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Telemetry Module

MT-151 HMI V2

User Manual

MT-151 HMI V2
GSM/GPRS Telemetry Module for
monitoring and control

Class 1 Telecommunications Terminal Equipment for

GSM 850/900/1800/1900
UMTS 800/850/900/1900/2100

INVENTIA Sp. z o.o. v2.03

Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

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INVENTIA Sp. z o.o.

ul. Kulczyńskiego 14
02-777 Warszawa
Tel: +48 22 545-32-00
[email protected]
MT-151 HMI V2

Firmware compability:

Require MTManager: or higher
Index I


I Module destination 1

II GSM requirements 2

III How to use the manual 3

IV Required programs 4

V Module design 5
1 Hardware
resources 5
Graphical display
.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Display menu......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Binary inputs .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Binary outputs .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Analog inputs 4-20m
A 7
Analog inputs 0-10V
.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Serial ports .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Ethernet port .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
USB port .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
SD card reader.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Real tim e clock.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
2 Internal...................................................................................................................................
resources 8
Logger .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Registers .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Counters .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Tim ers .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
MT2MT buffer .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Constant param..........................................................................................................................................................
eters 9
System flags .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Control program
.......................................................................................................................................................... 9
3 SIM cards
slots 11
4 Antenna
................................................................................................................................... 11
5 Power...................................................................................................................................
supply 11
6 Enclosure
................................................................................................................................... 11

VI Connection diagrams 12
1 Binary...................................................................................................................................
inputs 12
2 Binary...................................................................................................................................
outputs 13
3 Analog
inputs 4-20mA 13
4 Analog
inputs 0-10V 14
5 Communication
ports 14
6 GSM antenna
................................................................................................................................... 16
7 SIM card
installation 16
8 SD memory
card installation 17
9 Power...................................................................................................................................
supply 18
© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.
II Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

VII Starting the module 19

VIII Interfaces and communication methods 21

1 Serial...................................................................................................................................
ports 21
Transparent m
ode 21
Modbus Master
m ode 21
Modbus Slave..........................................................................................................................................................
m ode 22
Flex Serial .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
M-Bus .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
2 Ethernet
port 24
Modbus TCP Client
.......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Modbus TCP Server
.......................................................................................................................................................... 25
3 Remote
communication 25
Dual-SIM .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
4 SNMP...................................................................................................................................
protocol 26
5 IEC 60870-5-104
protocol 27

IX Configuration 29
1 Header
................................................................................................................................... 29
Module nam e.......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Module type .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Module serial..........................................................................................................................................................
num ber 30
Modem firm w..........................................................................................................................................................
are version 30
IMEI num ber .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Firm w are version
.......................................................................................................................................................... 30
file version 30
identifier 30
Last configuration
date 31
Last reading tim
e 31
2 General
................................................................................................................................... 31
Device identifier
.......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Module IP .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
passw ord 32
read disable 32
Error display tim
e 32
Recipient UDP..........................................................................................................................................................
port 32
UDP data fram..........................................................................................................................................................
e form at 33
GPRS transm ission
retries num ber 33
Transm ission..........................................................................................................................................................
tim eout 33
Tim e synchronization
.......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Module phone..........................................................................................................................................................
num ber (SIM1/SIM2) 34
Set local tim e .......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Transm ission..........................................................................................................................................................
channel 35
Address .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Tim e sync interval
(days) 35
3 GSM ................................................................................................................................... 35
Num ber of SIM..........................................................................................................................................................
cards 35
Use of GPRS .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Use of SMS .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
SIM1 .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Address IP......................................................................................................................................................... 36
SIM card PIN
number 36
APN name ......................................................................................................................................................... 37

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Index III

......................................................................................................................................................... 37
APN user name
......................................................................................................................................................... 37
APN passw.........................................................................................................................................................
ord 37
GPRS testing.........................................................................................................................................................
interval (ping) 38
GPRS testing.........................................................................................................................................................
address (ping) 38
Roaming ......................................................................................................................................................... 38
SIM2 .......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Address IP......................................................................................................................................................... 39
SIM card PIN.........................................................................................................................................................
number 39
APN name ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
......................................................................................................................................................... 39
APN user name
......................................................................................................................................................... 40
APN passw.........................................................................................................................................................
ord 40
GPRS testing.........................................................................................................................................................
interval (ping) 40
GPRS testing.........................................................................................................................................................
address (ping) 40
Roaming ......................................................................................................................................................... 40
GPRS .......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Sender IP address
control 41
Wait time after
disconnection 41
SMS .......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Daily SMS limit
......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Number of .........................................................................................................................................................
SMS sending retries 42
SMS limit exceed
information 42
Recipient of.........................................................................................................................................................
SMS limit exceed information 42
Answ er for .........................................................................................................................................................
blank SMS 43
Incoming SMS.........................................................................................................................................................
handling 43
Buffer address
holding incoming SMS (HREG) 44
Buffer address
holding sender phone number (HREG) 44
Buffer address
holding outgoing SMS (HREG) 45
Buffer address
holding receiver phone number (HREG) 45
Formats ......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Date format ......................................................................................................................................... 45
Time format ......................................................................................................................................... 46
Symbolic names
......................................................................................................................................................... 46
Number of symbolic .........................................................................................................................................
names 46
Symbolic name table ......................................................................................................................................... 46
Macros ......................................................................................................................................................... 47
Number of macros ......................................................................................................................................... 47
Macro table ......................................................................................................................................... 47
Authorized num ..........................................................................................................................................................
bers 47
Number of .........................................................................................................................................................
phone numbers 48
Number of .........................................................................................................................................................
IP addresses 48
Numbers from.........................................................................................................................................................
SIM phone-book alw ays allow ed 48
Phone ......................................................................................................................................................... 48
IP ......................................................................................................................................................... 49
4 Resources
................................................................................................................................... 49
Binary inputs ..........................................................................................................................................................
(I1 - I16) 49
Name ......................................................................................................................................................... 49
Input type ......................................................................................................................................................... 49
Filtering ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Flow calculation
trigger 50
Flow scaling......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Impulse w eight
- multiplier 50
Impulse w eight
- divider 51
Offset - engineering
units 51
Hi alarm - engineering
units 51
Lo alarm - engineering
units 52
Alarm hysteresis
- engineering units 52

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

IV Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Binary outputs..........................................................................................................................................................
(Q1 - Q12) 52
Name ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Input type ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Filtering ......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Analog inputs..........................................................................................................................................................
4-20m A (AI1 - AI4) 53
Sampling frequency
......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Name ......................................................................................................................................................... 53
units 53
Low reference.........................................................................................................................................................
- internal units 54
Low reference.........................................................................................................................................................
- engineering units 54
High reference
- internal units 54
High reference
- engineering units 54
HiHi alarm -.........................................................................................................................................................
engineering units 54
Hi alarm - engineering
units 55
Lo alarm - engineering
units 55
LoLo alarm.........................................................................................................................................................
- engineering units 55
Alarm hysteresis
- engineering units 55
Deadband .........................................................................................................................................................
- engineering units 56
Analog inputs..........................................................................................................................................................
0-10V (AV1 - AV2) 56
Name ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
units 56
Low reference.........................................................................................................................................................
- internal units 56
Low reference.........................................................................................................................................................
- engineering units 56
High reference
- internal units 57
High reference
- engineering units 57
HiHi alarm -.........................................................................................................................................................
engineering units 57
Hi alarm - engineering
units 57
Lo alarm - engineering
units 57
LoLo alarm.........................................................................................................................................................
- engineering units 58
Alarm hysteresis
- engineering units 58
Deadband .........................................................................................................................................................
- engineering units 58
Counters (CNT1 ..........................................................................................................................................................
- CNT16) 58
Incrementing .........................................................................................................................................................
input 58
Active edge .........................................................................................................................................................
of incrementing input 59
Decrementing .........................................................................................................................................................
input 59
Active edge .........................................................................................................................................................
of decrementing input 59
Counting range
(32 bits) 59
Tim ers .......................................................................................................................................................... 60
Synchronous .........................................................................................................................................................
timers (CT1 - CT16) 60
Start [HH:MM] ......................................................................................................................................... 60
Period ......................................................................................................................................... 60
Days of w eek ......................................................................................................................................... 60
Days of month ......................................................................................................................................... 61
Months ......................................................................................................................................... 61
Asynchronous .........................................................................................................................................................
timers (CK1 - CK16) 61
Activating input ......................................................................................................................................... 61
Reset input ......................................................................................................................................... 62
Timer time unit ......................................................................................................................................... 62
Counting range in.........................................................................................................................................
timer units 62
Constant param ..........................................................................................................................................................
eters 62
Number of .........................................................................................................................................................
constant parameters 62
Number of .........................................................................................................................................................
constant parameters (textual) 63
Parameter .........................................................................................................................................................
1 - 128 63
Parameter .........................................................................................................................................................
1....72 (textual) 63
SD card .......................................................................................................................................................... 63
Use of card ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
Start ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
Period ......................................................................................................................................................... 63

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Index V

Delete data.........................................................................................................................................................
older than 64
Delete data.........................................................................................................................................................
w hen low on memory 64
Display .......................................................................................................................................................... 64
Show status.........................................................................................................................................................
screens 66
Show w elcome
screen 66
User screen.........................................................................................................................................................
count 67
Chart count......................................................................................................................................................... 67
Passw ord .........................................................................................................................................................
protected data entry 67
Access code......................................................................................................................................................... 67
Data entry .........................................................................................................................................................
time interval [min.] 67
Welcome screen
......................................................................................................................................................... 68
Display time ......................................................................................................................................... 68
Line 1 ... 6 ......................................................................................................................................... 68
User screens
SCR1 ... 16 68
Display time ......................................................................................................................................... 68
Show inputs ......................................................................................................................................... 68
Show outputs ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Line 1 ... 6 ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Charts W1.........................................................................................................................................................
... 4 69
Chart name ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Display time ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Data acquisition ......................................................................................................................................... 70
Sample interval ......................................................................................................................................... 70
Register space ......................................................................................................................................... 70
Register address......................................................................................................................................... 70
Data scaling - multiplier
......................................................................................................................................... 71
Data scaling - divider ......................................................................................................................................... 71
Data format ......................................................................................................................................... 71
Y axis scaling ......................................................................................................................................... 71
Minimum value ......................................................................................................................................... 72
Maximum value ......................................................................................................................................... 72
5 Communication
ports 72
Modbus ID - Port..........................................................................................................................................................
1 72
Modbus ID - Port..........................................................................................................................................................
2 72
Modbus ID - Ethernet
.......................................................................................................................................................... 72
Modbus ID - GPRS.......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Port 1/Port 2 .......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Operating mode
......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Interface type
......................................................................................................................................................... 74
speed 74
Number of .........................................................................................................................................................
data bits 74
Stop bits ......................................................................................................................................................... 74
Parity ......................................................................................................................................................... 74
Modbus ......................................................................................................................................................... 75
Transparent .........................................................................................................................................................
mode 75
Max. data packet.........................................................................................................................................
size 75
Data frame delimiter ......................................................................................................................................... 75
Channel reservation .........................................................................................................................................
time 75
Modbus Master
mode 76
Delay after error .........................................................................................................................................
in communication w ith Slave 76
Number of read/w.........................................................................................................................................
rite data blocks 76
Response timeout.........................................................................................................................................
[s] 76
Data blocks (read/w .........................................................................................................................................
rite) 76
Modbus Slave ID................................................................................................................................... 76
Address space in ...................................................................................................................................
Slave 77
Mapped space address ...................................................................................................................................
- Slave 77
Mapped space size ................................................................................................................................... 77
Mapped space address ...................................................................................................................................
- Module 77

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

VI Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Mapped space refresh ...................................................................................................................................

interval 78
Flex Serial .........................................................................................................................................................
mode 78
Max. data packet.........................................................................................................................................
size [byte] 78
Data frame delimiter .........................................................................................................................................
[s] 78
M-Bus mode ......................................................................................................................................................... 78
Transmission speed .........................................................................................................................................
[bod] 78
Number of device......................................................................................................................................... 79
Addressing ......................................................................................................................................... 79
M-BUS device (DEVx) ......................................................................................................................................... 79
Name ................................................................................................................................... 79
Addressing method ................................................................................................................................... 79
Address ................................................................................................................................... 80
Serial number ................................................................................................................................... 80
Restart communication ...................................................................................................................................
before reading 80
Bytes order ................................................................................................................................... 80
Pooling interval [min] ................................................................................................................................... 80
Number of variables ................................................................................................................................... 80
Variable table ................................................................................................................................... 81
Ethernet .......................................................................................................................................................... 83
Use of Ethernet
......................................................................................................................................................... 83
Ethernet port.........................................................................................................................................................
speed 83
Sender IP address
control 83
IP address ......................................................................................................................................................... 84
Subnet mask ......................................................................................................................................................... 84
Default gatew.........................................................................................................................................................
ay 84
IP routing table
entry count 84
Routing IP ......................................................................................................................................................... 84
IP addresses 85
Number of IP addresses ......................................................................................................................................... 85
IP ......................................................................................................................................... 85
Modbus TCP .........................................................................................................................................................
Client 85
Delay after error .........................................................................................................................................
in communication w ith Server 85
Number of read/w.........................................................................................................................................
rite data blocks 86
Response timeout......................................................................................................................................... 86
Ethernet IP ......................................................................................................................................... 86
Server Modbus ID ......................................................................................................................................... 86
Address space in.........................................................................................................................................
Server 87
Mapped space address .........................................................................................................................................
- Server 87
Mapped space size ......................................................................................................................................... 87
Mapped space address .........................................................................................................................................
- Module 87
Mapped space refresh .........................................................................................................................................
interval [s] 88
Routing tables.......................................................................................................................................................... 88
Number of .........................................................................................................................................................
Modbus routing table rules 88
Number of .........................................................................................................................................................
Transparent routing table rules 88
Modbus routing
table 88
Transparent .........................................................................................................................................................
routing table 89
6 Communication
................................................................................................................................... 90
MT2MT buffer.......................................................................................................................................................... 90
Active ......................................................................................................................................................... 90
Buffer address
......................................................................................................................................................... 91
Buffer size......................................................................................................................................................... 91
Logger .......................................................................................................................................................... 91
Primary transmission
channel 91
Primary Recipient
......................................................................................................................................................... 91
transmission channel 91
Recipient 92
Recipient UDP
port 92
Number of .........................................................................................................................................................
logger data blocks 92

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Index VII

Logger data .........................................................................................................................................................

block table 92
Events .......................................................................................................................................................... 93
Number of .........................................................................................................................................................
events 93
Event table......................................................................................................................................................... 93
Data blocks .......................................................................................................................................................... 93
Number of .........................................................................................................................................................
data blocks 93
Data block .........................................................................................................................................................
table 93
Rules .......................................................................................................................................................... 94
Number of .........................................................................................................................................................
rules 94
Recipient UDP.........................................................................................................................................................
port 94
Rule ......................................................................................................................................................... 94
Name ......................................................................................................................................... 94
Triggering event ......................................................................................................................................... 94
Transmission type ......................................................................................................................................... 95
Receiver ......................................................................................................................................... 95
SMS text ......................................................................................................................................... 95
Data block ......................................................................................................................................... 95
SNMP .......................................................................................................................................................... 96
string - read 96
string - read/w rite 96
Trap handling......................................................................................................................................................... 96
Request handling
......................................................................................................................................................... 96
Traps ......................................................................................................................................................... 96
Number of trap receivers ......................................................................................................................................... 96
Number of traps ......................................................................................................................................... 97
Trap data source......................................................................................................................................... 97
Trap receivers ......................................................................................................................................... 97
Trap table ......................................................................................................................................... 97
Requests ......................................................................................................................................................... 99
Number of request .........................................................................................................................................
receivers 99
Request count ......................................................................................................................................... 99
Request receivers ......................................................................................................................................... 99
Request table ......................................................................................................................................... 99
Triggering bit ................................................................................................................................... 99
Triggering slope................................................................................................................................... 100
Receiver address ................................................................................................................................... 100
OID ................................................................................................................................... 100
Destination register ...................................................................................................................................
address 100
Read flag ................................................................................................................................... 101
Error flag ................................................................................................................................... 101
Spooler .......................................................................................................................................................... 101
event 101
channel 102
Address ......................................................................................................................................................... 102
IEC 60870-5-104.......................................................................................................................................................... 102
Common address
......................................................................................................................................................... 102
T1 [s] ......................................................................................................................................................... 102
T2 [s] ......................................................................................................................................................... 102
T3 [s] ......................................................................................................................................................... 103
K ......................................................................................................................................................... 103
W ......................................................................................................................................................... 103
Number of.........................................................................................................................................................
variables 103
Event count......................................................................................................................................................... 103
Time synchronization
......................................................................................................................................................... 103
Variable table
......................................................................................................................................................... 104
Group table......................................................................................................................................................... 104
Event table......................................................................................................................................................... 104
7 Presets
................................................................................................................................... 105

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

VIII Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Counters (CNT1
- CNT16) 105

X Problem solving 107

1 Module
Status Screen and LEDs 107
GSM status .......................................................................................................................................................... 107
Interfaces activity
.......................................................................................................................................................... 109
Binary inputs/outputs
.......................................................................................................................................................... 110
Internal program
status 110
Additional status
screens 111
2 MT-151
HMI Error signaling 111
Standard errors
.......................................................................................................................................................... 112
3 Unlocking
the SIM card 113

XI Technical parameters 114

1 General
................................................................................................................................... 114
2 GSM ...................................................................................................................................
modem 114
3 Power
supply 114
4 Binary
inputs 114
5 Binary
outputs 115
6 Analog
inputs 4-20mA 115
7 Analog
inputs 0-10V 115
8 Drawings
and dimensions 116

XII Safety information 117

1 Working
environment 117
2 Electronic
equipment 117
Heart pacem..........................................................................................................................................................
akers 117
Hearing aids .......................................................................................................................................................... 117
Other m edical
equipm ent 117
RF Marked equipm
ent 117
3 Explosive
environment 117

XIII Appendices 118

1 Register
of changes - documentation 118
2 Register
of changes - device 118
3 SNCS...................................................................................................................................
Simple Name Command Syntax 119
- trap configuration example 125
Sending traps
using internal program 126
5 List of
Bits 127
6 User ...................................................................................................................................
screens programming 128
Chart acquisition
description 131
7 Memory
map 132
Input registers/binary
inputs address space 132
Holding registers/binary
outputs address space 137

XIV About User Manual 146

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Index IX


© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

1 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

1 Module destination
Telemetry Module MT-151 HMI is a device which incorporates functions of industrial PLC
with integral graphical display, logger and protocol converter which enriching it with robust
wireless GSM/GPRS connectivity. Thanks to automating cellular network connection
reestablishing mechanizm to access to two independent GSM/GPRS networks Dual-SIM
technology used in this device ensures continuity of data flow not achieved in other
solutions. Ethernet and two serial ports are powerful tools, allows communicating with other
devices thus further expanding resources available to be used by user. With compact,
robust design, integral GSM modem, attractive technical features and easy to use
configuration tools the MT-151 HMI controller is an optimal solution for demanding wireless
telemetry, control, diagnostic, surveillance and alarm systems.

General attributes of MT-151 HMI:

· Dual-SIM technology (possibility of using 2 SIM cards)
· Integral, quad-band 850/900/1800/1900 GSM modem
· 16 optoisolated binary inputs
· 12 optoisolated binary outputs with possibility of operation as binary inputs
(selected independently for each output)
· 4 optoisolated 4 - 20mA analog inputs
· 2 optoisolated 0 -10V analog inputs
· Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-TX port
· Optoisolated RS-232/485 serial port for communication with external devices
· Optoisolated RS-232 serial port with 5V power output dedicated for external control
· Graphical and textual OLED display, resolution 128x64 pixels, 6 lines 21 characters
· Diagnostic LEDs
· Connector for backup power (built-in battery charger)
· PLC functionality
· Standard industrial transmission protocols (Modbus ASCII/RTU, Modbus TCP, SNMP,
Transparent, M-Bus, IEC,) support and routing
· 3-years warranty

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

GSM requirements 2

2 GSM requirements
To proper operation, the module needs a SIM card supplied by a GSM operator providing
GPRS and/or SMS services.

It is advised to use GPRS enabled SIM card with static IP addressing. The unique IP address
of the SIM card is an identification for the module within the APN. This enables module-to-
module and server-to-module communication within the APN structure. If SIM cards with
dynamic addressing are used, only module-to-server communication is possible.

A good and strong GSM signal in the place where the module's antenna is located is
necessary for the proper function of the module. Using the module in places where the
signal is weak may lead to interruptions in transmission and possible loss of transmitted data
along with increased costs generated by transmission retries.

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

3 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

3 How to use the manual

The manual was written for beginners as well as for advanced telemetry users. Each user
will find useful information about:

Module design - this chapter presents the basic information about Module resources and
design elements. Her is the information about how does the module work and
how and where it may be employed. Chapter contains signaling description of
LED indicators which is necessary knowledge during module installation.

Module connection diagrams - contains diagrams and procedures for connecting MT-
151 with devices and external elements like sensors, antennas or the SIM

First start of the module - contains recommended first start procedure.

Configuration - this chapter presents information about all available configuration

parameters. All parameters concern firmware version compliant with
documentation version.

Problem solving - all procedures for diagnostic operations.

Technical parameters - a revue of technical parameters and technical drawings.

Safety informations - information concerning conditions of secure use of the module.

Appendices - contain a register of changes in consecutive firmware versions, syntax of

SMS messages and the memory map of the module, necessary for proper
configuration of MTData Provider and data collecting equipment.

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Required programs 4

4 Required programs
For proper start of working with the module has to be install an additional software for
configuration and communication with MT-151. In this manual we are often use a software
names that is cooperating with module. Below is available the short description of the
applications with information what is necessary to install on the computer on every stage
work with a device.

MTManager (MTM) (absolutely required for module setup and diagnostic) - main application
for MT\ML module management. Program allows a local and remote configuration of the
modules, programing of control algorithms, firmwares upgrade and resources monitor.
Application is available on MT-DISC, the DVD that is delivered with MT-151 or can be
downloaded after login on web site.

MTData Provider (MTDP) (required for data transmission setup and diagnostic) -
application for measurement data transmission in both ways, from and to the MT\ML
modules. MTData Provider receive data from modules and share it in CSV files and write it to
relational data base. The application supports OPC server functionality in two standards:

MTSpooler (MTS) (not required for module setup or diagnostic) - service that is designed
for mass management of the MT modules configuration, especially for battery modules that
working in sleep mode by most time is naturally behavior (the GSM modem is not logged to
network). MTSpooler listens of module notification and after its receiving achieves tasks
that was planned before.

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

5 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

5 Module design

5.1 Hardware resources

I1 - I16 binary inputs

Q1 -Q12 binary outputs that can operate as binary inputs
AI1 - AI4 4-20mA current analog inputs
AV1 - AV2 0-10V voltage analog inputs
PORT 1 RS-232/485 serial port
PORT 2 RS-232 serial port with 5V power output
Ethernet Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-TX port
USB port USB port used for configuration, programming and diagnostics
SD card Allows to install SD memory card (max. 32GB FAT32)

Module is equipped 128Mhz ARM Coretex M4 processor, 256kB of SRAM and 9MB of Flash
used for keeping module configuration, data logger and system information. Modules
supports SD cards up to 32GB.

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Module design 6

5.1.1 Graphical display

Graphical OLED display and four navigation buttons placed on front panel of MT-151 HMI
allow obtaining simple data operation panel. Diagnostic information and User defined screens
are presented on the module display panel, up to 16 textual screens and 4 charts with auto
data calibration. User can use the buttons to navigate between screens, stop switching the
screens or allow editing values of the variables. Graphical display has got own menu for a
basic functions management. Display menu

Display menu is shown after pressing OK button for more than 3 seconds. Arrow keys
allows to navigate between options, OK button selects next level, ESC backs to previous
level. Exit is realized after select the proper option or automatically after 60 seconds
without any action.

- Main menu options

Menu contains options:

Settings - in current version there is no option in these submenu
Actions - available options
Remove SD card - safety removing memory card
Passcode - entering the password for editing an internal registers from screen level.
Security activation and enetering the individual pass code is managed on module
configuration using MTManager.
About - shown current firmware version and uptime from power on.

- Basic information about device

Exit - close menu

Detailed configuration of the display with all parameters description is available on chapter

5.1.2 Binary inputs

MT-151 HMI telemetry module is equipped with 16 optoisolated binary inputs marked as I1
- I16 which operate in positive. Binary inputs are divided into two groups (I1 - I8 and I9 -
I16) with separate ground connector for each group. Additionally inputs marked as I1 - I4
can operate in pulse mode with flow scaling function. The maximal frequency that can be
measure is 2kHz.
The binary outputs Q1 - Q12 can be individually configured to operate as binary inputs,
however they support only more common positive logic.

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7 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

5.1.3 Binary outputs

MT-151 HMI telemetry module is equipped with 12 optoisolated binary outputs marked as
Q1 - Q12. Outputs state can be controlled locally by user written program or remotelly via
GPRS, SMS or using one of available communication ports. The binary outputs Q1 - Q12 can
be individually configured to operate as binary inputs supporting positive logic.

5.1.4 Analog inputs 4-20mA

MT-151 HMI telemetry module is equipped with 4 optoisolated analog inputs operating in 4-
20mA range and marked as AI1 - AI4. Analog inputs measurement can be scaled in
engineering units (e.g. in meters or percents). For each analog input user can define 4 alarm
levels (2 high and 2 low) with hysteresis. It is also possible to define deadband parameter -
each time measured value changes by value higher than defined by this parameter
deadband bit assigned to this analog inputs rises for one program cycle. These bits can be
used for tracking analog input value.

5.1.5 Analog inputs 0-10V

MT-151 HMI telemetry module is equipped with 2 analog inputs operating in 0-10V range
and marked as AV1 and AV2. Analog inputs measurement can be scaled in engineering units
(e.g. in meters or percents). For each analog input user can define 4 alarm levels (2 high
and 2 low) with hysteresis. It is also possible to define deadband parameter - each time
measured value changes by value higher than defined by this parameter deadband bit
assigned to this analog inputs rises for one program cycle. These bits can be used for
tracking analog input value.

5.1.6 Serial ports

MT-151 HMI telemetry module is equipped with 2 serial ports:
· PORT 1 - optoisolated RS-232/485 port designed for communication with external
devices. Interface type and operating parameters are configurable by MTManager -
program suite delivered for free with modules.
· PORT 2 - RS-232 port with 5V power output dedicated for communication with
control panels and other devices.

5.1.7 Ethernet port

MT-151 HMI telemetry module is equipped with Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-TX port used
for communication with external devices.

5.1.8 USB port

MT-151 HMI telemetry module is equipped with USB (micro USB B) port which is used for
device configuration (MTManager is required). This Port is visible in system (driver only for
Windows) as COM port. Device communicates at 115200 bps with 8 data bits, no parity bit
and 1 stop bit. Port is not optoisolated!

5.1.9 SD card reader

MT-151 HMI telemetry module is equipped with SD card reader supporting up to 32GB SD
cards. Card should be formatted using FAT32 file system. User can store files with data from
internal data logger on the memory card.

