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GRADES 1 to 12 Beauty Rose C. Lopez, Precious Juliet Felizardo , John

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Eroll Roxas Learning Area: English
Teaching Dates and April 05, 2023
Time: 7:30-8:30 am Quarter: Third

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading
styles; participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the
prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write for the LC code for each Use Appropriate strategies for unlocking unfamiliar words EN8V-III-25

At the end of the lesson and discussion, the students should be able to;

a. Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words

b. Use Appropriate strategies in unlocking the meaning of unfamiliar words
c. Applying knowledge of unfamiliar words through a dialouge



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Pp. 175
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources  K to 12 curriculum guide (may 2016)
 Vocabulary Workshop, Level B by Sadlie
 Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder by Mary Wood Cornog
 Blackboard and chalk
 Manila paper and marker
 Written worksheets for students


A. Review previous lesson or presenting the new  The teacher will begin the class by greeting the students, a  One student will volunteer to lead the prayer and all are
lesson prayer, and checking of attendance. present when checking of attendance
 Teacher will ask the students to recall the previous  Students will recall the previous discussion

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

The teacher will ask the students what do they do to improve their Students will share their different strategies in improving their
vocabulary . vocabularies

(Students will give to their insights and opinions).

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson The teacher will present a short story entitled “ The Good man”
though the materials used which is manila paper

The Good Man

Once there was named a kind and generous man named Don
Pablo. To everyone Pablo was a Saint because he always care The student will read the story
about all the old people who lived alone in the countryside. He
would carry sacks of food to feeld all these people so that they can
would have something to eat.

The teacher will ask the class to underline familiar words they The student will underline words that are unfamiliar to them
encounter by using a marker. Expected unfamiliar words are : Generous, Saint, care,

The teacher then ask questions to the class “How these words Answers of the students may vary.
become unfamiliar to you? “

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills  The teacher gives a discussion about appropriate strategies
#1 for unlocking unfamiliar words and definitions of
unfamiliar words through , Blackboard and marker/chalk.
1. What are unfamiliar words?
Unfamiliar words are words that are not familiar or not Students will listen to the discussions and may ask questions if
needed and can share insights and added information.

 The teacher will ask students to share unfamiliar words in The students will share their unfamiliar words. Their answers may
English as well as their own dialect that they think are vary. The students will write their answers on the blackboard.
unfamiliar to some of their classmates.
 The teacher will then show some unfamiliar words and
The students will read the unfamiliar words
their definitions
 The teacher then ask if they know some strategies to The students will answer
unlock some unfamiliar words.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills  The teacher will discuss the strategies in unlocking
#2 unfamiliar words;
1. Read, read and read….
2. Use a dictionary and thesaurus..
3. Use a journal…..
4. Learn a word(s) a day  Students will share examples of slang and colloquial in
5. Play some games(Jumble letters)…. their dialect or language
6. Context clues…..  The students will chose their partners and complete the tak
7. Engage in conversations….


Look up the words that are higlighted in the dictionary or you can
use context clues to know their meaning. Encircle the letter that
have the right meaning.

1. I feel nauseous every time I pass by the pile of garbage

dumped in the sidewalk.
a. Like eating
b. Like vomiting
c. Like drinking
d. Like sleeping
2. She felt remorse over the death of her pet.
a. Sad
b. Happy
c. Angry
d. Lonely
3. Do you know where the rumors originated?
a. First came from
b. First taught
c. First popularized
d. First documented
4. The criminal shows no repentance even though he was
comvicted of the crime.
a. Feeling of regret
b. Gratefulness
c. Fearfulness
d. Worry
5. Ana resemble her mother so much.
a. Looks like
b. Look different
c. Love
d. Hate

F. Developing mastery Lets Master: Have your own Dictionary

Teacher will give a set of words and they will look the meaaing in
the dictionary . They will create a sample sentence containing the Students will answer the task in a one whole sheet of paper and
unfamiliar words and read it aloud. after answering in a sheet of paper they will read it out .

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills The teacher will ask the following question;
in daily living Through raising the students hand, they will share their answers
How are the discussed strategies important in unlocking based on their learning and understanding
unfamiliar words to you as a students and in our everyday life?

How can we apply the strategies in real life scenarios?

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the What is the definition of unfamiliar words? What are the
lesson appropriate strategies we can use in unlocking unfamiliar words? The students will answer and recap the lessons from the beginning
How these strategies will help to students? and share their realization and insights about the topic.
I. Evaluating learner

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities

for remediation who scored below 80%.

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners

who have caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to require

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use./discover which I wish to share with other

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