Video Shot Boundary Detection Using Block Based Cumulative Approach

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Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664

Video shot boundary detection using block based

cumulative approach

B. S. Rashmi 1,2 & H. S. Nagendraswamy 1

Received: 10 September 2019 / Revised: 18 August 2020 / Accepted: 21 August 2020 /

Published online: 4 September 2020
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

Video data is becoming an indispensable part of today’s Big Data due to evolution of
social web and mobile technology. Content based video analysis has become crucial for
video management. Shot boundary detection is one of the most essential task in video
content analysis. In view of this, an efficient shot boundary detection approach to detect
abrupt and gradual transition in videos is proposed in this work. The approach extracts
block based Mean Cumulative Sum Histogram (MCSH) from each edge gradient
fuzzified frame as a combination of local and global feature. The relative standard
deviation (RSD) statistical measure is applied on the obtained MCSH to detect abrupt
and gradual shots in the video. Efficacy of the proposed method is measured by
conducting experiments on TRECVID 2001, TRECVID 2007 and VideoSeg datasets.
The proposed method shows relatively a good performance when compared to some of
the state-of-the-art shot boundary detection approaches.

Keywords Block . Cumulative . Fuzzy set . Gradient . Histogram . Relative Standard Deviation .
Threshold . Shot boundary detection


In the recent years Internet and social media platforms are ubiquitous and plethora of video
information is generated in every single minute. With the proliferation of 5G technology and
the advancement in smart phones, mobile users and Internet of Things (IoT) are predicted to
increase mobile video data traffic. Development in video acquisition technologies has led to
the creation of massive video repositories on storage platforms. The users may prefer to query
videos based on the content instead of sequentially accessing the video data, which demands

* B. S. Rashmi
[email protected]–

DoS in Computer Science, University of Mysore, Mysore 570006, India
Department of Information Technology, Karnataka State Open University, Mysore 570006, India
642 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664

sophisticated technology for representing, indexing and retrieving multimedia data. Video
management in manual mode is arduous and hence it is crucial to develop efficient algorithms
to store, index and retrieve the videos. This domain of research is referred as Content Based
Video Retrieval (CBVR) system. CBVR seem to be inherent extension of Content Based
Image Retrieval (CBIR). CBVR system is the task of providing relevant video shots/clips as
per the user query. The approaches and paradigms for CBVR must promote to align computer
vision in line with human perceptions [8]. The term “content” stands for image features such as
color, shape, texture etc. and the term “retrieval” refers to the techniques that fetch results in
relation and accordance with user perception. Thus, CBVR can be imposed as the search for
videos that matches the query given by the user.
CBVR technology has been successfully used in several applications such as crime
prevention, biometrics, gesture recognition, biodiversity information systems, medicine, digital
libraries, historical research etc. The widespread applications of videos have increased the
demand for automated tools and management for efficient indexing, browsing and retrieval of
video data [13]. Since video retrieval is not effective using conventional query-by-text retrieval
technique, CBVR system is considered as one of the best practical solutions for better retrieval
quality [46]. The rich video structure has got tremendous scope in the area of video retrieval to
enhance the performance of conventional search engines [21]. It is vital to develop appropriate
measures to effectively and efficiently manage the multimedia information in a meaningful
manner [7].
The research community working on CBVR has identified several challenges in the design
of effective and efficient CBVR system. Shot Boundary Detection (SBD) is the crucial step in
the design of CBVR system and aims at segmenting a video into a number of structural
elements (scenes, shots or frames) [7]. Hence, it is termed as video temporal segmentation and
has been focused for video summarization and indexing process. Some of the challenges of
SBD include efficient feature descriptors and threshold free algorithms to achieve high
detection rate for identification of any type of shot transition. The logical representation of
video with respect to hierarchical structure is shown in Fig. 1. The shot boundaries are
indicated relying upon the interruptions made between camera operations. A video stream is
anticipated as a set of distinct scenes. A shot is a sequence of successive frames grabbed from a
single camera. A representative frame termed as keyframe can be identified from every shot
which constitutes summary of the video and is further used for retrieval purpose.





Fig. 1 Hierarchy of video units

Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664 643

A frame represent a single image in a video. Consecutive frames within a shot are highly
redundant in appearance and behaviour. According to the video editing effects, the shot
boundaries are classified as either abrupt (hard) or gradual (soft) transition based on the
inherent behaviour, properties and length of the videos [48]. Figure 2 presents the categories
of video shot transitions. Determining gradual transition is complex when compared with
abrupt transition due to camera and object motion [8].

Abrupt shot detection The rapid change in visual content between adjacent frames in a video
causes abrupt transition. Such transitions portray substantial visual discontinuity between
frames and termed as hard cut.

Gradual shot detection The slow and continuous change in visual content across multiple
frames causes gradual transition. Such transitions exhibits progressive change over varied
group of frames and termed as smooth transition. Gradual transition detection is tedious due to
continuous nature of the editing effects. The editing effects considered as gradual transition are
fade-in, fade-out, dissolve etc.
The primary step in SBD involves feature extraction and representation of frames. Subse-
quently, similarity/dissimilarity measures are computed to locate the transition between
frames. Based on significant changes, shot boundaries are declared. Shot transition occurs
when there is a drastic change in visual contents between the frames. In the literature, the SBD
techniques are broadly classified into two categories based on the feature extraction domain
viz., compressed and uncompressed. Features extracted from compressed domain make SBD
algorithms fast, as no decoding process for video frames are required. However, researchers
pay more attention to uncompressed domain because of its richness in visual information of
video frames as discussed in [3]. The SBD algorithms proposed in this work are all based on
uncompressed domain.
Researchers in the field of image and video analytics have revealed that, the methods based
on soft computing techniques [5, 33, 34, 47] have shown better performance when compared
to conventional methods [9]. The two dimensional discretization has caused inherent uncer-
tainty in digital frames [29] and hence, there exists some amount of uncertainty even in
simplest feature extraction approach [29]. The ambiguities in digital frames occur due to
position of object and pixel intensity. Amongst the interesting features, edges interpret the
boundary of the objects with variations in pixel intensities. Fuzzy set theory has been a vital
choice in handling ambiguities and processing of edges [29].