5.1.10 Real time clock

MT-151 HMI module is equipped with Real Time Clock (RTC). This clock is a source for time
measurement for the module timers and time stamping measurements stored in the logger
and sent via GPRS.

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Module design 8

It is recommended to manually synchronize modules real time clock during the first
configuration performed using the MTManager program.

The RTC clock module does not automatically adjust to Daylight Saving
It is recommended to use UTC time to avoid loss of data during manual
time adjustments.

The RTC clock is powered from an internal battery and as long as it is
operated, there is no need to set the time again after power-off.
Since the clock precision is not absolute, periodical time adjustment may
be necessary.

5.2 Internal resources

5.2.1 Logger
MT-151 HMI telemetry module is equipped with Logger capable of storing up to 12000
records, which allows to store measurements done every 10s for 30 hours or 40 days if
measurement was saved every 5 minutes. Records are saved asynchronously, meaning that
the record writing is triggered by an event (defined by user in the Event table). The event
may be e.g.: counting the time by the timer, GPRS logon, crossing one of defined alarm
thresholds and other.
The logger records consists of up to 4 data blocks, 28 16-bit registers each. Each record in
the logger has a time stamp of the module internal Real Time Clock (RTC).
The data written in the logger is transmitted to IP address assigned during configuration.
Sending of the logger content is triggered by user defined events. Confirmation of reception
marks records as sent. In case of overflowing logger the oldest records are overwritten.
Data from the logger could be stored on the installed memory card SD as separated comma
files and transmitted into secondary IP address assigned during configuration.

5.2.2 Registers
MT-151 HMI module provides access to measurements, and other data via 16-bit registers
divided into two groups according to Modbus device model - Input Registers (read only) and
Holding Registers (read/write access). Remote access to registers is possible via SMS, GPRS
(Modbus TCP and Standard Inventia protocol), serial ports (Modbus RTU) and Ethernet port
(Modbus TCP).
Internal registers start from address 1189 and Input register is zeroed after module restart
(e.g. power off, module update).

Holding registers to address 1188 are nonvolatile. Registers from 1189 to 8191
addresses are reset at startup of the module.
Input registers are reset at startup.

There is possibility to access single bits of Input and Holding Registers - or address them as
Binary Inputs for Input Registers and Binary Outputs for Holding Registers. Detailed
description of addressing method is described in Memory map chapter in Appendices.
Full list of registers is available in Memory map chapter in Appendices.

5.2.3 Counters
MT-151 HMI is equipped with 16 general purpose, internal counters.Their purpose is to
count pulses understood as binary state changes of any bit available in the memory map.

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9 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Each counter has one incrementing and one decrementing input and assigned 32-bit register
holding the difference of counted pulses. Initial state of the counters may be defined by
user activating MTManager menu item Initial settings (more info in MTManager manual).

5.2.4 Timers
MT-151 HMI module is equipped with 16 general purpose, programmable synchronous timers
CT1 - CT16 synchronized with module RTC. Their function is counting constant user defined
time intervals in range of 1 minute to 24 hours. The User may appoint months, days of
month and days of week in which the timer is active. In addition, there are available 16
general purpose programmable asynchronous timers CK1 - CK16. These timers start counting
when module is powered or reset and they are not synchronized with RTC clock.

5.2.5 MT2MT buffer

MT2MT buffer enables creation of system where MT modules may exchange information
(Holding Registers) with each other without any relaying instance. Data transmission from
one module to the other is carried out by sending from one device group of Holding Registers
with data to second device which has turned on MT2MT buffer functionality and defined
MT2MT buffer which includes register addresses send from sending device. Data send by
sender is saved to registers within buffer with the same address. Each time when new data
arrives MT2MT_x bit is set, where x is position of sender IP address on receiver authorized
IP list.

5.2.6 Constant parameters

In MT-151 HMI module configuration user can define up to 128 constant parameters - 16-
bit values in range from -32768 to 32767 that may be further used for control program
parameterization. Values of constant parameters are nonvolatile.

5.2.7 System flags

MT-151 HMI provides system of various internal flags that inform about module status.
Most important bits are:

· FS1_acu - when set to 1, then battery is connected to module

· FS1_q+ - when set to 1, then there is no power provided for binary outputs
· FS1_gprs - when set to 1, then module is successfully logged into GPRS network
· FS1_gsm - when set to 1, then module is successfully logged into GSM network
· FS1_OVERRUN - when set to 1, an exceed of the runtime the internal program

Full list of System flags is available in Memory map chapter in Appendices.

5.2.8 Control program

PLC functionality of MT-151 HMI module allows User to define algorithm of control and data
processing in form of control program. Program can be written in three languages available in
MTManager. The application is available with the modules and is free of charge.

Basic information about internal program running:

· The execution of program cycle starts every 100 ms. Duration between cycles is count
from beginning of first cycle to beginning of second. Run time length of the program not
affect for next cycle until it exceeds 90ms. If program loop executes longer than 90 ms
(in case of write/erase flash memory of logger, large CPU processing load like lot calls of
float function), next cycle will start immediately after ~10ms. At the same time flag
FS1_OVERRUN (3 bit in register IREG2) will be set means time synchronization is lost.
· Maximum program length is 5000 instructions.
· Maximum instructions number executed in one cycle of the program is terminated to

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Module design 10

Below a sample program is presented which executes start/stop algorithm with two
momentary inputs (I1 - start, I2 - stop) and one output (Q1).

MTManager - sample program in text mode

MTManager - sample program in ladder

MTManager - sample program in MTprog mode

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11 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

5.3 SIM cards slots

MT-151 HMI module is equipped with two SIM card slots that allow installing two miniature
SIM cards (not micro!). For GPRS transmission it is advised to use static IP addressed SIM
cards as it allows communication between devices and not only server and device. Module
supports a low voltage 3.3V SIM cards.

5.4 Antenna
Connecting of the antenna is necessary for reliable data transmission from MT-151 HMI
module. SMA female type antenna socket is placed on module front panel. Proper antenna
placement is important during the module installation. In case of low GSM signal level using
the directional antenna with high gain may be necessary.

5.5 Power supply

MT-151 HMI module can be powered from DC power supply providing voltage in range from
10.8 to 30 VDC. In addition module supports using 12V SLA (Sealed Lead-Acid) battery as
a backup power supply which provides power in case of loss the main one. Module has built
in battery charger capable of servicing batteries with capacity up to 7Ah. Module starts
automatic charging the battery if not fully charged. Module can be started only if main
power supply is present.

Exceeding the range of power supply may cause faulty operation or can
damage the module!

5.6 Enclosure
MT-151 HMI module is encapsulated in standard IP40 housing made of plastic compliant
with safety requirements and protecting the module in standard operating environment.
The applied solution complies with standard industrial requirements for DIN rail mounting.

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Connection diagrams 12

6 Connection diagrams
This chapter presents recommended wiring of external signals and installation procedure of
the components.

6.1 Binary inputs

Binary inputs I1 - I16 in positive logic:

Binary inputs I1-I16 for proper operation, require connection the power to
Q+ and COM2 terminal

Binary inputs Q1 - Q12 in positive logic:

All binary inputs and outputs (I1-I16, Q1-Q12) from one group, galvanically isolated from
rest of module and share common ground (COM2)

· Power cables length should be < 10m
· Signal cables length should be < 30m
· For longer cables it is advised to use external overvoltage protection

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13 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

6.2 Binary outputs

Binary outputs Q1 - Q12 in positive logic:

· Power cables length should be < 10m
· Signal cables length should be < 30m
· For longer cables it is advised to use external overvoltage protection

6.3 Analog inputs 4-20mA

Analog input AI1 - connection with active sensor:

Analog input AI1 - connection with passive sensor:

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Connection diagrams 14

· Power cables length should be < 10m
· Signal cables length should be < 30m
· For longer cables it is advised to use external overvoltage protection

6.4 Analog inputs 0-10V

Analog input AV1 - connection with active sensor:

Analog input AI1 - connection with passive sensor:

· Power cables length should be < 10m
· Signal cables length should be < 30m
· For longer cables it is advised to use external overvoltage protection

6.5 Communication ports

Port 1 - optoisolated RS-232/485 serial communication port. Port connector is located on
terminal block as pictured below.

Connector Description

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15 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

TXD RS-232 - transceiver output
RXD RS-232 - receiver input
COM1 Signal ground level for both modes
D+ RS-485 - transceiver output
D- RS-485 - receiver input

For operation in RS-232 mode cable length should not exceed 15m.

Port 2 - RS-232 serial communication port with 5V/500mA power output. No optoisolation.
Port connector (RJ-12) is located on the front panel.

Pin Description
1 - Vcc +5V/500mA power output
2 – GND Signal ground level
3 – TXD Transceiver output
4 - RXD Receiver input
5 – RTS Handshake output (Ready To Send)
6 - CTS Handshake input (Clear To Send)

Ethernet port - optoisolated 10Base-T/100Base-TX communication port. Port connector

(RJ-45) is located on the front panel.

Pin Description
1 - TX+ Transceiver +
2 - TX- Transceiver -
3 - RX+ Receiver +
4 - NC Not connected
5 - NC Not connected

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Connection diagrams 16

6 - RX- Receiver -
7 - NC Not connected
8 - NC Not connected

6.6 GSM antenna

Connecting the antenna is necessary for reliable data transmission from MT-151 HMI
module. SMA female type antenna socket is placed on the module front panel.

GSM signal strength LEds and antenna socket

Proper antenna placement is important during the module installation. In case of low GSM
signal level using the directional antenna with high gain may be necessary.

6.7 SIM card installation

MT-151 HMI module is equipped with two SIM card slots that allow installing two miniature
SIM cards (not micro!). For GPRS transmission it is advised to use static IP addressed SIM
cards as it allows communication between devices and not only server and device. Module
supports a low voltage 3.3V SIM cards.
It is advised to install SIM card after configuration of module to prevent module from writing
wrong PIN to SIM.

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17 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

SIM Cards slots are on the left side of module's enclosure

6.8 SD memory card installation

SD memory card has to be slip in the gap narrow side facing toward the memory socket until
a click. Correct installation and format of the memory card is signaling by R/W indicator.
Light up of the diode can be delayed up to 30 second. Memory must be formatted in
external reader.

To extract memory card a narrow flattened tool like small screwdriver is required. Press OK
button for 3 second, using arrow key, go to option Actions and select Remove SD card
option and press OK, select Yes below question Write pending data and remove SD card?
and confirm selection.

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Connection diagrams 18

If data has been written, R/W indicator is switching off for 60 second. Using a tool press
gently the hidden card in socket until a click heard and release pressure. The card will eject
and it's ready to intercept by fingers. If card won't be removed during 60 seconds will be
switch on again.

6.9 Power supply

Power supply and 12V/7Ah battery (backup power)

Pin Group Description

+ Positive pole of mains power supply connector
GND Negative pole of mains power supply connector
+ Positive pole of backup battery connector
GND Negative pole of backup battery connector

Module is equipped with charger to charging the external battery. Maximal current is limited
to 400mA. For optimal charging we recommends to use 24V of nominal power supply.

· Power cables length should be < 10m
· Signal cables length should be < 30m
· For longer cables it is advised to use external overvoltage protection

Due to high peak current of MT-151 HMI power supply should be able to
deliver current >= 2A.
Improper power supply may results in faulty operation and can damage
the module!

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19 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

7 Starting the module

First start of the MT-151 HMI module requires a few simple activities. Please follow steps
listed below:

1. Connect signal wires and GSM antenna

Recommended connections diagrams for signal wires and the antenna are in
Connection diagrams chapter.

2. First configuration of the module

The scope of first configuration of MT-151 HMI is to enter parameters enabling

login to GSM network and optionally GPRS network. A USB connection to the
computer running MTManager program suite has to be established.
Detailed information on how to install and use the MTManager program is
attached in the installation DVD plate.

In order to login to GSM/GPRS network the basic information about the SIM card
and APN have to be provided to the module:

In GSM group:

Use of GPRS
Yes - if using GPRS packet transmission is intended
No - if the module is not going to use GPRS packet transmission
Use of SMS
Yes - if using SMS messaging is intended
No - if the module is not going to use SMS messaging

In GSM/SIM1 group:

SIM card name PIN number

provide PIN code for SIM card that is going to be placed in the
module (unless the card is set in pin-less mode).
APN name
provide APN name for GPRS transmission. Visible when Use of GPRS
parameter is set to Yes.
APN user name
provide user name (if required by the operator). Visible when Use of
GPRS parameter is set to Yes.
APN password
provide the password (if required by the operator). Visible when Use
of GPRS parameter is set to Yes.

These parameters are the only parameters required to login to GSM/GPRS network.
Bear in mind that the module with only the basic configuration does not have
ability to send data. After checking the ability to login the full configuration of
parameters has to be performed in order to use of intended extent.

3. Inserting the SIM card

After downloading the first configuration disconnect the USB and power cables,
insert the SIM card to SIM1 slot according to the instructions from previous
chapter and reconnect power cable. The module should login to the GSM/GPRS

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Starting the module 20

The status of the module may be verified on main status screen at OLED display.
More information in subchapter in Problem solving chapter.

Login sequence:
1. Module start
2. Verification of SIM card PIN code
3. Registration of modem in GSM network
4. Login to selected APN in GPRS network

Verify the configuration if any errors are indicated.

4. Setting the module time

The last, but very important element of modules startup is synchronizing the Real
Time Clock of the module with the computer clock. It is crucial since lack of
synchronization may result with faulty time stamping of the data in logger and may
lead to data loss. More information about time synchronization is in MTManager
user manual.

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21 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

8 Interfaces and communication methods

The next chapters describes an each modes of operation the MT-151 HMI module that are
available in case of communication port selection. Please read carefully description of every
mode, it is necessary for proper choosing the right mode for best use of MT-151 HMI Next
chapters describe a local and remote communication for data sharing between other devices
on long distance.

8.1 Serial ports

PORT 1 is an optoisolated RS-232/485 port designed for communication with external
devices. Interface type and operating parameters are configurable using MTManager.
Available modes:

· Transparent
· Modbus Master
· Modbus Slave
· Flex Serial
· M-Bus

PORT 2 is a RS-232 serial port with 5V power output dedicated for communication with
control panels and other devices. It is not optoisolated. This port allows to power on the
external devices, available voltage 5VDC/500mA.
Available modes:

· Transparent
· Modbus Master
· Modbus Slave
· Flex Serial

8.1.1 Transparent mode

In this mode MT-151 HMI communication from serial port Port 1 is channeled to other
communication port or GPRS network according to rules defined in Transparent routing table.
This allows communicating two or more devices with the protocol that is not implemented in
MT-151 HMI. Data received on serial port are transmitted to all targets that are set in
routing table. Foreign Devices with specified addresses can be connected to other ports,
Ethernet or 3G network.

Active transparent mode available receiving data in Modbus RTU type of commands. Module
verified syntax and CRC of all frames and in case of detection Modbus command matching ID
number with own ID. Equal ID execute the command and send an answer. The respond to
that command allowing user to get data directly from device.

8.1.2 Modbus Master mode

In this mode MT-151 HMI can poll for data from and write data to external Slave devices
connected to that port using Data blocks. Each Data block defines number of addresses in
Slave device and matching registers in Holding Registers address space in module. Module
polls for data with given interval and saves them in module. If new data is saved to those
registers by SMS, GPRS transmission, control program or any other method but from Port 1,
this new data will be written to Slave device. In this mode MT-151 HMI is using Modbus
RTU functions 1, 2, 3 and 4 for polls and 5, 6 for writes and 16 for multiply write. For each
data block there is SLx_ok bit, where x is following number of data block, which informs
about proper communication within this data block.

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Interfaces and communication methods 22

Also polls and writes from external devices communicating with MT-151 HMI can be routed
to Port 1 according to rules defined in Modbus routing table. All those commands are
automatically translated to Modbus RTU protocol.

8.1.3 Modbus Slave mode

In this mode MT-151 HMI module acts on this port as Modbus RTU Slave device and waits
for incoming Modus RTU commands. It will react on command that is send to ID matching ID
of MT-151 HMI for that port.
Incoming Modbus RTU commands can be routed to other ports or GPRS according to routing
rules defined in Modbus routing table thus allowing to communicate devices connected to
different ports. If command is routed to Ethernet port it is automatically translated into
Modbus TCP protocol. If it is routed to GPRS then it is automatically translated to chosen in
GPRS parameter section protocol.

8.1.4 Flex Serial

Flex Serial mode allow to create communication between external device that is connected
to serial port directly form internal user program which runs on module. Access for internal
resources is still available using other interfaces but on Port where Flex Serial is selected
there is no possibility for sending and receiving data from other interfaces. Received data
are identify and analyzed only in internal user program. Internal program is responsible for
preparing question frames which will be send to external unit. Transmission is based on
registers in internal space that are separated for two buffer for store the data. Sending and
receiving data is independent. Flex Serial mode has got two dedicated configuration
parameters: Max. data packet size i Data frame delimiter, describe maximal data bytes
receiving and time of "silence" between successive packets, after which the data will be
written to the receiving buffer. This parameters define rules of changing data flow receiving
on port into data available on internal program.

Buffer structure
Buffer length is 256 registers 16 bits each but only little endian is used for communication.
One 16 bits register store one byte. The big endian part is not in use.

Receiving data
Register PXRCV_NO controls data receiving. Register PXRCV_B1 … PXRCV_B512 collect raw
data. These registers together creates Receiving buffer.
At first the received data are stored in internal buffer, size 6kB and then insert into
Receiving buffer only when register PXRCV_NO value is 0. Along with data insert, module
write into register PXRCV_NO length of package value. Internal user program have to
process the data form receiving buffer when detect nonzero value on PXRCV_NO and when
finish processing, write 0 value in PXRCV_NO and thus allow to enter another data packet.
Received data are always inserted at the beginning of the buffer, first byte of packet goes
into register PXRCV_B1. Additionally in register HR5257 at first bit module placed 1 when
detect problem with receiving data like overload the buffer, like wrong parity or stop bits
and other. PXRCV_ERR bit is not automatically reset. Internal user program have to manage
of resetting the bit for proper communication diagnostics. State of this bit does not affect
on operation of receiving data algorithm and inform user only about the problems with
correct data receiving.

Data Receiving buffer resources

Name/Register address

P1RCV_NO HR5000 P2RCV_NO HR6000 Counter receiving data

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23 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

P1RCV_B1… HR5001- P2RCV_B1… HR6001- Received data registers (little

P1RCV_B256 HR5256 P2RCV_B256 HR6256 endian in use)

P1RCV_ERR HR5257 P2RCV_ERR HR6257 Receiver status register (b0 -

data receiving error)

Sending data
Register PXSND_NO control sending operation. Sending buffer is composed from registers
PXSND_B1 … PXSND_B512. Writing non zero value into register PXSND_NO sends a package
of the data from Sending buffer at length equal the value that was enter to PXSND_NO.
Data is always send from the beginning of the buffer, first byte is taken from register
PXSND_B1. Register PXSND_NO is automatically reset to zero value after reading data from
Sending buffer. This means that next package to send can be prepared. Registers
PXSND_BX can be modified only when PXSND_NO register is set to 0 value. Additional in
holding registers space, mapped as binary output space is placed P2SND_ERR bit which is
set to 1 when error is detected while sending data (e.g into PXSND_NO was enter value
grates than 256). P2SND_ERR bit is not automatically reset. Internal user program have to
manage of resetting the bit for proper communication diagnostics.

Data Sending buffer resources

Name/Register address

P1SND_NO HR5500 P2SND_NO HR6500 Counter sending data

P1SND_B1… HR5501- P2SND_B1… HR6501- Sending data registers (little

P1SND_B256 HR5756 P2SND_B256 HR6756 endian in use)

8.1.5 M-Bus
M-Bus mode is an enlargement of Modbus Master mode with functionality called data
mirroring that read data from external Slave device and store it in the internal register space
of the module. The protocol is available only on port RS-232. This feature is developed in
the module for directly operations with devices that support the M-Bus protocol which are
used mainly in energy consumption measurements. Direct communication between MT-151
HMI module and M-Bus devices require use an external electrical M-Bus converter that
have to be connected to PORT 1. Converter name is RM-120 and is available in additional

Implementation of the protocol in the module allows to choose how to address a device that
are connected to M-Bus line. There are two options:

1. Broadcast - configuration of only one connected device without knowing its

address. Module sends broadcast frames with 254 address.
2. Unicast - individual addressing each devices with selection that using real device
address (range 1 … 250) or logical address based on sent a addressing frame that
contains serial number in address place. Module sends unicast frames with 253

M-Bus mode in MT-151 HMI supports reading basic quantities like:

· Energy
· Volume
· Mass
· Flow

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Interfaces and communication methods 24

· Temperature
· Pressure
· Power
· Time
· some other values with special identification number that can be added manually to
configuration of variables prepared for reading

Data reading
Data is reading according to configuration of each data blocks up to maximum 16. Each
block can mapped up to 16 independent configuration variables. The reading of one block
cannot be executed more often every 60 seconds. Processing of an information read from
external devices, its interpretation or scaling is made according to units selected in
configuration. The configuration of variables allow to choose number of final register and
data format to store the information after reading. Each variable has got additional
parameters as Logical Unit, Tariff, Storage and Type. This parameters allow to read
specific measurements from connected device and records the data to module into
appropriate registers. Variables assignment to register require the same values for all
parameters Value, Tariff, Storage and Type. It is possibility for reading the same quantity
for different Tariff and save this measurements in different registers. It is useful when
device connected to the module sent different type of data that depends from working
mode, example LQM-3 heat meter usually sends data as "Momentary" type but in case when
pulses are not detect the type is change to "Error".

Communication diagnostic
M-Bus mode, like other protocols in module, has got flags and bits for communication
diagnostic prepared in input registers space. State of these bits carry on information about
proper communication with every connected device and all variables from each block. Flags
are refreshed with every pool of the data, this is helpful to monitor state of communication
with device. Example: two variables are define for the same quantity, one as "Momentary"
type and second as "Error" type, emergency situation will be when flag for "Momentary" type
goes to value 0 and in the same time flags 'Error" goes to 1. Device communication bits are
located in register IREG350 (1 on bit X means correct data receiving from device X).
Variables communication bits of each variable for all devices are located on registers from
IREG351(DEVICE1) to IREG366(DEVICE16) (1 on bit X means correct receiving data from
variable X) Register IREG370 stored real address device that is answered for Broadcast type
of request.

This version of protocol implementation is prepared specially for proper works with heat
meters, if need it can be enlargement, please contact us to discus details.

All parameters and its description required to run communication in M-Bus mode are explain
in chapter Configuration.

8.2 Ethernet port

MT-151 HMI telemetry module is equipped with Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-TX port used
for communication with external devices. MT-151 HMI operates simultaneously as Master
and Slave on this port.
Communication via this port is possible only with devices added to Authorized IP addresses

8.2.1 Modbus TCP Client

Modbus TCP Client functionality allows polling for data from and write data to external
Modbus TCP Server devices connected to that port using Data blocks. Each Data block
defines number of addresses in Server device and matches registers in Holding Registers
address space in the module. Module polls for data with given interval and saves it in

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25 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

module. If new data is saved to those registers by SMS, GPRS transmission, control program
or any other method, this new data will be written to Server.
In this mode MT-151 HMI is using Modbus TCP functions 1, 2, 3 and 4 for polls and 5, 6 for
For each data block there is TSLx_ok bit, where x is following number of data block, which
informs about proper communication within this data block.
Also polls and writes from external devices communicating with MT-151 HMI can be routed
to Ethernet device according to rules defined in Modbus routing table. All those commands
are automatically translated to Modbus RTU protocol.
Modbus TCP Client connects to servers using port 502.

8.2.2 Modbus TCP Server

MT-151 HMI operates as is server listening on port 502 and waits for Modbus TCP frames.
It will react on command that are send to ID matching ID of MT-151 HMI for that port.
Incoming Modbus TCP commands can be routed to other ports or GPRS according to routing
rules defined in Modbus routing table thus allowing to communicate devices connected to
different ports. If command is routed to serial port it is automatically translated into Modbus
RTU protocol. If it is routed to GPRS then it is automatically translated to chosen parameter
section protocol in GPRS.

8.3 Remote communication

MT-151 HMI module is equipped with build-in GSM/GPRS modem, which allows device to
send and receive SMS messages and transmit data using GPRS network. In sent SMS
messages special mnemonics may be used, which are dynamically changed according to
value changes in the module memory. Same mnemonics in received messages can be used
for polling and/or writing data to module. More details about SMS commands can be found in
SNCS Simple Name Commands syntax chapter in Appendices.
GPRS data transmission allows communicating device with remote server or other device
accessible from APN assigned with used SIM card.

MT-151 HMI is using two protocols for GPRS communication:

· MT Standard - module communicates using the protocol and transmission protection
created by Inventia. This data frame is supported by all software tools provided with
· UDP Standard - data is send in form of Modbus RTU command encapsulated in
standard UDP data frame. Data reception control is not available when using that
data frame format. Detailed description of UDP Standard communication is available
upon request from Inventia technical support team.

8.3.1 Dual-SIM
A slot for Two SIM cards allow installing in MT-151 HMI cards from different providers.
Second transmission channel is used only when primary fails. One GSM connection is
supported by the modem in one time. Dual SIM function activate automatically when a both
SIM cards are selected in configuration.

Dual SIM - logon sequence

1. SIM card in SIM1 slot is used to login attempt.

2. Transmission retries are repeated with transmission timeout.
3. When all retries failed, module is waiting according to wait time after disconnection
4. SIM card in SIM2 slot is used to login attempt.
5. Transmission retries are repeated with transmission timeout.
6. When all retries failed, module is waiting according to wait time after disconnection
7. Cycle is looped until correct login

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Interfaces and communication methods 26

Successful login resets the module counter failed login attempts.

8.4 SNMP protocol

MT-151 HMI supports SNMP protocol version 1. Module operates as a SNMP agent – device
which can be polled by server and can send unsolicited information (traps) to server. Data
transmission is realized by exchange values of device variables (numbers, text). Variables
are organized in form of tree. Each variable has unique OID (Object ID) identification number
which plays a role of variable address. Next to standard variables referring to device
interface description and network status producer can add branch with own parameters.
Such branch should have unique ID number assigned to producer by IANA organization.

Inventia is using ID 42317.

Variable tree structure is defined as a MIB data base and can be saved in text files using
ASN1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) notation. Variable tree MT-151 HMI has structure as

Sending unsolicited data (Traps)

Trap is a data packet send from device containing device ID, device IP address, timestamp
and Specific ID (trap ID). To basic data described above device can add additional data
from variable tree. Module adds to trap following variables in order as follows:
trapSourceStatus, trapSourceValue, trapSourceName, trapSourceType,
trapSourceIndex. Content of these variables can be set up in module configuration or can
be copied from defined registers, from holding registers address space, which allows to
dynamically assigning data to trap using user program.

While configuring a trap user defines triggering source of trap, Specific ID and values of
variables added to trap. Server receiving trap after analyzing variables values (especially
Specific ID) can connect trap with its description and present data in propels form. Since
basic trap types as well as meaning and ranges of variables are predefined in MIB file it is
essential that user when configuring traps used proper variable values as makes server
configuration much easier.

