IEEE Standard For Pad-Mounted Equipment-Enclosure Integrity: IEEE Power and Energy Society
IEEE Standard For Pad-Mounted Equipment-Enclosure Integrity: IEEE Power and Energy Society
IEEE Standard For Pad-Mounted Equipment-Enclosure Integrity: IEEE Power and Energy Society
Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
Sponsored by the
Transformers Committee
and the
Switchgear Committee
3 Park Avenue IEEE Std C57.12.28™-2014
New York, NY 10016-5997 (Revision of
USA IEEE Std C57.12.28-2005)
Authorized licensed use limited to: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Downloaded on August 17,2015 at 23:20:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Downloaded on August 17,2015 at 23:20:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std C57.12.28™-2014
(Revision of
IEEE Std C57.12.28-2005)
Transformers Committee
and the
Switchgear Committee
of the
IEEE Power and Energy Society
Authorized licensed use limited to: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Downloaded on August 17,2015 at 23:20:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Abstract: Conformance tests and requirements for the integrity of above grade pad-mounted
enclosures that contain apparatus energized in excess of 600 volts and that may be exposed to
the public including, but not limited to, the following types of equipment enclosures: pad-mounted
capacitors or inductors, pad-mounted distribution transformers, pad-mounted junction enclosures,
pad-mounted metering equipment, pad-mounted switchgear, and pad-mounted voltage regulators
are covered.
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At the time this IEEE standard was completed, the Enclosure Integrity Working Group had the following
The Enclosure Integrity Working Group gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following
additional participants in the revision:
The following members of the individual/entity balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may
have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
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Stephen Shull John Sullivan Donnie Trivitt
Charles Simmons James Swank John Vergis
James Smith Michael Swearingen Jane Verner
Jerry Smith David Tepen William Walter
Steve Snyder Giuseppe Termini Shelby Walters
Ronald Stahara Alan Traut Alan Wilks
Gary Stoedter William Wimmer
When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 16 May 2014, it had the following
*Member Emeritus
Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:
Michelle Turner
IEEE-SA Content Publishing
Erin Spiewak
IEEE-SA Standards Technical Community
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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014, IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure
The IEEE Standards Committee on Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors, IEEE C57™, formerly
developed and correlated standards on these products, together with the IEEE Standards Committee on
Power Switchgear, IEEE C37™. The data used in this work have been gathered from many sources,
including the standards of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association, reports of committees of the Edison Electric Institute, and others.
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producer, provided such changes do not violate existing laws and are considered technically adequate for
the function intended.
This standard was originally prepared by the Joint IEEE C57/IEEE C37 Working Group on Enclosures
with Joseph Martin and then Robert C. Olen as chairman. This group is now the Enclosure Integrity
Working Group of the IEEE Transformers Committee.
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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 2
3. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 2
6. Labels ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
6.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 14
6.2 Application ........................................................................................................................................ 14
7. General ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
7.1 Shipment ............................................................................................................................................ 15
7.2 Coating repair procedure ................................................................................................................... 15
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IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted
Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
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1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This standard covers conformance tests and requirements for the integrity of above grade pad-mounted
enclosures containing apparatus energized in excess of 600 V that may be exposed to the public including,
but not limited to, the following types of equipment enclosures:
This standard does not cover installations that are under the exclusive control of electric utilities and that
are located in such a manner that access to the equipment is controlled exclusively by the utility.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to describe the requirements for a comprehensive integrity system for pad-
mounted enclosures providing long field life with minimum maintenance and positive safety features.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
ASTM B117, Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus. 1
ASTM D523 Standard Test Method for Specular Gloss.
ASTM D660, Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Checking of Exterior Paint.
ASTM D661, Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Cracking of Exterior Paints.
ASTM D714, Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Blistering of Paints.
ASTM D1654, Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to
Corrosive Environments.
ASTM D2794, Standard Test Method for Resistance or Organic Coatings to the Effects of Rapid
Deformation (Impact).
ASTM D3170, Standard Test Method for Chipping Resistance of Coatings.
ASTM D3359, Standard Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test.
