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DirectSOFT32 PLC Programming Software
• I/O cross reference and element usage windows keep track of
addresses used.
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DirectSOFT32 PLC Programming Software
DirectSOFT32TM Programming Software
single-user licenses have been designed to
make PLC programming and machine
monitoring easier than ever before. The
32-bit Windows-based package provides
simple menu and icon choices that
operate similarly to those found in most
standard Windows packages. With
DirectSOFT32 you can have the power
of Windows on the factory floor. install the software on a laptop, home Maintenance releases
For more information on DirectSOFT32 office, or any other single backup You can receive maintenance releases at
and to download a demo version, please computer. no charge by downloading them from
visit our Web site at If you need more flexibility, or you need our Web site. These often include some You can to install multiple copies in many areas, minor feature enhancements along with
also view or download the Quick Start then check out our Site Licenses. software corrections.
Laptop/portable Software upgrades
Which package is computers and PC-RXX-U
right for you? off-site usage Any release that contains major feature
The programming software packages Many of you may be using laptop enhancements will be subject to the
share the same general features, but there computers for field service work. This is normal upgrade charge in effect at that
are a couple of key differences: perfectly acceptable as long as it adheres time. The DirectSOFT32 upgrade part
PC-PGMSW programs all six CPU families to the guidelines described above. number is PC-RXX-U, where XX is the
(DL05, DL06, DL105, DL205, DL305 and
DL405). If you’re a system integrator or OEM latest release number.
who uses one or more of our product lines, Can I ship a copy to my Note: The upgrade will only update any
then this package is the right choice.
PC-PGM-105 programs the DL05 and DL105
customer? packages that are already installed on
No, except for a single backup copy, you your system.
CPUs only .
cannot make, install, or distribute any
PC-PGM-BRICK programs the DL05, DL06
and DL105 CPUs only. additional copies. You can transfer the New features for
PC-PGM-205 programs the DL205 CPUs original copy (original CD, any appli-
cable upgrades, and any documentation)
PC-PGM-305 programs the DL-305 CPUs with our written consent prior to the
release 4.0
only. The most significant additions for
Please note, you cannot upgrade the PC-PGM-305, version 4.0 are support for the following:
PC-PGM-205, PC-PGM-105 or PC-PGM-BRICK Of course, this means you cannot legally • DL06 and DL260 CPUs
packages to support any other product families. keep a copy once you have transferred • DL205 Expansion I/O
the original. Some machine builders and • DL06 and DL260 ASCII instructions
Number of users OEMs are required to ship a copy of the • DL06 and DL260 MODBUS instructions
The packages listed above are really PLC programming software with every • DL06 LCD panel
“single-station” packages. That is, you machine. If this describes your situation, • Project backup feature
can legally install them on only one then you’ll need our OEM license. The • Import/export program
computer. However, if there is only one OEM license allows you to ship an inex-
• Export project nicknames and addresses
person who primarily uses the computer pensive copy of the software with every to EZTouch/Text import format
(over 80% of the time), then you can machine you sell.
Program editing features Printing features Online operation
• Full-screen Point and Click Editing with the
mouse and icons
• Print any available view, including
ladders, charts, and mnemonics features
• Online help system with supported CPU
• Edit Tool Box contains icons and hot key • Print multiple columns instruction list
equivalents for all elements • Use zoom to enlarge or reduce print size • DSLaunch as a central manager for all
• Browsers help you find proper addresses, • Preview the printouts before you send projects, links, and applications
contacts, coils, and box instructions. them to the printer • Automatically build and store communica-
• Neat Win98/NT/2000/XP features (tear-off • Create custom printouts by selecting exact tion links to the PLC, even using modems
toolbars, ToolTips, long filenames, items to include for each view or Ethernet
common file browsers)
• Print program documentation, including • Visible indication of PLC communication
• Project Information data with each project nicknames, descriptions, rung comments, link status
including creation and save dates, links,
etc. • Status mode provides visible power flow
PLC type, project description and version,
and company/department/programmer. • Print program Cross Reference or Element condition for program elements, current
Usage Table values for timers and counters, and
• On-screen Cross Reference current values for V-memory or Data
• Print PLC V-memory or Data Register locations. Even status for Drum
• On-screen Element Usage in groups of 8, Register contents
10, or 16 points per line steps, outputs, event and/or time
transitions, etc.
• Predefined aliases for common items,
such as timer and counter current values. Display and viewing • Custom configure Data View windows to
• Enter your program with nicknames and features monitor various elements
• Display nicknames in Data View
assign them to address later • View program ladders
• Access V-memory (Data Registers) with • View program mnemonics • Save and store Data View windows by
fill-in-the-blank Memory Editor name
• Stage view available for programs created
• Easily cut and paste program elements, with RLLPLUS instruction • Choose data format for Data View Window
single rungs, or groups of rungs. display (BCD, binary, Hexadecimal, etc.)
