Production Characterization and Applications of Porous 49ppb1vf1l
Production Characterization and Applications of Porous 49ppb1vf1l
Production Characterization and Applications of Porous 49ppb1vf1l
Production, Characterization, and Applications of
Porous Materials
Copyright © 2014 Nikolaos Michailidis et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
techniques, gas expansion methods (through the addition of [2] N. Michailidis and F. Stergioudi, “Establishment of process
a decomposing foaming agent) or even chemical reaction parameters for producing Al-foam by dissolution and powder
techniques [2, 3]. These approaches do, however, allow the sintering method,” Materials and Design, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 1559–
control of pore size and distribution, to an adequate extent. 1564, 2011.
Additive manufacturing techniques permit the integra- [3] N. Kanetake and M. Kobashi, “Innovative processing of porous
tion of oriented patterns of pores in a controlled manner. and cellular materials by chemical reaction,” Scripta Materialia,
Layer based fabrication techniques have gained tremendous vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 521–525, 2006.
importance in the production of a variety of materials with [4] A. Tsouknidas, “Friction induced wear of rapid prototyping
designed porosity (i.e., metallic, polymer, and composites). A generated materials: a review,” Advances in Tribology, vol. 2011,
significant limitation of most commercially available printing Article ID 746270, 7 pages, 2011.
devices is, however, associated with high material and main- [5] E. Baril, L. P. Lefebvre, and S. A. Hacking, “Direct visualiza-
tenance costs. Open source rapid prototyping has recently tion and quantification of bone growth into porous titanium
implants using micro computed tomography,” Journal of Mate-
emerged as a cost efficient alternative and may help spreading
rials Science: Materials in Medicine, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 1321–1332,
the use of these technologies, even for composite materials 2011.
[6] R. Neugebauer and T. Hipke, “Dynamisches verhalten geschä-
Several techniques have also been introduced for the umter bauteile,” Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, vol.
production of micro- and mesoporous media, such as car- 31, no. 6, pp. 515–518, 2000.
bonization methods, imprinting of nanopores in spin-on
[7] N. Michailidis, F. Stergioudi, K. Viglaki, and M. Chatziniko-
dielectric thin films, and hard template methods. laidou, “Production of novel ceramic porous surfaces tailored
for bone tissue engineering,” CIRP Annals—Manufacturing
Technology, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 557–560, 2014.
3. Emerging Applications
The continuing efforts to explore the interdisciplinary phe-
nomena governing porous materials are dictated by a rapid
growth of technology driven sectors such as medicine, phar-
maceuticals, and energy, as recent breakthroughs in meso-
and macroporous structures have fostered unprecedented
opportunities for new applications [5, 6]. Materials with
mesoporosities ranging of 2–50 nm have been used in drug
delivery systems whereas macroporous bioactive ceramics
loaded with stem cells and molecules are presently investi-
gated to increase tissue regeneration in large osseous defects
[5, 7]. Metallic-organic frameworks, employed as catalysts or
energy conversion and storage devices, molecular sieves and
markers, optics and photonics, inverse opals, and so forth,
are also among the numerous novel applications of porous
materials being developed.
4. Epilogue
Our sincere hope and wish is that the recent development
presented in this issue will contribute to the development
of this multidisciplinary discipline and provide tools to
better understand the properties and characteristics of these
Nikolaos Michailidis
Alexander Tsouknidas
Louis-Philippe Lefebvre
Thomas Hipke
Naoyuki Kanetake
[1] N. Michailidis, E. Smyrnaios, G. Maliaris, F. Stergioudi, and
A. Tsouknidas, “Mechanical response and FEM modeling of
porous Al under static and dynamic loads,” Advanced Engineer-
ing Materials, vol. 16, pp. 289–294, 2013.
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