Types of Shot Transitions

Abrupt (Hard) Gradual (Soft)

Cut Dissolve Fade in/out Wipe

Fig. 2 Categories of video shot transition

644 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664

In the proposed work, the task of shot boundary detection is achieved by employing edge
information and incorporating fuzzy logic [57]. The edge detection process is likely to consist
of several sub processes or phases [52]. The mathematical framework introduced by Bezdek
et al., [6] consisting of several phases viz., conditioning, feature extraction, blending and
scaling for edge detection is used by many methods in the literature. The concept of fuzzy
logic can be applied in all the phases or at a specific phase depending on the nature and
complexity of the video to produce better shot detection results [29]. In classical edge
detection, binarization step causes information to be lost in digital frames [35]. The use of
fuzzy sets for intermediate representation of edges may capture the important information [29,
51], which can help to describe the content of the video frame better and handle ambiguities in
digital frames. This has motivated the authors to carry out the proposed SBD work.
The focus of this work is to identify abrupt and gradual transition in the videos. An attempt
is made to enhance edge detection capability and address uncertainty in digital frames.
Initially, the grayscale frames are transformed into gradient frames using Sobel detector. The
Sobel gradient distribution of pixels are subjected to fuzzification process using triangular
membership function (MF). The proposed method employs block based cumulative sum
approach on each 3 × 3 block pixels of fuzzified gradient frame. This local feature discrimi-
nates the spatial distribution and is robust to noise and illumination variation. Further, the mean
of cumulative sum is computed and is used to produce MCSH histogram of every video frame.
Thus, the video is represented in terms of MCSHs and each MCSH describes the video frame
information globally. Threshold devising strategy is accomplished by applying RSD statistical
measure on the obtained MCSH histograms of every frame of a video for shot transition
detection. Efficacy of the proposed method in terms of precision, recall and F1-score has been
demonstrated by conducting extensive experiments on the TRECVID and VideoSeg datasets.
Rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives a detailed description of the
related work. Section 3 presents the proposed methodology covering the details about feature
extraction and shot boundary detection. Experimental analysis and results are discussed in
section 4 followed by conclusion in section 5.


With the advancement in CBVR technology, there is a great demand for robust and reliable
SBD algorithms [7]. A comprehensive survey on recent developments of SBD has been
reported by Abdulhussain et al., [3]. Numerous challenges of shot boundary detection and
extensive review of several techniques are presented by Hu et al., [19] and Yuan et al., [56].
Some of the important work related to SBD, which address abrupt and gradual transitions are
discussed in the following paragraphs. Among the several approaches proposed in the
literature to address the problems of SBD, following are some of the interesting works, which
have explored histograms, edge based, block based features and soft computing techniques.
Histogram is a global feature and does not capture spatial details of the pixels. Hence, it is
robust to camera or object motion than pixel based methods. Mas and Fernandez [32] have
depicted the effectiveness of color histogram descriptor using color space and quantization
method by discriminating the least significant bits of each RGB component. City block
distance between color histograms were measured and compared against threshold to detect
shot cuts. Ji et al., [22] used the concept of accumulative histogram difference and support
points for detection of dissolve transition. Lu and Shi [30] proposed singular value
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664 645

decomposition and candidate segment selection method for SBD. A frame feature matrix is
formed by extracting color histogram in hue saturation value to identify cut and gradual
transition. Li et al., [27] presented three-stage approach based on Multilevel Difference of
colour histograms for detecting cut and gradual boundaries. Detection of shot boundaries are
attempted by Hannane et al., [16] by extracting SIFT and edge-SIFT keypoints from each
frame. Adaptive threshold is applied on the computed distance values of SIFT-PDH between
the frames and shot boundaries are identified. Prasertsakul et al., [36] presents a novel
technique for classifying several camera operations in videos using 2D histogram. 2D motion
vector (MV) fields are generated by applying an existing block based MV estimation method
in polar coordinates. MVs in each frame that share the similar magnitude and orientation
features are utilized to classify the camera operations by representing the 2D histogram.
Edge is an important local feature to represent discontinuity in pixel intensity. Pixels
belonging to same object exhibit continuity in pixel intensity and vice versa. Significant
changes in the edge pixels between consecutive frames, indicate a shot change. Since spatial
information is not considered, missed shot boundaries may occur [48]. This technique is
applied to detect both abrupt and gradual transitions. Heng and Ngan [18] presented shot
boundary detection using object based edge detection. The authors proposed time stamping
transferring mechanism, which utilizes information across multiple frames. Moving objects
across the gradual transition frames instead of adjacent frames are tracked by the concept of
edge object tracking. Zheng et al., [60] proposed heuristic algorithm for detection of fade in
and fade out transition. This work utilizes Robert edge detector and transition is detected by
identifying the separation from object motion by employing predefined adaptive threshold.
Adjeroh et al., [4] introduced adaptive edge oriented framework using multilevel features
based on shot variability to address the problem of identifying abrupt transition. Three levels of
adaptation are considered by the authors: at the feature extraction stage using locally-adaptive
edge maps, at the video sequence level, and at the individual shot level. Adaptive parameters
for multilevel edge based approach are formulated to determine adaptive thresholds for
detection of shot boundaries. Priya and Domnic [38] used edge strength as feature vector that
are extracted by projecting block of frames over vector space. The sum of absolute difference
between the features of the blocks of the corresponding frames are evaluated. Shot transitions
are categorized by using similarity difference values.
Block based approach acts as intermediary between local and global feature based approaches.
Since the spatial resolution is reduced by using blocks instead of pixels, this method is less sensitive
to object and camera motion. Shahraray [43] proposed block based technique by dividing the frame
into 12 non overlapping blocks. Non linear order statistics is used to find the best match between
respective neighbourhoods of the previous frame. Sustained low level increase in match values are
identified to detect shot cuts. Lee et al. [25] performed block differences using HSV color space. The
mean values of Hue and Saturation for two successive blocks are computed and shots were detected.
Lian [28] has proposed pixel, histogram and motion based frame difference to resist flash and light
detection to avoid false positives to address shot boundary detection. Jiang et al., [23] have proposed
both pixel and histogram based method for detection process using uneven blocked color histogram
and uneven pixel value difference in the moving windows. Rashmi and Nagendraswamy [39] have
proposed shot cut method using edge information and constructing histogram by assigning binary
weights to each sliding window of 2 × 2 block/mask of a video in overlapping and non overlapping
mode. To enhance discriminative capability among spatial distribution, Rashmi and
Nagendraswamy [40] have proposed Midrange LBP texture descriptor where midrange threshold
value is applied for each pixel across 3 × 3 block of image matrix to produce histogram and adaptive
646 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664

