Lab 2
Lab 2
Lab 2
Le Trong Nhan
Microcontroller Page 5
Page 6 HCMUT - Computer Engineering
Design an interface for with multiple LED (seven segment or matrix) displays which is to
be controlled is depends on the number of input and output pins needed for controlling
all the LEDs in the given matrix display, the amount of current that each pin can source
and sink and the speed at which the micro-controller can send out control signals. With
all these specifications, interfacing can be done for 4 seven segment LEDs with a micro-
controller is proposed in the figure above.
In the above diagram each seven segment display is having 8 internal LEDs, leading to
the total number of LEDs is 32. However, not all the LEDs are required to turn ON, but
one of them is needed. Therefore, only 12 lines are needed to control the whole 4 seven
segment LEDs. By controlling with the micro-controller, we can turn ON an LED during
a same interval TS . Therfore, the period for controlling all 4 seven segment LEDs is 4TS .
In other words, these LEDs are scanned at frequecy f = 1/4TS . Finally, it is obviously that
if the frequency is greater than 30Hz (e.g. f = 50Hz), it seems that all LEDs are turn ON at
the same time.
In this manual, the timer interrupt is used to design the interval TS for LED scanning.
Unfortunately, the simulation on Proteus can not execute at high frequency, the frequency
f is set to a low value (e.g. 1Hz). In a real implementation, this frequency should be 50Hz.
Step 2: Check the clock source of the system on the tab Clock Configuration (from *.ioc
file). In the default configuration, the internal clock source is used with 8MHz, as shown
in the figure bellow.
Select the clock source for timer 2 to the Internal Clock. Finally, set the prescaller and the
counter to 7999 and 9, respectively. These values are explained as follows:
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• The clock source is 8MHz, by setting the prescaller to 7999, the input clock source
to the timer is 8MHz/(7999+1) = 1000Hz.
• The interrupt is raised when the timer counter is counted from 0 to 9, meaning that
the frequency is divided by 10, which is 100Hz.
• The frequency of the timer interrupt is 100Hz, meaning that the period is 1/100Hz
= 10ms.
Step 4: Enable the timer interrupt by switching to NIVC Settings tab, as follows:
Step 5: On the main() function, call the timer init function, as follows:
1 int main ( void )
2 {
3 HAL_Init () ;
4 SystemClock_Config () ;
6 MX_GPIO_Init () ;
7 MX_TIM2_Init () ;
13 while (1) {
15 }
16 }
Program 1.1: Init the timer interrupt in main
Please put the init function in a right place to avoid conflicts when code generation is ex-
ecuted (e.g. ioc file is updated).
4 }
5 /* USER CODE END 4 */
Program 1.2: Add an interrupt service routine
Step 7: To run a LED Blinky demo using interrupt, a short manual is presented as follows:
2 int counter = 100;
3 void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback ( TIM_HandleTypeDef * htim )
4 counter - -;
5 if ( counter <= 0) {
6 counter = 100;
7 HAL_GPIO_TogglePin ( LED_RED_GPIO_Port , LED_RED_Pin ) ;
8 }
9 }
10 /* USER CODE END 4 */
Program 1.3: LED Blinky using timer interrupt
Microcontroller Page 11
3 Exercise and Report
3.1 Exercise 1
The first exercise show how to interface for multiple seven segment LEDs to STM32F103C6
micro-controller (MCU). Seven segment displays are common anode type, meaning that
the anode of all LEDs are tied together as a single terminal and cathodes are left alone as
individual pins.
In order to save the resource of the MCU, individual cathode pins from all the seven seg-
ment LEDs are connected together, and connect to 7 pins of the MCU. These pins are
popular known as the signal pins. Meanwhile, the anode pin of each seven segment LEDs
are controlled under a power enabling circuit, for instance, an PNP transistor. At a given
time, only one seven segment LED is turned on. However, if the delay is small enough, it
seems that all LEDs are enabling.
Implement the circuit simulation in Proteus with two 7-SEGMENT LEDs as following:
• STM32F103C6
Students are proposed to use the function display7SEG(int num) in the Lab 1 in this exer-
cise. Implement the source code in the interrupt callback function to display number "1"
on the first seven segment and number "2" for second one. The switching time between
Report 1: Capture your schematic from Proteus and show in the report.
3.2 Exercise 2
Extend to 4 seven segment LEDs and two LEDs (connected to PA4, labeled as DOT) in the
middle as following:
Blink the two LEDs every second. Meanwhile, number 3 is displayed on the third seven
segment and number 0 is displayed on the last one (to present 12 hour and a half). The
switching time for each seven segment LED is also a half of second (500ms). Implement
your code in the timer interrupt function.
Report 1: Capture your schematic from Proteus and show in the report.