ASTM D3363, Standard Test Method for Film Hardness by Pencil Test.
ASTM D4060, Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by the Taber Abraser.
ASTM D4585, Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Controlled
ASTM D4587, Standard Practice for Fluorescent UV-Condensation Exposures of Paint and Related
SAE J400, Test for Chip Resistance of Surface Coatings. 2
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards
Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 3
above grade: A term referring to an equipment use location above the high water line not intended for
partial or total submersion.
axial force: A force applied along the axis of the pry bar from its handle to its pry tip.
carbon steel: A steel containing only residual quantities of elements other than carbon, except those added
for deoxidation or to counter the deleterious effects of residual sulfur. Silicon is usually limited to about
0.60%, and manganese to about 1.65% by weight. Syn: mild steel, ordinary steel, plain carbon steel,
straight carbon steel.
ASTM standards are available from American Society of Testing Methods, 100 Bar Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428,
SAE publications are available from the Society of Automotive Engineers, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096, USA
IEEE Standards Dictionary Online subscription is available at:
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
conformance tests: Certain performance tests are conducted to demonstrate compliance with the
applicable standards. The test specimen is normally subjected to all planned routine tests prior to initiation
of the conformance test program.
NOTEThe conformance tests may, or may not, be similar to certain design tests. Demonstration of margins
(capabilities) beyond the standard requirements is unnecessary.
design tests: Tests made by the manufacturer to determine the adequacy of the design of a particular type,
or model of equipment or its component parts to meet its assigned ratings and to operate satisfactorily
under normal conditions and under special conditions if specified. These tests are used to demonstrate
compliance with applicable standards of the industry.
NOTEDesign tests, sometimes called type tests, are made on representative apparatus or prototypes to verify the
validity of design analysis and calculation methods and to substantiate the ratings assigned to all other apparatus of
basically the same design. These tests may also be used to evaluate the modification of a previous design and to verify
that performance has not been adversely affected. Test data from previous similar designs may be used for current
designs, where appropriate. Once made, the tests need not be repeated unless the design is changed so as to modify
dry film thickness: Thickness of any applied coating(s) measured after curing.
enclosure security: The completely assembled apparatus will resist unauthorized entry when tested in
accordance with the procedures of this standard
gel coat: The material that provides the inhibition for ultraviolet protection and color to the fiber reinforced
plastic (FRP).
padlock: A locking device specified and supplied by the user that will prevent the disengagement of the
pentahead device (e.g., key or combination lock, one time or twist lock, single use lock or similar device).
prying leverage: A force at right angles to the handle times the distance from this force to the point of
insertion of the pry tip into a joint, crevice, or similar opening in enclosure.
routine tests: Tests made for quality control by the manufacturer on every device or representative
samples, or on parts or materials as required to verify during production that the product meets the design
specifications and applicable standards.
NOTE 1Certain quality assurance tests on identified critical parts of repetitive high-production devices may be tested
on a planned statistical sampling basis.
NOTE 2Routine tests are sometimes called production tests.
Notes in text, tables, and figures are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement the standard.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
4. Enclosure security
In addition to passing the tests defined in this standard, the construction of pad-mounted enclosure shall
comply with the requirements of 4.1.1 through 4.1.9.
The bottom edge of the enclosure shall provide for flush mounting on a flat, rigid mounting surface. 5
The enclosure shall restrict the entry of water (other than flood water) into the enclosure so as not to impair
the operation of the apparatus inside.
Panels shall be fastened or hinged to resist disassembly, breaking, or prying open from the outside with the
doors in the closed and locked position. Normal entry shall be possible only with the use of proper access
tools. There shall be no exposed screws, bolts, or other fastening devices that are externally removable
(with the exception of pentahead bolts provided for extra security) that would provide access to energized
parts in the enclosure.
Locking bolts and associated threaded receptacles, hinges, and hinge pins shall be AISI 6 type 304 stainless
steel or material of equivalent corrosion resistance.
If handhole covers are exposed, they shall be secured from the inside of the enclosure.