threshold is used to detect shot boundaries. Wu et al., [54] proposes Unsupervised Deep Video
Hashing where balanced code learning and hash function learning are integrated and optimized for
video retrieval. Feature clustering and binarization are used to preserve neighbourhood structure.
Smart rotations is used for generating effective hash codes. Wu and Xu [55] proposed bottom-up
and top-down attention model to perform color image saliency detection in news video. Multi-scale
local and global motion conspicuity maps are computed on eye-tracking datasets. Shen et al., [44]
proposed video event detection using subspace selection technique. Unified transformation matrix is
used for projecting different modalities for individual recognition tasks. Zhang et al., [59] proposed
flash model and cut model using local window based method to detect false transitions. Zhang et al.,
[58] have proposed a shot boundary detection technique based on block-wise principle component
analysis by dividing the video into several segments. Shot eigen spaces are established on the
training segments and the candidate segments are projected onto the corresponding shot eigen space
to extract the feature vectors. Analysis and pattern matching are performed to identify abrupt and
gradual shot transitions in the video. Cirne et al., [11] proposed video summarization method using
color co-occurrence matrices as frame representation. Feature extraction has been performed at
multiple scales. Normalized sum of squared differences are computed between the frames for
detecting the shots. Abdulhussain et al., [2] proposed Orthogonal Polynomial (OP) algorithm for
detection of hard transitions. The OP domain are computed using Krawtchouk-Tchebichef polyno-
mial. The shots are identified using Support Vector Machines.
In the recent years, many researchers have emphasized their work on soft computing
techniques to handle uncertainties in images for addressing SBD. Fuzzification of frame-to-
frame-property difference values using Rayleigh distribution and fuzzy rules are framed by
Jadon et al., [20] for detection of abrupt and gradual changes. Lee et al. [26] used an ART2
neural network for video scene change detection. Küçüktunç et al., [24] presents color
histogram based shot boundary detection algorithm to detect both cuts and gradual transitions
with the fuzzy linking method on L*a*b* color space. A set of fuzzy rules are evaluated and
fuzzy rule based cut detection approach is suggested by Dadashi and Kanan [12]. Thounaojam
et al., [50] used normalized RGB color histogram difference as feature extraction method and
finding the difference between consecutive frames is studied for shot detection. The authors
have utilized fuzzy logic system optimized by Genetic Algorithm to find optimal range of
values of fuzzy membership functions. Hassanien et al., [17] presented SBD technique based
on spatio-temporal Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). The authors have applied deep
neural techniques on the large SBD data set of 3.5 millions of frames of sharp and gradual
transitions. Image compositing models are used to generate the transitions. Rashmi and
Nagendraswamy [41] applied correlation coefficient between consecutive fuzzified frames
using fuzzy sets and IFS techniques for the purpose of abrupt shot detection. Artificial neural
networks (ANN) represents an important paradigm in the soft computing domain. Gygli et al.,
[15] developed Ridiculously Fast Shot Boundary Detection with Fully Convolutional Neural
Networks. Large temporal context is used by Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with
unprecedented speed for detection process.


The framework of the proposed methodology for Shot Boundary Detection process is pre-
sented in Fig. 3. The main challenge is to develop a simple approach to eliminate false shot
detections that occur due to illumination, camera operation, object motion and noise.
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664 647

Computation of Block
Conversion of Computation of
Fuzzification of Cumulative Sum and
RGB to Gray Sobel Gradient
Sobel Gradient finding its Mean at
scale frames values on frame
frame each frame pixel
Input Video

Detection of Gradual transition by Detection of Abrupt

computing relative difference Extraction of
transition by computing
using RSD on each MCSH MCSH
RSD difference between
Histogram Histograms
each MCSH histogram
Video Shots

Fig. 3 Framework of the Proposed Methodology for Shot Boundary Detection

Therefore, a combination of local and global feature is considered to address the aforemen-
tioned problems by constructing MCSH histograms. The proposed model addresses the
detection of both abrupt and gradual transitions present in the videos using MCSH histograms.

3.1 Feature Extraction and Representation

Extraction of meaningful feature and efficient representation of video frames plays a very
important role in effective detection of shots in videos. The following subsections presents the
detail description of the proposed feature extraction and representation of video frames.

3.1.1 Sobel Gradient Frames

Initially, all the RGB frames of the video are converted to gray scale frames. There exists wide
variety of edge detection techniques to measure intensity changes [10, 37, 45] and it is found
that Sobel edge detector outperform other edge detectors in terms of accuracy and computa-
tional efficiency [1]. In this work, Sobel detector [45] is used to convolve the grayscale frame
pixels with their respective convolution mask to obtain gradient frame from grayscale frame.
For every pixel in the grayscale frame, the vertical and horizontal components of the gradient
is obtained by applying convolution with two 3-by-3 convolution masks as formulated in
Fig. 4:
The magnitude of the gradient gives the measure of rate of change in intensity at the pixel
location x,y and is computed as:

-1 0 +1 +1 +2 +1

Gx = -2 0 +2 Gy = 0 0 0

-1 0 +1 -1 -2 -1

Fig. 4 Sobel 3 × 3 convolution masks

648 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664

Gðx;yÞ ¼ G2x þ G2y ð1Þ

3.1.2 Fuzzification of Sobel Gradient Frames

In order to capture the vagueness and uncertainty present in the data, the crisp data has to be
converted to fuzzy data using the process of fuzzification. Membership functions (MFs) are
used to carry out fuzzification. MF is a curve that defines how each point in input space is
mapped to membership value between 0 and 1 [57]. Different MFs can be used to fuzzify the
data which has to be determined empirically by studying the functions for a specific applica-
tion. The most commonly used MFs in literature are trapezoidal, triangular and Gaussian as
they produce good results. The responsibility of choosing the shape of the MF lies with the
user and the application. The triangular/trapezoidal MF is used if the system needs significant
dynamic variation within short period of time and a Gaussian MF is used if high control
accuracy is selected [31].
In the proposed approach, the Sobel gradient frame is subjected to fuzzification using
triangular MF and the parameters are formulated as follows:
> Gij −a
< if a≤Gij ≤b
μA Gij ¼ c−G ij ð2Þ
> if b≤Gij ≤c
: c−b
0 otherwise

Where Gij represent the gradient frame. The parameters a, b and c specifies the boundaries
with the criteria (a < b < c) and determines the x coordinates of the boundaries of fuzzy
triangular MF. In the proposed approach, the left and right boundary values are evaluated as
minimum and maximum pixel value of the respective gradient frame and core value is set to
midrange value. The numerical illustration of the fuzzified Sobel gradient pixel values are
depicted in Fig. 5.

