Guidelines English I

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Universidad del Valle Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje

Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras Inglés con fines Académicos y Generales I

Guidelines for task 1: “My favorite subject and routine as a Univalle student” 2024 II
The task aims to put in practice what you have learnt during the first unit. The interview is going to help
you to develop your communication skills in English. This assessment is part of your language learning
process; therefore, your commitment and responsibility are needed for succeeding in this activity.

The task will be worth 20 points out of 50. The 30 remaining points correspond to the other skills
(reading, listening and writing).

1. This will be an interview between you and another classmate. You will have from 5 to 7 minutes for
this activity.

2. Content of your interview

2.1 Asking and answering questions about: your personal and professional information, your daily
routine and your university life.

2.2 Two students are going to get into the classroom and the teacher will start the conversation asking
them some questions about the topics mentioned before. Then, students will be assigned a topic
to maintain a short dialogue.

2.3 Your teacher will provide you with some topics, which could be part of the dialogue/interview.
Your teacher will also give you some sample questions as a guide for your interview.

2.4 You might schedule appointments with your teacher and tutors from Red CAAL to succeed in
this activity. Do not forget to focus on appropriate pronunciation, grammar content, varied
vocabulary, etc.

3. Present. Be ready on the day of your interview arriving on time.

What When
Midterm Assignment September 16 to 21st 2024

Tutoring From September 16th to October 5th

Interview October 07th to 12th 2024

Evaluation criteria to be considered:

❖ Content: Content relevant to the interview.

❖ Fluency: Natural use of the language, avoiding mumbling. Use of short, complete sentences connected by
linking words such as: and, but, but also, besides, however, since,, etc.
❖ Accuracy: Correct use of grammar and vocabulary.
❖ Pronunciation: Comprehensibility based on how words are pronounced. (for the final –ed sound of regular past tenses),
(, )
Evaluation rubric
Task: “Personal information and routine as a Univalle student”
Date: _______________________
Student: _______________________________ Grade: points/20 points

Criteria 5 4 2-3 1
Student understands Student understands Student hardly Student does not
Interaction with the questions. His/her the questions, answers understands the understand the
the teacher and answers are detailed. all the questions, but question and gives questions and cannot
the classmate does not elaborate. extremely basic answer them.
Uses sufficient His/her vocabulary His/her vocabulary Lacks sufficient
vocabulary to fulfill the allows him to allows him to vocabulary to
task. Pronunciation is complete most of the complete the task complete the task.
Vocabulary and always clear enough to task. partly. Key words are
pronunciation be understood. Pronunciation is clear Pronunciation is clear mispronounced and
enough to be but sometimes block communication
understood most of mispronounced words most of the time.
the time. block communication.
Is always clear and Is usually clear and Is sometimes clear and Is not clear enough
uses the correct form uses the correct form occasionally uses the and does not use
Accuracy of simple present all of simple present most correct form of simple simple present or uses
the time. of the time. present. it incorrectly.
Uses linking words Uses linking words Uses linking words Does not use linking
such as and, but, such as and, but, such as and, but, words.
however, etc. to however, etc. to however, etc. to
Coherence connect short connect short connect short
sentences whenever it sentences on most sentences on some
is appropriate occasions when it is occasions

General comments and suggestions:

Nota: La evaluación de producto se hará mediante una evaluación intermedia y una evaluación final. En cuanto
a la evaluación intermedia se examinarán las cuatro habilidades. El porcentaje de la evaluación parcial será 20%
y de la evaluación final será de 15% cada una para un total de 35%.

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