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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

6, Issue 03, 2018 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Roti Making Machine

Nai Vagesh Ramanbhai1 Patel Divyesh Umedbhai2 Patel Fenil Jayeshbhai3
Patel Gaurang Vinayakbhai4 Patel Hiten Navinbhai5
Gujarat Technological University
Abstract— Portable & manually operated chapatti press cum Pressed chapatti repeatability results indicated that
vermicelli extruder device was designed and fabricated for there was no significant difference in diameters of the
the preparation of chapatti and vermicelli. Sensory evaluation samples. Appearance quality characteristics scores of 8 and 7
overall quality scores of 50.15 and 48.4 for pressed chapatti for 2 mm and 3 mm diameter vermicelli respectively
and rolled chapattis respectively showed that quality of indicated smooth and uniform surface characteristics.
chapatti was not adversely affected as a result of mechanical Sensory evaluation of the cooked vermicelli indicated no
pressing. The difference in chapatti making time by manual significant difference between 2 mm and 3 mm diameter
rolling and machine pressing was 17 s per chapatti and was vermicelli. Cooked weight and water absorption of 2 mm
statistically significant. Combined machine produced more diameter vermicelli was more compared to 3 mm diameter
numbers of chapatti as machine press time per chapatti was vermicelli. This machine can also be used as a laboratory
12 S compared to 29 s of manual sheeting time. The observed model as products of consistent thickness and diameter were
variation in 1.5 mm thickness and 173.8 mm diameter from obtained.
chapatti to chapatti was of the order of ±0.1 mm and 1.93 mm Vetrimani et al. 2005. Changing lifestyles and
respectively. greater awareness about health have made vermicelli very
Key words: Roti Maker, Chapatti popular and considered as an item of mass consumption.
Saurrav Kumar et al. 2009, Ghufran Saeed et al. 2009 have
I. INTRODUCTION studied rheological properties of wheat flour and dough.
Wheat is the basic raw material for the preparation of Seema midha and Renu mogra 2007 have studied quality
chapatti, bread, biscuit and pasta etc. Chapatti, a baked evaluation of vermicelli. Several studies have been reported
product prepared from whole wheat flour is the staple food of on the technological aspects of chapatti and vermicelli
a majority of the population in many regions of the India processing, but very little information is available on
subcontinent, Venkate-swara Rao 1986. mechanization of processing. Commercially available
It is prepared by mixing whole wheat flour and water machines produce either chapattis or vermicelli but none in
as described by Shurpalekar and Prabhavathi 1976, followed combination.
by sheeting the dough to about 1.5 mm thickness and cutting
it into 150 mm diameter discs. The discs are baked on a hot II. WORKING
plate at 200–210°C for 1–2 min and puffed over a live flame
or coal fire for few seconds. Chapattis are generally prepared
manually and served hot Sridhar and Manohar 2001.
Increasing demand for ready to eat and easy to carry foods
vested in mechanizing chapatti for marketing in unit packs.
Flattening and sheeting of the dough is one of the most crucial
steps in flat bread production and small variations in
thickness changes bread quality significantly Rubenthaler
and Faridi 1981. Flattening of dough is done by pressing /
rolling or sheeting methods. In sheeting method, dough
pieces or extruded dough is repeatedly passed under pressing
rollers to form flat dough of required thickness Dough pieces
are first rolled into flat oval shapes and then turned over for
second rolling, which forms the oval shapes into round discs
of desired thickness. In sheeting and die cut method, sheeted
dough of desired thickness is passed under a rotary die and
cut to get desired shapes. In pressing stamping method dough
pieces are transferred to flat pans and hydraulic ram descends
on the dough pieces and presses the dough Qarooni 1996. Fig. 1: Schematic Block Diagram
Stickiness of the dough, non-uniformity in the thickness and First of all, Attach S.M.P.S with machine, Machine is turned
quality are some of the drawbacks of few commercial on. After the machine is turned on, Waffle flour goes into the
machines, which can be avoided by mechanical extrusion roller and then it rolls into roller rolls. Then it was rotated by
Sridhar 1991. Vermicelli, spaghetti and noodles, known as a Motor at exactly the speed.
pasta products, have become major products of the cereal Then it is attached to a cutting plate with a gear.
food industry. Pasta products are popular on account of their Then she waffles cut and then the waffles are adjusted. Then
sensory appeal, low cost, ease of preparation, storage stability waffle comes out of the roller on the plate. The blade is placed
and increased consumer interest in ethnic foods Prabhasankar between the roti and the roller to release it. And roti out in a
et al. 2007. Vermicelli is made using refined wheat flour or circular shape. Then it is extracted out.
semolina milled out of durum wheat varieties.

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Roti Making Machine
(IJSRD/Vol. 6/Issue 03/2018/446)

A. Assembly E. Cutting Blade

Fig. 6:
F. Gear

Fig. 2:
B. Body Frame

Fig. 3:
C. Roller

Fig. 7:
G. Motor

Fig. 4:
D. Bearing

Fig. 8:

 Use to Hotel and Home.
 Quick and easy to make chapatti.
Fig. 5:  Suitable for large scale production.
 Reduce the man power.
 Compact design and thus easily fit in the kitchen.

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Roti Making Machine
(IJSRD/Vol. 6/Issue 03/2018/446)


 We use a wire between two rollers for getting proper
 For removing extra layer of dough or chapattis we use
removing plate which placed at side of machine.
 We use of oil to the roller for non-sticky chapattis
coming out from the machine.
 For proper cutting of the chapatti we reshape the edge of
cutting blade.
 Rotary cutter gives the chapatti a circular shape.
 Robust construction, minimum vibration.
 Save time, energy & money.
 No pollution.
 Suitable for large quantities requirement, chapattis.
 If we can use variable speed controller then we can easily
increase or decreasing the speed.


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