3.3 Exercise 3
Implement a function named update7SEG(int index). An array of 4 integer numbers are
declared in this case. The code skeleton in this exercise is presented as following:
Microcontroller Page 13
1 const int MAX_LED = 4;
2 int index_led = 0;
3 int led_buffer [4] = {1 , 2 , 3 , 4};
4 void update7SEG ( int index ) {
5 switch ( index ) {
6 case 0:
7 // Display the first 7 SEG with led_buffer [0]
8 break ;
9 case 1:
10 // Display the second 7 SEG with led_buffer [1]
11 break ;
12 case 2:
13 // Display the third 7 SEG with led_buffer [2]
14 break ;
15 case 3:
16 // Display the forth 7 SEG with led_buffer [3]
17 break ;
18 default :
19 break ;
20 }
21 }
Program 1.4: An example for your source code
Students are proposed to change the values in the led_buffer array for unit test this func-
tion, which is used afterward.
3.4 Exercise 4
Change the period of invoking update7SEG function in order to set the frequency of 4
seven segment LEDs to 1Hz. The DOT is still blinking every second.
3.5 Exercise 5
Implement a digital clock with hour and minute information displayed by 2 seven seg-
ment LEDs. The code skeleton in the main function is presented as follows:
1 int hour = 15 , minute = 8 , second = 50;
3 while (1) {
4 second ++;
The function updateClockBuffer will generate values for the array led_buffer according
to the values of hour and minute. In the case these values are 1 digit number, digit 0 is
3.6 Exercise 6
The main target from this exercise to reduce the complexity (or reduce code processing)
in the timer interrupt. The time consumed in the interrupt can lead to the nested inter-
rupt issue, which can crash the whole system. A simple solution can disable the timer
whenever the interrupt occurs, the enable it again. However, the real-time processing is
not guaranteed anymore.
In this exercise, a software timer is created and its counter is count down every timer inter-
rupt is raised (every 10ms). By using this timer, the Hal_Delay(1000) in the main function
is removed. In a MCU system, non-blocking delay is better than blocking delay. The de-
tails to create a software timer are presented bellow. The source code is added to your
current program, do not delete the source code you have on Exercise 5.
Microcontroller Page 15
13 if ( timer0_counter == 0) timer0_flag = 1;
14 }
15 }
16 /* USER CODE END 0 */
Program 1.6: Software timer based timer interrupt
Please change the TIMER_CYCLE to your timer interrupt period. In the manual code
above, it is 10ms.
3 timer_run () ;
Step 3: Use the timer in the main function by invoked setTimer0 function, then check for
its flag (timer0_flag). An example to blink an LED connected to PA5 using software timer
is shown as follows:
1 setTimer0 (1000) ;
2 while (1) {
3 if ( timer0_flag == 1) {
4 HAL_GPIO_TogglePin ( LED_RED_GPIO_Port , LED_RED_Pin ) ;
5 setTimer0 (2000) ;
6 }
7 }
Program 1.8: Software timer is used in main fuction to blink the LED
Report 1: if in line 1 of the code above is miss, what happens after that and why?
Report 2: if in line 1 of the code above is changed to setTimer0(1), what happens after
that and why?
Report 3: if in line 1 of the code above is changed to setTimer0(10), what is changed com-
pared to 2 first questions and why?
3.7 Exercise 7
Upgrade the source code in Exercise 5 (update values for hour, minute and second) by
using the software timer and remove the HAL_Delay function at the end. Moreover, the
DOT (connected to PA4) of the digital clock is also moved to main function.
Report 1: Present your source code in the while loop on main function.
Report 1: Present your source code in the the main function. In the case more extra
functions are used (e.g. the second software timer), present them in the report as well.
3.9 Exercise 9
This is an extra works for this lab. A LED Matrix is added to the system. A reference design
is shown in figure bellow:
In this schematic, two new components are added, including the MATRIX-8X8-RED and
ULN2803, which is an NPN transistor array to enable the power supply for a column of
the LED matrix. Students can change the enable signal (from ENM0 to ENM7) if needed.
Finally, the data signal (from ROW0 to ROW7) is connected to PB8 to PB15.
Report 1: Present the schematic of your system by capturing the screen in Proteus.
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10 case 2:
11 break ;
12 case 3:
13 break ;
14 case 4:
15 break ;
16 case 5:
17 break ;
18 case 6:
19 break ;
20 case 7:
21 break ;
22 default :
23 break ;
24 }
25 }
Program 1.9: Function to display data on LED Matrix
Student are free to choose the invoking frequency of this function. However, this function
is supposed to invoked in main function. Finally, please update the matrix_buffer to
display character "A".
3.10 Exercise 10
Create an animation on LED matrix, for example, the character is shifted to the left.
Report 1: Briefly describe your solution and present your source code in the report.