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27 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Generating queries (Requests)

Request is a data packet sent to network device with query of the specific OID variable.
MT-151 HMI has got possibility to generate 32 variable requests for 16 variable receivers.
Control of Request sending is managed from internal program. Request response has to be in
numeric format.

All SNMP configuration parameters are grouped in SNMP subgroups within Communication
group in MT-151 HMI configuration.

8.5 IEC 60870-5-104 protocol

MT-151 HMI module is able to act as IEC 60870-5-104 (IEC) Slave device (Server). One
TCP client can be service at one connection time. Module is listening on 2404 port.
Available functions are shown in Interoperability Table. IEC protocol is adapted to be used
in device which contain standard Modbus register spaces. Available data types are
constrained to single point (bit value), 16 bits registers with sign (short scaled) and values
with floating comma(short float).

More than 8000 registers in module is mapped on four variables blocks formatted just like
IEC tables with IEC variables. Module provide access to blocks of variables, numbered
subsequently and give access to subsequent registers or bits. This method allow user to
access any of MT-151 HMI registers by executing function "read variable" (C_RD_NA_1)
with correct IOA address. Module is responding with value fetched from resulting Modbus

Internal mapping variable addresses between IEC and Modbus space

IEC typ
IEC variable (IOA) Modbus space Description

5001 … 9801 M_SP_NA_1 IB0 … IB5799 Discrete inputs (IREG bits)

10001 … 10300 M_ME_NB_1 IR0 … IR299 Input registers

20001 … 36384 M_SP_NA_1 HB0 … HB16383 Coils (HREG bits) from first 1024

40001 … 48192 M_ME_NB_1 HR0 … HR8191 Holding registers

Additionally Module's configuration allows user to explicitly up to 200 variables on IOA range
from 1 to 1000 address. For each variable user can set type and choose address or bit from
internal memory map and allow access to them from IEC side. Each variable can own unique
name, marked with a time stamp and signed as variable that is delivered on global request
(interrogation). Global request is performed by command (C_IC_NA_1) with additional
parameter that determine distinction for general request or group request. Eight group of
parameters is ready to assignment the variables. Group request required enter an identify
number for specific group 1 … 8.

Configuration of IEC protocol in module allows to send spontaneous sending of data after
making a definition in Events table. There is maximum 32 events, each of them has got own
trigger to set and data to send. Events can sent single data and whole groups. Triggering of
the events can be controlled from internal user program using flags P1 - P256 as a trigger
source. IEC events are not depending from standard GPRS events that are distributed by

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Interfaces and communication methods 28

IEC protocol provides time synchronization between Client and Server. This function is
disabled in default. Changing the setting of parameter in configuration allows to turn on the
IEC time synchronization if necessary.

First connection of the client to MT-151 HMI after reset makes a reply by sending the "end
of initialization" (M_EI_NA_1) message.

Module configuration include some parameters responsible for communication efficiency.

There are timeouts parameter called just like IEC specification: T1, T2, T3 and parameters K
and W. Description is available below in Configuration chapter.

Communication handling (events and data sending) consist on Current sending buffer with
capacity of 250 records. Data in buffer are stored until the confirmation from Client comes.
This means that global requests with more than 250 variables in seconds time periods
cannot be executed correct because could exceeding a capacity. For increase speed of
sending confirmations by Clients and release this way a occupied buffer record, we
recommend to set on Client site timeout T2 between 3 … 5 seconds and W parameter to 4
or 5 value. Events prepared in configuration use Current sending buffer but they are stored
in non-volatile memory and can be sends with delay in case of temporary exceeding a

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29 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

9 Configuration
MT-151 HMI just like other MT devices is configured by using MTManager (MTM) which is
provided for free with all MT equipment.

MTManager is an unified program environment that allows setting up and maintaining whole
telemetric system or systems regardless of its scale. Possibility of arranging devices in
groups of projects or putting them in folders makes effective managing of telemetry system

All described on next pages parameters are available in MTManager configuration module
after adding MT-151 HMI to project. Detailed description of MTManager functionality is
provided in MTManager User Manual.

Availability of different functions and parameters depends on module
firmware version and the settings of parameters they may be dependent

For clarity and ease of use module configuration parameters of MT-151 HMI were divided
into logically or functionally connected groups in the following order:

· Header group - contains unchanged parameters describing the module, its firmware and
· General group - contains basic configuration parameters.
· GSM group - contains parameters responsible for GSM/GPRS networking.
· Resources group - defines parameters of hardware and software resources related with
· Communication ports group - contains parameters controlling both local and remote
communication using serial and Ethernet as well as GPRS transactions. It is possible to
set up routing rules for each port allowing to automatically passing data between
communication ports.
· Communication group - contains lists of transmission tasks to be carried out upon
occurrence of activating criteria.

There is also possibility to set up initial values for some of module resources (like counters)
using MTManager Presets tool.

9.1 Header
The header contains basic information describing the module, along configuration with
version number and version of configuration file stored by the program. Information
displayed is for information and verification purposes only and thus not available for user

9.1.1 Module name

Function - Displays name assigned to module during configuration
Data type - Text
Range - N/A, read-only parameter
Comments - N/A

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Configuration 30

9.1.2 Module type

Function - Displays the type of configured telemetry module
Data type - Text
Range - N/A, read-only parameter
Comments - N/A

9.1.3 Module serial number

Function - Displays serial number of telemetry module
Data type - Text
Range - N/A, Read-only parameter
Comments - This field displays serial number assigned to module
during manufacturing. This number is static and unique
identifier of the unit.

9.1.4 Modem firmware version

Function - Displays modem firmware version
Data type - Text
Range - N/A, read-only parameter
Comments - N/A

9.1.5 IMEI number

Function - Displays GSM modem IMEI number
Data type - Text
Range - N/A, read-only parameter
Comments - N/A

9.1.6 Firmware version

Function - Displays module firmware version
Data type - Text
Range - N/A, read-only parameter
Comments - N/A

9.1.7 Configuration file version

Function - Displays version identification of configuration file used
for actual configuration
Data type - Text
Range - N/A, read-only parameter
Comments - Value depends on module firmware version. Auxiliary
extension character defines the sub-version

9.1.8 Configuration identifier

Function - Displays identification number of current configuration
Data type - Hexadecimal number
Range - N/A, read-only parameter
Comments - The value of this parameter increases automatically by
1 after each successfully written configuration.

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9.1.9 Last configuration date

Function - Displays date and time of last successful configuration
Data type - Text
Range - N/A, read-only parameter
Comments - The value changes automatically after each successful
configuration change. It is useful for tracing
unauthorized configuration changes.

9.1.10 Last reading time

Function - Displays internal module time recorded during last
configuration reading or during last time setting
Data type - Text
Range - N/A, read-only parameter
Comments - This field is useful in verifying last access time and
checking internal module clock (RTC) settings

9.2 General
General group contains basic configuration and configuration protection parameters.

9.2.1 Device identifier

Function - Selects device identifier used which is added to data
frames sent by device and then to identify sender by
server software (e.g. MT-Data Provider)
Data type - Selection list
Range - IP address
IP address assigned to device by GSM
provider is used as identifier. Advantage of
the solution is possibility of changing device
on site to other of same type without need
to reconfigure server. SIM card used with
device should have static IP address.
Serial number
Serial number of device is used as identifier.
Advantage of this solution is a possibility of
operation in APN with dynamic IP addressing.
Default value - IP address
Comments - N/A

9.2.2 Module IP
Function - Displays IP address assigned to module by GSM
provider during last communication with module. It is
used for remote configuration via GPRS.
Data type - IP address
Range - -
Default value -
Comments - When this field is left at default value remote
communication with the module is impossible. IP

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Configuration 32

address can be inserted manually to allow access to

remote module via GPRS. If you use feature of dual
SIM card you should to be sure which SIM card has
been used to communicate just right now.

9.2.3 Configuration password

Function - Defines the password protecting access to
configuration of the module. The password will be
required for both local and remote access, thus
protecting against unauthorized configuration
Data type - Text
Range - Letters and numbers, max. 32 characters
Default value - N/A
Comments - Since the only way of unlocking the module is
resetting it to factory settings, it is vital that the
password is stored in a safe way and available when

9.2.4 Configuration read disable

Function - Blocks reading of module configuration even while
using valid password
Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes
Reading of configuration from the module is
Module is not protected against reading of
Default value - No
Comments - This parameter has no influence on uploading a new
full configuration but prevents writing changes if
configuration identifier in the module and in
MTManager do not match

9.2.5 Error display time

Function - Defines (in seconds) time of displaying error code on
Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 250 [s]
Default value - 30 [s]
Comments - setting of too small value makes error code
identification difficult while too long value extends the
time span before module attempt to fix the problem.

9.2.6 Recipient UDP port

Function - Defines UDP port on which the responses frames shall
be sent.
Data type - Number
Range - 1024 - 65535
Default value - 7110

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Comments - Answers for MT-Data Provider data requests will be

sent on this port number.

9.2.7 UDP data frame format

Function - This parameter selects data frame type used by
module for GPRS communication
Data type - Selection list
Range - MT Standard
Module communicates using the protocol and
transmission protection created by Inventia.
This data frame is supported by all software
tools provided with module.
UDP Standard
Data is sent in form of Modbus RTU command
encapsulated in standard UDP data frame.
Data reception control is not available while
using that data frame format.
Default value - MT Standard
Comments - Detailed description of UDP Standard communication is
available upon request from Inventia technical support

9.2.8 GPRS transmission retries number

Function - Defines number of attempts to send data through
GPRS network if the reply to original transmission does
not arrive in a timely manner specified by Transmission
timeout parameter.
Data type - Number
Range - 0-9
Default value - 2
Comments - Setting the value to 0 results in sending data without
waiting for reception confirmation.
In normal conditions the value should not exceed 3.
This prevents loss of transmitted data without blocking
of subsequent rules processing. Bear in mind that
subsequent data will be sent after reception of
confirmation for reception of previous frame.

9.2.9 Transmission timeout

Function - Defines the wait time for reception confirmation of
sent data frame.
Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 60 [s]
Default value - 8 [s]
Comments - The value of this parameter along with GPRS
transmission retries number influence on maximum time
of data frame sending. For default values the time is
(2 + 1) * 8 = 24s. After that time module drops data
frame from queue.

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Configuration 34

9.2.10 Time synchronization

Function - Activate selected time synchronization method.
Data type - Selection list
Range - None
Time synchronization method in module is not
Module sends SMS message to phone number
of SIM card that is installed in SIM1 slot. SMS
is sending once a week on Sunday at 4:15
o'clock. This operation deliveries current time
that is add by provider on SMS header.
Module use Network Time Protocol to set
current time for local RTC. This option require
activation in module the connection via
Ethernet or GPRS transmission. First
synchronization is made at first midnight after
turn on the module. Next is executed
according to setting in Time sync interval
parameters. In both situations, module sends
to NTP server a synchronization request and
wait. Time is synchronized after receiving
answer with correct time.
Default value - None
Comments - N/A

9.2.11 Module phone number (SIM1/SIM2)

Function - Phone number of SIM card that is installed in SIM1/2
Data type - Phone number
Range - Max. 23 characters.
Default value - +48
Comments - Parameter is available only for SMS time

9.2.12 Set local time

Function - Defines what kind of time will be set to local RTC
Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes
Local time delivered by provider will be set to
local RTC
UTC time delivered by provider will be set to
local RTC
Default value - Yes
Comments - Parameter is available only for SMS time

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9.2.13 Transmission channel

Function - Defines transmission channel for time synchronization
Data type - Selection list
Range - GPRS
NTP request is sent via GPRS packet
transmission interface.
NTP request is sent via Ethernet interface.
Default value - GPRS
Comments - N/A

9.2.14 Address
Function - Selects the NTP server IP address.
Data type - Selection list
Range - Numbers defined in GSM -> Authorized numbers -> IP
list for data transmission
Default value - None
Comments - N/A

9.2.15 Time sync interval (days)

Function - Defines synchronization time interval in days
Data type - Number
Range - 1-7
Default value - 7
Comments - N/A

9.3 GSM
GSM group contains parameters responsible for GSM/GPRS networking. Proper configuration
of those parameters is essential for successful GSM and GPRS communication.

9.3.1 Number of SIM cards

Function - Defines number of SIM cards used by device. There
are two slots for SIM cards - SIM1 (upper slot) and
SIM2 (lower slot)
Data type - Selection list
Range - 1
Only SIM1 slot is used by device
Both slots are used by device, Dual SIM
feature is active.
Default value - 1
Comments - N/A

9.3.2 Use of GPRS

Function - Enables GPRS communication
Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes

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Configuration 36

GPRS communication is allowed

GPRS communication is disabled
Default value - Yes
Comments - If set to Yes allows user to configure parameters
essential for setting up GPRS communication. When
set to No module will make no attempt to log into
GPRS network.
If both GPRS and SMS are not used module disables all
modem functionality.

9.3.3 Use of SMS

Function - Enables SMS communication
Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes
SMS communication is allowed
SMS communication is disabled
Default value - Yes
Comments - If set to Yes allows module to both receive and send
SMS to Authorized phone numbers. When set to No
module will not send not service received SMS
messages. All received SMS will be deleted.
If both GPRS and SMS are not used module disables all
modem functionality.

9.3.4 SIM1
SIM1 group contains parameters responsible for establishing GSM/GPRS communication using
SIM card inserted into SIM1 slot (the upper one). Address IP

Function - Displays IP address assigned to SIM card placed in SIM

holder slot number 1 using if the communication with
module has been established earlier on that slot. It
can be used for remote configuration via GPRS.
Data type - IP address
Range - -
Default value -
Comments - When this field is left at default value remote
communication with the module is possible using other
IP addresses. Obviously IP address can be inserted
manually to allow access to remote module via that
SIM card if is logged. SIM card PIN number

Function - Defines PIN access code for SIM module delivered by

GSM operator. For SIM modules not protected by PIN
code, the value is insignificant.
Data type - Text
Range - Numerals, max 8 characters

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37 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Default value - N/A

Comments - Wrong PIN can cause SIM card lock

Caution is vital, when setting the PIN code value. Entering incorrect PIN
code may cause modules start-up impossible and lock SIM card.
For security reasons module makes attempt to enter PIN code twice.

To unlock SIM card please follow procedure described in Problem solving chapter. APN name

Function - Defines APN name which is used by module to carry

out GPRS transmission using that SIM
Data type - Text
Range - Letters, numerals and special characters - max. 32
Default value - N/A
Comments - Absence of APN name disables login into GPRS network Authorization

Function - Allow to choose authentication method of PPP

Data type - Selection list
Range - None
None authentication method chosen
PAP authentication method chosen
CHAP authentication method chosen
Default value - None
Comments - N/A APN user name

Function - Defines APN user name, which will be used to log into
Data type - Text
Range - Letters, numerals and special characters - max. 32
Default value - N/A
Comments - Optional parameter used only if required by GSM
network operator APN password

Function - Defines password, which will be used to log into APN

Data type - Text
Range - Letters, numerals and special characters - max. 32
Default value - N/A

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Configuration 38

Comments - Optional parameter used only if required by GSM

network operator GPRS testing interval (ping)

Function - Defines in minutes interval of testing GPRS connection

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 250 [min.]
Default value - 40 [min.]
Comments - Testing is performed by sending data frames to defined
by the parameter GPRS testing address. Test frames
are sent when the module is logged into APN and no
communication is performed the period defined by this
parameter. If the test fails, the module does not
receive confirmation within 12 seconds and after 3
retries - the connection to the APN is reset. GPRS testing address (ping)

Function - Defines IP address used for sending GPRS transmission

test frames.
Data type - IP address
Range - -
Default value -
Comments - When this field is left at default value test
frames are sent to IP chosen by module from
Authorized IP list. It is advised to set this parameter
to IP address of device collecting data or other IP
address always connected to APN. Roaming

Function - Defines whether operation in foreign GSM network is

Data type - Selection list
Range - On
In case of absence of no network, the
module will attempt to login to other available
Login into foreign networks is not allowed
Default value - Off
Comments - This parameter decides whether module will try to login
to available foreign networks during the absence in the
absence of home network. This is possible only when
the SIM card in module has the roaming service

9.3.5 SIM2
SIM2 group contains parameters responsible for establishing the GSM/GPRS communication
by using SIM card inserted into SIM2 slot (the lower one).

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39 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual Address IP

Function - Displays IP address assigned to SIM card placed in SIM

holder slot number 2 using if the communication with
module has been established earlier on that slot. It
can be used for remote configuration via GPRS.
Data type - IP address
Range - -
Default value -
Comments - When this field is left at default value remote
communication with the module is possible using other
IP addresses. Obviously IP address can be inserted
manually to allow access to remote module via that
SIM card if is logged. SIM card PIN number

Function - Defines PIN access code for SIM module delivered by

GSM operator. For SIM modules not protected by PIN
code, the value is insignificant.
Data type - Text
Range - Numerals, max 8 characters
Default value - N/A
Comments - Wrong PIN can cause SIM card lock

Caution is vital, when setting the PIN code value. Entering incorrect PIN
code may cause module start-up impossible and lock SIM card.
For security reasons module makes attempt to enter PIN code twice.

To unlock SIM card please follow procedure described in Problem solving chapter. APN name

Function - Defines APN name which is used by module to carry

out GPRS transmission using that SIM card
Data type - Text
Range - Letters, numerals and special characters - max. 32
Default value - N/A
Comments - Absence of APN name disables login into GPRS network Authorization

Function - Allows to choose authentication method of PPP

Data type - Selection list
Range - None
None authentication method chosen
PAP authentication method chosen
CHAP authentication method chosen
Default value - None

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Configuration 40

Comments - N/A APN user name

Function - Defines APN user name, which will be used to log into
Data type - Text
Range - Letters, numerals and special characters - max. 32
Default value - N/A
Comments - Optional parameter used only if required by GSM
network operator APN password

Function - Defines password, which will be used to log into APN

Data type - Text
Range - Letters, numerals and special characters - max. 32
Default value - N/A
Comments - Optional parameter used only if required by GSM
network operator GPRS testing interval (ping)

Function - Defines in minutes interval of testing GPRS connection

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 250 [min.]
Default value - 40 [min.]
Comments - Testing is performed by sending data frames to defined
by the parameter GPRS testing address. Test frames
are sent when the module is logged into APN and no
communication is performed during the period defined
by this parameter. If the test fails, that is the module
does not receive confirmation within 12 seconds and
after 3 retries - the connection to the APN is reset. GPRS testing address (ping)

Function - Defines IP address used for sending GPRS transmission

test frames.
Data type - IP address
Range - -
Default value -
Comments - When this field is left at default value test
frames are sent to IP chosen by module from
Authorized IP list. It is advised to set this parameter
to IP address of device collecting data or other IP
address always connected to APN. Roaming

Function - Defines whether operation in foreign GSM network is

Data type - Selection list

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41 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Range - On
In case of absence of home network, the
module will attempt to login to other available
Login into foreign networks is not allowed
Default value - Off
Comments - This parameter decides whether module will try to login
to available foreign networks in the absence of home
network. This is possible only when the SIM card in
module has the roaming service enabled.

9.3.6 GPRS
GPRS contains parameters applying to GPRS communication handling valid for both SIM
cards. Sender IP address control

Function - Switches the control of sender IP address on/off

Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes
The module exchanges information only with
IP addresses present on the Authorized IP
The module exchanges information
(configuration, responses for queries) with
any IP address sending qualified query or
command. In this case the identification of
the sender goes by its current identifier.
Default value - Yes
Comments - Switching the control off enables verification of the
sender on the base of its currently assigned identifier
other than IP address (e.g. serial number or virtual IP
for MT-1XX series). This allows communication among
units with dynamically assigned IP addresses (within
same APN).
Sender's identifier must reside on Authorized IP list in
order to establish the communication.
The configuration frames are always checked
automatically by module and this verification not
depends from the parameter settings. This verification
is not perform in two cases:
1. factory configuration is in the module
2. Authorized IP numbers table is empty Wait time after disconnection

Function - Defines interval between GPRS connection attempts

Data type - Number
Range - 0.01 - 655.350 [s]
Default value - 5.00 [s]
Comments - N/A

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Configuration 42

9.3.7 SMS
SMS contains parameters related to sending and receiving of text messages by MT-151
HMI module. Daily SMS limit

Function - Defines maximum quantity of SMS, the module may

send during one day. The parameter protects against
uncontrolled sending of SMS messages and
consequent high running expenses.
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 65535
Default value - 0
Comments - Setting this parameter to 0 removes daily SMS limit

Reaching set by the parameter limit results with unconditional stop of
SMS sending. One has to bear in mind that until 00:00 o'clock no
messages will be sent even in alarm situations!
Unsent due to limitation SMS messages are queued (the queue holds
up to 16 messages) and will be sent when it is possible (after
midnight). If the number of queued messages is higher than the limit
set by user, there is a risk of immediate consuming of the next day
limit. Number of SMS sending retries

Function - Defines maximum quantity of retries of unsuccessful

SMS transmission
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 16
Default value - 3
Comments - After reaching the defined value the SMS is deleted
from sending queue. SMS limit exceed information

Function - Contains text of the SMS message sent upon reaching

Daily SMS limit.
Data type - Text
Range - Letters, numerals and special characters - max. 160
Default value - N/A
Comments - This information is sent beyond standard messages
queue and only once a day. This message does not
increment SMS messages sending counter. Recipient of SMS limit exceed information

Function - Selects the SMS limit alert recipient

Data type - Selection list
Range - None and numbers defined in GSM -> Authorized
numbers -> Phone list for SMS transmission
Default value - None

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43 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Comments - N/A Answer for blank SMS

Function - Defines the text of reply for empty SMS to the sender.
Data type - Text
Range - Letters, numerals and special characters - max. 160
Default value - Hello, here MT-151
Comments - In replay message text may be used symbolic names
and macros following syntax rules defined in
Appendices in the SNCS commands syntax chapter. Incoming SMS handling

Function - allows to choose how will be handled SMS messages,

Data type - selection list
Range - By system
Module received SMS messages, system
program process the content according to
SNCS syntax, settings of macros and
symbolic names created by user. System
automatically check authorized phone
numbers and realize commands and orders
included in the message. At the finish module
sends back the confirmation (if not disabled)
and the message with response to sender.

By user program
Module received SMS messages and load the
content into local buffer (registers in HREG
sets in next parameters)

Receiving messages
System automatically check authorization for
sender phone numbers and enter the number
of signs into first register that is typed in
Buffer address holding incoming SMS. It is a
information for internal user program about
new message appears in local buffer. Next
registers are filled by content of the
message, each sign is stored to little-endian
part of the register. Register Buffer address
holding sender phone number is filled with
first digit of the phone number. Internal user
program must reset the value in first register
after the message processing is finished. This
action is a signal for an system program to
load another message into the local buffer.
Internal system queue of unprocessed
messages counts maximum 30 SMS

Sending messages
Sending SMS messages using internal user
program also requires a local buffer starting

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Configuration 44

from address that is typed in Buffer address

holding outgoing SMS parameter. First
register is a number of signs in sending
message, next registers are for content (sign
per register). Internal user program have to
load first the message content, phone
number to registers typed in Buffer address
holding receiver phone number and set the
first register with a count values of the signs
in message. Loading the message content is
permitted only when value in first register is
zero. The sending is generated when into first
register is enter non zero value - module's
system add the message into internal queue
and set into first register value 32767. When
the message have been sent (or deleted from
queue because an error occurred), module
set into first register value "0".
First register of the buffer can be reset by
internal user program to allow sending next
message one after another without waiting
for 32767 value.
System will copied the message content from
registers into internal system queue until the
zero value on next registers or reach limit
value set in first register (number of signs).

Default value - By system

Comments - module counts numbers of send messages and stops
sending if limit is reached.
Multipart SMS messages are not supported. When
module receive mutlipart SMS send error message to
sender. Selection of By user program option still
allow to generate messages by Sending rules. Buffer address holding incoming SMS (HREG)

Function - address [dec] in holding register space determine first

register where the number of signs from received
message will be stored. Next registers will store next
signs of the message content.
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 8000
Default value - 1100
Comments - Maximum size of received message:
161 registers for standard message
71 registers for messaged that include one special
sign. Each special sign fill two registers of buffer. The
first register store number of signs in both cases. Buffer address holding sender phone number (HREG)

Function - address [dec] in holding register space determine first

register where the first digit of the sender's phone
number will be stored. Next registers will store next
digits of the phone number string.

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45 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Data type - Number

Range - 0 - 8000
Default value - 1300
Comments - phone number can begin with "+" sign or ASCII number
or country direction number in international format.
Phone number must be finished with register that store
value "0". Buffer address holding outgoing SMS (HREG)

Function - address [dec] in holding register space determine first

register where the number of signs for outgoing
message will be stored. Next registers will store next
signs of the message content.
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 8000
Default value - 1400
Comments - N/A Buffer address holding receiver phone number (HREG)

Function - address [dec] in holding register space determine first

register where the first digits of the receiver's phone
number will be stored. Next registers will store next
digits of the phone number string. Last register must
have zero value.
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 8000
Default value - 1600
Comments - phone number can begin with "+" sign or ASCII number
or country direction number in international format.
Phone number must be finished with register that store
value "0". Formats
Formats subgroup contains parameters allowing user to define formats of date and time
presented in SMS messages. Date format

Function - Defines date format used by #date predefined

symbolic name
Data type - Text
Range - Letters, numerals and special characters - max. 31
Default value - YYYY-DD-MM
Comments - In the text user can put any sign combination but
predefined with special meaning listed below:
YYYY - if placed in this format text
automatically changed for year in four digit
notation (eg. 2013),
YY - if placed in this format text
automatically changed for year in two digit
notation (eg. 13),

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Configuration 46

MM - if placed in this format text

automatically changed for month (eg. 07 for
DD - if placed in this format text
automatically changed for day of month (eg.
Parameter is set to:
Date of measurement: YYYY-MM-DD
Macro result is (providing today is 26th of
July 2013):
Date of measurement: 2013-07-26 Time format

Function - Defines date format used by #time predefined symbolic

Data type - Text
Range - Letters, numerals and special characters - max. 31
Default value - HH:MN:SS
Comments - In the text user can put any sign combination but
predefined with special meaning listed below:
HH - if placed in this format text automatically
changed for current hour in 24h format (eg. 01),
MN - if placed in this format text automatically
changed for current minutes (eg. 23),
SS - if placed in this format text automatically
changed for current seconds (eg. 45).
Parameter is set to:
Time of measurement: HH:MN:SS
Macro result is (providing the time is
Time of measurement: 01:23:45 Symbolic names

Symbolic names group contains names assigned by the user referring to bits or registers.
There can be defined up to 32 symbolic names. In order to use a symbolic name in SMS put
place there a name preceded by '#' sign in SMS text and send it from module - it will be
automatically changed to value of corresponding register or bit. Symbolic names can be
used in macros and to poll module for data using SMS.
More about SMS messaging can be found in SNCS commands syntax chapter in Appendices. Number of symbolic names

Function - Defines number of user defined symbolic names.

Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 32
Default value - 1
Comments - N/A Symbolic name table

Idx. - Index number

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47 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Symbolic name - Friendly name facilitating identification of module

Letters, numerals and special characters - max. 50
Default value is IREG0.
Address space - Binary Inputs
Binary inputs (address 1XXX), read only
Binary Outputs
Binary outputs (address 0XXX), read/write
Input Registers
Input registers (address 3XXX) also known as
analog inputs address space, read only
Holding Registers
Holding registers (address 4XXX) also known
as internal registers and analog outputs
address space, read/write
Register/bit address - Address of bit or register to which symbolic name is
0 - 65535
Default value is 0. Macros
Macros group contains up to 16 user-defined macros. Macro may contain ASCII signs,
symbolic names, SMS commands and other macros that will be put in SMS text. In order to
use a macro in SMS put place there a name preceded by '*' sign in SMS text send from
mobile phone to module or in SMS text sent from module or other macro. Using macros
makes composing complex SMS texts and queries much more convenient and user friendly.
More about SMS messaging can be found in SNCS commands syntax chapter in Appendices. Number of macros

Function - Defines number of user defined macros.

Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 16
Default value - 1
Comments - N/A Macro table

Idx. - Index number

Macro name - Friendly name facilitating identification of macro.
Letters, numerals and special characters - max. 20
Default value is M0.
Macro content - Text to which macro is decoded. May use other
macros with lower index, symbolic names and SMS
commands as described in SNCS commands syntax
chapter in Appendices.
Letters, numerals, special characters - max. 160
Default value is #date #time.

9.3.8 Authorized numbers

Authorized numbers comprises lists of phone numbers and IP addresses the module can
communicate with. The list of IP addresses serves to granting access to configuration and

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Configuration 48

data reception privileges. Numbers and addresses saved in this group are then used as
receivers in Rules. Number of phone numbers

Function - Defines the length of phone numbers list authorized to

exchange SMS messages.
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 32
Default value - 0
Comments - The value of this parameter may vary as the result of
adding/deleting when using the context menu
operating directly on Phone list. Number of IP addresses

Function - Defines the length of the IP addresses list

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 64
Default value - 0
Comments - The value of this parameter may vary as the result of
adding/deleting when using the context menu
operating directly on IP list. Numbers from SIM phone-book always allowed

Function - allows to authorize all phone numbers from SIM card to

accept voice calls
Data type - selection list
Range - Yes
Phones from SIM card are authorized
Authorized phone numbers only on phone list
Default value - No
Comments - If Yes is selected module allows incoming voice calls
from SIM card number even authorization list is blank.
This feature expand list of authorization numbers for
more than 32 position in configuration.

Phone numbers from SIM cards without names are not

supported. Phone

Idx. - Index number

Name - Friendly name facilitating identification of the receiver
while defining Rules. Max. length is 16 characters.
Number - Phone number assigned to list index. Max. 23
Receiving - The module receives and analyzes SMS messages
depending on selected setting. When receiving is not
allowed, all SMS messages will be deleted
Default value: O (not allowed)

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49 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual IP

Idx. - Index number

Name - Friendly name facilitating identification of the receiver
while defining Rules. Max. length is 16 characters.
SIM1 address - IP address assigned to list index used when SIM card
installed in SIM1 slot is used
SIM2 address - IP address assigned to list index used when SIM card
installed in SIM2 slot is used. Parameter is available
only when two SIM cards are used.
Protocol UDP
Communication is carried out using UDP
Communication is carried out using TCP
Configuration - Value of this parameter determines whether remote
configuration data arriving from selected IP will be
ignored or accepted
Default value: P (allowed)
Receiving - Value of this parameter determines whether data
arriving from selected IP will be accepted or ignored
Default value: P (allowed)
SNMP Query - Value of this parameter determines whether SNMP
request arriving from selected IP will be accepted or
Default value: O (not allowed)

9.4 Resources
Group Resources encompasses a list of hardware and software resources available to

9.4.1 Binary inputs (I1 - I16)

All parameters listed in this group are set individually for each binary input. Binary inputs
operate in both positive and negative logic at the same time. Name

Function - Friendly name facilitating identification of the binary

input task
Data type - Text
Range - Letters and numerals - max. 31 characters
Default value - Respectively from I1 to I16
Comments - N/A Input type

Function - Defines binary input operating mode

Data type - Selection list
Range - Binary input
Selected terminal operates as binary input
Counting input
Selected terminal operates in impulse
detection mode.

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Default value - Binary input

Comments - According to selected mode MTManager displays
additional configuration parameters for inputs I1 ... I4 Filtering

Function - Defines (in seconds) minimum duration of electrical

state on the input to be considered stable, thereby
defining maximum time duration of electrical signal is
considered as noise
Data type - Number
Range - 0.01 - 600.00 [s]
Default value - 0.10 [s]
Comments - Increasing the value increases noise immunity but
delays change detection. Flow calculation trigger

Function - Selects marker or any bit from module's address space.

Change of bits state to high initiates flow calculation
Data type - Selection list
Range - Name from bits' list (see in Appendices) or 1min. or
1hour predefined marker
Default value - 1min.
Comments - Available for Counting input as selection type of Input
for I1 - I4. Flow scaling

Function - Selects time reference units for flow scaling

Data type - Selection list
Range - None
Defines value increase between next
initiations period of flow calculation
Minute (eng. units/min)
Defines value increase per minute
Hour (eng. units/h)
Defines value increase per hour
Default value - None
Comments - Available for Counting input as selection type of Input
for I1 - I4. Impulse weight - multiplier

Function - Allows for result correction of the flow using

multiplication function
Data type - Number
Range - -1 1000
Default value - 1
Comments - The calculated value of the flow is outcome a
mathematical operation expressed by the formula:
y =a * x/ b - c

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51 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

y - flow value
a - Impulse weight - Multiplier (eng. units)
b - Impulse weight - Divider (eng. units)
c - Offset (eng. units)

Available for Counting input as selection type of Input

for I1 - I4. Impulse weight - divider

Function - Allows for result correction of the flow using division

Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 1000
Default value - 1
Comments - The calculated value of the flow is outcome a
mathematical operation expressed by the formula:
y =a * x/ b - c
y - flow value
a - Impulse weight - Multiplier (eng. units)
b - Impulse weight - Divider (eng. units)
c - Offset (eng. units)

Available for Counting input as selection type of Input

for I1 - I4. Offset - engineering units

Function - Allows for result correction of the flow by subtracting

constant value
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 1000
Default value - 0
Comments - The calculated value of the flow is outcome a
mathematical operation expressed by the formula:
y =a * x/ b - c
y - flow value
a - Impulse weight - Multiplier (eng. units)
b - Impulse weight - Divider (eng. units)
c - Offset (eng. units)

Available for Counting input as selection type of Input

for I1 - I4. Hi alarm - engineering units

Function - Defines Hi alarm level for flow calculation value in

engineering units.
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767
Default value - 32767

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Comments - If value of flow calculation value is higher than value

of this parameter, then the HiHi alarm flag is raised.
The resetting level of this flag depends on Alarm
hysteresis - engineering units setting.

Available for Counting input as selection type of Input

for I1 - I4. Lo alarm - engineering units

Function - Defines Lo alarm level for flow calculation value in

engineering units.
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767
Default value - 32767
Comments - If value of flow calculation value is higher than value
of this parameter, then the Lo alarm flag is raised. The
resetting level of this flag depends on Alarm hysteresis
- engineering units setting.

Available for Counting input as selection type of Input

for I1 - I4. Alarm hysteresis - engineering units

Function - Defines the hysteresis value for flow alarm threshold.

The value is set in engineering units.
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 32767
Default value - 100
Comments - Setting hysteresis relevant for signal fluctuations
prevents excessive activation of alarm flags.

Available for Counting input as selection type of Input

for I1 - I4.

9.4.2 Binary outputs (Q1 - Q12)

All parameters listed in this group are set individually for each binary output. Name

Function - Friendly name facilitating identification of the binary

output task
Data type - Text
Range - Letters and numerals - max. 31 characters
Default value - Respectively from Q1 to Q12
Comments - N/A Input type

Function - Defines binary output operating mode

Data type - Selection list
Range - Binary input
Selected terminal operates as binary input
Binary output

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53 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Selected terminal operates as binary output

Default value - Binary output
Comments - N/A Filtering

Function - Defines (in seconds) minimum duration of electrical

state on the input to be considered stable, thereby
defining maximum time duration of electrical signal is
considered as noise
Data type - Number
Range - 0.01 - 600.00 [s]
Default value - 0.10 [s]
Comments - Increasing the value increases noise immunity but
delays change detection.
This parameter is available in binary input mode only.

9.4.3 Analog inputs 4-20mA (AI1 - AI4)

MT-151 HMI is equipped with four current analog inputs operating in 4-20mA range. All
parameters but sampling frequency are set individually for each input. Sampling frequency

Function - Defines analog input sampling frequency and

measurement resolution
Data type - Selection list
Range - 1Hz
New measurement is available every second.
Measurement is slower but more precise -
resolution is nearly 20000 units (above 14
bits). This setting is advised for low-dynamics
New measurement is available every 100
milliseconds. Measurement is faster but less
accurate - resolution is above 2000 units (11
bits). This setting is advised for low-dynamics
Default value - 1Hz
Comments - N/A Name

Function - Friendly name facilitating identification of the analog

input task
Data type - Text
Range - Letters and numerals - max. 31 characters
Default value - Respectively from AI1 to AI4
Comments - N/A Engineering units

Function - Allows user to enter unit name for information purpose

Data type - Text

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Configuration 54

Range - Letters and numerals - max. 15 characters

Default value - µA
Comments - N/A Low reference - internal units

Function - Defines number of µA corresponding to number of

engineering units defined by Low reference -
engineering units parameter
Data type - Number
Range - 4000 - 20000 [µA]
Default value - 4000 [µA]
Comments - Used along with other reference parameters for
rescaling input signal to engineering units. Low reference - engineering units

Function - Defines number of engineering units corresponding to

number of µA defined by Low reference - internal units
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767
Default value - 4000
Comments - Used along with other reference parameters for
rescaling input signal to engineering units. High reference - internal units

Function - Defines number of µA corresponding to number of

engineering units defined by High reference -
engineering units parameter
Data type - Number
Range - 4000 - 20000 [µA]
Default value - 20000 [µA]
Comments - Used along with other reference parameters for
rescaling input signal to engineering units. High reference - engineering units

Function - Defines number of engineering units corresponding to

number of µA defined by High reference - internal units
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767
Default value - 20000
Comments - Used along with other reference parameters for
rescaling input signal to engineering units. HiHi alarm - engineering units

Function - Defines HiHi alarm level for analog signal value in

engineering units.
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767

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55 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Default value - 32767

Comments - If value of analog signal is higher than value of this
parameter, then the HiHi alarm flag is raised. The
resetting level of this flag depends on Alarm hysteresis
- engineering units setting. Hi alarm - engineering units

Function - Defines Hi alarm level for analog signal value in

engineering units.
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767
Default value - 32767
Comments - If value of analog signal is higher than value of this
parameter, then the Hi alarm flag is raised. The
resetting level of this flag depends on Alarm hysteresis
- engineering units setting. Lo alarm - engineering units

Function - Defines Lo alarm level for analog signal value in

engineering units.
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767
Default value - -32768
Comments - If value of analog signal is lower than value of this
parameter, then the Lo alarm flag is raised. The
resetting level of this flag depends on Alarm hysteresis
- engineering units setting. LoLo alarm - engineering units

Function - Defines LoLo alarm level for analog signal value in

engineering units.
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767
Default value - -32768
Comments - If value of analog signal is lower than value of this
parameter, then the LoLo alarm flag is raised. The
resetting level of this flag depends on Alarm hysteresis
- engineering units setting. Alarm hysteresis - engineering units

Function - Defines in engineering units hysteresis for analog

inputs alarms.
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 65535
Default value - 100
Comments - Setting proper value prevents from turning on and off
alarms too often, when measured value is oscillating
around alarm value.

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Configuration 56 Deadband - engineering units

Function - Defines a minimum change of registered analog signal

which should set to high state deadband flag
corresponding to analog input where the change was
detected (AI1_DB - AI4_DB). This flag is reset to 0
after one program cycle.
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 65535
Default value - 100
Comments - Deadband is very useful for tracking analog signal on
server - data is send only when analog input changes.

9.4.4 Analog inputs 0-10V (AV1 - AV2)

MT-151 HMI is equipped with two voltage analog inputs operating in 0-10V range. All
parameters are set individually for each input. Name

Function - Friendly name facilitating identification of the analog

input task
Data type - Text
Range - Letters and numerals - max. 31 characters
Default value - Respectively AV1 and AV2
Comments - N/A Engineering units

Function - Allows user to enter unit name for information purpose

Data type - Text
Range - Letters and numerals - max. 15 characters
Default value - mV
Comments - N/A Low reference - internal units

Function - Defines number of mV corresponding to number of

engineering units defined by Low reference -
engineering units parameter
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 10000 [mV]
Default value - 0 [mV]
Comments - Used along with other reference parameters for
rescaling input signal to engineering units. Low reference - engineering units

Function - Defines number of engineering units corresponding to

number of mV defined by Low reference - internal units
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767
Default value - 0

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57 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Comments - Used along with other reference parameters for

rescaling input signal to engineering units. High reference - internal units

Function - Defines number of mV corresponding to number of

engineering units defined by High reference -
engineering units parameter
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 10000 [mV]
Default value - 10000 [mV]
Comments - Used along with other reference parameters for
rescaling input signal to engineering units. High reference - engineering units

Function - Defines number of engineering units corresponding to

number of mV defined by High reference - internal
units parameter
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767
Default value - 10000
Comments - Used along with other reference parameters for
rescaling input signal to engineering units. HiHi alarm - engineering units

Function - Defines HiHi alarm level for analog signal value in

engineering units.
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767
Default value - 32767
Comments - If value of analog signal is higher than value of this
parameter, then the HiHi alarm flag is raised. The
resetting level of this flag depends on Alarm hysteresis
- engineering units setting. Hi alarm - engineering units

Function - Defines Hi alarm level for analog signal value in

engineering units.
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767
Default value - 32767
Comments - If value of analog signal is higher than value of this
parameter, then the Hi alarm flag is raised. The
resetting level of this flag depends on Alarm hysteresis
- engineering units setting. Lo alarm - engineering units

Function - Defines Lo alarm level for analog signal value in

engineering units.
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767

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Configuration 58

Default value - -32768

Comments - If value of analog signal is lower than value of this
parameter, then the Lo alarm flag is raised. The
resetting level of this flag depends on Alarm hysteresis
- engineering units setting. LoLo alarm - engineering units

Function - Defines LoLo alarm level for analog signal value in

engineering units.
Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767
Default value - -32768
Comments - If value of analog signal is lower than value of this
parameter, then the LoLo alarm flag is raised. The
resetting level of this flag depends on Alarm hysteresis
- engineering units setting. Alarm hysteresis - engineering units

Function - Defines in engineering units hysteresis for analog

inputs alarms.
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 65535
Default value - 100
Comments - Setting proper value prevents from too often turning
on and off alarms when measured value is oscillating
around alarm value. Deadband - engineering units

Function - Defines a minimum change of registered analog signal

which should set to high state deadband flag
corresponding to analog input where the change was
detected (AV1_DB and AV2_DB). This flag is reset to 0
after one program cycle.
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 65535
Default value - 100
Comments - Deadband is very useful for tracking analog signal on
server - data is send only when analog input changes.

9.4.5 Counters (CNT1 - CNT16)

Counters may be used to count any pulses (interpreted as bit or binary input state
changes). Counters are equipped with two inputs each - one incrementing and one
decrementing counter register value. Incrementing input

Function - Defines the bit which state change increments counter

value by 1
Data type - Number or Selection list
Range - 0 - 65535 or name from bit list (see bit list in

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59 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Default value - N/A

Comments - Bit addresses 0 - 9999 point to analog inputs/binary
inputs address space while addresses 10000 - 65535
point to Internal registers/binary outputs address
More information on calculating bit addresses can be
found in Memory map chapter in Appendices. Active edge of incrementing input

Function - Defines edge of incrementing bit which increments

counter value by 1
Data type - Selection list
Range - 0->1
logical state change from 0 to 1
logical state change from 1 to 0
Default value - 0->1
Comments - N/A Decrementing input

Function - Defines the bit which state change decrements

counter value by 1
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 65535 or name from bit list (see bit list in
Default value - N/A
Comments - Bit addresses 0 - 9999 point to analog inputs/binary
inputs address space while addresses 10000 - 65535
point to Internal registers/binary outputs address
More information on calculating bit addresses can be
found in Memory map chapter in Appendices. Active edge of decrementing input

Function - Defines edge of decrementing bit which decrements

counter value by 1
Data type - Selection list
Range - 0->1
logical state change from 0 to 1
logical state change from 1 to 0
Default value - 0->1
Comments - N/A Counting range (32 bits)

Function - Defines the bit which state change increments counter

value by 1
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 2147483647
Default value - 0

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Configuration 60

Comments - When counting up the counter is zeroed by next

appearing pulse upon reaching declared value. When
counting down, next pulse writes declared value into
the counter upon reaching 0. Setting this parameter to
0 turns off counter.

9.4.6 Timers
Timers group contains configuration parameters of module timers. Synchronous timers (CT1 - CT16)

Synchronous timers measure cyclically defined time intervals. They are synchronized with
module real time clock (RTC). The CT flag corresponding with timer is set to high state in
one program cycle while the setting value of period has been counted. Start [HH:MM]

Function - Defines the synchronization point of timer with RTC

Data type - Time
Range - 00:00 - 23:59
Default value - 00:00
Comments - At the time defined by this parameter the module will
always set timer flag to high state. Period

Function - Defines time period counted by timer

Data type - Selection list
Range - None, 1 min., 2 min., 3 min., 5 min., 10 min., 15
min., 30 min., 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 6
hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours
Default value - None
Comments - Choosing None disables the timer. Days of w eek

Function - Defines days of week when timer is active

Data type - Multiple choice field
Range - Mo., Tu., We., Th., Fr., St., Su.
Default value - Mo., Tu., We., Th., Fr., St., Su. (all week days are
Comments - Timer is active when date and time of module RTC
matching following equation:
(X OR Y)AND Z = 1,
where X=1, when current RTC day of week is selected
on Days of week parameter; if it is not then X = 0,
Y=1, when current RTC day of month is selected on
Days of month parameter; if it is not then Y = 0,
Z=1, when current RTC month is selected on Months
parameter; if it is not then Z = 0.
E.g. if selected day of week is Friday, day of month is
13 and all months are selected timer will operate on all
Fridays and on 13th day of each month.

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61 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual Days of month

Function - Defines days of month when timer is active

Data type - Multiple choice field
Range - 1 - 31, Last
Default value - No day selected (no month day is selected)
Comments - Timer is active when date and time of module RTC
matching following equation:
(X OR Y)AND Z = 1,
where X=1, when current RTC day of week is selected
on Days of week parameter; if it is not then X = 0,
Y=1, when current RTC day of month is selected on
Days of month parameter; if it is not then Y = 0,
Z=1, when current RTC month is selected on Months
parameter; if it is not then Z = 0.
E.g. if selected day of week is Friday, day of month is
13 and all months are selected timer will operate on all
Fridays and on 13th day of each month. Months

Function - Defines months when timer is active

Data type - Multiple choice field
Range - Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, Jun., Jul., Aug., Sep.,
Oct., Nov., Dec.
Default value - Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, Jun., Jul., Aug., Sep.,
Oct., Nov., Dec. (all months are selected)
Comments - Timer is active when date and time of module RTC
matching following equation:
(X OR Y)AND Z = 1,
where X=1, when current RTC day of week is selected
on Days of week parameter; if it is not then X = 0,
Y=1, when current RTC day of month is selected on
Days of month parameter; if it is not then Y = 0,
Z=1, when current RTC month is selected on Months
parameter; if it is not then Z = 0.
E.g. if selected day of week is Friday, day of month is
13 and all months are selected timer will operate on all
Fridays and on 13th day of each month. Asynchronous timers (CK1 - CK16)

Synchronous timers measure cyclically defined time intervals. They are not synchronized
with module real time clock (RTC) - they start counting time when module is powered on or
reset. Each time is counted CK flag corresponding to timer is set to high level for one
program cycle. Activating input

Function - Defines the bit which state turns on (bit set to logical
1) or off (bit set to logical 0) timer
Data type - Number or Selection list
Range - 0 - 65535 or name from bit list (see bit list in
Default value - None

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Configuration 62

Comments - Bit addresses 0 - 9999 point to analog inputs/binary

inputs address space while addresses 10000 - 65535
point to Internal registers/binary outputs address
More information on calculating bit addresses can be
found in Memory map chapter in Appendices. Reset input

Function - Defines the bit which state resets timer. When bit is
set to logical 1 - timer it stopped and zeroed. When
bit is set to logical 0 - timer is counting.
Data type - Number or Selection list
Range - 0 - 65535 or name from bit list (see bit list in
Default value - None
Comments - Bit addresses 0 - 9999 point to analog inputs/binary
inputs address space while addresses 10000 - 65535
point to Internal registers/binary outputs address
More information on calculating bit addresses can be
found in Memory map chapter in Appendices. Timer time unit

Function - Defines timer time unit and therefore precision

Data type - Selection list
Range - 1s, 0.01s
Default value - 1s
Comments - N/A Counting range in timer units

Function - Defines timer counting range

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 2147483647
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A

9.4.7 Constant parameters

Constant parameters are the constant values entered in configuration which can be used
within MT-151 HMI program what allows to parameterize universal program for application
needs. Number of constant parameters

Function - Defines number of constant parameters on list

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 128
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A

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63 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual Number of constant parameters (textual)

Function - Defines number of constant textual parameters on list

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 72
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Parameter 1 - 128

Function - Defines value of constant parameter

Data type - Number
Range - -32768 - 32767
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Parameter 1....72 (textual)

Textual parameters in text format. Max. 31 characters.

9.4.8 SD card
Micro SD card can be installed in the module and is designated for store data from internal
data logger. It is additional copy of the internal logger data. Information is stored in CSV
files in the similar format applied in MT-Data Provider. File creation frequency and managing
of free memory space is configurable. CSV file creation on the memory card is completely
independent from internal logger feature and its data distribution that is configurable by
events definition of record and rules sending of stored data blocks. Use of card

Function - Turns on/off copying logger data to memory card

Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes
Copying is enabled
Copying is disabled
Default value - No
Comments - N/A Start

Function - Defines the synchronization point of timer with RTC

Data type - Time
Range - 00:00 - 23:59
Default value - 00:00
Comments - Each time defined by this parameter the module will
always create CSV file with logger data. User can
define the solid cycle of backup file creations if period
parameter will be other than option None. Period

Function - Defines time period counted by timer

Data type - Selection list

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Configuration 64

Range - None, 5 min., 10 min., 15 min., 30 min., 1 hour, 2

hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 12
hours, 24 hours
Default value - None
Comments - Choosing None disables the data copying function. Delete data older than

Function - Erases files from memory card older than number of

selected days
Data type - Selection list
Range - 0 - 365
Default value - 0
Comments - Value 0 turn off erasing an old files function. Delete data when low on memory

Function - Erases oldest files from memory card when run out of
on the card.
Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes
Old data files will be erased when the memory
card is full.
Old data files will not be erased, new files will
not be created.
Default value - No
Comments - N/A

9.4.9 Display
MT-151 HMI is equipped with 128x64 graphical panel used for presenting device status and
user information in both textual and graphical form. User has possibility to add his own
textual welcome screen, up to eight textual data screens and up to four charts. Presented
data and text can change dynamically according to changes of register values or bit states.
All screens change automatically in cycle. Status screens change automatically every 10s
while display time of the user defined screens is configurable. User can also navigate
through screens using arrow buttons located on right from screen. Pressing ESC button
stops automatic screen change mechanism for 5 minutes. Below is a description of each

Start screen
After power up the module or upload a new configuration on display is shown startup screen
with manufacturer logo and actual firmware version. Start screen cannot turned off.

Status screens
In default configuration module presents three status screens:

· Module status screen - presents digital I/Os state, module date and time, GSM modem
state/signal, GSM modem activity (Tx and Rx), program status (RUN, STOP, WAIT, NONE),
Ethernet link status ETH Lnk(if Ethernet is turned on) and serial ports activity (Tx and Rx
for active ports, only P1 is shown on the picture below).

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65 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

· Current analog inputs status screen - presents in engineering units with engineering
unit name values measured on analog inputs AI1 - AI4 and digital I/Os state.

· Power and voltage analog inputs status screen - presents in engineering units with
engineering unit name values measured on analog inputs AV1 – AV2, mains power supply
voltage, battery voltage (if available) and digital I/Os state.

Last two status screens can be turned off in configuration while first one is always available
as it provides vital information about module status and/or errors.

User screens
User can define three types of screen:

· Welcome screen - optional screen that is displayed during module startup for user
defined time. It consists of 6 lines of static text 21 signs each. It's purpose to provide
information about integrator and/or technical support contact. This screen can present
only static text.

· User screens - up to 8 optional screens displayed during normal work by module. Screen
consists with 4 to 6 lines of text depending whether user configured screen to present
digital inputs and digital outputs/inputs state. It is possible to have one value per line that
can be changed using keyboard located left of screen. To do so user needs to push OK
button. First editable value is now highlighted and user can switch between available
editable variables using arrow keys. Pressing OK chooses variable for editing (highlight
starts blinking). Then user can choose value from available range by pressing OK. Pressing
ESC at any step exits data entry mode.

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Configuration 66

· Chart screens - up to 4 optional screens with charts presenting data change over time.
Each chart allows presenting up to 90 samples. Each chart is using 100 registers from
holding registers address space for data acquisition. Charts are using registers:
W1 7000 - 7099
W2 7100 - 7199
W3 7200 - 7299
W4 7300 - 7399

Registers are either filled automatically (parameter Data acquisition is set to Automatic) or
by user (parameter Data acquisition is set to User) manually, by external device or by user
Length of units value on Y axis is limited to 4 symbols and one sign – values exceeding this
limit are rounded down and presented in engineering notation if needed, e.g. -32100 is
presented as -32K1, -31.99 is presented as -31.9

For details refer to Chart acquisition description located in Appendices. Show status screens

Function - Turns on/off showing of Current analog inputs

status screen and Power and voltage analog
inputs status screen.
Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes
All three status screens are shown
Only main Module status screen is shown
Default value - Yes
Comments - N/A Show welcome screen

Function - Turns on/off showing of user defined welcome screen

during the Module startup.
Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes

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67 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Welcome screen is shown

Welcome screen is not shown
Default value - Yes
Comments - N/A User screen count

Function - Sets number of User screens visible on device display.

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 16
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Chart count

Function - Sets number of Charts screens visible on device

Data type - Number
Range - 0-4
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Password protected data entry

Function - Allows to activate a password protection for

unauthorized data entry from display level.
Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes
Security is active. Before enter value from
display level user must enter access code in
menu Passcode in display settings. Access to
menu is granted when OK button is press and
hold by 3 seconds.
Security is off. Data entry possible without
enter the password.
Default value - No
Comments - N/A Access code

Function - access code which allow to enter data or change

state from display level.
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 999999
Default value - 123456
Comments - N/A Data entry time interval [min.]

