ministers, senior officials and
representatives from Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federated States
of Micronesia, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Timor
Leste, Kingdom of Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu as well representatives from the Asian
Development Bank (ADB), Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG), Pacific Islands Forum (PIF),
and Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF). Observers representing China, France, Japan,
the Republic of Korea, and the United States as well present. Continuing the momentum of the
Indonesia-South Pacific Forum in Jakarta, Indonesia, March 21 2019, Pacific Exposition in
Wellington, New Zealand, 12-14 July 2019, and 2nd Pacific Exposition (virtual), October 27-
30 2021, participants emphasized strong relationships and growing cooperation between
Indonesia and the Pacific. Bound together by the Ocean Pacific, Indonesian and Pacific peoples
have traditional cultural characteristics and customs similar.Under the theme "Grow and
Prosper Together", Participants shared their views them about the Pacific as a region of
solidarity and collaboration, as recognition and as framed through the Pacific Leaders' 2050
Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent and reaffirms the aim of strengthening regional and
international cooperation.Para Participants identify key opportunities and shared challenges
facing the region, including mitigating the multidimensional impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
and accelerating post-pandemic economic recovery. Participants discussed how to build
relationships mutually beneficial and sustainable economy.They share Economic ties like this
will strengthen the Pacific's economic resilience. They encourage increased market access in
the regions and vice versa. And besides that, they admit that connectivity remains a major
challenge in regional economic development and therefore looking for ways to strengthen
partnerships in infrastructure development, especially in improving land connectivity, between
islands and between regions, incl contact between communities, development of connectivity
infrastructure requires an approach innovative ones, including creative financing schemes.
They positively noted use of public-private partnerships to mobilize financial resources for
sustainable development in developing countries (mixed financing schemes) which was
initiated by Indonesia. Not only connectivity, climate change is a threat existential issues facing
the region today and acknowledge that sea levels are rising climate change-related risks
endanger people's livelihoods and well-being they.therefore,they welcome the commitments
made at COP 27, in particular on a breakthrough deal to provide “loss and damage” funds for
vulnerable countries affected by climate disasters while calling for action for urgent climate
change to meet the Paris Agreement and maintain average temperatures globally on a 1.5 degree
Celsius path, based on the principle of shared responsibility and their respective abilities. the
need to develop and transfer knowledge and technology to build a low-carbon economy and
scale up resilience. the importance of accelerating the energy transition and strengthening the
global energy system sustainability, to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. In this regard,
they welcome both Indonesia's emphasis on the energy transition in Indonesia's G20 Presidency
priorities in 2022.
6. Conclusions
Cooperation between Indonesia and Pacific countries has progressed from year to years,
With the Pacific Elevation, Indonesia provides opportunities for countries Pacific to build
cooperation to encourage their economic development in agriculture and tourism. Indonesia
itself is a mecca for the Pacific Countries. Fiji is one of them, the country of Fiji has collaborated
with Indonesia to encourage the development of their tourism and agriculture.also with
Zealandnew partner of Indonesia. New Zealand supports Indonesia in carry out cooperation
with Pacific countries. Based on this research, the author concluded that the implementation of
Pacific Elevation so far has been successful and has had a lot of positive impacts on Pacific
countries. As is Pacific elevation The Indonesian government is increasingly expanding its
relations with countries in the South Pacific. So far the Indonesian government has provided
foreign assistance in the form of technical assistance and also grants for Pacific countries.
providing training in agriculture and tourism to encourage economic growth in the south
pacific, then also provided humanitarian assistance in Pacific countries vulnerable to climate
change, providing assistance to prevent Covid-19 as well as in the process of building good
connectivity to facilitate economic diplomacy. Through the 2019 and 2021 Pacific Exposition,
Indonesia has provided a forum for Pacific countries to develop their economies. Doing
business matching opens up opportunities for Pacific countries to find suitable investors to
collaborate. Pacific fair 2020 is also a forum for Pacific countries, especially in the Fiji region
and its surroundings to show the potential of the region. However, unfortunately this Pacific
Fair was not held due to the Covid-19 outbreak. And that new is the Indonesia-Pacific Forum
for Development through this forum Indonesia opened the door for Pacific countries to build
cooperation with other countries ASEAN. Even through this Forum, Indonesia continues to
encourage economic development in Pacific region by continuing to follow up on existing
agreements in the field tourism and agriculture to boost the post-covid economy. Not only that.
Indonesia Through the IPFD, it encourages ASEAN countries to work together to find solutions
to overcome climate change which is of course faced by all countries in the world. With With
this collaboration, Indonesia can maximize its role in the Indo-Pacific as well can overcome the
problem of separatism in West Papua.
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