3.1.3 Block Computation and Histogram Construction

The SBD process in the proposed work is based on establishing MCSH histograms for every
frame of a video. The illustration for the process of extraction of MCSH histogram for a
sample frame #881 of anni006 video sequence is presented in Fig. 6. Initially, the video frame
undergoes transformation mechanism from gray scale to fuzzified gradient form as discussed
in sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2.

234.71 180.00 107.65 68.82 45.45 1 0.70 1.00 0.60 0.38 0.25
279.98 285.80 211.19 108.98 67.94 0.45 0.41 0.83 0.60 0.38

194.40 243.35 257.53 198.17 115.11 0.92 0.65 0.57 0.90 0.64
0.66 0.92 0.80 0.75 0.94
119.47 194.83 216.93 224.59 169.94
0.33 0.81 0.92 0.78 0.88
59.67 146.82 194.62 219.32 201.56 0 a b c
min (min+max)/2 max Fuzzified Sobel Gradient pixel values
Sobel Gradient pixel values
Triangular MF

Fig. 5 Illustration of obtaining Fuzzified Sobel Gradient Values

Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664 649

For illustration purpose, a 3 × 3 block at each pixel position of the fuzzified frame is
considered for evaluation of cumulative sum in overlapping mode. Each block slides over the
frame at every pixel position from left to right and top to bottom position. For each block,
cumulative sum is evaluated as follows:

CS ðiÞ ¼ ∑ik¼1 Bðk Þ ð3Þ

Where B(k) is 3 × 3 block pixel values and CS(i) is the corresponding cumulative sum values
considering the block movement in overlapping mode. Further, the mean of cumulative sum
values for each block will be computed as follows:
∑ CS ðiÞ
μ¼ ð4Þ
Where μ is the mean value for cumulative sum values for each 3 × 3 block in overlapping
mode and n = 9. Thus, the evaluated mean value for each 3 × 3 block at each pixel position is
used to construct histogram for each fuzzified frame and represented as feature vector as
illustrated in Fig. 6. The representation of MCSH histograms of two different frames #881 and
#1236 of anni006 video sequence is depicted in Fig. 7 which exhibits distinct bin values.

3.2 Shot Boundary Detection

The task of shot boundary detection is carried out on some of the video sequences of
TRECVID and VideoSeg datasets. The dataset is challenging, since it includes large variation
of shot breaks. Both abrupt and gradual shot transitions are detected with the aid of RSD
measure applied on each MCSH histogram. Also, detection mechanism for elimination of
unwanted frames is proposed. The following subsections present a detailed description about
the proposed shot detection process.

3.2.1 Detection and Elimination of Unwanted Frames

TRECVID dataset contains non transition frames other than abrupt and gradual transitions.
The frames present in non transition group are unwanted frames caused due to flash/light
variations, object or camera motion. Even blank/black frames are considered as unwanted
frames which will act as abrupt transition [49]. In order to reduce false detections, it is
necessary to eliminate unwanted frames prior to abrupt and gradual transition detection. This

Fuzzified Frame
0.7 1.15 2.07 3.07 3.48 4.13 4.73 5.56 6.13 3.45
0.70 1.00 0.60 0.38 6000

1 1.41 2.06 2.66 3.49 4.06 4.44 5.04 5.94 3.34 4000
0.45 0.41 0.83 0.60
0.92 0.65 0.57 0.90
0.45 1.37 2.03 2.44 3.09 4.01 4.84 5.41 6.21 3.32 0
0.66 0.92 0.80 0.75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sobel Gradient Frame
0.41 1.06 1.98 2.81 3.38 4.18 4.78 5.68 6.43 3.41
Neighborhood of pixels
9651 2526 1730 1502 1363 1170 783 516 248 41
Cumulative Sum of each 3x3 Block Mean Value
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Mean Cumulative Sum Histogram

Gray scale Frame (MCSH) for entire frame

Fig. 6 Illustration of Block Cumulative Sum and Histogram construction on a sample frame
650 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664




Gray scale Frame 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sobel Gradient Frame Fuzzified Frame
# 881




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Gray scale Frame Sobel Gradient Frame Fuzzified Frame
# 1236 MCSH histogram for entire frame

Fig. 7 Representation of MCSH Histogram for two different frames of anni006 video sequence

task is accomplished by applying RSD statistical measure on the obtained MCSH histograms
of every frame of a video.
Let Pj contain MCSH histogram values of a frame where {j = 1,2,...,n}, then RSDi is the
coefficient of variation value corresponding to the ith MCSH histogram and is computed as
RSDi ¼ ð5Þ
∑ ðP j −μÞ
∑nj¼1 Pj
Where, μ ¼ n and σ ¼ j¼1
A threshold is empirically set for each video to determine transition and non transition
frames using RSDs evaluated for all MCSH histograms of a video as follows:
T NT ¼ μ þ ασ ð6Þ

Where TNT is the threshold value, α is constant value, μ is mean value and σ is standard
deviation value of all computed RSDs of the entire video. The constant value is chosen by
observing the RSD graph and a sample illustration for BG_37309 video is depicted in Fig. 8.
During experimentation, it is found that the RSD value of the frames above the threshold TNT
are considered as unwanted frames and are excluded from shot detection process. This
segregation mechanism ensures reduction in false detection.
It is to be noted that the blank frames will be removed only during abrupt shot detection
process. During gradual shot detection blank frames are included in the sequence, as they act
as integral part of fade-in and fade-out editing effects. The RSD values as computed above for
all the corresponding videos are further utilized by abrupt and gradual detection algorithms and
are detailed in the following sub sections.

3.2.2 Abrupt Shot Transition Detection

The significant difference between the frames depends upon the salient content present within
the frames. Ford et al., [14] have analysed that, the histogram metric yields best results when
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664 651

RSDs Graph
3 Threshold TNT







Frame numbers

Fig. 8 Illustration of RSD showing non transition frames for BG_37309 video

computed for blocks in case of abrupt transition. In the proposed work, the difference between
the RSD values computed for each MCSH histogram as formulated in Eq. 5 of section 3.2.1 is
used to detect abrupt shots. Let RSDk and RSDk + 1 be the RSD values of the two consecutive
MCSH histograms of a video. The comparison between RSDk and RSDk + 1 denoted by
distance DRSD is computed by finding the difference as follows:
DRSD ¼ RSDk −RSDkþ1 ð7Þ

Thus, the difference value is computed for all other consecutive frames of the entire video. The
pictorial representation of distance values thus evaluated is depicted in Fig. 9 for D6 video of
TRECVID 2001 dataset.
It can be clearly observed from Fig. 9 that, the distance comparison of RSD values between
two consecutive frames belonging to same shot will produce low peaks and prominent peaks
for camera break shots. The change in camera breaks is signified by peak variations in the
distance of RSD values. Therefore, threshold mechanism has to be devised for identifying
prominent peaks. Let μ be the mean, σ be the standard deviation of DRSD values, α is chosen as
a constant and a threshold TAT is computed as follows:
T AT ¼ μ þ ασ ð8Þ

The distance values above the set threshold value TAT is considered as prominent peaks
indicating camera break operation.