Function - define in minutes time limit for possibility of data

modification from display level.
Data type - Number

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Configuration 68

Range - 0 - 60
Default value - 30
Comments - N/A Welcome screen

Welcome screen is designed to show statical text information e.g. phone and address of an
integrator. Welcome screen is presented just after Start screen. Display time is
configurable. After Welcome screen module shows Module status screen. Display time

Function - Sets screen displaying duration in range between 1 to

60 seconds.
Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 60
Default value - 1
Comments - N/A Line 1 ... 6

Function - Allows to enter static text shown on display during

module is startup.
Data type - Text
Range - Letters and numbers, maximum 35 characters
Default value - none
Comments - A displayed text is brighter if is preceded with (!)
exclamation mark. Display shows only 21 characters. User screens SCR1 ... 16

Each from screens consists from max. 6 lines to present information like static text or
dynamics values from allocated registers. Screens are changed in order from SCR1 to SCR16
after showing the Module status screen. Switching cycle is looped. Continuously displayed
screen breaks the loop. Arrow keys can switch screens at any time in given sequence. Display time

Function - Sets User screen displaying duration in range between

1 to 254 seconds with additional option doesn't show
or continuously display.
Data type - Number or List
Range - Off, 1 - 254, Continuous
Default value - Off
Comments - Time settings not affect the buttons control. Show inputs

Function - Enables/disables showing of binary inputs I1 ... I16

logical states on this screen. If states are presented
they consume one of available text lines.
Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes
Binary inputs state is presented (upper
terminal lath)

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69 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Binary input state is not presented. Additional

line is available for edition.
Default value - Yes
Comments - N/A Show outputs

Function - Enables/disables showing of binary inputs/outputs Q1

... Q12 logical states on this screen. If states are
presented they consume one of available text lines.
Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes
Binary inputs/outputs state is presented
(lower terminal lath)
Binary inputs/outputs state is not presented.
Additional line is available for edition.
Default value - Yes
Comments - N/A Line 1 ... 6

Function - Allows to enter static text and dynamics data links

displayed on display in up to 6 lines each 21
Data type - Text
Range - Letters and numbers, SNCS syntax, maximum 35
Default value - none
Comments - Access to line 5 and 6 is available after switching off
preview of inputs/outputs.
A displayed text is brighter if is preceded with (!)
exclamation mark.
Display shows only 21 characters.
More information in User screens programming chapter. Charts W1 ... 4

Four screens for chart presentation of registers value in time function. Screens are changed
in order from W1 to W4 after showing the User screens SCR1 ... 8. Switching cycle is
looped. Continuously displayed screen breaks the loop. Arrow keys can switch screens at
any time in given sequence. Chart name

Function - Chart name visible for 3 seconds when entering chart

Data type - Text
Range - Letters and numbers, maximum 15 characters
Default value - none
Comments - Name can be shown again after pressing OK button. Display time

Function - Sets Chart screen displaying duration in range

between 1 to 254 seconds with additional option

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Configuration 70

doesn't show or continuously display.

Data type - Number or List
Range - Off, 1 - 254, Continuous
Default value - Off
Comments - Time settings not affect the buttons control. Data acquisition

Function - Allows choosing method of providing data.

Data type - Number or List
Range - Automatic
Stores data from pointed register from
selected space with fixed interval.
All sample values and timestamps are stored
in Holding registers address space. Data to
this registers can be entered manually, by
external device or by user's program.
Default value - Automatic
Comments - For details refer to Chart acquisition description
located in Appendices Sample interval

Function - Sets sampling interval for data points displayed on

Data type - Selection list
Range - 1 sec., 5 sec., 10 sec., 30 sec., 1 min., 4 min., 8
min., 16 min., 32 min., 64min.
Default value - 1 min.
Comments - Parameter visible only when Data acquisition parameter
is set to Automatic. Register space

Function - Sets registers address space for chart data source

Data type - Selection list
Range - IREG
Input (analog) registers space.
Holding registers space.
Default value - IREG
Comments - Parameter visible only when Data acquisition parameter
is set to Automatic. Register address

Function - Sets registers address (dec) for chart data source

Data type - Selection list
Range - 0 - 255 for IR space source
0 - 8191 for HR space source
Default value - 1

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Comments - Parameter visible only when Data acquisition parameter

is set to Automatic. Data scaling - multiplier

Function - Allows to set multiplying factor for data source

Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 1000
Default value - 1
Comments - Parameter visible only when Data acquisition parameter
is set to Automatic. Data scaling - divider

Function - Allows to set dividing factor for data source register.

Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 1000
Default value - 1
Comments - Quotient will be rounded down to integer value.
Parameter visible only when Data acquisition parameter
is set to Automatic. Data format

Function - Allows setting a final view of the value in decimal

Data type - Selection list
Range - Integer
Acquired data will be presented as is.
1 decimal place
Acquired data will be presented as floating
point value with one decimal place (e.g. 1001
as 100.1)
2 decimal place
Acquired data will be presented as floating
point value with two decimal place (e.g. 1001
as 10.01)
Default value - Integer
Comments - Parameter visible only when Data acquisition parameter
is set to Automatic. Y axis scaling

Function - Allows choosing Y axis method of scaling.

Data type - Number or List
Range - Automatic
Maximum and minimum value of Y axis is set
automatically according to values displayed
on chart for best data presentation.
Maximum and minimum value of Y axis is set
by user defined parameters
Default value - Automatic
Comments - N/A

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Configuration 72 Minimum value

Function - Sets minimum value of Y axis.

Data type - Number
Range - -320.00 - 320.00
Default value - -320.00
Comments - Parameter visible only when Y axis scaling parameter is
set to User. Maximum value

Function - Sets maximum value of Y axis.

Data type - Number
Range - -320.00 - 320.00
Default value - -320.00
Comments - Parameter visible only when Y axis scaling parameter is
set to User.

9.5 Communication ports

Communication ports group contain parameters configuring operation of serial ports,
Ethernet and routing data between communication interfaces of device.

9.5.1 Modbus ID - Port 1

Function - Defines Modbus ID for internal resources of device on
Port 1 (Modbus RTU)
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 255
Default value - 1
Comments - setting this value to 0 disables access to device
resources from serial Port 1

9.5.2 Modbus ID - Port 2

Function - Defines Modbus ID for internal resources of device on
Port 2 (Modbus RTU)
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 255
Default value - 1
Comments - setting this value to 0 disables access to device
resources from serial Port 2

9.5.3 Modbus ID - Ethernet

Function - Defines Modbus ID for internal resources of device on
Ethernet port (Modbus TCP)
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 255
Default value - 1
Comments - setting this value to 0 disables access to device
resources from Ethernet port

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73 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

9.5.4 Modbus ID - GPRS

Function - Defines Modbus ID for internal resources of device for
polls incoming via GPRS network
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 255
Default value - 1
Comments - setting this value to 0 disables access to device
resources from GPRS network

9.5.5 Port 1/Port 2

Subgroup Port 1 and Port 2 contains configuration parameters of RS-232/485 serial Port 1 Operating mode

Function - Defines operating mode of serial port Port 1

Data type - Selection list
Range - Inactive
Serial port is disabled
Serial port communication is channeled to
other communication port or GPRS network
according to rules defined in Transparent
routing table. Additional configuration
parameters are available in Transparent mode
Modbus Master
MT-151 HMI operates as Modbus RTU Master
on Port 1 serial port. It can poll for data from
and write data to external Slave devices
connected to that port using Data blocks.
Also polls and writes from external devices
communicating with MT-151 HMI can be
routed to Port 1 according to rules defined in
Modbus routing table. Additional
configuration parameters are available in
Modbus RTU Master mode group.
Modbus Slave
MT-151 HMI operates as Modbus RTU Slave
on Port 1 serial port. External Master device
can poll for data from and write data to
Flex Serial
Serial port is set to work with devices that
have implemented own serial protocols that
are not standard in this version of module.
Transmission control and data transfer is
controlled by internal user program.
M-Bus (PORT 1 only)
Serial port 1 is set to work in M-Bus protocol
which allows to read data form heat meters.
To proper connection an external converter
RM-120 is required.
Default value - Inactive
Comments - N/A

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Configuration 74 Interface type

Function - Defines electrical serial port standard used for

Data type - Selection list
Range - RS-232
Half-duplex, 3-wire, ±12 VDC voltage interface.
Only one device can be connected to port in this
Half-duplex, 2-wire differential interface. Many
devices can be connected to port in this mode.
Default value - RS-232
Comments - Available only for operating modes: Transparent,
Modbus Master, Modbus Slave, Flex Serial only for
PORT 1 Transmission speed

Function - Defines transmission speed in bits per second

Data type - Selection list
Range - 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,
115200 [bps]
Default value - 9600 [bps]
Comments - N/A Number of data bits

Function - Defines number of data bits for Flex Serial mode

Data type - Selection list
Range - 7, 8
available options list
Default value - 8
Comments - 7-bits mode unavailable choose of stop bits.
Parity "Even" or "Odd" require 1 bit stop.
Parity None require 2 bits stop. This limits are result
of hardware capabilities and setting are selected
automatically by module.
Data that are reading/writing are masked up to 7 bits.
The oldest is cutting. Stop bits

Function - Defines number of stop bits used during communication

Data type - Selection list
Range - 1, 2
Default value - 1
Comments - When one of Modbus operating modes is selected this
parameter value does not influence communication -
number of stop bits is automatically chosen according
to Parity setting. Parity

Function - Defines parity control of transmitted byte

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75 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Data type - Selection list

Range - None, Even, Odd
Default value - None
Comments - When one of Modbus operating modes is selected this
parameter overrides Stop bits parameter setting as
1 stop bit
Even or Odd
2 stop bits Modbus

Function - Defines selection of Modbus protocol type to use

Data type - Selection list
Range - RTU
ASCII 8bit
available option list
Default value - RTU
Comments - Available only for operating modes: Modbus Master,
Modbus Slave Transparent mode

In this mode communication on serial Port 1 is channeled to other communication port or
GPRS network according to rules defined in Transparent routing table. These group contains
additional communication parameters for this mode. Max. data packet size

Function - Defines maximum size of data packet in bytes

Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 1408
Default value - 256
Comments - If number of data bytes in receiving buffer reaches
declared value, data packet is sent according to rules
defined in Transparent routing table. Data frame delimiter

Function - Defines in seconds minimum interval between receiving

data packets
Data type - Number
Range - 0.00 - 655.35 [s]
Default value - 1.00 [s]
Comments - If no new data arrives to receiving buffer within
declared time, data already saved in that buffer is
sent according to rules defined in Transparent routing
table. Channel reservation time

Function - Defines in seconds maintain time the transmission

channel with external device transmitter.

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Configuration 76

Data type - Number

Range - 0.00 - 655.35 [s]
Default value - 0.00 [s]
Comments - N/A Modbus Master mode

In this mode MT-151 HMI can poll for data from and write data to external Slave devices
connected to that port using Data blocks. Also polls and writes from external devices
communicating with MT-151 HMI can be routed to PORT 1 according to rules defined in
Modbus routing table. This group provides additional configuration parameters for this mode. Delay after error in communication w ith Slave

Function - Defines in seconds delay between error in

communication and next communication for current
Data block
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 65535 [s]
Default value - 15 [s]
Comments - This time is measured separately for each Data block -
error in communication on one block does not influence
communication carried out using other Data blocks. Number of read/w rite data blocks

Function - Defines number of data blocks to define

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 16
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Response timeout [s]

Function - Defines in seconds maximum waiting answer time of

SLAVE device.
Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 30
Default value - 1
Comments - N/A Data blocks (read/w rite)

Data blocks defined in this group allow reading from and writing data to external Modbus
RTU Slave devices. Each block is matching group of addresses from one slave device with
group of registers in Internal registers address space in device. Data from external devices
is polled from external device and written into those registers. Saving new data to those
registers either by program or from remote via GPRS or other communication port or method
automatically saves this data into Modbus RTU Slave device. Modbus Slave ID

Function - Defines Modbus ID of Slave, which should be polled

under this data block
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 255

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77 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Default value - 1
Comments - setting this value to 0 disables data block Address space in Slave

Function - Defines address space of Slave device where from

data will be polled
Data type - Selection list
Range - Binary Inputs
Binary inputs (address 1XXX), read only
Binary Outputs
Binary outputs (address 0XXX), read/write
Input Registers
Input registers (address 3XXX) also known as
analog inputs address space, read only
Holding Registers
Holding registers (address 4XXX) also known
as internal registers and analog outputs
address space, read/write
Default value - Binary Inputs
Comments - N/A Mapped space address - Slave

Function - Defines address of first resource (bit or register

depending on address space) of data block mapped
from Slave to module
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 65535
Default value - 0
Comments - setting this value to 0 disables data block Mapped space size

Function - Defines number of Slave device addresses (bit or

register depending on address space) to be mapped to
registers of module
Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 2040
Default value - 1
Comments - N/A Mapped space address - Module

Function - Defines address of register in Internal registers address

space of module which is mapped to Slave resources
defined in data block. If data does not fit within one
register (e.g. 17 bits or 2 registers), next register is
used as well.
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 8191
Default value - 1160
Comments - N/A

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Configuration 78 Mapped space refresh interval

Function - Defines in seconds interval between polls of Slave

resources within data block. Data writes are also
executed with this interval
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 65535 [s]
Default value - 1
Comments - Entering 0 forces communication with maximum
possible speed. This speed depends on port
communication speed and number of data blocks Flex Serial mode

MT-151 module with active Flex Serial mode selected in configuration and external device
connected to serial port allows communication in protocol different than Modbus. Whole
communication in Flex Serial mode is controlled in internal user program. Data transfer
between devices is using internal registers that are indicated in memory and operate as two
data buffers, read and write. Flex serial registers are described also with functional
description in chapter Communication Interfaces/Serial ports/Flex Serial Max. data packet size [byte]

Function - Defines (in bytes) maximal number of data in package.

When sending buffer have declared data number the
package is sending.
Data type - Number
Range - -1256
Default value - 128
Comments - N/A Data frame delimiter [s]

Function - define the time (in seconds) between received signs.

Exceeding causes sending of received data.
Data type - Number
Range - 0,00 - 655,35 [s]
Default value - 1,00 [s]
Comments - N/A M-Bus mode

M-Bus mode allows reading data from 16 external devices connected to PORT 1 in this
protocol. Read data are stored in module internal memory, ready to analyze or transmit
according to settings that are configured by user. Proper operation in M-Bus protocol
require electricity converter RM-120 available in additional telemetry module accessories. Transmission speed [bod]

Function - sets transmission speed for M-Bus mode on Port 1

Data type - Number
Range - 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 [bps]
supported speed values list
Default value - 9600
Comments - N/A

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79 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual Number of device

Function - defines number of external devices for pooling

Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 16
Default value - 1
Comments - N/A Addressing

Function - selection of an addressing type for devices connected

in M-bus.
Data type - Number
Range - Unicast
addressing based on real address of the device or
logical addressing based on serial number of the
addressing without knowledge of real address of
the device. Only one device can be operated. MT
module use global address (254) in Broadcast
Default value - Unicast
Comments - N/A M-BUS device (DEVx)

Group of parameters described request rules of devices that is read by MT-151 with M-Bus
protocol. Each device can have separately configuration of addresses, resources and
variables for reading. In case of Broadcast addressing, only one position is on the list.
Unicast addressing allows connection up to 16 external devices. Name

Function - friendly name of connected M-Bus device

Data type - text
Range - letters and number, Max. 31 characters
Default value - DEVX
Comments - N/A Addressing method

Function - allows to decide about devices addressing type by

directly changing content of field A in M-Bus
communication frame.
Data type - selection list
Range - Primary
Address entered in Address parameter is used for
Serial number entered in Serial number parameter is
used for pooling. Communication frames are sends
for address 253.
Default value - Primary

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Configuration 80

Comments - Lo-Hi byte order is used for setting Secondary Address

Function - physical address that identify M-Bus device connected

to module.
Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 253
Default value - 1
Comments - N/A Serial number

Function - serial number that identify M-Bus device connected to

Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 99999999
Default value - 1
Comments - N/A Restart communication before reading

Function - allows to sends SND_NKE telegram before start reading

the data after communication restart
Data type - selection list
Range - Yes
Telegram is sent before read
Telegram isn't sent before read
Default value - Tak
Comments - this parameter is required in some devices to stop
sending archive data records (Storage>0) Bytes order

Function - selection of byte order for Secondary addressing

Data type - selection list
Range - Mode 1 (Lo-Hi)
Mode 2 (Hi-Lo)
Default value - Mode 1
Comments - N/A Pooling interval [min]

Function - time interval between next queries in minutes

Data type - number
Range - 1 - 60
Default value - 1
Comments - /A Number of variables

Function - defines number of variable that will be read from

connected device

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81 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Data type - number

Range - 1 - 16
Default value - 1
Comments - N/A Variable table

Idx. - Index number

Value - selection of quantities which can be sent form device
Energy,Volume, Mass, Volume flow,
Mass flow, Flow temperature, Return
temperature, Temperature difference,
External temperature, Pressure, Power,
Operating time, On time,

Unit/VIFE - selection of unit for quantity that will be sent (value is

scaled automatically)
physical quantities units

selection Extended(VIFE) allows to enter HEX value

with 4 - 16 number of signs for identify of quantity
which will be comparison with VIFE field from
information data blocks that comes from M-Bus device.
Equality of both values is a condition to fill register
selected from HREG space. VIFE field can store more
than 1 byte, and besides values from standard
specification can store special defined values by
manufacturer of device. MT module can mapped any
2bytes/4signs extended value. Other parameter as
Tariff and Storage are still used in mapping. Value
captured by VIFE is not scaled so proper interpretation
is required by user itself.

Format - format type for stored data in registers

Float (32 bits), Int32
Register address - address from holding register space HREG for data
storage sent from device
0 - 8000

Logical unit - defines value for parameter Logical

0 - 255

Tariff - defines value for parameter Tariff

0 - 16

Storage - defines value for parameter Storage

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Configuration 82

0 - 255

Type - selection of data kind

Instantaneous - actual read without
Min, Max
During error - read when error occurred

Example frame from energy meter:

mbus: Data: Energy 3.710 kWh, unit=0, stor=0, tar=1,

func=0 -> dev var 1
mbus: Data: Energy 3.710 kWh, unit=0, stor=2, tar=1,
func=0 -> dev var 2
mbus: Data: Energy 0.770 kWh, unit=0, stor=0, tar=2,
func=0 -> dev var 3
mbus: Data: Energy 0.770 kWh, unit=0, stor=2, tar=2,
func=0 -> dev var 4
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [FDC 9FF01] 223.000 , unit=0, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0 -> dev var 5
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [FDDBFF01] 0.000 , unit=0, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [AC FF01] 0.000 , unit=0, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [AC FF01] 0.000 , unit=1, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [FDC 9FF02] 224.000 , unit=0, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0 -> dev var 6
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [FDDBFF02] 0.000 , unit=0, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [AC FF02] 0.000 , unit=0, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [AC FF02] 0.000 , unit=1, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [FDC 9FF03] 223.000 , unit=0, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0 -> dev var 7
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [FDDBFF03] 0.000 , unit=0, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [AC FF03] 0.000 , unit=0, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [AC FF03] 0.000 , unit=1, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [FF68] 0.000 , unit=0, stor=0, tar=0,
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [AC FF00] 0.000 , unit=0, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [AC FF00] 0.000 , unit=1, stor=0,
tar=0, func=0 -> dev var 8
mbus: Data: ExtVIF [FF13] 0.000 , unit=0, stor=0, tar=0,

and MTM configuration that mapped M-Bus values to registers:

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83 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

In this frame some values are repeated each time for VIFE and for typical quantities (energy
and VIFE: ACFF00) - selection must be specified using additional parameters like Logical
unit and Tariff.

9.5.6 Ethernet
Subgroup Ethernet contains parameters configuring operation of Ethernet port. Use of Ethernet

Function - Enables communication via Ethernet port

Data type - Selection list
Range - No
Ethernet port is disabled
Ethernet port is enabled.
Default value - No
Comments - MT-151 HMI operates on Ethernet port as Server - it
allows remote connection from clients which then can
poll for data or write to device. When needed module
can connects to server as an client and trying to get
the data according to Modbus TCP Client data blocks
or can transmitting incoming data according to routing
tables. Ethernet port speed

Function - Enables impose concrete speed on Ethernet port.

Data type - Selection list
Range - Auto
Port speed is negotiated automatically
10 Mb/s
Port speed is 10 Mb/s
100 Mb/s
Port speed is 100 Mb/s
Default value - Auto
Comments - N/A Sender IP address control

Function - Switches the control of sender's IP address on/off

Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes
The module exchanges information only with
IP address present on the Authorized IP
addresses list.

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Configuration 84

The module exchanges information
(configuration, responses for queries) with
any IP address sending qualified query or
command. In this case the identification of
the sender goes by its current identifier.
Default value - Yes
Comments - Switching the control off enables verification of the
sender in the base of its currently assigned identifier
other than IP address (e.g. serial number). This allows
communication among units with dynamically assigned
IP addresses (within same APN).
Sender's identifier must reside on Authorized IP
addresses list in order to establish the communication. IP address

Function - Enables configuration of IP address of module used on

Data type - IP address
Range - -
Default value -
Comments - N/A Subnet mask

Function - Allows to enter IP mask defining subnet used by

Data type - IP mask
Range - -
Default value -
Comments - N/A Default gateway

Function - Enables configuration of IP address of default Ethernet

Data type - IP address
Range - -
Default value -
Comments - N/A IP routing table entry count

Function - Sets quantity of numbers that are allowed in Routing

Data type - Number
Range - 0-8
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Routing IP

Idx. - Index number

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Subnet - Defines subnet addresses included in one network

Mask - Defines range of authorized IP addresses.
Gateway - Defines IP gateway number for entered Subnet Authorized IP addresses

Authorized numbers comprises lists of Ethernet IP addresses the module can communicate
with. Number of IP addresses

Function - Defines the length of the IP addresses' list allowed to

communicate with device via Ethernet
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 16
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A IP

Idx. - Index number

Name - Friendly name facilitating identification of device. Max.
length is 16 characters.
IP address - IP address assigned to Ethernet Device
Protocol UDP
Communication is carried out using UDP
Communication is carried out using TCP
Configuration Value of this parameter determines whether remote
configuration data arriving from selected IP will be
ignored or accepted
Default value: P (allowed)
Receiving Value of this parameter determines whether data
arriving from selected IP will be accepted or ignored
Default value: P (allowed)
SNMP Query Value of this parameter determines whether SNMP
request arriving from selected IP will be accepted or
Default value: P (allowed) Modbus TCP Client

In this group MT-151 HMI can poll for data from and write data to external Modbus TCP
Slave devices connected to Ethernet port using Data blocks. Polls and writes from external
devices communicating with MT-151 HMI can also be routed to Ethernet according to rules
defined in Modbus routing table. Delay after error in communication w ith Server

Function - Defines in seconds delay between error in

communication and next communication for current
Data block
Data type - Number

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Configuration 86

Range - 0 - 65535 [s]

Default value - 15 [s]
Comments - This time is measured separately for each Data block -
error in communication on one block does not influence
communication carried out using other Data blocks.

0.25 firmware version and higher has got an algorithm

for skip request not active devices and don't block the
reading of active units. Two types are distinguish:
1. device doesn't answer for requests but answer
for PING - Another connection attempts are
executed with higher duration of time, in
sequence 1x, 2x, 3x, 8x, 16x more than entered
2. device doesn't answer for request and for PING
- Another connection attempts are executed
with 10x more than entered value.
Additionally duration of connection attempt is limited
to 30 seconds, after this, next device is requested.
Connection error with active device causes one
request loss. Number of read/w rite data blocks

Function - Defines number of data blocks to define

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 16
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Response timeout

Function - Defines in seconds maximum waiting answer time of

TCP server device.
Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 30
Default value - 1
Comments - N/A Ethernet IP

Function - Allows to choose IP address of Modbus TCP Server

Data type - Selection list
Range - None or one of Names defined on Authorized IP list for
Default value - None
Comments - N/A Server Modbus ID

Function - Defines Modbus ID of TCP server polling using prepared

data block
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 250

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87 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Address space in Server

Function - Defines address space of Modbus TCP Slave device

where from data will be polled
Data type - Selection list
Range - Binary Inputs
Binary inputs (address 1XXX), read only
Binary Outputs
Binary outputs (address 0XXX), read/write
Input Registers
Input registers (address 3XXX) also known as
analog inputs address space, read only
Holding Registers
Holding registers (address 4XXX) also known
as internal registers and analog outputs
address space, read/write
Default value - Binary Inputs
Comments - N/A Mapped space address - Server

Function - Defines address of first resource (bit or register

depending on address space) of data block mapped
from Modbus TCP Server to module
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 65535
Default value - 0
Comments - setting this value to 0 disables data block Mapped space size

Function - Defines number of Modbus TCP Server device

addresses (bit or register depending on address space)
to be mapped to registers of module
Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 2040
Default value - 1
Comments - One register count 16-bits:
Example of mapping bits:
Mapped space address - Module: 116
Mapped space address - Server TCP: 0
Mapped space size: 10
16 bits form Server goes to register 116 Mapped space address - Module

Function - Defines address of register in Internal registers address

space of module which is mapped to Modbus TCP
Server resources defined in data block. If data does
not fit within one register (e.g. 17 bits or 2 registers),
next register is used as well.
Data type - Number

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Configuration 88

Range - 0 - 8191
Default value - 116
Comments - N/A Mapped space refresh interval [s]

Function - Defines in seconds interval between polls of Server

resources within data block. Data writes are also
executed with this interval
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 65535 [s]
Default value - 10
Comments - Entering 0 forces communication with maximum
possible speed.

9.5.7 Routing tables

Routing tables group consists of tables defining data routing rules between Port 1, Port 2,
Ethernet and GPRS. There are different tables for different protocols. Number of Modbus routing table rules

Function - Defines the length of the Modbus routing table

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 16
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Number of Transparent routing table rules

Function - Defines the length of the Transparent routing table

Data type - Number
Range - 0-4
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Modbus routing table

Idx. - Index number

Name - Friendly name facilitating identification of routing rule
purpose. Max. length is 31 characters.
Interface - None
Routing rule is disabled.
Port 1
Modbus RTU Slave device is connected to
Port 1. Option available only when Port 1
operates in Modbus RTU Master mode.
Port 2
Modbus RTU Slave device is connected to
Port 2. Option available only when Port 2
operates in Modbus RTU Master mode.