The latching device(s) shall be designed and constructed of such a material so as to resist breaking or
bending. The provision for locking device(s) on the enclosure door(s) shall be designed and located as to
comply with the defined tests.
The security of the interface between the mounting surface and the equipment is the responsibility of the installer/user.
AISI Publications are available from the American Iron & Steel Institute, 25 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 800 Washington DC
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
All access doors shall be fastened with a device that uses a pentahead tool to permit unlatching the door
only after the padlock has been removed. This pentahead device or bolt shall be coordinated such that the
padlock cannot be inserted into hasp until the access door is fully latched and the pentahead device is
securely engaged.
Enclosures without latches shall have padlock and pentahead bolt provisions, and shall be coordinated to
prevent insertion of a padlock until the access door is fully closed and the pentahead device or bolt is
securely engaged. The padlock shall be removed before the pentahead bolt can be disengaged.
A minimum of one pentahead device or bolt and padlocking means shall be provided. The pentahead
device or bolt shall be surrounded by a non-rotating guard or shall be recessed such that the pentahead
device or bolt can be engaged only by the proper tool. The dimensions of the pentahead bolt and non-
rotating recess shall comply with Figure 1. The pentahead device or bolt shall not be readily removable
until the padlock has been removed. More than one door may be fastened with a single padlock and
pentahead device or bolt. In the event that the pentahead bolt is missing, the design shall be such that the
cabinet shall remain inaccessible through the bolt hole. The bolt hole shall be blocked from the back and all
sides to prevent wire probe entry.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
The tests for enclosure security shall be conducted with the following equipment or equivalent.
The pry bar shall be constructed with the pry tip shown in Figure 2. The pry bar shall be capable of
accurately indicating the axial force and prying leverage specified in Table 1. Tool
The axial force and prying leverage indication may be obtained from a variety of readily available or
custom made tools. Annex B includes a complete set of detail drawings for one set of such tools. Other pry
bar designs complying with 4.2.1 are acceptable.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity Measurement
The prying leverage applied can be measured indirectly by measuring the deflection of the pry bar. The
indicator is mounted on the pry bar and set to measure the deflection of a certain length of the bar. A
calibration can be made that will result in a table or curve showing prying leverage versus reading of the
A device that has a 12.7 mm × 12.7 mm (0.5 inch × 0.5 inch) square face as shown in Figure 4 with
associated indicator to measure axial force shall be used to perform the deflection test.
Typical device: Iron Man scales No. 1756T4, or equivalent. This information is given for the convenience of users of this standard
and does not constitute an endorsement by the IEEE of this product.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
The probing wire shall be bare number 14 AWG soft-drawn solid copper wire 3 m (10 feet) long.
The following tests are to be performed on the enclosure. The enclosure shall resist the entry of foreign
objects such as sticks, rods or wires.
4.3.1 General
The pad-mounted enclosure shall be mounted on a flat surface according to the manufacturer’s
specification. With the access door(s) closed and locked using a padlock with an 8 mm (5/16 inch) diameter
shackle, the following sequence of tests shall be performed:
a) Pry tests
b) Wire probe tests
c) Pull tests
d) Repeat wire probe tests
e) Deflection tests
f) Operation test
The pry bar shall be used on all joints, crevices, hinges, locking means and other objects that exist between
the enclosure components, including the enclosure/pad interface. The pry bar shall be permitted to be
placed at any angle to the enclosure surface. The tip of the bar shall first be inserted in the opening being
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
tested using the value of axial force specified in Table 1. Then, with that axial force being maintained, the
prying force specified in Table 1 applied alternatively first in one direction and then in the opposite
direction (i.e. once in each direction). Application of either or both axial and prying force shall be
maintained so long as relaxation is occurring. When relaxation ceases, or if no relaxation occurs, the pry
bar shall be removed and pry test reapplied at the same location. When relaxation ceases or no relaxation
occurs after the second test, the pry bar shall be removed and applied at an untested location.
A pulling force shall be applied to the critical points of all enclosure parts that can be engaged by the
pulling hook. A pulling force indicated in Table 1 shall be exerted at any angle to the enclosure surface.
