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Concept of Disability and Disorder

Disability and disorder are two separate terms that stand for different types of
physical and mental conditions.

Concept of Disability

The term disability means any kind of impairment or permanent reduction in

physical or mental capacity. The reduction can be related to any kind of physical
loss, mental illness, intellectual impairment or reduction in the use of sense
organs. This may be present from birth or occur during a person’s lifetime. This
affects a person’s participation in different areas of life and reduces the full use
of body structures and functions.

Definition – “A disability is defined as a condition or function judged to be

significantly impaired relative to the usual standard of an individual or group,”

Concept of Disorder

Disorder is any ailment that disturbs the health of a person, hinders a person’s
performance and diminishes his/her efficiency. Disorder grows inside a person,
they are small in the beginning but may become serious and grow into a
disability. There are many kinds of disorders like mental disorder, neurological
disorder, hyper activity disorder, eating disorder, addiction disorder, attention
disorder etc.

Definition – “Disorder can be defined as a blip in the usual functioning of a


Types of Disability, Its Causes and Nature

Disability is conceptualised as being a multidimensional experience as it may

affect the organs and body parts which hampers a person’s life in many ways.

Types of Disability

There are three types of disabilities which are as follows

[i] Cognitive Disability

The nature of this disability is mental since cognitive domain is related to using
mental abilities and achieving results from it.

It is related to impairments in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior.

Intellectual functioning means person’s ability to plan, comprehend and reason
while adaptive behavior refers to applying social and practical skills in everyday
life. Children suffering from dyslexia, learning difficulties, speech disorders,
problem in solving math calculations, short span of attention and short of
memory are said to have cognitive disability.

Causes of cognitive disability are as follows

1. Cognitive impairment may be present at birth and may be genetic or

chromosomal or result from complications of pregnancy.

2. Chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome.

3. Genetic abnormalities such as phenylketonuria, Hunter syndrome etc.

4. Prenatal drug and infections and exposure to alcohol.

5. Lack of oxygen during labour pain or birth.

[ii] Intellectual Disability

The nature of this disability is also mental since the intellectual domain is related
to using the capacity of the mind. It is a disability characterised by significant
limitations in both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behaviour. This is
characterised by low intelligence quotient score (under 70) and significant
problems in the ways learners adapt to new situations. It is different from
cognitive because cognitive is a broad concept while intellectual disability is
specific in nature.

Causes of intellectual disability are as follows

Genetic Conditions these include things like Down syndrome and fragile X

2. Problems during Pregnancy this can interfere with fetal brain development.

3. Alcohol or Drug Use may also cause intellectual disability.

4. Problems during Childbirth Like if a baby is deprived of oxygen during

childbirth or born extremely premature.

5. Illness or Injury Infection like meningitis, whooping cough or measles can lead
to intellectual disability. Extreme malnutrition, infections in the brain, exposure to
toxic substances such as lead, and severe neglect or abuse can also cause it.

[iii] Physical Disability

The nature of this disability is physical since it relates to physical functioning of
the body parts including sense organs.

This refers to the limitation on a person’s physical functioning, mobility, dexterity

or stamina. This includes upper or lower limb loss, poor manual dexterity, visual
impairment, hearing loss or disability in coordination with different organs of the
body. Apart from these, respiratory disorders, epilepsy and sleep disorders are
also considered physical disability.

Causes of physical disability are as follows

1.Illnesses like cancer, heart attack or diabetes cause the majority of long-term

2.Back pain, injuries and arthritis are also significant causes.

3.Lifestyle choices and personal behaviour that lead to obesity are also becoming
major contributing factors.

4.Musculoskeletal disorders also cause disabilities. Examples include spine/joint

disorders, fibromytis etc.

5.Genetic causes like gene inheritance can cause this disability.

Adaptive Physical Education:
 It includes the adaptive programme of game and other creative
 It is run according to the capacity, need and ability of disabled
or physically challenged students of all ages.
 School-based activities especially for students of the 3 to 21
years age group.
Aims & Objectives:
 Always keep in mind the disability of the child.

 To develop motor skills and learn the benefits of regular activity.

 To develop the healthy level of environment for learning the

movements of sports.
 To learn new games and their rules and to demonstrate it
correctly to the students.
Adaptive Sports:
1. Special Olympic Bharat:
 It is a movement that uses spots to change the lives of children
with intellectual disabilities or mentally retarded persons.
 It was founded in 1987 as Special Olympic India.
 It was renamed as Special Olympic Bharat in 2001.

 It is an officially recognized programme of Special Olympic

International which was started by Eunice Kennedy Shriver,
sister of John F Kennedy, former president of USA.
 To Provide sports training & competition throughout the year for
disabled child.
 Give the opportunity to develop their physical fitness.

 To transform the communities by inspiring people from the
world to open their minds, accept and include people with
intellectual disabilities.
 To enable Paralympic athletes to achieve sporting excellence
and to inspire and excite the world.
 ‘Spirit in motion’ in the motto for Paralympic movement.

3. Deaflympics:
 The deaflympics were originally known as international silent
games which were finally named as deaflympics in 2001. It was
held in every four years. Deaflympics and other world deaf
championships are organised by international committee of
sports for the deaf (ICSD) which was founded in 1924. Only
deaf/hard of hearing elight athlete invited from the entire world
to come together not only to compete but also developed the
qualities. A small gathering 148 athletes who participated in
1924 France games.
 It is Per Ludos Aequalitias which means equality through sports.

Eligible Athletes:
 A sports is eligible who is having a hearing loss of db or greater.

Role Of Professionals For Differently Abled

1. Counselor:
 Counselor is the trained person who improved our student’s
abilities to function in social, emotional and behavioral capacity
and they provide sport their partner and their families which is
beneficial for disabled child from time to time.
 The role of counselor is to help all students including those with
special needs. To achieve their full potential cope better with
the disabilities and provide a save / sportive help.
2. Occupational Therapist:
 It is the treatment of physical and psychiatric condition to
promote independent function in all aspects of daily life.
 The role of therapist to address a child’s ability to perform
activities of daily living like – making, eating, drinking, dressing,
toiletering, bathing etc inspite of their disabilities. They
encourage the child’s potential to participate inn different
activities so that the impact of disabilities is minimize day by
day and they also work on hand eye coordination to improve
skill like hitting a ball and copping from a black board.
3. Physiotherapist:
 They are also known as ‘Movement specialist’ because they
evaluate and improve the movement and function of body
specially for balance, posture, fatigue and pain.
 The important role of Physiotherapist is to maximize a child’
ability to move and control pain in the joint, muscles and bones,
Use several techniques including massage and manipulation,
exercise, electrotherapy and hydrotherapy for child’s with
special needs.
4. Physical Education Teacher:
 Physical Education Teachers generally determine the abilities of
students with special needs that may need implementing to
support their participation in sports and fitness. The children
need the support and encouragement from physical education
teachers to participate regulator in physical activities.
5. Speech Therapist:
 They play an important role in the treatment for speech and
language disorders. A speech disorder involves a problem
producing worlds and sounds that makes the child difficult to
empress. Speech therapist might use, play or book to arouse
communication and increase chances to develop language skills.
6.Special Educator
 Special Educator deals with children with intellectual
disabilities. The children way problems in oral impression,
listening comprehension, written impression, basic react
skills, reading comprehension, Mathematical Calculation.

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