RSD difference of MCSH Histograms


1,5 Threshold TAT




Frame numbers

Fig. 9 Distribution of difference between RSD values of D6 (nad58) video

652 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664

3.2.3 Gradual Shot Transition Detection

Determining gradual transition is complex when compared to abrupt transition due to camera
and object motion [8]. The complexity arises due to varying frame features spread across
number of frames. Some of the statistical parameters aid in presenting a distinct pattern for
gradual transition [8]. It has been observed that, the patterns representing fade-in, fade-out and
dissolve transitions can be categorized with its specific patterns.
Fade-in transition is superimposed combination of blank frames and initial frames of the shot. In
this pattern, the blank frames decreases and frames of the appearing shot gets prominent. Fade-out is
reverse of fade-in transition. The visual content of the frames of the current shot lose its intensity and
gradually turn into black frame. Dissolve transition lasts for few frames when a shot overlaps with
succeeding shot. During the overlap process the intensity of the current shot decreases gradually and
the intensity of the appearing shot increases linearly. This represents a good combination of fade-out
and fade-in transition. It is found that the feature value of last frame in fade-out and first frame in
fade-in will be nearing to zero. Usually, dissolve transition is a combination of fade-in and fade-out
excluding the occurrence of blank frames as depicted in Fig. 10.
Before applying gradual transition algorithm, the abrupt shots and non transition frames
identified using threshold mechanism as described in section 3.2.1 are excluded from sequence
of frames. In order to choose the frames for gradual detection process, a threshold has been set
using RSD values of MCSH histograms as follows:
T GT ¼ μ þ σ ð9Þ

Where μ be the mean, σ is the standard deviation of computed RSD values of entire video. The
frames belonging to range TGT and TNT are considered by gradual transition detection
algorithm as shown in Fig. 11. This criteria helps in curtailing false detections and aid in
improving efficiency of the algorithm.



Fig. 10 Illustration of (a) Fade-in (b) Fade-out and (c) Dissolve transitions
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664 653

In order to identify the overlapping information across multiple/group frames, an appro-

priate technique should be used to identify and recognize the patterns. In the proposed
approach, RSD measure applied on each MCSH histogram of the corresponding group is
utilized by gradual shot detection algorithm. In the subsequent step, mean of all RSD values
related to every frame of the corresponding group is computed as follows.
1 n
M RSD ¼ ∑ RSD ð10Þ
n i¼1
Where MRSD is the mean of all RSD’s in the frame group. Further, the difference between RSD
and MRSD of each frame is computed and its square value is found. Finally, in order to find the
frame feature, the relative difference is computed as formulated in the following equation:

Fi ¼ ð11Þ
where Fi is the feature value computed for each frame in the sequence. While conducting
experiments, feature values are computed considering group of frames and group size is
chosen empirically at each instance. Since gradual transitions occur over multiple sequences
of frames, it is essential to observe patterns over multiple frames. After plotting Fi values for
each frame in the group, the increase or decrease pattern is examined that represents various
types of gradual transitions (dissolve, fade-in and fade-out excluding wipe transition). Based
on the pictorial representation of Fi values plotted, the pattern can be characterized to be fade-
out, fade-in or dissolve gradual transition. This step is repeated for all the remaining group of
frames in the sequence. The results of gradual transition detection presented in Fig. 12 (a)
shows increasing pattern representing fade-in and Fig. 12 (b) shows decreasing pattern
representing fade-out. Figure 12 (c) shows dissolve pattern.


Dataset The experimental analysis of the proposed method has been performed on TRECVID
and VideoSeg benchmark dataset and has been assessed with common metrics and compared

RSDs Graph
Threshold TGT Threshold TNT








Frame numbers

Fig. 11 Criteria set for gradual transition detection

654 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664

Fade-in pattern Fade-out pattern Dissolve pattern

4 4 0,25
Feature Values

Feature Values

Feature Values
3 3 0,15
2 2 0,1
1 1 0


0 0

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28
Frame Sequence Frame Sequence Frame Sequence

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 12 Illustration of (a) Fade-in (b) Fade-out and (c) Dissolve patterns

with the baselines. The description of the benchmark datasets is described along with the
ground truth information related to camera effects of every video in the following tables. The
potentiality of the proposed method is analyzed using video sequences taken from US National
Institute of Standards (NIST) TRECVID 2001 and 2007 dataset. TRECVID 2001 dataset
described in Table 1 can be downloaded from the Open Video Project whereas TRECVID
2007 data described in Table 2 has to be obtained from Netherlands Institute for Sound and
Vision. Also. the VideoSeg benchmark dataset [53] containing 10 different videos with varied
quality and resolution is used for experimental analysis and summarized in Table 3.
The dataset considered for experimentation is of varied length, genre and challenging
scenarios which comprises of video editing effects along with camera/object motion and
illumination variation. The presence of camera/object motion and sudden light variation causes
ambiguous shot boundaries.

