Samp 3
Samp 3
Samp 3
(1) Compute the Laplace transform of f (t) = t e3t u(t − 2) from its definition.
(2) Consider the following MATLAB commands.
>> syms t y(t) s Y
>> f = heaviside(t)*tˆ2 + heaviside(t − 3)*(3*t − tˆ2);
>> diffeqn = diff(y, 2) − 6*diff(y, 1) + 10*y(t) == f;
>> eqntrans = laplace(diffeqn, t, s);
>> algeqn = subs(eqntrans, ...
[laplace(y(t), t, s), y(0), subs(diff(y(t), t), t, 0)], [Y, 2, 3]);
>> ytrans = simplify(solve(algeqn, Y));
>> y = ilaplace(ytrans, s, t)
(a) Give the initial-value problem for y(t) that is being solved.
(b) Find the Laplace transform Y (s) of the solution y(t).
DO NOT take the inverse Laplace transform of Y (s) to find y(t), just solve for Y (s)!
You may refer to the table on the last page.
(3) Find Y (s) = L[y](s) where y(t) solves the initial-value problem
y 00 + 4y 0 + 13y = f (t) , y(0) = 4 , y 0 (0) = 1 ,
where (
cos(t) for 0 ≤ t < 2π ,
f (t) =
t − 2π for t ≥ 2π .
DO NOT take the inverse Laplace transform of Y (s) to find y(t), just solve for Y (s)!
You may refer to the table on the last page.
(4) Find X(s) = L[x](s) where x(t) solves the initial-value problem
x00 + 4x = δ(t − 3) , x(0) = 5 , x0 (0) = 0 .
DO NOT take the inverse Laplace transform of X(s) to find x(t), just solve for X(s)!
You may refer to the table on the last page.
(5) Find the inverse Laplace transforms of the following functions.
(a) F (s) = ,
(s + 5)2
(b) F (s) = 2 ,
s −s−6
(s − 2)e−3s
(c) F (s) = 2 .
s − 4s + 5
You may refer to the table on the last page.
(6) For each of the following differential operators compute its Green function g(t) and
its natural fundamental set for t = 0.
(a) L = D4 + 8D2 − 9 ,
(b) L = (D − 2)3 .
You may refer to the table on the last page.
(7) Recast the equation u000 + t2 u0 − 3u = sinh(2t) as a first-order system of ordinary
differential equations.
(8) Two interconnected tanks are filled with brine (salt water). At t = 0 the first tank
contains 45 liters and the second contains 30 liters. Brine with a salt concentration
of 5 grams per liter flows into the first tank at 6 liters per hour. Well-stirred brine
flows from the first tank into the second at 8 liters per hour, from the second into
the first at 7 liters per hour, from the first into a drain at 4 liter per hour, and from
the second into a drain at 3 liters per hour. At t = 0 there are 27 grams of salt in
the first tank and 18 grams in the second.
(a) Give an initial-value problem that governs the amount of salt in each tank as a
function of time.
(b) Give the interval of definition for the solution of this initial-value problem.
(9) Consider the matrices
−i2 1 + i 7 6
A= , B= .
2 + i −4 8 7
Compute the matrices
(a) AT ,
(b) A ,
(c) AH ,
(d) 5A − B ,
(e) AB ,
(f) B−1 .
4 2
t +3 t
(10) Consider the vector-valued functions x1 (t) = 2 , x2 (t) = .
2t 3
(a) Compute the Wronskian Wr[x1 , x2 ](t).
(b) Find A(t) such that x1 , x2 is a fundamental set of solutions to the system
x0 = A(t)x ,
wherever Wr[x1 , x2 ](t) 6= 0.
(c) Give a fundamental matrix Ψ(t) for the system found in part (b).
(d) For the system found in part (b), solve the initial-value problem
0 1
x = A(t)x , x(1) = .
(e) For the A(t) found in part (b), give the Green matrix for the system
x0 = A(t)x + f (t) .
(12) Give the Green matrix for the system x0 = Ax + f (t) when
1 4
(a) A =
1 1
6 4
(b) A =
−1 2
L[tn eat ](s) = for s > a .
(s − a)n+1
L[eat cos(bt)](s) = for s > a .
(s − a)2 + b2
L[eat sin(bt)](s) = for s > a .
(s − a)2 + b2
L[j 0 (t)](s) = sJ(s) − j(0) where J(s) = L[j(t)](s) .
L[tn j(t)](s) = (−1)n J (n) (s) where J(s) = L[j(t)](s) .
L[eat j(t)](s) = J(s − a) where J(s) = L[j(t)](s) .
L[u(t − c)j(t − c)](s) = e−cs J(s) where J(s) = L[j(t)](s), c ≥ 0,
and u is the unit step function.
L[δ(t − c)j(t)](s) = e−cs j(c) where c ≥ 0 and δ is the unit impulse.