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SRN: R23EP053



1.Design a source code in C++ class Student with data members: name, roll
No , and marks. Implement a constructor to initialize these values, and a
destructor to display a message when an object is destroyed. Create an array
of objects for 5 students and demonstrate how constructors and destructors
work. (Output should contain your details as part of the implementation).
2.Implement a class Person with attributes name and age. Create a derived
class Employee that inherits from Person and adds an additional attribute
employee ID. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the use of single
inheritance by creating objects of both classes and displaying their details.
3.Write a C++ program to create a class Book with data members: title,
author, price, and publisher. Implement a method to set the details of the
book and another method to display the details. Create multiple book objects
(objects providing direct and indirect addressing) to test your class.

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