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89 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Modbus TCP Server device is connected to

Ethernet port. Option available only when
Ethernet is turned on.
Modbus TCP Server/RTU Slave device is
connected to MT telemetry module logged
into GPRS. Option available only when GPRS is
turned on.
Port1 ID - ID of Modbus RTU Slave device as seen from Port 1
1 - 255
Port2 ID - ID of Modbus RTU Slave device as seen from Port 2
1 - 255
Ethernet IP - IP of Modbus TCP Server device as seen from Ethernet -
Ethernet ID - ID of Modbus TCP Server device as seen from Ethernet
1 - 255
GPRS IP - IP of MT telemetry module as seen from GPRS -
GPRS ID - ID of MT telemetry module or device connected to it
as seen from GPRS
1 - 255

Entries on this list may be easily added and deleted by using context menu activated by
right mouse button click on any position of the list in parameters window.

Modbus sensor from picture above is connected to Port 1 serial port and its Modbus ID is 1.
It can be accessed from Ethernet by PLC - it should poll MT-151 HMI using Modbus TCP
protocol for ID 7. This poll will be automatically translated to Modbus RTU and send to Port
1 with ID 1. This sensor can also be accessed from GPRS by Server. It should poll for ID 123
to get access to Modbus sensor. Transparent routing table

Idx. - Index number

Name - Friendly name facilitating identification of routing rule
purpose. Max. length is 31 characters.
Interface A - None
Routing rule is disabled.
Port 1
All communication from Port 1 is routed to
Interface B. Option visible only when Port 1
operating mode is set to Transparent.
Port 2

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Configuration 90

All communication from Port 2 is routed to

Interface B. Option visible only when Port 2
operating mode is set to Transparent.
All communication from Ethernet IP given in
next column is routed to Interface B.
All communication from GPRS IP given in next
column is routed to Interface B.
IP address A - IP address for Interface A. Parameter valid only for
GPRS and Ethernet interfaces.
Interface B - None
Routing rule is disabled.
Port 1
All communication from Port 1 is routed to
Interface A. Option visible only when Port 1
operating mode is set to Transparent.
Port 2
All communication from Port 2 is routed to
Interface A. Option visible only when Port 2
operating mode is set to Transparent.
All communication from Ethernet IP given in
next column is routed to Interface A.
All communication from GPRS IP given in next
column is routed to Interface A.
IP address B - IP address for Interface B. Parameter valid only for
GPRS and Ethernet interfaces.

9.6 Communication
Communication group contains parameters managing SMS and spontaneous data
transmission. Here you can configure when transmission will be triggered, what data or
message it will send and where it shall be send.

9.6.1 MT2MT buffer

MT2MT buffer enables creation of system where MT modules may exchange information
(Holding Registers) with each other without any relaying instance. Data transmission from
one module to other is carried out by sending from one device group of Holding Registers
with data to other device which has turned on MT2MT buffer functionality and defined
MT2MT buffer which includes register addresses send from sending device. Data send by
sender is saved to registers within buffer with same address. Each time new data arrives
MT2MT_x a Bit is set, where x is position of sender IP address on receiver authorized IP list. Active

Function - Enables receiving GPRS frames to MT2MT buffer

Data type - Selection list
Range - No
MT2MT buffer functionality is disabled
MT2MT buffer functionality is enabled
Default value - No

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91 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Comments - When set to No module cannot receive GPRS frames

to buffer, however it still can send data to other
GPRS is required for MT2MT communication. Buffer address

Function - Defines address of register from Holding Registers

address space where buffer begins
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 8191
Default value - 116
Comments - Received data which does not fit within defined buffer
is not saved in module. Buffer size

Function - Defines number of registers from Holding Registers from

which MT2MT buffer consist
Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 700
Default value - 16
Comments - Received data which does not fit within defined buffer
is not saved in module.

9.6.2 Logger
Events subgroup contains parameters controlling logger functionality. Primary transmission channel

Function - Defines primary transmission channel for logger data.

Data type - Selection list
Range - GPRS
Logger records are sent using GPRS packet
transmission interface.
Logger records are sent using Ethernet
Default value - GPRS
Comments - N/A Primary Recipient

Function - Defines IP address which shall receive logger data

Data type - Selection list
Range - None and addresses defined in GSM -> Authorized
numbers -> IP list for GPRS transmission
Default value - None
Comments - N/A Alternative transmission channel

Function - Defines alternative transmission channel for logger


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Configuration 92

Data type - Selection list

Range - GPRS
Logger records are sent using GPRS packet
transmission interface.
Logger records are sent using Ethernet
Default value - GPRS
Comments - N/A Alternative Recipient

Function - Defines IP address which shall receive logger data

frames when Primary Recipient is unavailable
Data type - Selection list
Range - None and addresses defined in GSM -> Authorized
numbers -> IP list for GPRS transmission
Default value - None
Comments - N/A Recipient UDP port

Function - Defines UDP port on which the logger frames shall be

Data type - Number
Range - 1024 - 65535
Default value - 7110
Comments - N/A Number of logger data blocks

Function - Defines the length of the Logger data blocks table

Data type - Number
Range - 0-4
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Logger data block table

Idx. - Index number

Name - Friendly name facilitating identification of data blocks
purpose. Max. length is 16 characters.
Address space - Defines address space of data block
Input Registers
Input registers (address 3XXX) also known as
analog inputs address space, read only
Holding Registers
Holding registers (address 4XXX) also known
as internal registers and analog outputs
address space, read/write
Data block address - Defines address of register from which data block
0 - 8191
Data block size - Defines number of registers which are in data block

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93 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

1 - 28

9.6.3 Events
Events subgroup contains definitions of changes of binary resources states (flags, inputs,
outputs, bits) which then can be used for triggering SMS and data sending in Rules and also
trigger record saving and logger transmission. Number of events

Function - Defines the length of the Event table

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 32
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Event table

Idx. - Index number

Name - Friendly name facilitating identification of event
purpose. Max. length is 16 characters.
Triggering bit - Defines the bit which state change will trigger event
0 - 65535 or name from bit list (see bit list in
For binary output space is required to enter prefix
10xxx before address, for flag P1 value of triggered bit
is 11600 (P1 bit is address 1600[dec])
Triggering edge - 0->1
Trigger event on rising edge.
Trigger event on falling edge.
Trigger event on any edge.
Write data blocks to - Toggles saving logger data blocks to logger as new
logger record on/off on occurring event.
Default value is O (off).
Trigger logger - Toggles sending the logger content on/off on occurring
sending event.
Default value is O (off).

9.6.4 Data blocks

Data blocks subgroup contains definitions of data which then can be used send using Rules. Number of data blocks

Function - Defines the length of the Data block table

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 32
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Data block table

Idx. - Index number

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Configuration 94

Name - Friendly name facilitating identification of data blocks

purpose. Max. length is 16 characters.
Address space - Defines address space of data block
Input Registers
Input registers (address 3XXX) also known as
analog inputs address space, read only
Holding Registers
Holding registers (address 4XXX) also known
as internal registers and analog outputs
address space, read/write
Data block address - Defines address of register from which data block
0 - 8191
Data block size - Defines number of registers which are in data block
1 - 256

9.6.5 Rules
Rules subgroup consists of list of communication rules allowing to send SMS messages or
send selected Data blocks via GPRS when selected event occurs. Number of rules

Function - Defines number of Rules to define

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 32
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Recipient UDP port

Function - Defines UDP port on which the event frames shall be

Data type - Number
Range - 1024 - 65535
Default value - 7110
Comments - Answers for MT-Data Provider data requests will be
sent on port that is set in General. Rule Name

Function - Friendly name facilitating identification of the rule

Data type - Text
Range - Letters and numerals - max. 31 characters
Default value - Respectively from RULE1 to RULE32
Comments - N/A Triggering event

Function - Defines event which triggers transmission

Data type - Selection list
Range - None and events defined in Event table

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95 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Default value - None

Comments - N/A Transmission type

Function - Defines transmission type

Data type - Selection list
Range - None
Rule is disabled
Rule triggers sending SMS message
Rule triggers sending data using GPRS
Rule triggers sending data using Ethernet
Default value - None
Comments - SMS, Ethernet and GPRS options are visible only when
those methods of communication are enabled Receiver

Function - Defines receiver of SMS or data package (depends on

Transmission type setting)
Data type - Selection list
Range - None and numbers defined in GSM -> Authorized
numbers -> Phone list for SMS transmission
None and addresses defined in GSM -> Authorized
numbers -> IP list for GPRS transmission
Default value - None
Comments - N/A SMS text

Function - Allows to enter text which will be send as SMS

Data type - Text
Range - Letters, numerals and special characters - max. 160
Default value - N/A
Comments - It is possible to add to SMS text macros, symbolic
names and special mnemonics dynamically changed for
values from module, e.g. analog input value or binary
input state. Description of this mnemonics can be
found in SMS commands syntax chapter in Appendices.
Parameter is visible only when Transmission type
parameter is set to SMS. Data block

Function - Defines data block which is sent via GPRS by rule

Data type - Selection list
Range - None and events defined in Data block table
Default value - None

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Configuration 96

Comments - Parameter is visible only when Transmission type

parameter is set to GPRS.

9.6.6 SNMP
Subgroup SNMP contains a list of transmission tasks performed by the module using SNMP
(Supports Traps and Requests). Community string - read

Function - Password required to access module resources. Read-

only access
Data type - Text
Range - Letters and numbers, max. 31 characters
Default value - public
Comments - N/A Community string - read/write

Function - Password required to access module resources.

Read/write access
Data type - Text
Range - Letters and numbers, max. 31 characters
Default value - private
Comments - N/A Trap handling

Function - Enables or disables traps sending feature.

Data type - Selection list
Range - No
Traps handling disabled
Traps handling enabled
Default value - No
Comments - N/A Request handling

Function - Enables or disables requests sending feature.

Data type - Selection list
Range - No
Requests handling disabled
Requests handling enabled
Default value - No
Comments - N/A Traps Number of trap receivers

Function - Defines number of trap receivers (max. 4) IP addresses

of receivers can be added in Trap receivers list
available when this parameter is > 0.
Data type - Number

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97 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Range - 0-4
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Number of traps

Function - Defines number of trap visible to define in Trap table.

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 32
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Trap data source

Function - Allows to choose whether data added to traps is

defined in configuration or loaded from registers
Data type - Selection list
Range - Registers
Add Holding registers as data source.
(HR1024 ... HR1027)
Data source is defined in Trap table
configuration. Registers (HR1024 ... HR1027)
are still allocated to SNMP feature.
Default value - Registers
Comments - N/A Trap receivers

Parameter - Friendly name facilitating identification of IP receivers

in SNMP traps definitions. Max. length is 20
Value - IP number Trap table

Idx. - Index number

Specific ID - Provides to server information about type of trap
event. Basic information for trap meaning distinction
by SNMP server. User can set any value from range:
0 - 65535
MIB file provided by Inventia lists several values of
10 analog input alarm activated
11 new analog input measurement
20 synchronous/asynchronous timer reached its
30 binary input state change
31 binary input state readout
40 counter overflow
Triggering bit - Allow selecting a marker or a predefined bit, will be
send after the trap changed.
Triggering edge - Allow selecting an edge of triggers data trap
transmission (0->1, 1->0, 0<->1)

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Configuration 98

Trap name - Defines text which will be sent in trap as

trapSourceName variable. It should provide
information about trap source, e.g. binary input name.
Entered text is parsed as SNCS command syntax
(excluding macros). This includes using #TXT(x)
mnemonic, which inserts constant text string from x
position in Text list. X can be addressed indirectly
using register value e.g. #TXT(HR116) will point to 1
position on Text list providing that register located on
address 116 in holding registers address space is 1.
Status - Defines value which is sent as trapSourceStatus
variable. User can set any value from range:
0 - 65535
MIB file provided by Inventia lists several values of
1 unknown (noStatus)
2 normal
3 alarm Hi – (highWarning)
4 alarm HiHi – (highCritical)
5 alarm Lo – (lowWarning)
6 alarm LoLo – (lowCritical)
7 timer reached its threshold (timeExpired)
8 ON (turnON)
9 OFF (turnOFF)
10 counter overflow (countOverflow)
If Trap data source parameter is set to Registers then
Status column is not visible and trapSourceStatus
variable value is copied from register
Value - Defines value which is sent as trapSourceValue
variable. Value can be enters directly or can be loaded
from internal registers. User can set any value from
0 - 65535
Possible register syntax:
IRxxxx value of Input Register address xxxx
HRxxx value of Holding Register address xxx
IBxxx value of Binary Input address xxx
HBxxx value of Binary Output address xxx
If Trap data source parameter is set to Registers then
Value column is not visible and trapSourceValue
variable value is copied from register
Type - Defines value which is sent as trapSourceType
variable. User can set any value from range:
0 - 65535
MIB file provided by Inventia lists several values of
1 keep alive (keepAlive)
2 local input (localInput)
3 external input (extInput)
4 voltage analog input (analogVoltage)
5 current analog input (analogCurrent)
6 synchronous timer (timerSync)
7 asynchronous timer (timerAsunc)

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99 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

8 counter (counter)
9 powering voltage (supplyVoltage)
If Trap data source parameter is set to Registers then
Type column is not visible and trapSourceType
variable value is copied from register
Index - Defines value which is sent as trapSourceIndex
variable. This value should provide information about
input channel (e.g. 2 for voltage analog input AV2) or
binary input number thus allowing to strictly
determining source of trap. User can set any value
from range:
0 - 65535
If Trap data source parameter is set to Registers then
Index column is not visible trapSourceIndex variable
value is copied from register HR1033+5*(trap_index-
1). Requests Number of request receivers

Function - Defines number of trap receivers (max. 16) IP

addresses of receivers can be added in Request
receivers list available when this parameter is > 0.
Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 16
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Request count

Function - Defines number of request visible to define in Request

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 32
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Request receivers

Idx. - Index number

Name - Friendly name facilitating identification of IP receivers
in SNMP Request definitions. Max. length is 20
Address IP - IP number Request table Triggering bit

Function - Defines marker or bit which triggers transmission

Data type - Selection list
Range - None or bit number 0 - 65535 or name from bit list

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Configuration 100

Declaring bit from Binary input space require add

prefix 10xxx to address value of the digital bit
(e.g. flag P1 address is 1600[dec] means
triggering bit 11600 address)
Default value - None
Comments - N/A Triggering slope

Function - Defines edge of incrementing bit triggering transmission

of the request
Data type - Selection list
Range - 0->1
logical state change from 0 to 1
logical state change from 1 to 0
both direction changes
Default value - 0->1
Comments - N/A Receiver address

Function - Allows recipient selection from list of Request receivers

Data type - Selection list
Range - None or numbers defined in Request receivers
Default value - None
Comments - N/A OID

Function - Allows entering variable name Object ID for reading in

prepared request. OID is entry in ASN.1 notation. OID
should be available in MIB files that can be distributed
with SNMP devices Module MT supports only numerical
32-bits variables in answers (Integer, TimeTicks,
Gauge, Counter).
Data type - Text
Range - Numbers and dots, max. 64 characters, max. 15
Default value - None
Comments - N/A Destination register address

Function - Defines first register address in holding space that are

stored low 2bytes value of read variable. High 2 bytes
are stored in next one register (In default HR1025)
Data type - Number
Range - 1024 - 8192
Default value - 1024
Comments - N/A

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101 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual Read flag

Function - Allows to choose, from defined list, the marker that

will be set after receiving an correct answer and
saving the result of request in destination register
Data type - Selection list
Range - None
None selected flag
P1 - P256
Available marker, can be use for programming
Default value - None
Comments - Used marker is not automatically reset and requires
programming reset. One cycle of the internal program
is recommended to delay a reset function of the
marker after it was set. Reset at the same cycle of
the program isn't able to trigger a request. Error flag

Function - Allows to choose, from defined list, the marker that

will be set after receive an error answer or error code
answer (Non-existent variable) No answer is not
Data type - Selection list
Range - None
None selected flag
P1 - P256
Available marker, can be use for programming
Default value - None
Comments - Used marker is not automatically reset and requires
programming reset. One cycle of the internal program
is recommended to delay a reset function of the
marker after it was set. Reset at the same cycle of
the program could not able to trigger a request.

9.6.7 Spooler
Spooler is a service that can be installed during MTManager installation. Spooler is designed
mostly to remote management of the battery modules that have sleep functions activated
all the time. Using Spooler user can change the configuration settings of the module
including the new firmware version uploading. Devices that are logged into GSM provider all
the time can be managed too. The most important features are module's time
synchronization and possibility for group management of the modules in the same time.

Spooler requires IIS (Internet Information Services) installed in the Windows OS system. Triggering event

Function - Defines event which triggers transmission a notification

to Spooler service.
Data type - Selection list
Range - None and events defined in Event table
Default value - None
Comments - N/A

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Configuration 102 Transmission channel

Function - Defines transmission channel for spooler request.

Data type - Selection list
Range - GPRS
Spooler request is sent via GPRS packet
transmission interface.
Spooler request is sent via Ethernet
Default value - GPRS
Comments - N/A Address

Function - Defines the IP address of the computer running

MTSpooler service.
Data type - List of choices
Range - List of authorized IP addresses
Default value - None
Comments - N/A

9.6.8 IEC 60870-5-104

Subgroup IEC 60870-5-104 contents configuration parameters responsible for
communication in protocol as a name of subgroup. IEC works on GPRS and Ethernet
interfaces. Module has a Slave role and listening on port 2404. Only one Client can be
connected at the same time. Full description of using is available in chapter Interfaces and
communication methods. Parameters described below are necessary for proper operation
with external devices on IEC protocol. Some of them has got names taken straight from the
technical specification of the IEC. If description that is written in manual is not enough,
please learn more in source documentation of the IEC. Common address

Function - IEC server address, module identify number is IEC

Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 254
Default value - 1
Comments - N/A T1 [s]

Function - T1 timeout - time limit for test execution or data

Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 254
Default value - 15
Comments - N/A T2 [s]

Function - T2 timeout - time limit for confirmation in case no data

Data type - Number

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Range - 1 - 30
Default value - 10
Comments - Recommended values T2 < T1 T3 [s]

Function - T3 timeout - time limit for test data frame sending in

case long idle time
Data type - Number
Range - 1 - 300
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A K

Function - Maximal number of frames that module is sending and

waits for confirmation of delivery
Data type - Number
Range - 1-8
Default value - 8
Comments - N/A W

Function - Maximal number of received inquiries before sends a

confirmation of receiving
Data type - Number
Range - 0-8
Default value - 4
Comments - N/A Number of variables

Function - number of variables in table

Data type - Number
Range - 0-4
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Event count

Function - number of events in variable's table

Data type - Number
Range - 0 - 32
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A Time synchronization

Function - allows activation of time synchronization in module

(Server) from external device (Client)
Data type - Selection list
Range - Yes

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Configuration 104

Server time will be synchronized according to

settings from Client.
Synchronization of the time is switch off.
Default value - No
Comments - N/A Variable table

Idx. - Index number

Name - Friendly name
IOA - quantity address from IEC protocol side
1 - 1000
Type - variable type format
single point
Space - selection of register space in MT module
Selection list
Input registers
Input space register (default)
Holding registers
Holding space registers (Internal r/w
Address - register address in module MT
0 - 8191
Time Tag - allows to choose that time stamp will be add or not to
requested variable
Default value: O without time stamp
Interrogation - allows to choose that variable will be send in answer
for global request (general interrogation)
Default value: O not sent Group table

Idx. - Index number

Name - Variable name entry in Variable table
Group 1 - 8 - add variable to selected Group, value of the variable
will be send after interrogation of the Group.
Default value: O not added Event table

Idx. - Index number

Triggering bit - Defines the bit which state change will trigger event
0 - 65535 or name from bit list (see bit list in
For binary output space is required to enter prefix
10xxx before address, for flag P1 value of triggered bit
is 11600 (P1 bit is address 1600[dec])
Triggering slope - Event triggering edge
Selection list

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rising edge (default value)
falling edge
any edge
Data sent - Event content
Variable - single variable
Group - variable group
Data selection - allows to choose specific Variable or Group.
Selection depends from settings of column Data sent

9.7 Presets
In order to expand module application area it is furbished with initial settings for some
resources. It is necessary when the module is operating as a pulse counter for measuring
devices (e.g. water consumption meter with pulse output) having initial count other than
zero. Due to Presets the actual value of counter register may be equalized with mechanical
counter of the device thus not disturbing the functionality of the system.
In order to set Presets go to Configuration menu and select the Initial settings option or
click following icon on the toolbar.

The Presets icon is active only when the module is connected and selected transmission
channel is not set to Spooler. Sending data in Presets mode is possible only as sending
changes. Bear in mind that sending configuration changes result in immediate and
irrevocable updating of the resource.
When Presets mode is selected all configuration groups disappear from the panel and only
parameters that may have initial value set are displayed. For MT-151 HMI module those
parameters are counters CNT1 - CNT16.

9.7.1 Counters (CNT1 - CNT16)

Name of resource - counters CNT1 - CNT16
Data type - number
Range - -2147483648 - 2147483647
Default value - 0
Comments - N/A

After entering new value counter field turns yellow. It means that value visible in
MTManager is not written to device. To send new values to device press Write changes
button (second from the right on toolbar).

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Configuration 106

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10 Problem solving

10.1 Module Status Screen and LEDs

Information displayed on LED indicators and OLED Display placed on MT-151 HMI front panel
are a great help during module startup and troubleshooting. Signalized states are displayed
on the Main Module status screen and additional screens as text or graphic information.

LED indicators meaning:

· GSM LED light on green color - module logged into GSM 2G network, DATA LED on -
module is transmitted in GPRS\EDGE
· GSM LED light on blue color - module logged into 3G network, DATA LED on - module is
transmitted in UMTS\HSPA+.
· GSM LED light on red color - communication error that description is coded on DATA and
· DATA indicator is lighted only when module is correctly logged to GPRS service
· USB indicator is lighted when USB connection is correct, blinking when transmission
· R/W indicator is lighted when MicroSD card is formatted and correctly installed, blinking
when memory card is read or written
· PWR indicator is lighted when main power is connected, turn off after module restarting
for a 5 seconds
· ACCU indicator is lighted when additional battery is connected, blinking when battery
voltage is low (below 11,5V)
· OVR indicator is lighted when control program is stopped. It is also lit for few seconds
after writing new firmware or configuration to module indicating that module should not be
powered off.
· ERR indicator is lighted when an error forcing automatic reboot. The reason may be lack of
GPRS/3G communication. Triple flash of ERR LED indicates that current firmware does not
support the function used in the program. In this situation please update module firmware
to most recent.

10.1.1 GSM status

GSM status on Module Status Screen provides information about GSM login initiations, short
blinks Tx (indicates sending the data and SMS), Rx (indicates reception of the data and
SMS) when transmitted data and signal strength after login procedure is finished (GSM LED
is lights on). Signal level is signaled on progress bar which a full fill means a maximum

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Problem solving 108

- Start or restart the GSM modem

- GSM connection is initialized, Tx and Rx blinking few


or - Currently
used SIM card

- GSM connection is still initialized, Tx/Rx blinking several


or - Device is
logged in GSM service on current SIM card

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109 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

- Signal level indicator is shown just after correct GSM

login (GSM LED light on), SGN presents high signal strength

or - Correct
login into GPRS Service (GPRS LED light on) on current SIM card

Pressing OK Button, while signal strength bar is visible, allow to check which SIM card is in use.

10.1.2 Interfaces activity

Activity on internal interfaces is shown on Main status screen when specific port is enabled
in configuration. Short blinks of Tx indicate data packet sending while Rx LED blink indicates
reception of data packet.

- All wired interfaces are disabled in configuration, GSM

modem is initialized.

- Ethernet port is enabled and cable is correctly

connected, Port 1 is enabled and transmits a data now, Port 2 is disabled in configuration, Signal level
is quite well. Modem is logged in GSM.

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Problem solving 110

- Ethernet port is enabled but cable is not connected, Port

1 and 2 is enabled in configuration but not transmit a data, GSM modem is initialized.

10.1.3 Binary inputs/outputs

Indicators of binary inputs and outputs are signaling logical state of all pins (on - high state,
off - low state).

- on pins I1, I2, I7, Q7 are high


If any pointer from group Q1-Q12 is blinking with 2Hz frequency, then module detected
difference between state of corresponding output bit and actual state of pin. It may happen
when outputs are not powered (Q+ pointer is off) or are connected directly to ground.

10.1.4 Internal program status

Indicator of internal program status are signaling tree states.

- Internal program is running now

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- Internal program is stopped now

- Internal program upload in progress now

10.1.5 Additional status screens

Additional status screens can be switch off in configuration.

- Measurement values in engineering units on

analog inputs AI1 ... AI4 with the unit name of measure

- Measurement values in engineering units on

analog inputs AV1 ... AV2 with the unit name of measure, an actual power voltage and
additional battery voltage if connected

10.2 MT-151 HMI Error signaling

Despite the efforts of the software developers some operational errors of the module may
occur. It is often imperative to diagnose and remove the cause of error. Error signaling is a
tool for solving problems. Following the diagnostic information presented on Module Status
Screen displayed information or error messages, the ERR LED indicator is lighted. Error
messages are shown in place of signal level indicator.

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Problem solving 112

Error signaling in HMI version

10.2.1 Standard errors

- No SIM card inserted

- Wrong PIN number to SIM card

- Second attempt to enter the PIN code was failure, Enter

right PIN code using cellphone.

- SIM card is blocked, Enter right PUK code using


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113 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

10.3 Unlocking the SIM card

Triple insertion of wrong PIN code results in locking the SIM card. Locked card renders SMS
and data transmission impossible. Locked SIM card is signaled on main status screen.
In order to unlock the SIM card do the following:
· Power off the module
· Remove the SIM card from device
· Insert the SIM card to a mobile phone that accepts the SIM issued by your operator
· Start the phone and insert the PUK code followed by PIN code
· Power the module on
· Insert proper PIN into configuration
· Power the module off
· Install the SIM card in the module
· Power the module on

Executing the procedure unlocks the SIM card and enables module's proper operation.

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Technical parameters 114

11 Technical parameters

11.1 General

Dimensions (L x W x H) 157mm x 86mm x 58mm

Weight 400g
Mounting method 35mm DIN rail
Operating temperature -20°C, +65°C
Ingress protection class IP40
Humidity up to 95%, non-condensing

11.2 GSM modem

Modem type Cinterion EHS6

Quad-Band GSM bands: 850/900/1800/1900Mhz
Five Bands UMTS bands: 800/850/900/1900/2100Mhz
Antenna 50 W

11.3 Power supply

Direct current DC (12VDC, 24VDC) 10.8 - 30V

Idle 0.12A
Input current for 12VDC Active 0.50A
Max 2.00A
Idle 0.06A
Input current for 24VDC Active 0.25A
Max 1.00A
External battery nominal voltage 12V
External battery nominal capacity 7Ah
Maximum external battery charging current 400mA

Due to high momentary current consumption the power supply must be
capable of delivering > 2A of current.
Inappropriate power supply may result in faulty operation or can damage
the module!

11.4 Binary inputs

For binary inputs I1-I16

Input voltage range 0 - 30V
Input current 2,4mA
Input voltage for high state (1) > 9,4V
Input voltage for low state (0) < 8,4 V

For binary outputs Q1-Q12 operating in binary input mode

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Maximum input voltage 30V

Input current 2,4mA / 24V
Input voltage for high state (1) > 9,4V
Input voltage for low state (0) < 8,4V

11.5 Binary outputs

Maximum output current 100mA

Voltage drop for 100mA < 0.5V max.
Current in low state (0) < 100 mA max.