Discussion The performance of the proposed method is evaluated using quantitative evalua-
tion metrics such as Recall, Precision and F1-score which is formulated as follows:
Recall ¼ ð12Þ

Precision ¼ ð13Þ
NC þ N F

Table 1 Description of TRECVID 2001 dataset

Video Name Video Title No. of Frames Cuts Gradual Total

anni005 NASA_25th_Anniversary_Show_Segment_5 11,364 38 27 65

anni006 NASA_25th_Anniversary_Show_Segment_6 16,586 41 31 72
anni009 NASA_25th_Anniversary_Show_Segment_9 12,307 38 65 103
anni010 NASA_25th_Anniversary_Show_Segment_10 31,389 98 55 153
nad31 Spaceworks - Episode 6 52,405 187 55 242
nad33 Spaceworks - Episode 8 49,768 189 26 215
nad53 A&S_Reports_Tape_#4_Report_#260 25,783 83 75 158
nad57 A&S_Reports_Tape_#4_Report_#264 12,781 45 31 76
nad58 A&S_Reports_Tape_#5_Report_#265 13,648 40 45 85
bor03 Challenge at Glen Canyon 48,451 231 11 242
bor08 The Great Web of Water 50,569 380 151 531
Total 325,051 1370 572 1942
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664 655

Table 2 Description of TRECVID 2007 dataset

Video Name No. of Frames Cuts Gradual Total

BG_3027 49,813 127 1 128

BG_3097 44,987 91 0 91
BG_3314 35,800 42 0 42
BG_16336 2462 20 0 20
BG_28476 23,236 176 2 178
BG_36136 29,426 88 12 100
BG_37309 9639 11 8 19
BG_37770 15,836 8 29 37
BG_2408 35,890 101 20 121
BG_9401 50,004 259 30 289
BG_11362 16,414 89 3 92
BG_14213 83,113 104 4 108
BG_34901 34,387 106 61 167
BG_35050 36,997 224 16 240
BG_35187 29,023 98 4 102
BG_36028 44,989 135 23 158
BG_36182 29,608 87 0 87
BG_36506 15,208 96 13 109
BG_36537 50,002 77 6 83
BG_36628 56,563 192 10 202
BG_37359 28,906 164 6 170
BG_37417 23,002 76 12 88
BG_37822 21,958 119 10 129
BG_37879 29,017 95 4 99
BG_38150 52,648 215 4 219
Total 848,928 2800 278 3078

F1‐score ¼ ð14Þ
Recall þ Precision
Where NC is the number of correct detections, NM is the number of missed detections and NF is
the number of false detections. F1-score is defined as the harmonic mean of recall and
precision which reflects on recall and precision rates. An algorithm having highest F1-score
is regarded as an efficient algorithm. Experiments were carried out using MATLAB on Intel
Core i5 processor, running at 2.20 GHz with 8 GB RAM. The algorithm complexity of the

Table 3 Description of VIDEOSEG dataset

Video Name Video Title Duration (MM:SS) Frame Size #Frames Cuts

A Cartoon 00:21 144 × 192 649 7

B Action 00:36 144× 32 957 8
C Horror 00:53 288 × 384 1618 54
D Drama 01:45 272× 336 2630 34
E Science Fiction 00:17 288 × 384 535 30
F Commercial 00:07 112× 160 235 0
G Commercial 00:16 288 × 384 499 18
H Comedy/Drama 03:25 240 × 352 5132 38
I News/Documentary 00:15 288 × 384 478 4
J Trailer/Action 00:36 180 × 240 871 87
Total 13,604 280
656 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664

Table 4 Performance comparison for abrupt shot transition with Thounaojam et al., (2016, 2017) on TRECVID
2001 dataset

Video Proposed Method Thounaojam et al., [50] Thounaojam et al., [49]

R P F1 R P F1 R P F1

D2 (anni006) 0.947 0.923 0.935 0.952 0.889 0.919 0.952 0.889 0.919
D3 (anni009) 1.000 0.897 0.946 0.846 0.805 0.825 0.923 0.720 0.809
D4 (anni010) 0.969 0.888 0.927 0.878 0.935 0.906 0.949 0.869 0.907
D6 (nad58) 1.000 0.930 0.964 1.000 0.889 0.941 1.000 0.930 0.964
Average 0.979 0.910 0.943 0.919 0.880 0.898 0.956 0.852 0.900

proposed method depends on the resolution of the video frame pertaining to the dataset. In
general the time complexity of the proposed method is of the order of θ(n2). The time taken for
feature extraction per frame is measured in terms of milliseconds (ms) and has been recorded
as 0.84 ms for TRECVID 2001, 1.32 ms for TRECVID 2007 and 4.2 ms for VideoSeg dataset.
The efficiency of the proposed system relies on specific threshold values set empirically for
each category of transition. The strength of MCSH histograms signifies the overall perfor-
mance of the proposed approach. The contribution of RSD statistical measure aid in effective
detection of abrupt and gradual transitions. Removal of unwanted frames are performed by
setting the threshold TNT as described in section 3.2.1. The constant α value is chosen in the
range 0.1 to 1 to curtail/reduce false detections.

4.1 Results on Abrupt Transition Detection

During abrupt transition detection, an appropriate threshold value is set to identify dominant
peaks based on the observations made by viewing RSD difference graph obtained for each
video. Threshold TAT as described in section 3.2.2 is experimented to figure out F1-score. For
TRECVID 2001 dataset, different values of α is chosen in the range 0.1 to 3 by observing
RSD difference graph (example shown in Fig. 9) and experimental results are recorded.
Whereas, the constant value α is chosen in the range 0.1 to 1 for TRECVID 2007 dataset
and range 0.1 to 2.5 for VideoSeg dataset.
The achievement of the proposed method based on the analogy of the results obtained with
regard to other state-of-the-art approaches are reported in Tables 4, 6 and 8 for TRECVID

Table 5 Performance comparison for abrupt shot transition Sasithradevi et al.,(2020) on TRECVID 2001 dataset

Video Proposed Method Sasithradevi et al.,[42]

R P F1 R P F1

anni005 100 98 99.0 100 97.4 98.7

anni009 100 99.1 99.5 100 97.4 98.7
nad31 99.0 99.0 99.0 98.9 99.5 99.2
nad33 99.4 98.7 99.0 99.4 98.4 98.9
nad53 100 99 99.5 100 98.8 99.4
nad57 100 99.5 99.7 100 100 100
bor03 98.5 99.5 99.0 97.0 98.7 97.9
bor08 96.5 99.2 97.8 93.1 97.2 95.1
Average 99.2 99.0 99.1 98.6 98.4 98.5
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664 657

Table 6 Performance comparison for abrupt shot transition with Thounaojam et al., (2016) on TRECVID 2007

Video Name Proposed Method Thounaojam et al., [49]

R P F1 R P F1

BG_3027 0.945 0.923 0.934 0.945 0.902 0.923

BG_3097 0.890 0.976 0.931 0.868 0.987 0.924
BG_3314 0.810 0.919 0.861 0.786 0.943 0.857
BG_16336 0.950 1.000 0.974 0.950 1.000 0.974
BG_28476 0.983 0.966 0.975 0.977 0.955 0.966
BG_36136 0.977 0.989 0.983 0.977 0.977 0.977
BG_37309 1.000 0.846 0.917 1.000 0.846 0.917
BG_37770 1.000 0.889 0.941 1.000 0.889 0.941
Average 0.944 0.938 0.939 0.928 0.937 0.935

2001, TRECVID 2007 and VideoSeg dataset respectively. An additional comparison has been
made with the recent state-of-the-art algorithm proposed by Sasithradevi et al., [42] for some
of the video sequences of TRECVID 2001 dataset and TRECVID 2007 dataset and the
obtained results are recorded in Tables 5 and 7 respectively.
The results shown in Tables 4,5,6,7 and 8 and signifies improved efficiency of the proposed
algorithm with the state-of-the-art methods and the performance is depicted graphically in
Figs. 13(a) to 13(e). By comparative analysis, it is noticeable from the graphs depicted that, the
proposed method outperform other SBD approaches. However, the proposed method segments
the video considering combination of local and global feature of the frame. Significant
improvement has been noticed based on the capability of the proposed method in detecting
meager number of missed and false transitions.

