01 - History of Computer

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Herat University

Computer science Faculty

Computer Engineering 1
History of Computer

Lecture 01

Lecturer: Abdul Razzaq Hamraz

Fall/ 2024


What is a computer?

History of computer

Computer Invention

What is a computer?
The term computer is derived from the word compute. The
word compute means to calculate.

A computer is an electronic machine that accepts data from

the user, processes the data by performing calculations and
operations on it, and generates the desired output results.
Computer performs both simple and complex operations, with
speed and accuracy.

 computers are an integral part of our lives

What is a computer?

 A computer is a digital device that analyzes raw materials and then displays the results through
output devices.

 Data , input data, process, store data, output data

 A computer is an electronic device that performs many tasks in a short time and very accurately

 A computer is an electrical device that is used for complex and simple calculations that has the
ability to convert data into information .
• Addition and subtraction

• Biometric

 The computer can be programmed

History Of computing Devices

Until the development of the first generation computers based on vacuum tubes, there had been

several developments in the computing technology related to the mechanical computing devices.

 Calculating Machines ABACUS

 Abacus was the first mechanical calculating device for

counting of large numbers. The word ABACUS means

calculating board. It consists of bars in horizontal

positions on which sets of beads are inserted. The

horizontal bars have 10 beads each, representing units,

tens, hundreds, etc. 5

History Of computing Devices …
 In 1642, the French scientist Pascal invented a mechanical calculator.
 Name : Adding Machine

 In the 19th century, a British scientist named Charles Babbage invented a

machine that had the power to perform simple arithmetic operations.
 Name: Difference engine

History Of computing Devices….
 In 1890, an American scientist named
Herman Holirth invented a tabulating
machine that was used in the
American census.

 And this company merged with

several other companies to form

IBM (International Business Machines)

History Of computing Devices…..

 In 1946, two American scientists named Muachly and Eckert invented the first
electric device named ENIAC which was used in World War II And later.
 ENIAC(electronic numeric integrator and calculator)

History Of computing Devices

 in 1952 these scientists invented another electric machine called EDVAC,

which had a memory and was capable of being programmed.
 EDVAC( electronic discrete variable automatic computer )

History of computer

 Slide Rule: was developed by an English mathematician Edmund

Gunter in the 16th century. Using the slide rule, one could perform
operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

 Babbage’s Analytical Engine: An English man Charles Babbage built a

mechanical machine to do complex mathematical calculations, in the
year 1823. The machine was called as difference engine. Later, Charles
Babbage and Lady Ada Lovelace developed a general-purpose
calculating machine, the analytical engine. Charles Babbage is also
called the father of computer.
Generation of computer

The computer has evolved from a large—sized simple calculating machine to a smaller but much
more powerful machine. The evolution of computer to the current state is defined in terms of the
generations of computer.

Each generation of computer is designed based on a new technological development, resulting in

better, cheaper and smaller computers that are more powerful, faster and efficient than their
 the technology used by them (hardware and software),
 computing characteristics (speed, i.e., number of instructions executed per second),
 physical appearance, and 4. their applications.
First Generation (1940 to 1956):

Using Vacuum Tubes

They produced a lot of heat. The input to the computer was through
punched cards and paper tapes.

Software Technology: solve one problem at a time.

Physical Appearance : large as a room.

Application : they were the fastest computing device of their time.

The first generation consumed a great deal of electricity and were

expensive to operate.

Second Generation (1956 to 1963)

The second generation Transistors replaced the vacuum tubes

of the first generation of computers. Transistors allowed
computers to become smaller, faster, cheaper, energy efficient
and reliable.

The second generation computers used magnetic core

technology for primary memory. They used magnetic tapes and
magnetic disks for secondary storage. The input was still
through punched cards and the output using printouts

Third Generation (1964 to 1971)

The third generation computers used the Integrated Circuit (IC) chips. In an IC
chip, multiple transistors are placed on a silicon chip, instead of the punched
card and printouts.

Software Technology The keyboard and the monitor were interfaced through
the operating system. Operating system allowed different applications to run at
the same time.
Computing Characteristics The size of these computers was quite small
compared to the second generation computers.
The third generation computers used less power and the cost of the computer
reduced significantly
Fourth Generation (1971 to present)

 They use Thousands of transistors are integrated on a small silicon chip

 This generation of computers supported Graphical User Interface (GUI).
 computation time is in picoseconds.
 They are smaller than the computers of the previous generation.

 Example : The Intel 4004 chip was the first microprocessor. The components
of the computer like Central Processing Unit (CPU) and memory were
located on a single chip. In 1981, IBM introduced the first computer for
home use. In 1984

Fifth Generation (Present and Next):Artificial Intelligence

 The goal of fifth generation computing is to develop

computers that are capable of learning and self-organization.

 The fifth generation computers able to store millions of

components on a single chip.

 This generation of computers uses parallel processing that

allows several instructions to be executed in parallel, The fifth
generation computers are based on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Classification of Computer

The computers are broadly classified into four categories based

on their size and type.

 Microcomputers

 Minicomputers

 Mainframe computers

 Supercomputer


Microcomputers are small, low-cost and single-user

digital computer. They consist of CPU, input unit,
output unit, storage unit and the software.

 they can be connected together to create a

network of computers that can serve more than
one user.

 examples of microcomputers : desktop computers,

laptop, tablet computer, smart phones…..


 Minicomputers are digital computers, generally used in

multi-user systems.

 They have high processing speed and high storage

capacity than the microcomputers.

 Minicomputers can support 4–200 users

simultaneously. The users can access the minicomputer
through their PCs.

Mainframe computers

 Mainframe computers are multi-user, multi-programming and high

performance computers.

 They operate at a very high speed, have very large storage capacity and
can handle the workload of many users.

 Mainframe computers are large and powerful systems generally used in

centralized databases.

 Mainframe computers are used in organizations like banks or companies,

where many people require frequent access to the same data. Some
examples of mainframes are CDC 6600 and IBM ES000 series.

 Supercomputers are the fastest and the most expensive

machines. They have high processing speed compared to
other computers.

 Some of the faster supercomputers can perform trillions

of calculations per second.

 Supercomputers are built by interconnecting thousands

of processors that can work in parallel.

Supercomputers count……

 Supercomputers are used for

• weather forecasting,

• climate research (global warming),

• biological research,

• major universities,

• military agencies and scientific research laboratories.

 Some examples of supercomputers are IBM Roadrunner,

IBM Blue gene and Intel ASCI red.

 What is a computer?

 History of computer

 Generation of computer

• First generation

• Second generation

• Third generation

• Fourth generation

• fifth generation

 Classification of Computer : Microcomputers, Minicomputers, Mainframe computers, Supercomputer.

At the end

Any Question ?????


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