Disability and disorder are two separate terms that stand for different types of
physical and mental conditions.
Concept of Disability
Concept of Disorder
Disorder is any ailment that disturbs the health of a person, hinders a person’s
performance and diminishes his/her efficiency. Disorder grows inside a person,
they are small in the beginning but may become serious and grow into a
disability. There are many kinds of disorders like mental disorder, neurological
disorder, hyper activity disorder, eating disorder, addiction disorder, attention
disorder etc.
Types of Disability
The nature of this disability is mental since cognitive domain is related to using
mental abilities and achieving results from it.
The nature of this disability is also mental since the intellectual domain is related
to using the capacity of the mind. It is a disability characterised by significant
limitations in both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behaviour. This is
characterised by low intelligence quotient score (under 70) and significant
problems in the ways learners adapt to new situations. It is different from
cognitive because cognitive is a broad concept while intellectual disability is
specific in nature.
Genetic Conditions these include things like Down syndrome and fragile X
2. Problems during Pregnancy this can interfere with fetal brain development.
5. Illness or Injury Infection like meningitis, whooping cough or measles can lead
to intellectual disability. Extreme malnutrition, infections in the brain, exposure to
toxic substances such as lead, and severe neglect or abuse can also cause it.
1.Illnesses like cancer, heart attack or diabetes cause the majority of long-term
3.Lifestyle choices and personal behaviour that lead to obesity are also becoming
major contributing factors.
To transform the communities by inspiring people from the
world to open their minds, accept and include people with
intellectual disabilities.
To enable Paralympic athletes to achieve sporting excellence
and to inspire and excite the world.
‘Spirit in motion’ in the motto for Paralympic movement.
3. Deaflympics:
The deaflympics were originally known as international silent
games which were finally named as deaflympics in 2001. It was
held in every four years. Deaflympics and other world deaf
championships are organised by international committee of
sports for the deaf (ICSD) which was founded in 1924. Only
deaf/hard of hearing elight athlete invited from the entire world
to come together not only to compete but also developed the
qualities. A small gathering 148 athletes who participated in
1924 France games.
It is Per Ludos Aequalitias which means equality through sports.
Eligible Athletes:
A sports is eligible who is having a hearing loss of db or greater.