This force is to be maintained during any relaxation. When relaxation ceases, or if no relaxation occurs, the
pull test shall be terminated. The hook shall then be inserted into any other part in which it can engage, and
the test shall be repeated at the new location. All parts that can be engaged by the pull hook shall be tested
Following the pry tests and pull tests described in 4.3.2 and 4.3.3, an attempt to penetrate the enclosure
with the probe wire shall be made. This penetration shall be attempted at all crevices and joints. The wire
shall be straight with no prebends and shall be gripped by the tester with his or her bare hands. If the wire
enters the joint, the wire shall be continually pushed and bent until either it can no longer be pushed or it
has entered the enclosure completely. This test is passed if an inspection determines the probing wire either
has not entered the enclosure, or if visible, the probing wire is restricted by a barrier from intrusion into the
The deflection test shall be applied to all sides and walls of the enclosure. This test is passed if the specific
force (see Table 1) applied perpendicularly to the surface of the enclosure does not impair the dielectric,
mechanical or corrosion performance of the equipment.
Following all of the above tests, the unit shall be lifted at least one meter in accordance with manufacturer’s
standard lift instructions and then set again on the flat surface. The doors shall be easily opened, closed,
latched and locked without requiring adjustments to the cabinet, latch mechanism and/or enclosure door(s).
All of the door latch points must fully engage when the door is closed.
These design tests shall be repeated whenever the enclosure design is changed so as to modify
performance, or at least every five years whichever is shorter.
The minimum test values for which entry shall be prevented are provided in Table 1.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
The objective of this clause is to describe design and performance requirements for carbon steel pad-
mounted enclosures not situated in coastal or other severe environments. Other performance requirements
may be needed to provide long field life in other environments.
5.1.1 Accessibility
The enclosure shall be designed such that all exterior surfaces are accessible for proper surface preparation
and the application of a uniform amount of the coating materials. Additionally, all exterior surfaces of the
enclosure shall be accessible for the purposes of inspection and maintenance of the enclosure over the life
of the equipment.
The enclosure shall be designed to shed water and minimize areas where corrosive elements can
All welds shall be treated to prepare the weld area and the heat affected zones for coating. Weld splatter
shall be removed. All welds shall be made in accordance with appropriate industrial welding standards.
The substrate shall be a material which, when coated or otherwise processed, will maintain the structural
integrity of the enclosure over the life of the apparatus.
5.3.1 General
All coated or gel-coated surfaces on the exterior or interior of the enclosure that may be exposed to the
atmosphere shall be capable of meeting the performance tests required by this standard.
If more than one coating system is used for different areas of the enclosure, the areas in which each is used
shall be identified. The laboratory test performance data of each coating system shall be identified. The
laboratory test performance data of each coating system shall be submitted for approval upon request. This
data shall be reconfirmed whenever there are changes in the method and/or materials, or at least every two
years whichever is shorter.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
Touch-up when required, shall be done at final inspection before any equipment is shipped. In areas where
the integrity of the coating system is violated, the touch-up shall blend smoothly and meet all performance
criteria of this standard.
Unless otherwise specified, the topcoat color shall be Munsell Number “7GY 3.29/1.5 high gloss” or “7GY
3.29/1.5 SG semi-gloss” pad-mount green. The color variation of the coated product shall not exceed the
Munsell Color Standard 8 by more than a ∆E (Hunter) value of four.
Test specimens shall consist of panels of the same material composition used in production. Test specimens
shall be in accordance with Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, and 0 as to size and type. Quantity and type of
panels in each test are identified under the specific test. All panels shall be cleaned, coated and cured using
the production coating system. Coated test panels shall be conditioned at room temperature and humidity
for a minimum of 7 days prior to any testing.
One coated test panel, per Figure 6, shall be scribed to bare metal in accordance with ASTM D3359 9.
