Cellular Physiology
Cellular Physiology
Cellular Physiology
Cellular Physiology
Physiol-10A16 Describe the processes whereby substances may cross cell membranes, giving
1. The cell membrane is a phospholipid bilayer which separates the ICF and ECF. It is selectively
permeable and transport across the cell membrane is necessary for cellular communication.
Physiol-06A12 Classify and describe the main cellular and molecular mechanisms by which chemical
neurotransmitters exert their effects. Use examples from cholinergic and adrenergic
neurotransmission to illustrate the answer.
2. Mechanism of release:
a. Neurotransmitters are stored in presynaptic vesicles in the presynaptic nerve terminal
b. An AP (electrical stimulus) causes the release of Ca2+ which triggers exocytosis of the
vesicle and release of NT into the synaptic cleft.
c. The neurotransmitter diffuses across the membrane.
M3 Gq coupled ACh binds GPCR ↑PLC ↑DAG/IP3 GI smooth muscle
↓K conductance depolarisation contraction and
α1 Gq coupled Adrenaline binds GPCR ↑PLC Smooth muscle vessels
↑DAG/IP3 ↑Ca conductance vasoconstriction
α2 Gi coupled Adrenaline binds GPCR ↓adenylyl Presynaptic nerve endings ↓
cyclase ↓cAMP ↓Ca conductance further release of NA (feedback
β1 GS coupled Adrenaline binds GPCR ↑adenylyl Cardiac conduction system
cyclase ↑cAMP ↑Na, Ca ↑heart rate, contractility
β2 GS coupled conductance (by phosphorylation of Pancreatic cells ↑insulin release
β3 GS coupled sarcoplasmic reticulum channel by Adipose cells ↑HSL activity
protein kinase A). (lipolysis)
Dr Matthew Ho
1. G protein: a multi-unit membrane bound protein which exchanges GDP for GTP in order to bring
about a change in cellular function. It is an important mechanism of drug action whereby an
extracellular ligand can produce an amplified and/or regulated intracellular effect.
2. Structure:
3. Mechanism:
a. Binding of extracellular ligand to the G protein receptor site
b. Binding activates the G-protein and triggers a conformational change:
i. The GDP hydrolysed GTP and the α-GTP complex detaches
c. The α-GTP complex traverses the membrane to interact with the effector enzyme:
i. Increases or decrease production of second messenger
ii. The second messengers then change cell function via acting on other proteins,
enzymes or ion channels.
4. Specific properties
a. Amplification:
i. The ratio of G protein: GPCR = 100:1. Each G protein can catalyse multiple
effector enzymes. Thus extracellular binding of GPCR can be amplified by G
proteins to increase intracellular effect.
b. Regulation:
i. Inactivation occurs by intrinsic GTP-ase activity of α-subunit which reconverts
GTP GDP, and recombines with βγ subunits.
ii. Second messenger levels are regulated by other enzymes which reform its
substrate. E.g. phosphodiesterase converts cAMP ATP
iii. Binding of agonist can cause phosphorylation of the carboxyl terminal causes
binding of β-arrestin which signals removal of the G protein from the cell
membrane. This is an important mechanism of down regulation / tachyphylaxis.
Physiol-01B5/97A1/93A2 Describe the structure and function of voltage gated ion channels. How are
they investigated? Describe one commonly interfered with in Anaesthesia.
1. Ion channels are proteins that traverse the lipid bilayer cell membrane, which contain a
hydrophobic core to allow the diffusion of ions down their concentration gradient across the
2. Types
a. Non-gated: porins and gap junctions
b. Gated:
i. Voltage gated – Na, K, Ca
ii. Ligand gated – Nicotinic ACh, GABA
iii. G-protein coupled – adrenoreceptors, muscurinic receptors
iv. Stress gated
3. Voltage sensitive ion channels are transmembrane ion channels which control the passive
diffusion of ions down the concentration gradient across cell membranes, through their
response to changes in membrane potential. The most important voltage gated channels are the
a. Na, K in nerve and muscle membrane
b. Ca channels in presynaptic nerve endings
4. Structure:
a. Multiple subunits –most channels consist of 4 subunits. Each subunit consists of 6
homologous membrane spanning α-helices. These subunits are responsible for various
properties including ion selectivity, sensor for voltage, and conformation change to
open/close the channel.