11.6 Analog inputs 4-20mA

Measuring range 4 - 20mA

Maximum input current 50mA
Dynamic impedance typically 55 W
Voltage drop at 20mA < 5V
A/D converter resolution 14 bits
Accuracy @ 25°C ±0.2%

11.7 Analog inputs 0-10V

Measuring range 0 - 10V

Maximum input voltage 20V
Dynamic impedance typically 197kW
A/D converter resolution 12 bits
Accuracy @ 25°C 0.5%

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Technical parameters 116

11.8 Drawings and dimensions

All dimensions in millimeters.

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117 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

12 Safety information

12.1 Working environment

When deploying telemetry modules one has to observe and comply to local legislation and
regulations. Using the telemetry module in places where it can cause radio noise or other
disturbances is strictly prohibited.

12.2 Electronic equipment

Thou most of modern electrical equipment is well RF (Radio Frequency) shielded there is no
certainty that radio waves emitted by the telemetry module's antenna may have negative
influence on it's function.

12.2.1 Heart pacemakers

It is recommended that the distance between the antenna of telemetry module and the
Heart Pacemaker is greater than 20 cm.
This distance is recommended by manufacturers of Pacemakers and in full harmony with
results of studies conducted independently by Wireless Technology Research.

12.2.2 Hearing aids

In rare cases the signal emitted by the telemetry module's antenna may disturb hearing aids
functions. Should that occur, one has to study detailed operating instructions and
recommendations for that particular product.

12.2.3 Other medical equipment

Any radio device including the telemetry module may disturb the work of electronic medical
When there is a need of installing telemetry module in vicinity of medical equipment one has
to contact the manufacturer of this equipment in order to make sure that the equipment is
adequately protected against interference of radio frequency waves (RF).

12.2.4 RF Marked equipment

The restriction against installing telemetry modules in areas marked as radio frequency (RF)
prohibition zones must be unconditionally observed.

12.3 Explosive environment

Installation of telemetry modules in the environment where explosion hazard is present is not
permitted. Usually, but not always, these places are marked with warning signs. Where
there is no marking do not install telemetry modules at liquid or gas fuels stores, inflammable
materials stores, nor places contaminated with metal or wheat dust.

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Appendices 118

13 Appendices

13.1 Register of changes - documentation

Compatibility with firmware - v2.03

v2.03.01 - 2019-01-02

• Update content to 2.03.01 firmware

• Memory map descriptions upgrade for better navigation

v2.02.04 - 2018-03-30

SIM_USE is placed on correct bit in memory map

v2.02.03 - 2018-01-30

• memory map update (LAC,CID)

v2.02.02 - 2017-12-14

• Changes in Recipient UDP port parameters.

• Add Time synchronization parameters

v2.02.01 - 2017-11-19

• Update content to 2.02.02 firmware

v2.00.05 - 2017-10-10

• Input current for Q1-Q12 is 2,4mA

v2.00.04 - 2017-09-19

• Explication of parameter description: Sender IP address control

• Registry of changes was split to device and documentation
• Actualization to actual version of module firmware (MTC)

v2.00.02 - 2017-08-30

• Correct voltage value of supply range

• Minor text bug fixes

v2.00.01 - 2017-07-15

• First released of hardware version V2

13.2 Register of changes - device

Current firmware version - v2.03.01
Require MTManager - v5.2.3.27 or higher

V2.03.01 - 2018-04-30

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• expanded list of authorized IP numbers (upto 64 entries)

• improvements in the handling of modbus write functions to the slaves

V2.02.02 - 2017-10-26

• improvement in the Modbus TCP client mode (controlling output bits)

• fix of usage Modbus RTU command 15 (write multiple output bits)
• improvements in the modbus routing table. Now module recognize type of frame UDP or
TCP according to configured value of "Protocol" parameter for Ethernet and GPRS channels
• added possibility of module reset by enter values in two holding registers: HR9000 (Special
Function Code) = 57005 and HR9001 (Special Function Data) = 42435. The same can be
done by SMS command: #SR0=57005 #SR1=42435. Module restart will be executed about
5-7 seconds after entering these values.

v2.00.04 - 2017-07-11

• critical fix in authorization of data transmission

• fix in SIM cards switching
• add an error signalization GSM diode - diode blinks red colour
• other minor bug fixes

v2.00.01 - 2017-06-23

• first released in hardware version V2

13.3 SNCS Simple Name Command Syntax

Description of SNCS commands

Internal application of a module is able to receive, process and send short text messages
(SMS). There is a set of command which can be put in SMS and e-mail message, allowing
the user to read from and write (SMS only) to internal registers placed in module's memory.
Some commands can be used in device configuration parameters for managing of contents
presentation on internal graphics panel.

Characters with special meaning:

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Appendices 120

Description SMS Display

Starts a command
ATTENTION! putting two hash
signs one after another will
prevent module from processing
command following it. However
# supported supported
after sending one of hash signs
will be deleted - this allows to
control resources of one module
from another, e.g. set binary
output Q1 to '1' (##HB128=1)

* starts a macro supported N/A

used as first character in SMS

> supported N/A
text inhibits parsing of SMS

used as first character in SMS

$ text inhibits answering to this supported N/A

! used as first character before N/A supported

(#) starts command character
allow edit a values

: used after numerical address of a N/A supported

register allow to set the range of
permissible values
(ex. !#HR1024:10,100)

| line contents separator, right N/A supported

and left text align

After reception of SMS message, internal application tries to parse SMS text and execute
command enclosed in it. Parsing process generates new message text, which is send back
to user (if module is allowed to, either by configuration or by presence/absence of '$' sign).

Commands are formatted as follows:

prefix defines data representation and register count
symbol defines register address and register space being accessed
value defines data to be written to register (s)
Prefix is optional; when not present, data is interpreted according to preset defaults.

Basic read commands:

When module receives and parses the SMS message containing this command, command
string will be replaced with value of register 0 read from holding registers space, noted in

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121 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

decimal format, and this value will be put in SMS sent back to user. Answer to this
command sent back will be:

where 10 is value read from holding register 0.
If received SMS contains any other characters than correctly formatted commands, these
characters will be copied unaltered to message being sent back. This allows user to freely
compose text of return message and include register values together with some
informational text. For example, if user sends containing:

GSM signal level is #IR132%

then module will answer with:
>GSM signal level is 96%
where 96 is a value read from input register 132.
It should be noted that answer from module begins with '>' sign - it means that this SMS
was generated by module. If module receives SMS beginning with '>', such message will be
ignored (not parsed). This prevents endless "looping" of messages in case they are being
exchanged between modules
Writing to register is archived by expanding basic command with '=' sign and value that
should be written:
User should be aware that writing is allowed only to holding register space.
When module receives SMS with write command, it executes the command and sends back
value written. For example, sending to module SMS with text:
causes module to write value 1234 to holding register 10 and send back SMS with text:

Both read and write commands can be expanded by adding a prefix, which defines data
format (notation). Prefix should be placed between '#' mark (command start) and register
symbol, and should contain one (or more) characters ended with a dot. For example, to
read an input register 4 in hexadecimal format, one should use a command:
and module's answer will be:
Prefixes can also be used with write commands.
Command can operate on more than one register. Register count can be included in prefix,
after character denoting data format (which is then mandatory). For example, command:
causes write 123456 to two registers, HR4 and HR5 (32-bit variable).
Full list of available prefixes is enclosed below.

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Appendices 122

User can define in MTManager own symbolic names in module's configuration and assign
them to registers. Then, such names can be used instead of register symbols. It allows user
to define "friendly" names for registers and to erase access to bit values. For example, if
user has defined symbolic name "output" and assigned it to bit 48 of internal registers space
(which is equal to 0 bit of HR3 register), then sending a command:
causes module to write 1 to bit 0 of HR3 register. There are several predefined (internal)
symbolic names.

Apart from symbolic names, user can define macros. A macro is defined as a name and a
text assigned to this name. Parsing of received message begins with macro expansion.
Parser looks for words beginning with '*' sign and replaces such names with assigned
strings. Once macro expansions ends, new message text is being interpreted and commands
executed. It allows user to place both commands and symbolic names in macro text.
Furthermore, macros can contain another macro names ("nested" macros), but only those
defined higher in macro list. For example, if configuration contains following macros (in order

No. Macro name Macro text

1 counter *mttime: counter of I1: #D2.HR4
2 mttime #date #time
3 state *mttime: GSM - #IR132%

then macro *mttime used in macro number 3 (*state) will be correctly expanded and SMS

after macro expansion (before executing commands) will be changed to:

#date #time: GSM - #IR132%

but expansion of macro 1 will not contain text assigned to macro name *mttime, therefore
text being executed after macro 1 was used will look like:
*mttime: counter of I1: #D2.HR4

this in turn causes module to send back SMS containing:

>*mttime: input 0 counter: 123

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123 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Register spaces

Module's firmware distinguishes two register spaces: Input Registers and Holding Registers.
Access to register space can be made by calls to 16-bit registers or by calls to individual

Symbol Description
HR{0-n} Holding registers space. Read/write access. 16-bit registers.
IR{0-n} Input registers space. Read only. 16 bit registers.
Bit access to holding registers space. One can access
individual bits (or groups of bits). Read/Write. Bit mapping is
as follows: bits 0-15 correspond to holding register 0, bits
16-31 - to holding register 1 and so on.
Bit access to input registers space. One can access
individual bits (or groups of bits). Read only. Bit mapping is
as follows: bits 0-15 correspond to input register 0, bits 16-
31 - to input register 1 and so on.

Register symbols can be preceded by prefixes, which can define amount of data being
processed and data format.

Available prefixes:

Register space HR, IR (16-bit registers)

Prefix Description
Binary format, 16 characters (bits) default, bits from most to
least significant.
B[1-4] Prefix can contain register count (1-4) being processed
(register symbol defines lowest register) - in resulting string,
rightmost character corresponds to bit with lowest number.
Decimal format, 1-5 characters, unsigned.
Prefix can contain register count (1-4) being processed
D[1-4] (register symbol defines lowest register) - number returned is
decimal notation of n*16 bit value where most significant bit is
placed in register with lowest address (big-endian).
Hexadecimal format, 4 characters.
Prefix can contain register count (1-4) being processed -
returned string contains n*4-character groups, leftmost group
correspond to register with lowest address (big-endian).
S Decimal format, 1-5 characters (with '-' sign when needed),
Access to single register treated as 16-bit signed value.
F[1-3] Converts decimal value to floating point number. Number next to
prefix defines number of digits after dot.

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Appendices 124

T Textual representation of holding register value (only HR, low

byte) - max. 63 characters. Require sign of the end: null
TXT(X[+Y]) Read Textual constant parameter value that is defines in
configuration branch Resources\Constant parameters\Text. X
means index from parameters list (value from 1 to 72). It is
possible to dynamically substitution of index value taken from
internal registers space or bits. Y value is optional and define
constant offset for index table.

Bit access to register spaces - HB, IB

Prefix Description
B[1-64] Binary format. Amount of bits being displayed provided in prefix.
Bits are presented in order from least to most significant
(opposite to binary representation of whole register).
D[1-64] Decimal format. Value presented is calculated from amount of
bits provided in prefix, with bit with lowest address being least
significant (little endian)
H[1-64] Hexadecimal format. Value presented is calculated from amount
of bits provided in prefix, with bit with lowest address being
least significant (little endian)

Predefined symbolic names

Name Description

TIME Returns local time read from RTC registers

DATE Returns local date read from RTC registers
NAME Returns module name
SERIAL Returns module serial number
IPADDR Returns module current IP address
CR Enters new line in SMS text

Other examples:

Read Input Registers address 23:


Write value 1 to Holding Register 3:


Binary representation of Input Register 17 (readout):


Read flag (bit) 4:


Write hexadecimal value 01AC to holding register 4:


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125 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Read 8 bits starting from address 16 (Input Registers 1):


Read decimal number consisting from 6 bits starting from address 64 (Input Register 4):

Write single bit to register (Bit 0 to Holding Register 3):


Read signed number from register:


Read Holding Register address 122 with two decimal places presentation:
Write texts from registers starts from HR7000 address to register 0:
Read the constant textual parameter value depends from bit address number 272 (I1) from
analog inputs space (include binary input space). If the input I1=0 then will be read a value
of the text parameter under index 1 (0+1). If the Input I1=1 then will be read a value of the
text parameter under index 2 (1+1):

13.4 SNMP - trap configuration example

Below is presented sample configuration of three traps with data assigned to trap variables
directly in configuration (Trap data source parameter is set to Configuration).

Trap number 1 has Specific ID set to 20, which according to MIB file means that
synchronous/asynchronous timer reached its threshold. Triggering bit is set to CT5 and
triggering edge to 0->1, which means that this trap will be triggered when timer CT5 will
count up to its threshold and set its flag to 1. Timer5 is the name of a trap. Status is set to
7, which according to MIB file means that timer reached its threshold, while type set to 6
informs that this timer is synchronous. Index identifies which timer it is.

Trap number 2 informs about alarm on analog input (Specific ID=10 – alarm on analog input).
Trap is triggered by activation of LoLo alarm on analog input AV2. Status set to 6 informs
that this is LoLo alarm. Type set to 4 informs that alarm was triggered on voltage analog
input, while index points analog input AV2. Value provides information about current value of
analog input by addressing its register.

Trap number 3 is triggered by falling edge on binary input I1. Specific ID set to 30 informs
that it is triggered by change of binary input logical state. Status set to 9 informs that this
binary input was turned off. Type set to 2 informs that this binary input is internal module
binary input while index points to first binary input.

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Appendices 126

13.4.1 Sending traps using internal program

Below is presented sample configuration of three traps with data assigned to trap variables
indirectly via holding registers (Trap data source parameter is set to Registers).

Trap is defined by:

· Specific ID – it is 30 corresponding to binary input state change,

· Triggering bit and Triggering edge – they point to rising edge of program flag P1

· Trap name – it is set to Text constant parameter with index set up by value stored in

register with address 1028 in holding registers address space.

Values of trap variables are copied from registers as follows:

· trapSourceStatus from register address 1030+5*(trap_index-1) in holding registers

address space (HR1030)

· trapSourceValue from register address 1031+5*(trap_index-1) in holding registers

address space (HR1031)

· trapSourceType from register address 1032+5*(trap_index-1) in holding registers address

space (HR1032)
· trapSourceIndex from register address 1033+5*(trap_index-1) in holding registers

address space (HR1033)

This configuration allows to control from program when trap is send and what information it
carries. This allows sending data from external sources and using it to trigger traps.
However it is possible to send only one trap per program cycle.

Below is sample program controlling trap sending. It sends data from external binary inputs
(up to 16) which are mapped to REG3 register. It assumes that names are stored in text
table from position 1 to 16.

#include "MT-151.h"
#define INPUT_REG REG3 // register containing external binary inputs state
#define LOCAL_REG REG4
#define MASK REG6
#define TRAP_STATUS hreg &1030 // SNMP variables registers
#define TRAP_VALUE hreg &1031
#define TRAP_TYPE hreg &1032
#define TRAP_INDEX hreg &1033
#define TRAP_NAME hreg &1034 // trap name index
IF NOT P1 JMP check // there was jump in previous cycle?
BCPY 0, P1 // if yes – reset flag
JMP end
BXOR INPUT_REG, LOCAL_REG, REG5 // check if there was change in inputs state
NE REG5, 0, P1 // set flag if there is a change
IF P1 JMP select // seek for changed bit
JMP end

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127 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

MOVE 0, REG255 // loop counter = bit index

MOVE 1, MASK // mask
BTST REG5, MASK, P10 // check if this bit was changed
IF P10 JMP change // if yes prepare trap data
ADD REG255, 1, REG255
NE REG255, 16, P255
IF P255 JMP loop // repeat for 16 bits
MOVE 3, TRAP_TYPE // set trap type to 3 – external input
ADD REG255, 1, TRAP_INDEX // set index of input that triggered trap
ADD REG255, 1, TRAP_NAME // set index of name of input that triggered trap
BTST INPUT_REG, MASK, P10 // check binary input change slope
IF P10 JMP one
BAND LOCAL_REG, MASK, LOCAL_REG // zero bit in local copy of inputs status
MOVE 9, TRAP_STATUS // set trap status to 9 - off
MOVE 0, TRAP_VALUE // set trap value to 0
JMP end
BOR LOCAL_REG, MASK, LOCAL_REG // set bit in local copy of inputs status
MOVE 8, TRAP_STATUS // set trap status to 8 - on
MOVE 1, TRAP_VALUE // set trap value to 1

13.5 List of Bits

During its operation MT-151 HMI is setting a series of binary variables associated with the
I/O and module diagnostics. MTManager, for user convince, has implemented list of
predefined bits.

Name of bit Description

I1 - I16 Binary inputs I1 - I16
Binary inputs IQ1 - IQ12 (outputs Q1 -Q12
IQ1 - IQ12
operating in binary input mode)
Q1 - Q12 Binary outputs Q1 -Q12
CT1 - CT16 Synchronous timer flags CT1 - CT16
CK1 - CK16 Asynchronous timer flags CK1 - CK16
Analog inputs 4-20mA alarm bits - LoLo alarm.
AI1_LoLo - AI4_LoLo
Measured value lower than LoLo alarm threshold.
Analog inputs 4-20mA alarm bits - Lo alarm.
AI1_Lo -AI4_Lo
Measured value lower than Lo alarm threshold.
Analog inputs 4-20mA alarm bits - Hi alarm.
AI1_Hi - AI4_Hi
Measured value higher than Hi alarm threshold.
Analog inputs 4-20mA alarm bits - HiHi alarm.
AI1_HiHi - AI4_HiHi
Measured value higher than HiHi alarm threshold.
Analog inputs 0-10V alarm bits - LoLo alarm.
AV1_LoLo, AV2_LoLo
Measured value lower than LoLo alarm threshold.
Analog inputs 0-10V alarm bits - Lo alarm.
AV1_Lo, AV2_Lo
Measured value lower than Lo alarm threshold.
Analog inputs 0-10V alarm bits - Hi alarm.
AV1_Hi, AV2_Hi
Measured value higher than Hi alarm threshold.

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Analog inputs 0-10V alarm bits - HiHi alarm.

AV1_HiHi, AV2_HiHi
Measured value higher than HiHi alarm threshold.
Analog inputs 4-20mA alarm bits - out of
AI1_ABOVE - AI4_ABOVE measurement range. Measured value lower than
Analog inputs 4-20mA alarm bits - out of
AI1_BELOW - AI4_BELOW measurement range. Measured value higher than
Analog inputs 0-10V alarm bits - out of
AV1_ABOVE, AV2_ABOVE measurement range. Measured value lower than
Analog inputs 0-10V alarm bits - out of
AV1_BELOW, AV2_BELOW measurement range. Measured value higher than
P1 - P256 General purpose program flags P1 - P256

More information about available bits can be found in Memory map.

13.6 User screens programming

User screens can present static and dynamic texts, which are presented in brighter color.
Example of the MTManager configuration of User screen and Textual static parameters

and result screen:

Dynamic texts are:

1. Mnemonics used in text messaging (SMS) which are described in SNCS commands
syntax chapter of MT-151 HMI manual. Those commands allow to present values of
single bits and registers in various forms (integer number, floating point number, hex,
ASCII encoded text). Detailed description is provided in mentioned manual.

#IB272 will present 1 or 0 on screen depending on input I1 state

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129 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

2. #TXT(X[+Y]) mnemonics used for inserting texts from Resources->Constant

parameters->Text list. X can be number or SMS-like command returning integer value
and Y is optional offset provided as static number. Command returns text which index is
equal to X (X+Y if Y is used) on the picture mentioned above.

#TXT(IB272+1) will return text index 1 if I1 is 0 (0+1=1) and text index 2 if I1 is 1


3. On screen editable values – mnemonics used before preceded with exclamation mark
(! sign) are editable. In addition you can limit changes range after a colon sign (: sign).
By providing minimum and maximum value separated by semicolon. Range applies to
actual value of register doesn't depend on presentation format (e.g. as floating point

presents and allows to change value in full range of register 1027 from Holding registers
address space

presents and allows to change value in range from 10 to 100 of register 1027 from
Holding registers address space

presents and allows changing sate of Q1 output

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presents and allows changing state of Q1 output. Output state is presented as text
(index 1 for value 0 and index 2 for value 1)

presents and allows changing state of Q1 output. Output state is presented as text
(index 1 for value 0 and index 2 for value 1). In addition changes of variable value are
limited to range from 0 to 1

To make texts more clear it is possible to change text alignment from default left to
right alignment. For this purpose is used vertical bar sign (| sign). Every text placed
after that sign is right aligned. Entering in line text:

I1 state: | #IB272

when I1 is 0 will result on screen

and when I1 is 1 it will give

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131 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

Syntax errors are signaled like on screen below

13.6.1 Chart acquisition description

Each chart is using 100 registers from holding registers address space for data acquisition.
Chart W1 is using registers 7000 to 7099, chart W2 registers 7100 to 7199, chart W3
registers 7200 to 7299 and chart W4 registers 7300 to 7399. Those registers are either filled
automatically (parameter Data acquisition is set to Automatic) or by user (parameter Data
acquisition is set to User) manually, by external device or by user program. Those registers
correspond to various functions:

Register Function
+0 Time in seconds before taking next data sample.
+1 Number of samples presented on screen (max. 90)
+2 Timestamp of last sample (LoHi) – format is exactly the
same as used by RTC module
+3 and available in Timestamp register
+4 First 14 bits are used for storing address of sampled
register. 15 th bit is pointing out
sampled register address space (0 – holding registers
address space, 1 – analog inputs address space).
+5 “Sample taken” flag
+6 Sampling interval in seconds
+7 Reserved for future functionality
+8 Reserved for future functionality
+9 Reserved for future functionality
+10 Newest sample (left side of chart) – value between -32000
and 32000.
Data ... ...
+99 Oldest sample (right side of chart) – value between -32000
and 32000.

When Data acquisition parameter is set to User, a number of samples are presented as units
on axis X. In this mode, only data registers (+10...+99) and register responsible for the
number of samples (+1) presented on screen need to be set.

When a chart screen is displayed user can press OK button to show the chart name that
can be configured.
The module restarts may cause discontinuity of data acquisition.

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Appendices 132

13.7 Memory map

All accessible from remote and by program resources of MT-151 HMI module were collected
in four address spaces: Binary Inputs, Input Register, Binary Outputs and Holding Registers.
Spaces of Binary Inputs and Input Register and spaces of Binary Outputs and Holding
Registers are connected in pairs and contain the same resources. The difference between
spaces is in the way of accessing the resources - Binary Inputs and Outputs are used for
accessing individual bits and groups of bits while Input and Holding Registers address spaces
allow access to the full registers and register groups. This difference results in a different
way of addressing. In the Input Registers and Holding Registers address spaces each
address is assigned to the each register while the Binary Inputs and Outputs address spaces
each address corresponds to individual bit. The memory map tables are arranged by their
addresses for addressing registers. To calculate the addresses of the individual bits in the
Binary Inputs, use the following equation:

register_address * 16 + bit_position = bit_address

To calculate the addresses of the individual bits in the Binary Outputs, use the following

register_address * 16 + bit_position +10000 = bit_address

For example, in the PRG_FLG1 register from Input Registers address space (address 2) on
position 7 is located FS1_gprs bit indicating GPRS logon. Using that formula, you can specify
the address of FS1_gprs bit in Binary Inputs address space as follows:

2 * 16 +7 = 39.