Method A shall be used for films thicker than 0.13 mm (5 mils or 0.005 inch) and method B shall be used
for films less than or equal to 0.13 mm (5 mils or 0.005 inch). There shall be 100% adhesion to the
substrate and between layers. A rating of 5A for method A and 5B for method B per ASTM D3359 is
Two coated panels, per Figure 5, shall be tested for 1000 hours in accordance with ASTM D4585 except
that the test shall be conducted at 45 °C ± 1 °C (113 °F ± 2 °F). Upon completion of the test, panels shall be
evaluated for:
a) BlisteringThere shall be no blistering observed per ASTM D714 on the surface of the panels
when inspected within 15 min after removal from the cabinet.
b) SofteningAfter removal from the cabinet, allow the panels to air dry for 24 ± 1 hours. There shall
be no more than one pencil hardness change when tested per ASTM D3363.
c) Any color change shall be noted.
Munsell Color Standards, X-Rite, Inc. 4300 44th Street S.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49512 phone number 800-248-9748.
Information on references can be found in Clause 2.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
Figure 6 —Plain coating test panel Figure 7 —Taber Abraser coating test panel
#1Hole can be placed in panel for hanging for coating operations if required. Locate centered on short dimension and 3.2 mm
(1/8 inch) to edge of hole on long dimension. Recommended maximum hole size 14.3 mm (9/16 inch) in diameter.
#2Weld bead to be the same type metal composition as the panel. Weld bead to be 6.4 mm (1/4 inch) wide and 3.2 mm (1/8 inch)
#3Hole can be placed in panel for hanging. To be located in one corner. Recommended maximum hole size 14.3 mm (9/16 inch) in
#4Scribe per ASTM D1654 across weld approximately 102 mm (approximately 4 inch) scribe length.
#5Test panels shall be made from typical production stock of the same material type and thickness used in the construction of the
device for which the specified test is intended.
#6—6.3 mm (1/4 inch) diameter hole may require remaining to fit Taber Abraser post.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
One coated panel, prepared per Figure 6, shall be impacted at room temperature on a concrete floor using
procedures described in ASTM D2794 at 9 N·m (80 inch-pounds force). The impacted test panels shall be
exposed to 24 hours of salt spray per ASTM B117. There shall be no red rust visible in the impact
(intrusion) area of the panel.
5.5.4 Insulating fluid resistance tests (for liquid filled equipment only)
Partially immerse one coated panel, per Figure 6, in the insulating liquid for 72 hours at 100 °C – 105 °C
(212 °F – 221 °F). On the immersed portion of the panel, there shall be no loss of adhesion per ASTM
D3359, no blisters, no streaking and no more than one pencil hardness change per ASTM D3363, using
either method.
The following test is required for all coated surfaces on the exterior of the enclosure. Expose two test
panels, per Figure 6, for 500 hours per ASTM D4587, utilizing the FS-40 bulb with a cycle of 4 hours
ultraviolet at 60 °C (140 °F) followed by 4 hours condensation at 50 °C (122 °F). Loss of gloss shall not
exceed 50% of original gloss per ASTM D523. The coating shall not exhibit cracking per ASTM D661 or
checking per ASTM D660 under unaided visual inspection.
This test requirement shall apply to the coating systems applied to both the exterior and interior
cabinet/frontplate surfaces of the pad-mounted enclosure. Three coated panels, per Figure 5, shall be
prepared and tested in accordance with the procedure described in Annex A. The scribe shall be prepared
for evaluation using ASTM D1654, procedure A, method 2. Upon completion of 15 cycles of SCAB, the
scribe line shall be divided into fourteen zones, 6.4 mm (0.25 inch), and the worst spot in each zone will be
evaluated by measuring the amount of creepage along the scribe line [except the first 6.4 mm (0.25 inch) of
the scribe at each end of the scribe line]. The average of the 14 readings shall be rated per ASTM D1654,
Table 1. After a rating has been set for each of the three panels, the average rating of the three shall not be
less than a 6 rating. The area away from the scribe shall have no blisters per ASTM D714.
