Sui Assignment

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1. Define start-ups as per Start Up India.
2. State the features of start-ups.
3. What is innovation management? List any two features of Innovation Management.
4. What is innovation? List any three features of innovation
5. Why should there be separate unit for start-ups and innovation in an organization?
6. What is a learning organization
7. Differentiate between virtual organization and boundaryless organization.
8. What is a boundaryless organization?
9. Write a note on the Bharat Net Project.
10. What is product and process innovation
11. Outline any two types of process of innovation.
12. What are the features of new venture divison
13. What is Start up India
14. What is IPR?
15. What is a trade secret?
16. List 4 examples of IPRs
17. State any four types of works eligible for copyright protection
18. Mention the four programs created by ATM to support entrepreneurship.
19. What is start-up seed capital?
20. Mention any two state institutions that provide support to start ups
21. What is innovation?
22. What is business process re-engineering?


1. Outline the importance of innovation

2. Write a short note on the stages in Design Thinking
3. Outline the features of start ups
4. Write a note on innovation management
5. Explain the principles of innovation.
6. Write a short note on Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana
7. Discuss the features of learning organizations.
8. Write a detailed note on the methods of Process innovation.
9. Differentiate between Continuous innovation and Discontinuous innovation.
10. What is a trademark? Discuss the trademark registration process.
11. Write a note on Mudra Banks
12. Give key details of the Atmanirbhar App Challenge.


1. Explain the process of Innovation

2. Write a note importance of start ups for the growth of the economy
3. Discuss the traits of innovative organisations.
4. What is disruptive innovation? Explain Disruptive innovation in packaging and
5. Write a short note on 1) KVIC 2) DIC
6. Write a note on boundaryless organization and new venture division
7. What is innovation? Give a detailed breakdown of managing the innovation function.
8. What is product innovation? Explain the product innovation practices in detail.
9. Briefly explain any two key institutional support offered to start-ups.

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