Table 7 Performance comparison for abrupt shot transition with Sasithradevi et al.,(2020) on TRECVID 2007

Video Name Proposed Method Sasithradevi et al., [42]

R P F1 R P F1

BG_2408 99.40 99.50 99.45 99.01 100 99.50

BG_9401 99.50 99.00 99.25 98.46 99.61 99.03
BG_11362 98.00 100 98.99 97.75 100 98.86
BG_14213 98.00 98.70 98.35 97.09 98.04 97.56
BG_34901 100 98.50 99.24 100.00 97.25 98.60
BG_35050 99.50 99.00 99.25 99.11 99.11 99.11
BG_35187 99.00 99.00 99.00 98.98 97.98 98.48
BG_36028 98.50 99.50 99.00 98.52 99.25 98.88
BG_36182 98.50 97.50 98.00 97.70 95.51 96.59
BG_36506 98.20 98.80 98.50 96.88 98.94 97.89
BG_36537 98.70 99.00 98.85 97.40 98.68 98.04
BG_36628 100 100 100 100 100 100
BG_37359 98.70 99.00 98.85 97.56 98.77 98.16
BG_37417 98.80 100 99.40 97.37 100 98.67
BG_37822 97.00 98.50 97.74 95.80 98.28 97.02
BG_37879 98.60 98.10 98.35 97.89 96.88 97.38
BG_38150 98.60 99.20 98.90 97.67 98.59 97.13
Average 98.76 99.02 98.89 98.07 98.64 98.29
658 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664

Table 8 Performance comparison for abrupt shot transition on VideoSeg dataset

Video Name Proposed Method Sasithradevi et al., [42]

R P F1 R P F1

A 100 99.00 99.50 100 100 100

B 99.00 90.50 94.60 100 88.89 94.12
C 98.00 97.60 97.80 98.11 96.30 97.20
D 98.40 96.20 97.30 97.06 94.29 95.65
E 95.50 94.50 95.00 96.67 93.55 95.08
F 99.00 99.50 99.20 100 100 100
G 97.20 100.00 98.60 94.44 100.00 97.14
H 98.20 94.70 96.40 97.37 92.50 94.87
I 100 99.00 99.50 100 100 100
J 96.80 99.50 98.10 95.40 98.81 97.08
Average 98.21 97.05 97.60 97.91 96.43 97.11

4.2 Results on Gradual Transition Detection

Criteria set for gradual transition detection is established by using two local adaptive threshold
values based on observation made on RSD difference graph (example shown in Fig. 11).

TRECVID 2001 : Comparison withThounaojam et al., (2016, TRECVID 2001 : Comparison with Sasithradevi et al.,(2020)
2017 )
1 90
0,8 70

60 Proposed Method
0,6 Proposed Method 50
0,4 Thounaojam et al., [50] 40 Sasithradevi et al., [42]
0,2 Thounaojam et al., [49] 20
0 0
Recall Recall
Precision Precision
F1-score F1-score
Performance Measures Performance Measures

(a) (b)

TRECVID 2007 : Comparison withThounaojam et al., (2017) TRECVID 2007 : Comparison with Sasithradevi et al.,(2020)

1 100
0,9 90
0,8 80
0,7 70


Proposed Method
0,6 60
0,5 Proposed Method 50 Sasithradevi et al., [42]
0,4 40
0,3 Thounaojam et al., [49] 30
0,2 20
0,1 10
0 0
Recall Recall
Precision Precision
F1-score F1-score
Performance Measures Performance Measures

(c) (d)

VideoSeg : Comparison with Sasithradevi et al.,(2020)


60 Proposed Method
40 Sasithradevi et al., [42]
Performance Measures


Fig. 13 Comparative results of abrupt shot transition detection

Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664 659

Table 9 Performance comparison for gradual shot transition with Lu and Shi (2013) and Thounaojam et al.,
(2016, 2017) on TRECVID 2001 dataset

Video Proposed Method Lu and Shi [30] Thounaojam et al., [50] Thounaojam et al., [49]

R P F1 R P F1 R P F1 R P F1

D2 0.871 0.844 0.857 0.935 0.725 0.817 0.806 0.833 0.819 0.870 0.794 0.830
D3 0.844 0.871 0.857 0.734 0.940 0.824 0.764 0.942 0.844 0.812 0.867 0.838
D4 0.855 0.723 0.783 0727 0.741 0.734 0.727 0.816 0.769 0.836 0.676 0.747
D6 0.889 0.909 0.899 0.844 0.927 0.884 0.844 0.864 0.854 0.867 0.907 0.887
Average 0.865 0.837 0.849 0.810 0.833 0.814 0.785 0.864 0.822 0.846 0.811 0.825

Threshold TNT has already been discussed in previous section. Threshold TGT has been set
based on mean and standard deviation of computed RSD values of MCSH histograms of entire
video. The frames falling in the range TNT and TGT are considered by gradual transition
detection mechanism. Thus, formation of this sequence of frames excluding non transition
frames reduces processing time and false transition during detection phase.
Since gradual transitions share a common behaviour, in the proposed method the patterns
have been generated using relative frame feature difference computed for group frames using
Eq. 11 of section 3.2.3. Thounaojam et al., [49] have observed that, the length of gradual
transition ranges from 6 to 32 frames in the group for TRECVID videos.
Presuming this, the authors in the proposed method have made an empirical study for
making observations of the patterns by grouping the frames in terms of 5, 10, 20, 25 and 30.
This is achieved by plotting the relative frame difference values for the indicated group
specifically. After making observation and thorough analysis, a frame group of 30 has yielded
the expected behavioural pattern for ascertaining fade-in, fade-out and dissolve transitions
(excluding wipe transition). The empirical setup and analysis has been performed to find
detection rates to determine F1-score.
The analogy of the results with state-of-the-art approaches using benchmark datasets are
detailed in Tables 9, 10 and 11 for TRECVID 2001 and TRECVID 2007 dataset. An
additional comparison has been performed with the recent state-of-the-art algorithms proposed