b. 4th α-helix is the most important functional component. It has positive charged amino
acid chain and contains the voltage sensor which changes position depending in the
potential – ‘gating’.
c. Central pore – the pore is an opening enclosed by the subunits. It is selective to
particular ions by virtue of the transmembrane helices which surround it.
d. States of the ion channel:
i. Open – ion flows across membrane
ii. Closed – no ion flow. Concentration gradient maintained.
iii. Inactive – state of closure where the channel cannot be open again. This
accounts for the refractory period.
Physiol-98B7 Briefly describe structure of mitochondria. Outline the metabolic processes that occur in
mitochondria 64%
1. Mitochondria are energy producing organelles within all cells over the body (except mature
RBCs). They are necessary for the production of ATP and the number of mitochondria in each
cell is proportionate to the metabolic activity.
2. Structure: rod shaped structure which lies within the cytoplasm, with an outer and inner
a. Inner membrane: multiple folds (cristae) which make up the matrix. This contains large
quantities of enzymes important in energy cycles (Krebs, oxidative phosphorylation).
b. Outer membrane: contains enzymes important in providing substrates for the inner
mitochondrial energy cycles. E.g. MAO.
c. Intracristal space: the space outside the inner membrane which contains high
concentrations of H+ for oxidative phosphorylation.
d. DNA: the mitochondria has the ability to synthesise its own mRNA and proteins. Hence it
can replicate its own DNA and divide according to energy needs of the cell.
Mitochondrial DNA is derived exclusively from the maternal ovum during fertilisation.
3. Metabolic processes: producing ATP by aerobic metabolism from fuel sources of carbohydrates,
fats and proteins through the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.
a. Breakdown of fuels – the 3 basic fuels are broken down into a common product
Acetyl CoA
i. Carbohydrate: glucose converted into pyruvate (in cytoplasm), where is enters
the mitochondrial matrix to be oxidised to acetyl CoA.
ii. Lipids: β-oxidation in the cytoplasm strips 2 carbons off the fatty acid acetyl
iii. Proteins: amino acids undergo glucogenic transamination pyruvate which
diffuses into the matrix to become oxidised to Acetyl CoA.
b. Krebs cycle
i. Occurs in the mitochondrial matrix
ii. Acetyl CoA enters the cycle and generates CO2 + H atoms with electrons which
are carried by the reduction of intermediaries NAD NADH, FADH FADH2.
c. Oxidative phosphorylation – using the electrons from H-atoms to generate a driving
gradient for ATP synthesis.
i. NADH and FADH2 travel to the inner membrane and release H
ii. The membrane contains the electron transport chain – a series of enzymes
which catalyse oxidation of NADH, FADH.
iii. Splitting H H+ + e-
iv. 4e- + 4H+ + O2 2H2O (ETC enzymes)
v. Energy released by electron transport is used to pump H+ from matrix
intracristal space (sets up concentration gradient).
vi. Energy released by flow of H+ down gradient through ATP synthetase which
catalyses ADP ATP. 3 ATP molecules for every 2e- transported.
Dr Matthew Ho
1. The endoplasmic reticulum is a group of organelles within the cell’s cytosol which have a lipid
bilayer membrane and are important in the synthesis of enzymes and lipids necessary for cell
2. It consists of 3 parts:
a. Rough endoplasmic reticulum: contains ribosomes on the membrane surface for protein
synthesis. mRNA (produced from DNA transcription) undergoes translation at ribosomal
binding sites. tRNA brings amino acids to incorporate on to the polypeptide chain.
Products are released into the Golgi apparatus for further processing.
b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum: devoid of ribosomes, this contains enzymes responsible
for gluconeogenesis, lipid synthesis and functionalisation (phase I reactions).
c. Sarcoplasmic reticulum: a special type of smooth ER which acts as a calcium store in
cardiac and smooth muscle myocytes.