• Choose rung number or addresses for
• Cut and paste rungs (with documentation) ladder view • Choose status symbol (switch, text, etc.) for
between programs discrete points in Data View windows
• View multiple programs at the same time
• Search for program elements by name, • Change PLC values from Data
• Use split screen to view different sections View windows
address, rung number, or instruction type of the same program
• Search for constants • View multiple PLCs simultaneously (not
• Use zoom to enlarge or reduce the screen available with OEM packages)
area for better viewing
Documentation • Customize display colors for editing,
unsaved changes, documentation, etc. Maintenance and
features debugging
• Import/export program mnemonics and
rung comments to a single CVS file that
does not have to be in DirectSoft32
System setup • Automatic error checking during program
format features • Program syntax check
• Set up PID loops with easy-to-use dialog
• Export (nickname, type, PLC address) to boxes • Monitor PLC scan time
EZText/Touch in CVS format
• Configure DV-1000 • Perform PLC I/O diagnostics
• Grid-based documentation editor for
easy access • Change PLC mode of operation • View PLC errors and/or user error
• 16-character nicknames for • Clear PLC memory by type or all
addresses make troubleshooting and • Select or change retentive memory ranges
programming easier
• Read PLC I/O configuration
• 16-character wiring information allows
you to tie PLC addresses to panel wiring • Change I/O configuration (if allowed by
numbers the PLC)
• 6-line x 18-character address description • Set PLC communication parameters
provides more detailed information about through PC ports, modems, or Ethernet
the program element • View PLC firmware revisions
• Rung comments can be up to 20 lines of 69
characters each
• Cut, copy, and paste documentation
between program elements
• Free-form program title page can be
selected at time of printing
• Import/Export feature for documents
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DirectSOFT32 PLC Programming Software
8–8 Software
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DirectSOFT32 PLC Programming Software
shown above. Most laptops can be ordered with a serial port as an option, which will allow a direct connection to
our DirectLOGIC PLCs. If your laptop has a USB port, consider using our USB to serial adapter, USB-RS232 (min-
imum of DS3.0, build 80 required for support of USB & Windows XP). If your laptop has an Ethernet port and
you are considering a DL205 or DL405 PLC, consider using the H*-ECOM Ethernet Communications Module to
connect your PC to the PLC. (The D2-230 does not support the ECOM).
Monitors: Any size monitor will work, however, larger monitors enhance the features of DirectSOFT32. Also, we
strongly recommend a color monitor. DirectSOFT32 makes use of color to note certain conditions, such as
program editing changes, error conditions, etc.
DL205 CPUs
One built-in port D2-230; fixed baud = 9.6K
DL105 CPUs Two built-in ports D2-240; max. baud = 19.2K
One built-in port
Two built-in ports D2-250(-1)/260 max. baud = 38.4K
Fixed baud = 9.6K
DL405 CPUs
DL305 CPUs Two built-in ports D4-430/440; max. baud = 19.2K
D3-330 requires D3-232-DCU; fixed baud = 9.6K
Four built-in ports D4-450; max. baud = 38.4K
Two built-in ports D3-340/350; max. baud = 38.4K
Or use an ECOM module in the DL205 (except D2-230) or DL405
local base to program over a high-speed Ethernet link.
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DirectSOFT32 PLC Programming Software
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DirectSOFT32 PLC Programming Software
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DirectSOFT32 PLC Programming Software
Click to start
The Launch Window
The Launch Window is a centralized location to view not only
all of your DirectSOFT32 applications and projects, but also
Utilities, such as any additional applications such as HMI software, DSData
DSData Server Server, utilities, etc. This window is also used to create and
manage PLC programs and the communications between your
PC and the PLC.
Documents — (Projects
most recently used Installed support
listed first)
8–12 Software
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DirectSOFT32 PLC Programming Software
License package programs all machines for field work as long as their
support. It is recommended that PC-PGMSW be purchased instead.
DirectLOGIC families of PLCs (and permanent residence remains at the Package contents
many compatible PLCs). licensed site. It is perfectly acceptable to The OEM License package one produc-
allow your engineers or technicians to tion CD with the OEM password utility
Package contents
take computers to job sites or remote and five complete sets of user documen-
The Site License package contains one office for occasional use. tation. The OEM is responsible for
CD and one set of documentation. You producing diskettes for the end users.
can use this CD to install the software on Upgrades
the maximum number of PCs included Maintenance releases are provided at no Extra copies
in the site license. You can make copies of cost by ordering them or downloading Once you have purchased the license,
the documentation, or you can purchase them from the Web. The maintenance you can purchase extra copies at a
additional copies. releases provide bug fixes, corrections, discount. Extra copies can be tailored to
and any minor enhancements. Any the exact product you are using.
Number of users
release that contains major feature
Each package is designed for a specific enhancements or significant new PLC Password protection
number of concurrent users. The license support will be subject to the normal With the password utility in the OEM
defines a ‘user’ as someone who uses the upgrade charge in effect at that time. For packages, you can add your own pass-
software more than 20% of their normal example, if you purchased a five-user word to each package that you send out.
working hours. This means that even license and later you see an advertisement You can even completely restrict program
though you purchase a five-user license, that shows some exciting new features, editing capacity if necessary.
you are actually allowed to have many rather than purchasing a new Site IMPORTANT! The OEM versions always allow the customer to at least view
other people who occasionally use the License, you would simply purchase five
the program. The passwords only affect the ability to edit the program.
These OEM packages are not a substitute for a CPU password, which is
software. This is especially useful for upgrade packages.
designed to minimize the risk of loss for proprietary program information.