Soak Bahasa Ingris
Soak Bahasa Ingris
Soak Bahasa Ingris
adjective modifier
The modifier that fit with head word ‘site’ grammatically and in meaning is historical.
A. 5 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 1 – 8
B. 5 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 1 – 8
C. 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 8
D. 1 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 5 – 8 – 4
E. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 5 – 8
mind the article
The correct arrangement is an increasing number of visitors to the zoo.
Remove the predicate.
The only noun phrase is Aztec’s historical site to visit.
Look at the picture more closely.
Waiting for the traffic light to turn green is not a good caption since the picture does not represent so.
Indonesia is a tropical country, so we only experience two seasons, namely rainy season and
summer. We almost never get … (5) since we do not experience winter. We also hardly experience
a windy periods of time which usually come in fall and spring.
In our country the windy weather usually comes in a short period when the season changes from
rainy season to summer on February or March. The wind direction strongly influences weather and
we never have it hit too hard. So we almost never experience an extreme weather due to the wind
direction in summer or even in our rainy season.
Choose the most logical answer.
We almost never get … since we do not experience winter.
The most logical answer is snowy or icy weather. It is related to the next sentence.
The wind direction strongly influences weather and we never have it hit too hard.
the noun phrase proceeding
It refers to the wind direction, as it was said formerly in the sentence.
What is the text about?
There are three alternatives of noun phrase as the options. If related to the content of the text, the
most appropriate caption will be about the weather change in Indonesia.
The caption and the content are relevant.
The relevance in a caption means that the caption relates to the text and picture to guide the viewers
to the content. So the best answer is connected with what is being told.
9. According to the caption, the article is about the following. Choose the best answer!
A. Restaurant businesses are falling down due to economic situation.
B. Indonesia acquired more funding for restaurant businesses.
C. Indonesian can not afford to have meals in restaurants.
D. Bankruptcy in restaurant business affects Indonesia economic situation.
E. Starting a restaurant in Indonesia is not promising.
Relate the caption to the content.
Based on the caption, the most possible answer is Restaurant businesses are falling down due to
economic situation.
10. Decide the head word for each following noun phrase respectively.
Identify what is highlighted from the noun phrases.
The underlined words below are the main noun.
Striking economic crisis in Indonesia
Restaurant business bankruptcy
Crisis-affected restaurants
It is not only the man, but the dog is also taken into account. So the correct subject pronoun to
replace the man and the dog is they.
12. Decide the head words for the following noun phrases:
the heads are what to tell about
The first phrase tells about dog.
The second phrase tells about boy.
The third phrase tells about uniform.
13. Arrange the following words into a correct possible noun phrase:
1. drink
2. fresh
3. more
4. plenty
5. to
6. water
the only correct word arrangement of a logic noun phrase is E, plenty more fresh water to drink.
phrase and sentence are different
The caption with a noun phrase caption is healthy drink inside; the rest of the options are sentences.
15. Choose the most appropriate noun phrase caption for the following picture:
The only noun phrase is Healthy juice to drink everyday., and the others are
either sentences of affirmative or imperative.
16. The following noun phrases are the correct forms made of set of these words, except….
she is not flower decorated
all the noun phrases are correct but The old flowery skirt in beautiful lady; the preposition IN is not
really appropriate for the noun phrase.
17. Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate noun phrase.
Since my mother likes ________, I want to paint the wall with green, red, yellow, and blue.
red, yellow, blue, green
the key information is the colors; the most logic reason why to paint the wall with lots of color is
probably related to the mothers’ liking colorful things.
*A hardworking boy wants to build a house for his parents; a small beautiful house. It is minimalist
and located in a green environment. Although not big, the backyard should be spacious. Her mother
loves gardening so she will be happy to grow a lot of plants there. *
pronoun is noun phrase
the least noun phrases found explicitly in the text
a hardworking boy
a house for his parents
a house
his parents
a small beautiful house
a green environment
the backyard
her mother
a lot of plants there
the boy’s
all the noun phrases are grammatically correct. The inappropriate is the reference of pronoun. The
text is talking about the hardworking boy wanting to build a house for his parents, so the phrase ‘her
mother’ in sentence 4 should be replaced by ‘his mother’.
no need to blurt everything
In making a good caption there is no need to put a lot of words if they are unnecessary. It’s okay with
long sentences but not needless ones.
A. Believer
B. Belief
C. Disbelief
D. Unbelievable
E. believe
The rabbit is IT.
The only correct derivative to fill the missing part is BELIEVER. The missing part is supposed to be
filled with complement -noun that refers to subject.
Pay attention to the picture.
It is a picture of a hot meal. This just makes you even hotter would be suit
It has negative meaning.
Try one and you will be fed up.
The caption above is not appropriate. It means, you will feel bored after yo took one.