The following test is required only for coated surfaces on the exterior of the enclosure. One coated panel,
per Figure 7, having the minimum dry film thickness of the total coating system shall be tested using CS-10
wheel, 1000 g weight, in accordance with ASTM D4060. A total number of 3000 cycles shall be run with
the wheels resurfaced before testing and after each 500 cycle run. The abraded panel shall be exposed to 24
hours of salt spray per ASTM B117. There shall be no visible red rust.
5.5.8 Gravelometer
The following test is required only for coated surfaces on the exterior of the enclosure. Two coated panels
shown in 0, are to be tested per ASTM D3170 at room temperature using 414 kPa (60 psig) gauge air
pressure. Expose the test panels for 24 hours in salt spray per ASTM B117. Remove from salt spray, rinse
and dry panels. Evaluate panels per SAE J400 for quantity and size of rusted chipped areas. The rating shall
be 4B to 9B per SAE J400 and no rusted chip shall be greater than 3 mm in diameter.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
#1Hole can be placed in panel for hanging for coating operations if required. Locate centered on short dimension and 3.2 mm (1/8
inch) to edge of hole on long dimension. Recommended maximum hole size is 14.3 mm (9/16 inch) in diameter.
#2Panel thickness to be of typical production stock used in the manufacture of devices for which the test is intended.
6. Labels
6.1 Purpose
Labeling can be an important aspect of pad-mounted enclosure integrity. Labeling can alert or inform an
individual of potential hazard. Pad-mounted enclosures should be designed to achieve a high degree of
integrity. When labels are attached to pad-mounted enclosures, they should be located as near the hazard as
practicable. Labels should be concise and simple to understand, and should accurately communicate the
type and degree of hazard.
6.2 Application
The application of any labels, whether intended for interior or exterior use, shall be subject to an agreement
between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
7. General
7.1 Shipment
The manufacturer shall provide a method of shipment that will allow the enclosure to be received by the
purchaser such that it still meets the performance tests required by this standard.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
Annex A
a) The three panels prepared per 5.4 and evaluated per 5.5.6 are to be tested per ASTM D4587
(Ultraviolet Accelerated Weathering) for 504 hours. Test equipment with FS-40 bulbs and the cycle
set for 4 hours ultraviolet at 60 °C ± 2 °C (140 °F ± 4 °F), followed by 4 hours condensation at
50 °C ± 2 °C (122 °F ± 4 °F) is to be used. No evaluation is necessary after test as this is a
conditioning step. The ultraviolet exposure part of this test method does not apply to interior
cabinet/frontplate coating systems. SCAB Corrosion exposure testing of interior surface coating
systems shall begin at step number 2, Scribing.
b) Scribe the panels in accordance with ASTM D1654 and as shown in Figure 5.
c) Place the test panel (scribed side facing up) in a plastic or wood rack with the scribe line in a
vertical position. The rack shall hold the panels at a 15 degree (±5 degree) angle from the vertical.
Multiple panels in the test rack shall not touch one another.
d) Expose the panels for the specified number of cycles. (One weekday equals one cycle).
1) Mondays Only
i) Test panels to be immersed in 5% NaCl solution by weight for 15 min. The NaCl
solution shall be at room temperature.
ii) Allow the test panels to age at room temperature and humidity for 1 hour 15 min.
iii) Place the test panels in 60 °C ± 2 °C (140 °F ± 4 °F) and 85% ± 3% relative humidity
cabinet for 22 hours 30 min.
3) Saturdays and Sundays: Leave the test panel in the humidity cabinet at 60 °C ± 2 °C (140 °F ±
4 °F) and 85% relative humidity.
4) Monday (Last Day): Remove the test panels from the humidity cabinet and evaluate per 5.5.6.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
Annex B
Pry bar
B.1 General
The pry bar, Figure B.1, depicted in this informative annex is just one design intended to meet the
functional requirements of 4.2.1. Other pry bar designs complying with 4.2.1 are acceptable.
