Self Dec

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NC-TV Declaration format Ver.


Format fcr Declaratlon

(To be submitted by persons desirous of New LPG Connection or connection against rermination Voucher)


Llnc{ nl(Ogr &ltt)
n/' ughter, of
etr u M- .years, resident

deslre to take domestic LpG

connection in my name and affirm as under:

L' That I am an lndian citizen/Non Resident indian /staff of Foreign nationaiity

serving in inciia/ Foreign nationai
residing in lndia under valid visa / person returning to lndia on transfer
of residence basis/ plo
*Tiek whiehever
is applieable= ladiun citizens are eligible subsidized LpG.far
2. That my date of birth is connection cannot be orovided to a person under 1g vears of age)
3. That neither l, nor any h r member of the household (househord means a family consisting of husband,
rvife, unmarried ch!lCren a nd dependent pa!'ents livlng together in a du;elling unit having common kitchen),
possess any LPG connect! on from PSU oi! companies or piped Natural Gas connection foi. domestic
use in our
dwelling unit. ('Households' having Piped Natural Gas connection ore not
entitled for Subsidized LpG)
4. @That t am enclosing a copy of Ration card nunber{2jTZD\ -y'L, includir-rg my
Qr 969ga
@That I do not have Ration card in my name of in the nrr" oi.ny member of my ,household,
as defined
abo're' '4s and when a ration card is issued in lrly nafile sr in the name
cf any of the members af the
'household', the same shal! be produced to oil company LpG distributor-
for updating records.
@Delete, whichever is not applicable
5' That I am encicsing the KYC form duly filled in along with the proof cf Address
ipoA.i and prcof cf ldentity(pol)
6' I confirm that the LPG connection issued to me rryill be used
in my above mentioned address and for domestic
cooking purpose only and I shall abide by all terms governing its use.
7. That I shali not position any other Lp gas installations in the same kitcher.r
8' That as and when second eylinder is issued to me against this eonnection
the same will alss be used in the
same kitcherl and with the original installation.
9' That whene'rer I change rny r-esidence fronr present address to another,
I will infornr M/s.
{Name of Distributors/RGGlv) in writtng in advance for change of
address in the records
10' That I em a\,'-'are that the domestic subsidized LFG connecticn as shall be r"eleased by M/s. lndia* cil
Corporation (!OCL) Bharat petr.oleum Corporation (BPCL) I Hindustan pptroleum Co!.po!.ation (HpCL)
/ on the
basis of this declaration and information submitted by me in the Know your
customer (Kyc) form, proof of
Address and Proof of ldentity, shall later be subjected to ce-duplicaticn
check for existence of any cther
domestic subsidlzed LpG connection with anrT govt. Oil Company, in my name
or in the name of any other
member of my'household' as at para .3, above.
i1' That if any infori'aation ./ declaration given by me in this undertaking, the ,.1$C, form or any docun:ent
submitted in suppot't of identity / r"esidence proof shall be found untrue
or ineorrect or false, the oil company
would be within its rights to withdraw the supply of Gas/Terminate the connectionl
seize the equipments /
forfeit the secur"ity deposit and that I would have no clairn whatsoe'.,er against
locl/ BpcL/ HpCL for such
withdrawal/ Ter.mination ,/ Seizure / Forfeitur.e.

I hereby declare that whatever has been stated above of my knowledge, correct and nothing
nlatei'ia! has been concealed there frorn

Date: > C)6 lo LLl Sign e Declaration

P!ace Nam D\ Cc*t\ ,ltt<

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