MQP 12 Bio 05 10 2024
MQP 12 Bio 05 10 2024
MQP 12 Bio 05 10 2024
Class 12th
Biology (2024-25)
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 60
General Instructions:-
3. hCG, hPL and relaxin are produced in women. The production of these hormones takes place
(a) at the time of puberty (b) Only during pregnancy
(c) during menstruation (d) at the time of menopause (1)
4.For a long time, it was believed that life came out of decaying and rotting matter like straw,
mud, etc. This was the theory of
(a) catastrophism (b) spontaneous generation
(C) panspermia (d) chemogeny (1)
5.If a plant species has 12 chromosomes (2n=12), how many chromosomes will a pollen grain
(a) 6 (b)12 (c) 18 (d) 3
6. If a red-flowered plant (RR) is crossed with a white-flowered plant (WW) under incomplete
dominance, what will be the phenotype of the offspring (RW)?
A) Red B) White C) Pink D) Red and white spotted (1)
7. The lac operon is an example of:
(a) Positive gene regulation (b) Repressible from Negative
(c) Constitutive gene expression (d) Inducible gene expression ( 1)
8. From a Sewage treatment plant, three water Samples, the A, B and C are tested for BOD Value
and the recorded values of BOD are 6mg/L, 400mg/L and 20 mg/L respectively. What is correct
about these samples ?.
a) Sample A is taken from Untreated sewage
b) Sample B belong to secondary effluent of sewage
c) Sample C is taken from Primary effluent -
d) Sample B is collected from untreated sewage (1)
9. Which of the following enzymes is responsible for the unwinding of DNA?
(a) DNA polymerase (b) DNA ligase
(c) DNA helicase (d) RNA polymerase (1)
10. The diagram shows a pyramid of biomass.
A sharp decrease is seen in biomass at higher trophic levels in the grassland ecosystem. Choose
the correct option for the levels of the ecosystem.
a Carnivor Herbivore
b Producers Herbivore
c Herbivore
d Producers Carnivor
Question Nos. 11 & 12 consist of two statements- Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these
questions selecting the appropriate option given below
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of assertion
(b)Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
(c)Assertion is false, but Reason is false
(d) Assertion is false, but Reason is true
11. Assertion (a) : AUG acts as a start codon for the nucleotide sequence.
Reason (B) : AUG codes for methionine and starts the process. (1)
12. Assertion (A) keystones species are not relevant to biodiversity conservation.
Reason (R) keystone species have a significant impact on community structure and
characteristics. (1)
(i) Name these methods of contraceptive measures. Also mention which one of these is better
suited for prevention against an STD.
(ii) How are these methods better than the natural methods of contraception? (2)
15. The following diagram exhibits the feeding relationship between different animals in a forest.
Interpret the given diagram and identify the animals that may be present at stages I-IV.
Also explain, why is the first trophic level always occupied by a plant. (2)
16. The figure given below indicates the uncontrolled growth of cells which results in tumour.
These can be either benign (stay in fix spot) or malignant (can move to other parts of the body)
and can cause cancer.
17. Given below are the modifications in the wings of different organisms.
(i) What conclusion can you derive with respect to these organisms?
(ii) How is the study of comparative morphology and anatomy helpful in evolutionary studies? (2)
In a typical nucleus, some regions of chromatin are stained light and others dark. Explain why is it
so and what its significance is? (2)
18. What is the role of the selectable marker gene in the pBR322 plasmid, and how does it
facilitate the identification of recombinant colonies?
19.Biodiversity must be conserved as it plays an important role in many ecosystem services that
nature provides. Explain any two services of the ecosystem. (2)
20. The figure given below is related to the control of pregnancy. Study the figure and answer the
questions that follow.
1. Identify the mRNA sequence that would be synthesised from the given DNA template
2. Explain the role of the promoter region in the initiation of transcription
3. List two key modifications that occur to the primary RNA transcript in eukaryotic cells to
form mature mRNA.
24 Pollination is the transfer of pollen grain from male reproductive part to the female
reproductive part. This later enables fertilisation and production of seeds. This process of
pollination is mainly facilitated by pollinating agents such as air, water, animals, etc. But if the
flowers are closed or prefer self pollination then plant’s itself become the pollinating agents.
Based on the type of pollinators pollen grains have developed different feature.
(i) Write the characteristic features of anther, pollen and stigma of wind pollinated flowers.
(ii) How do flowers reward their insect pollinator? Explain.
A couple married for 11 years did not have a child. They consulted the doctor which advised them
some test. In result of these test it was found that the sperm count of male partner is very less.
The doctor suggested them to opt for ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology).
(i) According to you which ART will be beneficial for this couple and why?
(ii) If the women was unable to produce ovum and male was healthy then which method of ART
should they used?
(iii) Does the process of ART can be facilitated for couples whose either of partner is suffering from
AIDS. (3)
25 DNA molecule contains 20% adenine. Using Chargaff's rules, calculate the percentage of the
other three nucleotides: thymine, cytosine, and guanine. (3)
26.A population of a certain species of butterflies has a gene with two alleles: a dominant allele (A)
and a recessive allele (a). In a recent survey, it was found that 16% of the butterfly population
exhibited the recessive phenotype. Assuming that the population is large, mating is random, and
there are no evolutionary forces acting on the population, use the Hardy-Weinberg principle to
calculate the frequency of the dominant allele (A) and the recessive allele (a) in the population.(3)
27. A forest ecosystem is observed where fallen leaves from various trees have accumulated on
the forest floor. Over time, the leaves start to decompose, and the nutrient-rich humus forms in
the soil. Explain the role of decomposers in this process and discuss how the decomposition of leaf
litter contributes to the nutrient cycling and overall health of the forest ecosystem. (3)
28. A man with haemophilia marries a normal woman. What is the probability that their
daughters will be carriers of haemophilia?
29. Observe the schematic representation of orgenesis given below.
(i) Explain and illustrate the phases in oogenesis.
(ii) After the formation of a secondary oocyte, if sperm does not fertilise the egg, what will happen
then? Explain.
Study the diagrammatic presentation of various events during a menstrual cycle given below and
answer the questions that follow.
(i) The released ovum present n Fallopian tube gets fertilised with sperm, how will it affect the
menstrual cycle?
(ii) LH released by the pituitary gland becomes abnormally low at day 14 due to unknown reasons.
Explain its impact on ovulation stating the reasons.
(iii) If progesterone is absent or low in level, will menstruation occur? Justify your answer.
30. Bt cotton is a genetically modified variety of cotton that has been engineered to produce a
protein from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) which is toxic to certain pests, particularly
the cotton bollworm. This modification aims to reduce the need for chemical pesticides and
increase crop yields.
In a recent field study, farmers using Bt cotton reported a significant reduction in pest damage and
an increase in yield compared to traditional cotton crops. However, there are concerns about the
potential development of Bt-resistant pests and the impact of Bt cotton on non-target organisms
and biodiversity.
1. Describe the genetic modification process used to produce Bt cotton. (2 marks)
2. Explain two benefits and two potential concerns associated with the use of Bt cotton.
(3 marks)
( 1)
( 1)
(3 marks)
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