The pry bar consists of three parts; pry tip (Figure B.2), torque wrench, and axial force plunger (Figure
B.7). The pry tip is designed for installation on a half-inch drive of a torque wrench. The plunger is
designed to be inserted into the handle of a torque wrench with a hollow handle that has an interior stop for
the plunger to fit into and press against. 10
The addition of a pry tip to the torque wrench increases the moment arm of the tool. Consequently, the tool
must be re-calibrated to account for the longer moment arm. Calibration is accomplished as follows:
Clamp approximately one inch of the pry tip to a workbench or other rigid surface.
Select a point on the torque tool handle to apply force.
Measure the distance (in inches) from this point to the end of the pry tip.
Divide 900 inch-lbs by this distance to determine the force (inch pounds) to be applied during
Using a calibrated force measurement tool, apply the calculated force to the handle and record the
torque indicated on the torque wrench dial.
This value becomes the target prying leverage force to be used during the pry test.
The plunger is a simple spring force measurement tool made from machined steel parts. The plunger must
be calibrated and marked to indicate when the desired force has been reached. The plunger fits into the
hollow pipe handle of the torque wrench and must be installed into the torque wrench prior to calibration.
Calibration is accomplished as follows:
B.2 Drawings
All dimensions are in inches. All tolerances are ± 0.03 unless otherwise stated.
The plunger has been designed to fit into a 100 ft-lb, 1/2” drive, dial type Snap-On model TE100 torque wrench. At the time of
publication of this standard, Snap-On® was an example of this technology. This information is given for the convenience of users of
this standard and does not constitute an endorsement by the IEEE of this product. Equivalent technology may be used if it is shown to
lead to the same results.
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
a) Insert Plunger Tip (Figure B.5) from threaded end of Plunger Sleeve (Figure B.6)
b) Insert Plunger Spring (Figure B.3) from threaded end of Plunger Sleeve
c) Screw Plunger Handle (Figure B.4) into Plunger Sleeve
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
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IEEE Std C57.12.28-2014
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity
Annex C
Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use
[B1] Accredited Standards Committee C-2, National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®). 11
[B2] Bringas, J. E., M. L., Wyman, The Metals Black Book: Ferrous Metals, Third Edition, Edmonton,
Alta. Canada: CASTI Publishing Inc., 1998.
[B3] IEEE Std C57.12.20™, IEEE Standard for Overhead-Type Distribution Transformers 500 kVA and
Smaller: High Voltage, 34 500 V and Below; Low Voltage, 7970/13 800Y V and Below. 12
[B4] IEEE Std C57.12.24™, IEEE Standard for Submersible, Three-Phase Transformers, 3750 kVA and
Smaller: High Voltage, 34 500 GrdY/19 920 Volts and Below; Low Voltage, 600 Volts and Below.
[B5] IEEE Std C57.12.23™, IEEE Standard for Submersible Single-Phase Transformers: 167 kVA and
Smaller; High Voltage 25 000 V and Below; Low Voltage 600 V and Below.
[B6] IEEE Std C57.12.29™, IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity for
Coastal Environments.
[B7] IEEE Std C57.12.30™, IEEE Standard for Pole-Mounted Equipment – Enclosure Integrity for
Coastal Environments.
[B8] IEEE Std C57.12.31™, IEEE Standard for Pole-Mounted Equipment—Enclosure Integrity.
[B9] IEEE Std C57.12.32™, IEEE Standard for Submersible Equipment—Enclosure Integrity.
[B10] IEEE Std C57.12.34™, IEEE Standard for Requirements for Pad-Mounted, Compartmental-Type,
Self-Cooled, Three-Phase Distribution Transformers, 5 MVA and Smaller; High Voltage, 34.5 kV Nominal
System Voltage and Below; Low Voltage, 15 kV Nominal System Voltage and Below.
[B11] IEEE Std C57.12.35™, IEEE Standard for Bar Coding for Distribution Transformers and Step-
Voltage Regulators.
[B12] IEEE Std C57.12.38™, IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted-Type, Self-Cooled, Single-Phase
Distribution Transformers; High Voltage, 34 500 GrdY/19 920 V and below, Low Voltage, 240/120 V; 167
kVA and smaller.
The NESC is available from The Institute of electrical and Electronics Engineers (
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (
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