13.7.1 Input registers/binary inputs address space

Input registers/binary inputs address space (read only), access using Modbus RTU and TCP f unctions 2 and 4
A ddress Bit
Name Description
Reg Bit [0] 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-- -- --- Res erved
0 0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
- -
-- -- --- Res erved
1 16 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
- -
1_ 1_ 1_ 1_ 1_ 1_ 1_
2 32 1 _r 1 _ 1 _ lo --- 1_ 1 _ _s t 1 _f P RG _FL G 1 Status flags
pw ac us gp gs pro ne
s t s d 3 G wa q+ ovr op s
r u b rs m g w

Status flags:
FS1_fs - first program scan FS1_usb = 1 when USB cable is connected
FS1_new - informs about loading new program
FS1_stop = 1 when program is stopped FS1_acu = 1 when battery is connected
FS1_ovr = 1 delay of program running FS1_pwr = 1 - main power is connected
FS1_prog = 1 when error in user program FS1_lowacu = 1 low voltage battery
FS1_q+ = 1 when binary outputs are not FS1_3G =1 when logged to 3G network
powered FS1_sd = 1 when microSD card is installed in slot
FS1_gsm = 1 when module is logged into GSM FS1_rst = 1 for 1 cycle after module reset
FS1_gprs = 1 when module is logged into GPRS

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133 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

A ddress Bit
Name Description
Reg Bit [0] 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
W SD 2 _r
M_ A N_ N_ K_ O _ - - 2 _r
3 48 --- R - - - - - - - - - - - - _wri tc _ P RG _FL G 2 Sys tem flags
US MI O AT RE SI - tc _
O te mi
E NG K TE Q M s ec
N n

System flags:
FS2_rtc_sec - 1Hz impulsator (1 second) PIN_WRONG - wrong PIN code
FS2_rtc_min - 1/60Hz impulsator (1 minute) PIN_ATTE - Two attempts made
SD_write - writing on SD card in progress now PIN_OK - Pin code correct
NO_SIM - no SIM card detected ROAMING - module in roaming
PUK_REQ - PUK code required SIM_USE which card is used = 0(SIM1), 1(SIM2)

A ddress Bit
Name Description
Reg Bit [0] 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - RT C _FSE C RT C - frac tion of
4 64 2 2 2 2 2 2 -7 -8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 s ec ond
1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
RT C _Sec RT C - s ec ond (0 -
5 80 int1 6 (L oH i)
6 96 RT C _M in RT C - minute (0 -
int1 6 (L oH i)
7 112 int1 6 (L oH i) RT C _H our RT C - hour (0 - 2 3 )
RT C _D ofW RT C - day of week
8 128 int1 6 (L oH i) (1 - Sunday, 7 -
RT C _D ay RT C - day of month
9 144 int1 6 (L oH i)
(1 - 3 1 )
10 160 int1 6 (L oH i) RT C _M on RT C - month (1 - 1 2 )
RT C _Y ear RT C - year (2 0 0 0 -
11 176 int1 6 (L oH i)
12 192
int3 2 (L oH i) RT C T imes tamp
13 208
14 224 T ime in s ec onds
int3 2 (L oH i) O N _T M R
15 240 s inc e power on

C C Sync hronous timers

16 256 T1 CT9 T C LO C K flags (s et for 1
16 15 14 12 11 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
3 8 program c yc le)
I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 Binary inputs
17 272 I10 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 BI N
6 5 4 3 2 1
I Binary
18 288 --- --- --- IQ 9 Q BFB outputs /inputs pin
- 12 11 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
8 s tate
A nalog input A I 1
19 304 int1 6 (L oH i) A I 1 _raw
meas urement [mA ]
A nalog input A I 2
20 320 int1 6 (L oH i) A I 2 _raw
meas urement [mA ]
A nalog input A I 3
21 336 int1 6 (L oH i) A I 3 _raw
meas urement [mA ]
A nalog input A I 4
22 352 int1 6 (L oH i) A I 4 _raw
meas urement [mA ]
A nalog input A I 1
23 368 int1 6 (L oH i) A I1 meas urement
[engineering units ]
24 384 A nalog input A I 2
int1 6 (L oH i) A I2 meas urement
[engineering units ]
A nalog input A I 3
25 400 int1 6 (L oH i) A I3 meas urement

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[engineering units ]
A nalog input A I 4
26 416 int1 6 (L oH i) A I4 meas urement
[engineering units ]
AI AI AI AI AI A larm bits for A I 1 -
2_ 2_ 2_ AI 1_ 1_ AI AI A I 4 analog inputs :
2_ _ A I2 -- 1_ 1_ 1_
27 432 --- A B BE D 2_ AB BE 1_ 1_ A L M _I 1 2 A I x_A BO V E -
Hi L oL _L o - DB Hi Lo
OV LO B Hi O LO Hi Lo meas urement above
Hi o D Hi Lo
E W D VE W 2 0 .5 mA
A I x_BE L O W -
meas urement below
3 .5 mA
A I x_D BD -
meas urement
AI AI AI AI AI c hange higher than
AI A I4 AI AI AI deadband
4_ 4_ 4_ AI 3_ 3_ AI AI
4_ _ A I4 -- 3_ 3_ 3_ A I x_L oL o - L oL o
28 448 --- A B BE D 4_ AB BE 3_ 3_ A L M _I 3 4
Hi L oL _L o - DB Hi Lo alarm flag
Hi o D Hi Lo A I x_L o - L o alarm
A I x_H i - H i alarm
A I x_H iH i - H iH i
alarm flag
A nalog input A V 1
29 464 int1 6 (L oH i) A V 1 _raw
meas urement [mV ]
A nalog input A V 2
30 480 int1 6 (L oH i) A V 2 _raw
meas urement [mV ]
A nalog input A V 1
31 496 int1 6 (L oH i) AV1 meas urement
[engineering units ]
A nalog input A V 2
32 512 int1 6 (L oH i) AV2 meas urement
[engineering units ]
A larm bits for A V 1
- A V 2 analog
inputs :
A V x_A BO V E -
meas urement above
A V x_BE L O W -
meas urement below
2_ 2_ V2 AV2 AV AV A V x_D BD -
2_ V2 _ -- _ _ 1_ 1_ 1_
33 528 --- A B BE _ _ 1_ 1_ A L M _V 1 2 meas urement
D _ L oL - A B BE D B Hi Lo
OV LO Hi Lo Hi Lo c hange higher than
B Hi o O LO D Hi Lo
E W Hi deadband
A V x_L oL o - L oL o
alarm flag
A V x_L o - L o alarm
A V x_H i - H i alarm
A V x_H iH i - H iH i
alarm flag
A V A KU Battery voltage
34 544 int1 6 (L oH i)
[mV ]
AVZ P ower s upply
35 560 int1 6 (L oH i)
voltage [mV ]
T1 T1 T1 C NT T T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 C ounter overflow
4_ 12 11 10_ 7_ 6_
36 576 6_ 5_ 3_ 9 _O 8_ _O _O _O _O _O C N T _O V FL bits (s et for 1
O _O _O O V F O O
OV OV O V FL O VF VF VF VF VF program c yc le)
C C A s ync hronous
37 592 K1 C K9 K C Kx timers flags (s et for
16 15 14 12 11 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
3 8 1 program c yc le)

P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1S P1S P P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 SL x_ok=1 when

38 608 ... data bloc k 1 - 1 6

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135 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

16 15 14 13 12 11 SL c ommunic ation on
7 _ 6 _ 5 _ 4 _ 3 _o 2 _ 1_
_ _o _o _o _o _o _ok ok 8_ s erial port number 1
ok ok ok ok k ok ok
ok k k k k k ok is O K
C P rogram c ounters
39 624 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 ...
8 C x overflow flags
T P rogram timers T x
40 640 T7 T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 ...
8 flags
TS TS TS TS TS TS T TS TS TS TS TS TS T SL x_ok=1 - when
L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 SL L 7 L 6 L 5 L 4 L2 L1 data bloc k x
41 656 1 0 _ 9 _o L3_ ...
6_ 5_ 4_ 3_ 2_ 1_ 8 _ _o _o _o _o _o _o c ommunic ation on
ok k ok
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok k k k k k k E thernet port is O K
T2 T2 T2 MT2 MT2 T2 T2
2M 2M 2M 2 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M
42 672 M M M MT_ MT_ M M ... M T x bit informs
T_ T_ T_ M T_ T_ T_ T_ T_
T_ T_ T_ 10 9 T_ T_ about rec eiving
16 15 14 T_ 5 4 3 2 1
13 12 11 7 6 data to M T 2 M T
buffer from devic e,
M whic h I P number is
M M M T M M s aved on x pos ition
T2 T2 T2 MT2 MT2 2 T2 T2 on A uthorized - > I P
2M 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M 2M
43 688 M M M MT_ MT_ M M M ... lis t
T_ T_ T_ T_ T_ T_ T_ T_
T_ T_ T_ 26 25 T_ T_ T_
32 31 30 21 20 19 18 17
29 28 27 2 23 22
P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P P 2 SL x_ok=1 when
P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2
SL SL SL SL SL SL P 2 S P 2 S 2 data bloc k 1 - 1 6
44 704 16 15 14 13 12 1 1 L 1 0 L 9 _ SL ... c ommunic ation on
7_ 6_ 5 _ 4 _ 3 _o 2_ 1_
_ _o _o _o _o _o _ok ok 8 _ s erial port number 2
ok ok ok ok k ok ok
ok k k k k k ok is O K
P P 1 SL x_ok=1 when
P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1
P1S P1S 1 data bloc k 1 7 - 3 2
L 2 6 L 2 5 SL c ommunic ation on
45 720 32 31 30 29 28 27 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 ...
_ _ 2 s erial port number 1
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ok ok 4 _ is O K
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok
P P 2 SL x_ok=1 when
P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2
P2S P2S 2 data bloc k 1 7 - 3 2
L 2 6 L 2 5 SL c ommunic ation on
46 736 32 31 30 29 28 27 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 ...
_ _ 2 s erial port number 2
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ok ok 4 _ is O K
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok
... ... ... ... ...
80 1280 C urrent flow value
int3 2 (L oH i) FL _I 1
81 1296 I1

82 1312 C urrent flow value

int3 2 (L oH i) FL _I 2
83 1328 I2

84 1344 C urrent flow value

int3 2 (L oH i) FL _I 3
85 1360 I3

86 1376 C urrent flow value

int3 2 (L oH i) FL _I 4
87 1392 I4

88 1408 C alc ulated flow

int3 2 (L oH i) FL _E N G _I 1 value I 1
89 1424 (engineering units )
90 1440 C alc ulated flow
int3 2 (L oH i) FL _E N G _I 2 value I 2
91 1456 (engineering units )
92 1472 C alc ulated flow
int3 2 (L oH i) FL _E N G _I 3 value I 3
93 1488 (engineering units )
94 1504 C alc ulated flow
int3 2 (L oH i) FL _E N G _I 4 value I 4
95 1520 (engineering units )
... ... ... ... ...
100 1600 C ounter of bytes rec eived via c ellular network s inc e module power G D A T A _I N _
int3 2 (L oH i)
101 1616 on C NT

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Appendices 136

102 1632 G D A T A _O U
C ounter of bytes s ent via c ellular network s inc e module power on int3 2 (L oH i)
103 1648 T _C N T

... ... ... ... ...

110 1760 C ellular network L oc al A rea C ode G SM _L A C int1 6 (L oH i)
111 1776 C ellular network C ell I D G SM _C I D int1 6 (L oH i)
112 1792 C ellular network Radio N etwork C ontroller I D (it is 0 for 2 G ) G SM _RN C int1 6 (L oH i)
P rovides network type information:
0 - G SM
2 - UMTS
113 1808 3 - G SM with E D G E G SM _RN C int1 6 (L oH i)
4 - U M T S with H SD P A
5 - U M T S with H SU P A
6 - U M T S with H SD P A and H SU P A
114 1824
C ounter of frames s ent via c ellular network s inc e module power on G F_T X_C N T int3 2 (L oH i)
115 1840
116 1856 C ounter of repeats of frames s ent via c ellular network s inc e module G F_RP T _C N
int3 2 (L oH i)
117 1872 power on T

118 1888 C ounter of unac knowledged frames s ent via c ellular network s inc e G F_U N A C K_
int3 2 (L oH i)
119 1904 module power on C NT

120 1920 C ounter of frames rec eived from c ellular network s inc e module power
G F_RX_C N T int3 2 (L oH i)
121 1936 on

... ... ... ... ...

L as t res tart c aus e:
RST _O S - res tarted
by s ys tem
RST _FRM - res tart
after firmware
RS RS update
S T_ T_
-- T_ T_ RST _C N F - res tart
127 2032 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- T_ --- P W --- WT - - - RST _FL G
- FR C after c onfiguration
M NF update
res tart after power
watc hdog res tart
SM S_Q U E SM S that are in
128 2048 int1 6 (L oH i) queue (queue length
is 1 6 )
SM S_L O ST SM S not delivered
129 2064 int1 6 (L oH i) to SM S c enter and
SM S_C N T SM S s end s inc e
130 2080 int1 6 (L oH i)
power- on
SM S_D A I L Y D aily SM S c ounter
131 2096 int1 6 (L oH i)
_C N T
SY G _L E V G SM s ignal level
132 2112 int1 6 (L oH i)
[% ]
133 2128 Firmware vers ion
int3 2 (L oH i) FI RM _V E R y.xx.zz (enc oded in
134 2144 H E X)
N umber of program
lines exec uted in
135 2160 int1 6 (L oH i) P RG _C L I N E
previous program
c yc le
T ime of exec ution of
136 2176 int1 6 (L oH i) P RG _C T I M E previous program
c yc le [ms ]
... ... ... ... ...
138 2208 int1 6 (L oH i) P A R_1 P arameter 1
... ... ... ... ...
265 4240 int1 6 (L oH i) P A R_1 2 8 P arameter 1 2 8
... ... ... ... ...

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

137 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

M BX=1 when
MB MB MB M B1 M M MB MB MB MB MB module rec eive
350 5600 B1 B1 B1 M B9 B M BX
16 15 14 0 B7 B6 5 4 3 2 1 c orrec t ans wer from
3 2 1 8
M - BU S devic e X
1 on bit X means
M B_P 1 D 1 _o
351 5616 P O RT 1 - M - BU S - D evic e 1 c orrec t variable reading c orrec t reading
variable number X
... ... ... ... ...
1 on bit X means
M B_P 1 D 1 6 _
366 5856 P O RT 1 - M - BU S - D evic e 1 6 c orrec t variable reading c orrec t reading
variable number X
A ddres s of M - BU S
devic e ans wering to
370 5920 int1 6 (L oH i) M B_A D D R
module in Brodc as t
addres s ing mode
All register values are treated as signed values!

All registers and bits from Input registers address space are accessible in programming tools
either by their name given in Name column or by:
IB[bit address] for single bit, e.g. to access bit I1 (address 272) you can use mnemonic I1
or IB272
IR[reg address] name for 16-bit int, e.g. to access register AI1 (address 23) you can use
mnemonic AI1 or IR23

13.7.2 Holding registers/binary outputs address space

Holding registers/binary outputs address space (read/write), access using Modbus RTU and TCP f unctions: read - 1, 3;
write - 5, 6, 15, 16)
A ddress Bit
Bit Name Description
Reg 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Res erved
1 16 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Res erved
P S1 _ST O P
- writing 1
s tops
program, 0 -
P S1 s tarts
2 32 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ST SYS_FLG1 program
1 make a
H M I s c reen
s hot on SC
c ard
c ontrolling
3 48 --- --- --- --- Q 12 Q 11 Q 10 Q9 Q8 Q7 Q6 Q5 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 BOUT
1 - output
s et to high
level, 0 -
low level
4 64 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT1 c ounter
5 80 regis ter
6 96 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT2 c ounter
7 112 regis ter
8 128 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT3 c ounter
9 144 regis ter
10 160 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT4 c ounter
11 176 regis ter

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Appendices 138

12 192 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT5 c ounter
13 208 regis ter
14 224 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT6 c ounter
15 240 regis ter
16 256 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT7 c ounter
17 272 regis ter
18 288 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT8 c ounter
19 304
regis ter
20 320 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT9 c ounter
21 336
regis ter
22 352 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT10 c ounter
23 368
regis ter
24 384 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT11 c ounter
25 400
regis ter
26 416 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT12 c ounter
27 432
regis ter
28 448 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT13 c ounter
29 464
regis ter
30 480 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT14 c ounter
31 496
regis ter
32 512 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT15 c ounter
33 528
regis ter
34 544 3 2 - bit
int3 2 (L oH i) CNT16 c ounter
35 560
regis ter
36 576 C K1
as ync hrono
37 592
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK1 us timer -
c urrent
38 608 C K2
as ync hrono
39 624
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK2 us timer -
c urrent
40 640 C K3
as ync hrono
41 656
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK3 us timer -
c urrent
42 672 C K4
as ync hrono
43 688
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK4 us timer -
c urrent
44 704 C K5
as ync hrono
45 720
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK5 us timer -
c urrent
46 736 C K6
as ync hrono
47 752
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK6 us timer -
c urrent
48 768
C K7
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK7
as ync hrono

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

139 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

49 784 us timer -
c urrent
50 800 C K8
as ync hrono
51 816
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK8 us timer -
c urrent
52 832 C K9
as ync hrono
53 848
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK9 us timer -
c urrent
54 864 C K1 0
as ync hrono
55 880
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK10 us timer -
c urrent
56 896 C K1 1
as ync hrono
57 912
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK11 us timer -
c urrent
58 928 C K1 2
as ync hrono
59 944
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK12 us timer -
c urrent
60 960 C K1 3
as ync hrono
61 976
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK13 us timer -
c urrent
62 992 C K1 4
as ync hrono
63 1008
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK14 us timer -
c urrent
64 1024 C K1 5
as ync hrono
65 1040
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK15 us timer -
c urrent
66 1056 C K1 6
as ync hrono
67 1072
int3 2 (L oH i) REG_CK16 us timer -
c urrent
68 1088 M odule
int1 6 (L oH i) RESTA RT res tart
c ounter
C1 - C8
CL CL CL CL CL CL CL c ounters
69 1104 K_ K_ K_ K_ K_ K_ K_ HR69 c ounting
_C 1
C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 inputs
(ac tive on
ris ing edge)
C1 - C8
RS RS RS RS RS RS RS c ounters
70 1120 T_ T_ T_ T_ T_ T_ T_ HR70 res etting
_C 1
C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 inputs
(ac tive on

T1 - T8
EN_ program
71 1136 _T _T _T _T _T _T _T HR71
T1 timers
8 7 6 5 4 3 2
enable bits

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Appendices 140

(ac tive on
T1 - T8
RST timers
72 1152 T_ T_ T_ T_ T_ T_ T_ HR72
_T 1 res etting
T8 T7 T6 T5 T4 T3 T2
bits (ac tive
on 1 )
… … … … …
100 1600 P1
P15 P14 P13 P12 P11 P10 P9 P8 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P_FLG_1
6 G eneral
purpos e
… … … …
115 1840 P2 P25 P25 P25 P25 P25 P25 P24 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P24 flags
56 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 1
116 1856 G eneral
int1 6 (L oH i) REG1 purpos e 1 6 -
bit regis ter
… … … … …
371 5936 G eneral
int1 6 (L oH i) REG256 purpos e 1 6 -
bit regis ter
372 5952 G eneral
purpos e 3 2 -
373 5968
int3 2 (L oH i) DREG1 bit regis ter
(s igned
... ... … … …
626 10016 G eneral
purpos e 3 2 -
627 10032
int3 2 (L oH i) DREG128 bit regis ter
(s igned
… … … … …
C 1 program
c ounter
630 10080 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_C1
thres hold
C 2 program
c ounter
631 10096 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_C2
thres hold
C 3 program
c ounter
632 10112 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_C3
thres hold
C 4 program
c ounter
633 10128 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_C4
thres hold
C 5 program
c ounter
634 10144 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_C5
thres hold
C 6 program
c ounter
635 10160 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_C6
thres hold
C 7 program
c ounter
636 10176 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_C7
thres hold
C 8 program
c ounter
637 10192 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_C8
thres hold
T 1 program
638 10208 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_T1

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141 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

thres hold
T 2 program
639 10224 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_T2
thres hold
T 3 program
640 10240 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_T3
thres hold
T 4 program
641 10256 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_T4
thres hold
T 5 program
642 10272 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_T5
thres hold
T 6 program
643 10288 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_T6
thres hold
T 7 program
644 10304 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_T7
thres hold
T 8 program
645 10320 int1 6 (L oH i) PV_T8
thres hold
C 1 program
c ounter
646 10336 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_C1
c urrent
C 2 program
c ounter
647 10352 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_C2
c urrent
C 3 program
c ounter
648 10368 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_C3
c urrent
C 4 program
c ounter
649 10384 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_C4
c urrent
C 5 program
c ounter
650 10400 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_C5
c urrent
C 6 program
c ounter
651 10416 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_C6
c urrent
C 7 program
c ounter
652 10432 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_C7
c urrent
C 8 program
c ounter
653 10448 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_C8
c urrent
T 1 program
654 10464 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_T1
c urrent

T 2 program
655 10480 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_T2

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Appendices 142

c urrent
T 3 program
656 10496 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_T3
c urrent
T 4 program
657 10512 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_T4
c urrent
T 5 program
658 10528 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_T5
c urrent
T 6 program
659 10544 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_T6
c urrent
T 7 program
660 10560 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_T7
c urrent
T 8 program
661 10576 int1 6 (L oH i) REG_T8
c urrent
… … … … …
824 13184 G eneral
float3 2 - float variable FREG1 purpos e 3 2 -
bit regis ter
… … … … …
1022 16352 G eneral
float3 2 - float variable FREG100 purpos e 3 2 -
1023 16368
bit regis ter
1638 T RA P _ST A T Regis ters
1024 int1 6 (L oH i)(trapSourc eStatus - SN M P variable)
4 US us ed for
1640 T RA P _V A L U s ending
1025 int1 6 (L oH i)(trapSourc eV alue - SN M P variable) SN M P traps .
0 E
D o not put
1026 int1 6 (L oH i)(trapSourc eT ype - SN M P variable) T RA P _T Y P E your own
6 data here, if
1643 T RA P _I N D E you us e
1027 int1 6 (L oH i)(trapSourc eI ndex - SN M P variable) SN M P traps .
2 X
G eneral
1028 int1 6 (L oH i) H R1 0 2 8 purpos e
regis ter
1029 1646 G eneral
4 int1 6 (L oH i) H R1 0 2 9 purpos e
regis ter
1030 1648 T RA P _ST A T SN M P trap
int1 6 (L oH i)(trapSourc eStatus - SN M P variable)
0 U S_1 1
c onfiguratio
1031 1649 T RA P _V A L U
int1 6 (L oH i)(trapSourc eV alue - SN M P variable) n regis ters
6 E _1
us ed, when
1032 1651 T RA P _T Y P E data for
int1 6 (L oH i)(trapSourc eT ype - SN M P variable)
2 _1 traps is
1033 1652 taken from
8 regis ters
int1 6 (L oH i)(trapSourc eI ndex - SN M P variable) ins tead of
c onfiguratio
… … … … …
1110 1898 SN M P trap
6 16
c onfiguratio
int1 6 (L oH i)(trapSourc eStatus - SN M P variable) n regis ters
U S_1 6
us ed, when
data for
traps is

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

143 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

1111 1899 T RA P _V A L U
int1 6 (L oH i)(trapSourc eV alue - SN M P variable)
2 E _1 6 taken from
regis ters
1112 1900 T RA P _T Y P E
int1 6 (L oH i)(trapSourc eT ype - SN M P variable) ins tead of
8 _1 6
c onfiguratio
1113 1902 T RA P _I N D E n
int1 6 (L oH i)(trapSourc eI ndex - SN M P variable)
4 X_1 6
… … … … …
4095 6552 G eneral
0 L as t regis ter that is available as bitwis e H R4 0 9 5 purpos e 1 6 -
bit regis ter
… … … … …
5000 - C ounter
P O RT 1 - Flex Serial data rec eiving buffer P 1 RC V _N O rec eived
5001 - Firs t
P 1 RC V _B1 regis ter of
P O RT 1 - Flex Serial data rec eiving buffer
rec eiving
… … … … …
5256 - L as t
P 1 RC V _B2 5
regis ter of
P O RT 1 - Flex Serial data rec eiving buffer 6
rec eiving
5257 - Rec eiving
P O RT 1 - Flex Serial data rec eiving buffer P 1 RC V _E RR
buffer s tatus
… … … … …
5500 - C ounter
P O RT 1 - Flex Serial data s ending buffer P 1 SN D _N O
s ent data
5501 - Firs t
regis ter of
P O RT 1 - Flex Serial data s ending buffer P 1 SN D _B1
s ending
… … … … …
5756 - L as t
P 1 SN D _B2 5 regis ter of
P O RT 1 - Flex Serial data s ending buffer
6 s ending
… … … … …
6000 - C ounter
P O RT 2 - Flex Serial data rec eiving buffer P 2 RC V _N O rec eived
6001 - Firs t
P 2 RC V _B1 regis ter of
P O RT 2 - Flex Serial data rec eiving buffer
rec eiving
… … … … …
6256 - L as t
P 2 RC V _B2 5
regis ter of
P O RT 2 - Flex Serial data rec eiving buffer 6
rec eiving
6257 - Rec eiving
P O RT 2 - Flex Serial data rec eiving buffer P 2 RC V _E RR
buffer s tatus
… … … … …
6500 - C ounter
P O RT 2 - Flex Serial data s ending buffer P 2 SN D _N O
s ent data
6501 - Firs t
regis ter of
P O RT 2 - Flex Serial data s ending buffer P 2 SN D _B1
s ending
… … … … …
6756 - L as t
P 2 SN D _B2 5 regis ter of
P O RT 2 - Flex Serial data s ending buffer
6 s ending
… … … … …

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

Appendices 144

7000 - G eneral
int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile) HR7000 purpos e
regis ter
… … … … …
7500 - T ime in s ec onds to next s ample on W1 c hart (us ed only with automatic
ac quis ition)
7501 - N umber of s amples pres ented on W1 c hart (0 - 9 0 )

7502 - T imes tamp (U nix epoc h times tamp format) of las t s ample on W1 c hart (us ed
only with automatic ac quis ition)
7503 -

7504 - E nc oded addres s of regis ter whic h value is pres ented on W1 c hart (us ed only
with automatic ac quis ition)
bits 0 - 1 4 : A ddres s of regis ter
bit 1 5 : 0 - input regis ters ; 1 - holding regis ter
7505 - I f 1 s ample is out on W1 c hart(us ed only with automatic ac quis ition)

7506 - D ata ac quis ition interval in s ec onds on W1 c hart (us ed only with automatic
ac quis ition)
7507 - int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile)

7508 - int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile)

7509 - int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile)

7510 - C hart W1 1 s t s ample value

… … …

7599 - C hart W1 9 0 th s ample value

7600 - T ime in s ec onds to next s ample on W2 c hart (us ed only with automatic
ac quis ition)
7601 - N umber of s amples pres ented on W2 c hart (0 - 9 0 )

7602 - T imes tamp (U nix epoc h times tamp format) of las t s ample on W2 c hart (us ed
only with automatic ac quis ition)
7603 -

7604 - E nc oded addres s of regis ter whic h value is pres ented on W2 c hart (us ed only
with automatic ac quis ition)
bits 0 - 1 4 : A ddres s of regis ter
bit 1 5 : 0 - input regis ters ; 1 - holding regis ter
7605 - I f 1 s ample is out on W2 c hart(us ed only with automatic ac quis ition)

7606 - D ata ac quis ition interval in s ec onds on W2 c hart (us ed only with automatic
ac quis ition)
7607 - int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile)

7608 - int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile)

7609 - int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile)

7610 - C hart W2 1 s t s ample value

… … …

7699 - C hart W2 9 0 th s ample value

7700 - T ime in s ec onds to next s ample on W3 c hart (us ed only with automatic
ac quis ition)
7701 - N umber of s amples pres ented on W3 c hart (0 - 9 0 )

7702 - T imes tamp (U nix epoc h times tamp format) of las t s ample on W3 c hart (us ed
only with automatic ac quis ition)
7703 -

7704 - E nc oded addres s of regis ter whic h value is pres ented on W3 c hart (us ed only
with automatic ac quis ition)
bits 0 - 1 4 : A ddres s of regis ter
bit 1 5 : 0 - input regis ters ; 1 - holding regis ter
7705 - I f 1 s ample is out on W3 c hart(us ed only with automatic ac quis ition)

7706 - D ata ac quis ition interval in s ec onds on W3 c hart (us ed only with automatic
ac quis ition)

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

145 Mobicon MT-151 HMI V2 User Manual

7707 - int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile)

7708 - int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile)

7709 - int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile)

7710 - C hart W3 1 s t s ample value

… … …

7799 - C hart W3 9 0 th s ample value

7800 - T ime in s ec onds to next s ample on W4 c hart (us ed only with automatic
ac quis ition)
7801 - N umber of s amples pres ented on W4 c hart (0 - 9 0 )

7802 - T imes tamp (U nix epoc h times tamp format) of las t s ample on W4 c hart (us ed
only with automatic ac quis ition)
7803 -

7804 - E nc oded addres s of regis ter whic h value is pres ented on W4 c hart (us ed only
with automatic ac quis ition)
bits 0 - 1 4 : A ddres s of regis ter
bit 1 5 : 0 - input regis ters ; 1 - holding regis ter
7805 - I f 1 s ample is out on W4 c hart(us ed only with automatic ac quis ition)

7806 - D ata ac quis ition interval in s ec onds on W4 c hart (us ed only with automatic
ac quis ition)
7807 - int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile)

7808 - int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile)

7809 - int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile)

7810 - C hart W4 1 s t s ample value

… … …

7899 - C hart W4 9 0 th s ample value

… … …

7999 - int1 6 (L oH i) s aved every 1 m (non- volatile)

… … …

8191 - int1 6 (L oH i)

… … …

9000 Spec ial func tion c ode

9001 Spec ial func tion data

The bold address numbers means those Registers are nonvolatile.

Special function code registers are prepared for execution an additional functions. Each
function has got a numeric value which has to be insert into this register for activation.

Actually there is one special function:

Module restart (executed about 5-7 seconds after entering both values)
57005 into HR9000 (first insert)
42435 into HR9001 (second insert)

© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

About User Manual 146

14 About User Manual

User Manual for

Telemetry Module MOBICON MT-151 HMI V2
Copyright © 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.
Created: Wednesday, January 2, 2019

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© 2019 Inventia Sp. z o.o.

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