Table 10 Performance comparison for gradual shot transition with Sasithradevi et al.,(2020) on TRECVID 2001

Video Proposed Method Sasithradevi et al., [42]

R P F1 R P F1

anni005 100 94.50 97.17 100 93.10 96.40

anni009 83.00 86.20 84.57 81.50 85.50 83.50
nad31 98.50 98.80 98.65 98.20 98.20 98.20
nad33 81.00 85.90 83.38 80.80 84.00 82.40
nad53 99.10 98.30 98.70 98.70 96.10 97.50
nad57 95.70 92.60 94.12 93.50 90.60 92.10
bor03 92.00 93.40 92.69 90.90 90.90 90.90
bor08 92.90 95.30 94.08 90.10 93.80 91.90
Average 92.78 93.13 92.92 91.71 91.53 91.61
660 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664

Table 11 Performance comparison for gradual shot transition Thounaojam et al., (2016) on TRECVID 2007

Video Name Proposed Method Thounaojam et al., [49]

R P F1 R P F1

BG_3027 1.000 0.500 0.667 1.000 0.500 0.662

BG_28476 1.000 0.500 0.667 1.000 0.400 0.571
BG_36136 0.667 0.800 0.727 0.667 0.727 0.696
BG_37309 0.750 0.667 0.706 0.750 0.667 0.706
BG_37770 0.935 0.844 0.887 0.931 0.818 0.871
Average 0.870 0.662 0.731 0.869 0.622 0.702

by Sasithradevi et al., [42] for some of the video sequences of TRECVID 2001 and 2007
dataset in Tables 10 and 12 respectively After experimental study and comprehensive analysis,
the proposed method exhibits significant progress when compared with state-of-the-art ap-
proaches as depicted graphically in the Figs. 14(a) to 14(d). The proposed method has taken
care of non transition frames that depict camera/object motion and thus yielding significant
progress in the achieved results.
As a summary, the empirical study on the dataset emphasize that the proposed method
performs consistently well in complex environment, preserving good trade-off between recall
and precision. During feature extraction from the frames, the spatial resolution is reduced by
using blocks instead of pixels. Hence, this method is less sensitive to object and camera
motion. However, the proposed method is threshold dependent and sensitive to complex
camera and light variation affecting the overall performance of the algorithm. The algorithm

Table 12 Performance comparison for gradual shot transition with Sasithradevi et al.,(2020) on TRECVID 2007

Video Name Proposed Method Sasithradevi et al., [42]

R P F1 R P F1

BG_2408 94.50 100 97.17 95.00 100 97.44

BG_9401 94.00 99.00 96.44 93.33 100 96.55
BG_11362 97.00 98.00 97.50 100.00 100 100.00
BG_14213 77.20 99.00 86.75 75.00 100 85.71
BG_34901 98.50 98.10 98.30 98.36 98.36 98.36
BG_35050 96.70 97.30 97.00 93.75 100 96.77
BG_35187 99.50 94.00 96.67 100 100 100
BG_36028 99.00 93.40 96.12 100 92.00 95.83
BG_36182 – – – – – –
BG_36506 96.30 96.10 96.20 92.31 100 96.00
BG_36537 84.00 99.00 90.89 83.33 100 90.91
BG_36628 98.00 92.70 95.28 100 90.91 95.24
BG_37359 85.70 99.00 91.87 83.33 100 90.91
BG_37417 92.00 93.20 92.60 91.67 91.67 91.67
BG_37822 99.00 92.70 95.75 100 90.91 95.24
BG_37879 99.50 99.80 99.50 100 100 100
BG_38150 98.00 99.10 98.55 100 100 100
Average 94.31 96.90 95.41 88.59 91.99 90.04
Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664 661

TRECVID 2001 : Comparison with Lu and Shi (2013) and TRECVID 2001 : Comparison with Sasithradevi et al.,(2020)
Thounaojam et al., (2016, 2017)


0,6 Proposed Method Proposed Method

Lu and Shi [30] 40 Sasithradevi et al., [42]
Thounaojam et al., [50]
0,2 20
Thounaojam et al., [49]
0 0
Recall Recall
Precision Precision
F1-score F1-score
Performance Measures Performance Measures

(a) (b)

TRECVID 2007 : Comparison withThounaojam et al., (2017) TRECVID 2007 : Comparison with Sasithradevi et al.,(2020)

1 100

0,8 80

0,6 Proposed Method 60 Proposed Method

0,4 Thounaojam et al., [49] 40 Sasithradevi et al., [42]

0,2 20
0 0
Recall Recall
Precision Precision
F1-score F1-score
Performance Measures Performance Measures

(c) (d)

Fig. 14 Comparative results of gradual shot transition detection

efficiency limits with the identification of camera zooming and panning effects. The proposed
method is computationally expensive than global histogram techniques. False detections may
be encountered when frames of two different shots have similar histograms due to similar color


In this work, a simple and effective method to detect shot boundaries in videos is proposed.
The method exploits the concept of fuzzy sets, Sobel gradient, block based MCSH histogram
and RSD statistical measure to address the task of abrupt and gradual transition detection in
videos. The algorithm applies RSD measure on each MCSH histograms with threshold
mechanism to determine transitions. The experimental observations signifies that the discrim-
inating strength of MCSH histograms using benchmark datasets have produced good results.
Abrupt transition is identified by finding the difference between RSD measure of each MCSH
histogram. Patterns for gradual transition are observed by plotting the relative difference of
RSD values obtained from MCSH histogram in each group of frames. Experiments were
performed on some of the benchmark datasets viz. TRECVID 2001, TRECVID 2007 and
VideoSeg datasets. The efficacy of the proposed method is on par with some of the state-of-
the-art SBD methods. As part of the future work, efforts will be made to reduce computational
complexity of the algorithm. Also, there is a need to explore other feature descriptors to
analyze the visual contents of the video frame. Advanced fuzzy logic can also be explored to
better address uncertainty problem prevalent in most video frames.

Acknowledgments Sound and Vision video is copyrighted. The Sound and Vision video used in this work is
provided solely for research purposes through the TREC Video Information Retrieval Evaluation Project
662 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) 80:641–664


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